HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-14, Page 1VOL. 49 NO, 42.
2.09 per annum in advance
W. II* KERR, PrOrieto
Paid-up Capital 4 9,700,000
Reeervo • . 18,000,000
Resources - . 880,000,000
We Develop the
Farmer's Business
Banking at any time .
Is co-operation between
the bank and tele cus-
tomer for the ,develop-
ment of the customer's
The better the bank
understands its customer's
business, the more read-
ily and efficiently can it
assist him.
Eighty-nine years of
dealing with farmers in
Canada has given The
Bank of Nova Scotia a
complete knowledge of
farmers' banking needs.
Call and talc the mat-
ter over with the nearest
branch manager.
r F. H. Gilroy
New Advertisements
Kodaks—F. R. smith.
For-sale—John McNabb,
Anotion sale—S. Weinstein.
Malice for sale—Obsa. Davis.
Cattle for Bale—John Flesher.
Piga for sale—J. P. McIntosh.
Car of Fertilizer—Alm. Backer.
Dog strayed—Mrs, Oololongh.
Seed Barley—Alex. MaLenchltn.
House for sale—Joeeph Peacock.
Pigs for Bale—Jas. 8. Armstrong,
Weekly Half Hollday—Business Men.
All about the Fordson—Ford Garage.
pisfric± .eivs
Farmers aren't spending much time
in town jest now. They're busy on
the laud.
O. A. McCluskey underwent an
operation for appendicitis and is get-
ting along splend icily.
We are sorry to report an outbreak
of smallpox in the locality, 4 homes
TO many persona the Scrip-
tures are very dry and un-
intereeting reading, and
very difficult of correct under-
standing and confuses many by
the different interpretations, ac-
cording to the denomination in-
terested, Like party politicians
they all see itaheir own partic-
ular way when in reality there
is only one RIGHT way, the
way the Master had in mind.
The author of "The Master
Key," like Caruso, seems endow-
ed with an inspired mind and
makes Scripture reading so plain
and interesting that you feel like
finishing it before you lay it
. t
Get it inP i;
t theubli Library
being ander c(uerantine, In'the home
of j'hntpeo Olutke, A'Iel. Clarke its ill ;
in Alex, Cremes. Mr's, Cr'arer; in
Mrs, Jos, McDonald's, s one of the
boys ; and in Geotge Brown's, the
young eon, George,
Mrs, J'ob'King spent a few cloys in
Kitehener last week.
Mrs, George 0, Johnston ie improv-
ing nicely after an operation in Kit-
chener Hospital,
Mise Edith Ames is laid up with en
attack of tonsili Lis at the home of Jno.
Snell. Wewill hope ebe s con bo bet -
Mrs. Hancock and Mrs, Fraser,
Galt, were visiting at the homes of
their nephews Duncan and Wm, Mac-
.Harkness, Wroxeter, will hold ser-
vice in the Hall Sunday afternoon at
8 o'clock, Dr. Harkness is an excel-
lent speaker and a large turn -out is
expected. Mr, Gilroy, Brussels, will
Fon BALE. -Brick veneered house, frame
stable and 0 lots, located in Wroxeter. Apply
to W. 8. MO&aaonea, Wroxeter.. i
Jno. Booth left for the West on
Otto Lymberner left for Hamilton
on Tuesday,
Jno. Adams, el•. has been indisposed
for the past two weeks.
Thos;: Hemphill made a business
trip to Toronto on Monday.
W. F. Connor, of the Bank of Ham-
ilton, has purchased a Ford coupe.
Mrs. Wm. Patterson has returned
from a visit with friends at Guelph
and London.
Alex, Higgins, who underwent an
operation last week at the Wingham
hospital, is recovering nicely.
Thos. Hoperoft has been Appointed
egg -buyer for the United Farmers'
Club here, commencing his duties this
The regplae.montbly meetingiif the
Woman's Institute was held on Tues-
day aeternoon in Mrs. Pope's rooms
when a paper, on "Fond, and its rela-
tion to the stomach" was read by Miss
May Davidson.
Members of the Methodist church
at Salem, mat at the home, Wednes-
day evening of Jno. and Mrs, Gem-
mel, who trete recently married, and
presented them with a mantle clock.
Au enjoyable evening was spent.
Pasture m Rent
Cattle taken by the inonth for the
season. Plenty of water and
shade. A run of 400 acres: For
further particulars apply to the
Have a quantity of first-class
Timothy Seed for sale.
P. Ament
Methodist ,Churches
Next Sunday the pastor will
have as his subject
Devices of
At Union Church
the W. M. S. will hold their
annual Thank -offering Ser-
vice, when Mrs. (Rev.) OKell
will give the address.
Sunday School at 1.80
Public e
b' Service 280
Small amounts saved regular soon reach
a large
total. Deposit each wee art of the
money you get from your cream, butter and
eggs and watch your Savings balance grow.
PAiD-UP CAPITAL • • $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - . $15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M, McMillan, Manager,
Wroxeter intends eelebreting July
est in line style, The funds will be in
aid of leilk fonts,
Win, and Ir trl e' alt
Mrs, $c t l ra h
d so) Toronto,
were recent guests at the borne of the
formar's permits here,
Miss Mitchell, Travelling Secretary
for the W, F. M. 8,, of the Presby-
terian church, addressed the Society
here Tuesday afternoon and also took
part; in the union service in the ay.
Oranbrook Farmers' Club will hold
its regular meeting ng at Moncrieff Fri-
day evening of this week, at 8 o'clock,
A. number from this locality will at-
tend the' Temperance rally in Melville
church, Brussels, Friday evening of
this week. Rev, Dr, Harkness will be
the speaker and choice solos will be
rendered by Ruthven McDonald, a
popular vocalist of Toronto. Offering
will be taken for the case.
Last Sunday afternoon a union
Temperance meeting was held in
Knox church and was addressed by
Rev Mr. Wilson, of Exeter,
who pointedly set -before the con-
gregation the duty of'Outario vot.
ing next Monday to exclude intoxicat-
ing liquor from the Province. Gov-
overnment Control was shown to be a
failure where tried.
•Mies Margaret Humphries is home
from an enjoyable trip to the Coast.
First consignment of the Horticul-
tural supplies are to hand. Thereetre
143 members this year, which speaks
well for the Society.
Women's Institute will meet next
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Jno. McDonald. Topic will be
taken by Mrs, Wm. Neal,
Last Sunday Mr. Rintoul, of Brus-
sels locality, took the services in
Duff's church and at Moncrieff and
did well. A new list of applicants for
the vacancy is to be heard.
The Easter Vestry meeting of St.
George's church was held as usual
when satisfactory reports were pre.
vented, John Bolger and Fred, Scar-
lett were elected Wardens; Richard
Hoy and Thos, Bolger Sidesmen ;
Chas. Case, Vestry Clerk and R. H,
Hoover,' Treasurer; Representative
to Synod, James Humphriee.
Following is the repott of S. S. No.
7, McKillop, for February and March.
Sr, IV—Sadie Tomlinson 74 ; *Edith
Holmes 60 ; *Gertie Timmer 48 ; Jr.
IV—Lindsay Stewart 77. Sr, III—
Harold7. Tomlinson 76 • Marguerite
Balfour 60 .5, , Jr. III—Acchie Somer-
ville 78 Arthur Carr 61 ; Alex, Clark
6L Sr.I[—Eva Scarlett 75 5 : Effie
Balfour 75 ; Emma Hill IL6. Jr. II—
Grace Somerville 83.5 ; Billie Thinner
61 ; *Gordon Hoboes 17. Ist class—
Ross Driscoll 80 ; Arthur Balfour 78 ;
*Orval Holmes 70 ; Delbert Hall 68 ;
*Nellie Holmes 66 ; *Karl Holum 62 ;
Primer—Dorothy Somerville 70.
E. LITTLE, Teacher,
ScaooL REPORT.—Following is the
report of the Walton School up to the
Easter vacation. Examinations count
60 and daily work 40. Glass V—Ex-
amined in Arithmetic, Algebra, An-
cient History, Geometery, Literature,
Art, Physics, Chemistry, Oonstr•uction
work and Bookkeeping. Grace Short -
teed 81 ; Grace Murray • Tenn]e
1Wa0allum 74 Leilaatvson
L 66.
Glasses IV to II examined in all Pub-
lic school subjects. Sr. IV—Lillian
Underwood 85 ; Ilene McLeod 61 ;
Nora Sholdice 56 ; Florence Bennett
65 ; *Normau Snelling 49. Jr. IV—
Ruby Young 76 ; Mary McOall 69 ;
George Sholdice 57. Sr. ID—Alice
Hoy 69 ; Aileen Ryan 65 ; Eva Ander-
son 68 ; Mary Dickson 61 ; Dave Mur-
ray 00"; Lawrence Ryan 60 ; Ritchie
Drager 66 ; George Pollard 50. Jr.
III— Isabel ,Underwood 77 ; Jim
Shortreed 72; Hattie McCall 68;
;Mary Kreuter 62 ; Flora Harris 69 ;
Jim Olark 58 ; Russel Sholdice 68 ;
*George McOal l 50. Sr. II—Marguer-
ite Bolger.• 86; Mildred Pollard 65;
Muriel Farquharson 60 ; Wesley
Olai k 67 ; Gordon Murray 62 ; Aletbea
Carter 61. Jr. II—Isabel. May 83 ;
John McDonald 79 ; Edna Pratt 73 ;
Kenneth Jackson 67 ; Laura Manning
57 ; Lorne Steiss 68 ; Clarence; Steiss
51. Sr. I—Beatrice Kerney 94 ; Nor -
uta Murray 90 ; Florence Ryan 88 ;
Vera Gardiner 86 ; Alvin Farquhar -
Thursday, 14th
My Bushand's Other Wife
And Pathe News
Saturday, 16tH
Jack Pickford
The Little Shepherd of
Kingdom Come
Monday, 18th
Harry Carrey
West is West
Car of
to hand.
$30.00 per ton
Alf. Baeker
son 78 ; Lewis McDonald 76 ; Viola
Garter '65, Jr. I—Ethel Shaw 80 ;
W innifred Drager 76 ; Laura Hoy 65 ;
Helen Steles 60 ; *Wilfred Ryan (ab
sent,) Pr. (In order of merit)—E11-
wood Shortreed, Charlie McDonald,
Olara McOa11, Blairmore Shaw,
*Lawson Kerney, Violet Underwood.
Primary, (In order of merit)—Roy
Garter, Berea Steiss, Reith. Manning,
Harold Bolger, Isabel Farquharson.
Note *missed exams.
R, H. Rowena, (grin.)
K. MCCONNELL, (Assist.)
Oouncil met Monday.
Farmers are busy at their Spring
Reeve Elston and Clayton Procter
Were among the speakers at the Board
of Trade Banquet, Wingham, last
Friday night.
A number were at Belgrave on
Tuesday attending the induction ser-
vice in the Preebyterian church. We
welcome the new pastor.
A Gray -Dort touring car has been
purchased by Albert Crooke, 4th line,
from S. Garter, local agent, Brussels.
We hope Mr. and Mrs, Orooke, will
take many a trip of comfort and
pleasure iu their new car.
Little has been said publicly ]}i
reference to the Referendum in eller-
ris but we are able to read and think
for oueelvee and expect a good vote
will be polled next Monday, in the
interests of the young people. We
did not vote the bar out to keep grog
in the cellar.
SCHOOL REPORT.—F011Owiug ie fe-
port for S. S. So. 1, Morris. Examin-
ed in Read., Zit., Hist., Spell., Gen.,
Arith, and Gram. Sr. IV— Mary
Brown 73. Jr. IV Lizzie Hettinger
80 Laurette Healy 79Ma
Mae Holling-
oll}n -er 73.S. III—Annie ;icbmcid 85
Alberta Richmond 69. Jr. 1II—Susie
Cunningham 68* ; Allan Pease 44*.
Sr. II—Jean Laidlaw 98* ; Stella Rich-
mond 94* ; Archie Scott 78* ; Walter
Pease 58*. > Jr. II—Ella Brown 95 ;
Dorothy Fear 89 ; Elsie Beirnes 86 ;
Norman Nicholson 80 ; Laura Sc,.tt
75 * ; George Ounninghem 74* ; Mabel
Healy 64"; Leslie Nicholson 53 ;
Harold Cunningham 48. Jr. I—Oloyd
Johnston 100* ; Effie Laidlaw 97*,
Primer—Miller Richmond expellent;
Rossella Cunningham excellent ; 01if-
ford Passe good. * hissed one or
more exams.
0. M. ARMSTRONG, Teacher.
sad iutelligence was received fromm
Brigden, OntMonday y that Henry
Jacksona well
known resident of
Morrie, from his birth, had passed
away, of anaemia, in his 64th year,
He and his wife were visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Ray McDonald, at
Brigden, Mr. Jackson had been in
failing health for past 1& years and
despite all that doctors and loving
care could do gradually went down.
He was married in December I882 to
Mies Annie McKay, of Morrie, who
survives him along with a son and 3
daughters. The subject of this notice
was one of 6 brothers, of whom only
Peter, of Tisdale, Sask., survives.
There were 7 sistete, Mrs. JVtn, Mc-
Call, Brussels ; Mrs. Fear, Aiimico ;
and Mrs. A. Smith, Brussels, are liv-
ing. Mr. Jackson was held in high
esteem by all who knew hire and was
a man of integrity, industry and high
ideals, The bereaved will share in
the sympathy of many. The casket
was. brought to Blyth Tnesday even-
ing and the funeral will take place
from the home of Win. Logan, Blyth,
on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock,
Interment in Blyth. cemetery,
,lt'1 ORRI8 TO THE FRONT.—Last Tues-
day's Daily Globe refers to A former
Mort•isite as foliates :—"Willou
y milk
a cow one day was th this week ?"e
rather startling dare given etre, W.
11, Ferguson by E. H. Stonehouse, as
they, with Mrs, Huestis, Mrs, Adam
Ballantyne, D'Arcy Scott and ethers,
stood its a little group before the Par-
liament Buildings, yesterday, watch.
ing the crowds drinking milk, and
with scarcely a moments hesitation
Mrs. Ferguson replied : "I will."
Whereat she was told by everyone
that she was a jolly good fellow.
'Nota bit of it, responded theory
Mrs. Ferguson, who has added to her
experience on the farm very active
and valuable work for the Women's
Liberal Assoelation and the Home and
School Council. "If the sight of me
milking a cow 1s goingto help along
this fine campaign, I'll be right
there." So Friday, at Alexandra
Park, corner of Dundee and l3athnrst
streets, are the day and place set for.
the performance. "We've got it lot
more sensible about many things
Since the war, .haven't we ?" said Mee,
Ferguson to The Globe later, "Why,
I can remember the time when even
the girls oe the farm wore snrnetimee
ashamed to have people know they
milked, and I've known them to duck
their heads if they were milking near
the fence and strangers were passing.
Then the war canto and cleared away
lots of nonsense about farm wink be -
]ng work that women should be as-
hamed to be fotutotdoing."
The funeral service of Doi ix Maud'
the baby daughter of Three aid Airs•
Millet, 6,11 line, took pimp Wedui'
day afternoonof ilk
..Rev. Ur'
McLeod, of Wyoming, c,ndu:+led a
suitable service and the pallbeiters
were Margaret and 11111t 7'hut'l1 and
Vero and Laura Mahn Aeon, Ittier•
meal was Made alt lirnagtle Vernet e•ry,
'l'Ite sad nerve was received last
Monday that Airs, Thos, 1eairserviee,
late of Hallett township, and trod her
of Mrs, Wm, Pipe, 5th line, Morris
township, died itt the Week, where
she Was visiting her daughter*, cif
Ipneumonia, The ' tbeing
) 1 lb reinau s ate
brought back for interment and
bullet will be wade in Burne' crtue-
OALLED 15 HER YoUTH--Thutstilt
April 7th, Lena Igetbel ('Put) yntregeet
daughter. of Joseph and Minnie Shaw,
3rd line, Morris twp., fell asleep in.
Jesus at the early age of 21, "Tot,"
as she was lovingly callers by her
friends, had been in poor health for
over a year and despite all that doc-
tor's skill and laving care could do
she passed' to the Great Beyond,
sweetly trusting in her Saviour. The
funeral conducted by fere. Dr, Petrie,
Wingham, was held from her late
hone Saturday afternoon and was
very largely attended, showing the
high esteem In which she was held
"Toll wee a general favorite with
young and old, one who by her laving
disposition and kindly manner en-
twined herself around every person's
heart, She will be greatly missed,
especially in her own home and to her
fi•leuds the deepest heartfelt sym-
pathy of the community is extended.
The pallbearers were 0 young friends
of the deceased 3. Yuill, W. McDon-
ald, J. Bowman, J. AlrFarlane, A,
Stewart and 11, Sellers. The floral
offerings, which were beautiful were
carried by 7 girls tri it special car arid
wete as follows ;-Pillow, 8IBrussels
gGlirls ; spray, Jack,Guelphll; nAlrnandlspray, andJ
Gladys Mitchell,
and Mrs. Donald arid J. and etre. Ken-
nedy, Gttsiplc ; cross, Hazel, Archie
and Florence Stewart ; spray, Gen.
and Sirs. Henderson ; spray, Oatdiff
Best and Roy I9yekman ; spray, Joe
Wilton and Will. Bell ; '-pray, Addie
Cardiff, Lizzie Downing and Fred.
Hunter ; spray, •Jae, Fox and Malcolm
Black ; baeltet of ruaea, De. Sheer and
family, Clinton ; harp, 0 Wingham
chums ; spray, Mee. L"we and
Marian ; spray, efts, e1. Pair and
Mrs, A. Lamont ; spray, W. Ynill and
fancily ; wreath, N, F. and Mrs,
Gerry ; white roses, D. C. and Mrs,
Ross and. R. J. and Mee. Mt Lauchiin ,
carnations, Mis S Be
unr[t Wing -
ham ham ; Cala lily, sirs Geo Lckmiet ,
pillow, Melville ohutch Endeavor ;
violets, Suuvtiine Committee Mel-
ville church ; pillow, W. A. Shaw,
Vancouver. The friends ;'reel a dis-
tance ttho attended were :—t). Mac-
Donald, St. Helens ; Dr, J. W. Shaw,
Miss Madeline Shaw, Allies Grein -
ger and Mr, Stevenson, Clinton ; 1)r,
W. Shaw, Michigan ; Jae MacDon-
ald, Guelph ; Mrs. Hancock, Mrs.
Fraser and Mise Daiiuie, Galt ; ti Ben-
net and Miss Blanctie Bennett, Wing-
abin ; D. W. and Mrs. Ree, Wtexe-
Friday evening of this week, at 8
the teenier olosestas
of 4ren-
bic Famine' Glu ti
ll be held here.
i10Atb'nRTAUT,e brick house for sale, with
furnace, kitchen and wcorlshe,i, hard end soft
water, stable ,A`.e ,-itnetert on main street,Ethel. For particulars Phone 0205 or 1N0 Bres.
eels Central.
ConrnwrAlm n house and t acre lot for pale.
There i., n well. cement cistern and 0 -sal gar-
den, For farther particular's. Apply to
DAvrn `cANicae, Ethel, Picone 0115
Mies E. Peer eon spent Studley with
Atwnnd friends.
11. and Mite Ackert, of Lncknow,
were visitors at H. Dobson's over the
week end.
Hall's & Sou have had a new sign
erected in the place of the 0110 so long
occupied by that of John McDonald.
Rumors of it garage are prevalent
It would bonst the time and at: a line
site is avnileble any project in this
(Breathitt should be 1t artily support-
ed by the cnmcnuuily,
A business meeting of the Cow-
munit.y Olub will be held in the sehonl
an Tuesday, April 19th at 8 o'clock p.
m, to deride what will be clone with
cash on hand and also to pay any ac-
A, P. and Mrs. McKee attended the
funeral of Uw,c
Trteedity of htatweek and
panied home by the fn maty hfather,
3. rKae Toronto, AN spent a fav
weeks here
The Cole sale went well Tuesday,
totalling 21500 outside of the real
estate. Jae, Taylor, Anttioneer,
handled the hammer in goad style,
Mr. and Mrs. Cote and deu,,ltt.ei go 10
Stratford next week,
Monday of this week 9.5 ('.ole, who
is removing to Stratford, dicpnsed of
hie residence and 6 nt.rca to Wm,
Davidson, 121H Con, 0 e township,
for the sum of 52,000, Pur,yhaser will
get early pnssessian.
The W. el, S. and Ladies' Aid held
their monthly meeting et the home of
Mrs. J. K. Halls last Thursday when
Miss Lucy Sanders and :tits. S. 8,
Cole were presented with Lite Mem-
berships print to their leaving.
Hew about prizes for ex -students of
one Public schools who make up the
Ethel School Fair? 'Chis would help
to stimulate agricultural interests and
would benefit the community. In-
stitutes and Oominunity Chiba might
give the matter some ennsidei'atlnn.
Union Temperance meeting will be
held in Melville nitttrch, Bruseels, Pri-
cing evening of this weak, at 8 c'elock,
Rev, Dr. IIarkneee will give the ads
rheas and Ruthven McDonald, the
well known fornni❑ baritone, will
sing, Offering will be taken toward.
expenses of Refereudurn. All will be
Thursday and Friday
April 21 & 22
Expecte will be at Brussels to
demonstrate, in a School of In.
etruction, at the Ford Garage
tate construction of the Fordson
It will be taken to pieces and
put together again and the war.
10118 parts explained.
All owners of Tractors or those
interested in such machines are
urged to attend and profit by
the demonstration which will be
FREE to everybody,
Keep the date clear and visit
hard Garage
Turnberry St. Brussels
Last Sunday evening Rev. F. 8.
OICeli delivered an excellent and time-
ly address an the coming vote on the
importation of liquor, urging upon all
electors the necessity of marking their
X opposite the word "Yee" on April
Regular meeting of the Oranbrook
Farmers' Olub will be held at Man-
crieff, Friday evening of this week,
15th inst., at 8 o'clock.
R. 13, Stevenson, Jas. Dickson and
Stewart Miller have gone to the
West for the Summer, piob.
ably. Kelfleld, Sask„ will be their
location for the season's work in all
likelihood as a number from this lo-
cality are located there.
BROKEN LEG.—Weduesday of last
week, Miss Berva, daughter of Luke
0. Speiran, 15th Oon„ had the misfor-
tune to have her left leg broken below
the knee. She had been driving a
team on the land roller and was un-
hitching them. One trace was
yet un-
fastened when the horses started and
being frightened pulled the roller over
lAllea Speiran's limb, doing the damage
stated. Owing to the bad swelling
the broken bones were not set for
several days. Many friends wish Miss
Berva a speedy recovery.
MATRIMONIAL.— Wednesday after-
noon of last week, April 8th, at the
Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, Rev.
W. E. Stafford, B. A., tied the nuptial
bow between Joseph E. Jacklin and
Miss Lily Mae, only daughter of 0.
and Mrs. Conley, all of Grey town-
ship, The bride wore a becoming
costume of white silk, with white silk
overdress, white hat and veil. The
principals were unattended. A recep-
tion washes theevening
d in1 at the
home of the bride'sp areata where a
most T
spent. time was enjoyable s he
] y p
wedding gifts were numerous, valu-
able and well chosen. Mr. and Mrs.
Jacklin will make their home on the
groom's farm, Lot 14, Con. 4, and
commence married life with the
hearty good wishes of a wide circle of
relatives and friends. Groom's gift to
the bride was a necklace Set with
pearls and an emerald drop, A show-
er was Lendered Mrs, Jaeklin and a
large assortment of useful articles
presented, accompanied by plenty of
fuu and good wishes.
Bel,; rave
Ordination and induction service of
Mr. Jones, was held Tuesday after-
noon in Presbyterian church. •
Last Friday, the W. M. S. of Knox
church held their regular monthly
meeting in the schoolroom of the
church. After devatiouali exercises,
taken by President, Mrs. Jas. Taylor,
the minutes of previous meeting were
read also Treasurer a report and visit-
ing committee's report. A new com-
mittee appointed. Mise Mitchell, .Field
Secretary addressed the meeting tell-
ing of her work in foreign ,and , speaking home -
I nil e
e saki'- in articular of
wonder ful work the doctors and
nurses are doing and how grateful the
foreigners ate for anything done for
then(. Also referred to the Chinese in
B, 0. and how they shame us by their
interest in the Bible and their endeav-
or to live a Christian life, Mrs. Jas.
Michie rendoted an appropriate solo
and the tweeting was closed with
Church Chimes
Rev. W. E. Stafford preachers in Mel-
ville church last Sabbath evening,
Rev. Dr, Ross, Toronto, may be the
preacher in Melville church next Sun
Arrangements have been made to hold
the annual Syuod meeting of the Dioc-
ese of Huron in London on May gth.
REFEEENDDM —The cause of Prohibi-
tion received a fine boost last Sunday by
the well placed addresses of Rev. M. J.
Wilson, Exeter, who spoke in Melville
church in the morning and the Metho-
dist churcb in the evening. He elabor-
ated the subject under the threefold in-
terrogatione : —(tat)—Where did it
start ? (and)—Where is it going ? and
(erd)»-leas it power to get there? The
:meeker made out a good case and show-
ed the iniquity of thellquor traffic, the
folly of Government control, and the
foolishness of the course advocated by
Liberty League. Every lover of the
sacredness of the borne, the duty of
helping the clot: ell and the •1lit;:ati"n of
uillifting the wntd:tv,s utttril to no;k
t r
v i
and vote for th ti t t a l e sir•
n ,, y 1114
110,, to he voted on, . She l uitgtatt
ibusisstio addreesoa will do good. Al
the Methodist al'burei' a Reale 'e it t t was
it charge of the 'masked numbers,
Ceti. Ji tENnsn To Rx,, Mit Ala.
Lsoo.—A well attended , meeting of
Melville congregation was held. Mashy
evening;, with Rev Dr. Pet 05, Wings
ham, interim Moderator, in the chair, to
deal Wlth the question of milling re pas-,
Lor to StiecesSOrto R v A, 1 Mann. 4
extra gond men had been heard and on
agreeing gt ug tri vola n clear nt.tjoriCY vets
shown for Rev. Mr. McLeotl,.of enviers
ing, who 'preached bete in, April 3113.
Salary Was placed at t&teuo, wilts manse
and 4 weeks vacttion e,elt year. P,:A.
McArthur, A, Stevar, R. Strachan and
jas. McFadzean were appointed to rep-
resent the e0ngragotiou at Maitland
Presbytery, at Belgrave, 'Tuesday. If
call is accepted the indention will take
place oc a nearby (lets Rev. Air. Mc-
Leod has been ei years a, 'NI timing,
Sarnia Presbytery, before whom the
call will be placed,
W. M. S,—Last Sabbath morning
Rev. I)r, Linen, Lis'ovet, g.,ve a very
timely and • reeticel address in the
Methodist church utt the ,c.is-icn of the
anniversary of the W. 51 1' I1 toek
for his text Matt 27.55 a { ;yn orient
were there, b to'sit,;, Star ff no (fol-
lowed Jesus from Gale , nt'n s;ering
unto Him." After rt irt lel env,e to the
trueness of womaubr•o1 1 Jc; is then
and now and their m,nt rt` ti,t.r':ee of
penefit and value 'u ciente,. hospi-
tals, borne and other 1 •r,l trusts he
outlined 3 special poittts r importance
she should follow in tot : ;fit it t for
her betterment by the rv.nni (t) Ch.
Man Stewardship ; (z) Lnla`i ctltit i 1
and evangsliza `on of '.. Ron ai in toe
world : (3) I, aS w'•tnron f01k to sec win-
ning organization t r the Temperance
vote on the 13ai Inst. iit,'tplenilid
workone by the W. M. S in the past
40. ears in China. Japan, among the
Indians in the West aid etttewhere was
dwelt upon arta hearts commended
as was their ma"ito l-t..,ii;ance to
the childhood and womanhood of this
age, $341,oa0 were rr ed by itis or-
ganization last yen• v x, .. (need) rsaip
is now over 1.2.on , , e, :, 1 with:.
Methodism. 'Pitt thrr,,nom and seevt-
tude of the women of t -he East mw' larg-
ely in the hands of the C n t tt women
and their 148 missionar Post history
demonstrated the tema ltab:e advad&e
of the cause which commends itself to
the church at large Dr. Hazra handled
the subject well. The thank -offering
asked isn e
�:o o . Rev, Mn
Stafford preached at Lita.! Sabbath
Brussels Continuation School
Easter Tests.
Below are listed the names of etud-
ents in order of merit with average
standing. Reports of malice in each
subject have been given to students.
Parents are requested to ei,twult these
lists. The Principal will be glad to
discuss these results wits, interested
Form III—Normal Entrance, No
indication is given in this list as to
subjects in whichi
student, took k bels
40 .per cent the reqtitr
t•d prise. Re-
quired average 00 per cent. *:W. Wil-
ton 88, *M. Mauniers'311, 53, Arm-
strong 76, le. Stewart 67, W. Me -
Dowell 67, M. Brown 51, R. Giant, 49,
D. Walker 49, E. Martin 47, V. Hall
46, E. Smith 45, P. Alderson 42, L.
McArter 41, A. Stewart 89. In addi-
tion the following paA'ed in rmrtr'Irula-
tion subjects;—*Al, Wilton 76, J.
Armstrong 65, F. Stewart 60.
Fprm 1I—Lower School Normal
Entrance, Average 60 ; required 60
per cent. Subjects in brackets indi-
cate failures. *J. Turnbull 79, °J-
Miller 78, E. Dark (hist.) 71, A. Me-
Fadzean 67, T. Burgess 65, N. Shaw
65, V. Hahne 6I, J. McVettie. 6.1, M.
Nolan 63, O, Dennison (Arith.) 62,
N. Hoover 61, M. Hoover (Arith,) 60,
E. Fraser 50, 0. Dennis 59. 0. Hall
(Hist.) 56, M. McDnurall (:Spell.) 51,
J. Walker 47, C. Cameron (Arith.,
Gram.) 46, el. Oliver (Gram., Hiet.) 44.
The following is the average stand-
ing in all subjects including 6 sub-
jects of Part 1 not shnwu above.
(Failures in subjects not listed) Latin
bonus included, *J. Miller 83, *,J
Turnbull 82, E. Dark 73, T. Burgess
72, h1, Hoover 70, 3, MaVettie 09, V,
Heist 69, A. Monaural) 1 a zeas Uu ,1
. Notate
64 O. Dennis 03,.,1 Shaw t]
N. c 1•,
er 61, C. Hall 58, E. . Dr nr gni ,ill M.
McDougall 49, J. Wzlker 47, E Oliv-
er 46, 0. Oamerone30, -N. houvet (did
not write on Part I suhjeett..
Note—All those marked * obtained
Form I—Peelle were examined in
Science, Alg., Read., Comp., Spell.,
Writ„ French, Gram., Lttt. M.
Jewitt 89, M. McNair 84, L. Thuell
74, 0. Strachan 71. A. Ballantyne 60,
0. Bolger 88, R. Askin 68, K. William-
son 68, M. Pas'ttu.t'e 68, G. Best 65,
L, McKay 64, O. Ottrdiff 60, M, Wond
00, M. Baker 60, (3. Stewart 58, M. Al-
cock 68, 3. Messer 50, G. Lckmiet 46,
PILE up a great majority tor a dry On-
tario next Monday and help make this
Province safe for the bays and girls,
Mark your X opposite the Yes on (baa
hal lot,
REBEx1tNDIIM NOTES.—Ii avert t:lixr,t•
bee voter inOntarioere , 4•,tes sirs or her
franchise at the centime ltoierendutn,
voting ou which takes place Monday,
April 18th, approximately lCoo0
votes will be cast of uus
women will be entitled to vote.
Whether the housewife twirl for:iako the
proverbial "washday" to go 1.' '1,. 11011,.,
to "clean up" the elate ()teenier side of
the two factions remains so be Leon.
The outcome of the Refereur:Wm de..
pends on a straight majority of votes