HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-7, Page 7Tho Sea Fish Catch
of 1920.
The total value of the Mt tleb catcall
In Canadian waters mu both coasts in
4920 ins e28,153,844. British Coewe
lea lea the provinces of the DentWon
With nearly half the Dominion value,
. or $12,412,773. Noire finale, on the
other side Of the contineet, took sec-
- " and place with ;8,703,000. Tee other
proriaCee In Order were New Bruits
viola $2,6A8,314i Quebec, $1,0133311
and Ponee Edward Island, $730,025,
Seamen contlirues to metntein its
place as Caneffiee 'steelier dell,Und
3920 it aceeuntea for the largestin-
•divIduel revenue with $8,130,876, from
a °atoll, of 1,130,278 eel. 000 secured
the second place with a °atoll a le
-871,294 ewt„ travang value of
-369. The lobeater catch of 376,865 ewt,
was worthr$4,249,480, taking the third
place among Canadian fish, and not far
behind it in value was the haflbu,,
whose tote' of 240,364 cwt. had a vat;
:of 63,368,068. Another fish which
reached over the Millen meek aurth
the Year was the herring, with a value
00 32,013,623 coming from the oath
of 2,148,986 esvts. Following in order
of Yultle come haddock, mackerel,
melt, sardines, pentacle lieke and
ousk„ and plicharde, well into the
thousands or dollars in value, and be-
low this figure alewives, oysters and
black Cod,
Tho principal flsli of the British
:Columbia Catch la salmon, the pro-
-vine° accounting for almost the ele
tiro Dominion toll 'with a value of
e7,778,100e Nova Sootta'a first fist is
the cod, in which the provinee ac -
Meets for by far the greater part o
the Dominion's total. In New 13runs
1 4 1111 II WIWI* 1111.11 1111 11.1. ilk 111k101.1 1111 11.1 WI% WO* Mk 101 I.)
tanned the mounds .and Ilte Wilds
1011001'end fern corner,
Birds Are Forst Volicemen.
Inseets lame d011 Alla are flOille
ret deal of eijury to the female or
evade. The forest' serviees, federal
ne provinelee are carrying out pre -
active '200880088., one thp tederal
tent of agrioulture, h•o.ue • state
entornolialatri Who devote all their
Tiergi@O to his work, Malay Insoles
PrOVinclal Board of fiefeth. Ontario c
0 or. Middleton 8111 b@ glad to anewer queetione an Pebllo Health Mato t
ters through this column. Addreati 4141 at the Parliament Oldgar 111 P
0 Toronto,
0 43
NA Int ura vab. viii, ira, lort vs, 111111,111111111111.1111.1111111 111111, 111, 111, 1 P
(Oreliiiinned from last ieeue.) have diaappeared erom the bode. t
The temperature during the refill assent sh ,a 1 - ae hes.. i
us methods are 'being devieed, but
he pubilo will be Most interested in
to wag that atone, out; el these pers,one to the aquare mile eempared
handa and feet, arid in addition the 0
P on e ay of°eying e a
period varies berm 100 deg, to 102
the tenni
Of the attack, and almost 88 aeon as
or j03 deg, according to the severity Pbiatathe eheale be
through ft sterilizer before being fee 't
and hey° all his clothes pat.':
given en antiseptie b
Mauro drops to normal the
papnine begin Co break, miming in lowed ts) mix or canto in contact With, '',1
other people, whether children oie ''
the so-called desqUemation. After Ode &duns, '11b
Stage the progress a the diseeee to- Although all discharges from nose : b
wards conyelescenee is uneventful, if
particular Care 18 UNITeT1 to ward off
the eomplicatelone which sometimes
arise in scarlet fever cases aral bring
VifICX3R,SE *1 0
The Toronto hospital For incur»
able% in afilitatIon with Bellevue and
Al II; eg 8 Itil=tre '16”OvureY:7.. „gat
ing to young women, heying the re-
quiree education, and Oestrous of be.
10018213 *00359. This Hospital has
adopted the eight-hour SYStom. The
Pillnis receive uniform; of the School, •
a monthly alloriance and travelling
egnanSee to and from New York. ear
further Informe.tion OMAY to the
New Citizens for Canada, ; 01e:2heat 40,r to tbe year?"
Bobb " I .
With a Penalatien of Ian than two, 1111388 to give you a tickle' afore yo
gc, to bed,"
...e•er .
Fast.Fteenna Pay,
Teacher--".nobart, wmoh it
imaigatiom namely
, that the pre, 10 England six hundred, with only
educing the numbers or forest lie
ervatlen of bird life is one means ot
ects. There may be some bIrde whale five per cent, of ear rich agricultural
laud 14 the West under cultivation,
eSobmaegvaluptehsorvvi W808
An Irish Joke.
with a heevy national indebtednesus aeurelerifshePtinnvieenttiboan
Classified Advertisements,
:I 17 (.19, LIN INTL) Y4k1t
9 9 OlenItete. tleorretewn woollen
?saes. one
4 weivra WANTNN: 291488 NATIV1,1
CCOlisAgtroli," aIrdilleda'illr 91,Irtlagle):,
Rheumatism. Ithiney Troubles, It Is
snitifown, having Peen exienelyoly 54-
3Lfl 11 W128
r nut tz mature
0 in MS, Siy rilstrIbotton of lam emote-
ttorf of ithrtanacs, (10082 llookr. Health
nooks, Kea which see ristrashea to
j. 81'e215 fISe• , . I , ,, , ,,,,, ,,,,.
u , roludblielt (888* 12)0907, thisi ailowa 'aiente-iii
h ir money. Write a nnza O.
' Pliss lifedioal Co.. 208 St. Paul Ct. Mast.
Montreal. Mention this paper.
. . Thoughtful Smiles.
• A bite thing is dear et an7 prlee.
. A: bad Linsbancl mutate be is good
0 pot eat, forgot Inseets, but geueral- and "15" a few people to pay the 1 -
e An Irishman, discussing the matte
Y lieeeking It is true that,, the more tercet in the tar -e3 01 taxes, the 00a3°' with a Scotsman, added insult to in
why Canada is hungry for immigrants
!vie, the fewer ieseets. Canadian jury by saying: "Yes, the Irish 4nvent
075 and young men In the pea have eall readily be undenstood. Tulultgra": ed the instrument ane sold it to the
een too prone to go into the woods Bon la the human rain without Which seers ae a /ehe three
g about serious results. The most
dreaded af these complications are
nephritee (inflammation of the kid-
ney) and inflammation or immure -
Hon of the middle ear, the latter ac-
companied by froadh pain and causing
a rise in temperature. Kidney trouble
can be best avoided' by keeping the
patient in bed or at least two weeks
after the rash has disappeared and
reserving the diet strictly to fluids.
Rheumatism sometimes intervenes in
scarlet fever, usually in the legs, and
causes much pain, It requires care-
ful treatment. During the second or
third week of the disease, if eonval-
f escence is proceeding normally, the
wick the largest revenue accrues from
Aides with $345,380, smeles being a
close second with $313,627. In Que-
bec the premier honora go eas117 to
the lobster, which in 1920 accounted
for a revenue 00 6370,686. The waters
about Priace Edward Lsland Also
yield lobsters Jo a higher' value than
that of any other Bea product, end
the year's value in the 1190* province
from this source was e497,248,
Miles of Cars Used to Ship
• Wed Seed.
According to the chief grain hisPec-
tor at Weintpeg, Man., enough weed
seed to fill a freight train. 48 miles
long was shlpped out of the three
Prairie Provineea during the last
three yeara. This at, a time when the
cost of production of crops was at It
highest point; seed, implements and
farm help were high; yet the farmers
grow thts weed seed, harvested it,
threshed le at a cost proportionate to
that of the highest quality of grain,
afterwards shipping and paying the
freight on 19 00 market, wbere, owing
to the presence of the weed seed, the
grade of the wheat was lowered. Fur-
ther, when these 43 miles of grain
ears were being used to ship weed
cfeed there was an almost universal I
demand for cars which could not be '
satiefled. Clean see& cultivation to
kill the weeds, and the cleaning of
grain before shipment will overcome
such waste.
The Canadian spring weather—one
day mild and bright; the next raw
Wimps of Wisdom. and blustery, Is extremely hard on the
Luck is a, good thing to trust, In— baby. Conditions are such that the
If you aren't hungry, mother cermet take the Little one out
Contentment better than riches for the fresh air so much to be de-
-If you have them both. sired. He is confined to the home
An echo la tee only thing that can which is so often over -heated and bad-
obeet a woman out of the last word. ly ventilated. He catches cold; his
Meet trials with smiles and they little stomach and bowels become dls-
vanish; Mee cares with a song and ordered and the mother.soon has a
they flee. •sick baby to look after, To prevent
Do not ineasuro your enjoyment by this an occasional dose of Baby's Own
the amount of money spent in pro- Tablets ehould be given. They regu-
clueing IL late the stomach and bowels, thus pre -
A man who allows himself to be venting or banishing colds, simple
carried away with miniature often fevers, collo or any other of the many
boa to walk back, , minor ailments of childhood. The
It is the height of folly to throvr up Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
attempting because you have failed. or by mail at 25 cents a box trent The
Failures are wonderful elements in Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 13t0ckvi19e,
developing character. Ont,
What Ho Said.
The new typist determined to make
a good impression upon her chief. She
turned up half an hour early and be-
gan tidying up the Town. When that
was done she examined her tYPei
writer, discovered it in a shocking
condition, found a bottle and gave it a
thorough oiling. While about It, she,
examined all the ()het typewriters in
the office and oiled them, tom
The is nothing, she thought, like 1
maltInherselt indiseensable,
Her chief Arrived., He Molted
around him with an Mr of sattsfac-
Hon and creased to the mantlepleee. r
Then his smile changed to a frown. h
"Miss Smith'," he said, "have you
soca my cough mixture?"
The bee, proportion to its size, 1
is thirty-five times as strong -as a
Scottish Customer (to dentist):—
"Hoots, mon, five fahalin' for a wee
bit tooth. No, no; the man over the
road pulled oot two an' broke me jaw
for one and saaspettec."
patent usually develops a healthy ap-
petite and complains about the insuf-
ficiency of the diet provided. It is at
this stege that. the doctor in charge
has to be firm with the patient as a
too early resumption qf solid food is
liable to bring cm kidney trouble.
Complications such as inflammation
oe the middle -ear are especially seri-
ous on account of the possibility of
deafnees resulting., and must be
given earnest attention by the phyai- A. T. asks how to relieve chronic
clan in charge. The throat congestion _constipation. Answer: Diet and ox-
cart be relieved by antiseptic gargles, anise are the two most im,portant
warm applications, etc., which the thing's to deal with. Do not eat too
doctor will specify. dry food. Drink plenty of water. Use
It was formerly believed that infee. freelf fruit and vegetables every day
throat or ear may have cleared 1.11,,
when the patient leaves the hospital,'
evenslight d' har f thi
e Man, •
If you owe nothing, you know what
You are worth.
There are always more fool/all little
irandred years
'nth a glIn and shoot at ererytssug. Canada must parch and wither up, , ago. But they haven't seen the Joke
e eight washout thinking 0091141 'wary If Great Britten had a logs eurplue yet.00
recurring a day or two later may!
cause a -"return" ease, that is, a ease
occurring ee it resale of coaling hill;
contact with thereturnedti t„,n
Parents should be on their guard when
the •convaleseent child come horne!I
lest it develop "ooryza," or a slight
"running of the nose," for this is
usually the cease of further out-
breake, other members of the family
or• neighbors becoming infected
through fondling and caressing the
Child on its return from hospital
hey might cause. Canadian forests , of farmers and farm hands, Canada
re fine places for healthful reereni : might not have to invite immigrants
ion, but let thecae who go Into them from any other source. But Great
0 careful not to burn them up and e Britain is not so much an agricultural
oat to destroy unthinkingly the non- cut a merchant and manufacturing
tune birds which are forest polka} centre, and every year grudges mare lents of art and Interest, and spoke
en. Let the young people shoot as 'and more the farmere or farm lianas of the fabulous wealth that had been
/nue as, time nee, but with a eamere,1 who leave her Colonlea for the Do -
not a gan, tbelr particular hobbies.
eepeeded by feline of the eollectors On
minions. She is quite willing to send
Tommy's Choice.
The teacher bad been speaking of
unique and valuable eollectioes of ob-
Some caaes of scarlet ever show
little or no rash and indeed little ap-
pearance of illness, nevertheless these the homestead entries. From 1897 to fact, answere from him were very me -isle wieee epfjontv of hfmrelf waF4
cases are dangerous to others and Through Its Use Strength, and ! ins, only eighteen per cent. et the !scarce aur sobieoti so thIS 01)P0r- not of the towliest Lyle, had accepted
a call' to a wider sphere, end was
paying a few farewel visits.
"Rents, sir," was the prompt reply. on'e'Soef .'1:1144e'reoldiZelletiteciftlelisleililealeee'p"atiseaahid-
The lesson was changed, and that loners, as ife sat clown. "Mat will
teacher is recovering from the shock. we doe neo?"
His ed.
minister, in ratable tones, "You'll soou
"Ob, Mrs. Macfarlane," replied the
The Invisible ear drum. Invented by
A. 0, Leonard, which is a miniature get a far better man!"
"'Deed, sir," came the despondent
megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- reksiodela "1 1189 017 doct• We've
tirely out of sight, is restoring the had !Ivo 111 my time, and every yin o'
hearing of hundreds of 'measles in them has been waur than the bet!"
may other countries from esejeb teat if they had plenty of money.
Canada in the past has drawn excel. Up went the hand at a boy who was
I lent settlers. This is illustrated by noted for no mei I. b . •
The minceler of a Scottish eenatry
ota countless city folk in the hope Thinking to obtain seine Idea of the
farmers in their new enviroament,
that they nue be tram:stormed into characters of the members of las class
in this direction, he asked them what
but elm has fewer farmers to spare they thought they would Bee to col -
ers than Killers,
No one is so wise but that he has a
little folly to spare.
Adversity is the balance 10 which to
weigh your friends,
It is a nestake to think that danger
can be surniou t d without
You aliotad pay lust as much for
your experlenee fth the 0082111 41219 I
dont la worth,
It is always tate to eend a Deminton
Expreas lecney Order, MVO, dollars
cosit, three ceuts,
A Dubious Farewell,
h ld e period Vigor Was Restored. B gra
Hash imne nts made entry aer tunIty Vt'a8 seized by the teacher.
of six weeks. The reason for this is homesteads in Western Canada as "Well, Tommy, and what would you
that even the slightest discharge compared to twenty-seven p
To be tired after exertiola is natural.
the American immigrants anedr et ewnetuit oy9. collect?"
from the nose or throat may transmit Heat and food restore the body to noa
the infection altheagh the illness isi mat after such fatigue. But to be
hardly noticeable. Mild or "missed" tired all the time is a symptom of an from Continental Europe,
nine per cent. et the foreign born
cases of this disease are the chief In certain parts of Europe whore
there is a genuine land hunger, there
is not enough land to go round. Five
or six acres per family Is all the land
available in certain parts of Belgium,
and even on that the thriftY Belgian
frequently brings up a family of ten,
The great !ministration of Ukrainians
from Central Europe which has given
Canada nearly 300,000 of her Western
farm population was due to the con-
stant subdivision of farms which were Is a deat man. It is effective when
only fifteen acres to start with. These deafness Is caused by catant. or be
Ukraittiams have become a great as- perforated, or wholly destroyed natuo
set to Cenada, and have at tbeir own al drums, A request Lor Informatioa
expense erected four large colleges to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth
for higher educetion. Then again WO AYenue, New York City, will be given
owe our fine stock of severity thous- a prompt reply. edvt.
and Scandinavian settlers to the lack
of sufficient land in Sweden, Norwak, Spring Forest Fires.
Denmerk and Iceland.
cause of all the epidemics that occur,
they being just as infectious as the
more severe eaaes,
tion was spread by the lease particles
of skin during desquamation, but this
theory is no longer held, it having
bee e definitely proved that 1( 13 from
the nose, threat or ear discharges
Avocet veriest medicines as much as
passible. Take sufficient exercise,
preferably out of doors.
J. P. R. asks if a child who previ-
ously had whooping cough should be
allowed to go to school if another
that others become infected. To member of the same family has
allow a patient therefore to leave the' whooping cough. Answer: There is
isolation hospital or place of guar- n.o need fotethe well child to be kept
antine, it is first necessary to see that at hMei.Prpriding itiS mg allowed
the tonsils no longer appear enlarged ti,ohecapmreeviinouesonataeteksyth
withoulcie IIIY:Itrlieenti
or inflamed and that any discharge practically immune to whooping
from the nose, throat or ears is cant- cough, and 11 18 only by direct cough-
pletely dried up. '' in or the discharges getting on the
Allthe desquamation should also clothing that transmits the disease.
Boy Scout Notes.
Canada's capital city has the distinc-
tion of having more Scouts per cant:
ta than any other city of 100400 or
more people in America. It the Boy.
Scouts of Ottawa were -to join hands
they would be able to encircle a very
large section of their home city.
* * 4, *
To tave saved three persons from
death by drowning at three different
times Is 3m excellent record. It is
mid by Assistant Scoutmaster nth
ward Walker (19 yeans old and a
Scout Melee 1911) of Grimsby. Ile was
eceu•tly recommended for One of the
igitest Boy Scout decorations,
• * *
NONV Boy Scout troops are being
artnecl in many parts of Ontario. The
atest towns to register new Scout or -
mentions with • Provinolal Reae-
quarters at Toronto are Port 001.
borne, Maimticle, Merritton (two
(roops), Denville (a second troop),
Whitby, Minden, Rieentond, Fort Wil-
liam ((1 third troop), Trenton la
second troop), and about a dozen now
troops in the cetera of Toronto, Otta-
wa, Hamilton and London, Many
other new Mom are also in. course
00 formation and will be chartered by
the Provincial Connell later,
• • *
"The Trate" Ontario's publication
for Boy Scout Officers and Leaders,
What other language ever spokee
by ntan can compare in riclmess of
opportunity with English ? Take, for
example, these words: self-conceit,
eelf-asSurance, self-suffieifloY, Self -
complacency, self-confidence,
self-esteem, self-i'1iante, selfsrespect.
All of them eemresa =netlikg of a
tnan's mental attitude toward his own
abilitiee and achievements, yet 'with
what various and delicate shades of
momenta! As they are here set down
they form almost a progressive series
front (ho neutral or mildly condemn -
liter)* to the worthy and desirable.
There are both racial psychology and
history in that list.
for most makes and models of cars.
Teur old, broken or worn-out parts
replaced. Write or wire us doserlb.
ing What YOU watit, 'WO carry the
largest and most conanleto stook in
Canada of slightly used or now parts
and Auden:While teulement. Wo ship
0,3,0. anywhere in Canada. Salle.
factory ur refund In full our motto,
Shaw.* @Alto Salvage Part SUPPLY.
esa-nat Xlagerla St, TOrontO, Ont,
alemememerneemee efte.....*•••••••44
has now a contemparare in "Scout-
ing," a similar paper publiehed by the
Saskatchewan Provincial Council.
Both are greatly appreciated by these
for whom they are published and are
already wielding a big influence in
co-ordinating the work of the Boy
Scout Movement throughout their re:
apeetive previa:0es. •
Persons interested in the Weir Cubs
the junior blanch of Scoutings-awill
be glad to know that a new booklet
deseribing their work Is DOW a2 -e11 -
able from Provincial Scout Head-
quarters, Moor and Sherbourne Sts.,
Toronto, upon application.
Selling Young Trees.
A boy in northeastern Ontario built
up an original and profitable bustnesa
by taking orders for shade trees.
With digging tools, Inucheou, and
Some fishing tackle or a gun, he would
go to the woods along a creek two
miles away, or to the rive.. There,
while he hunted or fished, he kept tas
eyes open for straight, well -shaped
trees, from six to ten feet tall and
sometimes taller, and when lie found
good One% he dug them up carefully,
hauled them into town and set them
out for his customers. For every tree
he receivied front one dollar to five
dollars, according tu its size and kind.
For rook maple, white flak and beech
be charged a higher price than for
tIty collected the erevfous year.
soft maple or elm, because they were
barder Meted. Soniettmes he tramped se—
In skating, as in no other sport,
miles to find a particular kind of tree,
and wherever he went, he was always man has succeeding in linitating the
anaenee condition that will not be
corrected until the blood is built up.
Such an auaemic condition' is so
gradual in its approach and generally
so lacking in acute pains that it is of-
ten difficult to persuade the sufferer
to do anything for it. But, 11 18 not
a condition that corrects itselL If the
blood is not enriched the trouble will
inorease. The nerves will be under-
nourished and neuralgic pains will fol-
low. Digestive disturbances often. re-
sult front thin blood, sleep is disturb-
ed and a general breakdown may oc-
Mr, Wilsen Johnson, Nineveh, N,S.,
says: "A few years ago ear system
NM in a badly run down condition,
lvfy nerves seemed always on edge,
and found myself so weak that I
could hardly do any work. I suffered,
from headaches and from pains in 'the
back and under the shoulders, and
was often so sleepless at night that 3., T. 1W. Anderson, of Saskatchewan, whp 50 Int° a f""t aa bthSine"
when morning came I felt as tired as and you will say "Yes!" tn. one 01' to be careful with fire. When the
when. I went to bed. I wei taking two groups at first there was opposf- SUM, -leaves the forest, last year's $
York City. Mr, Leonard invented this
drum to relieve himself of dearness Minard's Liniment eelteves Distompre
and head noises, and it does this so
successfully that no one could tell he Penalty of Success.
Have these forelgu born made good
No man desires defeat; and yet
When all the ballotiug is o'er,
The lamer need no tenger fret;
The winner hen to work still more.
'Women are permitted to drive
motar-boses in the streets of Tokio,
One of the most dangerous seasons In some parte or Central AfHca 14
Canadian cltizens? Head "The Edu- of the year in regard to forest fires is is a merk of respect to turn the back
cation of the New Canadian," by Dr, now approaching and it behoves all upon ono's superior,
medicine all the time, but it was do
tag me no good. Then I read the testi
menial of a man whose condition. had
been similar to mine, and who strong
1y recommended Dr. Williams' Pink
Piles. I decided to give this medicine
a fair trial, and NVIZ8U I had taken six
boxes I felt much better, continued
taking the lees until I had taken six
more boxes, and I can only say am
glad I del so, its I am now enjoying the
best of health, and I advise 0.11 men
wee feel run down to give these pills
a Dgoor. dvirtnrilaial,t;s,
Pink Pills can be ob-
tained from any dealer la medicine,
or by mall at 50 cents a box or six
boxes tor $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
elediclue Co., Brockville, Ont.
tion to the learning- of English, par- eavea, grass and twigs are left as dry
as tindee and a lighted match or
titularly among the older pec,ple, but
clgarette stub thrown dowu carelessly
now it Is difficult to find sufficient
' teachers to meet the demands of the falls into material 81.8 inflammable as
a barrel at shavings. After the spring
schools. And it Is not oaly In the rains come on and the new graaa nnd
sehoole where you find the foreign
newfoliage starts the clanger is great -
born. More than half the students at
ly reduced. People do not realize
the 'University of Manitoba are of
that just at the close of winter,
foreign parentage. You find children
through which there Is scaroely any
of the foreign born as leaders In the danger from fire in the woods, comes
professions and in the Cabinet et at
least one Provincial Government.
Canada is after all only repeating
on a larger scale the welcome to and
the assimilation of the foreign born
which has characterized the history
Large Taking of Whitefish
The Dominion Fisheries Branch re-
ports that upwards of 00,000,000 white-
fish eggs have been placed in the
Smoke Island hatchery, Lake Winne
pegosis. These eggs were collected
at the mouth of the Waterhen river,
whicat carries the dieeharge of Lake
'Winnipegosis to Waterhen Lake,
thence to Lake Manitoba, With Lake
Winuipegosls treezng early la Novem-
ber, the greatest difficulty was ex-
perienced in securing the eggs, the
tug and outfit, finding it necessary to
winter at the egg-colleetfug camp. The
collectien of 1920 is treble the qua •
'Lift Right Off
without Pain
Magic! Drop a little "Freezono" ou
an aching corn, instantly that corn
stops hurting, then shortly you nit it
right off with fingers. Doesu't hurt a
on the most dangerous season. Care Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
fire -hazard.
by all who go Into the woods at this "lereezoneet"wete,oeerrlylathhfaeerwtdoeeeseo,nrantnz,dssocufatfilllecuoisernenst:
time means -a great reduction is the ler "9 zji° °
"The head of a child does not in -
of the Mother Country. The Flemish
crease in size after the seventh year,"
weavers and the Huguenots elm found
refuge in England, are but a few of 8a75 mient'ist'
the foreign born immigrants who help -
What One of the Best Known
ed to build up British Industry. Cana-
da's chief industry Is agriculture, and Travellers in Canada Says.
her agricultural prosperity Is due in "Now I am going to give you it,n
no small degree to the thrifty and in-
dustrieus new Canadians who have 1%6 itte.n,t Ado,f•egisdnf. Heretofore
felted testimonial, as they MY In the-
oorue to the wide acres of the West V"' e'ra'.1"8' P"ti"j1c4L,:l'itu;0ft°'1:c„,tai4fEll,
from the over -crowded lands of Bur- reatammeinti;rit 19"1.1htiVembieleins
and Mtev e wnt4ear
ope, and whose children to -day are sturdy constitution,
88e 112 ItaiL jr„:0 lire. one day last
proud to speak English and to sing
."The Maple Leaf Foreveres—A,B,
Forest Experimental Station.
The Dominion Government estab-
lished about four years ago under the 1
Forestry Branch of the Department at 11)iffi
the Interior, a forest experimental eta -1
tion at Petawawa, Ontario. This is -,11:
on a part of the military reservation
that Is not required at the present
time for miliary purposes, The tract
is admirably situated for the purpose,
on the loakout for species that he flight of birds, especially of the birds as it is a territory from n•hich the !
could not lima in 110 ONVT1 tleighbOre that soar and float, like gulls" hawks timber has been cut in (Ole past fifty
hoed. and vultuees.
A good skater will oz' sixty years, and lie new forest is
Ile always asked the owners of the move for hours without apparent ef- coming ou in various stages et growth
laud on watch he found the trees for Sort, end with no violent motion of and different kinds of trees. The tract
arms or legs. He progresses, as the resembles so much of the cut -over
that the
Permission to take them, and few
him to take only certain kinds of bird does, by :constantly ;changing the lands in: Ontario and Quebec
withheld it, Sometimes they asked
trees, or trees from certain parts of equilibrium of his body. To perceive resuits of the experiments made in it
the likeness and the beauty of it, will be applicable over a groat ex -
of Montreal, 1 delo8p7t MaPeiA.teh.r°e.slulh
In my legs anti, eourse, like a man
who has never had anything wrong WI(IN
him oh) siea y. 1 vomplained rather
boisterously. The good little wife says:
will rnb them with some MTh -neat 1
the woodlaud, Usually when he ot-
fered M pay far the trees; the owners
refused to tako anything, and he never
had to pay more titan twenty-five
cents for a tree. Often he WETS allow-
ed to do some odd job in return for it.
At filet the boy paid for the use of
a team and wagon by working for the
man who owned them; but when les
father bought a motor track, he used
it on Saturdaye. Ile usually planted
Itls trees In the sprlug, ga the beat
Ile tele dug and set out wild ferns,
mosses, grasses ante plates, for which
he reeelveti from ten to twenty -fly°
'cents apiece), Al lite suggestion, many
people Wanted wild -flower beds, and
he became so export in making trees
grose that people often hired him to
set out fruit trees, vines, shrubs, ber-
ries and rare plants from nurseries.
For that -.work he tamely received
thirty -live cents an hour. When a.
Park Me laid out near the square, Ito
furnished tho (Nies, so' 00 911811018 and
watch, a group,of skaters from a
point iligh up in some lofty buildings
where closed 'Windows shut out the
sound of the steel on the ice, and the
Only !repression comes through the
e ee,
For Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Gout,
for quick and sure rend.
Si.00 a tube
ME UMW ?AIM 90.,970.
Avoca tor De. .113011 EIOTIrttlie
tont of Eastern Canada, The experi-
ments cover too wide a range to be
gone into in a brief mate, but, in a
word, the remelt will be to show how
quickly fetests ef different kinds of
trees grow, 1111(1 how beat to handle a
cut -over or burned -over forest area in
order to get a crop of /dile, or spruee,
Or birch, or any other desired tree
ready:for the saw. Already valuable
information has been secured end this
will be increased as each year goes by
and the effects of the different meth-
ods of treatment become visible.
gasped Mrs.. Newlywed
excitedly, on giving her first order to
the buteher—"ple.ase send me a pound
of steak and some—eome gravy!"
Life is constantly weighing us in
very seeeitive scales and tellina ever,
one of us ereeisely what his real
weight is to the last geain of cleat.
Minard's Linlmant for Dandruff.
. . 11st to humor
_117,e11, In she, opmes w,Ith a bottle
I;rtg" end ltetr'
ay_ 31: em n
few minutes after, and yen can toll
r;1;.rritIn JOHN'S, Montreal,
America's Pioneer Dog Remedies
Book on
and How to reed
Mailed Tyree to any Ad-
dress by the author,
E. 0182 cloves Co., tea
123 West alst Street
New 'York, U.S.A.
Cubic= Soap Shampoos
Best For Children
If you Wish them to, have thick,
healthy hair through life shampoo
regularly with Cuticura Soap and
hot •water. Before shampooing
touch spots of dandruff and itching
if any, with Cuticura Ointment. A
clean, healthy scalp usually means
good hair.
5orn25c. Oionsentninallitie, Tale88224. Sold
throughouttheDominion ConadianDepon
trams. Limited, 34132 Nu/ 52, W, Montrerl,
EalreeCuticura Son,083,009betUfre
"Bayer" only is Genuine
Warning! 'rake DO chancee with
substeatee for genuine elleeer Tablets
of 41spirin," Unless you see the name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets poit
are not getting Aspirin at 119 eyery
Bayer peckage are directions for
Colds, Headache, Neuralgia., 51h-
111 511501, haritelte, Toothache, Lumbago
Reedy tin beim et
and tor Pain.
twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug-
gists alao sell larger packages. Made
in Canada. Aspirin le the trade mark
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DURUM tit vo of mono aoaties 0,21915980
or Salicyli cad&
Get busy and relteve those pains
with that handy bottle of
Sloan's Liniment
IIAT Sloan's does;it dam thor-
oughly—fend/eft without rub-
bing to the afflicted part and
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nal pains and aches. You'll find it
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handy for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia,
0;er-en0ried rausFies, stiff ioints, luck -
acne, pains, bruises, (steams, e,praina,
bad weather after-effects.
For 39 years Sloan's Liniment 1155
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4 e
ISSUE. No, 14-9208,.