HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-7, Page 5JPA,flfk,a;rLItD 84 30N8 1-1MITED OV1 le (1*Yr$1010 WW1, SPEIVCE OO {YI±YANGItR AND 16SUkal 010 Ilte' It -1 itt; L; I,tt,k;^alIl,tr torr to itle Pent *Mee, VOW.. 20-9 R ?, WARP, L aW Honor gradual.. of Y}' Yon,Go #< Phariue ets„ Trlronte is swell known throughout Q i✓l C4s•nlmdi for high-gradeg work. eceouutenoy, Stenography, '1'yeesvrlt. the ant( fiensrallmpraYet)rentuourses, ?. rots 'Itfistluliiliti •Ci ioc11I'1ebta,iliem ploy n11. viten all year,, Write to. day tar prosorutua. ($11ter any time, i. ttw, 1, et-Liorr, )a'R/NO/PAR. Ye^al tees eA Yea• ,'i eretlr est ... UOitetta. I)ay'Veterinary ilnd night trail.(total-tooaten app0 tN -` !flour Melt, Ethel. _ -- "•-' r1 A M, -ES„ 1U" P..4 DZEAN Agent Hold Mutual fire Insurance Company Phone 93 Turnberry isn't et, tirussl44 nueoees,u• to doh° Iierret, Tr niton. ittr ,Il r•• M. 8,, M. 0. P., d S. 0. 11, U. 13•, Yilano of 0 .trends Phy4lolnn, Surgeon, A ounes,.•t,. e Nae at resideher,opposite BON Iv cue Church, W.illiunl street, P800HfOOT) KIIIONIH CONE Barristers, So"- citoorr , Notaries Public, Offlee 5» the Square, .am; door tram Hamilton attest, GUDIMICH ONT, Entrant Ian,!:. o loan es lowest rates. W,PrieU0remKt to .T,L, 1 loi.we r B. J. D. Cooax. '3VIM/ the A,n•u: y fee the \lr ettreni(k tool I)• e rlrg 1 nple. pletnenis I vvili hitt• elr;cei lu ici«i in anything nerd. il in hiu•m It° peeneute or '1'. nr frac•, C. ?1 in tend yt*ire ran order in IT. 1' 0. :oyip and irt will save no !my. I wit; gn•ntt11- tee you itg.•iu-1 nett tedir•tt 10 it fu•,pe. 1111111 itopletn•ut is used, sal by wvlet. img nnty 5:011 will ...nee .til advemee ii ,price which ir. likely to hist, place soon. Have a few Implements e,n hand which will boost dt at old .['Hype. David MHne E FFILL Time 'for H 7Q_ tir tee, t .1t- t , t. it, Il,nl c t , 1 1p 1't i Ir r,• 11 1 1 in rn 1 r, d re el., c.11 tilt., l. l 1t' ioboe, it i, Bogey 1t'heel w it it th hest o1 urtui;lsi. Drte't f. ;g,•t Multi seer Woodwork and Blacksmith Dept. R'nrk diii,i v1;il. you wit. Also do Painting to atiit your taste°, New Buggies and Wagons always nn hand. Ertl ythii.g on hnutl that is fern »i i : an n, u,ote shop, %That )int It.rr°t -. , J, frlr, , Ono Price to AH. John MIAN ETHEL 34 $ e vv o 4•a rr•5•e O•:. ac'. 4,17 o 0t) vee 6vq• to I S l it PAID FOR Haw1 C.J Hides Ell P6' JH Rn Call me up -hole 62x SAM u t 'U V C 0 R , C4 6 111 ,. ,1 ,t l;;„ 1Ii Ii ti cic t rl ekvs (Items p Aran. Gtbusy On tt Brussels boost. 2410 t May will be the next holiday, AN 1 0. 0, 1''. Al Bonne is no the pru),t an. 'Ch trht u4putuut the milk bottle before tun crime to bed," AIILVaa'rON boot Ball team had a Sur• plus of over $250,00 in theft' treasury. This is a happy sltuatk'n, O news School Board Will sell tooth brushes; to tree children at cost of 15 cents for welshes that would bring 5o leers at retail. SewC. leers, a member of Brussels all Board for many years, attended the Trustee Convention at Toronto last week l.hvrc was a crowd, PemetteTort Spectator has been 1 to adMr 4/Obler. Editor Bywater sold been a: ,he beim for petit 12 years. We Wish the nee; Editor a prosperous time, taste vxr. Banner says l—jos. Ainley was home tram London for Easter and wrote here sold his brick cottage at the corner of Erma and Davidson streets, to -Mr. Johnston, au employee of the PlrfferatJbing Company. _Tits Tom) of Essex aeureancesby ad- vertisement in the Free Press that By- laws nt the'J'owu of l: sex prohibit. the running az targe of chickens and other fowl in the nntoicipsitty, and that such provisions of the Bylaw are to be en- torcr rl this season. '1'Iraas area couple of rather disrep utable. appeariug buildings on Turu- berrt street. One is the wreck ou the Bite purchased some years ago for the pt„poemi new Posteff,cr and the other the i;h(,p in the Stnale b.oek, ''`bey are a lead give-away 'on an otherwise fairly respe.atalite looking street and should be remedied hi the near future. HAND Hva'r.—Teeswalvr News of last week says of a son of Dougald and Alta, Fergusro, of that village formerly of Brussels :—G. D. Ferguson met with a panful accident S:itnrdsy when assist- lne to get a car, which his father was driving, out 01 the mud. He caught hold of the spoke in therearwheel, and w'ien4he car started his hand got caught between. the spokes .mid the shock absorber., and tee hand was badly lora, out fortunately no bones were broken, Tits Band will have to ,he carried in n ting for a fete days' until danger of, poisoning is past. \\'DV StME 'rowNS. Alta DEAD.—The town that never has anything to do in a public way in nn the road to, the ceme- tery, gays as exchange. The citizen whop wilt do nothing for his town is helping to :lig the grave. The man that curses the town furnishes the coffin. The man two says he has no time from his busi- ness to give to municipal affairs is mak• ing tete shroud. The mac who will not advertise is driving the hearse, The man who is pulling back from any enter- prise throws baguets en the grave. The roan who is so stingy as to be forever :c owling hard times, preaches the funer- i Hermon, sings the doxology, and thus Yoe town lies buried from all sorrow and care, and the Reeve' never leave rwa withnat a crane band ca leis hat. AoveerteiNo r. INDle . raxsAar.s.—TGat elvertising iudispeosable''to modern ;•usness is now readily admitted. Just tc nxv gets is ane of the Important com- ponents et air so advetttsiug bas become one of the vital forces that sustains httsi- ne1s. Ir. possibilities first began to be pprveinted whim increased production demanded more (ff'eetive and far•reach• •ng methode of distributive.. Wideuiug markets, perfeebou of the printers' art and the reatdug habit have brought ad- vertieintr to its prese:lt state of high de- Velopmeut, It it, a "sotnethiug" that never sees its day gn part. For in times of Dimity it is needed to get more busi- ness while lu tiny -5 of depression it is vicential inasmuch as without it the mennfactnret tar mereht ut is sure to find it herd to compete tvlt:t and get busi- nes from the tnan . h0 believes in limiting his light out fromander a tee eel surd teltiug the public. NA'ring to SANnete trnr, — The Treas. ewer o1 the Aluskuka Free Hospital for COc.-tuntptives tletit'es gratefully to ac, knowledge the 101IOWleg contributions rrt,,eived in Brussels by the Field SeOre- tare ut the National Stuitarium Associa- tion :— Ameutle; es. ..... ..., yA5 0o A. L. titetvatt 5 oo P, Amt'nt 3 00 las. Fox 2 00 I. 1.1. below 2 00 '1'. 'C. Mt'R.ie . 2 00 ti, II S1Unit,...... C;... 2 00 '"I'l,it l O.r" 2 00 le S. stmt (Clet1<) 2 00 (:P 1 I Ino Hiss lx W1ili,ti Y 00 imee. A, (9etldes. t 00 1.los.- 1', 73achaIl'i 111`,........ i oo :•I r.c W. Merits uClt, .............. I UO B. S, Scott 1 uo J. '1 Rees I o0 jC B ieker ............... 1 o0 F$trett"n.......... r op 1 McCracken.. .. i o0 W \ r,s... a no c.hapu,nu Bros......••. t o0 G. tt Weller t r6 I. Downing . 100 Dr. ll*in't,on . 1 00 Rev. W. le, Stafford . 1 00 H. P. Bulger, t oo le, It. Smith. 1 00 1.Logan 100 D. Walker 1 co F..0 Cuutl; h*m1 00 W R. 1 \\', A Sinclair 1 00 8 47 25 Yeit's very t•n',', Geo. A. Rain, Seise,Treas, areas FRANK I,IN))BA,y DIES --Frank Lindsey, adopted sou ,•1' John and Alts, LimMeV. 1+Iun4 nutter, I,1stuwil, a young man of splendid stamp, (lied Monday aftet'uoon, Merril; 2181, in his 23;e1 year; fullowhtg 8 weeks' eutifine. wentto the house with ltiIJuey t4ouble, Llttte hors fuse t year ego the Llnclsay fetidly moved to Gist°• wel from the 8;;1 (lou. of Mintier', and prior to ills '!)nese, the sett, Prank, was employed itt .the Atalaihn' fetui• twe factory, where he proved hirhsel( a faithful and indu4triufs Mocker. Hefeiel coming to the MI duns u1' With lace. where they resided but 2 years,: the Lindsay lewdly lived, un the Ord Ooncassioe of Otey township and while living there Feattit was ,t mem- bee of the Molesworth - Methodist- eltureb, Ile swan 1'ekon into the fam- ily whets a lad of.4 yeitre turd at the time of his deceese was a member of Lite Listowel Methodiat church and of the Young Meus' (leas in the Sunday Sehouj, 115 was a young feH°w of likeable ohtuacte;• While in AVallate he joined the Oetutge lodge, stud the Orangemen were in aetendatiee at the funeral which was held Vyinrsdav afternoon to Fairview cemetery, with service at the house 1;; charge of Rev. De. Hazen, Methodist minister, The pallbearers were his Sunday school teacher and the utetuers of his etasy, The many floral elibutee were n° eel - derma of the esteem in whish he was held in the„, community, Be- sides Me. and Mee. Lindsay, Frank is survived by a sister, and two brothel*, Violet -Bailie, of Waterdown, and David and George Bailie, Hamilton, Morrttt SCHOOL REPORT,—The school report of S. S. No. 6, .Mom is, for the month of February and March is us follows, All the elasees wete examined in Literature, Geography, Arith- inetie, Composition, Reading, conduct and Daily VVmk, Se, III—Jack Show 77: George Jr, III -Willie Bowman 71 ; John Barr 86 Sr. II—Leslie Campell 73 ; Ruby -Bone 05. Jr. II—Sada Pierce 67. Primer—Tested in hygiene, 0011- d11et and Daily Work—Roy Pierce (30, A. MAN SI Ereeoef, leacher, Morris Council Minutes of the Council meelit'g held in the Township hall, Mortis, on Monday, March 14th, 1921, .Members of Council were present, Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A deputation, representing the village of Blyth, waited nn the ()mitt- en, with a view to obtaining financial aid in connection with the Memorial Hall. The matter was left over, Following accounts were paid: - Chits Comites, refund township rate, $1320; Jnn. Anderson, refund town- ship rate 813 81 ; Fred. Hasty, refnud township rate,,. $12 9t1 ; Om privation Blyth, Hall rent 37 50 ; Walton Mr - Ribbon, fnrmaldelrecle $1500 ; \V, Abram, disinfecting hooses $6 0(1; Municipal World supplies, $15.45 ; Isaac Brown, 24 inch tile 36 110 ; A. Shaw, exleensea to Good Roads Con- vention 81810. Next meeting Monday, April 111h, 1021. A. MA'CEWEN, Clerk. PATIISfASTERS 110RRIS FOR 11121 W. Joseph Henderson, Russel Jetenyni D. Jewitt, Geo, McDonald, D. Patton, Anson Thornton, .4. Mes- ser. Peter AleDottrcttl. Victor Haines, G. Edgar, D. Camp- bell, W. Abram, R. Johnston, .Ed. Johnston, D. Johnston, 0. H, Forrest, R. Messer, Hardwood dabs Parties wanting Slabs kindly place orders at once as they will be de- livered in rotation, of or- der, Phone r6 Ament Bros, SEL1 FROtRW ' RtiirdMt38 WPRtlsYli: 6W.1Ata1i ,,•w4v A.i , Special Places on LIFELE aver & Timothy Seed .-- And a pnn¢oroue Oporution, by Y TakingoPRUIT.A-TivEs" Si1CrlS u $2 00 1 Tf, Bran . 2 1O i Linseed Meal 3 75 : Low Grade Flour 2 75 4 Royal Household Flour 5 8© 0 a • Oatmeal per cwt, 3 75 :° 3 d — a ilt • WG J. McCracken s MRS. 35..4. GORSE 8'1728 Union St,, Vancouver, B.C1 "I eull'ored with all tine symptoms 'of Female Trouble, with Chronic ('on- sLipa(iot and constant Ileadacllt:s, Iliad pains low down in the baric anti sides of the body. I tried variotie remedies witho*t relief, and then put myself under a doctor's care and he adt•ietsl me to have en operation. I refused. Then, I started taking 'Fruit-a- tives' 1 and from the outset, I felt better, and this medicine has contpletely relieved me of all my misery and suffering. My weight was only 143 pounds anrinow it 13 103 pounds. I an free of pain and headaches and the terrible Constipation ; and what saved me from misery Is the splendid fruit medielne, `Fruit -a -fives'," Ides. A1.3. GORSE, 50c.:a boa, 8 for $2.50, trial size:no. Al all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa, Out, Wm. Findlatet, J. Hopper, 33 Dest- ines, L.4:114 itt, 0. Attar, W. Forest, Wm, Alu,es, J. Cnttltea, Lisle Hopper, F. McCal- lum, Al. Comities, W. Suunt, W, Sel- lers, II. Bone, W. S. Cecht•ane, Side Road, 4. Slutw, C. Robertson, G. Nielt- aienu, W. J. Procter, C. Wheeler, .1. Ynill, F, Kt they, N, Black, J. Barr. Dan Kelly, John Anderson, J. Noble, F. Alin tin, J. Cradre, P. Mc - Baby Chicks Hatc hiing Eggs Off rile 131ee1-In•lt1V 1r iii nl 13, 0, R. L R.•d.. They shod up will, ilia: beet of !item n'hwr put to the• sepreure+ tvets of the Laying Coe- rrst, 'Eggs 31 nit net setting. Ohieks 30,4 Back under early and /10t, bedisapptinytea.. LINO. T, DtJlYOAtNp Phone 7x Brussels Ifatchiiig figs Barred Rocks t -year-old 0, A. C. Strain S. G. White Leghorns Barron Strain ' Let me supply 7313)1 needs. We above Market Pikes. Now is the Hum to get rid of your menti els. Everett Hoover, Phan' 2.314 13tusaels R, R. 3 FOR®SON TRACTOR Power FrErning Thede are I he days of PROGRESS, tool P,•,1 et i h • faint is a necessity. A 1 ord,lon Tractor means snore pine:pertty for the owner. Prnspet'iLy mp*n8 InetPaaed meat:tinn, the is ieg 1i°: -t con'( from the 11411 of a rn:itiliin,. instead of bntw. 1 tile• et.). .tar ;If SI hu• dead- gety for bmi ll man and wife. The Fortis°° Tractor is simple In design anti .1nt-tier r nisi rutted of the best knnw11 s tee1• It has the elenea.Riy ]ower t., port:';,li every task tin ordinary fernier has to do, and in addition is f lltin11411y eettomieel to operate. Omll at D. M. Scott's Garage foe further pet tired:0 s have a. 11 III))PP ofsecond-bait U D. M5TTS CPC ALITHO 1jT't,'i,f) 1'Olr1) flle;;lf.l'R 1 I p Phone 4,3 9. 35,8*B'**sseecA180606,rpSU,CJ559. Nab, 3, P. Kelly, D. Smith, 0 Ale- Cluteheon. St l3., R. 85011, Wee '['hurl! R, Nesbit, James (tale, 11, Piet re. A, Pierce, F. Beirnes. P. Ale0tt11, R: Attica;, Frank Smith, J. Scott, J Yeo, .1. Richmond, 131, 0, Laidlaw, It. Mr Donald, It. Laid- law, W. Gibson, lt. Wallace, Nelson Nicholson, J. J. McCaughey. A. Skelton, G. McCttilttm, .Ed, Depute, 14111513 Lawson. J. Fairsprvine, J. Potter, B. Rich - Mood, 11. Brown, 9'. Lwidlaly, J. Laid- law, W. Searle, J, Slinrtreed, W. Me - Oath SV. Shur•tr'eed, J. Limb, ,los. Mil- ler, D. Johnston. FES( r.\ IEwERS AlURRIF W. Pallork, J Giban)I. Brown, Cleo, Kelly. Tilos Marshall 3. 11 Bell, John Mean], H. Johnson, J. G*•asity, Elston Cut diff, T. Ellis, T. Ola, k, W. J. Henderson (lot 10), E. Casemnre, F, 41rOallstn, Jos, Shaw, 0, B. Forest, POPNI)REEPERS MmutIs D. Jewitt, A. Messer, Olivet Camp- bell, D. Rummy, \V- J. Sena, J, Alin. teed, J. M. ()unites, (3. Anderson, W. 3. ?water, A. L. Kerr, J .1. Kelly, W. H, alet'ulOter,u, It. Nesbitt, J. Evans, (1. Rtgersnn, T. Btlger•, R. Richmond, \Vm• Mut ray A. Meelievjr, Ch•,k, Bluevale Reminiscences From Pen of Rev, David Rogers, 8t. Thomas. DEAR EIIITOR.- 1 became reminiscent th(c noun ing, was (hi: king of Gnrt15, at d then my mind passed on to review B10' ' 3.i,' unci some of its folk. I etre now ,jot- ting down some of these item. and trust they may not be wholly unieter- esling to many of your teaders. When the writer wets a boy at home near Bowmanville, Rev. Gen. Leis 1t WAS a frequent visitor there and 1 i.e. cause =tell attached to him and the friendship continued until ]tic death in April 1918 His Inothex, Webe'.•r W., was also a minister from 18435 until his demise, which °'tinted at Trowbridge in Octobet 1916. 7'ltey were members of a family t.1 lt) buy-,, their early home was near 1letrb,o„', a01110 miles Nom f Brork vino. About the year 18552 ofthe brothels rattle West nerd with the Demes turd Greers were among the first sett lets in What, was mimed ."L,°erhvine" now Got•t•ie. Soon afterward, several of the remaiuing brothers 11.1115 and settled there also. When I went to Gmeie in 18781 fnurtd Rahert, Ed. ward, James and John Leech arid their fni II',es: I also became. acquainted with Win. Henry and Joseph Teen)) in Blnevale, the former dying about 1881. When the writer went to assume the pastorate at Blue - vale in 1897, Joseph tva4 living in the lnnse erected by his bt•ather seine 23 years previously. The grist and RNt” mill established by th. (51 was now t'at- 'led on by Jolla Fat row, and ttulr 7 Stewart, r'papvt'Lively. The al h.,r ,faces of hu'+ittess wet' '1N f,orta : G. Casemnre i,' the most, !Ti ,e tote ; A'r'm. Alesser,- long is 1,i rtes en the opposite side) fund ei:j,,vi.,y4 he nnhlidence of ninny ;met, met'.. Frank Scott and John Wasmrt•,, the illage blacksmiths • Joseph Pugh, 1 ',emcee. ; 11. Cram;, of the (an lege and 1tPhet:sin of the h>u bees 5Hops ; widow -in, the shneni:ut ; Dr, To,':r, hp plty.irien, am! C. It. Br hoer, Mine. John Farrow tied in S ;Yt nl- tt 1897 and Jnn. Musett1•t ul Jai' 0- y 18148 Among' the aged rte 4 then wing in the village T. teeell ,i:•bn illn- ess, Win. 11. Stewart, It. (innt'ltl nd Johtt Dissent, A. McEwen was th,'tearber, et' long ervire, rued J. J. Dentin all a1N„ set v,•d 1 1.119.11214114.511"V in w,10:311,1 8, Ven, H. and liob,•1 1, soros al' \\'. 13. tptvart, were sign qu;tlifi,•d t _'arhee N. 11' iat.ter afterve at 1 grade t'di,'it,e, nrld nooM1 In•art she; ill V 111 til, 1. wm. t1NN1 k b L.i t ut t 1 hm t It bud its pastor, Rev, 1V, J, \V , a1, ;*r d hp write[ was pastor of the Methu• I t S a ( t t 11 8 I I b n ii g R it A S Af as i I diet clnirch, Service,.', ' , f .h 01. ii,.,„ I churches were snin'0.lutt let gel" 111. 1,",dud, and with (heir i5;,4. v ls=chools, havie. ; at Simeripteedente R. Duff 111 1 And . T.,. T \V,utt, were ell ivil y It e, da ,tend work. T' „111 the V eche . diet. chni5'hJame.,II. elereateeee rued \Vm. 13. sailllt en. ,red Tile milti.3l15 , 1 n 18(33aud18921esp'ettvely.md 1 t eteChnate) the 11tinietre of the 1,• l glirnn elm,ehl aheut 1891. Pieeilov lthe Presbyterian ('1lureh *leo ramuli.. uted to the ministry of the phut rll The °13(1. et:i•.yeti very much a il 11(5 IYt ' 1 t t(c r r4753(15lilvele, iy noil ; lits only pie nae rt 4 rlt 11hn ! 1 ees-io ant's the) ea= n t h a4 N1 .1 rh • el n AE1,1 ) (i•nova Abele 20 yr, • r, 1 ,, elapsed, to d one is 1 emiut'. the- i, p J illsing ..t filo,•, 1 " 11 ACM heen 114% 33141 60111 1 h rrriwditg nr gentles of tL busy p tstnri,t,s of ovi•r years, and ata grateful for Elie prl• The family eats mare bread since Mother started us- ing Cream of the West Flour. It makes loaves of ex- traordinary white- ness and flavor. Maple Leaf Milling Co„ Limited Toronto, Wfnnineg Brandon, Halifax vilege al 'i'.lila) 1.,t r" nr1'r tooth Nil;•g,:r,i4,•:4.4•:•.1••i•3•++•r•i+dist°•i•••i4i-HdN vire au Sthist! 11 days.,Have hien sn a 1nuY 11 15t a •ri het 1 h 1 e t•, I11, at hie- ?' q5pq5R ,. f[[//p gpy`p 2•t`4 4. ed toy el es 1 ,.ee 11+,t• 1. 11 Ili' Nl1t1 44 1:. GIl Gtl 9tlNg AYYq of S netting. A. kind I'1 ,Vide r•ee has' NGG CC CC ii IIEYt6866 C11C {3 6GY Ord. td t ttt p .11 .41 - l; } d PS and t gt1 WY tlO •1 f IC 'jty ']j . kn, ' yv! For which the highest' ' market price will be -z•; paid. R'a1r11,a1 ,. r,•• al t11' t tt r rr.rr - t :; steps, tool tt s 1 t Lill 1 ,r Che r1r11 sr,! f -,I if 10, ,1•i ,i th hie .. and th 1 r p, (.1 t1 11 :r s the Se r t til° ti t 1,'11 t re a') our I11, it,. ,.f u c t,.-uttn y •1' - ago, have gone. ":The eh:tdnns-imer•ti.en down the z Cale, The stats cool( out al I The golden bite silt-. 1 isto ,. A is The day is 01111,.1 pace 1 • 4' Hat el by l he` Nil l e 11,1 1 1,+e in t5e eve t Whetshen teli. ,,,.,•11.se. ,l Who facing to et,rr.,0y-- g "nv l Are ]ta liffg fir ih i ee " ,r o ck St. Thema.,'i` Phone 2st 4; I;. "'otiens, -1. Brussels q, Slate it 23rd, 11)21. +t° .;.j •1.lele•+.1-eiee.i,g,+i,a,&3.g•,ip•i•i,.£F.£,teei ' 'tr•o 0,-.•.,. :0..' ,..,o.-:,°1•'(15,V::,'.K•-.:0•.. 1• r . ro s o•r•o . sr r i : ,; .;. . The 8eaforth Creamery WANTED fwr • o Send your t ;ream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory R st is, p ' ante Flewee,'"enetteeelailetriallialliAS • 4, a • v We solicit \,fur patronage knowing that we can give you thorough Satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, )Jing the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you th.J highest market prices every two weeks. et, s- t;hr-tines payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. MCC ALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to The;aforth Creamery C > 44.400-0- 0.1.0- A e.,p..d, A. SEAFORTH, ONT. reeee l eta v° ¢•C••Ffa(t•.•r3 7 Ct i+ht..:;fiai 4 t ,S, s?va SACKED SY F1)3'f YEARR' EX1'ERILNGE1 DOMINANT IN QUAL. ITY AND SERVICE! Sixty years of Iea4ers;ri1—of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real service! Tl tt s why the Gilson name wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment, THE GILSON ENGINE Ail Sues WONDERFUL GILSON" Gnats You Ivothi na ba Wonderful Gilson" t stands ■ d. supreme. e ppr luso ass (thermtan ano Fillers weremoire, to s guar- 7'hv I,msu. Gil nn Cot, 7 it c Sixty^ > n- ante ecit be any other make. It is guar- Nothing, alae 1ss, t e fin ,y centred to he the ltghtcst running blower. chased cutter C t1 the m dr. e eat , a tv I eft n. P Let i t nv fin r. 't1f _ P t It av meet e - Ice i d nhtlib hove made n th bit t tn,.elling en- rill } 4ue rn,cn e.'i0 ctt ,II, 30311. 1 rr0 Miler KIM, in Canode. Let ua <.t.nattslraW oo ✓E k•P• of larger—nL tlia pl aper time, whCp your [arm. your corn has the greatest feeding vohte. HYLO SYLO The Ise, 4vio insures sreeet. ° tuft ttt en- silage dew tothe Iest ofIt is built inlest indefinitely. Exclusive spatented trllo•, da- ignand eons ellen explain why the llyie is chose by the discrlmiu. 4tun, 1(15/3 I';w for Manure is the hest fertilizer, You have it. it . ;t in the. best ;,tea -on- fisc ill 7'1,0 bestManure Spreader made is Then yam after year, Pays the Gilson. Why? 11 has a wide slorese& WO per cent, profit en It is IoW &MNU. It has nein. draft. IL will your - investment. Can take a real load. IL is tett from shushes, you beat it? THE GILSON SPREADER Sears a 44d c 41I e to iicat • td parte. P ar to GrindGCall and aro sur lu nearest dopier, none below. He Threshers, nay- 4nd ,make yon ,nonny. a, '. ri a uii,tPum (I,11ehated and , 0 Gc. W taret1)1x1(-Ace Trustees, wand Sawa, ers, Pump dacha, i,rlting, eta Write For r:utalrys, +Pude , stnCanada u d a Guaranteed drLLat tedU GILSON MFG. CO;, Limited . y GUELPH, KYItI7'e: Call and Sea Naareat Ileahir EARL Ria A R 1l I'y ELL, BRUSSELLS, ONT.