HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-3-24, Page 4TFIUItSI1AV MAI I1 24 fust Beath of William Brigid T4Wn C1erit, Listowel Listowel .bas Mien etihd up,tn to mourn U** loss of on* of it '3141,-41 ,and 019e1', highly esteemed Mt +6 a -a iu the person of the late \VI Omni !fright; l b eyed siva at the Nattily reel who y dem*, Livingston ,street. liouday evening 7th lest., in Ilia 8374- year, Throughout his long life *1ee..+a* d lard enjoyed axeeptinnally- meld health, AU$PJt IQUS IN.i/00110N 10.414,114.44 It^0,44004440* 044+44#44 44444.3 40.44$+4.• The Newmarket Eta of last week winks the followingaru)uot of the In. docile, 41fPv A J !lain, recently of liln eta s -'17te ciao 1P11.01. of the Pns3yhAron clime!', 11 v A J, M,up, of 1hltssrle, tvaH e•illeially in. meted into the charge, on !'Vadnesday riberiinou l y .R, v. 111. aeOillvray, r" r Toronto, inthe tt ate 1. t t. p s a Ia lap :. )11 rleget] [ t1 '':fire r. preached a moot impressive eeruiou from the word.* of St. Pent a "1 am not eathaltlted of the 'Gospel of Circlet U power n Ittlst for it the w t f (Ind w 1 I onto salvation." 11e elOpliabiaed this state- ment of jiositive, eonvl0tinu, whish was singularly malilfe+.,ted 'by tine uu. seillsfi and freitful life. There is not, but 8 years ago his health h,•t1rtu n, ek winiettn al Meth; tall of I..lI'ewcaet'ket t« ile*s ("mance, 13a11, Parry, l y., Pros er 1 •Going o ,and Grandy. 4 S' 1 t I 1 ! fat ()lade, 8u510e65 ti•ti 11 t. ut of Y the r,lKantsl, 'Mos, 4lrthuufe lit t + • in "nl • wan led • r a. strong , • Charge, 1)tlihlg the a0.rviee ()apt, i Ryles, whit wag in fine voice, lentleied. • 11111 i•t)euttlifully ''!rear ye nut, () 3 II At bhocout,lusiuu of lbs service the 3 • • .,. • rl its tel L 1G i4 t t :conn was Invited to r�Mar. �t 3C n� 0. .0..1 fUe,ltr where the "4vlllllr i Willing Workers " aerated a sumptuous brio. 1 ! 41 11,1,. Rev,./lay, oetiu1)ied the chair and in ' - tits discharge of las duties was exceed • (ugly humorous. Rev. )sawt'eltce spoke of the unity'or I • PFL1,M13YTEittAN OhUKU1.1. NEWMARKET THP LATE W M. Iififl;Ii'P !tillers Rev. 111r. Maul) Was I, ducted. fail. However he eontiuuetl 1 •, r:u ry 'out faithfully his duties until •tn• 3 weeks ago when he stat bt .acid which developed into pini:. y. 11r, spite every possible rare anti littera ion he gradually grew weaker u 1 11 tile end came. The late Mr. H ht. n t, born January 20, 1139, n F t:ti t , Lanarkshire, Scotland At.,-, eating he followed his ptstfessittn r, 1, school teacher for sea, rat v , -. [ i 1870 he left Scotland, coron: +t h ,r Wel to manage the iarge it Ix ,o r the 3, & 3. Livingston Flax t;. in- pany. This position he hell molt t1* mills were closed. For a short time he conducted a flax busier thug, but afters/414.g out. ite ret n•t 1 to Listowel whore he sig a In the 80'e Mr. Bright wee appoint,../1 town Clerk for Listowel, hut alter Riling the office for some time he tr- f signed. However in 1902 he was agaiu appointed and tilled the mice with credit to himself and bort„: to the town. Last year + )tali t• health compelled him to give up :he w, r k For many yea's he had at t. roam Division Court Clerk, wlnell p --i,; rn he held at the time of his death. Few men were better known or tome e high + ly respected than the late Mt lie lath and his death is deeply rem ..tteti A a mark of respect to his u,e m : v i 6r flag at the Council Cbarubet c ,a I ' half mast and Thursday the blinds were drawn in all business. places. .- Before coming to Canada the lair Mr. Bright married Miss Mary P-.lirtck, who predeceased him marry teas. i;go, Of a family of 7 daaughtet mai five sons the following survive Mr,. W. Shearer, Elmo • Mrs. C. 13 t .ipprr. ton, Three Rivers, Alta : Misses Jeanette, Mary and Barbara, at home; John, at Yale, Mich lam, H, P+goon, Mich„ and Oha,ie Il., Old Arta., to whom is extended ,'ane rest sympathy in their I1:fa avetueot i+.uneral took place from the late rest dente Thursday afternoon, in clots ge of Bernard Lodge No. 2251 A. ; . & A. M., of which the decraeed wtaa one of the oldest members. To the strains of the Dead March in Simi, placed by Listowel band, funeral pineeseion proceeded to Fairview isms : sty where interment took place. After the int- pressive burial service t.f the P,esby. tet•lan church, of which the. lecr.,.•rd had been a Me long ureter. -•r, -:+hl •'• ed by the local pastry, ifttv. .f. .1. Nicol, was finished, the set vi f Masonic lodge was rnndtu•.a, 1 .y 317+•, shipful Master of Bernard I.,•d„e, as• sisted by Chaplain, !'4 or. Bro. Rev. 3. M, Nicol, and the hap Br, 'her v.ty laid to rest with full Mason -e hen,•r- Between Iii and MO' brethren were present to pay their last respeek to their late brother, Wm. RI it.lu, a t Son of deceased, was manager I• it, os - eels Flax Mill for sevetpl years alai the father was f:etlnently iii tort o al- so, n:h,n,ittw of tlr.ubt in his belief con- (e.ni,.g,heint urear,al nebare asset- turead' the Milne cettailtly for all be - .Ir v'-1-. The 1)r's ratnedy for the yvorld's ,eerie is the gospel of Jesus. (ll,t.jei fi.avt t declared that:t1*e eredeutial: it 11-v. A. J. Mann erre duly signed, tl: • D.% ret” .1 upon Hey. Hay, Itielr- 11„•rd 11111, who had been loietiul !I d. 1 art hisrhnrgeaiere the re- ? sa ;u:u 3 „ 'f Rev. 11. F. Thomas, to re ht r 31'-.'.-* :elaf ivo to his call. tlr. 11+,y Stated that 'Arte were IS gt'vtf loan: apph('.Uions 10 weevil !.111-1.1.,, t v t,.g that 'Sr market rotes a re,y able parish, and out allure,. s, •r•t+.-1 t . pryerlt the call to Rev. A J. *91r10', bits unanimous by the SPS. Si 1,. •I'tae a.u,tl qn.-.t iot,s relating to Chun at doettln.• and government were shoo a- keit of the candidalP and as - Se, tial tlo'retr,, lifter. 11 16E41 Rev. Dr. IL•-+, i r,mtc,�etl iu prayer. Rev. A. J Marin was then declared duty In lusted into Ibis charge and re- r.'ivrd the right stand of frlluwship learn the lu-n)hrrs of the Session, vt fling ministers and the following Listowel Albert Coen, near Atwood, 14 i'1 with smallpox at the h me, „f hi. brother, ,John Uokhlin. Excavation work for the n'•.-: re, tory to le built at the rear ,.t she Anglican :.hutch, has trh r oly 1 ••. r; ' started, Present indications are the r tween 20 and 30 new In tist, v. ,tl hr erected in Listowel this r,.n `?una- mer. Already work has Leaa on several. F. 3-tanbridge, !i'hal'tr n. 1.:, fast pacer. "Jimmy ties:+.. .1 14r, Johnston, Linke. a. 1, b over the $200. The 31'i- v :v :Hake a good showing in t h ra*es this year, Rev. W. 8-I. Dunbar 'as - Chairman s -Chairman of the Library L,.+art -' l.i.:• annual meeting Frid...• ing, which was fertured by lll cellation of the eobecliptitni r, la. ,l Housekeeping:” last of t}te Ti r, r i ,i - llcations on the library tat et, to the financial strtngenoy, the 1„;in0 was only able to make n -light. .r,- cr'ease to Miss Op't'ic, the cel•+rida librarian, whet is miry tee••ivnig>ls:lia(i The town 'flag is at lnif honor of Captain James (1 ;cull. ev r, IL. r, 0., eon of Wm. and MI.. Mr. eever, of town, who diet! Monday of last week et the general hospital, Vau• couver, in his 81st year, foilawing 5 months illness and an operation 2 spirit manifested among 4 of the Pro- testant demnathsatioes r•f the town and the bttiaki*'g up of the Ministerial Qnattet te, which now he was pleased to believe would he slrangthened. Rev, Hall, vv h+• had spent moat of hi, „li,.p<te, irll *1l•1ivitie9 across tits h,ori'1, was plt•Asrd to dwell in the hand of his adoption, whore liberty, law, language anti religion were in unison. Lle 1, --ked fur a brighter light to 1 •all I he people in I he unity of the charr•h Rev. Pa: tV 311.1(0 of the i••tellectual and s into+'! feast in tn•- a neo' room and the r.ecespuy of the r-•olinuattoti of chri.tina, ei$.,1 to heck 1 he strong- holds of ala int ur cwt, 1, r, , Rev. A. ,1. Mann, the 11P11 i.v iaduci- ed p11$101, ou rislog tvt g,e,•1••13 with great applause. )I. , iciness. 13 his a prertallou t.f the selene* h* had re- reive•d i,, N, vvotlu1ket noel id d sire t.. be of service a. (sod's :,mhassedot, 110 also 'stet—red to the assiManes that Mrs. Blaen bud been in his work and asked for the hearty coop iatf„u of the people. Proceedings closed with the Doxol- ogy. weea. laevittus to his deathlie is an of n+luriP, received ut •an gntoniobile •r,..:9 broth•+r in the late 131..j-'* -An ' neeiklet,, Collo-clog retort f.:•m aver ir• v F, iI •Kr+•sar, dist:o uiahed arca U,apl:tin Janus MrK«ever wee ('>. .)•tt._n aviator. whose death en born to 1.i.tr..vel. Burial takes place C11*1.ttnas day of 1910, was the result bete• ,rt Farm for Sale MAIL CONTRACT 19-1 erre farm for eel e, being : u, .2, Con. 5, • Or ev t.whehip Heron Co rb,•,r 70 sores cleared. T1. ,•e is etn.fortahl, h n•e, bank Tenders, add P+.e i to the P.•'t,naster "„.741,1!; nc14l 3831'.' rtro+•lv'ti+,t '!:rota n until Bonn, m Nri• n ch•, 22nd A )1 1921 For the eenvey- Bnre I H, Nialesta s t„ lx ono proposed Can- tT.`rt t:r too- aearb, .,x tin:0- r week oz.r wet+„n P • I Rural Stmt !route from the pot m t+.er t nern1's *'lea -ore. Printed n ,tio+w containing further informm i tinn a. t n dition f nr"nne,d contract m y be n.d 1,d than F_.rnme of Tender may .. . b i of Walton, i(nen• - e p,s Btytti,erped t)••411,0:• of -the Poet Inspector's Office, Lcndan, Ont., 11x1* Siarrh, C3*A81'."J.831 F R. -RER, Peat OfficPIe Inspector. barn orrhbrd, good drilled. well &o , on the p: rml e. Yue e.etm, at ons • Telephone and .oral meal ie,ivery. Nor lu'V.e, partlew tars apply rn the r relate,•:. TELFORD56LL15R:. Proprietor. ita•9 Farm for Sale 100acro farm for erste, beteg Nis Lot 15, Con. 0. Morrie township. R nr,.n Cn . comfortable ' iron..., bank barn, learbge, drive house, hen bootie. &c. Well watered. Porte eeinn at once. If not sold by March 10th it win he rented. 1 WM R. $18RN$Y, :"rep , Phone 1710 Blyth $, R. 2-. BACKED BY SIXTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE/ ' oes. [PIX DOMINANT IN QUAL- *TY AND SERVICE! Sixty yearn of leadership—of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real servicel That's why the Gilson name wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. 'That's why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment. THE GILSON ENGINE All Sixes WONDERFUL GFLSON" Coats 'You Nothing The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty” En- gine—cue size for any purpose—can be por- cine -eel on the easy payment plan. Let it pa^ tat itself. Its economy and depend- tinllity have rondo it the biggest selling en- gine In Canada. Let us demonstrate on Yanrfarm. HYLO SYLO The Ety10 Sylo inanres sweet, fresh. sucmtlent en- fgfdoIttoorkul.is to test indefinitely. Exclusive patented features of de- sign and construction explain why the Hylo is chosen by the diverimin- naafi farmer. Pays for itself in the first t•caeon Then year after year, pays 100 per edit. profit on roar itCan "The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme. More Gilson Silo !Fillers weresald in Canada last year than any other make. It is guar- anteed to 1 e the lightest running blower - cutter mad*. Be independent—get a Gilson Silo Piller and fill your own silo—with your own engine, 4'h.p. or large,•—at the proper erne, when your co(u has the greatest f ceding value. THE GILSONSPREADER Ivfauureis the bt"3t fertilizer. You have it. Use ill The best Manure Spreader madeis the Gilson, Why? It has a wide spread. Itis low down. It haslight draft. It will take a real load. It Is free from clutches, gears and allcomplicated parts. Call and pea our nearest dealer, numb lrolow. Ho will save wed make you monoy on the equipment illustrated ped on Gilson Threshers, Dlxlo-AcoTrnetora, Wood Sawa, Grinders, Pump Jacks, Belting, etc. Write for Catalog.. :trade in Canada and Gl.tranieed by GILSON MPG. CO., Limited •. . GUELPI-1, ONT. Call and Soo Nearest Dealer EARL ROTHWELL, BRUSSELLS, ()NT. Will sell the remainder of my stock of At a. pig Hardware Recluctlort. • •• — •• In thanking ply many customers fur past patronage I also invite them. to come ani take advantage of the; : t Reduced Prices v • • • _; Chas, - i 9 • • • •444440..•.4M.Ta..........•....et* ....boise" 4+14444444444:4.0.4 � 44NAfo1r 041�R***441.i19+1 t'°44►�t/PPi/ NEW I Anti -Glare t LeDS• !r Legalite 1 t a li �ost Government Twat and sells at Cheap. h �# 1 ! bee g 1' n. of _ oat Prise, Tuve them for every make a 2! i Battcrics • Ttave the Agency for tile 1 X L Battery for this die, • (riot. Can re•buihl your old 13attety or give you it• new one in 24 boure' notioo, Colne in and get prices, • • s° AIi Maes of Cars Overhauled ^" auA ANT °N . . 4 . . 4 . • Y Cuoninaham'o arae 4 Have your Car ready for Spring by bringing it to our Garage and baying it put right. f,4a9.e44,.4.4....40.0,0•!•.•• 4.44.1444••••••• •4S$•*•4.0 Watchful ul Eyes Guard Its -Quality Y • THEREis much more than mere routine to the elaborate system of inspection which guards the supreme quality of the Gray -Dort car. • Built into every car is the prorgan- ization an org ization over sixty years experienced in the production of satisfactory transportation. . —each skilled craftsman looks upon the Gray -Dort as his personal product, by which he willibe judged in the eyes of the world. The result is a carefulness—a precision— of construction which is matched only by the fineness• of the inaterials with which our men work. The final result is freedom from ordinary motor car troubles and the long life which comes only with perfect harmony in every working part. Compared with;other cars, the Gray -Dort is worth much more than its fair made -in - Canada price. The difficulty •in securing a Gray. -Dort will increase as the season advances. See 'the Gray -Dort dealer now. Sam Carter Brussels GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LIMITED CHATHAM. ONTARIO ■