HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-3-24, Page 840444+ 44.44444444410.5.4144+44404'44444+444+404444444. , UliC„.9AL 18 aroPPirli Prloe. staways - ra not eftertelf Isciticea ardwood ab Wee fluting Kasha Isoliday. New Wall a ers prglzrert:,roahc;t3t1.440)$) °11;:.kM • . • salsoissimasweameammsamssannoulatawausauto womis =IMI•ste_ Are Here • immissamosiassosameasioss Spring aud Fresh Wall Paper seem to be associated to- gether. Our big new etoe K of Wall Paper bas been opened. up •and shows the most up-tb date Patterns and Colorings. The 4. 4. • majority of the new Papers axe 22 inches wide and have an I • advantage over the narrower Papers in that • the Sanitary .,Iuspeeter, •rzu, Gray-DIrt CoMpauy ask yeer 4471tViLl: 1°10 .riAgdeVnt. "ge 4 S. SaTueratv eight's mill WO an old "seeker" although thls loeality d oat per to suffer much from it. Oyu 1200 chicks ieve beep hatched already this season at t.Val,er Roses' Specialty Farm, Biessels. -ie does a large business Tire Story Hoer was held last Moeda,/ afternoon when Nits, 13. S Scott enter tallied tied instructed a. large cies*. of boys and girls. Next meetiug will be in a weeks. They glue more room for thsplaymg 'le Pattern. pe:115..fWIT„s 13„,:c,,,m:aty—The Prised to learn ol the Redden -delit1Se of • Make levier seams nn the wall. m,. K.", seg.. on 'Atte- + dsv n ght. She hail net been very rui4- sdrne time but was able to be Have more Paper to the boll. SEE THE SAMPLES Tapestries Very much used this season, especially for Dining Rooms and Halls. 7 • Plain Effects • In shades of Brown,"n, Grey and Blue provides a large range for + flue decoration. z 4. • • Chintzes and Plain Stripes With pre'ty Cutout Borders are the correct thing for Bedrooms. Ceilings t A large variety of White and Cretin Moire Ceilings, as well as the new ' Stippled Ceilings and Small Patterned Ceilings in Brown and Grey Colorings. For Kitchens, Pantries & Wash Rooms • • There are many patterns to choose from which are in good taste and • quite cheap in price tEr'We will be glad to have you examine the stock. • ce, • • Colorite The satisfactory Hat Dye. Cpmes in sixteen colors includ- ing Jet or Glossy ?lack Price sec a bottle. F. FL SMITH The0,111, 7.440.2.2A Stare Druggist and Stationer •=a-mzemmes. ••••+0+4444. 4440+44.4+•+40.•+•+11+41+4*+44-42 isacsamor IMENIONEW 110 , . . Xatai elms Pnitt READ the advts, and save time and Monett. Manx syrup is being offered for sale and .finding a ready market. DID you read the Referendum notes on page 6 this week ? Locat news on page 5 Didn't put down the paper until you read it. SEAPoRTH Spring Show will be Fri - • April xst and Clinton Show 'Mors - day, April 7th. Some early plowing has been done but the land has been a trifle 'juicy" for i much work so far but will soon be fiL. • THAT fine old play, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will be presented in the Town I Hall, Brussels, Thursday evening of this ! week with all the latest stunts In ad- clition. Read advt. on page S. AUCTION Sale of Household Furni- ture, &e, at home of the late George. Cardiff, John st,03russels, wilt be held Saturday afternoon, zeth inst., at 2 ' o'clock, See the bills.. You may have a good watch or clock but by incompetent repairing you lost faith in it. bring it to me and I will re- I pair the worst wrecked watch or clock I reasonably. J. G. Josses, Brussels. Goon Friday will be Public Holiday and alt business places will be closed. Postoffice hours will be one hour atter the noon mail is distributed, Of course lock box owners have all day to secure ' their mail. PADS 6 this week contains the report of the recent thoro' bred cattle sale at I Wingbsm, A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge summary, Druggist Sabine's murderers before the Court, District news, advts.1 &c. See it. PAST due subscriptions to Tux POsT must be paid A number are in arrears for several years and appear to forget tbe fact. It takes money to finance a newspaper and good intentions are not enough. Naw COURIER -Chas. Oakley has re- signed his post as Rural Route Mail Courier on NO, 2, covering Cana. r & 12 and 9 & so Grey township, and Richard Iacklin takes his place The latter will continue to live on his farm, Sth Con,, and will utilize his car In covering the territory in the wheeling se,ason, A dance is announced by the young ladies of Brussel. for Thursday. March 31st, in the Town Hall. Fryfogle's eov- elty orchestra, Wngham, will provide Improvement I the music. Proceeds, over expenses, will go to the Town Hall Fund, Invitations are being sent out this week. MATitimoistal..--On Thursday, March 1 roth, Miss Lillian Mae, eldest daughter of Allan and Mrs, Lamont, Albert street, Brussels, was netted in matrimony with THE Relies. Ceremony was performed at the manse, Teeswater, by Rev. Mr. Bradley. Mr, and Mrs. Rolfes will con. tinue to make their home in Brussels and good wishes are expressed for their happiness and prosperity, LIBRARY Board met Friday evening in the Board room, Present Reeve Plum, F. H. Gilroy, B. S. Scott sod W, H. Kerr. The tforrner Was moved to the chair owing to the absence of F S. Scott, chairman, through illness. New books were selected, magazines ordered and general business trausacted. A generous offer from Dr. White to donate books to the value of Bromo was accept. ed with thanks, Board will not send a delegate to the Library Convection 00 Toronto next week. The Story Telling Hoer wag reported on As Meet favorable In its introduction and gives the children happy hcitirs that will be lotig remelt - bored. court. 0. A : C. Need oats, No. 72 for Bale, Clean and free from nOxion9 weed. Eleed8. Phone 2816. JAB. PERRIN. Smog° hand baby carriage for sale. Apply to Mfrs Yoramox. Phone 2x, PIANO TlitriTN(1.--Ti. H. Stewart, piano tuner, will ha in Bruseels soon. Leave orders at H. L. Jackson's store, TAIL lost off lady's muff. W111 finder kindly leave it at TH e POST. STANLEY *T.A2sos has purchased a tam of horses and ie now ready for the Spring rush. Leave orders at J. T. Rosa' store. 10 ,young pigs 6 weeks old for sale. Wm. HoLLINGER. Lot IS, Con. 8, Grey. Phone 896 EARLY seed potatoea, Irish Cobbler variety, foi• axle .To Wonx, Lot 1, Con. 8, Grey Twp Phone 2118. TooR Toe Waoeo COAT. -By mistake an ex- change was made in overcoats et Melvilie church last Sunday morning. If the party will Hee D. Denman he may aeoure his own coat. PA lYp-Ati persona indebted to the under- eigned are asked to kindly square up accounts at once, before roll eat iona are placed in other bands. A. L. Ream, Bruasels, &Ms Fon HATOFIINO.-Barred Rooks, good laying strain. I gathered 500 eggs in Dec.. 1127 in ,Tim. and. 1488 in March up to the 2lat of the month Eggs wdll be sold at 76e ser 16, WhIts Leghorna, Barrens atrain. eggs 705 per 10. WM. GRANT, 1.01 0, Con. 12, Grey. Phone 266. BLAcic female dog with white around neck anowera to "Collie," strayed from the prem- ises of the undersigned. Owner will he pleased to hear of whereabouta. Phone 568. Amex. Nicnor,, part Lot 80, Coml, Morrie. 2000» cows for sale, will freshen shortly, Lot 80, Con. 7. Morris twp. Phone 669 J. A. Mcdmope. Fon Sale s complete blackamithing outfit in good repair. Phone 894. J1,10. SHAY. SnenT Born bull calves far pale 7 and 11 menthe reepeciively. One from an imoorted sire. Priced to sell. Lot 80. Con, 6, Morris township. Phone 106. aces SPeilt. 881f FOR Sala one registered Short Ham bull, rifting 2 veara Alos 2York ROW8, due to far - last ex Rriotirn tit v o gifirdagtfteag 74411'0 ett Mao. A mixed for pain R. B STWValleoN, Phone 4226. Lot 18, Con, 18, Grey twp, • QUANTITY of turzilne for Sale Apply et Lot 28 Con. 12, Grey township, Phone 6616. Rom LOOKING. Seim Barley. 0 A. C. No. 28. for sale. Also s quantity of Timothy geed. Heavy mare for nie. Las BO, Cork. 0, Morris, Phone 128 HAMMY DRYANA. • Ws ram lirmairott Sweet Clover Seed for gale 05 00 per bushel Lot 80, Con. 8. Morris, Phone 6810 Tens. Preece. Cow for male. Win come in about teasel:1.26. F. HADDATZ, Oranbrook. Seen beta for sale, limited quantity. 0 A. C. No, 72. Free frotn noxioun weeds R. 1., TAYLOR, Brtuniela R R. 2. Lot 16, Con. le, Grey. Phone 2810 Rooms to rent for s dwelling scram the hall from Dr. Hamilton's oflice. Apply to 0008, .8 McZer,vey, 926 Huron St , Toronto. Fon BAIA -LifinWoti Seed Oats and White ° Rno47161.6(' "e4.41791;Vggent 11:1,°11ih Train HAntin property for sale in lirniwelts cons slating of a large store and eranfortable dwell- ing honaes. Bargain for quick eale as 1 am re. moving to Winnipeg. For further particulars apply 00 21 LEATElartnAtar, Phenol)? Two well bred Short Horn Bulls for sale, aged 2 and 1% yeare. Lot 26, Con. 18, Greys Phone 4916 Geo, WHITFIELD. 1T'r:Pme ot. A*rt , Br teim sinto fences; 14 acre of land; moat eligibly aituated; garage. Come and eeti it if interested, Da. PAUK1OR, Osteopathic Physician, visits 1Pn afternoon 01 "bh weak.:ralc r au 1 eases aatowetully treated Viotti; residences. Consultation at Queen'A 20ote1. BilerinitIONTATIVir WANTnn for Brussels and Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable Foothill Nurseries. Mg sales are to he made in selling Nursery stook during the recoils struction period. A apleodld opportunity for rBtt7"xT!.f117111n4trgser,fre.qn ,11, frult and ornamental stook to offer. STONE & 'Yir*vt,isaxot , Toronto, Ont. WHAT abritil a local Bose Ball team NitxT sittiues of the County Court by His Honor )ridge Dickson are put down Jo, day, April stb, Craigie vs Hoonolt 1, an 0011011 by 3. W. Craigia against C H. Humber over a real estate deal dating back to the period of the steel bootn is entered for trial at"this SACRED CON CERT. —N ict Mpeday evening, in the Methodist church, a sacred Concert will be given in which the Easter Cantata, ''My Janis I love Thee," Will be presented by choir and members of the Sabbath School. An offering will be taken. Program opens at 7.4r5Cetigthe illness of P.. S. Scott the 4 or 5 Auction Sales be MS engaged to conduct this week and nex' have bean or will be taken by other knights of the "Going 1 Going, Gone" from outside points. The former has been in the Anetioneeriug business for the past 3 years and has bad a great run Mr. Scott is somewhat mproved in health but will need to.exeicise great care dur- ing the convalescing period. PACER SOLD. -Dr. McRae disposed of his speedy pacing mare, "E'sle Campbell," to Peter Rutledge, of town, for a good figure. She has a mark of 24e but can reduce that by several notcnes, it is said The new owuer has a pair of fast ones now. having purcbas• ed "Geatry de Forrest" last Fall from J. H. Galbraith. Dr McRae has the ches- nut driver, formerly owned by J. Q1.180111, getting. it from Mr. RutItclge UNDERTAYER DIES OF BLOOD POISON- ING. -J Curtiss Grafitti, undertaker, St Catharines, died Saturday night of blood poisoning, contracted two weeks earlier while laying' out the remains of Band- master Frank Weis, who had died from the same cause. Mr. Grobb was 72 yearsold, and is survived by a grown up family. His assistant was working with rubber gloves, bur not Satisfied with the speed being made, Mr. Grobh took pa?l in the work berehanded, aud one of his hands, on which -the skin had been punctured by a splinter, becatne infect- ed. Funeral took place Tuesday after. n oon. Local interest centres about this sad occurrence from the fact that Ben. Walker, tormerly of Brussels, is employ- ed by the above firm, REFERENDUM I.* ORKBAS -Dr. A S Grant, Secretary of the Referendum Committee, visited Huron County and in company with the President and Field Secretary of the Huron remper- mice Association visited sevitral centres and found that the workers are enthusi- astically taking hold of the campaign in preparation for the vote on April t8t1; The voters!, lista are to be r wised in Goderich, Wingham, Seafc>.0. Clinton and Exeter, between March malh and . April 4111. Those who atiead the movies will have the opportunity somii time during the coming weeks of seeing the film entitled "The Bar and the Bat lot," which has been spectral, prepared by the film companies for the roferen- dum campaign. Fuss Socceas -The St.Patrick's sale of baking and supper. given h. :he loos' W, C. T. U. in the Audience room nt the Public Library on Thursday, was ti real suCcess, thanks to the generous pat ' renege. About $75.00 were the receipts , Booths representing England, Ireland, • cOtl000 otto Uanatla, wereY Isalo fully arranged, with National colors, and goods representative of the countries, were in charge of Mrs R. Oliver, Mrs McGuire and Mrs, Jardine, Miss Man Lamont and Mrs, McKinron Misses Dark, Leatherdaie, McCall, 01,ver aud , others. A dainty supper was se ved by attentive waiters who received hearty", complimeuts for the excellent menu an 0 the generosity of the supply. The National character of numerous person 0 ages evoked praiseworthy remarks that I BRUSSELS MARKET were fittingly acknowledged by the . ; daughters of Eve Fall Wheat Cate 81 70 91 76 60 60 IRISH SOCIAL -Friday evening, 122b pee. 1 75 • 1 75 inst., the Y. 21. S C E. of Melville Barley . so so clitirch held an Irish Social in the church Butter 50 50 when the following interesting and Blegs,, amusing program was presented • 1 Hay Chorus, "Tipperary ;" solo. ' A little Parties wanting Slabs. kindly place orders at once as they will be de- livered in rotation of Qrs der, Phone 16 Amen t Bros. COUNTY Clerk l.i.Holman, has Meet* ed a letter from the Department notify- ing him of the approval of a refund to COUn•y of Huron lit 585,441,37. Last year's expenditure 011 Good Roads in the COLIC ty W04 epproxintately Szos,000, and the 085.441.37 for which cheque is being forwarded, is the percentage of such expenditure the Government bears. APRIL 113211. -Monday evening a meet - lug of the Temperance OrSinizatiop for Brussels was held to further the pro- gram in counection with the comfog Referendum. As Brussels is linden moo population therp will be no Cour; of Revision batt all entitled to vote - those who areal years of age, resident in Canada for a year and in Ontario for 2 months prior to February 1st, rear, male or female -will have the right to, atteud their polling booth and recorr' their vote, There P111 be 2 booths ,In Brussels, at Council Chamber and Pub- lic) Library Audience room, respectivelv ST, PaTelcx's Tea --A very success- ful tta and sale of Home-made bakino• was held in the Audience Room of the Public Library on Thursday, March reth, There were beautifully decorated Booths representing England, Ireland Scotland and our own Fair Canada a which the dainties of each country conic be purchased. • The Canadian Bootl specially worthy of mention was decorer with maple leaves and Canadian flags represented by Miss Canada itt costume (Miss Laura Leatherdak assisted by a bevy of young girls wb,. wore aprons and caps decorated with maple leaves. Candy end pop-cort were sold at this booth and was well pat remised. An excellent supper was sere ed to about tho after which a abort prc- gram was rendered. It was as follows ; -Selection on violin and organ, Mrs, G Thomson and P. Stewart ; sacred solo, by Mrs. Meadows, "God be with you Vote again" ; address by President. Mrs. McGuire ; song, by Edna McCall, "The Red White aud Blue" ; song be Elva Oliver, "My Own Dear Canada." Proceeds amounted to $76 18. W. C. T. 11. wishes to thank all who so gener ously contributed to the entertainment. Our tbanks are due also to those who si kindly loaned the; decorations. UNION BORN Berdr,,-In Morrie township, on maroh 20111, 1921, to Mr. end Mrs. Robt, J. Bell, a daugh- ter -Lillian Margaret, Jo Om 20 , snd °L10thLrir80 Gerirule Bielby, formerly of this loenty ) daughter-klelda Louise. MoojIrrETnd 2iotsegoo.o.r2.10draera(nhael6t1.19ilifivtt,) Bamford) iclaughter, MARRIED BOLLES-LAMONT -At the manse, Teeswater, by Rev. Mr. Bradley on Mai oh 10011, 1921, Aflse fArreit'etl:D„,t,: Brussels. DIED BRocaLIOL-In St. Thomas, on Marah 17111, 1921, Rev. 10,2'. Brownlee, aged 65 yearn former rector of St. James Anglican church, Wroxeter. SAHDRR0011.-In Howick, on March 19111, 1921, Mabel Margaret idenzieli, wife of Wm. S. Sanderson, aged 86 years and 9 mouths. AUCTION SAL,ES THDIMDAY, MA1100 24tiel.-FarnStook and Grain, Lot% Con, 1, Grey townsh l ip, Sale at. 1 p. in. David Ballingall, Prop. ,t 8'. S. Scott. ArrfesnAY, 0/011011 295a.-Olear.no 'Vale of .Farrn Stook, implements, household furniture. hai,, Lot 18, Con 4, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1441. P. Law roma, &Son, Pronto F. 8, Ae THIMODA 5 ir17.1119r"11)&.S;in 1012:54.0H+ taitTiul.:6101401; 7. Morrla ;176.111.,. Servzce THIS bank aims to encourage systematic saving. It also stand 4 for distinct service—no matter how large or how smelt your business. Our advice and counsel on financial matters is always at your service. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ass Capital, Surplus and Undlyided Profits *8,30007.0a. BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - mAteAsaot Horses and Bulls for Sale Two roan Short 'Horn Bulls also two span of working horses'marea and geldines, and a choice CllydesdaleStallion riming 8 years old, weighing4,500 lbs. THOS. &ERR, Phone 859 Benfryn P. 0. Horses for Saint Ma tobed team of geldinga, Militia 5 years, will weigh about 2,000 ; team of draft geldings ris. Mg 5,• palshooiatet4hniek,lalowLpectAinRepreir. pri.sing 8, Will Weigh about 1,200 lbs. All sound and In good condition. R, R. 2, Brussels. Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S. S. No, 9, Grey Town- ship (Turnbull's), duties to commence at once, Applications, Mating experience and. salary, received by SILAS JOHNSTON, Sec..Treas. 05,05, 2, Brussels. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OP FARM STOCK, 511- IMEMENTS, 84(),-F, 8. Scott; Auctioneer, has reaeived inetructione from the under. signed Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at Ni Lot 26, Con. 7, Morris, on Thureday. March 81st, at 1 p. m., the following property t-1 draft horse 7 years old, 1 draft -horse 6 years old, 1 draft mare 6 years old, 1 driving hem 7 years old. 1 cow fresh in December, 1 cow doe time of Bale, 1 cow due last of may, 8 fat steers, 1 fat heifer, 0 peas Mews round 900 Ibo,, 7 grasesteers round 800 lba 8 yearlings, 1 calf 01,105205 old, AO young Brown Leghorn hens. Deering binder 7 It out, Me0orm121( hinder 8 ft out sheaf carrier and trucks, Deer- ing mower Oft cut, McCormick hay loader. Deering 10 toot hay rake, Woman Seed.. drill 18 hoes, cultivator, disc harrow, eet MOO lbs. scales, Perrin 2 furroW riding plow, Fleury plow new, 2 walking plows, set 4 section diamond harrows, set 8 Beaton harrows, atave land roller, muffler, lumber wagon with gravel box, rubber Breton buggy, 1 steel tire epee buggy, pair bobsleighs, cutter, hay rack, 1611 ra6k with truck. fiat Weigh rook, wheelbar- row, fanning mill, hiolotte cream imparator, root pulper, grindetone, hay knife, set double - trees and nadir yoke, set double ,breechlng harnesp, set plow harnesa, 5 set rope tug har- ness), 2 sets of eingle harness, 8 horse collars, 1 orowber, goat robe, 800 bush. Heed oats, 600 mixed grain, 8 bus, white beans, 100 bags of potatoes, 10...tonti timothy he sap pan, 160 buckets and spiles, Daisy churn, butter bowl and ladle, washer and wringer, iiideboard. 2 bedsteads, 3 bedroom stands; sugar kettle, so thes, forks, chains, ',hovels and numerous athem articles. Sale without reserve as the farm has been sold. Terms. -All .sums of $11) and under cash ; over that amount 12 months te1AgrArergnPal°1"etW! r aitIt1. THOMAS MILLER, RIO. ROBB, Clerk . Prop. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mo. ()unpick Medical Canoga, Chicago, Ili.' Three months poet graduate course during past year. Byes correctly fitted with Glassee. Head- aches, Inflamed Byes, Granulated Eye Lids and other Eye troubles, caused by Byeetraln, relieved through properly fitted Glasses, Satisfaction Assured, Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door South of Barrister Sinclair's office. . 80 80 Offibe boars .• 9 to 12 a, ,o.; 1 to 6 p, m, Also 18 60 18 SO Wednesday and Saturday evenings. • , 18 00 20 00 Phone 28x ring 4 bit of Fleaven, Miss Isabel SI Faction ; piano solo. Miss Ruth Sinclair; reading, ' 'Neighbors," Mrs Jag Armstrong ; solo, "Killarney," Miss Verne Walker ; reading, "An Affectiouare Letter," Fla, er Strachan 1 solo, "The Dttar Little 1 Shamrock," bliss Verna McCall ; violin, ' P, Stewart and Mrs Geo. Thomson , solo, "Come Back to Erin," Miss Edna McCall t- reading, "A Kitchen Court. ship." Forence Stewart ; piano solo, Frank Oliver ; reading of It WI Journa' Miss Thelma Burgess ; reading, "TIP st-tort Courteous. Mrs T. C. McCall ; Irish cmtest in which hOttorn were abou evenly divided between the McGinty. and O'Flynus, In relatine Irish anec- dotes the h000rs fell to Mr, Hooka, and young Mr. Dolan. To show that all were loyal Irish subjects the program was eoecluded by singing "God Save I the King." LETTERS FROM TIM FRONT.- The 1 Canadian Beek of Commerce has pub , haled "Letters FrOin the Front, "Vo ' ume I, being a record played by the officers of the Bank of Commerce in th. Great War of 1914 1918. This volurni is a most handsome and tasteful -our, and is one of the most appropriate. , memorial works with the Great War the , bas been published in Canada, All told 1 17111 of the Bank's officers undertook war service, and of these 259 lain down their lives, Assurrdly the Canadim. Bank of t. ornmerce was well inspired I when it resolved to publish this ably I planned and beautiful volume, in -1 wresting story la published with the generous thought of presenting it as a gift 06 the homes bereft of loyal fathers and song W110 battled heroically for the cause of Freedom. It will be a sad yet most welcome souvineer to many a household whether on account,,of tin ✓ acant chair or personal rennoisconces of the years of tumult. Town Hall - Brussels JUST - ONE - NIGHT Thursday, March 14th Palmer's Spectacular Production Of Uncle 'Torn's jt eabin tric s SEEThe Comical Marks The Funny Topsy Little Eva, Uncle Tom;s, Etc. •••••••••••111M Not a Moving Picture Show PRICES : Children 5q; Adults 500 — and War Tax • 0060,00600066404410. Hav� y • *petvsial 1 • • • 06 • 0606 40 • • • . • Are You Troubled with • • • . Indigestion ?, • • . , • This, I wish to assure you, is no idle interrogation. 3 We know there are verymany in every community • ▪ whose lives aro made miserable from the lack of prop- er digestion of their food, To any who may be ad- o bring as stated above we would like to ask : Have a a you ever given what we familiarly term our • • ' o : • o aa Pink Dyspepsia Remedy • • • • • • • • a trial ? 'During the past ,few years we bave,put up hundreds of'bottles of this splendid Remedy with the unanimoue.verdict of all who leve used it, viz. :— . I e It's. the Best we hove ever Tried 1 O 1 , a ▪ In order to prove that this is no idle boast our person- • • al guarantee that "If not entirely satisfactory the • •• : purchase price, $1.00, will be cheerfully refunded," • • accompanies each Attie. • • 0 • O • : TRY IT ! : • • • . • • • • • • : • " JAMES FOX • • o 0 • DRUGGIST and STATIONER'. ' • 0 • • a • • 06 to 06 06 • 06• • • 18 05 69 08 13 4110 • • • 11 1110 418 0, • meisimessormosmostooseessosesompoomomeopiesgagl 04.4*-46...6.-46...i-g•s.1....4.416.41s....A....1.-Assolks.a..•....•...•*41.-46,46.41*..1* • 1 1 1 Milliaery Display OUR Spring Millinery is now oh exhibition and the ladies of Brussels and locality are cordially invited to call and inspect the Choice, Fashionable Goods in Stock. Your patronage in the past has been ap- preciated and we solicit a continuance and in- crease. Our Milliner this season is Miss Ritchie. Run in and see us. M. E. ROSS, RICHARDS r BLOCK .1,79r-•".-grmr"iire-grlr'er^ee-ew-gr-ire it Mal MIMI ON IV FORDSON TRACTOR Power .Farming These are the days of PROGRESS, and Power on the farce is a necessity. A Fordeon Tractor means more prosperity for the...oyener. • Prosperity' memoir increased moduction, the saving that comes from the use of a machine instead of horses t the release Of some dred- I pry for both man and wife. The Fordaon Tractor is simple in design and sturdily constructed of the best known steel. It has the necessary [meet. to perform every task an Winery farrner has to do, and in addition le exceptionally economical to operate. Oall at D. M. Seott'e Garages for further particulars, ele-Vcre haVe a eumber of secorid.hand Fords for sale. D. M. SCOTT, Brussels At:11104IZSD 10001) DitALErt, a