HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-3-24, Page 6>we1s Alt
For Purity, F1av t .x alb c Aroma
1t you have not tried it, send us a post Bard for a free
,sannpie, stating the price you now pay and if you use
Black, Greener Mixed Tea, Addtess;Salada.,Toronto
Modern Mary's Garden,
"Contrary" Mary of the old nursery
rhyme •arlay have raised "silver bell
and cockle -shells" in her garden, but
Modern Mary plans her garden for use
as wellies for beauty.
Daiie in the spying she -raises
tender. vegetables in a hotbed; and
later, her mornings are spent in a
thriving vegetable and flower garden,
for she Jaime that the liberal use of
green vegetables in the summer diet
means health and strength and that
the family grocery bill is much small-
er If dozens of quarts of garden pro -
duets ar•e.canned ready for winter use.
Mary's flower garden delights not only
the eye of the passerby but also
brightens her own home and makes
possible the carry'ng of eheery flower-
mee.apes ieto less fortunate homes.
el,ere are many factoia to be con-
sidere,l le malting a garden, the first
of melee is the a: eyeing of a suitable
]er:e dee, fur ecred sell unehatied by
tree . , retstetni for a 5uerewfu1
a :• -.r, da:.vgereces arc planted in
r .. u:: (11i1 be planted
et. }
ir eed. W.0111131 7i; t=carr:.
). , ut, cssti.•iaS
ler the
<i r,'.ant becttase the p;„nt
tee. :y eed:Av :re as fend vew,.
tip see le Free:et.
ease ' ted, fee re newer Harden
Is e IICSN.,.:ftiC the list
of ,,,, , 1. ,an.,4ale ,n.l de:o a
wee t' c ..f ;ewe. assn'. caters of
fl, w.. a:yasap.
+11.., c r ,' Iokl ee. aalliop-
e.i:, . r . ,..steep,„las. for-
e Lace: I .,. isseer, mar rLi;, nos -
he 1 t -s r pit .:. i phlox.
pee, .eee;et rt ereereiiaeons, sun-
llnc t:•� t :tcrir pat zinnias.
Tee fles.t fa,dw: and the vegetable,
peace sheuld bob receive the samei
emitul rare and cultivation. The sell[
E3rrut,i ae spaded, or plowed in the
ea: teen or very early spring, then the
reed reel berme ed and raked well. If
barnyard or stable manure is added
to. the toil after plowing, the soil will
be made more fertile as soon as the
m,.i".re decays.
Misr the seed bed is pulverized
wee, the seeds should be sown in
straight rows. The general rule for
covering, is to cover small seeds with
s very shallow layer of earth but
large seeds may be planted as deep as I
two er three inches. The seeds should
be gown far enough apart that the
mature plants will not be crowded.
'Garden crops should be cultivated
very frequently in order to kill the
weeds which take from the soil the
ilocd which should nourish the growing
Vegetables; to stir the soil, thus form -
ng a dust mulch which prevents the:
loss of moisture; to snake it possible;
Lor the gr, -w rg plant to get air;
tiiroueh t] -r ete; and to keep the soil
loose, tt r. lir:g the root, a larger
feeding r r";:nd.
If the garden le eeiteeeted by hand,l,
a hoe, rake, sr;, li ,i<. feet and spade'
will I- fru...' •-gee' •s,lea tuck e,n•
Roads ride h e t f .westler, n t?:idese
an onion rrir a t e; :•tl and a claw
weeder. A ,, hard cultivator or,
wheel l,t r_ :ce:' ri.,,o , lure .r.
Grandfather smiles
%di is Baby tells him heap nice his
beard feels and how sweet it smells.
Tho secret is the nioming wash +Pith
13aby's Own Soap -tine soap lvlother•
lases for herself and for the children.
Rosas of Prance and other natural
perfumes give their aroma to s:, -s,
If watering a garden is necessary,
the plants should be thoroughly water-
ed occasionally and not merely
sprinkled everyday.
Insects often cause heavy losses to
garden crops but these Iosses can be
greatly lessened if care is taken to
keep them ;.ender control from the
very beginning of the season.
The following methods have been
fu:ui to be successful in combating
these garden enemies:
Cut worms: Feed poisoned mash,
which is made from the following
2 ounces white arsenic or Paris
green, 3 pounds of bran, I ounce of
salt, 2 ounces cheap syrup.
Chewing insects: Spray plants with
a solution of lead arsenate:
2 ounces lead arsenate powder, see.
game of water,
Suceeesful gardening demands pa-
tience and care but the pleasure and
the satisfaction gained from a thriv-
ing garden far exceed the work of
planning and caring for it. Bovee has
well said, "To cultivate a garden is to
gr, limed -in -baud -with Nature in same
of her meet beautiful processes, to
learn something of her eltoiceat see -
rets, and to have ,n more intelligent
interest awake -mei in the beautiful
order of leer works eisawhere,"
One -Dish Meals,
If yea will use that eombinetion
baker and serving dish, the casserole,
you cliniinate two or three cooking
dishes, and the same number of serve
ing dishes for the table, as yen take
the casserole -directly from the range
to the table. They may be baught et
glens or crockery in two shades of
brown and if the oontents are daintily
prepared and cooked to just the right
shade of brown the dish adds a touch
of beauty to any table.
A favorite dish in one household is
called "Steak a 1'a Mother,” in honor
of the proud discoverer. It consists of
round steak cut in pieces convenient
for serving -first pounding flour into
the steak. This is then/browned in the
frying pan, in drippings in which a
small onion chopped has been brown-
ed. Potatoes peeled and cut' In eighths,
cutting the potato crosswise first, aro
added a.pint of tomatoes, end a cup of
canned peas, If there is a stray stalk
of celery about it is cut line and added:
The whole is then poured into the ease
sarole, and the dish covered and set
in the oven, where a moderate fire is
kept for one hour. Thin, is the entire
meal, with the exception of bread and
butter and a Light dessert,
Women! Use "Diamond
Dye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists,
Coats, Stockings, Draperies,
Each pacgage of "Diamond Dyes"
contains easy directions for dyeing
any article of wool, silk, cotton, linen,:
or mixed goods. Beware! Poor dye
streaks, spots, fades and ruins ma.
aerial by giving it a 'dyedlook." Buy
"Diamond Dyes" only. Druggist bas
Color Card.
Whole villages in Jugo-Slavia are
composed of women.
Minard's Liniment for Burns, etc.
"Right," replied Bampton, "I will."
He half closed his eyes reflectively,
"I was having tea in the Lyons Cafe,
to which I always go, last Monday
afternoon about 4 o'clock, when a man
sat down fae.ng me and got into con-
"Describe hini."
"He was a man rather above me-
dium height. I should say about my
own build; dark, going gray. He had
a neat mustache and a short beard,
and the look of a man who had travel-
ed a lot. His skin was very tanned
almost as deeply as yours, Mr. Harley.
Not at all the sort of chap that goes
in there a$ a rule. After a while he
made an extraordinary proposal. At
first I thought he was joking, then
when I grasped the idea that he was
serious I concluded he was mad. He
asked me how much a year I earned,
and I told him Peters & Peters paid
inc 1160 a year. He said, 'I'll give you
a��ear's salary to knock a man's hat
As Bampton spoke the words he
glanced at us with twinkling eyes, but
although for My own part I was mere-
ly amused. Harley's expression had
grown very stern. "Of course I laugh-
ed," continued Hampton, "but when
the roan drew out a fat wallet and
counted ten five -pound notes on the
t,itele I began. to thin], seriously about
las proposal. Even supposing he was
e rte les it wee a:,so:utely money for
r ,`ltd,
'Of c F;;ir"o. he sad, 'you'll Ione
year jab ere! yep May he arrested, but
y'.iil! to-, teat you had been out with
a few friceele and were a little excited,
elan that you never could stand white
hats. Stink to that story and the
lta'.nert of eine will reach you on the
following morning.'
"I asked him for further particulars
and I asked him why be had picked on
me for the jt -b. He replier' that he
had been looking. for some time for the
right mar. --a roan who was strong
enough physically to accomplish the
thing, and some one"-•-Bampton's eyes
twinkled again -"with a bit of dash in
hien, but at the same time a man who
could 'bo relied upon to stick to his
guns and not to give the game away.
"You asked ere to be brief and I'll
try to be. The man in the white hat
was described to me and the exact
time and place of meeting. I just had
to grab his white hat. smash it and
face the music. I agreed, I don't deny
that I had a couple of stiff drinks be-
fore I set out, but the memory of that
160 locked up here in my room, and
the further hundred promised, bucked
me up. It was impossible to mistake
my man; I could see him coming to-
ward me as I waited just outside a
sort of little restaurant called the
Cafe Dame. As arranged, I humped
into him, grabbed' his hat and jump-
ed on it,"
Ile pawed, raising his hand to his
head reminiscently.
"My man was a bit of a arrappper,"
he continued, "I've never heard such
language in my life and the way he
laid about me with lis cane +�
thing I ni not 11r�r'- s so]t12-
hvrry, A ath to forget in a
.. crewel gathered, naturally,
..on 2 was pinched. That didn't mat-
1termuch. I got oft lightly; ance al-
though I've been dismissed by Petars
& Teeters, twenty crisp fivers are look-
ed in niy trunk there, with the ten
which I received in the city."
Harley checked him. "May I see
the envelope in which this money ar-
rived?" he asked.
Sorry," replied Bampton, "but I
burned it. I thought it was playing
the game to do so. It wouldn't have
helped you much, though," he added;
"it was an ordinary common envelope,
posted in the city, address typewritten
and not a line inclosed."
"No „
Bampton stood looking at us with a
curious expression on his face,
"There's one point," he said„ "on
which my conscience isn't easy. You
know about that poor devil who fell
out of a window? Well, it would never
lave happened if I hadn't kicked up a
row in the street, There's no doubt he
was leaning out to see what the dis-
turbance was about when the accident
"Did. you actually see him fall.?"
asked Harley.
"No, He fell from a window sev-
eral yards behind me in the side
street, but I heard him cry out, and
as I was lugged off by the police I
heard the bell of the ambulance which
came to fetch him."
He paused again and stood rubbing
his head ruefully.
"Him," said Harley; "was there any-
thing particularly remarkable about
this man in the Lyons Cafe?"
Hampton reflected silently for some
moments. "Nothing much," he con-
fessed. "lie was evidently a gentle-
man, wore a blue topcoat, a dark.
tweed suit and what looked like a
regimental tie, but I didn't know the
colors. He was very tanned, as I have
said, even to the backs of his hands
-and, oh, yes, there was one point-
he had a gold • covered tooth.'
"''4 hich tooth?"
"2 can t remember, except that it
was on the left side, and I always
noticed it when he smiled:"
"I)id he wear any ring or pin which
you would recognize?"
"Was there anything queer in his
speech or voice?"
"No. Ile spoke like thousands of
other Englishmen."
Harley nodded briskly and button-
ed up his overeat. "Thanks, Mr.
Bampton," he said; "we will detain
yon no longer."
As we descended the stairs, where
the smell of frying sausage had given
place to that of something burning ---
probably the sausages --Harley said:
"I was h;~1f inclined to think that
Major Ragste.ft ideas were traceable
to a former touch of the sun. I begin
to believe that be has put us on the
track of a pretty unusual creme. I am
Berry to delay dinner, Knox, but I pro-
pose to call at the Cafe Dame."
On entering the doorway of the
Cafe Dame we found ourselves in a
narrow passage. In front of ire was
=voted stair ante iv the right a
glass pane-Ve door communicating
e'en a discreetly lighted little dining
room which seemed to be well patron-
ized. Opening the door, Marley 1�ec'k-
anesi to a waiter, "I wish tm Tee the
proppefetor,' he, said;,
Mr, sayer as engaged at the mo-
ment, sir," he answered,
i'Wliere le he?"
n er ear ou
mmm Eventually
Ask Your, Local Dealer.
"In his office upstairs, sir. Ho will
be down in a moment." •
The waiter hurried away, and Har-
arley stood glancing up the stairs as if
in doubt what to do.
"1 can't imagine how such a place
can pay," he muttered. "The sent
must be enormous in this district."
But even before he ceased speaking
I became aware of an excited -toner-
sation which was taking place in some
apartment above.
Its scandalous!" I heard, in a wo-
man's shrill voice. "You lime no
right to keep it! It's not your prop-
erty, and I'm here to demand that
you give it up."
A. man's voice replied in voluble
broken English, but I could only dis-
tinguish a word here and there. I saw
that Hark , was interested, for, catch-
ing my questioned glance, he raised
his fingers to his lige, enjoining me to
be silent.
"Ob, that's the game, is it?" con
tinned the female voice. "Of course
you know it's blackmail?"
A flow of unintelligible words ans-
wered this speech.
"I shall come back with some one,"
cried the woman, "who will make you
give it up!"
'Knox," whispered Barley in my
ear, "when that woman comes down,
follow her! I'm afraid: you will bungle
the business, and I would not ask you
to attempt it if big things were not at
stake. Come back hen: I shall wait"
As a matter of fact, his sudden re-
quest had positively astounded Pie, but
before I had time for any reply a door
suddenly banged open above and a
respectable looking woman, who might
have been some kind of upper servant,
came quickly down the stairs. With-
out seeming to notice our presence,
she brushed past us and went out into
the street.
Off you go, Knox!" said Harley.
Seeing myself committed to an un-
pleasant business, I slipped out of the
doorway and saw the woman five or
six yards away hurrying in the direc-
tion of Piccadilly. I had no difficulty
in following her, for she was evident-
ly unsuspicious of my presence, and
when presently she mounted a west-
ward bound bus I dill likewise. Though
she found a seat inside I went
on top,
and occupied a place on
the near side
where I could observe anyone leaving
the vehicle.
At Hyde Park Cotner I saw the wo-
man descending. and when presently
she walked up Hamilton Place I was
not far behind her. At the door of
an imposing mansion she stopped, and
in response to a ring of the bell the
door was opened by a footreaneand
the woman hurried in, Evidently she
was an inmate of the establishment;
and conceiving that my duty was Bono
when I had noted the number of the
house I retraced my steps to the
corner and, hailing a taxicab, return-
ed to the Cafe Dame.
I inquired of the same waiter whom
Harley had accosted whether my
friend was there,
Chills amid
tree B o v r it n. your
cooking. It Amours, ens
tithes, nounieite:r more.
The rely -building Power of Merit
ee Oen proved by Independent
experiments to• bo from
10 to. • 20 Amon the amount 0f
"I think a gentleman is upstairs
with Mr. Meyer," said the man.
"In his office?`'
"Yes, sir."
I mounted the stairs and before a
half -open deur paused. Harley's voice
was audible within, so I knocked soul
entered. I discovered Harley stand
ing by an American desk. Beside him
in a revolving chair, which, with the
desk, constituted the principal furni-
ture of a tiny office, sat a man in a
dress suit which had palpably not
been made for him. He had a sullen
and suspiciously Teutonic cast of
countenance, and was engaged in a
voivable but hardly intelligible speech
as I entered.
"Ha, Knox!" said Harley, glancing
mice his shoulder, "did you manage?"
"Yes," I replied.
Harley padded shortly and turned
again to the man in the chair.
"I am sorry to give you so much
trouble,, Mr. Meyer," he said, "but I
should like my friend here to see the
roopi above,"
At this moment my attention was
Attracted by a singular object which
lay upon the desk in a litter of bills
and accounts. This was a piece of
rusty iron bar, somewhat less than
three feet in Iength, that once had,
been painted green.
(Concluded in next issue,
Measuring Quicksilver.
Quicksilver•is measured by flasks,
each weighing 75 pounds net,
Minerd's Liniment Relieves Colds, etc.
A woman will pardon cruelty and
injestice, but never indifference,
'when Ono appllCa-
Von of Dialtbn'a
hair, R6atarativo
every 2 menthe
;cepa the hair
natural, No.
oil, me dirt;
the hair can
Ise washed
when desired,
!Cry it. Hinck
or Drown.
Pylae, $2.00.
Sent prcpatd t0
any address in
Powell 6vo., Ottawa
D. d.`Oaraoohan,
Bulk Carlota
Send for
Book of
2, 5, and
jKakes every dish—even bread pudding
—more popular' with children and
grown folks. Rich, pure, wholesome,
To be had at all Grocers.
wn Bran.a Syru
t'he _Great Sweetener"
dl iitabr Y jet IPI aYlli,?f a tit t ut
Have Your Cleaning
Done by Experts
Ciolhing, household draperies, linen and delicate
fabrics can be cleaned and made to look as fresh
and bright as when fil;st bought.
Clea,ning and xIyeing
Is Properly Done at Parker's
It makes no differelitie where you live; parole can be
sent In by inail or express. The same caro and atten-
tion is given the work as though you lived in town.
Wo will be pleased to advise you on any question
rogardlne Gleaning or Dyeing. WRITS 1.18.
Par en's ye T dirksLinii
>diean rs¥s
a.� 791vamp St., Toronto
Nearly All Residents Wear
Mourning, Signs of Struggle
for Existence.
Only by actually going there, wrjtoe
Agnes Egertop Castle, the eutboe, to
The Loddon Daily News, can one real- . -
jze the sadness of Parte, e
"I have just spent three days," elle
writes, "in the ace Cley of Light,
whiles I had not revisited since the
war. I brought to it memories of
streets, gold and blue and gray, like
a delicate water.0olor, thronged with
merry, busy people, brilliant with
shops, kaleidoscopic with color awl
movement. The blue and gray and
gold were there•bright, olcar, frosty
weather, with air intensely vivifying,
impossible to describe save by the
trite comparison, iced wine, To draw
It into your lungs seemed in itself a
sort of ecstasy. But there is no
ecstasy in Parts; it is a sad cite.
"Its citizens are dressed nearly all ,
lr, mourning, and even those who are
not wear slid-ealored clothes. You sen
a few elegantes In splendid furs, a cer-
tain number of expensive Americana,
and here and there a painted thing
with vivid hues, out 0f place and out,
of taste, lost and futile as a butterfly
in a winter of dark trial. But token
as a whole, Perls Is filled with the
gravity at those who have only just
left the death chamber.
Stamp of the Ordeal
"Upon every countenance you see
the stamp of the ordeal. Men and
women alike have .looked on horror so
long, have so long fronted the ex-
Moine of burnan suffering, have had
'so strenuously to brace their seals to
meet personal and public (calamity,
that they have not yet been able to lay
off their armor. The eyes still behold,
the soul still stiffens baron. France
has agonized and France cannot for-
"And life is difficult. The people
are cold and food le scarce. Last year,
of all years, Pestilence fell upon the
cattle, foot and mouth* disease ray
aged the restored herds. Mile is an
but unobtainable; even the wealthy
have to get a doctor's certllicate for
a daily pint for each child. You won-
der how it fares with the poor. You
see the pinched faces, and you guess.
Sugar, too, seems wantlege sugar and"
aniik, these two neceseery hettt-giyiug
factors far health; and with this, fuel
People impoverished.
"Signs of We struggle for existence
Meet you at every turn. Along the
boulevards and nearly all the streets
booths have been eel np, .tiled with
Pitiable grinicrack waren, such as
would hardly pass muster even in a
county fair; and as if It were Indeed a
fair, every 300 yards or so Borne un-
fortunate arrests the traffic, gathers a
ring about him of staring, silent
people, mournfully to display some
feeble acrobatics.
Paris, indescribably altered, heavy
with the memory of the past, weighted
wlth the burden of present di'fllculty, .,
hardly able Set to look to the bright -
nem of the future! It is only when.
ono is there that ono_ realizes how
little, with all our own great Otero of
it, we have really endured, compared
with the ]clench, what it was the noble
and 'beloved dead saved us from at the
cost of the supremo sacrifice.
"In coutrast with London Paris is as
a town shit in a state of siege. Eng-
land never knew tete foot of the enemy
on her sell, she never saw the town
invaded, the home burn, hover heard
the ring of the conqueror's heel on
her own pavement, never, saw her
youth, her girls and her boys, driven
forth like rattle to toll for the eggres
We ought nil to hear a heart taavard
Prance very full of sympall;y and fan
Ears of Blind Serve Ther
as Eyes,
Ono of the most nanarkahlo riven•
tions given'. by the twentieth r nary
to mankind is the "optaphonu, which
enables the blind to read ordinary
Print. It wan successfully Ieotel a
Short tinge ago at the Imperial Cullen
of Science, in London.
The contrivance wllbch owes its
creation to Dr, B. 13. 1'ournier d'Abu,
of London, 15 equipped with a tela-
phone receiver whichis adjusted to
the ear of the blind parson like any
heard phone. Musical notes In certain
arrangements, reseresentIng the ware
ous letters of the alphabet, aro pro.
du eetl as the latter are passed over
the leettument In traveraing a lima of
Up to the present time tete only
known nrcans for enabling the blind
to read ems been the raised•lettcr syr -
Mtn, to be fcillowed by twat. Tide
domande apidully prleted,, costly and
bulli' volumes, with renegue nt ]inn-
tnllon •af the amount of near .l -*re
avnilabio to sightless persons. Fur-
Iherntoro, the requisite` sonsitiveucen
of tough le in many instances acquiree
well great dellculty, especially by
These disadvantages ern overcome
by the optophono, which ronelere all
'Melte and newepapers mailable- to
the Wind. ,.A fair faeletee en the use
of the instmasest can bo tettaifed et.
ter a tete lemons,