HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-14, Page 41.1111t144114%... .\ 4.9411.. 11: 4941 4104444ali4 l lis L a t 1^ 1.1114.9.•t 1 15, 1:1:y 5•t 140. let.:t I=n gond 4.4W 1'144%1110 ?:141 14'-• 4 s:s ip 4:14'441 *sls liar? ' St «111.1 ,, .,L' 4A4.4e:1.4c'1 11 4 5 d ill -u 1' ud 131444 .1 irk 1ta it it 441448 i a 4o 5,44t ttt4: rtt?u4at44 Nl.1F ai 4144th j 444 t'*4 \'Y;:4144444 o4 dllp' tretss4 dual 11x'4, ss''r.9 chit) 5511.'.08'41i 4V*' a 1 13030., 113 k'4 1 414 i. 1' ''_ 411 } 41.441. 114..4• ' 4814. 131,1.*',:, ail i .1 4=414. to:41'", News 1 t Ih'uis rt ' 1101111 the h Village H let h o let 1 : to lit 1 ' 4 ,4 1 ►111111 a aF Lai 11111:r;fit 44et4UlU1p41 ;It it 1list• loomed 48444 ;41 0141. kh4Nt. 41 flap, 14,' y• k ;tui. ,a..•a 4494 elWit :t 4 s4lpOv, '5 'ati t L •4 41 -1 a4C t4 `: l t w � � 4°4+45 L .4 )4 ).J 130•-4`43. ,1, a%C: Fa J,184 J 1 y.8 4495 4•44t..a•.:r 41=: e;: 4'7444 995 1 . 4' i 4.. ... 4.. 9..4 .•% t°Lt' .:4911 441, i , w11444 et :az. a . 4 441:01544 44 , .t iNgNl NUR*. TINEMITHINO laklia11 40143 112 4(forts a1414tt Oita lite will 1 , •, , , I Mhleh \ � 1` 11' , til V i l 11! 1 , 411440 a t t h 1, \Yo1k, i'huubiug, rirurrul 144"- volt 434414•. 4448.- 1t Pa my Intention to renta4u if,* 4444 *bop oil sat111.5114ya 441 al''• 4kgOol,' 1a4r 63:+41 of 'lett e11'etp111:- t+ra olio hook. 1z348454,11; \York, 4484. 011% 04 stays, w4r.;.14rt lu•4u*ittltlg. 1 Welk 1,44 pirlw84e4 to go out 441541 4447 4144 4114%aid,, 1844*14-. 011141344.0 W.1140 l t'14auhhu541, kr. 1 hone to 194' Pu a p4414*114941 !t teat dayi elk rtut4urU•:4 ',soak la 1 f 1, 1 1 , 4 real to 44*b hut 411114. to alas teat that my 4.}4tipenr(1t .44444 not Let e.4141,01 l 0441ll'4 giro 444444 44.1419.91.,` 44.44'4. 4 .1441 ap let . t 4 ti 1 u v e4t1 F a 1 a a , try 4112 t lea' til w 1.41.3:telt n '95*.ss: .14 411 1 4.0;1 4.43,411": you 111 U a, ,,4,414* t. 4L 4L leak ta.a• i . . tP".AN 'r:v aro wravw i Tiasinitk aJrl ptuiub t' ftiai,. Oat .l 4'44' 4L a {� !Alai �j �pa�y`i�i D:34* Nois !Alas 3o ayf odslok"' Kerney"., t1LL4 • 1.1„4:6:4:14`44..4 t x11,114 1•.1."»1oaf.. ' 11 •5 18:4441 45 Wot4tha :444.1 l we :x4::4 :v171v.04 vary.. 4 'r :ix 4 a 4a. , x2413 paper.. 43 • 1 44':X444 114a74.94:1a4L,1111 41 4 h b 4 t., dt:;*, 84 54 lett' Jt4 tv 41, l4 \ s. 1: "y99 .441 . 3d, L J..' 14 . a44A orsposa by ask.- . !:3,. ._ • c' .4.1:1.4 t,a 1�.u..>.)$ .•. „ 44.• 4 c u1s1a +':341., 4444 0141 t.'•A4 •.:' 24, ' ,, i' 4* ::4,10;:1 444444. aaa15845., I4°44VY.. .}449.4,94,: a.. ",1434.1 A':..... .,. ., . a.' 4" 4.4.4..1 .. 4 9999:94.2 •.4'1431':e 1 444,10e' mei I1 .;1 x 1. ,.... .. -. ,4 ia' 5.::.z4 44,144 4S;:P4 i..°: 4. •21 24.41,', 4*44)a*C412e44 140.. -. 34 } Y: 2 ,fit,'. 'tNg '.4. gibed 4.. . '.4 ,4 .4 °.12 re '21 NA 144144:. at. 0111 4.54 i44*L 40;.4 'Jy ,4•:444 9 14 11.4• sto...s:i =J :. • 3 :_ ,i:lest• "-te14:+ai d1 *414 9 - 4:t.• 1 434.; 1484 -y.,:' - ▪ 4. 4'441 is st 114.14"',;44113, -*.. .. ... ..._.._ 4 .a- 1 a.. :44 , ... . t:W:J 4'' 84.6' N.4114 4. ' 4.9.4...444 .4144 .1 .;Peat •l: 1t'ein4 e. ,.t t:n .4t .. t., lt.t. butane t, t.- .4.s .ilk.:,t4 riet:,ttk • :IA" ..19 1 4.5.,' 4' 4V 4' 3e^ *5 :; :,-,' .. {1',. :a, 4.',: 24 .44 ...4140 n 1> 414ay. .. l .t - • 24,4 Or..:14' $. t. "c. 4 S. it i, 7..-484 ble't r41 sits .4433 t. \414. . 41; t;. err. 1:'„•.I4. .442.4 41.44 . .. t 2.4:8L..44:4 444 ,144 4. '340'4144. i.i '15 {..' ' 4 1;49 .+ t 4141 .4 ii i .449, 44 " 414 441, 1..4 . ,..a x- 1.44...4 ..,4,4494, 4e, a '34.4„ k ♦•. '1 :4. 4 !,.4."544 1' 9.'.. , . .. .I'- / . .1 , - -4 f 714 .1.41'1, 4.1 !* -T.. ... i. ;144• '31.1 ..X ",::9,1:,:.4101.9, :45e11• ;14. 99.,Z t4.. 4av c'. 13.4114W r'e- L:u ^4411 'N.: +..Ca ' 4, 444•,2 '& 1:142.4- .1•341. ♦ 3.4, 'i eta. •444.14•"334 .441 '..%:.44.,.1 '4 .eta:23.aiN• '4'444 left. ',:11.4 Nati¢ re...wired 3:411:4.4,4.• 9, ,, 5484 4.,',4• 'dead .414 sleep. \':.1 4., .. :a......a .44 l,Y,9o4..9•04 '5* 2451.4 '4'1'. e .1:4..4 .54 11.4. Y r r, . 4.• 4 4 414,. : . a... .. ::a...:..ta. J,": .. .. • .. 4. :4.41-t 44 . 4 - .1'1.4 )J4•: 4.4,448 as .:14 .4. 84:4_, , 3., „ ,+ 4,',4"29 +443 4 911. x• 1-.1., 1:--4 .'.l. `e<•-yi •.•. 5,124 . 4••,.a,.,•w,,,�..,. •$lieer.t4.4:LD. . , • :.,,• S '544},12.34.491.14:44.4:13' te..:r-.:, -....4 ,.41:4.::ea a ..s:.itlr,4 -:s ,.a ,1•44. '..l* 4„ i*1 Lead. .4 tit •., Z 444 1 at ,• .41.1 3. ,a: -4.-1'..t."4 w4113c ley 1" 4 ,4'4.41 .1•41,94..W .445 1p:,,,a„ s 44._ .6 :5414 9 444'41' a .',..' 44444.4$W...3 41 .44* ,..•••:41.4.1 sM t.i:l was t*44ii 111 '84.42 h 4 :i J4.1 4 7 .•JAd re =1,,Nir•i 4*44p 41..441. 11.y 144 Ste i- 411 x ,14043 `: 40:40 le r '84144 44' 4 !..2.ti 'Taos? .4. 1044.4, ..t r, :5,•.84.,? '4' .4. 4; l'S,rarfu ;Al 1,:"3 11441 ,Ea. ;u:red 810 :414444.4 • Tat t 1 is 4'4 ':114411 444..41pt'U 844.4.4 4344 •1* ,.,S.: 44,4 .444'141. . 44,4 rt 1444; .144 ,•44441". :3n. ,4;4.0.3 843 ':3 1:1'2 fit '.410% '4at*3. _ 2, -d ":4Ap• 1 '4110. 4 4a:taxle, vtnaa 44 n :'e :ala! set': a s.lisaada b4 'N :44844414 4 14, 2 -.`4 a 5. 4 'L.414.4,i7 `1,50 .434 'ser, to 4131444 0*t44441*4e4 :t' . aa,3'r „ 412 W s sear.. a "4:4*C44 ..4la3 1ta9.*E ,a •_^.1 E ^x241 318444,41,41.x1 i*1a3� '01, tart. 1e:. 1404 1 e, 4, 114 3 4.1444•44 .4241.4444 ti10 '54''44. 13:1L 1. '1,.14{4:.41?. 1,44 0'44:0 5444*44,,, 2 aN .n,4449 `.,4. :844.84 =a,. 4 :ua 44 .4443 i. .7,4'4.44, 744'04 .4 4.4. 1 d', P ;1 C44=* ::Oto -l• 144.,04r414 '34114.•' , -3461A:;4a 41". .444 4,1.4e • •," 4 44, 4'44194,4 *x400- .4,4E1.11544 144:..1 '.,rt' .841 ? itr9e .1441 5344 tar - 4,4,444 a4 44,444. '149.444:0 i4Z1J, ••F .3 '13E4 14_ "Ohs: 1324163 34,594.14 4:44443.',a ' 4 1 481 V 4', 4.141944e .44 tenttanng .441:4 4 1 ..455248,. 44440.tiy 44.4e1teaching Atte. 1 2. 4.19.841 ads. 'L4?i:14eri..3a',t'`y,.1442444. 4 .,144'1i%l5 :.144 .La44.44*&4 a. .4td84444a. '44.4Li `role ..404241 141Vla441 ias4 414,14 ":4) .44ra2*' '35i44 .4,4;1 •444 .•Slu4it '14 tile '�1l441t•1t:i`;4rai.1 ' ,tees :41::2 '3v- _484184 '43 '.ora 11:011 43)14 49:1.19443 44 tae. '+4424 "liogr -3 ..ititated12n 783-3 trrego "it;„ UO::: 1d 41 4,411.4* '1344- L'aiklratt9 '441 . }?4442 LV4rf '.3. 113,483 .444eee Ada '4 ,44 .4251 "+e lea,,,: 4.s S?•41ket yysL '4t., warn 41.41 144444 "n :3t4aa4t1• 4443j 5. t' 4:CY4E1 4441,4:13 and 1•a4e '44) 4'.410. "54,4.» 44,4'44.2'4+18* system .n 'stetens '=484, 'i:,r,$ "44)103.14.: '44403 4• 41 1' 91:*943dW13j4.14.41* :tattled sites: '44.444,, a '414 -'4 :.4444 -4414 slornorew*4114hdt,y,, 44414 44 41,.4• x38(,1444 Cease, ,&Us, St,i te. 4. 4*4* setitg 4.21*1 uaretil444 91.4:44 J.49,1e 4.4 1141 4.1.4411.14.411:9 ra, , '448 a 441 '.114 41 a& a 407414. 441 444,es : ,241 4.11,49.11.441141 "AO ttam, 4'1)41 .an 4eal2Yily. <t4• es I .4Sy i ''441 '_ 1144 1,4r494:431ni1ra ler 1143,3 -.'1341 •.149444 .4 .414;,0 4*2414e ,'414 471: yi ,ex 1 4 51 ,, c.ty .s 11.34+8481 .54111 is 454443 41 4 . -31 54.44 !=:44444 4 !isolate. ,. .; 4.4 .4'41 2 411141x9 1441.1 :.$41414144*• x� ',19:4:14.12, 40 1,181481 natty •lituaiatlt 4,.1411 4...4, '.niuttotta' ..4 'f5lnine1441 'd '.4444 9,4:9. -lots^• 414 a .;, Pt'.4:4,ryri .44444438''lea 44 vise v4)14 151)4! 0,441 t -x24,1 1444drUa4P41n 1'4'4' ""bel :a.,, .4414 .v• '.f 4, __ ,.1 1,.: _.07.J .,.2.., !44.51: ..44418441 "1, 41 4, ... 4 as . x i , a241 1,19. • ...1.1•941.914 • • , . 9.4 L 4 . 1..5,Z 14.14'01 _ 1.. 5.., 4,,s. a .. 4444'4.0 17441",44 .-. _. , •4w. i '4:449 des .9•••.99$., .4, ....74"419...911.1 rs .. 444 4. , 1.4., 14 . .!.1.44'41 ..'O X24;,112) !Vre ,4.4:± :#a 14ec4,,, ,41441413,. 1::2 eels' 48:4;•34. s'4 4 4'4 at '.3.42414 t -.....- .. 'L' -4.44 % 1.,,. 4* 444.4,34:'S1 "flail .1'<. .._„ .. '44 - u:414*4,1.4. 34 .1..:.241 , .eves ,.4:.•fi,E:d '41' • '.4414 '4.1 ,,4 :4 .•.14 40,'6 4 "441itr.. . 4449 a L::84:14• .. ..::'J *4k:--tit,.<t41+:7C,4 .1d fit 4•F 41,,.', V Sae '4 .(14.144 45 131 :: let 4..4• „ .,4.:1 ..kt .4.1.23 :*41,13.1 . 4,,4=:401i11.,.:4:4i .9 • 1::443•'4441/4.14.,1'4441/4.14.,1''41,4*44*2s •. `:k: :/J4:d ,;:}1 1. .:.'4:44, 'A, :.4413,491 :Ss, 411 islassa: 4..:4:; 1.4.4..414'104.4 u 440 1,14 s 04 '914. 'L04 _ ..,'1 4 .4!4,41 7144 .... ,.. ,w • 4.'1 4.1 ' 144 .:44,,944 ;441.494• 119' 3,4:4 . 4•:444 -114. 7.441 !"4.444:.-. • v 45 ,;84:1 9,44 let.e, i ',y l y7. ;+ara,,. sorter rill i 14:4 t ' , .,4 .t L'ars cinch. :a*ay4r4 400 1 .111 •4y 1.041 •1111 1 1..45. 41411 41m3,5,1 at, 444544 7 '2.4.1444.. 1. nu:, :le flop '3 ,944'9994 .I14.9> '144+44 41-4 •4444? 44d4Y4e41i11, 4,404.• : 44 .L411 t 414 a, U laly 4' , ata '1 &p+, .l'1341411114%,,rat4E' 1 511 .1 V 441 444** 'N 14 4W 1 t r t eta , a .le. ,ka vArd 4P'4,,,,," 41'1' '.lire t3 4 n" 41 nap x "114} 14x1.:L• J41ELtJ ,•J+3 :;ay , d :awe •V.3;P. veal ,11,,4] 148.031154`4 3443 Llit '34G'n414*144, '.01. 5,5126, -'44441.;.41 .tar and mtany't.i' '14.9118411408444, thitau t'tlrltal ig lion moo. day at 11 o eloek tui F1tP11 Polk at t hs• Flaws. Tide I% OR tlllldool pipe ;rpm. Iltrdolatand 'mita low of de Ilout is ill olii(A4ORN lit Italy, ()titan rind ori"; NWithinastlw14 X41l4ll„ oily , a r• ileo*. 1 t place, r1 , S 111 l 1, r Oita Ie, 4th 11 . 1P444}1 { L3 1 11 � I } t 1 1' liaeaxt 3411111 Cllr. \"n Sot a malty 44 14 much *urpl lard t11I4t 1404101 U 445 moon ell, Au ism Arc visit: to t'ailie by � Ono of the Ataritrau'a Nation:ll sit• them to the 4140.0 114 '1l:nl etv o tho King.'; liulhtta 'ark is a 31,314 or ii,mor4 of al!- ki.l4drPtwat' of All ktud1 r41rt1ttug itoluttx viott:a nod :3411rk•birds Niro; of butt" t1 e4 tooter. Lrite, \VU 1 alntutala 4f ail 411130• hinsetunr,-Nath3ii441 htatot'y of Hatt %rot at% ulna? µ41u'? 4bi41g,. t4= sou who% wo4tic} ;aka a}1 .So4k 111tH 4}4rrr tool titut to 4tat4fio11. lldtrit'l ioit o, roma 11014 lett 113. A ride loll art 43111:h 141 443.4:1•114144 To break .iu au 1,titch.i.x like brooking ita ht'olaht0 4 4 44/1 0.41 111.0. 'hilts: 1' wi,ald likt• 1 etiy ti a.! W. „i the woehrs these; t`L''tJustus) Kettles ' a ,fit •. This triVC 11 is tit ►414 L'f N1a.Srrilawl t`attiforatii 1N Oaa1.% NOW Ohecity 1t+:>rs 11.444 i 411311012, over 12001w/40rs Warred. 'they ch,se dolv*e :rordr's ttiuutlayafter the wad olid vis Suualay. \\'rapt: tako altupon- , horses it 1 '141 t 40114 part lit betting e 1 k 4 t4 ra al d 'a bt ; r* 1 la 4 a 175 441 4 riga* t 1 844 .444 with r a e One 4 g e3 } A r tilP te4iha*a lacratt►tbu4 141 414 ttN let see 111 1420 a ' \ 1 1 :--1111 1 !? 4 of M \ wrr 4 H ref F deo bettwg aW,tkiug 4 let •t A ?ulna, Si4 A. spark of trtiurluewt to be seen. Otte looks bark and thinks that 444114.14 has eveyy te24xe1i t„ be proud i1f !4 r fair ae:t. Not bring able 111 h,•.vue ettly of dalusselal I. horses 1 have decided tto to 4.4tau1 any wore 1•a4.0‘, 1'lavitog 4004?' tilu vitt i" h A. la always open. l ;at -4,W bark the. regls,e. wl4:lr pui.t ng iu t"ore and fouuli i.' 1`. Wood Alla Mo. l4avice44'12 uatttt . S.e•'set,ury•tarlt*.oret rewerge be e3 )14. waned 41 dead ibrd baro as a Yttll:t;t town with* •,.1)5.43, 414 W 14'44 tread bum 1 84••13 )t t, ow, ire aY wrol,g as to) rl .114 a= e+l ba�3 two ryi4 *lid >p < WO. W. L; hie tion a npwte ; its J:44biy vt «sloe? Wren Lb t• 1 ti) 4}abA- ;earl!. row 44 kr3 that '1t.. Wood 9.1191,1* pp..3..titular irirtad ut whie. 1 hope M. Wood od wilt ;Atka n4, tell tiro art Wc},V2 *'Xnaeireg 1S+aat'41 th::> 4an Y. Le w;;.,'i the ;let:td anti g. 14.44 tn,rh•• 111.1.tea Navas 17453r. 984,4 c3e..1.,ue'.;ertu Wnd,eve, hoist 840 1:1t444'aai- herr. th/Vertlatteu, s apeu41a t bi, thJ.a1W 111 ; 1hr Naval base, tl'h141 ut ii u% 14 boom in ki41.1 131t+1;a. They* aro about fe1I( & 34151Y 411011 111 110,1111.1g 11010 at pro $4.751, Arroplattra and ilit tgiblor tar tits iuii over tea idty,iu huudunis, The 1 0 3 st t 11 as ill blue Pa a rot. t1l of t u 1 a , 4 a 1 1 i 1, i 4 5 0 1V r' t rl 3, tit 44 4 ll t tot i t 1, Own' llearner. l e ' 1 te l`itrro to an island :shoot 00 roil,. Nom otrau depot 011110 41 l'01140 Kerney tide la revived for the ant fotee, au y411 a4e !dere la I'1UU}i. Kt 1 k1' , Km say 4�Yeatr Nt441 Jars, 14,r11try, that is why 11M4 town low mads aa.h pro. girls 411 late,. 1 ;beg to 44,014,4;4r fee taking smash mark apace 04441 1 have neglected to 144e44t41314 L► Y0t'y (m}Mei'*• WIG 1.40144 tautetl' e0at of loving 1"1444 444 a ‘434.4! town to sp&' 1 the \Ylitter 144 if you hexa a. little tummy but is 111%10017 a let?Helot town, :4 working Mats aUd his alfa will teat a house and' the 414'x4 thanfi they d4i 434 sublet the most 0.1 it tele home 441 5 b Iiia « the buck kitchen. !f 4143 oat ggrtaa j''b3 they may be 444444 to exist. p , people, Is hr4 a only bets 011ie u4aaV 0140113 therefore stoats utast open Sunday wt=tliinK or the people would baY,. bin .5 , * l -i L IIr lUV7r1t ! 4 sat. i a l 411 4 d ba la thesis people hardly e>iat. Rent for a4*artwe4lttt v*4ry itV143 Sr'73 up to *173 pet' *tooth and 1.44 luueb higher ** you see lit to go. thy geed* err 44 tittle easier than Lea tlet4. 13 ee this Water is 0401111 to the ol41r 14.4141 also 4 piped to tltt,1tu144ndal \"alley, which dd tors 1111 1140 4341404 01410 rJ" 4140 111111111• Whet. '1'l*ia railsy a foo? 8x440 n11,71 Viae a tll•edit wllit�ll 15(14? Prkh1144ta ., 4en11drrtul deal's' \ rry' 1141I* f**;sli441 5 , 1 1 11 014 . t t a u }ux ► ut 1* l a 11440 a 1 Ur to t o lu 14'tlost 3 , i 3 U country tt t1 u* i4 441ha Stahla grain is Ugaleou :1 LurU4s. 4••A fate priest are ax• (shows t--11a3V'• Vito\ it eta. 44leal. t fowl 431, 21 rte, t 845uttr4 today, Cat eta:. t eggs. x+ ets, t h3otaturN 471.Ik per mt.. t µur4ltry Vr*r high. knead, 1S ors. t tett 41,1110 err !b, rhuxxr. 41 eta, t t4►ilk 1,? eta. es art. t oranges, 17 eta. 34`x4, 1444434 1!p t t3aaratra't4 4:1 rte. 1tle . 4444414484 wholesale today at 3S•14 per o X4. ?etailiug foe 141 eta. \P11011 WO say that Califot'ui* la .a b,atatiful a 44844484 and beautiful c44444' ate we have 011141 it 4, Jua4 rt?4 844.. sla ms% 4 Wa444 built a Clete hetet here anti '101 1.1%'4 0444 in either LRlutio4va Vi f , tilura, �'lls people went iu'n.uat oat, by 1, itwt' it} etiolate. t 4..1'itN au41 girls woe ana44yi'ng every 1548.4140 o1 oat' stay hers. We expect t'= more North b$1fore sou to Los n t• +41uta a e u•'rk•.a and 41444 oil the ;roost• 'they all 'ole iu4 W 14L1 kindest 4l 554a* to 411? people of Brude$8* and ,•6:'4ty.. Appreciatively yours, Jlc Ki{YT3.L"Y nl shoed Mar i d a or toes a higher. We can's stud a wail Wha coin wok* bol'gu t!k# Barker Boss. 3,1111 ha! that's worth a ring of *awe when 1 [4'444144 0', forgot to weutiVrt the climate the very thing that brought us lire,: 4.111 behruaLy 23'r't1 thermometer. 4.441. stared it the 441airin but that was the hottest day in Feb, 84or aver dV Feats. The tewparatnea of 41149 pit,: „8 Uu4 4v8uia varlyd about $ 534L' 484 be4.YNdu Stw1p4aer *rid \\'irate*. 1,3 neither hot nor 8411111. Lu the morn hitt, dwingWh*4e* ee44.ytan, yQal meas 11101 it a little 44iL111y btu by 10 40'844444 it is:luitd warm. Sy noun ix walking you would take 111E your 444904, 144 4 yon would put it oft anti by d volt rondo ,tread a 14g144 urVell47a4. 43u 1,ar 443 degrees. w this and yen have theSuet- ' near, 'Meta ate shoat 7 84,44tltsus the year t44le 4s b.1)dly ut4y *alt. and everything •d info...Aim, lel •,*Jar to tedeIvr $ukti411*4. Vi' 3Nar. de :tux" p44a4 014 Wt. 41t43E4 ole'-4r4i43it, h.g11 4411 a•u .4454* mountains. Mese 'u•a hollows in the mountains. When :winentad the Overate* rain., till them, Rheurncitism Nsuritia, Sciat:aca,. Neulralgi*., Temp1etQu'8s Rheumatic Capsules Zaire brought health to hall-a-mtllost sufferers. 1 • •• 4' NEW Anti-Uiare Lens Lea Ilt luta tot:' highest t3uvernnleut Teat and.9elle at Cheap.' eat *ice. /Tare t11eu3 fur every snake of Car. Batterics Hare the Agency 104' the 1 X 14 Battery for tbis 41:41• ge'b 84Id old Battery or give you a tri. t, Can r to � your, x41 and 3 et le new one in .a� ;tours notice. Come u prices. � ANG SAI$FAOTION GUARANTEED Cars Overhauled Moho of }lave your Car ready for Spring by bringing it to our 1' y I g Garage and leaving it put right. Cu��ioaham'; 4 • • • • • • 4 4 • • • • 4 4 4 • • • • 4 44,• dWJrral' e'144484••••••••••••44H44.44•••••••••44•• Horses for Sale. Farm to Rent Wetted 4mkn, 2,'ga4d4nga, ==stag. 1 pear's, tam 1 One or the beat pa5'4are firma In. Grep to we4phab4as2,4igtmnads. Nnaattand len. good rtent.5440scree4prtngwater and cedar grave,, uoiid343on. X. 44. l'AS:Oxi'S: . daso a 44044 agrlcaltaral horse rlo44g 0 for Phone 026 8.83:Bacsaa%. -nate.* allow horse, right everp way,' work, r 41544 arogie or danbl84. Price and *8414014 a1np, Stock For Sale Ddvxn t1at,3zE, Ethel Durban% row., 40111143 3 maatfia ax% in rreair- y. ' en. so Owenber 7 Durham caw due .4;r81 i Durhalm over eine May E : Durham ball 2 year* 1143: 4Yanerel pnrpaae d1Ey Seeing 3 yearn • 4anrterai purnaae horse cats rising veer e veer , Blood wit tieing 84 Ten:. aired by Ike , 'gnat= : 3 L8lcae4 r awes a T registered 0*' ford Down awn*. WanhI exchange mete on work 34uroa. Season* for 5ee:12.42. ranted peetnra farm Sea bean aeld. 11.Q. CAJfPEELL. Phase 4310 Lao .4, Can. e3, Grey Twp. ' t1;healthful, ruoncy-saringreineerra. well known fere Eritem years, prm4' i scribed by do41ora, sold, by drug - glare, "_. N0 a box. Ask ouragents 411• W'440 fur t3: free trial •'tagL. Templetcus,142. Ling 4Toronto Lona A3*u1, Janus lfoa: Shan the iroport lyoIIllf7a't bringing of tht3orric4tir Iiq reintO the Province alki be forbidden? all the 484 ponhitiose 1tld.' `''''443 bringing of ;sxtx,�Csting liquors tffi%9 the. P444* vrinee by forbidden ? lir Vote Will E}ecide You Voted against the SALE - Vote Now against the IMPORTATION THEpeople on April 1Sth decide by the ballot reproduced above wheth r liquor for beverage purpoe es shall oe allowed to come in, or whether the door shall be 'shut. Earnestly we ask you t0' vote -vote to- clinch your f.Orrsier' vote. your last vote against the Sale -of licluo. you -rade Ontario safe from within. Now vote against Importation, to make Ontario _ale tram without. Prohibition should apply to ail alike. Take nothing Ler granted. Every 4empert-nce 4' ace• is needed. Every temperance vote must be l Lar. See that your wife and :extra.? !nc-rnber ^s aur hvu.:sc a Y'i�nt to vote, gets to the polls. Let :les roll up a decisive majority today and ;tie this i}ues- :10x3. Id, ,with Ge t Th. Mark your ballot with an 4:: and -an "X" only after the wadi r • Bull for Service The nnders'4ned wall keep far aerelce. an e. . 4541 so. Can..:, '4.nr1143 Lowaahip. thetharo"-bre '4ltor1 HUM Skil, talunfcrd of '4a:14m. No. i314124e. *rad 4584 C3a4nra441 41arqute •1031007 ; ir ?am 5lildr.4 Flet ny Royal 4atior 'reran) Ped'. •,gree mny he anonan app4imtian. Taring - Farm for Sale 13eacre farm tot tale,beln4 Loo 12, Con. s, Grey 4owhlhap. Enron Ca. &boot 75 a4:r,a, cleared. Thera is comfortable house, hank Earn, orchard, good 441121 nl well, he , ea the prem3aee Paaaeaelan at once Telephone and 144,144 PEWdeftytry. Soo farther parxfc'. dar4&noir' on 4140 prem*Aea. TELFORD &ELLEIL9,Praprt4Wr, `Hill View Farm JAS. A. REA cedar of large Engel! Whiff/3 StRt7V !or chow•'*1no19 pa7nbfo ah toms '''f ave- Ycaax 011x41 fcr rate, either sex. acs with pr /Rage to retm-n. G1ada eo,ra not a or further pats lafar& write or phone %slowed. Er4f04414Central- Walton P. O, TE'De. P138Cfi, Phone 3010 8,8,5 Proprietor Baby Chicks ,z.r. 't your Chicks FaNI'•xre they are hatched• We have had n large experience in I1rrrsi aticn and we can supply you Chicks imam Puha bred 04,1144 in S. C. White Leghorn* or Barred Rocks than are properly Incubated. Instructions how to raise the Chick w K*r svitit 'each ,artier. Da you erre? 4gtre Mase much your C14 44* cost pct teach year by time wasted on *2*00dy hens, setting on =fertile eggs 041144: ?tole provoking it is when she is continually breaking the eggs ? Save time, money and temper by securing your Chicks from us. Barred ?lock Chicks, 31184 each ; Waite Leghorn Chicks, '22o each. _ante farmers have already ordered 101,4) from us. When are yr1 4T43iug to varier yours :' Do nes leaveit too late. WALTER ROSE yiir¢si' 3lisaiti FM, Hrussals Sas 31, ?1ieag 3 sr 4 a 381 -444444•4•4444•44444•*4M4044 ••••••••••••••••••44444+441141 • Students May .Enter Any Time o 4 4 O a.a A 4 4 4 • • • 4' 4 5, b • Strettford We give tfltlrnugh Courses ; have Experienced inetrll:tors win give individual attention to pupils. Our grttivatl'4 are meeting with ancceas. I e ars tt'aill.ill}1 Soldiers under Suidiers' 4%x44 Re-establishment C,13umissitsu. Addr.wa USa L1oflPpg, *pa. 1P34a D*Nilecue, to oIther 44 1 • or Wing zzm w $ il•..4'11.444440'44 44 3.4 *4434~4.4 ream Wanted r� �rrrirrrrrrllelt Ship yti',ur Cream Direct 'to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfaotca• ' Return ttVe ¢urrish you with Cans anti Fay ail Ex- .ress Charles. issue Cheques tar the pay- ment For•;roar Creaxn twice. '414.wh month, ptty- abLe alt' par at I'OL'r unit. Give the 3russeis Factory +lase trim and you. Vi11 :lt:i tram .to -discontinue., i ilei"IVf t ll 'I1x