HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-4-7, Page 1e
VOL. 49 NQ. 4i
$2.00 per annum in advance
Paid-up Capital $ 0,700,000
Reserve 18.000,000
Reeeprees 280,000,000
m m t9 ou en
a savings accountin The
Bank of Nova Scotia it
begins to increase, and
every time you add to it
y ur own savings
that increase is increased
automatically by the in-
terest it draws.
is more certain
than the stability and
increase of a savings
Why not open one to-
F. R. Gilroy
Mistrirt Raps
FOR BALE, -Brick veneered house, !rime
atnble and 2 lots, located in Wroxeter. Apply
to W. B. !dairyman's, Wroxeter.
Mrs. Shewell and 2 children have re-
turned from Toronto,
Mies Della Rutherford, Toronto, is
vieitiug at her home here.
Village property for Bale in Wroxe-
ter. See advt. in this issue. '
T. Johanson, Brantford, was a visit-
or at the home of F. Kitchen last
Mre. Herbert Neale and 2 children,
Mt. Brydgee, are visiting relatives in
this vicinity.
init a
Geo. Savage, B,
v e Onnnin
Lon spent
several days with relatives and friends
in this locality.
Misses Mary Gibson and Elizabeth'
Sanderson were guests of relatives in
Toronto last week.
W, H, KERR, Proprietor
New Aat.drtierem.ents
Good newe--8 2, Evans,
Auction 8s15 -S, S. Cole,
'Haln -
Oar ot
f d '14.
n a Crn•-Mf.
13Bee0e peer,
For coir rale -Ernest
ow for s.W, t3 MeK Brew.
For sale -,W, Mttor.
Farm to rent -David Milne.
Display of cars -L. genaedy,
More ore lime -Jae. Fox.
Beed Pens -John A. Campbell,
Haggtor for eale-Thee, N.1fle.
Hay for sale -G, A. Headman.
Rouse for sole -S. Weinstein,
Pasture to rent -David Blithe.
Priso1110 Dean•-iramily Theatre,
Stook for en10-R. O. Campbell,
Clover seed forsale-(don. Blake.
The Master Key,of the toriptures.
Duck eggs for 3'nLOhln -Phono 0112,
(hover seed for sale -,-W 0, Stevenson,
Valley Farm-Bluevale )r ernatte Club,
E. Lowry,. Listowel, w called on
friends in the village last week.
Mrs. A. McLeod has returned from
it short holiday spent in Toronto.
Duncan Cameron, met n of New,
O taro
1 i
spent the e week end with his eieter,
Mrs, Fred. Davey.
Mrs, M. McLennan has returned
from a3 month's visit with fr'el
t ode aC
Toronto and Brantford
Good prices were realized at Mrs,
W. Wilson's sale of household effects
held Saturda
Mies Bernice Whitmore, Harrietol
visited last week with her grand' par-
ents, Robt. and Mrs, Black.
Miss 0, Lymberner, accompanied
her sister, Mrs. Heuson, on her return
to Hamilton on Wednesday last.
Jno. Bray, a former much esteemed
resident of the village, spent several
days here recently before leaving for
Hamilton where he will reside with a
Rev. M. Lymberner was in Dunn-
ville last week attending the funeral
of a brother. In his absence R.
Shaw, Bluevale, officiated in the
Methodist church Sunday evening,
BRIER House and T acre of hand for sale in
Good size
stable, well cistern,par &e.
ParaPossession at early,date. For ,further pardoJ-
8. as to ant, R. one, 3W, apply to Mea. J-
8. RrTonte, R. R. No, 8, Walton. Phone 2710.
Auction Sale of farm, farm stock,
&c. Thursday afternoon of this week
at Lot 29, Con, 12, McKillop. Fred.
Jackson, Poop.
Roy Hotrurn and NV rn. McFadden,
Toronto, were committed for trial
-•hanged with the murder of Cecil Sa-
bine, a druggiet in that city, formerly
of Walton.
11Rs. GEO. til CNN DECEASED. -Last
Sunday, at noon, Janet Anderson, be-
loved wife of Geo. Munn, Lot 12, Con,
13, McKillop township, passed away
at Fergus Hospital, aged 40 years and
3 months. She had been 9 weeks at
Fergus and had undergone two opera-
tions which were hoped would be
beneficial but following a condition of
ill health for the past 5 years she
succumbed above ve stat .d.
a Deceased
was bora at Blyth iihd Wits married to
her now bereft husband 15 years ago
and had lived in McKillop since. A
daughter and son survive. The cas-
ket carne to Brussels Monday night
Our policy is to assist farmers in in-
creasing their live stock holdings,
and to secure a
Better Grade of Stock
Call and talk the matter over. 10
PAiD-UP CAPITAL . . $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND $15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
ROBT. FERGUSON, - Gents' Outfitter
What About Your
Spring Suit ?
Have just passed into stock somo nico Blues and Grey
Serge Snitings at Moderate Prices, and what is nicer
to a well dressed man than a nice fitting Suit.
Tweed Rain Coats
Nice range of Tweed Bain Coats'at very low prices—
$12.00 to $1S 00. They aro exceptional values.
Men's Trousers
We havo a nice range of Separate Trousers that will
be sold at BARGAIN PRICES.
Famous Cooper Cap Overalls
Ono of the best made. $1,90
Robt. Ferguson
and funeral was held , Wednesday
afternoon to Brussels cemetery, ]rev.
Mr, Button taking charge of the ser.
vice thet
crafhome un
m andgraveside,
Munn and family aro deeplysyupath-
ised with in the loss of wife and moth-
Morning service in the Methodist
church here will be withdrawn next
Sunday and a union service held in
the afternoon at 2'80 at which Bethel
congregation will attend, Rev, E.
J8 w
W.d at ds, Seaforth, will be the
We are sorry to hear of the. illness
of Henry Murr, of this locality, who
is now in Wingham hospital for treat-
ment. It is to be hoped he will soon
be restored to to his old time vigor.
g .
COMFORTABLE brick house for Bale, with
furnace, kitchen and wo d
shrd, hard and
water, Far p do ars Pho Main stein,
Ethel, For particulars Phone 2225 or 180 Brine
cele Central.
nae acre and
There lsnwal cement well, cistern end Appl gar-
den, For PERS, sr lPhone
DAVIT/ SANDERS, RtheLtphone•6118 poly to
Spring work is under way in this
C ncil meeting will be held here
Monday, 11th inst.
A new tinsmith named Evans, has
come to Ethel and located in the
Dilworth block.
Mrs, Jno. McDonald and Miss Dor-
othy, of Listowel, were visiting with
old friends last week
Mr. and Mre. Geo. Love, of Niagara,
are visiting with Mr. Love's brother,
W. H Love, of Ethel,
Rev. F. S. OKell preached a splend-
id sermon on 'The Benefits of Church
Membership," to a large audience,
last Sabbath evening.
Pasture to Rent
Cattle taken by the month for the
season. Plenty of water and
shade. A run of 400 acres, For
further particulars apply to the
undersigned. •
Have a quantity of first-class
Timothy Seed for Bale.
P. Ament -
Thursday, 7th
William Desmond
Betty's Prince
And Pathe News
Saturday, gth
Se Special Advt, Page 8
Tuesday, 12th
Hoot Gibbons
(Western Drama)
The Wonder Bog Comedian
Oluevale orawatic Club
intend giving a play in
on evening of
Thursday, u A
Ys p rill 4
Play is entitled
Valley Farm
and is a Domestic Drama ot°'ab-
sorbing interest and tender
pathos, given in 4 Acts. Plot to
wreck home and happiness is
deep -laid and cunning but Love
triumphs in the end, The char-
acter's are as followe f -
Herold Rutledge .,. Cameron McDonald
Perry Deane Harvey Robertson
David HIidreth William McKinney
Buns Holcomb Frank Shaw
Azeriall Beep Rodger Cake
Jennings Cloin Bigglnp
Betty Holoamb.,,.,:,., Gerrie Robertson
IsabelC arne
Mrs, Rutledge Clive Booth
Alvin Holcomb Mary Duff
Lizy Ann Tooker Lila Gray
Verbena Cern Jewit
A finecam •o
of Vocal p g and
Instrumental Music will be given
between Acte.
All are iuvited to come and en-
joy a pleasant evening.
Admission 50c. Children 25c.
The Sale of L. P. Lawrence, Grey,
Wednesday of last week went well,
totalling 83,000. Auctioneer Walker,
Gorrie, wielded the hammer,
J. T. Nicholson now occupies the
premises in the DIlworth block form-
erly used as a millinery shop, where
he will continue in the tonsorial oc-
We are pleaesd to state that Miss
Alice Ec
kmier who underwent
for apP n endie' i
s Tuesday L T da of
last week is
now progressing favor-
Last Monday school re opened after
Easter vacation. The Tr'usteis sec-
ured Mrs. Holmes, of Brusdills, as
teacher and she is now at work. We
wish her success.
Last Tuesday eyening a social even-
ing was held in connection with ,the
Epworth League. Good program and
games gave an enjoyable time after
which lunch was served.
Anyone wanting expert workman-
ship in the line of plumbing, tinsmith-
ing, eavetroughing, and general re-
pair work would do well to call on S.
111. Evans. Mr. Evans has opened a
tinsbop in the building formerly oc-
cupied by J, T. Nicholson's barber
shop where he may be found Saturday
of each week. See his advertisement
in another col
Method ist Churches
Refe rendum
Will be Rev. Mr. OKen's
subject at the 3 services next
Don't forget that Monday,
18th inst., is the voting day.
Every roan and woman who
has a ballot to cast should be
glad of the privilege of driv-
ing out of our Province one
of the greatest enemies to
any land.
YOU use great care in' selecting a
new Hat—why should Shoes be
less important ? Come
and see our lines of
' New Spring
which consists of High
Cut Bals., Oxfords, Ties
and Pumps in the finest
of Kids, Patents and oth-
er materials equally as
tasty. A very classy line
all through with prices on
an equally fine basis.
We also have a very neat assortment,in Men's and Child-
s Footwear. Call and sec them and if we have not what
want let no know and we will endeavor to get it for you.
Chapman Bros. Richards' Old Stand
Good News
t •
idea a of
h s rt the Village
of lrthet and immediate
vicinity I beg to announce
that I have locatedhere to con-
duct a
My efforts along this line will
include $avetroughing, Furnace
Work, Plumbing, General Re-
pairing, etc.
It is my intention on
to remain
in my shop on Saturdays to as
comrnodate such of my custom -
ere who have Repair Work, etc,
Other days, weather permitting,
I '1 be prepared are
d o
t go out and
do the outside work-- Furnace
Work, Eavetroughing, &c.
I hope to beau a position in a
fewdays to
commence work i
n 0 n
real earneet but owing to the
fact that my equipment has not
yet arrived I cannot give any
I humbly solicit your patron-
age in my effort to All a long felt
want and I can assure you of
first-class work.
Tinsmith and Plumber Ethel, net,
Mrs. W, D. Bower, rllarriston, and
Mrs. H. Faust spent Good Friday
with W. H. and MIR. Love.
W. T. Spence is making improve-
ments on the interior of his store.
Will. is determined to be up to date
all right.
FORD.-The report that one of our
well known families was intending to
remove to Stratford in the persons of
S. 8. and Mrs. Cole and daughter,
caused considerable surprise. An
Auction Sale is announced for Tues-
day afternoon of next week, at 1 p, m,
when their house and lot, live, stock,
household furniture and a host of
other articles will be offered. James
Taylor will be the -Auctioneer. The
list may be found on bills and in this
week's issue of THE POST. The Cole
family has taken a very active in-
terest in the affairs of the community
and -will be greatly whiffed, especially
in the Methodist church.
Morris Council minutes and list of
Pathmastere, &c. may be found on
page e 6 of this issue.
Sorry to hear
that Mies Isabrl
Shaw, 3rd line, is poorly but her many
friends hope for her early invigora-
Now that better roads are in vogue
D. Denman has taken charge of Mail
Routes 4 and 5 in this township as lie
did last Summer, covering the terri-
tory with his car.
Last week Me's. Alex. King, 4th
lino, was taken seriously ill and had
to undergo an operation. Her many
friends will be glad to know that she
is making favorable progress and we
hope she will soon be convalescent.
The Auction Sale of Jno. Robb,
6th line, last week turned out all right
although at one time it looked like a
postponement on account of bad
weather. Proceeds of sale were over
$4000, James Taylor was the Auc-
tioneer and handled the job well.
HAZY DIED. -We are sorry to state
that Do•ie mend, the 5 months old in-
fant of Thos, and Mre, Miller, 6th Zine,
died at the Children's Hospital, Tor-
onto, on Monday, whither she had
been taken by her parents for treat-
ment. The remains were brought
home Monday night and burial will
1 take place Wednesday afternoon,
from the parental home, at 2 o'clock.
Interment in Brussels cemetery, The
loss of this little one is lepecially cad in
view of the demise of a blight little
laddie in the Same home a few months
ago, Sympathy is expressed for the
HALLIDAY.- Goderich Star gives
the following obituary notice in last
week's issue t -Many expreeeions of
eympathy are heard in connection
with the death of Andrew Halliday
on Saturday last. He was taken to
the hospital and was operated on on
Tuesday last week but complications
were found which prevented a success-
ful operation and as already stated
Mr, Halliday passed awat on Satut-
day. Funeral was held Tuesday from
his late residence, Bayfield road, to
Maitland cemetery, Services were
conducted by Rev. R. C. McDermid,
pastor of Knox church, and pallbear-
ers were John Fingland, J. N. Kernig-
han, Martin Mugford, David Sproule,
til, Flick and L. Allen. Mr. Belcher
sang, "Shadows" which was id ways a
favorite of the deceased, Mr, Kenyon
accompaning. Among friends from
out of town attending were ; hire. T.
Bone, Brussels ; Mre. Martin, Kitch-
ener ; A. H. Cochrane, Watetloo ;
Irvin Smarms and Alfred Sararae,
New Dundee, all cousins ; Alvin
Townshend, Fontbill, and Mrs, Town-
ehend, Clinton, Alvin Townehend be-
ing a nephew, and Mr. Townshend, of
Clinton, a brother of Mrs. Halliday ;
Frank Wright, Brantford ; Will.
Towns/tend, Goderich township ; T.
A, Hardy, Clinton, a cousin of Mr.
Halliday's ; John Fingland, Lnndcs-
boro ; Mr. and Mre, Stoltz and Mrs.
Riddell and Mrs. Mogridge, Auburn ;
also Miss Sanderson, New Hamburg,
it niece. Floral tributes consisted of a
wreath from the family ; spray from
Mr, and Mrs. Waite ; crescent front
Mr. Barker's family ; spray, Miss Rey-
nolds; boquet, H. A. and Mrs. Wells.
!qr. 'Halliday was born in Colborne
township in 1862, being a con of the
f+++++++++++++44+4 4+++++++
4.4. Special Display of Cars
A SPROIAL display of Studer
/.\ baker and Overland Cars
will be held in the Show 4,
Ron u•
ts of Mr. L. ns
Kar 11, in .
� lviugham, during the first two
4, weeks of Apt il, y
•1• This is probably the largest t
dieplay of Cars ever held in the
County of Huron. All ere spec. .1.
Tally invited and a pleasant time 1•
1 is anticipated; especially for the $
+ people ie outride of
late Win, Halliday, allida and 1 \
t c was the last
of a family to y r ,f 8. He lived for 50
years in Colbo•neTwp. and attended
the Auburn Presbyterian church, of
which whia h was an elder for several
Foryears he
ywas a member
of Colborne Twp, Council. Sayears
ago last Fall be moved to Goderich.
He is survived v ed byhis
widow, w formerly
Miss Ada Townshend, and by one
daughter, Mies Mabel Halliday,
, clrey
Township Council will be held next
Monday at Ethel,
advt,S. S. Cole, Ethel, holds an Auction
Sale next Tuesday afternoon. See the
Attend the union Temperance
meeting Sunday afternoon at Oran -
A car of Gunn's Shur gain Fertilizer
was unloaded at Walton 0, P. R, last
week by George E. Speiran,
Mies Florence McRae, Sarnia, spent
the holiday week with her friend,
Mrs. Jas. S. Armstrong, 9th Con.
Mrs. E. W, Vipond and son Jack,
were visitors
over the week cud at
Juo. 51. Pearson's, the former's broth-
Mies Jean Grant attended the Con-
vention of the Ontario Educational
Association in Toronto and was also a
guest at the Reunion of the Faculty
of Education at the Hart House.
Mrs. (Rev.) Robert Pearson and
daughter, Marion, of Calgary, have
been here on a visit with Mrs. Robert
Pearson, while Mr, Pearson is attend-
ing to Parliamentary duties af' Ed -
mon ten,
James Nichol is moving to the farm
he bought from Wm. Armstrong, 9th
Coo. Mr. and Mts. Armstrong take
possession of the eligible property
pm•chased from W. H, Maunders,
corner Princess and Queen streets,
Bette cels.
At. a meeting of the Temperance re-
teserta i e
tv snttheto
P wnshi r
the fol -
lowin appointed were apps noted for polling
sub -division ;-Nn. 1-Robt. Strachan,
Chairman, J, G. Turnbull, Secretary ;
No. 2 -Andrew Lamont and Mrs,
Rands ; No. 3 -Silas Johnson and
Mrs. F, Oster ; No, 4 -Neil McTag-
gart and Fred, Smith ; No, 5-A, Mc-
ICee and W. T. Spence ; No. 6 -Thos.
Elliott and J. Alexander ; No. 7 -Jas.
Penne and Wm. Cameron. P, A, 1tic-
Aithur is Chairman for the Township,
J. 101. Pearson, Secretary and Dr. M.
Ferguson, Treasurer. It is expected
each polling division will prosecute
the work and that on Monday, 18th
inst., 811011 a vote will be polled as
will ably sustain the past history of
Grey township along moral lines.
The local pastors are asked to call the
attention of the electors to this im-
portant issue and urge a big rally for
the 18th. Now is the time for every
lover of sobriety and s0tting a good
example to the youth to show their
colors. A boy is worth more than a
Mrs. Aikens, (teacher in Bluevale)
attended the Convention in Toron to
last week.
Ott the 'evening of Thursday of next
week, in Knox church here, the Play
"Valley Farm" will be presented by
the young folk and in addition there
will be a good program of vocal and
instrumental music, See advt, and
be sure and attend.
WEDDING. -The following appeared
in Toronto Star of March 31st. "A
pretty wedding took place at high
noon on Wednesday at the home of
Air, and Mrs, Martin Masters, 772
Shaw St, when their daughter Matey
Olive was united in marriage to
Gordon Gallaher, of Bluevale. Rev.
George Baker, of Scaraboro, perform-
ing the ceremony, The bride, who
was unattended, wore white satin
with corsage boquet of sweet peas.
Following the wedding breakfast, she
donned a becoming tailored suit of
navy blue and henna hat with navy
blue veil for travelling. The young
couple are making their home at Blue -
vale, Mre, Gallaher has been active
in Young People's work in the Centen-
nial Methodist church of this city."
The above parties are all well known
here, the bride having lived here
several years before going to Toronto
and Rev. Mr. Baker was a former
pastor here. Their many feiende will
wish them a happy and prosperous
married life.
of the pioneer residents of the village
passed away ou Thursday. March
24th, in the person of Elizabeth
Richardson, relict of the late Juo,
Burgess, in her 31st year. Mrs, Bur-
gess was one of our most highly es-
teemed residents and \vith her late
linsband was among the early
pioneers of this seotion, Until late
years she had been active in church
work being'tt member of the Presby-
terian church, Deceased is survived
by 4 sons and 8 daughters, viz ; John
and Samuel, British Columbia ;
Joseph, Ottawa; :lames It,, Listowel ;
Mre. Watt, Boiseevain, Man, ; Mrs,
Wm. Fraser, Riteh Lake, and Miss
Belle at home, One son, Lieut. Wal.
tet' 13. Bargees, 1J. S, O„ who was a
most capable officer made the supreme
sacrifice in France in August, 1018,
and Miss Nellie, the youngest daogh,
ter, died in Toronto after a brief eV!! 1' nese iu Ootobor, 2918, The funeral
took place on Sunday afternoon to
the family plot in the Bluevale seine.
NEwer None,- Whitney Stuart
has accepted 01 position in Henfryn
and will be away for this Summer,-.
Mrs, Robb. Musgrove is visiting in
Toronto for the last2 weeks.--11(isaee
Holmes, Stuart and Wilson spent the
Easter holidaye at their homes in
Bluevale.- Misses Gourley and Kat•
laway from Toronto, were the gueefs
of Mrs. McHwan,-Gordon Gallaher
has returned from Toronto with his
bride, Mise Masters, who was former,
ly a resident here. His many friends
of e Bl
uva1es c
e text l congratulations,-
Miss Turveyy and Mies Shaw have re-
turned to their schools after spending
a pleasant Easter vacation. -Misses
Johnston and Ourtie have returned to
Toronto . -Married - ar
, M at fir
M hoaie
Parsonage, March 30th, by Rev, R.
L. Wilson, John 11. Stacey to Miss
Hazel Vanstoue, both of Bluevale.
They were attended byHenryan
er and Mise Hazel Stamper. Bride
and groom will spend their honey-
moon in Kitchener and Hamilton be-
fore settling down on the groom's
farm at Bluevale,- The Epworth
Leag,ne of Bluevale Methodist church
entertained the Guild of Knox church
on Monday evening, Program which
was in charge of Miss Wilson, Toron-
to ; Miss Stuart, Gorrie, and Miss
Edna Johnson, Bluevale, was much
appreciated and enjoyed by all. A
dainty lunch was served at the close
of the eonteets, About 100 people
were present.
Commencing Mond
, Apr
il Ilth, Chopping y
111111Monday, Wednesday nd Friday
of each week.
Those requiring Drain Tile will not be die -
appointed if your order ie placed early. All
sizes up to 12 inch at price that is right,
F. A. HARareoze.
Oran brook
Next Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock,
a Union Temperance meeting will be
held in Knox church to be addressed
by Rev, M. J. Wilson, of Exeter.
There should be a big rally as he is a
fluent speaker dealing with a most
important issue.
Mise Fern Eckmier returned to her
school at Toronto.
A select company was entertained
at the home of Louis Eckmier last
Friday night. We are living in hope
of another
jollycrowd the • before
Mrs. John Snell has been real poor-
ly for a couple of weeks. If good
wishes will aid in her recovery she
should soon be enjoying the best of
J. D. and Mre. Miller, Listowel, at-
tended the silver' wedding of Dr. and
Mrs, J. A. Wilson at Guelph on Good
Friday. Dr. Wilson is a brother of
Mrs:, Miller.
Wednesday of last week Miss Viola
McLeod underwent an operation for
appendicitis and is making favorable
progress. Her many friends hope she
will soon be restored to first-class
Church Chimes
Next Sunday morning Rev. M, J.
Wilson, Exeter, will conduct the ser-
vice in Melville Church, at the usual
hour and will speak in the Methodist
church in the evening at 7 o'clock. Be
is a good speaker,
Sunday afternoon an open session of
the Methodist Sabbath School was held
instead of the usual program. The fine
Easter Cantata "My Jesus I love Tbee."
was repeated by the choir and members
of the Sabbath School in excellent form.
Srg.00 was asked for to complete the
$75•oo being given to Missions but when
the offering was counted it was found to
total 838.6o, Rev, Mr, Clarry, Kincar-
dine, gave a short suitable address.
Anniversary services of a very inter-
esting character were conducted last
Sunday in the Methodist church in con-
nection with the Epworth League.
Rev. Mr, Clarry, Kincardine, was in
the pulpit and gave two practical, well
directed sermons, most suitable for the
occasion. The morning text was "Look
up and look out," and "The triumphs of
Faith'^the subject in the evening. In
addition to good music from the choir
W. H. and Mrs. Willis, Wingham, ren-
dered the duet "Over the line" with
pleasing effect at the evening service,
Rev. Mr. Clarry will always be welcome
at Brussels.
Mouday evening the annual entertain-
ment was held in the school room.
Bert Lott was chairman. Program was
welt varied and was contributed to by
Melville Endeavor. It was as follows :
-Piano solo, Miss Ruth Sinclair;
reading, Mrs. Parker ; solo, Miss Isabel
Strachan ; address by Rev, Mr, Peters,
Belgrave, on "Community life;" selec-
tion from church choir ; reeding Miss
Irene Hoover ; remarks loy the pastor ;
short speech by Rev. Mr. McLeod, of
Wyomiug ; Lunch ; National Anthem ;
Benediction. The offering was $4 00.
Rev. 1. P. McLeod, of Wyoming, was
the preacher in Melville church last
Sunday spealtiug to large congregations.
Morning text was Matt. 27 and 36, "And
sitting down they watched Him there."
In the evening fudges ib -so ,vas the
foundation for the discourse, "1 will go
out as at other times before end shake
myself, but he know not that the Lord
was departed from him." Rev, Mr,
McLeod remained for Tuesday's prayer
service and the funeral of the baby
daughter of Thos. and Mrs. Millor, Mor-
ris, ou Wednesday. Coogregatiou will
probably vote in the near future on the
quartette who have occupied the pulpit
for the past 4 Sabbaths.