HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-3-31, Page 7O . Bw41 NORTH ERN CANADA W� .� DA ONE NERD OFA1000 HEAD HAS BEEN SEEN. Range of Wild Buffalo Lies in North Alberta and Southern Part of Mackenzie District. liar year Indians in the northern regions of Caou40 have de6Jared that at least one bora of wild buffet° was thriving in the district of Meelcenzto. White nomads coming casually into contact with civilization told similar ntorles. Sometimes details were add. ed; The white men usually contended that the animals were not true buf- talo, but a species to which thoy,gave Ute name of wood -buffalo, Generally, however, their intormation as to the numbers and condition of the animals, and the particular territory In whieh they roamed was nebulous. The settled comnutnities on '. the fringe of the lonely lands placed lit - tie credence In the tales, Civilized Canada indeed was convttteed that the herd of wild buffalo In the north was a myth—a variation of Indian legends that had grown with the pnasing years since the bat of the vast herd of bun falo that once thrived on the prairie lands had disappeared. The myth has been dissolved, A real herd of wild buffalo has been dis- covered, numbered with as mach ex- actness sactness as possible, their condition and habits noted, and the extout of their range approximately measured. P. IL Kitto, of the natural resouroa5 Intelligence branch of the Depart- ment of tate Interior of Canada, spent the greater part Of last summer in ac• quiring this Information. In the but - feta territory. I•Ie was fortunate enough to be able to secure several snapshots of the butfalo,tllough most of his attempts bo secure close up lec- tures were frustrated by the rapidity with which the animals fled whenever Mr, Kato or any of the guides” got within reasonable distance of them. Continue Search Next Summer. Dir. 1?;Jtto, wbo Is no stranger to the north country, having done a great deal of exploring and surveying there, devoted his whole attention to the ef- fort to verity or disprove the wild buffalo story. Having obtained eta - flee greet o1, .the existence o1 one herd, he began the search for another which the Indians declared was in existence still further north. He was compelled to abaudon this search by the approach of winter, but hopes to bo able to resume it early next sum- mer audbelieves that It will be suc- ceeefit i. The range of the wild buffalo, ac- cording to Me Mane prelitninary re- port, centres in about latitude 60 de- grees rorth and longiude 112 degrees. West. Tho territory Iles in the north- ern part of the province of Alberta and the esuthern part of the district et elaekenzle• It is bouaded on the eeuth by the Peace River, on the east 1 by ,Slave River. on the west by the Caribou mountains, and on the north by Great Slave Lake. IIs estimates the herd with which he came into contact as numbering 1,000 head. Thls figure he reached after the most carern] calculation ex - muffing over a period of some weeks. EJGutn:alone were made from day to day, neeordang to the locality covered, so as to avoid the possibility of count- ing the same groups mere than once. He found ne buffalo in the more north- erly part of the range—of which he wee able to cover a small section— but he Is not now so strongly inclined as formerly to .disregard the asser- tions of the Indians that there is an- other herd of 1,000 head there, in the summer season the buffalo scatter through the woods, feeding in the marshes and meadows stud Ere- .quenting the sand hills tor protection against the flies. During the winter they gather to big bands tor protec- tion against the wolves and stick pretty closelyto the grassy meadows. They seem to find no difficulty in get- ting tltrougli the scow to their feed, A Unique Memorial The monument erected to tate mem- ory 01 Wolte and Mexttcalm, . that stands in the Governor's Garden 'In Quebec, is said to be the oily one, at least on this continent, commemorat- ing both tate conqueror unci the Con-, tittered. at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in 1760. Tho monument bears the epigrammatic Latin inscrip- tion; Mortem V'lrtus Conlmunem Faniam Illstoria Monumentuni Posterttes Debit Valor gave them a common Heath: Hitters a common fame; Posterity a common monument. Silence In Court. The judge adjusted his pince-nez, and laid time has quilt -pen. For a moment ho pondered in toe, red judicial maturer then lits woe• aliipful eyes rested upon the prisoner. He coughed, "I seem to know your Lace," he re- marited, "Yue," returned the prisotr with a mettle "WO Was boys together!" The judge stetted, Nonsmose!" Ile exclatniod, "Oae Yue, We was," , pox/listed the prlaonor, "We're betjt about the saMO age, ab we meet ltavo Been boye to- gether." ,v ' I:T R$99413 The Toronto tlospitol for Trager - ablest, In affiliation with Bellevue and Allied Ifos styisNew York city, y, emirs three yearn' 40aree 0r the Iii. Ing 10 young women, having the melee. edueatlon, one desirous of bebe coaling nevem. This .Hospital line adoptndthe eigh -I esr system. The ! p receive un(orms or the 201001, a monthly allowanett and travelling expenses to and from New York, Far further Information apply to the Superintendent. The Wolf Cubs. God planted In the small boy a hor- ror of all that is dult and slow "And conventional. Ho made hima crea- ture of restless energy, with an in - 411181 tve, eager mind, a sensitive little heart, and a romantic imagination, Don't oppose God's plant Worst with ft ---discover it—gulde 111 Teat is the Wolf Cub idea. In 1014, in response to continual de- mands from boys under 12 years of age for admission to Boy Scout troeps, Sir Robert Baden-Powell artsWered with the plans for the organization et. the Wolf Cubs. Aud in doing so tete Great Father of Scouting also ;suet tea need for a scheme ot recreational edw cation that would teach the small boy those first lessons in loyalty to the right, self-control, respect for authori- ty and kindness to others, that are the foundation of good-oitizeeship, The programme of the Wolf Cubs, paralleling the plan of Scouting for older boys, has been built up about the natural activities and impulses of the boy of eight to twelve years of age. The small boy lilies to play at wolf, or bear; barking, growling; pur suing, being- pursued. Very well, let him play at welt and you play at wolf with him. And Into the play weave the fundamentals ot loyally (to his Pack), obedience (giving in. to the Old Wolf), and self-control (not giv- ing in to himself), In a few words, thia is the theory of the Wolf Cubs, Wolf Cub organizations and packs may be formed in a manner similar to the way in which Boy Scout troops aro formed. Instead of u Scoutmaster there is a Cubmaster, who may be either a man or a woman, and instead of a Troop Committee there is a Pack Committee. Further particulars re- garding the organization, registration and chartering of Wolf Cub "Packs" and with reference to this most In- teresting branch of the Boy Scout Movement may be had upon applica- tion to the Boy . Scouts Association, Bleor and Sherbourne Sta., Toronto, "Cascarets" If Sick, Bilious, Headachy To -night sure! Let a pleasant, harm- less Cascaret work while you sleep and have your liver active, head clear, stomach sweet and bowels moving re. gular by morning. No griping or in- convenience. A. 25 and 50 cent boxes. Children love this candy cathartic too. The largest insect known, but now extinct, was a dragon -fly, which had a wingspread measuring two feet. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Distemper • The o, Thin a You D It isn't whet yon talk about that moos' you rich andgreat, , It Isn't wba You dream Itbout that hap, pens while you wait, It isn't what you long for moat that 'soonest comes to YOU, The only things that count, my 5011, are just the things you do. So do not spend your precious time le tAJicing 1180Iiio 01100, They do not 0.are to hear you though they may say they don't mind, And do net dream, unless at night, when sluniber comes (u you, For nothing 00unts at an, ley son, ex- cept the things you do, CIIILDIIOOD CONSTIPATION Consultation is one of the mast Common ailments of chIdhood and the child suffering from it cannot thrive. To peep the children well the bowels must be kept regularand the stomach. sweet. Ta de thie nothing can equal Baby's Orn eetbiets. They are a mild but thorough laxative; aro absolutely safe and never fail to re- lieve constipation- and indigestion; colds and simple Paver. Concerning them Mrs. Jules Fauquereau, Nomin, inguo, Que., writes: -"My baby was terribly constipated and suffered day and night. I was advised to give hint Baby's Own Tablets and from the filet they helped hien and now at the age of thirteen months he is a big, healthy, happy boy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont, 0 --Elephantine Humor. Inorder to see the elephant at his best, says a writer, you must go to India. There he Is used as a beast of burden, and his intelligence comes out strikingly. He is said to be the Daly animal that will work unattended. But for all tdat he is not fond of labor, for he will -keep au eye on the boss, and when the whistle Wows he will drop whatever he is doing and run for the feeding place—a trait that he is said to share with spine human creatures.. We do not believe that animals, Intel-• agent as they often are, have quite the sense of humor that human beings: have; yet hero is an authenticated` story .of one - small elephant's prank that clearly points to a sort of mie- cbievious humor. -^'Yi mother elephant was dragging from one spot to another in a ship- yard an extraordinarily heavy timber that she had been unable to pick up. Two chains were fastened to her col- lar, each joined to a huge Book, which was fastened tato the end of the log. As she toiled along with her burden her half --grown baby elephant walked beside her. She came at last to an incline where she had to exert her entire strength to drag the log up; and while Surnames and Their " Origin CROTHERS t Variations—Crowthers, Crowder. Racial Origin—Engltsh. Source—An occupation. Few persons, In this country who bear the family mines of Crowthers, Crowther or Crowder knew that these names are the same, dr what they mean, for the word from which they have been taken, though a common one in the middle ages, at the period when family names first made their appearance, has long since been obsolete. The "crouch" or "crowd" of medieval England was a musical instrument, a six -stringed either, nearer in appear anee to the cello than to any other of our modern instruments in the violin class. The "crouther," "crowther" or "Crowder," ot course, was the: man who played it. Moet often he was a travelling musician, playing profitably at local fairs and In the castles of the nobility. The surnames arosefirst through the habit 01 referring to "Geoffrey 10 Crouther" or "Roger le Crowder," and as sons very often followed the same calling as their fathers, it is easy to see how the surname, at first deserip- tive, being passed down from father to son, finally lost its descriptive sign(1l- cance, and came to be a distinguishing family name, in a period when the popltlatiou of the country was growing so rapidly, and intercommunication between various communities Mareas- ing so as to make the bearing, of more. than one name necessary for identiti• cation. GROSVENEUR Variation—Grosvenor. Racial Origin—Norman-French. Source—A sobriquet. This ie one of those family names tracing directly to a Norman-French origin, which are so common in Eng- lish, yet by Ito means in the majority. It belongs to the -classification of nicknames or sobriquets, and is a good example of the manner in whtoh such memos came into being first as a popu- lar tributeor attribute to the bearer,. and later, under the growing influence of the necessity for having mere than one name by which to distingulsh a man, became finally a hereditary name. The name comes from two Norman- Franca words,. "gros" and "veneer," and it means "stout hunter," No greater compliment could have been paid a man In those days when. hunting was a major sport, an outer - prise of some danger and considerably more serious titan, that of modern times except where big game is being sought. As a family name 1t Is not so wide. spread as seine others, but neverthe- less of suflictent importance to de. serve mention. There is no doubt that the sobriquet was applied to a great many more persons is the Mid- dle .Ages than have bequeathed ft to their posterity ad a family name, It.s Up to You as a Parent whether you Feed your boy or girl real building Faod,or some; that merely "tastes good" Nuts Furnishes exactly the Food val- ues needed to build. your bod- ies, and the taste is deli lithu1 Grocers .everyurhere sell this staunch wheat and maker' barley food Real_. to eat' — Tco.raomacal she was leaning forward the baby ole• pliant suddenly droupel back, e'u;ht 1 the heels with els trunk and Yanked out 01 tee log. The leanIt was that the old elephant was tbrenel forward on her head, with her Imola up 10 Lite air, The little elephant utile straight- way Mrthewoods near by, ea hard as he could gallop. The mother got Herself together thickly, looked all round and started after the youngster, with iter trunit upraised. She caugltt up with him in the woods) and the num working at the shipyard )heard his squeals as her trunk emended on liim iifiain and again. Really the two of there re- appeared; the little elephant was wanting dejectedly at his mother's heels and holding to iter tail,, A Little +Wisdom. Those who take great .pains take great profits. Ae shout man's' words are never brought Into omit. Tt's hardto pay for clothes that have been worn out. I3e who saves til little things can be liberal In great ones, Mee trouble Iles in having nothing to do than lnuob to da, A -many things remain impossible 'till they are attempted. :Before you run in double harness, be sure of the other horse, 'Tis better to put the shoulder to the wheel than the back to the wall. lie who loses money loses a little; he who loses a friend loses more, and he who loses courage loses most. RHEUMATIC PAINS HAVE H VE DISAPPEARED As -a Result of Treating the Trouble Through the Blood. The chief symptom of rheumatism is pain, Themost sucoespful treatment is the one that most quickly relieves and banishes the pain. Many rheu- matic people suffer pains that could be' avoided by building up the blood; whenrheumatism is associated with thin blood it cannot be corrected tun 111 the blood Is built up. Mr. Ed.. Hall, Main -a -Dieu, N.S., suf- fered from rheumatism for years, but was more fortunate than many vic- tims of the disease, for he found a remedy that so built up his entire system that he is now free from rheu- matism. Mr. Hall says: "I was taken down with rheumatism, and at times was ueder the treatment of several of the best doctors in Cape Breton, but they held out no hope for my re- covery from the trouble. I was con- fined to bed for three years and a helpless cripple from the trouble. I could not move, and had to be turned in sheets. My legs and fingers were drawn out of shape, and sores devel- oped on n:y body as the recite of my long, confinement to bed. T was in this serious condition when a friend advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I began taking them. The first benefit I felt from the pills was an improved appetite, and then I be. Eau to feel stronger, and was finally able to get out of bed and go about on crutches, I continued taking the pills for months, slowly but surely getting new strength, And finally I was able to laythe crutches aside, S will al- ways be lame, as the result of my long stay in bed my left leg has shortened somewhat, but otherwise I am feeling fine and able to do my work as Fishery Overseer. I may add that when the rheumatism came on I weighed 140 pounds, and when I be- gan goiag about on crutches I only weighed 67 pounds, and now I am at normal. weight. There are many here who know and can vouch tor the truth of these statements." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mall, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 52.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Freezing Points of Fruits Are Measured Electrically. In an attempt to evolve methods of preventing the spoilage of frutts and vegetables by freezing while an tran- sit or storage, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is conducting thousands of experiments at the Arlington, 1 a laboratories, to determine at what temperatures these products freeze. The experimental apparatus consists of a large tank in which brine is cir- culated, and thermocouples, which possess the peculiar property 01 gen- erating weak and variable currents of electricity when they are subjected to changes in temperature. These vari- ations are registered by delicate me- ters. So sensitive are the thermocoup es that they will detect a dlh:erenee of temperature of .0001 deg. In ser vice, a teat specimen of fruit and a thermocouple nre placed in ono of 12 cups in the lid of the brine tank. By watching the specimen and trio meter' closely the exact temperature at which freezing begins is determined with great AC0Urace No Place for Hilarity. The storm was increasing in vio- lence and some of the deck fittings had already been swept overboard' when the captain decided to send up a signal Of distress. But hardly had the rocket burst over the ship when a solemn -faced passenger stepped on to then Bridge. Captain,!' he said, "I'd he, tate .Iasi person on earth to cast a damper on any man, but it seems tome that this 1,3 do time for letting oft fireworks." ese--- Me one in the London jewellery erode is worldttg full time: .Soothes tired nerves, Forrestfulfu f sleep a at nza night apply ��51 rh A BENGU btu �lwa Fl$ do the forehead and back of neck. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES ,41.00 a rubs. IRE LEERING MILES 80., LTD. MONTR£AI. events for Ur. Jute) Belteu1 REL-IEV14S PAIN Dishwashing Machine is. Effective. As proving the very real efficiency and desirability of . the mechanical way of washing dishes,- a series of tests recently conducted by a resident of White Plains, N.Y., are extremely interesting. The electrical dishwash- er was placed la this particular home on trial, and the skeptical "prospect" etarted his tests with a determination to prove the general worlitessnees of the device. Count was made of the number of pieces of tableware used by the family of two adults and two small children, for each meal, and the opera- tions of handling and washing, botat. by hand and by machine, also were counted and timed. It was found, futhermore, that the machine's capacity for washing the in- side nside of bottles was more than Human, and that greasy pots and pans, with the aid of a washing powder supplied with the apparatus, promptly became spotless without any of the usual un- pleasant effort. As the machine's ca- pacity was sufficient for the dishes of two meals, it was a sinipe matter to reducecthe number of operations still further. As a result, the housewife's total' gain amounted to two hours a day, or even more. The Future of Brazil. Brazil, which is most wholly In the tropics, has the opportunity to upset the belief that no people can reach the very highest civilization in a tropi- cal climate, The census, Just com- pleted, credits Brazil with 30,500,000 People, which makes 1t the second American country in point of popula- tion. Some modern men of science, most of them British, maintain that when means have been 'found to uti- lize the Beat of the sun as mechanical energy the tropia; will become centres of production and therefore of civili- zation. If that should be true, what country could match Brazil, with its great resources of minerals, timber and Iand, and its great navigable rivers? Hear, Heart itlr. Gasbag Jones stood on a soap- -box at the corner of the street. A huge crowd surged around him. Surely his heart should have been glad: But he was dissatisfied. He tried hard to be heard, but it was all in vain. Every attempt he made to speak . was interrupted by some member of the audience. At last, stamping his foot in great anger, he bellowed at the top of his voice: l "Every time I open by mouth a silly fool speaks." And the crowd agreed with him en- tirely. Royal Fractions. There is a general opinion that the Queen of England is a person of con- siderable strength and determination of character. That opinion is reflect- ed in a number of more or less amus- ing stories. One'ofthem relates that the Prince of Wales, while visiting the British forces at the front, saw in a dugout he pictures of his royal father and mother. Under the King's was written, "George, the fifth"; under the Queen's, "the other four fifths." "1DANDERHNE99 Girls! Save Your Ham Make It Abundant! a;"iQt , RE tiliRLI1 Obvioue Question. "Rite gets her Complexion from her. mother's people," "Alt, , indoodl Are they chemists, then?" Brand New. "I-Iave you not appeared before tel a wltnoea in this suit, tnadani?" "No, Indeed! This Is lite first time I have ever worn it" Couldn't Understand It. "Mother,the tettcber Bald 'I made of dust. "Yes. dear," "Well, If I was born in January when the show was on Lilo ground where did Cod get the dust?" 115 No Need to Quarrel. "Oh, mamma," said little Charlie,. "I've upset ilii salt -cellar over the clean tablecloth:" "That was very careless," answered mother, "but go and brush the salt off, and see that you don't spoil the table- cloth!' "But, mother, when anyone spills salt they have a quarrel, don't they?" "Yes, that is so," agreed mother. "But why do you ask?" "Well, mother," continued Charlie, "if they don't spill the salt they don't have a quarrel, do they?" "No," answered mother. "That's quite right, but I can's see why you ask" • "Well, mother," replied Charlie, getting his back to the wall, "it wasn't he salt I spilt, it was the Ink!" Halifax, N.S. Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd.; Oentlemetl,—I have used Mlnard's Liniment and .have found It a good remedy. After tile explosion T' -wa.s Pretty well shaken up. having quite a numberor bruises and cuts, but thanks to Mtnard's Liniment I am my old self again. It healed the sores and bruises and gave Inc much relief. It is true to tis name as tlin Iang oP 1°abs, Tor it stopped the pale altnoet at oner, I tiret noticed the ad. In the Montreal Standard and. decided to invest in n bottle, for which I am not sorry, but can sav with truth that I am thankful for it having done -case macittmcalmaendd 8n0 saoanaendd ciu.n t0m er Is the best ad. one can possibly -dui. That is my view of it and I think you will agree with me too. Yours very trulg, (Signed) ALFRED SLAIN, ICA Agricola St., 11.,1ifaa 51. S. Glass Houses. Tiro suburban gardeners were swearing vengeance on cats. "It appears to me," one said. "that they seem to pick out your choicest plants to seretch out et the ground." "There's a big yellow tomcat," the other said, "that fetches my plants out and then sits and actually defies me." "Why don't you hurl a brick at him?" asked the first speaker. "That's what snakes me mad," was the reply. "I can't. He gets an top of my greeubouse to defy me." A Quick Relief for Headache A headache is frequently cauucd by badly digested food; the gases and acids resulting therefrom are absorbed by the blood which in turn irritates the nerves and causes painful symptoms called headache, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of blether Seigel's Syrup will correct faul ty diges ti on and afford relief. 8 America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and Flow to ]food Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. et. Clay Glover Co.,. Ina, 111 West 8101 Street New Yoric, T7•S•A.. 'A" r Send for list of inventions wanted by Manufacturers. Fortunes have been made from simple ideas. "Patent Protection" booklet and "Proof of Conception" on request. HAROLD C. Sl-OtPMAN fit CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS 20 101502N C"AN08..00 • • OTTAWA, 058204 Gass'lied Advertisements, iaRr1R 't>;flr;v7VAP, A11I1 8 WANTOP TO PO 1 LAIN AVM light s ruing et home; whole 0r e ,al•e unlet good - liay; tvOrit emit 0117 distance charges Prepaid. Send stanil0 for particulars, National Manufacture Ing Co., Montreal. ' V 001, SI't11t INTO XAItle Ole blankets.. Georgetown Woollen 511111, 0,11, At Lasts A very,youthfua person in Chioage wbo had literary aspirations, recently. dashed into the room of a friend, call* lug out: At last! Ton dollars for my story 11.e Crime of the Century,''" "1 congratulate you," said tile friend "From whom did you. Get the Money?" „From the express company," was the reply. "They lost IL" MONEY ORDERS, Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express Mersey Order, Five Dollars costs three 00010, Hope vs. Evidence, At the grave of the departed the old darkey pastor stood, hat in hand. Looking into the abyss he delivered himself of the funeral oration. "Samuel Joluuon," lie said sorrow- fully, "you Is gone, And we hope you is gone where we 'specks you abet." Mfne.rd's LI:limanl for Dandruff. Where the Difficulty Lay. Professor (giving examination)— "Dom any gaestlon embarrass you?" Bright Student --"Not at all, sir. Not et all. The questions are quite clear. 0 Is the answers that bother nie," ASPIRIN Only “Bayer" is y Genuine A. YA mcQ Wareing! 'Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting Aspirle at all. Take Aspirin only as told la the Bayer pack- age for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Eitruche, Toothacro, Lumbago and for Pain. '\'hen you will be following the directions and dos- age worked out by physicians during twenty-one years and proved safe by nd1110us. Bandy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tai,lets of Aspiliu oust few cents. Druggists t,tso sell larger packages. Made in Canada, Asphlu Is the trade niarlt (registered 10 Cana- da.) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- aceticacideeter of Salicylicacid. CUIICEJRA FEALS 9pBY'S FACE Could Not Sleep Eruption Itched and Burned So. "1 noticed a little pimple on my baby's face. I thought it was £ram the sun but it kept getting worse and the skin was red and very hot. I -Ie could not sleep or rest the eruption itched and burned so, and it caused him to scratch. I was quite dis- couraged. I saw an advertisement for Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I bought more and afterusingtwo cakes of Cnticure Soap andtwo and a half bosses of Cuticula Ointment he was healed." (Slimed) Mrs. S. D. McGuire, Clarksburg, Ont., Dec. 18, 1910. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcumforerery-daytoiletpurposes. Soap 25e, Ointment 26 and 50e. Sold throughonttheDondnion, CanadianDopot: L9moe,, Limited, Si, Paul St., Montreal y^'..j° t 'Cuticura Soap shaves without mus. MOTHER! "California Syrup of f=igs" Child's Best Laxative 354 701,40 du gin 'Immediately after a "S;anderine" Massage, your hair takes on new lite, ustre and Wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair seems' to haft and thickets. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, color• ess, plain or straggly, You, too, want' ots of long, strong, beautiful hair. Y ?8 -cent Wittig et delightful "Dan• dorm" freshens 'entlf Seale, ohbeks dandruff and tolling hair. Title stiullit sting "beauty -tonic" gives to thin, dull, feaing hair that youthful bright - hese and abundant tbteknoss,—All drnggists i QUICIC warming, soothing. comforting relict follows an application of Slesn'o T,intment, Just slap it on the strained, pvertvorkodlriarclo. decd for rheumatism, toe. Pcntttatc wtrhost rubding. M Lin4 Ment Accept "California" Syrup of Piga only—look for the name. Ct11(torolh 011 the package, then you are sure your child is having 'tire beat Guts most iteration physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Ch•I11rea love its fruity teeth. Full directions on each bottle, You must say "California," ISSUE No. 13—'21.