HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-14, Page 5JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS
[rp.� '. LIMITED
A�r rsi!rY m,
reset, in the Proal °ince, Ethel, 110.2
yaof the Damage Veterinary
Colle e Day and night guile. Office oppodlteSlonr Mill, Ethel,
gent Newick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
P 42 T y Street; arubarr a , Hruasals
Softener to John Harris, Walton,
M. B, M.O. P., aS. o.
113, 0, 1i,,. Village of Brussel'.
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur
e Itlee ht -residence opposite Molt illo Church,
Witham street.
Barristers, Bo"loiters, Notaries Public,
Ciliation the Square 'leu door from Hamilton
S" treet,
Private Lunda to loan at lowest rates.
W. Paoonroot'. H, O. J. L. %onLoRA
11. J. D. Cocas
'Baby Chicks
Hatching Eggs
Off my hred•tnday strain of 13, (7.
R. I. Reds. They stand up with
the best of theta when put to the
supreme tests of 11l Laying T
G1 -test. Eggs $1 00 per setting.
()hicks 30e each. Book tuder early
and not be disappointed,
Phone 7x Brussels
Rinds of .t.
ifurs and Hides
For which +
tel thehighest
market price will be .r
�. Ni+ .Yollick +
i Phone 2x Brussels +
+�vyVT',�✓Fv� �e1v1iYA!.a,�,1':�WQ Mw,�a��X+��A'c'•�
?r� Yongo & 0hnrlcs etas Toronto "x
‘ ' 1s well known throughout
31 Canada. for high -;rade
Accuuntnnoy, Stenography, '1'ypewrlt•
inn ,ail (4enerallrnproYrnlant [ onsiea.
,' alaoh p,•00on[il attention given to stud.
f rola 3400,300 ,) rradlly ublM» oo-
pl„ynnvit. u,,.+a x2117 w,r. 1V1'ite lo• TS
day 101 t,rospeOtue. titer any time, 19
+6. iR IPAI/ZW:A1Y.i'A:iVvFA'rA.7/Z. a
`t7Cli 11 outs items
WM. Ma0Itnexast iulends bedding:a
garage ail hen house ou bis property
on I'I-100000 011003,
Sotto fits Yosr to the absent mem-
ber of the fatuity, you know you don't
Write very irgularly.
GuauoN Roes has purchased the va-
riant let on Queen street, Kincardine,
tram W S, Audereou, He will erect
z stores on it.
is your rhubarb up ?
Have you beer Mahle' yet ?
Why drsi't you go to church 1
How no you like my ue,v hat 7
Who has the acral mussed yard 7
Will you vote Yes on the rain inst. 7
What about your hub. to THE Po:.T?
MAY (:OMA By Buzz BULGY. -A re.
port conies trot] 'Peron,,, that, As laver
able rales cannot be areurtd from the
railways, the 11ur0n oil Boys of the
Queen City are coming up by automo-
bile, srel huriciered s'roug, Accord-
ing to this report, 75 or So automobiles
are comiug which would mean gots or
500 people,.
A Wtm:iren subscriber wrote some
time ago :—Dear Mr, 'Kerr :—Enclosed
please find $2.00 for my subscription to
THE POOT as 1 note by the label it is
nearly nut. We bad an ideal Winnipeg
Winter. oII tr1:.'blear, fairly cold but not
stormy, With pi•:111y of snow tor sleigh-
ing. 4'viSh t
ip yea a n
g t. Y 1 appy and pros.
perous tear and the old Posr increased
as champion of the h[gbest and best.
Siocerety, AN OLD HURON G1ai,
Harold Currie has 'true to Chicago,
where he put posts attending McCormick
Me,Ijeol Cu'lege, taking a course in
Opl'.ha oology, He has been bolding
a respou0ble position as Manager of an
Optical Parlor in limullion, staving p10-
1(0013(1 taken an Optical Course in 'Tor-
onto, ale reslgued his position to re-
sume study and further qualify. Miss
Maude Bryans and Frank Bryenr•, of
Globe Optical Co., Hamilton, are both
gta[luates of Departmcta of Ophthal-
mology, McCormick M..dica: College.
A marked ilupuwenlwlt ha,+ lately
been ut Ile le 1 h interior c11' Knee
ellur,•h, 3'lgrnve. The -walls of the
alcove itnervedaft0l.h application I lhautiun of
Alltbtteltae with tv tnse,rtlitrg of bur-
lap, while the 11 IOIW i.1 bot11 chancel
nod alcove have been re.eovered wit11
handsome 13iuosels carpet. ZHdiee
Aid Society, who hnaneetl the work,
wish to thank lbs lndu+s tvho so kind-
IyLelped With the sewing of the car-
pet also the gentlemen who gave their
time to help with the lifting of the
old material acid laying of the new
and also in those .who assisted at 3110
cleaningof the church.
O ey runners are hustling to get
the Spring eeeilhrg done, It is gully
aid should give the crap It good ebow.
Tllemitt aci has been let to Jno,
.31unter, Cranlirouk, for the erection
ora nese brluk tesidenoe by 11Speir-
all, 12th Con.
Part of the material is now 00 hand
far the 1101V enclosed hurse shed at
Roe's olttuch. The old maternal will
be utilized Ire gat as it will go,
A 2 headed heifer Calf was one of
this Hpring'e eu1•ioeittes nn Jiro. M.
Pearson'w jfar111 The heads wale john -
ed at the shoulders, otherwise the ani-
mal was tioruutl, Unfortunately the
ulunstlnsity did not live but Veterin-
ary Wardlaw got a good snapshot of
the double header.
v u 1V I 'W A R
A E, 4
weeks agoo a
a lll
ataccident nl hn1!P en -
ed to Jnu. Belly, 1 hn 9 year. tad son of
L'rneet Arid Mrs. Bray, 4th Cori. Lat-
ter had cooked a large sa000pan of
apple sauce and had placed the dish
on the top 0( 1111 unused stove in rho
woodshed to cool. J and lila sister
were playing around the stove and in
some way upset the vessel, a good
share of contents failing ou his head
and shoulders and finding its way
down his limbs, scalding the youth
very badly, The lad is making favor-
able p►•ogtese but he had very sore
holy for a while, the skin peeling off
in large proportions. He will likely
remember apple sauce as long as he
cent evening a company of about 60
old neighbors and friends of L 1'. and
Jno, Lawrence, 4th tion., assembled
at their home and after Joseph Jack -
lin had read the following address
W. J. Jacklin and .Austin Reputed
presented the gentlemen with a 'fine
club bag and a wtltell chain i—DEAR
FRIENDS.—We, your neighbors and
friends have assembled hers this even -
leg to shrew in a small measure our re-
spect and esteem for you. You have
been in our neighborhood for some
years and we have always found you
congenial, obliging and readto lend
a helping hand i.. o any good cause.
Your hwue has always been open to
welcome and entertain each and all of
us, Learning that you ale albii't to
remove front among US, we do not
wish to let ynn go without showing
in some tangible way, our kindly re-
gards toward you. We nok Mr.
Lawrence to accept this Club Bag and
we hope he will see fit to pack it oc-
casionally and journey to visit his
friends Grey. e ds in C t y. We give this watch
chain to John with our very best.
wishes for snecess• We trust that you
Hardwood Slabs
Parties wanting tin Slabs
kindly place orders at
once as they will be de-
livered in rotation of or-
der. Phone 16
Ament Bros.
r us AND
Now is the time you can greatly improve the appear-
ance of your home with a touch of paint here and.
there. Don't neglect your furniture and woodwork.
A coat of protection will work wonders. Save the
surface and you save all.
M0. 0170/01
For the Walls and Ceilings
NEU- T ON E --the washable,
sanitary finish that will not fade
or rub off. Alany pleasing tints
and suggestions for stencilled
For Woodwork, ea.
—(the enamel do luxe) a beauti-
ful finish for bathrooms, bed-
rooms, etc. It stays white.
For Floors
a wide range of colors. It dries
hard with a beautiful enamel
finish that wears and wears and
For hardwood Floors
MARBLE- ITE —The perfect
floor finish that withstands the
hardest usage. Ahard finish that
will not mar nor scratch white.
It can be washed with soap and
For Furniture
shades, Oak, Mahogany, Cherry,
etc. Gives to inexpensive wood§
..tire appearance of the more
costly. Easy to use.
For Verandahs
dries hard in a few hours and
wears like iron.
Come and consult us on any painting you contemplate.
We will be glad to advise. We have a full range of
MARTIN-SENOUR Paints andVarnishes—thecasiostand
most profitable to use. For overypurpose—for everysuijace.
"Fruit -a -tires" Restored Her
To Perfect Health
"For three years, I suffered grea0
Pain in the lower part of my body,
with swelling or bloating. I saw a
specialist who said I must undergo
an operation. I refused.
I heard oboes' "Fruit -a lives" so
decided to
The Ant box gave great relief; and
I continued the treament. Now my
health is excellent—I am free of
pain -and I give."Frait-a-tives" my
warmest thanks".
Mme. F. (IAREAU.
60e. a box, 6 for$2.60, trialsize 26e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit-a-tiveay Limited, Ottawa.
will both enjoy life's richest blessings
and pros ler in your new home. Sign-
ed on behalf of the neighborhood by
A. Raynard, Ed. Jaeklin, Joseph
Jacklin, W. J. McCracken, J. H,
Clark, Joseph E. Jacklin, A suitable
reply was made, after which the even-
ing was given up to social enjoyment
in mesio, song, story, speeches,
games, &e. L. Frain was chairman,
Tasty lunch was served. Messrs.
Lawrence left for Parry Sound last
week, carrying with them the good
wishes of the community.
esteemed resident passed away ou
Sunday evening, March 2011), in the
person of
William Ashton sl to '
p A n ni his 80th
year. He
was a elan of splendid
physique and up till quite lately en-
joyed the best of health. He lived to
a time of life few people attain and
passed peacefully away from the
earthly tenement to enter "the House
not made with hands." Mr. Ashton
was of a very quiet disposition, an
honest going man whose only desire
appeared to be to do right. Deceased
was born in Devonshire, England, and
came to Canada with his parents at
the age of 10 years. Hie father died
18 days after they landed. The fam-
ily then located near Clinton where
they purchased a bush farm. When
grown to manhood the subject of this
notice moved to Mnrris township. He
was married in 1859 to Miss Margaret
McKay, of Scotland and its the year
1864 he moved to Howlett township.
11 of a family were born, of whom 6
sons and 4 daughters survive viz :
Rev. W.
J., London, it. A. and George
S., Howick ; H. E. and L F., Gorrie ;
Mrs. J. F. Clarke, Clarksborn, Sask.,;
Mrs. Jas. Johnston, Howick : Mrs. F.
Coles and Mies 3. M. Ashton, Gorrie,
Mrs. Ashton died in 1886. 8 years ago
he retired from the farm and became
a resident of Gorrie purchasing a com-
fortable home wbere he lived and
died. His daughter, Miss J. M. Ash-
ton, took charge of the home and re-
mained with her father to the end,
Funeral took place Tuesday March
22nd, and was largely attended, a
suitable service being held in the
Methodist church, conducted by de-
ceased's pastor, Rev. A, McKibbon, as-
sisted by Rev. G. J. Kerr, Bothwell, a
former pastor, both of whom spoke
words of comfort in the hour of trial
and bereavement, Floral tributes
were beautiful. Interment was
FIourao Feed
Five Roses Flour.,.. ,,.$ 5 80
Purity Flour. ..... ....... 5 80
Jewel Flour .-.,, 5 40
Golden Oity Flour ....., 5 40
Oatmeal per bag ...,, ..,, 3 75
Ontario Bran 2 10
Shorts ................. ,. 2 00
lJiddlinge ................. 2 10
Corn per. bus-- ..... 1 05
We have a oar of Fertilizer to hand
at $31,00 per ton, payable Oct, 1, 1921.
Alf. I3aeker
HAVING the Agency for the Mc-
Cormick and Deering Impie-
plernents 7 will give closest
prices its anything needed in Farm Iru-
plemeuts or Tractors. Gall in and
give grate order in U, F. 0, style arid
you will save money. 7 will guaran-
tee yyon against any reduction .guaran-
tee prices
lentil implement is used, and by meter-
ing now yon will gave any advance In
price which is likely to take place
Three n few Implements on hand
which will be sold at old prices,
David hililne
• •
Special Prices on
1 Clover& Timothy Reed 1
• Shorts
• $2 00:I
elBran 2 10 •1
Linseed Meal 3 75 a I
• Low Grade Flour 12 75 •
l Royal Household s
a Flour 5 g0 • .
s° Oatmeal per cwt. 3 75 0
• 1-•-' • -- 5
1 •
Wa J. McCracken•
• Phone 43 •
made in the family plot in Fordnich.
Bereaved share in the sympathy of
the enmnlilnity.
Monday evening, Match 21st, a num-
ber of the friends and neighbors gath-
ered at the home of Robt. and Mrs.
Cathers, 4th Con. Hawick, the oeca-
Sion of the visit being in honor of
their daughter, Mise Alma Lathers, on
the eve of her marriage to Wm. Jar-
dine, of Tugaske, Sask. The time was
pleasingly spent and during the even.
ing Misses Helen Black and Margaret
Edgar presented Miss Cathers with a
velvet parlor rug and lady's suitcase,
accompanied by the following ad-
dress, which was read by George
NEIraHBort —The high esteem and re-
spect which you hold among us hat
prompted us to gather here to express
our appreciation of the manyNue
qualities of hand and e which
halt v!r ch
have been so noticeable. We con-
gratulate you on the step you propose
to take, itis an age -long feature of
the human family. We hope the
union you are about to engage in may
he a happy, prosperous and long one.
Ynu will please accept these gifts as a
bmali token of the place you hold in
our affection and may an All -wise
Providence guide, bless and prosper
you through the pathway of life is
the earnest wish of those assembled
here' to -night. Signed on behalf of
your friends arid neighbors. A suit-
able reply was made and a happy
time enjoyed.
David Smith, 6th line, has leased
his 100 acre pasture farm, 6th line, to
Nesbit Hamilton, Brussels, who will
part t ofit. 60 acres, Lot 19, 6th
line, bas been rented to Howard Bol-
ger, butcher, Brussels. This will
leave Dave 200 acres to look after so
he should not blue -mould very badly.
Annual Meeting of W, F. A.
The 42nd annual meeting of the
Western Ontario Foot Ball Associa-
tion was held at Galt in the Y. 51.
O. A„ with a total of 34 official dele-
gates present, besides many specta-
tors. The meeting proved one of the
best heldin many years, with dele-
gates from se far North as Owen
While the past season proved a
most sucesstul one, the feeling of op-
timism has led to the conclu-
sion that 1921 will he the banner year
of America's oldest Football organiz a -
tion, which is still going strong.
The election of officers resulted as
follows :—Past President, T. G. El-
liott, Galt; President, H. W. Brawn,
Kitchener ; lst Vice -President, J. J.
Gunn, Woodstock ; 2nd Vice Presi-
dent, N. Feibig, Stratford ; Hon. Sec-
retary, F,, A. Rae, Woodstock ; Sec-
1•etary-Treasurer, D. Forsyth, Kitch-
ener ; Executive—F, Campbell, Owers
Sound ; D. M. Campbell, Preston, and
13. Bamford, Listowel ; Amateur
Standing and Registration Committee
—E.. A. Rea, J. 3. Gunn, Woodstock,
and T. G. Elliott, Galt ; Audit Com-
mittee—S, Law, Galt, and D. Bentley,
Guelph ; Member of Council—T, G.
Elliott, Galt ; Delegate to 0, F. A.
Annual .Meeting—N. Feibig Strat-
All affiliations: with the W. F. A.
must be in the hands of the Secretary
by April 16th.
Brussele has entered a team in the
junior and intermediate series,.
Huron Comity School Fairs.
Preparations are being made in
Duron County for the Rural School
Fairs which have been held under the
auspices of the Department of Agri-
culture for the past few years They
will be conducted this year much the
same as during previous years and full
particulars are being forwarded to the
teachers, with application forms of
those requiring seed in the vailous
As in previous years, the prize
money trust corse from the Sections
in which the competition is conducted
and a slight change has been made in
regard to this -in the fact that an
agreement must be signed by the
Secretary of the School Board pen-
viding for the payment of prize
money over to the teacher. In view
of the fact that these competitions
have proven most attractive and in-
structive, it is not expected that any
difficulties will arise regarding the
signing of the agreements.
The seed is supplied by the Depart.
went, along with directions for plant-
ing and the laying out of the plot.
In the case of eggs for the chicken
raising compeLltione, (hese aro avail-
able Brough the Department also, but
roast be purchased by those entering
this branch,
The crops are oats, barley, p0tatoce,
mangcide, beets, turnips, field earn,
sweet corn, carrots, onions, asters and
sweet peas. No pupil will be allowed
Children love homemade bread
of Crearn of the West
Flour. And there is
nothing else so good for
them that costs so little.
Maple Leaf f Milltn Co.,
Toronto, Winnipeg
Brandon, Halifax
more than one crop, except in L le case
of 5 girls in each school, who may in
addition to a plot ora setting of eggs
have flowers.
believe that the results will be even
more ermouragiug for the present
year and preparations arebeing made
to a constdrabarnum-
School Fair plots will not be judged berlandle of appli ationsPthan alyearrago,
by the Department, but each Seetlon
must arrange locally to have some in-
terested person jludge the plots dur-
ing July or August. Snore cards will
be supplied
bythe Department p Ument
(11)35ur lose.
Mr. Sother•e, Dist. Representative,
NO Smoking—Ne Spraying—Ns Saud
Just Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing, atop magas
gatherings in the bronchial tubes On
long nights of quiet sleep; contains an
habit-forming drug, $L00 at your drab.
gist's. Trial free at onr ageneles or
Te pletons, 142 Zing W., Toronto.
Local Agent - James Fox
Hatching Eggs
Barred Rocks
1 -year-old O. A. C. Strain
S. C. White Leghorns
Barron Strain
Let me supply your needs.
10e above Market Prices.
Now is the time to get rid your
Everett Hoover,
Phone 2514 Brussels R. R. 3
4+40444.c1.444+++40+ *4.440+9÷114444+444+.+4+4+0+ ^
The Sem®i^th
Cre a �°
ream Wante
• Fpr further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
+e+.+e+e+• a4 e+ +5+4+0.1.04 .F Qui 7g+ +t4, j c,
°Power Farming
'These are the days of PROGRESS, and Power on the farm is a
necessity. A Fordson Tractor means more prosperity for the owner.
Prosperity means increased ploduotion, the saving that comes
from the use of a machine instead of horses ; the release of some drud-
gery for both man and wife.
The Fordson Tractor Is simple in design and sturdily constructed
of the beet known steel, It has Lite necessary power to perform every
task an ordinary farmer has to do, and in :addition is exeeptioually
economical to operate.
Call at D. M. Scott's Garage for further particulars,
Pr- We have a number of second-hand Fords for sale,
D. M. SCOTT, Brussels