HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-7, Page 8• 4r • For your rooms .1. will not be • COMM as hard n task this season • as sometimes,. • Our stock is 'r largeand then t]i the colorings and designs of g the new Papers ers are . be ti. 1 qn au u • that one has the 4. desire to have them right away, frti 4'44a4440+44,44gra.4+ 4.$444444414 044.lb'M ?4; pring o o ss Picking New Wall Paper • • • • Ji - h • • Pattern; quit• able for Living Rooms, Halls, Dining Rooms, Bedroome, Kitchens, &c. See them, teem eleeelltSn:ts ea is e flOMF to is for a bottle of Colorite and uoe it on lest 'year's ct raw hat. J1feket o or q new s it look just like will color it moot any shade jou want, to match a new (Ureas. .In sixteen 0n10rs1 SET BLACK CERISE DULL BLACK BURNT STRAW CARDINAL RED BROWN YELLOW VIOLET NAVY BLUE LAVENDER CADET BLUE OLD ROSE VICTORY BLUE CRAY SAGE GREEN . NATURAL ^' CJ1oore your favorite warn from oar color card. Price 30c a bottle Wider WaU Paper Most of the uew Papers are wid. er and the roil is 22 in wide instead of 1$ in, The advantage of thin added width is espec- ially uoticeable In the Tare D Y and Chintz ' Pat- terns, at -terns, where there is more scope given for working out the design, We still have a few of the last yea.'s Wall Pap- ers which are being sold at Bargain Prices. FORMALDEHYDE KILLS SMUT ON GRAIN 1'hc season for using this great Germicide is almost here, and nettling like getting a supply early. Formaldehyde is to be had in I lb. and Ib bots. SLIMMER QUARTERLY PICTORIAL FASHION BOOR is now on sale. Price 25e. F. B. SMITH The1> vhowee, Store Druggist and Stationer +.44'r'4d'0'3'+e.I•'O+6++.+0+0+•+•4. +40.40+4.04'4.+®4-4!'*+31,44+4.+44 PIIIMM116111M111=1•1111011.110411 M11•3116.11.1111011101.1111.0. gataLitebas kerns I Two good bugles for sale, rubber and steel tires. .Apply to Tai. Hum, 401. line, Morris. Phone 649. HAY for nate. About a ton of good mixed hay, fine for either cow or horse. FAIL wheat looks flue. G. A. Delineate. LocAL news on page 5 of this issue. Dube' begins to blow on Turuberry street. FISHING in the Maitland is on the program. Roans are improving and Automobile traffic increasing correspondingly. THE slogan now is 'Clean up your premises and be ready for visit of the Sanitary Inspector," RESERVE Friday evening of next i Flamini fennel on the lith Con. of Grey, week for the Temperance Rally in Mel- ; Raster Sunday- Call Tam Bneasmra Pon or Ville church, Rev. Mr. Gallen and phone 488. W RITE Arneson clover seed for aisle. Extra Ruthven MacDonald will be the talent,good quality. Phone 4219. Gsomot BLARE. Tell everybody about it. 1 DUCK eggs for hatching. Phone 5112. ANNOUNCEMENT —The marriage of WRITE blossom sweet Moyer need for Bale. Miss JuneveTat lor, formerly OE Bilis- W, C. sTEVENsmN, Lot 27, Con. 10, Grey. sels, to Norman D. Munro, t Rose• 1 Phone 508. town, Sask., will take place in Moose- LAaoa brood,.wand litter for sale, The ]steel• are nearly 8 Weeks old. Apply to jaw, about the middle of April. Eaxgs'r Bn&r, Lot 57, Con. 4, Grey Twp. YOv may have a good watch or clock Phone 894. but by incompetent repairing you lost Roos eon HATCRINO.—Martin'x exhibition faith in it, bring is to me and I will re- Regal strain Dorcas, White Wyandotte eggs, at ions apiece. Phone 489. J. E. come pair the worst wrecked watch or clock RAKE, R. R. 2, Brussels. reasonably, J. G. JONES, Brnsaela. QCAemere Or reeler snohor poste for sale. DOMESTIC Science Course is now in W Hneurroza,Lo118, Con. 7, Grey township. fell swing at the Public Library Aud- Phone 04a. lance room. Members are castled to I O. A. C, seed oats, 72 for sale, Olean and the full course of LO lessons for 25 cents !free from noxlona woad seeds. Ale 1 heifer, 9 (i yearn uld,in calf. fee. Non-members 5o cents. All whoPhone2510, 7Ae. PRISED!.join are entitled to membersbip for en- I CHEVROLET 2nd hand touring one for sale. cuing year in Institute. A real bargain. Enquire otD. M. Scott, Ford LEAVING TowN.—S. Weinstein, who Garage, Brnese1e, bassant the est 21years in Brussels', ; EARLY geed potatoeo,Irish Cobbler variety. p p for sale JNn Wonx, Lot 1, Con, 8, Grey intends removing to Toronto where he Twp, Phone2118. hes a good p Sidon. He is announcing PAY UP.—All nereons indebted to the under. an Aucti+ n Sale of house and lot, Ford signed are asked to kindly sgpara uo aecoontx st 0000, �ero. enllran080 aro placed in other truck and household furniture, &c ,for Sande, A, L. KEan, Bruxeele, Saturday aftermeen, reth inst., at 2 EOos FOREAeonree.—Rerred Racks, good o'clock. D. M. Scott will be the Aum- living strain, I gathered 500 eggs in Jan.. tioneer. See the bilis or call Phone 62x. 1117 in Feb and 1480 in Mareb up to she 21st. 5 0 the month Eggs wilt be •old at 760 nor 15. THE store belonging to R. Leather- White Leghorn, Barrens attain. eggs 75c per dale, and Tenanted by Walker & Black, 15. Wu. GRANT, Lot e, Con. 12, Grey. Phone has been purchased by Russell Wheeler, 25a'nonT Horn ball pwty ex far anti 7 and 1t of Kincardine, formerly of Brussels. months reopeetively. One from en lmnorred He won't get possession until close of Aire. Priced to sell Lot ID, Con, 0, Morrie present tenancy, Mr, Wheeler purposes township. Phone 166. Jonu Snare. 884f embarking in the Furniture and under- Warren snoseoar Sweet Clover Seed for Bale. taking business. He is a practical man x500 par huehonele591L0ot 80, Con. s, Morrill, PhTixoe, PIERO., ' being now engaged as 50 upholsterer iu Szmn Oats for pale, limited quantity, O. A. the Malcolm factory, Kincardine. Mrs. C. No. 72. Free trona noxronoweeds Wheeler is a daughter of 'lames and Mrs. Bowman, now of •Toronto. DIAMOND W1(DDSNG.—Robt. and Mrs. Smith, of Hullett Township, celebrated their diamond wedding at their home Tuesday afternoon of last week. 7o guests including their children, grand- children and great-grandchildren, as- sembled, Mr and Mrs, Smith were married in 186r by Rev. Wm. Graham. Egmonctvllle, marl spent the first 7 years of thei. married life on a farm in '1'uck- eramith, They aflerwarde removed to MoKiliop, where they remained for 5 years, after which they located in Hul- lett, Mr. and Mrs. Smith were`present- ed with a purse of gold by the family. Mr. Smith is a brother to Alex, Smith, John street, Brussels. ('OMOORTARLI. house on h1111 street, Brno• sola, with stone foundation, cellar. woodshed, splendid well, good stable and Bore lot for nabs. Am leaving town hence want to sell. ('ell and see it. S. WRIEST/UN, Prop. Phone 82x REGISTERED Durham cow for sale. Alco 135 brishele timothy seed. HAMER HRYANa Phone 128. Seed male. ACAAPBELL, Lot 12, Con. Greaa eyTwp Phone 8919. H. 1.. ',rAYL001, itrnsoem r;. R, 2 Lot 15, Oon. 18, Grey. Phone 1110. Rolls to rent for a dwelling across the hall from Dr. Hamlltnn'e office. .Apply to Moe. A. MCKELvoY, 020 Huron St., Toronto. Di$TRABLE property for sale in Bruaaelaeon- elating of a large store and comfortable dwell• ing houees. Bergsin for quick wale as 1 am re, moving to Winnipeg. For further particulars apply to R. LsATannnALR, Phone 87 Two well bred Short Horn Mille for sate, aged 2 and 13, year'', Lot 26, Con. 18, Grey. Phone 4015 Geo, WerT,tILD. Foe. SALm.—The residence of J. T. Weed, Albert street, Brnesela. All moderneonven• fences; 1, were of land; most eligibly Situated; garage. Come and see it If Interested. Dn. PASOER, Osteopathic Phyelcien, visite Bruapels Monday afternoon of each week, Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated. Visits residences. Consultation at Queen'n Hotel. REPmceENTAT1v1 WANTED for Rroaeelo and Burns, County to represent "The Old Reliable FIRE AT SHAMROCK CREAMERY.— Foothill Nurseries. Blg enles are to be made About 3 o'clock Saturday morning the inae111ng Nursery stook during the reoon- fire bell routed folk out of bed and it 0 SISe nal gene .e splendid opportunity rot s live salesman. Highest comminnlons wfd, was found the.seene or the fire was at handsome, free equipment, litres line of fruit the Shamrock Creamery, of Councillor and ornamental stook to offer. SToas & A. L, Stewart. Time was lost from the wmr.r.rl GTox, Toronto, one fact that hose had ter be, carried Across the river, the engine being located at rear of Walter Lowry's barn. Once the water began playing on the building the fire was subdued. Damage done was the burning of a good share of tbe flat roof, the scorching of wooden butter Some of the Ilam crop of last year that was in the fields all Winter is being Mulled to the mill, The latter will soon start work again we understand. 'rile Pose is very sorry to hear that boxes stored upstairs and damage to Betty, tete bright little daughter of Ben, fi>or, etc. Itis to be hoped the building and Mrs. Walker, St. Catharines, fell' r5 eau soon be put in repair as a large trade Is carried on int butter -making and It would be sorely missed, Tice Pose understands the property is insured. feet from it balcony et their home ou Triereley. Mrs. David Walker, of town, left for St. Cetbarincs Wednesday morn. ing, Master Key OF THE SCRIPTURES TO many persons the Serip- ttlros are very dry and un- intsrestiug reading, and very diticule of ent'rect under- stendhtg'and coufnees' many by the different nterpretations, ite- cording to the denomination in. torested. Like party, led h'clans they all see It their awn ear'the. utas' way when in reality Litere is nnly one 1tWl-I'I' way, the W,cv the blaster lied i11 ruru(1. The author of "The Muster Key," like Oalt eo, seems endow- ed withp( ind Rant an ins Ira i m makes Script ute reading sn Plain l r.feel and irltet atwg that you n like e fihiahing it before yuu lay it aside. Get it in the Public Library CAR OF FEED Corn Expected Thursday of this week. Alf. Baeker Phone 5 BARRISTER SINCLAIR WaS at Goderich this week attending Co, Court, Ian Stewart, of Creemore, formerly of Brussels, is in town this week. The Easter music of the previous Sun- day was repeated in 51, John's eburctt last Sabbath. AN interesting letter from 1. H, Ker• 1way, now n California,GaI farn•as to hand I Y, • Iappear next l week. THE Maunders family move to the cosy home bought from A. L. Kerr. corner of William and Albert streets. Mlody and Mrs. Holland and sons have taker, possession of the home thee recently purchased from Mrs. George Cardiff, john street. DON'T forget the Auction '.?ale of tbe 5o acre farm in Grey township at Am- erican Hotel, Brussels, Saturday of this week, at p. m. See advt. It H. Green, formerly of Brussels, has disposed of his grocery business in Cayuga. after to years experience, and he sad Mrs. Green will locate in Simcoe town. He is a Government Dairy Io • specter. IT is interesting to watch the fish "climbing" the broken place in the mi.l dam in their determinatinn to get op stream. A sport informed 'fern POST that some of them jumped at least 3 reef in making the grade. 'Phis is a cold water story lint vouched for. MARX DOWN THE DATE.—Friday evening, 15th inst., a rousing Temper ante gathering will he held in Melville church, in closing, np the Referendum campaign. Rev. Kenneth Gallen will be the snesker of the evening and Ruthven MacDonald, the wall know baritone of '1't,ronto, will sip,; severe' solos. Meeting opens or 8 •'^rock. Eve, ,body will be wetconi .i tl avlarge audience is expected JAS. Fox, local agent. for 'Peulpleton's Rheumatic Capsules, end RP Z MAH for Asthma says these twn *'standard remedies are selling better eve.y day, FOOT BALL promises to be a very lively sport this season with ala-ge number of teams in the race for the silverware. Brussels is in the number, S T. PLUM & Son have pot up a moo gallon water tank on their bur house, to be utilized as a supply in wishing rigs The firm have also invested in a Chet, rolet touring ear which will cnmple'e their livery barn nnidt. Th.' are de • termined to be up tredtte, COUNTY COURT THIS CV/ EX —judge Dickson is pies:d,nt ata sitti'tg of the County Court this week, enmm'•ccfnr on Tuesday. The oases ne 'he 'Sock." include Craigie v, Htimher rarer& Steamship Co. v. Poe•ell. rlarke v Huron Flax Mille (Seaforih) viaPhee v Clarke and McPhee v 1" enabip of Colborne. B179INRSS M ENS' As4'OCIATInN.—Toes day evening the annual mea',,'.' of thit. organiz+tion was held iu the audience room of the Public Library .villi a good attendance. D. C. Ross, Pr. .;dent, it the chair. Minutes of lass er, '-ting wet. read and adopted. Officers no ;rest yea` were re-elected as follows t• - Presideut. D. C. Ross ; Vice President. A. C. Seeker; Secretary, F'. H. Gilroy: Treasurer, r,. r4 ;Semis Ex. r ale°, S T. Plum, R. F. Downion A'd G. R Weller, It was decided to observe weekly half holidrys n" 7' `,h' asir pact years, cemmeneml, M. i rth ant. concluding Sept. 2q'l', eotion e day of sports will be held ao !Stn mittee is asked 10 rernrt 011 -,amt' re next meeting. Resolution An p,.^eel to circulate a petition urge ^g Dominion Government to proceed wins *he erec- tion of a Postoffice on the she purchased some years ago. 011ine Main street and the securing er Hydrt, - 1,, discussed both heist; 1,roe•erl t0'104(('1 t: as most dG:11,1MC ACCnriolIF'lrlents. Council will 508111e a tank ut %iteet oil, Earlier closing of the bustne.,: elacee Sotttrday night fond fever with the majority present and M. Black and Jae. Fox were chosen to interview the Council on tbe passing of a Tiy'htw mak• ing ri p rn. the closing hour on Sahli. day as well as nights preceding heti. days, Regular meeting night M the Association will be 1st Tuesday or `soli month. Every business man and WO. MED in Brussels should belong to this organization which might be made a most helpful body. Your Seed Grain TO obtain maximumyields you needto sow Test- ed Seed Grain. "1'o purchase goad seed you may require financial assistance Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. Casasff aur !teal Manager TIt8 STANDARDI3ANK,ss TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Brussels Branch: • G. H. Semis, Manager. YI People We Talk About j tT Athol MeQuarrie, Toronto, was cell, ing '1 In town this week. s 1 on friends MISS Margaret Wilson, of Goderich, was holidaying- here last week with old' friends. W 1f. and Mrs. Willis, Wingham, were in town last Sunday calling on old friends. Miss Beatrice Harris was home from her school at Winona last week for the Easter vacation. Robert and Mrs. Work and children, Toronto, are here ou a visit with rela- tives and old friends. Ino. Meadows has been bothered with a sore hand. something Tike blood poisoning being the trouble. G. W. Weller is away this week but will return shortly accompanied by a bride. Particulars next week. C. and Mrs. Gregory, of Wingham, were guests at the home of J. T. and Mrs. Wood, Albert street for a few days Rev T. E. Sawyer and friends Londesboro', were visitors at the home of Wm, and Mrs. McCracken, Princess street. Mrs. Harry Kirkby and daughter. Loudon, were visitors with Josepb and Mrs. Querin last week. The former is a daughter. James and Mrs. Matthews, Ford. wish, were visitors with Grant and Mrs. Fraser, Turnberry street, The guests are relatives. George Crooks, who bas been visiting at Toronto, is here for a 'stay with rola• rives and old friends. fee is enjoying fairly good health, A. L. and Mrs. McDonald, Miss Dor- is and Ian. Brussels, were visiting Mrs. McDonald's parents, W. and Mrs. Bartley, last week, at Listowel. Tail POST issorry to hear of the ill - health of Mrs, Harry James, who has had a Beige from iufi.lmmatory rheuma tism. We hope she will soon 'be Mee - of it. A. McKelvey, who has spent sever- al months here, under the ,paental roof. left for bis home in the West Tuesday of this week. He put in a busy Winter here but left a big pile of woad to shore for it. Jno. and Mrs. Robb and little grand son have moved from the farm, 611: line, Morris .township, to the home of the late Mrs. Procter, corner Alexandb+ and Flora streets. We welcome them to Brussels in which they are nu strangers. Ru,sell Wheeler, Kincardine, was visiting ha town and locality during the past week. He was returning fion, Toronto where he had been for past 7 weeks undergoing treatment for his left eye. which had beeu scratched by a tack in a piece of upholstering goods he way shaking. Good progress bas been mad and he will soon be o. k. This week Mrs. 'Elwell sr. and soli James went to Kiuburn, where the form- er will visit with her daughter, Mrs Add'e Colclough and James will take charTe of the farm. Mrs. Thuell, who is 82 years of age, spent the past 20 years in town. Sbe WaS 54 years it• Morris township, where Mr. Thuell diet 33 years ago. She has not sold her home in Brussels but leased it. Probabilities are Mrs Thuell will holiday in Tot - onto with her daughter, Mrs. Melotosh, this coming Summer, Sbe is a smart old lady, Brussels Council Regular monthly meeting of Brim - eels Council was held Monday even- ing. Present Reeve and Councillors Wilton, Fraser and McCall, Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Following accounts were presented F. R Smith, Formaldebyde .....>$ '75 THE POST 20 76 R. Olivet', salary:...... 75 01) TbuelMovedlbyaW4 torn andd n 6 elcCallt 00that aceminte he paid. Carried, By.Law No. 8, 1021, was passed to arrange for borrowing money for cur- rent expenses. Olerk reported no word from Hydro Commission and also That balance of 1)ebenbuiee were sold. Should nil be 'used on Main Street was briefly disenseed and a representa- tive from oil Company is expected. George Birt asked for settlement for wood cutting, Council requested him Lo present his account in full. Improverneuts to boiler at Electric Light plant was introduced by Robt. Thuell but left over to see what word will coma re Hydro. Gertitrg the street grader out to level eff,$ome of the roads was spoken of, Council then adjourned, HORN FEAR.— I1 Morrie township, on April lot, 1021, to ler. and Mrs. Runnel' Fear, a Am Reen.—In Vancouver, B 0., on Marsh 80th, 1991, to Mr. and Mrs. John Harold Kerr,'" daughter,—Virginia Elizabeth. IdGCA,daltt. Tn Morrie township, on Morph 25t11, 1021, to Mr. and Mrs. Furley mooe1• tem, n eon. Motion en --'ID Grey townnhip, on March 2181, IPA, to Mr. and Mrs. John 0, D10D0neld, o daughter—Jean babel, SNstn.—In Grey township, on March 18th 1021, to Mr, and M. John A, Snell, a son— Vernon Ames. Horses for Sale Matobed Learner geldings, rieing 1 genre, will weigh about 2,000 pounds. Sound end 1n good condition, M. L, CARDIFF, Phone 428 It, R.2, Ormolu, MARRIED ' Jonx�kN`7-fa ( tlnittlad rrtlten, 0e. ,ot.,Ito itie110 o+�W ,ior, dan,.Rdmentou, Ont.. formerly of Bruasela. WlLKooanN—GILLI1ePl e, --On March 2ir111, b1 '. residence oflis brother,t r 0- at k11. 1, n Georg Calgary, ry,lkAlia.,.Li Rosedale Russell R cacti Lieut. W. u n ': ni taro Alta. LI a oat C Wilkinson stili of Rev. JaineeMi and tew, rt, only dos Tol,tav 01 to Ileo EeooeGe l- arc,nary}• , an,4 or . the Into Gamerrge y of lespio Esti , nr;d, 61 rs. Gillespie, formerly of WFt1Bilam, Out Dif-.D BUEosas--In;Btu:rale, on March 2511+, 1921, Elizabeth. Rirberdson, relipt pf late John Surpass, aged years null 4 Inert/la. HALLIDAY-fu Oo.erlch on 1oturd.fy, Mertes18,10.11. Andrew Halljdav'n his 50th year. 741LLER—At the c 'ltlldrettel Hoopitol, Toro,, - to, on April 4th, 1901, Cores Sand, dnugb ter of Thome'. and Myrtle Miller, aged. 5 monde and 111 (lava. 81.O 921, Jri et A7rrno0,sbeloved on April Geo. Munn, aged 40 yams and 8 months, AUCTION SALES THURSDAY, APRIL 7Ta.—Farm, form stock, implements, &c. W35 Lot 20, Con. 12, D10K1llop township. Sale at 1 o'clock. Fred. H. Jack- son, Prop. ; Thomas Brown, Aso. t BRUSSELS MARKET S3 00 Fall Wheat 01 70 Oats 60 50 Peas 175 170 Barley.rr660 80 Eggs 28 28 Bayo . 18.00 20 18 00 Auction Sales AUCTION -SALE OF HOUSE AND LAND" STOOK, MAORINaRY, 101020171100, 010.— Jas. 0:Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer, has received instrno- tronefrom the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at S. S. Cole's 51111 Yard, Ethel, on Tuesday, April 12th, ar 1 o'clock, the following property : 1 cow 7 years old due to freshen, leow 7 years old due to freshen last of ,lune, 60 white Leghorn hens Barron strain, Ford ear 1918 modet,.lamber.wagon, light wagon buggy, cutter, cart, heavy sleigh, light sleigh, set heavy iron wheels for wagon, plow, set S sea. tion harrows, ecufer, turnip muffler, scraper, turning lathe, 1150 h. p.gas engine, rip saw and frame, 20 in new, in. caw, 87 in. saw, quantity of whiffietrees and doubretrees, iron visa, wooden vise, grindstone and frame, 70 feet of I inch gas pipe,sat doable harneoe, set of tight berness, pair leather fly nets, cotton fly net, grain cradle, scythe, brook book, 00 cards short stove wood, quantity of ceder poets, quantity of lumber, number of pnlloya, cement mixer, planks, wheelbarrow, bolts, shovels and cement block machine, 2 box stoves and pipes, pick, aceop shovel, hay fork pulleys end rope, 2 pairs of Ice tenger0, k pump heeds nearly new, oross out caw, 8701 8 in. robber belting, 24 -ft 6 in. rubber belting, 16 ft. 4 in. rubber belting, 24 ft. 8 in. Onosey belting, 27 ft. ladder, 40 peeled pole rafters 20 ft, long, 5 piece parlor suite, writing desk, par• for table, gasoline lamp, parlor lump banging lamp,. Daisy churn, gnaoilne stove, 2' creamery cane, china bedrooni ea. cream separator and numerous other articles. The &storey' 8 roomed (muse, and 0 acres of lend will be offer- ed for sale the Boma day ohm the frame build- ing 22x64 feet used as n factory, built in two sections, and may be bought as one or in two parte. The sale will be without reserve. Terme.—All slums of 55 and under pooh ; over that amount 8 months credit given on furnish- iehing Approved Joint Notes. 4 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. Terms for Real Estate made known on day of onto or on apt plication to e. 21. COLE, Proprietor. • 0 Colorite s We17 hav0oleorits. in • Gives perfect eatie- favtion, 30o per boats, Si' Ilyrrnfltt'a''97'F1MM1f4061iri'il!' e3', Agr'o it•p*s,d77e1' i41.4+lr 11411110.1110114 Fox's .._.fir r Store +. THE STORE Weekly Store News Colors either Old or New Hate. s • • . • • • H4 • ••s 1 2 2 2 2 Blue Grass Condition Powder On of .our very bee for Heroes. Given immediate results. Large package same old price -25c.. 2 2 `3 ••• Dyes •• f : • Wo have%l:heon all— uI DIAMOND 01 DYOLA • SUNSIJ7' 2 RIT In all Cntheloveleas'irig • . Entirely reliable. Y • Paper Wali Have you favored us with a call to look over one Wall Paper Samples. Our invite - tion means exactly what we say, We shall esteem it privilege to have ars oppor- tunity to show you cur •tock. We'have a•very ex- tensive stook to select from and in view of the great- ly increased price of Pap- er thio year we are exceed- ingly fortunate in having it splendid stock of lamb sea- son's Papers to choose from ,,;at prices that will please you. Step in 1 • • • Formaldehyde. Not for many years hnye we ii had whetter article than we S have been fortunate in gat- • ting for tide season's nee and • . • at half the ellen of last • year's. Our pint bones are • pub up with a specially ace s cured metal cap so that any • part of the bottle not used • can be perfectly carried over • for another season's nee. • When yeti go to the trouble' • of treating your grain be • sure and get a' good article. • Two sizes— , • 8 ounce and 18 ounce bottles • I What About a Builder • Many people are just recovering from a heavy cold and are le • naturally in a run-down condition. Let ns recommend the •• old reliable •• 4. Penslar Cod Liver Extract • SIt will not disappoint you—Just try it and see. $1,00 per bottle •- i le FOX'S DRUG STORE • • DRUGGIST and STATIONER • •• •e5•e•o•sseeaseS5CUS•••••4.•sa•S••••••4..SS••4.••••3••• w _ "Careful Prescription Dispensers" Stock For Sale Durham cow, calved 8 menthe ago, to fresh- en in December ; Durham cow due April 28 • Durham cow due May 1 ; Durham ball 2 years old ; General purpose filly tieing 2 Years : General purpose bowie colt skiing 1 year' Blood colt rising 1 year, sired by Ike Medium ; 8 Leicester ewes ; 7 reglatered Ox- ford Down ewes. Would exchange colts on work horse. Reasons for selling rented pasture farm hes' been sold. R. C. CAMPBELL, Phone 4818 Lot 14, Oon.18, Grey Twp. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHAL,MOLOGTST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology Mo. Cormick Medroai College, Chicago, Ill. Three mEyesscorrectlya fitted with Meioses. st Head- aches, Inflamed Eyew, Granulated Eye Lido and other Eye troubles, canoed by Eye•atratn. relieved through properly fitted Glasses. Satlefaotion Aosured. Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door South of Dorrister Sinclair's o1Reet Office hours : to 12 a, m.; Ito 6p.m. Also Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Phone 26x ring 4 For Sale 2 Steen,2 years old, 2 Helfero 2 years old. 10 cords of Dry Wood, split ready for use. pine and elm. JNO. 0. COOK, 7th line Morrie, Phone 887 Brussels R. R. il, Farm to Rent One of the beat pasture forme to Grey to • root, 100 acres Spring Water and artier grove. Aliso a good agricultural horse rising 8 for Bele, a show horse, right` every way, works well angle or double. Price and terms easy. DAVID MILNE, Ethel Horses and Bulls for Bale Two roan Short EOM Dello also two span of working horses, mere', and geldings, and a choice Clydesdale Sudden rising 8 years old, weighing 1,600Ibs. THOS. KERIR, Phonated) Benfryn P, 0. AT THE Family Theatre, Brussels Saturday Evening, April 9th Pulsella Dean ,, • ' T£r1UN11/! 2saL JBH/'L M sTES ,O2oquar,on W `• "The 141-#17 f AStc uthorxl A $500,000.00 Production ADMISSION ADULTS 3oc, ; CHILDREN 150.