HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-3-31, Page 5J$O. SUTHERLAND &' SONS LIMITED e "lg3gASyoa OCANALPX WM, PENCE QQl`1vEYA1`lal,tuw Al1D i$BITER. OF Ml',RRIAGH LIOR ` SES luno 1n 066 1'Ast esker, Ntttel, 10.4 DR. WARDLRW Honor graduate of the OOturlo Veterinary Collette. Day and night calls. Chloe oppoitte Flour Mitt, DOW. JAMES `NI" roADZEAN Agent Rapid Mutual Fire Insurance Company Phone 44 Taruberry Street, Brussels Suvoessor to John Barrie, Walton T. T. M"RAE• M" 8,. M.. O, P-,. tt S. O. Al, O. R., Village of Brussel,. Physieban, Surgeon, Aceouoheur 0 dice at rosldeno0, opposite Neely ille Chew*U, Wltllam street, PBOOOFO[lT, KiLLOi04K & COOOKE -.., parrlstora, Se'toltors, Notartoo PUbec,. &e. Olden on the Square, ae,. dour from.Hareliton Street, gODERIOR 05T. Private runits to loan at lowest rates, W. Yaounroax, IC. O. J. L. Kmioad 14 13,. .1, D, Comas FA r FLEM UTS �tuAVING the Agency fur the Me- n rd Deering Imple- plemente 1. will give closest prices in anythineMeededio Fano Im- plements or Teachers. Cali in and give your order in U, F. 0. style and ylro will save tnnrrey. I will guaran- tee yen-agninet any reduction in prices until implement is used, and by order- ing now you will Have any advance in price which 18 likely to take place soon. leave a few Implements on hand which )viii be sold at old prices, David Milne ETHEL 4'+4• '1• 4,44-44++4.4-4,+,44++1.4. ✓r • AGENCY , +3 Y. Oliver 4, 13RIISSELS thas taken over the Deering Ag- eney and handles a full line of ea Bayne Implements including the noted •3• I. N. C. Cream Separators . •F The only Cream Separator with r 4. two wide open meant outlets- 4' •t• no cream screen in the path of 4. •; the create. See it When in town. + The I.. N, C, 8-16 and 10-20 Tractors 4. are among the beet: 4 The [leering Manure Spgaader 4. With the wide sped and very •N 4, light in draft. John Oliver +444444++++++++++ +++++++++ ea**e 4ii44i6ii i...®a • o•••i•b•tt 4 ij a Highest Price •• 4 : 4 i $ PAID FOR 4 6I Haw Fars C Hides and t P 0 O 4 A • M 4 PooItry i i i P M 01011 me up -one 62x •i Il, SAM WEF41, T EIN MILL STILI 11 T BRIISSELS 2 1. 14444,••••••••••••••.......•i ? 0 YontCo 4 Charleu ate., T4rentP } le Wall 4tn9vorn firirought7ut p Ceerradra, for hlgh,•g'reegd I�i )Nark. D.. Aoognntanoy, Ht ..°,07 phi, Typuwrlt' -4lHe loin (10t1Ur141 llnprUy ilnellt U4ui'sus. 41)14: 0• n t top inomtl ttpu 401 4:1) to stud' Date. (iytulunles mild o Well em - nay terfpr0sprtotas i J10044r'say time,lu g 4 hw, ie,. 4.a,rorr, Pe lleOIPAL x;crutt betas ,/tem s I.opi have taken a drop. SET rid of the ash heap, ce.Sucleatc fishing is at hand, tul'atero melt will soon be here. Loots out for the April fooljoker. Time to got the storm 60811 and doors ,oil. COUttcli. meeting text Mocdny even. tug. READ the advts, of seed grain in Tug Pose% WUA'r bas beOome of the old game of quoits? Toe Pos'r gives the news, Ila you get -it 7 WREN will .the Tetra Hall improve. 11301)1s be started ? achene resumes next Monday after the Baster vacatign, LOCAL and District news always wel- come at Tea Po,T. - Otea of Brussels business men iuteud forsaking beebeton:vod next month. 13RusaELtrvs 1)ave mo:0 woad to [heir yards thee season than )'ley had for many aear S i at auY one time. E At 1Nz Bx os sawn 1t bas made a a nod start k a cm thew big stuck 'of logs in their yard 13:g job ahead. WHAT' do you purpose doing to add to. the eppearanee,of the street you live 0n ? W heu everybody helps good work Is en- surers. Nov Ford trucks were delivered last week to Robert Tianusou and Fred. Burchill to help themease their respect- ive lines of trade. True lades say the local millinery dis- plays were frst•elass reflecting cretin on MI concerned. • There vcas a great show - ,ng up of the art last. Sunday. Isaac 'Hord, Mitchell, has been- 49 years Secretary of the Mitchell Metho- oist Sonday school, and has taken up the eoilecttou or the church for the pest 45 years, l'AsT due subscriptions .to THE Posr must be paid, A number ate to shears for several year's and appear to forget the lace. it takes numey to finance a newspaper and good Iuteuttuos are not enough. A dance is aunou0Oed by the young ladies lit Brussels for Thursday, March 3111, la the TOwu Hall Fryfugle's uoe- elty orchestra, iri'mabatn, will pluvide the musts. Proceeds, over expenses, will go to the 'Town Hall Improvement Fuuu, ANNUAL circulars have been issued by the laud Board 0t Health reml1dl'g the residents lit the deslrabillty of n Spring clean-up add the plain law relattug to the matter. Maay requite no prompting but others perhaps, p , way need to have their memoryjogged. gft lid. EVIDENCES ov S'PRING.- SsippIug ropes. Eerie fiuwets. , r,0use cleaning. 1'tla trek caucus. bpring Millinery. ASu heap looms large, Stmee )smut parade. Some 'rtul';s YOU SIIOULD Do. - Pay tor lox Post SW:outage ludasttlmt. Support clean ath fence. Delp beaunty Bt uses.,. Clean Op your prelMars. • Patronize tee Public Library, Make and keen your Latent tidy. THANKS, -'rue following note from the Navy League o1 Cantata to the Secre- tary of tstnss085, W, C. T. 41., speaks for nselil-hit Desk Mae emir*). -your poet card of recent )!ate at baud and wuuld you please tbaok the members of 1110 W. U. T. U., aS well as tae Presby- teriaD turd Methodist htissiouary Socie- ties for the splendid bale of comforts whieb armed enemy fur the sailors. We tlaVe forwarded t'eee to Halifax for distribution, May we . trust that you will ell see your Way clear to help us again at stone future tune. Siucerely i ours, Hessle M,'R1 v (ox DS, Supervisor Women's L)apartlne33t, MRS, W. 13ARTRY 1)12s SUDDa3LY,-. mruugly sadden was the cal lit the Im Reaper, Death, Jaime he came tO lotneul tv11118111 Harley, Seaturth, Taasilay evening, Mare' 2211d. Mr. d Mrs. tiartry had just lotto flea Isom alk to the puetull 118 were they had lied Easter renlembreuces to ebeeua ads,. waee hits, 11510014 cOlnplaluod lines), Ho husband summound the cur but the spit:1 )tad dao belore bis Ival. For some 01484 the deceased been 111 pour health, but the elid 000xpeeted, Mrs, Henry was bora ears ago to the towl:s)lp of Morrie, r Boigievo, her matelen name being e tteinseruug, About 42 years ago beeame the uride of bee now berets tier mud Look up lOindenee at Bres- t -tutu winch place they aherward ted at aeatortn. Of a loud and wattle mouth, the possessed many 1h1. irleuels wbo r'egtut the severance aunty ties, S)10 wad tin 1)CttVe, 0033' eat member Ot the 1.10tnod181 eeur11) deeply interested m the work 01 1u0 ter. family ))milt of y sous, Howard, duo Dr, Russel, ossa 11 ; , n inlet ' Byng , and ar Ryetsou, Loudon ; and 2 dough - 101t ss Vaud of ' be tort all •1 a u A ubtic b off, and Miss Norma, of Seatarth egtate lnstieute staff, but we, 1'be rel took piece' friday alloy- the set vice beteg conducted by . le. W. Edwards, dac0ased's pastor, 0menfwas made 1e, 441,1)8rd. Celle- Sealtottu. Mts, 'fees, hands, Stu- t 1 15 , a sister to the late Mie. Hardy Vias. 1 LO Welker a 80184)41 D.,vid Samuel VVslker teuc nlrs. W.'l4ands, 14:0)1, runt 103x1113' -lie 1IFo 0b,t13ID5, subject of Bus unci •e cud her hos- and teeny 410 'wait ncqualuted in 41410 6061 several freer here attended atonal and deeply sympathise with create.] in their` great loss, St Cir the u0 an a Ina It10 of dol err had was 6Ilea Jou she par eels loca chit mat of e stat and Idris Lon Maj LerH, Heirs Cull lane noon Rev lute tel y, 10111 and. stud Bru The bead Bettis the 1 the S eDlia•DAY of 1801 week was a particu- larlY busy clay In town, the Moody awe, land Aectiou Bale being partly Repan, bible for a goodly hun.bei at the vlblt0 s, A materde0 ej peopei tunaeoid in re• orj;aa•ziug the 'I'euuis teeth was 1)81.1." Inst a Vela bat aliens aloe ant cheetah Thine is a statimeut umber qL talk whit aro rxpert let Vet wtetde)s, p ns lh0be who would lake to try their baud, to give le geed Ineluhetelly. If you play Voiotia show tout' praetreei lutetes( ty alarttng the bail ruhiug nod lnindlay, in your membership, • , J. A114e4101 Coulter, wile, uu Novo, her r, 000114033d Rs President and ,Gene al Mauaker otele Jolla Morrow .Sere sad Nat 1ompeuy, Iugersoh, was pe 0411(80 wuh weal le generally staled t be tee utmost to the designer's art, I the form 0t au ulutntuated enures bound in book form, from the aluployee lit the cumpauy, It was prepared by to aids) who prepared "Lae alilltees for th Promo of Wales un the Occasion of 1.11 L'auadiau lour, and bears a large moue lit t8•ear41 gold relict . wwlt un a 31110(0 some Ieat3er•oover, Mr. 80111101 is th son of the late hire. Coulter, who was o the staff of Brussels Peelle School good many years ago and afterwards fie Led a similar post a0 SeaLorth. She well and Jemmy rememberedh9 the old er folk of town, To Destroy Stumps According to a despatch from Wa- tertown, 14. Y„ a new and successful method of destroying stumps and roots, obviating both the extensive excavations for danger of explosion which generally attend such an op- eration, is being practiced by Jeff- erson County fanners and Could, it is believed, be successfully applied in ridding the city of soft maple and willow low roots which infest sewers iv stoma sections. The plan which eras been successfully carried out by far- mers consumes s a „considerableslderable period of.thne,.but the ease with which ft is accomplished is worth waiting for. The first operation i3 to bore a hole into the principal roots leading from the stump, penetrating the central. sap carrying veins. The hole is then filled with saltpeter and plugged to prevent the elements interfering ,with the charge. This work gener- ally takes place in the fall and the roots and stumps are left undisturb ed through the winter while the salt- peter is dissolving and penetrating to the very remotest tendrils of the root brunch, 10 Spring the large roots areignited, the wood soaked. with the saltpeter solution burning slowly. The fire follows the roots to their very extremity completely destroying them. The burning is very slow, taking several days to reach the end of the root system, but the fire follows through the entire system as far as the saltpeter pene- trates, and if' properly treated and permitted d to soak sufficiently along g the solution will work through ail the roots. The burning process is quite like that of punk. There is no blaze and no danger of setting fire to other objectsattends the process, those who have tried it claim. jMj�m TABLE FOR 01 ** *00* trip*tlt1. a �tlAiAISI L�M� s��I � � i9�hK59M11P,i0i4RV&7t 1 • SUMMER EXAMS Special Prices Qui TtmB#shies for the summer ;exam- s :Clover A Timothy Seed Mamie have been recoil/meng the r cover fallowing grades and classes. • The Junior high school entrance I • findjunior •public school graduation ' d S diploma exatnlnatio1s are set for I 0 horts $2 00 June 24, 27, 28, 29 and 30, Candid- ie Bran a ates for these are required to notify Iw et the public school, Inspector directly Linseed Meal 3 75 or through the principal of the nubile serene, which be or she attends be- fore the 15th day of April, Lower. school exalninationS are set for June 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 15, 16,' 17, 23, 44, 27, 28, 29 and 30. These examinations include those for entrance into the Bonnet School, model entrance and senior public school grad- uation, Senior high school entrance, and $ngiish-Freneli model entrance, The timetable for the middle and upperschools begin on June 10, and continue on June 13, 14, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27 and 28. The grades include the middle school entrance into Normal, pass matriculation, uuper school entrance into Normal, andshonor and scholarship matriculation, upper school entrance into Normal, and honor and scholarship matriculation, Cr n r a A b n k' Sr1IC,I,. R1:Po12.-,I'tepctrt of 8, S. 7ln 7, Crap, for Winter term, Ex - emitted in all subjects. The average mark 38 given a -Sr. IV -James Keys 84, Jeanette N1eNable 81, Bessie Leitch '77, Nail Pennington 76, Jr IV Oai- r,e Dark, 89'Ethel 9ma11dvn 82, Ever- ett Wright 80, Edltlt S 11111110n 78,of ankFHunter 77, Lorne Cameron 75, Thomas Penning- ton 08, Alieter.1, Bird 64. Sr. III- Heeter Enigilt 90, Edith Gorsalitz 87, Irene Dunn 86, Ivan J. Leitch 84, Al- ma Quei'engesser• 84, Kate McNabb 83, lea Brown 83, 1, 1118 Jeschke 82, Jack Noble 8l, Willie Locking67, R. MON.18m, Teacher, JR. 110011 Examined in Writ.,' Spell., Read., Geog., rlritb,, Lang., ijec., Clomp, and Los.. -Sr, II -Jean Camerml05, "Jack O,trnerori 93, .J ten Noble 91, Gatdwin- Kniglrt 90, Helen McNabb 83, Elsie 1+'lecher 82, Margaret Brown 77, Jim Pauulugto,l 73, Min Locking 68. Jr. II A- Retta Ooxee 96, Marie Ruether 01, Archie Campbell 86, Jean Small - don 78. Jr. IIB-Pdith Fold 82, Emy-: lane Steles 79, Earl Dunn 76, John ASTHMA ' USE RAZ -MAH No Smoking -Ke Spraying ---Ms boil Just Swallow a Doyon RAZ -MAH Is Guarant..d to restore normal breathing, stop mum gatherings in the bronchial tubo, air* long nights of quiet sleep; contains no habit-forming drug. 81.00 at your gist's. Trial free at our agencies or Templetous, 142 King W., Toev*ta. Local Agent, James Weir Hatching Eggs Hardwood s Parties wanting Slabs kindly place orders at once as they will be de- livered in rotation of or- der. Phone 56 Ament rose Barred Rocks 1 -year-old 0. A., C. Strain S..0. White Leghorns Barron Strain Let me supply your needs. 1011 above Market Prices. Now is the time to get rid of your mongrels. Everett Hoover, Phone 2,311 Brussels R, R, 3 FOR,CSQN TRACTOR Power Farming The14a are the days 0f PROGRESS, and Power on the farm is a' nes deftY A 1ottls'T ractor means more prosperity for he owner. Prosperity manus increased ptacluction, the saving that comes front the ue11 of a machine instead of horses 1 the release of 84)1418 drnd• gory foe both mull attd wife. The Foreleon Tractor ie simple in design and sturdily constructed of the best known steel, It. bus the neeevaary power to perform ovary task an; ordinary fernier has to do, and in addition is exoeptioually econotnicnl to operate.. Oall at D. Vi, Seed t'H Garage for' further particulars. taw -We have a number of second-hand Fords for tale. D. Ma SCOTT, Brussels ACTH 0l117,1)71) F3)Itll DF,ALI!1U wonsermemeassiF Low Grade Flour 2 75 ® Royal Household i. t Flour 5 50 a s Oatmeal per cwt, 3 75 'w 6l.- 40 Si w --' w w (t, W. J. McCracken 0 €4l Ig Phone 43 0Aw1S606866009tr009990iw52i ii,d Pennington 74, Eleanor Knight 74. Garvey Dnxev '74, Glen Felinity 68, Edith Brown 56 1st Class -Kathleen Zeigler 90, Erie Long 90, Howard Brown 89, Kukla Querengeeser 88, Willie Fischer 71. Primer -Evalyn Huether 430, Peewit Stualldou 369, Roma Cameron 196, Frank Doxey.104. ALICE J, Fosalterr, Teacher, Brussels Public School Report ROOM III Sr. IV -Examined in Arith., Lit. and Gratn. E McVeteie,ea. 78 L Clouse.........83 L Forsyth .76 V Smith...-. 54 Al Fel guson .....70 M McNair 60 E Pollard ,88 0 Whitfield- 49 S Baliarrtyne....68 IVF Little 49 N McDowell 64 Ie. IV -Examined in Met., Lit. and Ari th. G Stafford... 77 M Sparling..... 58 F Strachan. '75 E Chapman .... 67 J Ferguson. 78 F Oliver 62 L Roae 70 R Pollard ..,6I J Oliver ... 65 M Walker ...43 D Thompton,..59 Sr, III -Examined in Arith., Hist., Read. and Wilt. Those marked* absent for 1 exam. J Ferguson.....„88 L Champion .... 81 1VI Mc ettie V . 88 I McDonald .. BO J McOrackeu ...75 hl Thompson... 68 P Baeker . -.68 H Stratton .... 60 W Galbraith....87 F Dennison,, 45 *L Heist.... 64 A. E. GEDDRIL ROOM II Jr, III -Examined in Wtit., Arith., Spell., Read. A Grewar..... ,...76 S Scott..... _.. 82 W McMillan....75 (1 Thuell.........01 3 McKay. 74 H Chanlpton....89 D Ennis 74 H Kerr............ 67 3 Yolleck 78 M Harkness . 68 ALo an f19 Drti1 LogancDOnald...,, , 6 le Kyle 68 let Ritchee... . . 1) Warwick 02 an. 62 G Sparlil)g..... 38 Sr. II -Writ., Lit., Geog., Spell. B Holland... 88 E Edwards.... 67 Jai Strachan- 78 13 Thibideau- ... 54 A Thnmpeon78 G Kellingtoti V Wilson .....,a68 F Sands...........49 V Rutledge. 68 0 Kernmghan....48 3 Brown ,..,.,83 *14 Somerville...44 E Wilson,.... 60 *E Savage 16 Ii Kyle, .......... 80 Jr. II -Writ., Draw., Geng„ Spell. D McVettie .. 84 0 Ennis ......... 60 *H Baeker,..... 76 R Rutledge. 49 GYot70 B Gilroy. 48 L Rutledgeleck 85 G Burgess. 87 L Thuoll87 *1` Walkey...... 86 Thuell 57 L Harkness.-- 20 K. WILTON. ROOM I 6th -Examined in Arith., Spell , Dep. end Daily Wolk, B Askin.,. ...... 99 F Edwards..... 89 0 Walker•.. 95 *H Savage.. .67 M Downing 98 *D Rutledge ....66 L Walker 89 R Far(Ow,.....,.85 V Fox 88 Har. Whittard.64 W Ohampion80 *0 Weinstein ...58 J Hamilton., 79 *K Summers... 67 11 SVhittard...,78 '"ti9 Ennis...... -.64 J Kernaghan..,74 'F Summers. -47 M Thomson. 70 eA McCracken..... 4th-Extrnuned in sante, I McKay.,., ...,,95 S Burchill 80 M MoDonald..,.88 J McDowell 75 J White.........,.86 N Thomson 70 3rd Excellent -G. Pawson, AI, Ram- iltan, J. Douglas. Good -B. Yolleck, R. Fox. 2nd Excellent --WW Savage. Good - G. Holland E. Heist. lat (a) Excellent -R. Payne, E, Browne, W Edwards. (b) Excellent MalSlaio, D. Wheeler, F. I. BUCEIANAN, Trowbridge Rev W. A Conway,B. A., B. D., a farther pastor here, but now of KM- tore,has been invited to .Highgate. Speoial services held in the Metho- dist church here and -will continue, this week, Pastor, Rev. Wra. Ster- ling, was assisted by Rev. Dr. Hazen, Listowel, by Rev. J, 1?'. Sutcliffe, At- wood and Rev. T. A. Allen, Monkton, The fun funeral al. o f the lata. a Filar (Mates, at . Mary e- belnved wife of Edward Coates, Trow- bridge, )t id a took loco on g , Sunday, 20th, A shop service was held at the house and cortege proceeded to the church, where a public servicewas held, conducted by Rev. W. Sterling. Interment wag made at Fairview cemetery, Listowel, Not in many years bac so large a gathering assent• bled at any funeral service held in the Trowbridge ohurch, chewing the higgh regard and esteem in tvhi0h the de: parted was held, and 'the sympathy felt fol the bereaved tars, Coates was of a retiring disposition, a wOtt14411 of few weirdo, unostentatious in her ways, loyal to her friendships, with 4: )hark of sincerity in all her actions, She had been in failing health for a number oil years and her sickness dura V OtI can also make beautiful Iight cakes and bread of wonderful whiteness and flavor with Cream of theWest Flour. Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited Toronto, Winnipeg, -Brandon, HaIlfax Mg the ate 1 setmonth � ae gv bornew it b patience and td fm c rtt once She e was a member of the Trowbridge Methodist 0Uul•ch tend was in her 38th year. Airs. Coates leaves to mourn her pas- sing, her husband and 3 children, Frank,Eva and Par. E Peale. The sym- pathy of the comurwlit y is felt for Mr. Coates and family at this time. EARLY gardening is comulandiog the stteution of some of the balk wbo usual- ly rush the season. Vlcaoluo Park is ecce more present- ing a lively erpearance as the daylight affords opportunity for sport after sup- per. OUR PRICES Flour and Feed Five Roses Flour ...., $ 5 80 Purity Flour ........... 5 80 Jewel Flour .... 5 40 Golden City Flour..-... 5 40 Oatmeal pee bag . ,..,... 3 75 Ontario Brun ...... 2 10 Shits ................. 2 00 Middling* .............. 2 10 CornP er bus 1 05 FERTILIZER We have a car of Fertilizer to hand at 831.00 per ton, payable Oat. 1, 1921. 1 Alf. Baeker Din youget Lie , tiit t' Ul'M1• Y •. dog 7 011E 0f the up to deo, queries is "Have you made 0tit your 1uetone Tex p i the move dont intend t the 'its area,their feet, ruder return yet Y' MANY eutomob'les..are n and by a )et,raaces '1 e PI nts here Tie for All -T0.. e r9 - ,sr HAVING' purritateed len mato.H date Bobber Tito 11Iuehine 1 am prepared to lin , all kinds of Re•rubh,', il'g Muggy Wheels will) the beat of material. Don't forget about c:ur Woodwork and Blacksmith Sept. Work done while you trait. Also do Painting to suit your taste. New Boggles and Wagons alta e on and l+,v1 IStel a• 00 hand that is found wn a up•to•elate shop, IVhat you dont SP ask for. nn0 Prleo to Ail. John McNee! ETHEL Ladies Y0,U use great care in selecting a new Hat -why should Shoes be less important ? Come and see our lines of New Spring Footwear which consists of High Cut Bals., Oxfords, Ties and Pumps in the finest of Kids, Patents and oth- er materials equally as tasty. A very classy line all through with prices on an equally fine basis. We also have a very neat assortment in Men's and Child- ren's Footwear. Call and see them and if we have not what you want let us know and we will endeavor to get it for van. Chaprna.n Bros. Richards' Old Stand Brussels 34.8 e+6060b444.444A44)4t4444i4Q4 ••••••••••••••44,000 60.0040 q1 Palace Bakery • '4D• 0 4 .w on thopplentyrighl of80110good, a, mnld plain fond of • Vvhieb the most hnpertmit ishbread, 4< Given your boy , a y l c y )lenty of our broad al d 1 . J1 .i w n le veli silraly hl•nl> ill from Its whniesow and nutritionsncaa, Our bread is a great hone and body builder,..._• or-Oaall or trade for eggs. The 1 Boys Glow Wong W. E. WILLIS •444.4444/4•i ,1'QAAFgM44eg+14• e•A'R••V,*1,>+1,0*,y1.gl