HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-3-24, Page 7RUSSIAN NOBLES
Princess Conducts Relief
Work, Aided by Admirals,
Generals and Governors.
Driven trona palace to hovel, sono
of the members of 'the ariatecracy of
aid Russia now are peeling potatoes
or chopping wood hero for a tieing,
nye a despatch' from Poland,
Five thousand men and women and
children, some of. whose resounding
Win once brought them homage of
courtiers, are clustered here after bar-
the fled to Poland before the 13oletie-
vett. Helping them to help themselves
is Mice. Ludieela Luhlnoff, herself a
refugee, though born a princess of one
of the oldest Russian houses and the
wife of the former Civil Goveruor of
Thee reauerkable wpmau is.conduct-
leg soup lcitehens, sewing rooms and
workshops for members of her un'
happy class, and taking orders from
her are then who once commanded the
armed forces of the Russian Emperor.
On. her Staff are admirals, generels,
governors, mayors and members of
the old Petrograd court, while her
husband has laid aside his gubernator.
101 duties to become her secretary.
A Woman of Action.
A beautiful woman, she- hides the
tragedy oP her life under an optimfsm
that is an ex,antple to the unhappy folk
to whom she ministers. A woman of
action, too, for she escaped from Pet-
rograd with her two sons after freeing
her husband from the fortress of
Peter and Paul and arming him with a
fictitious passport that enabled hire
to Ilee to Warsaw. Here the famlly
was reunited.
Setting virtually all she possessed
to aid her fellow Countrymen, Mme.
Lubin -off organized the Warsaw
branch of the Russian Red Cross,
which Is being aided by the American
Sparing. not herself, A1me. Lnbinoff
has not spared the colony of refugees
which included many of the former
Russian nobility. in the soup kitchen
and 'wood yard, which she esablished
in a Russian orthodox church at 6
Podwal—a squalid property placed at
her disposal -rare working hien and
women of title at tasks wbleh once
servants perforated' for them.
In the dingy little courtyard Gen.
Oblonsky, formerly architect at the
Russian court, chops wood for a living
with several officers of the crack im-
penal guards, one of whom has 'lost
Ids reason and /fist be watched. In
a lflnnlI and dirty building Prince
Alesehersky, who was master of cere-
monies at the: imperial court, peels 00 -
Woes for his -dally bread.
Nobility as Servants.
In the crowded rooms the meals are
served by women of the Russian no-
bility --Princess Rukoff, widow of Ad-
miral Rulcoff, who was executed by
the Bolsheviks; Princess ouchtomsky,
whose husband was reputed ono of
the richest men in Petrograd and is
now cashier in the next room at 4,000
Polish marks a month, the equivalent
of $4 to -day, nail Mme. ICoudravatsky,
widow of the Vice•Mayor of Petro-
grad, wit() was put to death by the Red
Colonel ICessetaeff of the Iinperial
Russian Guards nuns errands for Mine.
Lubinoff, and refugees who collapse
from oxhanstiou while waiting for
their food are attended by (+file, Cara-,ges0if, a former wealthy resident of
Petrograd, now a nurse.
Working in an American Red Cross
warehouse are twenty officers of the
Imperial Guards regiment headed by
are Rentshenslcy, a lawyer of Kiaff,
who arrived In the Polish capital with-
out underclothing or footwear. He
said his sister had been killed "this
winter by the 43olshe iki and.that the
capital of the Ukraine lied become a
city of the aid.
Mme. Lubineff boasts a storehouse
about the size of a Canadian house-
wife's pantry, which Is in charge of
Michael Shramchenko, the son of the
Governor of Tchernikotf, who was
killed by the Bolsheviks, The assist: -
ant store -keeper is Vector Borseuko,
who was Clevereor of Novgorod,
A Little Wisdom.
A fault confessed is half redressed.
Nothing is ilt-sail if it be not
It is human to err, but diabolical to
The mother of Miss. Impudence is
Mrs. Ignorance.
The best carpenter does not make
the most chips.
When everybody Says it, nobody
kn w's It tor certain,
If you Will gothe contrary way yes
most eV over it twice.
The one sure way .not to fail is to
dcternitte to snecoed.
It notelet but a. tittle ttoglect to breed
a great mischief.
What you learn te your cost you re•
member longest.,
Those who go the right way must'
Often swim egtdnet tate stream.
Faith is the greatest titagnetie
power for the attraction of the things
that belong to us.
Most anybody can do n thing Ito
1111 doing,
r tit takes 0 true
man 'to tlol a'ingwhet odoesn't
feel like doing it. ---00111 Jones.
for most melees 4114 models 01 oars.
Your ekl, broken fir worn-out parte
repleted, Write or wire to dosorib-
Ing what you want, Wo carry the
larr;eet Anil moat oempie a steel( in
Canelo of (Meetly nett or new parts
and automobile ematimeut, new
awe, enywhsre et Cannula. Satin+
factory or refund in fill our motto.
Share's auto Salvage Past Miur1y,
eas-see Auffen'A lit„ 'roreat:e, oat,
1Millions of War Medals. 1
It is underatoad that the diatribe.
tion of the 101415 star, the British
war medal, and the Victory Medal will
probably occupy about four years, AS -
ready 3,000,000medals have been dis.
ributod to individuals or sent t0 rre
cord offices at home and to the over-
sous dominions and colonies for dos•
tribution This distribution includes
The Boy Scoixts Association1'400,000 9094.15 atara, 01010 than 000,-
000 British war medals and 80,000 Vie,
Boy Scouts ere organizat1one of tory enedl135. rag
boys and youths between the ages of The approximate number of British
twelve and eighteen years and up. war medals required is 9,000,090, nee
wards, which aim to develop 0110150- of V, etory medals 5,500,000, After de-
ter, to aid In fureishhlg equipment for dilating the niednls alreadydistributed
a career, and to train In service for about 12,500,000 remain or diatribe-
others, physical health, and efficient tion, and 11 i5 estimated that these
citlzensiiip, by utilizing the natural will be distributed at the rate of 5,.
activities and interests of the adoies- 000,009 a year. av•
.cent period.
The 'clevelapmeitt.00 the Bov Spout tet reAre Fenn
movement in meat oe due to Lt: W /3 1 O
Cold and catarrhal'
affections of the
nose and throat use
for effective relief.
3.1,00 a tuba
191 LEEMING 142.01 c0., LTD.
Aseata ter Dr. Jutea Bonsai
I'res'dent's Wardrobe Cos
38 Cents.
Being President 0157 Day the r
There are world , I'm told, 'mid the
511e21 tare,
Tb'ere are laude far aeroes the pea;
But where'er• 1 roan acmes the dream
of lionize
With the faces so dear to nue
When the shade -we fall loving voices
R� 1i
Pt Ki k fr lEfd
Classified Advertisements,
J' U21f WANT19n, 51851) I)Iii1CIi1P..
tehipp5 t1N ;and !trine. Joha a, Mack,
Wit falls, 1'V1q.
UUl, 5l'l2N 11170 "14 flit
Atll1R. tint,
01012051x, G" 'town Woollen
While the red. stMshtNaturally,
in the wast; y'
,Theo big tears rise to Ply lunging eyes Mrs. Jt, ---„My husband admires
leer the land that I love the best everything about me—my bale my
eye., my hands, my volae----”
the night windy sigh, and the Ml's, Ii, - "l;poli, what do youadmire
seabirds 1th abeet him?"
Far away o'er the .trackless foam," hlrs. A.—"Why, itis good tanto."
ocean blue; Always on the Job.
Lave hes wings that can Deal' me "By Jupiter, thorp'11• be lie peace on
'then my heed files, too, o'er the.,
tome. earth till I retire my two chief aids,'
t Dthor,wories are fair, but they'll ne'0r roared Mars,
compare, , "Wba are those mighty generale?"
eat Though you search 'laid the eters. inquired Neptune,
General Sir Robert Baden Powell, Bt„ but It doesn't: always proviee the • above, • • . "Nene other than General Greed' and
who during the siege oe Mafekleg, 121 STOMACH �giyrT wardrabp-uot in Arnienfa et. au7 To the world T kliaw, where the blue-. Ceuoral Graft,' saM Mars,
1899, had neon the boys, ander Lord • TROIIBLE rate. A letter just received from Eli- bels grow
Edward Cecil's command, organized van, the" Oapitel of that most eider. My deardiomeland of peace and love.: Unappreciated Help,
lunate republic, belle how President
and drilled' fete an efficient messes- A Philadelphia physician had 'been.
called int to treat the spoiled child of
a pertain fancily. After his departure
the mother returned to the room and
told theyoungster that the doctor had
complilined that the child bad been
very rude to him.
"Why, mother,' replied the kiddie,
"he's just en old fogy, that's all! He
got mad just because I putout toy
tongue before he told Pie to."
ger service, . When Baden-Powell re. Good Advlee Front One Who Had Ohandiamian got his winter woolens,
turned to England, in 1902, the idea
was fostered and received popular
support, and a general plan of maneP maFOR THE C}II
zatlon was adopted. The brat Boy R
Scouts organization was formed iu
1008, and a royal chartee of incor-
poration was granted fn 191.2," the or-
ganization being recognised as a "11023-
m011a1•y, public service body,"
The .Boy Scouts Association In
Canada is non-military and non -sec -
tartan in character, the movement' be-
ing supported by Roman Catholics,
Protestants and Jews alike, Of late
it has also been,given consideration as
an educational adjunct by we11•known
educators,. some schools adopting the
Seoul programme in part- or as ., obtained by the tenth treatment which
whole, while some of the universities Mr. D. Slaw, Alt, Stewart, P.E:I„ tried
and now warmly recommends toothers. Mr, Shaw says; "t suffered
from Indigestion for over four years,
and have tried many of the well-
known remedies for such troubles, but
never'obtklned more than temporary
relief, The=trouble was aggravated by
constipation setting la owing to the
stomach failing to do Its work, and
laxatives only gave . relief to . the
bowels and left the stomach In worse
condition. The result was my.'blood
was growing more and more anaemic,'
I did not sleep well at night and was
growing despondent. I was in this
wretched condition when a friend ad-
vised Inc to try Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills. I got three boxes and by the
time they were finished there was
Some change for the better. This
greatly encouraged me and I con-
tinued taking the 01115 for some three
months, by, which time my stomach
was ail right again, my blood good,
nerves strong and life we agaiu
worth living. My aTviee to all who
suffer from'stomac!'. trouble is to give
Dr. Williams' Pink pills a fair trial:"
Dr, Williams' Piuk Pills can be ob•
taitied through any medicine dealer,
or by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes Or 52.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co Brockville, Ont. -
Suffered Much.
and it 'wasn't a 0058 of political graft
1t was in a )Ver East Relief f ofd
clothes warehouse and the oharmeog
Nin •tenths of all fors of indiges-
tt tf
on or s -nailed stomach trouble are
nob dee to the condition 01 the stein- young worker was dispensing seoond-
nch at all, but are caused by other la -
hand clothing to a long line of ragged
fluences. Tho groat contributing appllcauts who offered in exchange.
cause 'of indigestion la thin blood, their thatilts, or at most, a few cents.
Good blood and plenty of it is required Bending over her bundle' of "gents'
by the etomach to take care of the furnishings," she was suddenly start -
food. If the blood is thin the stomach' led by the sound of a shave'and un-
elections sluggish, food Iles undlgest. usually' musical voice inquiring in Eng-
el, gas forms and causea pains in fish tor a suit of underwear, of the
various parts of the body, Instead. of largest size on Hand, She looked up
getting nourishment from the blood 'and beheld a veal tall' and very digni-
the system gets poison, fled gentleman arraYed in a greenish'
Relief from this condition can be 'black, rather frayed Prince Albert. It
was rather difficult to associate so im-
pressive a figure with anything so un-
r0,ntantic as a request for woollen un-
derwear, but eines such 'had unmis-
takably been what he asked for, she
made all haste to supply him with the
Largest outfit in stock,
To her surprise, he offered her In
payment the equivalent of thirty-eight
cents in Canadialt money, Involml-
tartly she protested but he reassured
her in his gracious tones: "Really,
madam, I have plenty, you know, You
forget I receive the quite remarkable
Salary 01 twenty dollars a mouth."
The little, relief worker looked
again and this time, with dawning re-
cognition. The gentlenian.she had not
had the honor of meeting, but his pic-
ture was as familiar In ads cGuntry as
that of the Prince of Wales in Canada.
He was none other than M. Ohanjan-
.San, the President of the 17epublle of
Tractors in France Easily
and leading teohnipal schools coadnat
:special courses for Scoutmasters and.
other Scout officers,
Local As5oelations or Troop Cont'.
=loess are organized to supervise and
extend the movement in communities,
upon ' application by representative
citizens to provincial headquarters,
Dominion Bank Chambers, Blom and
Sherbourne Streets, Toronto. Suck
Assooiailons and Committees become
responsible both to their communities
and to headquarters for' the leader-
ship of Scout troops be their area and
for their encouragement and support,
'The Scouts themselves are organ
!zed into patrols of eight boys, two or
three or four patrols to a troop under
a Scoutmaster, Scouting is now re-
cognized as the most natural and at
once the most successful type of or-
ganization for 'boys. Nearly 9,900,On-
tario boys are now members, and
many thousands more have had the
benefits of Scout lrainieg during the
past twelve years.
Give a boy address and aeeomplish-
ments and you give him the mastery
of palaces and fortunes wherever he
goes. He has not the trouble of earn-
ing or owning them, they solicit Wro-
imto enter and possess.—Emerson.
Minaret's liniment for . Dandruff.
There are over a hundred varieties
of holly,;,
. Surnames and Their Origin
Racial Origin—English.
Source—An occupation.
The fatally name of Piper may come
from either one of two aoat'ces, thought
that pf Pinard is apparently traceable
to only one.
Undoubtedly the name of Plpee is
for the most part of occupational
origin, that occupation being the obvi-
ous one of the player Of the bagpipes,
This explanation has been objected to
by many on the ground that the bag-
pipes is to be found only in Scotland
or Ireland, whereas Piper is a name
most frequently met with In Englend,-
The fact is, however, .that while rho
bagpipe today cannot; be classed as an
English instrument, it was once quite,
dgenorally in 050, particularly in
Nbrtttuntbria, during that period of
the Middle Ages in which family
flames Were first developed, -.
In some instances Piper is merely
a changed spelhtg of the name Pi
pard. This name is of Norman-
French' origin, developed ftoai" a so-
briquet of nickneme sig1itt3'tng.otever,
or "foxy," There was a Ralph PI -
pard at the time of Henry III, of SOng•.
Panel who won great honors ter his
generalsldp in • the Scottish and
Weds] wars of that period.
Variations - O'Flaherty, O'Flehertfe,
Racial Origin—Irish.
'Source—A given name.
This ,family name is of particular
interest to the student of nomencla-
ture for two reasons. One is its ex-
treme antiquity, even among Irish sur-
names, which, as clan names,, ante-
dated the familoenames of England,
.and for the'ntost part. those of Scot-
The outer is the peculiar variation
which lois arisen ea the anglicizing of
thename by whichthe prefixed "0"
has become the initial letter of the
tante itself. This development is most
unusual in Irish' uantes, and is found
fn just a few of them, with the varia-
tion by 110 means widespread,
The clan of O'Flaherty dates, ap-
parently, from some time prior to the
third century A.3),, and it arose to the
dignity of inliependent clanship after
having come 11110 existence as a sept
of the O'Counore of Corctuurudh (or
The Mete spelling of the name is
formidable. It is "O'Flalthbeartaighe,"
derived from tele given lane of "'Fla-
tltartaclt,' which in turn was derived
teem the Irish words "thigh"- and
'beartach," meaning "clever ohief-
Wh.a.t Better Drink'
For Table Use: than..:,
When. 'well boiled.-' twenty
minutes or more — it has
arid). color and. a partic
ulaxly delight i t Flavor,
Tri these respects, Poseum
Cereal is the e ual off Fine
coffee; ane. much better For
t''7.2,ereds `a . easa "
Become Tanks. '
Every French farm will become a
potenfial artillery depot, if the sag•
gestion made by prominent farm tree
for manufacturers to tee Chamber o
Deputies Is 'carried out, as now seem
possible, says a Paris despatch, ' h03
contend that certain, tractors con
strutted at moderate expense can be
transformed without difficulty into
powerful tanks with armor clad tor
tete to be constructed according to the
Government design and - supplied
throughout the border areas to reli-
able owners of suitable machines.
The details el supplying these teaks
with ammunition are still to be work-
ed out by the military Officials, who
are showing such interest in the plan
that special films are being prepared
for presentation before the Chamber
of Deputies. Prominent military crit-
ics are said to have urged the accept-
ance of the scheme. declaring that if
eastern France 'had been equipped
thus in 1914 the massed advance of
the German army could have been
stopped. in the Vosges foothills,
"Cascarets" To -night •
For Constipation
Just thinitf Ac' pleasant, harmless
Casearet works while you sleep and
lies your layer active, head clear, atom-
ach sweet and bowels moving as re-
gular as a clook by morning. No grip»
Ing or inconvenience. 10, 25 or 50
cent boxes. Children love this candy
Mothers ---the surest way of keeps
your little ones well and Kapp
weather it le the new-born babe or
growing child, is to keep their bowe
regular and their stomach sweet. Nin
tenths of all childhood aliments
the result of (slogged bowels and s
stomach, The most necessary and t
best medicine for little ones is
gentle laxative—something that w
relieve constipation; . sweeten th
stomach and promote rest and natur
sleep. Such a medicine Is Baby's O
Tablets? They aro a gentle but e
Relent laxative; are absolutely gua.
anteed free front opiates or other 1
jurlous drugs and may be given t
the youngest Sant with perfe
safety, They banish constipation an
Indigestion; break up colds, an
simple fevers and give the baby tha
health and happiness which all chit
ren should have. They are sold b
medicine dealers or by mail at 2
cents a box Froin The Dr. William
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
n -
s' row is the normal condition sprang
from the same mind which imagined
that if a man were not sick occasion-
ally there was ,something the matter
with him.
Food for Explorers.
Had High Authority.
The young man who had been cant-
ing so frequently on Helen at last
came to eee Helen's father, Finally,
the suitor made this announcement;
"It's a leers formality, I know, sir,,
this asking for your daughter's hand,.
but we thought it would be pleasing
to you if it ware observed." -
Helen't Esther stiffened. "And may
I inquire,' he said, "who suggested
that asking my consent to ('Helen's
marriage was a mere formality l'
"Yes, sir," replied the young man.
"It was Helen's another." -
Happiness like health is man's (R-
oble heritage. Don't be cheated of
your birthright. The idea that sere
'Men experienced in Arctic explore -
tion aro of opinion that, if the frozen
wilds of the north aro to be invaded
by balloons and airplanes—Alaska be-
ing particularly in mind where the use
of the batter is ccltcerned—they
should take with them supplies of food
in the form of pemmican.
Pemmican is concentrated nourish:
tune, of small bulk and light weight
relatively to Its food value, and spe-
cially adapted for the support of life
in cold latitudes by reason of the fat
it contains. In old times it was Pre-
s pared from buffalo meat, but some In -
diem tribes to -day stake ft with beef
of the flesh of other animals.
The original process of making pem-
mican began will slicing buffalo meat
into slabs an inch or less in thickness
and hanging these over frames to dry
fu the sin. Flies were kept off by
building a smell fire beneath. When
thoroughly dried the meat had shrunk
more than two-thirds in bulk, Then
11 was roasted slightly to make it brit-
tle and was reduced to a fine powder
by pounding it with $alis.
Then the bade of a buffalo was cut
and sewn into a sack, which was filled
with as inuch of the minced meat as it
could hold, fat being finally poured in
scalding hot so as to 411 every crevice.
Bags of pemmican thus prepared were
so solid that at one time a quantity of
them were used to build°. a redoubt
which the Hudson Bay, far traders
used during their conflicts with the
Northwest Co,
The pemmican manufactured in Ma
way could be converted into shape for
eating by simply chopping if up with a
hatchet. However, it was better In
soup, called'`rtib-a-boo,'"'or fried la its
own fat. Cooked in the latter fas-
hion, it was said to taste remarkably
like a superior quality of tallow
A notable advantage of pemmican Is
at it all keep good and wholesome
(nerd's Liniment Relieves Distemper
The man who conquers is the one
who moves steadily, persistently,
erlastingly towards his goal, ean-
cathartic too. •
A Pessimist. f
Jinn Brown says. says 110 to me,
Lite ain't what it used to be, M
Everything is money mad,
Things are going to the bed,
Politics is eltametul now,
Preachers.'ein't as good somehow, ev
As they were when he was young, in
Even Gospel hymns ain't sung or
As they used to be, says elm— fie
Least that's how it seems to him. H
indful whether it is always in sight
not, unmindful of obstacles, of din.
ulties, of discouraging; coeditions.
e stoves ever forward because he
.7102 Brown says, says he, that men
.All were honester back then,
Merchants ell were kinder too,
Trusted more than what they do.
Wooten didn't nag the way
West of 'em take on to -day,
Everything de worse, says lie,
Thad it Was itt ninety-three.
Jim hangs round the Center store,
Hasn't worked for months and more,
From the last job where he hired,
Out of work lie soon wee ih'ed,
Mrs. Jim tholigh, SOWS and sews,
Just to keep her klde la clothes,
It's about ell that she pan do.
To bey shoes and teed 'em ta,
Slime Jim spends bus time in fretting
'Bent how bad the world is getting,
There is net a mai 170)2)an over
60 years of Age alive in Austria to-
day. All persons over that age died
of starvation.
her—"Willie, i' suppose you
know Whet a caterpillar Is?' Willie---
"Yes'et; tee an upholstered worm("
' .nW,14r.141'.,• I , ,n\.•„•..•.,r,,,4,4ryAN•,p,N,
Lift Right Off
without Pain
3)1093 a little "Freezone" on an ach-
leg corn, instantly that Corn stoma
hurting, then shortly you'11ft it right
oft with Ilngera, It doesn't burl a bit,
(roue druggist sells a tinny bottle .?
"7reezone" tor a few Cents, su9teient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the Loos, and the cal,
tunes, without a particle of pain.
Amerloa's Pionter Dog Rgmodlo
Book on
and Hew b
w o l red
Mailed Free
tdreeit the Author. Clay Goa Ce,, 800.
.x 8W 'Went Slat Street
New York. Beset,
A Health Saving
Don't wait until you get sick-1JSE
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxstive
AGENTS wAri•rsfp,
. Iderbe is a remedy for the relief of
Conntlpaliou, indlgeeystlon, ti!]Iousuea6,
well hnown,nha ingeboe nn•
Testified, since it was first rpanafamered
In islS, by distribution of large 8001511•
ties of Aylmenecs,. Ccak Acoks, 11552121
Books, 'ate„ which are furnished- to
agents free of charge, The remedies are
twirl at a pilon that allows agents tc
double thole i onc3.. Write Alonzo O,
1111Ra Medical Co., 1ai ,5t. Paul Of. IOanl,
..tontreal, Mention this.. paper.
Came By`lt Honestly,
,Stories concerning virilias of wifely
prattle recall a poignant one told by a'
eeadlnaster who wrote on a boy's re,
port: '''A good worker, but talks too
men,' The yule, .00 the ,school wee
that during the Holidays each boy
mast get iia report endorsed by Itis
father. 1n this case, tate roped came
back with a jbrlef comment 'attached:
"You eleould hear Ills mother,"
Remit by DslnIlnton Express Money
Order. If 1051 01' stolen you get your
money buck,'
When You Shake Hands.
Whenyou shake 1laredra, grasp the
hand as though you were glad to Lee
the owner of 10 not as though 00110 nl•'
Ing a perfunctory duty. -Put year
heart into your handshake- While
you are scolding the hand, look Into
the person's eyes and'give him a smile
from your •bear!. Let cordiality and
geniality, gleam in your face,
Worry ,is really a forte of eocver:Bee.
It is horn oe fear anti canes from the
consciousness that we are not equal
to cope with the obstacles that con-
front us.
"Bayer" is only Genuine
Warning! It's criminal to tape a
chance on any eubstitute for genuine
"Bayer T,b'ets of Aspirin," preeertbetl
b}' pirl,:('111n0 f0) ty;rnty-one years
and proved safe by:Milieus. Unless
you see the nano Mayer" on package
Or on t.ibseis you are not soiling As-
pirin at all. In every Bayer package
ale direetiunn for Colds, I-Ieadaclle,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache,
Toothache, Lunibagn and for Pain.
Heady tin boxes of twelve tablets
cost few cents, Druggists also sell
larger packages. Made in Canada.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
fa Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of
ItOonoaceticaddesterof Salicylicacid.
Sloan's Liniment should be kept,
handy for aches and pains
HY wait for a severe pain, an
ache, a rheumatic twinge fol-
lowing exposure, a sore muscle,
sciatica, or lumbago to make you quit
work, when you should have Sloan's
Liniment handy to help curb it and
keep you active,and fit, and onthejobe
T'Vilhout rubbiitg, for it penetrates,
apply a bit today to the afflicted part.
Notetho gratifying, clean ,prompt relief
that follows. Sloan'eLiniment couldn't
keep its many thousands of friends the
world over if it didn't make good.
That's worth remembering. All drug-
gists—three sizes—the largest is the
most economical. 35c,70c, 1,40,
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure lour
child is having the best and most
harmless physic for the little stomach,
liver and bowels. Chit leen love its
fruity taste. Full directions on eacb
bottle. You must say "California."
Cuticura Girls
Sweet and Darty
Nnthingso insures n healthy, clear corn.
Maxine, soft white heads, and Mossy
axuriant hair as Cuticura Sono, eosiateti
by Cuticard Ointment when neeessery,
Cut,twre Talcum to delicate, delightful,
r' -Vegan, 11 Imparts to the a
charm incomparable and Nadler to itself,
Saop25e OntnentSSae1500 T,le.ml5e Sold
thtourhout thel)orttininit CanSdienDrpott
L mina, Lttait,d, 144 St, 70015)„ W. 1,1002,511,
Cutieurn Soanaltsvra without rows.
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Thickens, Beautifies.
A few mauls buys "Medullae." Al.
ter a row applications you anent find
a fallen hair or any dendrnit, besides
ever hair
Y shows lldW lire, vigor.
g .
i brightness, more color and abundance.
ISBUE No, 12-X21,