HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-3-24, Page 5•
. ' .
Ns* +149144014+440101,441,44400+44.4,44
All No of
Furs and Hides Tr.
For which the highest I
market price will be
paid. • +
M. Yollick-
Phone '2• /3rusaels
total bews Item
A Numnse of horses are offered for
sale iu TEM Posr,
LAST monthly Homo Fair for this
seasou will be held Thursday, Mardi
FAMOUS WOrds of Famous Women.
"Don't forget to order some meat for
"Gee opt tbe vote," is the clarion call
, to the •temperance workers in the Refers
en d o tu Corn inittee.
CANADIAN Weekly Newspapers' As-
sociation, will hold their animal Conven-
Mon on June 9th and toth at Hotel Van-
couver, Vancouver, Bal.%
Teeteeirroe's Rheumatic Capsules and
RAZ MAH tor Asthma are sold Pere by
JEFs Pox, local ageot, Call in to:
A vobwootbootitierl teitilutot•pt
Tult pow is kind fabbligh tie hey "It is a
very welcome eisitOIS"
SottooLs !gee Thurinlay of tide week
for the Baster YeentlOn, Willett Will COP.
tintle ep BO Mentlay, April 4th.
c c e 0 I si forr n
r;it tIfyiva ji& 1 9illrrt30 le‘lr4g e.2=
';:i re --- jti, 4 .
..Me wisn ; out grOn, ati el .
IMO. Mau who knockhis home to wu
IS Initially 0 dant Memo. That Is, the
telltale wile lltOS "limn toWO" is likely to
be the "Lowe -bum."
Arwocie Hee has eutered on if Sand
leer of publetatiou and hi 5 sturdy jcure-
al. Bro. Swing bas been at the helm
fur the past re years and we wish hon
O011tialted SOCCOSS.
Yens neighbor will sheep leap you
his PosT to read the late* nen of your
district, but wouldn't it be much nicer
to bave it coining to your home regular.
ly? Subscribe slow.
„FOOT liele. —Galt has been honored
WY the annual meeting of the Western
Football Aeectolation, winch will be bold
on Good Friday, March 25, The pest
year WAS a most successful one and this
year it ts expected the seulor series will
be a feature, This the 4551 MAW of
the W. F. A. and will commence at ix
a, m. at the Y. M. C. A. building.
Brussels will not likely send a repre,
eentative but will be in the 1521 line -tip
all right.
INCOMB Foeies.—George T. Tambling,
Inspector of taxation at ' London, has
written postmasters as follows :—"The 1
taxpayers' forms, Me T'IA and T.2, I
have arrived at this office, but are neces-
sarily beld here pending the arrival of
the explanatory booklets, which ar'e to
accompany them, and without which
taxpayers will not be able to calculate
Weir taxes. These booklets were de.
stroyed by fire in Ottawa some weeks
ago and had to be reprinted. They were
promised for the tst instant and 1 eXpeer
their arrival daily, when they will be im-
mediately sent out rot he postoffices."
1 1W4 grotelfh;1 dogs 01001 I 0462eneetentai•eareeeteettneAfelettteereta6 1
shops at p. eeeepting Sittiledey Rfiromiii3til
wt,o. the key Ilene et al. Thureday
t et
• !
eftereeson is.a:holiday after April ria. Specie! Prices uo
Deeteerie ticiericx Coutialts— The •
Womeu'e Teelltute hes arranged with
from Apill 19 15 Itleinsitno, Male OR
the department of Agriculture
Domestio •Science Course to be held
ledlth Hoodoo, .of Liudsay, will be in FIVE YEARS Clover& Timothy heed
charge ot the Demonstration, The fee •
will be 25 ceete for members eud 50051015 Rein% • theTroubleSineeTaking
for mita-Members. We hope the women
:: Shorts
, 0
alio couroe. Further melee will be
Bran 2 1 0 S
1611..veiurr.ix Fias,—The bun Rey a, ea
Butner, pastor, of tbe Methodist Mnch, e
0 'Linseed Meal 3 75 ee,
• •
Lambeth, caught fire about ro o'etook 'tI
: Low Grade Flot.ir 2 75 :
Tuesday of last week whets it was struck
by lightning during the severe thunder .11
„., 1 Royal Housc-hold •
storm which bloke over tbe village mad I:0 CP '
vicinity. Owing to the fact that there
• Flour 5 80 414
did not spread quiekly and volueteer
wee ne bay.pr gram la the barn the blaze
Oatmeal per cwt. 3 75
fire fighters managed to extroguieb it be- er;s:a e
* 4)1
er .
tore it had done serious danarige The te 0
reverend geutlemau is a Mealier of the : : fe • 0,1
J illicCracheA 3
,,,,,-.. • i 4 a
a .. 0
$2 00 g
of the commpuity will take adynntage 01
Misses Hunter, 9I -Brussels.
Warren G. Harding is the first Bap-
tist to become President of the Cited
Stems. He is a life.long Baptist Hurl a
trustee of his home church Merlou,
Ohio, Has been a member of the Elk
and Mobse fraternities for yeare, and
since his election t� the Presidency has
become a 32nd dogma Mason and a
Shriner. (bit is his tavorite recreation
and he likes to Ash, but does not hunt.
Whatever else Ise may be, Mr. Harding
always classifies himself as an editor,
publisher and minter, proud of hie pro.
iessional accomplishments and training.
Some Musa—In Huron County we
know little about bad roads. , Here are a
few clippings from the Ainheretburg
Echo relative to conditions in part of
Essex Co, :—Tlaere is practically 00
traffic on the route these days owing to
their almost impassible coudition.
Rural toile cow Mrs areearnaig all their
salaries and then some, trying to make
rommom..., ,
ROBT. FERGIUSON, - Geno' Outfitter sible to teach certain points with mail
their rounds. Tuesday it was imptin-
What About Your
Spring Suit ?
" I
Have just passed into stook some nice Blues and Grey
Serge Suitings at Moderate Prices, and what is nicer
to a well dressed man than a nine fitting Suit.
• Tweed Rain Coats
Nice range of Tweed Rain Coats at very low prices—
$12.00 to $18 00. They are exceptional values.
Men's Trousers
We have a nice range of Separate Trousers that will
be sold at'HARGAIN PRICES.
Famous Cooper Cap ADveralls
One of the best made. $1.90
Robt. Ferguson GENTS'
pwoesrs°1 bill Leta: fuusle °tuli erdhenadrsneY. from was Jacques
paneojpilbeisin daernprolovdatitoon get goblet 1 10aupdotbotobset
, 1 tor good roads,—Most of the Harrow
crossings are so forbidding that ladies
prefer to make a detour of several blocks
rather than attempt to wade tbrotigh.—
The roads iu the vicinity of the Canard.
Cote's, and the casket containing the re-
mains of the late Adolphe Cote were
placed in a lumber wagon and drawn to
the church with four horses, whsle the
mourners Walked.
lowing an illness of over q years, borne
with a fortitude and resignation, the
death occurred 51 5.15 Wednesday morn-
ing, 9th vase, at the family residence in
North Easteope of Florentine Steele
Hamiltou, wite of Mary Kirby, aged 58
years. Deceased was born in North
Easthope and resided there all her life.
'39 years aeo •she was married to Mr.
Kirby and they took up their residence
in her native township. The late Mrs,
Kirby was in religion a Presbyterian and
a devoted member of Knox Cnurch,
She was a member of the Ministers of
Rebekah aud a Past Mistress of that
Order. She leaves to mourn her loss,
besides her husband, 2 sals, Jack, of
North Easthope, County Constable for
the County of Perth, and Harry, Lon-
don, District Mauagew of the Excelsior
Life Insurance Co. ; 2„brothers, Daniel
Hamilton, Dauplain. ,Man. ; William
Hamilton, Astoria, Oregon ; and 2 sis-
ters, Mrs, Wm. Hill, eIriestreet, Strat-
The Flat Oil Paint •
For Interior Decoration
For the walls and ceilings of any room in your house, most
delicate and harmonious effects can be secured by the use
of NEU-TONE. It is cheaper and more sanitary than Wall
paper and will last much longer because it can hp washed
without injury. It positively will not rub off. •
NEU-TONE is made in eighteen shades, and by the use of various tints
most pleasing combinations may be secured.3
. _
NEU-TONE is easy to apply. It covers well and leaves no brush market
producing a dull, soft, Velvety finish which will lend charm to any room
in the house.
Any Reface may be successfully treated with
NEU-TONE—Plaster,wood, burlap or metal.
Call and let us explain the merits of this and
other MARTIN-SENOTIR finishes. For every
purpose—For every surface. Our stock is CM -
plate and we can give you full information.
Geo. R. Weer
"100% Iltre"
For buildings,
outside and in.
It wears and
wears and
beautifies and
preserves Oil
Cloth and Lin-
" Marble-ite"
Floor Finish
• The one. perfect
floor finish.
" Wood -Lac "
Improves the
n e w—r ertews
Phone 43
P. 0. Box 123, Parrsboro, N. S.
"I suffered with Rheumatism for fisc
years, having it so badly at timesl was
unable to get up without assistance.
I tried different naedichaes I saw
adver Used and was treated by &rotors
in Amherst, also in ray home towe,
but the Rheumatism came back.
In 1016, I saw in an advertisement
that Truit-a-tioes' woad stop Rhea -
swam, and took one box and got
relief; the I took them right along
for about silannanths and the Bleu-
. rnatisixt was all gone and 1 have never
felt it duce.
.Anyone who would care to write
me as regards 'Fruit-a-tives' I would
be glad to tell them what Truit-a-
tives' did for nee."
Contractor and Mason.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e.
At all dealers or sent Postpaid. by
Frult-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont,
ford'; and Mrs, Elizabeth Baxter, Wit -
lard, Ohio, Mrs, Harry Kirby was Miss
Maude Querin, Brussels, before her mar-
riage and Mr. Kirby is frequently a vis-
itor in town, Mrs, Jos. Querin, Brus-
sels, attended the funeral.
CostrOamAlmo brick house for sale, with
furnace, kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft
water, stable &o., situated on Maio street,
Ethel. For partionlars Phone 2225 or 128 Brus.
eels Oentral. `ri
oosuroemente houseand 13aere lot tor sale.
There to a well, cement cistern and good gar-
den. FOr further particulars. Apply to
DAT.io SAN mum Rthel. Phone 6118.
Huron County Ohildrens' Aid Secre-
tary Elliott, and Inspector Pellow,
both of Goderieh, were here last week
on business ceunected with Web. re-
spective offloes.
WIn. 'McLeod, who has Spent the
pest Winter at Beussels, as one of the
.hundy teamsters drawing logs for
Athent Thos., is back to Ethel once
more, He s, now markirm out hie
program for a peornised busy 85155 111.
At the Public School Board held e-
cently, D. D. Crittenden was ra.alert-
ed Atteedance Officer for the emu -
i015 yeas.
R. J. Powell has purchased the
building East of the postnffice 41 d
will convert it into a. garage.
Sunday Rev. Than, Allem M. A , f
Monkton, preached 8 in the Aletho-
dist chtll ch. Rev. R. J. AleCormick
tools charge of the Aoniversary s53055 00 the Monkton Chen's,
D, D. Crittenden received word that
Olive Thereto's, wife of W. H. Alex-
ander, of Oatsonville, Mich., had died
at Port Huron Hospital, following a
severe operation. It will be realm-
bered that Ali'. Alexander was a resi-
dent of Blyth some 82 years ago, and
time few weeks ago paid a visit to old
acquaintances here.
The number of deaths in the town-
ship during the past year were 86.
Qnite a number of our citizens are
laid rip with attacks of colds and
Negotiations arel tinder way for
opening a butcher shop here by one of
our local men.
Ed. Jacques had the misfortune to
lose to fine driving wave, she leaving
bung herself in the stable.
Mrs- Wm. Goggin spent some time
recently with relatives Lola Mends in
Toronto and °thee places,
Adam Rinn, formerly of Newluidge
passed away aornetitue during Toes -
da y night of last week at Toronto.
Alex. Thcrinpson was at Niagara.
As delegate to the Geand Lodge of the
Overige Association.
Obits, Struthers has bolighb the 100
acre farm, 12111 Ooss., frees Otto
Selitnehl and Henry Seelhoff, the 50
a01.00 being WI, Lot 27, Oon, 12, also
from Otto Schmehl,
While pelting rip piping on the
shed of Elgin Coglilin's, Gravel road,
Willletu °fruiter, whri was standing
0)) 11 ladder at a distatice of about 8
feet from the ground, when the ladder
allimed out at the bottom letting him
down with the result that the knee
Dap nI hie light leg was tot n off and
the bone below the knee broken, He
was taken to Listowel Memorial Hos-
pital where an °potation was pease no
Perth County
Tax vete for Stratford 19 89 mills,
Siatulay there was 75 freight elite
standing its Alitrlsell CS T. 81, yard.),
Lletlf. Col, John Ymings has been
51131015' ltd Coterie Connoissiceser for
Neigh Perth and :Santee Nrwrie, ill it,
011111 1' t Sunni Perth,
1 e(lonvieterl of a violation of the 0. T.
A., T. W. leicem, A illiver for Lite lanin.
i niers Expi t,Nq 0(,11Iptthy, St. at arys,
was lined $500 and costa by Magietrate
e speemesteos13115133el000tteta
Atthe annual meeting of the • 1.10
wel Tennis Olub, held in ilo Lib-
rary building, offieere fm the enneisig
season were elected as follow.
ovary Feesidept. IVIsev or Ilair t m ;
President, M. R. Hay ; Vice.Preei-
dent, Dr. 11., D. Livingatime SesTre
tary-ttersueer, L. H. Bernie ; Exerm-
tive committee, Itigis, Hay, Rev O.
Allen, Frank Osbsisio Reub,s, 113 ;
Social emend I tee, Airs Alithedgi. iji
M. R. Hay, Mis Llarrot.1), 51144 1,11,
Scott -and Miss Ivy Kidd,
Canadian News
Toronto Boar d of Ed neation epee:Ile
for cheapand better q nail ty
Oonnuission advices doleg away
with Coroners alronglum
Dr. K. A. Baird 81111 go to 11{11,qii,
Ohina, ap Presbytelit(15 medical lila-,
Rev. W. S. Brownlee, A'gliez 1 ess-
tor at St, Thomas, in dead at the ego
of 65.
Alex. Bel), teho brie served Derehern
township 101 42 yeare, being Cise l 27
years, has iesigned.
St. Pittriek'e Day was celebrested in
Monti eal by the largest proeeesien
ever held these nss such an occasion.
T. &N. 0. Railway's sons's eas Mugs
in Fehruary totalled $541,000, a record
for an single month in i is Iliat y.
A Northern 111n ,dei pal Meet 11,11
Aaeociatinn is prej-eted taw isineiel.
palitiee obtaining ;mires 1, ,111 8 n,
Eugenia and Waedell Falls.
Obits, N. Hilliker.
Burgessville ferules, died 60111sely is
Woodstock, of heart failure, dmto
excilemVnt over a sale ef
8 men were firma $1,000 eerh
Bridgthurg for selling !nosey le It •y
Schinder, the niurdeleil rimer MIMI.
whose body was found in a bsett.
OIJ use great care in selecting a
new Hat—why should Shoes be
less important ? Come
and see our lines of
which consists of High
Cut Bals„ Oxfords, Ties
and Putnips in the finest
of Kids. Patents and oth-
er materials equally as
tasty. A very classy line
all through with prices on
an equally fine basis.
also have a very neat assortment in lien's and Child -
Footwear. Call and see Cum and if we have not what
.tt IVSIjII Jet us know and we will endeavor to get it for you.
ros. Richards' Old Stand
y Chic
n0UNT your Woks before they are hatched. We have had a
levee experience in Incubation and we can supply yon Chicks
frim PlIi E. bred stock in S. 0. White Leghoras or Barred Rocks '
that are properly Incubated. Instructions how to raise the Chicks go
wit!) moll oriels Did you ever figuee how much your Chicks cost you
earth year by time wasted on broody hetes, setting oil unfertile eggs
and ho TY provoking it is when eh*' le continually breaking the eggs ?
8515.5 time, rummy and temper by securing your Chicks from us.
Barred Rook Chicks, 30c each ; White Leghorn Chicks, 22c each.
8,nm farmers have already ordered 1000 from us. When are you
going to order yours? Do not leave it too late,
Huron Specialty Farm, Brussels Box 34, hone 3 or 4 on 38x
)4 9a 0e 00o 551G51.5515145151514 .4.04110•40•40••••••••••••400.041. •
alace Bakery
AZ -114A�
NO Smoking -41a Spraying—Ho Snuff •
Just Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAI -1 Is Guaranteed I
to restore normal breathing, stop Inuahi 51
gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give
long nights of quiet sleep; contains ne 0
haint-forming drug 31.00 at your drug- 6
gist's. Trial freeat our agencies or wrwee •
Templetons, 142 King W., Toronto,
Local Agent Jameil Fox
Time for AH
HAVING 901, lieeed nes tome.
date Ruble Tire Ahsehiee
1 asp prepared to du all
kinds of Re-rubbeehig Buggy
Wheels with the beet of matt t
Don't forget hout our
Woodwork and Blacksmith Dept,
Work done while y -i1 wait. Ali,.
do Painting to suit your titete.
New Ouggiesand Wagons
always on hand. Ever ythine 011
hand that is room] i . a,i upe riate
shop. What you sheet Set? :Isk for,
Ono Pelee to Ali.
John ikileNeq •
flour and iegd
Five irises $ 5 80
Pneity 5 80
Jewel Flour
Golden City nen' ......
Oatmeal per bag
Ontario than .
Sheets). ....
00141 per hus ....... .„,.
we 'nave a ear of Feet ilizer to besot
at 981,00 pee tots, paettlilt. e 1, 1011,
5 40
5 40
2 00
2 10
1 05
It's Honest Bread
through and through aud none
better can possibly be baked.
We make this claim for our
product because there is no
better flour milled than we
use. There are no better
bakers than we have and
there is no better equipmene
than ours. The result is hon-
est bread.
Br—Cash or trade for eggs.
044 -e -4-2.f..0.40011140090.0.4.0011). 1114 006.6.04,400 *
Keeping the house aud barns sup-
plied with water is a problem with
many a farmer and farmer's wife.
You can permantly dispose of the job
of pumping and carrying water by
hand by installing Delco -Light.
Write foe Catalog
H® 0. D rroch
District Agent, Listowel
A Complete Modern Bath Room
"They are talking about agrieultur-
el pi epareelerse and greater food pro-
,Inetiee sin the faun, rewonclee if
hey SO,17 t,' think that this is going to
meat. 0,, I r WO1'1E for the women on
the fe 1.1? It the women are to meet
15)314 a Mbar they ritual;
le. pi, peod with some way to save
their rime end their strength, some
ha, Will give them additional
time 1.e. the additional service de-
l).7.tn.iive found that way
li-ve (segus to SIB)) electricity
t• 1, ,111' home.
A gree5 cleel st time is wired by Use
t.f seem lin power to do work that 1
lived to do by hand. There'a the
washing. Now I use an electric
motor to run the washing machine
and while it keeps the machine going
1 have that time to do up the morn-
ing work, look after the chickens and
give a little time to the gatelen.
Our electric motor will run all the
machines around the place that we
lewd have to turn with a crank.
hest Whom we used it, 50 ritts the
:mime wieder. My huehand used
li this Hieing to rim the clippers to
sheet, the elmeti. Tt ran be attaehed
5, 11,.. grind qt1,118 and most every way
tiee it Is 1,)01.) Way 11.1 save work -
Ing With 011r bends,
On honing clay I use an electric
iron, do th5* ironing in less time than
in the old way and saves heating up
the kitchen. The men use the electric,
current to charge the storage battery
on the automobile,
We save time in the use of electric
light instead of the coal oil lamps, for
I don't have the lamps to clean and
fill. Bleateits light in the barn saves'
time, too, for the men don't have to
depend on lanterns whiolas give very
little light at the beet and they are
not very eafe about the barn.
We get the electricity from a small
electric light and power plane that is
installed in the wash house, It has a
direct -connected engine and generator
and v, storage battery. The engine is
air-cooled and self-stor Hug, rt
doesn't, require any (wanking by hand,
it requires very little attention aud
by running it once or twice a week we
can store enough electric current in
the storage battery to we get all the
current we need jest by preseing a
Electricity for Mem homes is one of '
the greatest helps to farin woman
that they can possibly have. 1.wish
every woman who is laboring without
it could understand what it, hag meant
to the here and what it would mean in
her own home, When every woman
understands that, then takes.the nest
step and gate electrieity into het oWn
taros home, we Will be a great deal
better prepared to take our plate In
any movement for greater form pro.