HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-3-10, Page 84'�F�F'k*'1'4'Y�F�'1+♦4!FlhMf'�f"!s/►'ir}`+i'�A'4't�'Mi'i'�t'.�f+F't�a'! rho BEST GOODS OF Store • • THEIR KIND It can't leak because it's made in one piece — that's why we guar- antee satisfac- tion or your money' back. Complete line of ICantleekRubber goods. Prices 0c to $4.75 a from Easter Cards Thorough, Cleanliness - the le ness-the fast step in the proper cares; of the skin and for that every`. woman should regularly" eco good cold cream. Cold Cream Jotnteel hi; fine and pure a cold cseatiCS 21 can be made_and will: s:we, grow hair,, Delightfully perfsiired with the costly new odoa .of 26 fiowcrs Jonteet. 60c" JONTEEL TALCUM ,35C & BOo Tins See the latest Pictorial Review Dress Patterns. Embroidery, Braiding and Beading Patterns. F s SMITH ?he Store •4•04•4.44•£•4e•1r454••&'9^t•4•5:eele0't•0'i•110•Ac'7.0J•9+93'4,9e4•9•i••9•i•9+09?•1'b4•e< Druggist and Stationer goat Vacs •errrs • 1 No.1 Seed Pens for sale, Phone 164. l W. H. MCCITaNEON, Lot 25, 8th Line, Morr1S. Waive Blossom Sweet Clover Need for sale $5.00 par bushel. Lot 10, Con. 8, Morrie, Phone 5810 Tena. P1ERa8• SATURDAY'S rain and thaw put the Cow for nate. Will come In nbont March 25, Maitlaod at high tide. F. RADDATz, Cranbrook. TE gasoline supply metal tan for D. Two Tbred Wyandotteandcite Roosters for •sale. Phone 644. M.Scott's gara e arrived last weekand or le limited quantity. 0. A. Eon 2, as m d a will soon be installed. C. No. 72. Free from matting weeds y Have you handed in your y choices to 11 R. L. TAYLOR, Brussels R. R. 2. Lot 16, C,on.10, Grey. Phone 2810 Rooms to rent for a dwelling across the hail from Dr. Bamilton's office. Apply to Mae. A. McKetever, 828 Boron 8t • Toronto. PAIR of women's new wearing boots No. 5 are offered for milk For pnrtioulera apply to TRE POST. FOR SALE —L3 awou Seed Cate end White Bloseotn Sweet Cover Seed, grades No. 1. Phone 8515 HAaveY Damon, Ethel. YOUNG yeilove collie dog with white on face and tip of tail, strayed from Lot 14, Con. 12. Information concerning hien thankfully re. calved. Phone 2618 A. V. FO1HSTE0, Grey. Son Sale one registered Short Born ball, rising 2 yeare. Also 2 York sows, dna to flue row last of March and middle of bias. le, B. 8' nvaaaoN, Lot 18, Con. 12, Grey tap. Phone 4218, FIVEood Collie Pups for Rale. Phone 1810. g R. L. N ren Or., B. R. 4, Snuffles. Fouts good Cows for sale, Will freshen in Marc phone 404 Lot 2, V. n 82, Co, 14, Gr07. DEaiaARLa property for sale in 13ruseels con- stetting of a large store and comfortable dwell- ing houses. Bargain for quick sale as 1 am re- moving to Winnipeg. Par further particulars apply t0 R.Lr.AT1linDALE. Phone 87 Cow for sale, 4 years old, due to freshen March 17. A. V. FORneran. Phone 2518 B. S. Scott, Secretary -Treasurer for Brussels (Horticultural Society? If not bustle as the goods must be ordered at once. 7'886 worlds greatest hair tin▪ t eau be seeb also the finest stock of human hair goods and styles with the W. T. Pember Exhibit 111 the Queen's Hotel, Brussels. Friday March ,8th. R. W. FERGUSON, Gent's outfitter, has added ready-to-wear clothing to bis stock and says be has a fine range of goods and will sell them at prices that will please the public. THE members of Miss Inman's Sunday School class presented her with a piece of China, ie appreciation of faithful ser- vice and in view of her removal from town in the near future. CARD or THANxcs.—We extend OUT sin. care thanks to those wbo have been with us in the sad bereavement of our daugh- ter and sister, Alice, and by kind words and kindly acts have tried to lessen our sorrow. THOS C. DAVIDSON AND PAMTLY AND Geo, AND MRS, HART. GOOD PxooRAM.—Friday afternoon the Literary Society of Brussels Con- ' tinuation School were hosts and hostess' to a goodly number of ex.pupils and others at the school house when au in- teresting and welt rendered program was presented by :former pupils, Miss Margaret Maunders presiding with grace and dignity, Following was the excellent bill of fare :—"O 1 Canada" opeeing chorus ; remarks of President, M, Maunders ; solo, Verne Walk- er; reading, Mrs. James S. Armstrong ; instrumental, Jas. Nolan ; address. "Memory," E. Baker ; solo. Muriel Hoover ; reading, V. Anderson ; talk, "The old days" B. Lott and 0. Heming- way ; instrumental, Ruth Sinclair ; reading, Irene Hoover; solo, Alice Wit- ton ; address, "Fashions" E. McCall WO: 'Sahel Strachan ; reading, Mildred Maunders ; confectionery ; instrument- al, Frank Oliver reading of,Journal, Principal 5, S. Scott. Bert Lott was chosen Honorary President on the re- moval of Rev, Henry Smith from town. FOOT BALLERS ORGANIZE Friday evening of last week a meeting wet held in Jas, Anderson's Veterivary office, for the purpose of getting Brussels on the Foot Bali map for x922, Report of past year showed a balance of $41 00, after paying all expenses and meeting a deficit belonging to rote of $Boas. It was de - sided to ;Anaheim new sweaters with the Heinz you paid your 'Telephone an- i funds to band. Folfowiog$officers were manage ? See advt. cleated 1—Hon. 'President, Dr, White ; Sr. PATRICK'S TRA. --021 March 17th a President. Jas. Balitiotyne ; Vice Presi- safe of Homemade Baking and a St. Pat. dent, W, S. Scott ; Secretary -Treasurer, rick's Day 'Tea will be beld In the Pub. R. Ferguson ; Manager, Fred, Stephen, tic Library Audience room There will son ; Captain, W. Bell. The grounds be booths representing England, Ire. Committee consists of Vernou Sinclair, land and Scotland and our own fair Harold Lowry and 'Jno. Currie, ares- Clarinda. In these yott May purchase the anti intention is to place Inteetnediatt dainties of each Country: There will al end Junior teams in the field and tbe sttbe a progam of music and singing prospect is very good for both. A num- afternooe and evening end tea served her of last year's teem are available. Al from 4 80 to 8 o'clock, The members of 50081 88 the park is fit to play on 95001 oe the Woman's Christian Temperance wilt Commence. Brussels hes a great re- Delon will be in charge and the pro - cord for good Foot gall and hope to coeds will be le aid of t2efereodum prove that they still can "produce the I work. Let everybody join with u$ in goods," Glee them a boost, making it R secee80. . theme, Two well bred Short Horn Balla for sole, aged 2 and 1% veer& Lot 28.Con. 15, Groy. Phone 4916 GEo- Wnl rIELn. QUANTITY of Seed Oats for sal Ligowa and Golden Glow varieties. Lot 2, Con. 14, Elms township. IAS. B40LLI0, 8 Atwood Phone 4151 Mankton FLU 1. GRAYPereberon Gelding for isle, rising years old. Will weigh over 1,500. pounds. wIl. L, BT1t1.Owart, tf Phone 8526 Lot 25, Coo. 9, Grey. Yount Working Mare teeing 4 years, for vele, Nee Lot 17, Con. 8, Morrie MRs. A, CONNeN, Brussels B.R.4. Faun Young Driving Horsee for Rare. Aleo good Seed Oats for AMA and a quantity of Feed Oslo, Apply to Tae POST. FOR BALE.—Comfortable dwelling and b[ sore of land. For farther particulars ask n THE Posy Publishing House. Fon SALE. --The residence of .7. T. Wood, Albert atreet,Brneseln, All modern convert. lenses; 34ncreetland; most eligibly situated; garage. Como and see it if Interested, DR. PARKER, Osteopathic Physioian, ARIAS Braeeele Monday afternoon of each week, Qbronio and nervous dloeaeee enceesofully treated. Visits residences. Con1nitatloa at Queen's Betel. RsPREa0NTATrva WANTED for Helmmet,' and Huron County to represent .The Old Relleble Sontbfll Nurseries.' Big sales are to be made in vetting Nursery stock during the reoon• etruotIon period. A splendid opportunity for a live salesman. Blgheot commissions paid handsome, free equipment, large line of trap and ornamental stook to offer. Semen S4 W 8LLTNOTON, Toronto, Ont. YARN tent HALE,—A quantity of light gray yarn on hand at the alma of the war is offered for sale et $1.60 per pound, May bo bed at the Public Library. Now In the time to ammo it for the Fall and Winter's knitting. rgtet11 N•ANN►M040.a• °i Spacial Prices. ea • i • ! Clever& Timothy Seed 1 • aC S • Shorts '82 00 a• $4111 2 10 o Linseed Meal 3 78 • Low Grade Flour 2 75 • Royal Household :; • Flour E 80 : " • Oatmeal per cwt, 3, 75 • A • • W, J. McCracken Phone 43 s • wIad0hrjrI.B-L att Moad y yte large neo ty of 1st, film Asthma? Then you've never tried, RAZ MftH that fames Fox etudes, Its jwt es effectual as'r"onhpleten s fate. Rue Rheumatic Capsules is for Rheums, item• Ack fa^ a free sample. Gaoltou MANNING, who is quite a pnuluy flllcler, hall invaded in a pen of Regal Dorcas White Wyen(lottee from the well koown breeder, Jno, t; Mar. lin, of Port Dover, O:tt. Th • Miter disposed of g birds lately to a Kansas City f .voter Ir, $g,000 ttie hlgltest price ' ver paid le Arnt,ricn. They are a weal layini,acre n I,OUNCILLOR S'I'IWARr will puce C..Oark Math:so now on Btn sols Tatra of the Shamrock Butter Iraotnrv, to rltarge of .Whiteelturch Butter Factory end 1818 engaged Ward lluchanau, of tows, t' '-lice his place ''toe !vier ienrned' the besiness here and afterward - w 'k a course at the 0 A, C. fiuolpb. Sewer Bros. have a chain of half dozen factories in operation and place a large quaut]ft of A t Nutter on the market, 'They have the badness "go" all right, s 444448150114 OOOO _. T____ ; AUCTION BALE OF FARM STOOK, IMPL0 Me•Nra (10OBEIlOLp 1DItrierue1r, &n —9', N Recireetort,—Mrs, D. A Clark hat Scott, Auctioneer hes modem], instruotinns returned nom bar tri South and w! from the 00480,ign(4 proprletresetoHell 1,ep Poblio A notion et Lot 0, Oonoesslo» 5, tarry be ,At dome, Priddy anemone, from 4 township,OhFriday,blsrohiith, at 2 o'ciook to.6 o'clock, 10 reee've With her motile,thetollowhlg valuable property :-1 drivIng Mrs. '.y. M Sinclair, mw are 10 rears red, fat cow, 1 farrow caw7 ,t years aid, 1 cow li years old sapposed in calf. CLOSE CALL.—Wm W111i0ms00!'Vine-' 10 heed pram eel Me Heintz a years, 10 good or. ham, Formerly of Brussels was att-iou 1y d«r, about 4D bine, rubber itis buggy, ato#1 ties boggy, cutter est 515410 harness, hors'• injured last Mondeo by helnttew-. M nv, ooilnr. nentity of lumbo,, Grand Jewel onok the mill dam and ca•'ried u j<. mil; dew' stove, abedetend, DeLnvnt cream separator stream.. Ole had a broken abor1'd, r an,1 churn butter bow), orosle and dishes:, rug hl•ank¢t robs carpets and at1."r sn,a11,.Bele• water- farm Terme,-411 Fernsor$10 And ander ,eL1NT(1N New Era says r—latnes Rey - Tait fra'n es of the 5'o 'floor at 1hr cash ever ,bat amnin,t 8 ,,,05s, 4 oredlt 88117, 10 d5,bee rented't11 farm known as the [ y he given on approved joint notes, 4 per cent off F'r.r .Tarin, £r'om A i. Durnin for a' fpr cash on eredlt amounts liana to b5 cash MBB.Ai4N801 SMITH, Proprietress, period of 3 years and will take possession the red of the mouth. Mr, herein -will Auction Sales l.' an campaigns served .28'4111 ,o:lbybringing thepublic • + cleaner with. the Banks of realize their•human side. desire of this Bank to be of 11 vire. Make it a point to ,r+ that we are always willing t0 t friendly and authoritative .1 ...,I:i110181 matters. THE 4 :A R BANK 0 r= CANADA 857 ,eted aorp:ua end Undivided Profits seet0,687.00, BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAOL'R minor injuries besides a chill u• .: o ice N1•he without re^••rveev Propristnr hag' gold til Public Library !net Monday after:mon were, large attendance, increasing inter- est, and gond service on the part of Mrs. 0 West to ionk atter other interests (Rev ) 4t fiyrd, who peeved herself a 4U. TION SA Oil OF FARM STOC1,IMPL7- g c o• ni story teller as she u'+fu.erA ;-- MrNre eivi Os/10 &e,—F .,.remit a angel width used lte F,nucD' Il,+is holding an bee , r. sgn ed Ptoprtelo tooet: from the and p: Auction Sete bt)ed2v, March Iph. Mr. Pavy brothel in basket baa'," L to ,. Rign1d Proprietor e. sal: by Pnl to AuoUou Jack Ro!1-aruuud" and ',tltc the ever. Lot 1, rlo5. n Gi«y tm4nshil ndjnbdng til'- Reeno'tle will 4dto leave of his duties at green trees keep their leaves •n Wheel." .Next session will be Monday 2tat ine' when Mrs. B S Scott will take charge. Adults are erquiring it they will not be permitted to attend end erjoy the hour as well as ibe juniors MustcAL and Literary program will be presented Friday evening of this week. under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. in the Methodist church Lectere room, commencing at 8 o'clock An In teresting feature of the evening will be a Travel Talk on a trip to the Craig and California and return, by MIs. Parker Proceeds of evening will be donated to Chinese Famine Fund and a, generous offering is asked for that purpose. No stated fee is set it being Left to the op- tion of tbe individual considering the urgency of the need. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE —W. A. Irwin. Field Secretary of tbe National Sanibel um Association, will give a Lecture rn the Town Hall, Brussels, Thursday evening. March 17118, 192[ at 8 o'clock, on the sebj"ct of "Tubercuto'is, it's nae. ere, treatment and prevention," illustrat ed With instructive lantern views. Y-.•1 will find this Lecture both interesting and Instructive. Not only those afflicted with this dread disease will learn how•in help themselves but the intoitnation gained may be the merles of rr, atlas you yourself from contracting' be disea:a e Only a collection taken for 1 i .luskok • Free Hospitai for Consumptives ADDREss AND Pi8E'ENTATION —Tues day evening of last week ae enjeyabl and well attended gathering was held St. Jobu's church Lecture room, N Chapman in the chair Follnwing s musical program, consisting of violit' duet by Robt. and Mrs. Smith 1 recite tion, B. W hittard ; solo, J G Jones ; address. Rev. Mr. Johnson; aelecllpr' from Mrs, lames' V'ctrola, a preseota tion address was made by lames Ione- to Miss Ins Brvons. He referred to the I2 years of faithful services bs organist. the regret at her removal to Toronti- and good wishes for the days to come and presented her with s well fille purse, not forgetting the hearty m enc in which he congregelon hs" respond ed. Miss Brysas made a uriabie reply tbankiag all for pest kindnesses ane booed splendid days were ahead of S John's church and its faithful choir. Mr. Jones has been a member for He past 37 years, and in that period 7 organ ists and 12 rectors had been associate'l with the congregation. Refreshment, were served. Mrs. Muldoon and Mr McIntosh pouring tea and the Kapp company separated with many hearty good wishes for Miss Bryaos and her esteemed mother. KINDLY REMEMBERED.-- A pleasan'. evenmgwas spent on Tuesday, Mai ch Ist, at the borne of Mrs. Wm, Clouse, Queen street, when her lady friends as sembled and presented her with a 3 piece china set accompanied, with the following address :.—DEAR MRS CLOUSE. —We, 7 of your friends, have met at your home t'+ night for is last cam munion together before you go to your new home in Listowel, You have sine ed in our pleasures, as well ie. oar sot - rows incidental to this life. We ask you to incept this China as a small token 01 the esteem in which you are held by us. We will anticipate meetibg yen often in view of the fact That you are to live sue}, a short distance away We are sure you will make many new friends where you go but hope wherever you are you will still remember your ever true neighbors in Brussels. "We would flood your path with sun shine, We would fence you from all 111, We would crown you with alt Mesa.. Inge, If we could but have our will Aye but human love may err, dear, And a Power all wise is near, So we only pray "God bless yon" And keep you through tbe years•" Signed by company lissentbled, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs, Strachan, Mrs. Maund- ers, Mrs ''homsoo, Mrs, McGuire, Mrs, Simmons, Miss Menzies. A. social hour was spent in singing, music, etc, and a dainty 1115518 was served which had teen' provided by the visitlhg ladies. The evening, was brought to a. close by sing. ing "Auld Lang Syne" and "They are jolly good fellows," Mr. and Mrs, Y ! Clouse end son removed to Listowel this s' I i week where they purpose makipg their home, Brussels folk wish them proin. perity and take pleasnre ]n commending • them to our neighbors, • 4441404 P elee- of firow"ls• nn R('nslay MM.,* tlbe tire e ot 1L>lnat. 111 Iu e. Slid, at 1 o'clock, the fol nwm1 proper,99 -1 s-,, ELh. 1.VENING —The Ladies' matched general purpose bnv team ti6ing 4 end 6. 1 driving horseg8yeara work4aingle cr CO d O. St. Jelin's chervil tendered Et double, 1 Hereford pow 8yeore fresh in Nov - tare re.l par'y. at the hr me of Mrs. Jno. 1cow 5yea redue tinte of sale, 1 cow 4 711548 Wats( u, Aiexluder Street, 't'hursdsv e 2 r due e t I l w sears April t t] tt a 0 sea cow 1 h, r do 11 i P 1 COR-6yefltR dRe Mar 4th, 1cow years fCFRh everinK cif last week, to Mrs, Lydia in Nov 8 ateere rising 4 years 2 yeatold Thuell and Mrs A,ex Swans who are steers,3y nnng calves, l York sow s due to tar- removing 8:8,158 totvn. 'Evening was 117 h hl ] 6 lb D i row Apr t 8Pf gs weighing 7 s., pig. weigbine 76lbs , 1 McCormick manure spread-' spent 1u cardr, complimentary remarks, er new, Mae eyEaPris binder 7 ft sheat ant and a tasty leech WAS served. Both tier and trucks nearly new. Massey-Ilarrl" : ladies iterry with them the best wishes of hor.,e rake, 1041 nearly new, Mcr•ormlak side S', ibua's enngeena=.lou with which they delivery end hay tedder combined new, Mr Cormick hay loader nearly new Massey-Hn•• belle been es,nciated far long years. ria mower 8. feet, Cookshuit 18 di is drill marl' naw, McCormick 18 diso fe.sillzer drill com• blued, Peter Hamilton cultivator nearly new. Massey -Harris 14 dies new, steel land roller. Reedier, est 4 section Diamond harrow, root pulper, gravel box, Rot 1100 1b scales, 8 ft atee1 !g trough, 10 ft elm trouek, 2 walking plows, Coakshutt twin plow, truck'wsgeon, 1041 shift bey rack new, stook rusk, Molemehltn ton buggy, speeding nutter, Rat bobsleighs and fist rack, stoneboat, wheelbarrow, set ot team harness with breeching, eet plow harness. set rubber mounted single harness, 5 horse col fors, 260 bushels need oats, 80 bus. seed peas, 20 boa white beans, 2 sets datbletreoa, chains. forks, ehovela And numerous other entree.. Sale without reserve as the Proprietor ha., Bold his farm. Terms—All anma of $10 end under sash ; over that. amount 12 mouth. credit given on furniehing approved joint notes. 4 per cent off for clash on credit amounts. MOODY HOLLAND, Prop, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND GRAIN.—F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, has been instructed by til vndeoni d set) by Put. 110 at 1 Con. 1, Grey,0n Tors• day, Much , at 1 ' to to following denproperty :-1diert ¢disn0yenre old,1 now of sale. 1 cow da March e 80th 1 cow due April 10th, 1 cow due April 26th, I cow do May Met, 1 enw due May 24th, 1 cow supposed in calf, 2 heifers supposed In welt, 4 owe milking,, 1 fat heifer, 2 heifers 2 years old, 1 steer 3 yenre old, 2 heifers 1 year old, 9 Spring calves. D. breeding ewes lsome will bav6 lamb ed before sale), 2shearling ewae. quantity of mango,ds and corn, 45 hue. peas, 800 bus. O. A. e 700bus. feed onto Oats flt for seed, a Sale without tre o sters.Tering 1 ns theAproprietor7 0,0 is under ot pesters. T06020 All sums a $,9 and ander cash ; lobt,Ratproved oat n credit given estoff force approved joint notes. 4 pe cent off for sash on credit amounts. Grein and roots I cash. DAVID BALLIA'GALT., Proprietor. 430RN POOLB.-1u Windeor, Ont, on March 6111, 1021, to Rev. F, G, and bore, Poole, a aon-Jack. 026'0 BERNA!eH: In Droytas (North Dakota) Hos- pital, on February 27411, 1921, Kenn 'Bay- nard, beloved wife of George Bernath, iin her 00581 year. AUCTION SALES THURSDAY, ,,TARO, lora.—Farm Stook, Int- ptenleata,. &c , Let 8, Con. 18, Grey township, Sale tidroeerved atl p. nt. Jno. Smil[fe, Prop„ T. Brown, Awl. WBONRapAY, Mama 2Ban.—Fenn stock, impleineute, S0., Lot 1, Con. 10, Grey town - limp. Rejoining Brussels. Sale unreserved at 1 p, ne, Moody holland, Prop„ F. B. Scott, Ana TmnhtaDAY, 1TAnce 2415.-7arm Stools and Grain, Lot0, Con.1 Grey township, �aale at 1 p. rn. David Ballingall, Prop. ; . S. Scott, Ana, MAUDE C. t3RYANS OPH,THALMOLO.GIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mc• Cor,nick bledicel College, Chicago, Ill. Three months post graduate roorao during pest year. Eyes correctly fitted with Glasses, Head- aches, In1nrned Eyes, Granulated. Bye Lids and other Bye troubles, ceased by /eyestrain, relieved through properly dttodfelatses. Sntiefaetlon Aseurod. Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door &oath of Berriator einalair'9 office. Office hours : 9 to 12 a, -nn. ; I to 0 p. m. Also Wedneadny arid Saturday evenings. Phone 28x ring 4 MISSIMINNEININEMOI W. T. Perner's Representative, W. J. White, will beat the Queen's Hotel, Brussels Friday, March 18 With the finest; stock of Human Hair Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen. For Ladies Wigs, Transformations, Pompadours. Switches and alt other I1air Needs, Special Treatment for the Scalp and Hair. For Gentlemen The closest Imitation in aNat- ural Toupee of Wig at a vermin - able price and the beat of satie- furtln0 given. Remember the date and call on Mr. White. .fareAk i 4!••••••••MF+S••••+•44•+o•••' +4• • t, The e • Palace s 1 4bba9ah9999999,119909940 •• • w ker � • • • • The Bread We Offer • could not possible be pi'adused at home fot_tbe same money as • we Nell it fat', and We doubt if, • • IL rr•tdd be duplicated in all auroral goodness at itll. Vire •. 111111 l,,ii gr you COtnpare our bread 88 1t1) the 1n"941lnnle bak- ed article, If you find ours= even as good a" vola own; why not alive the. (113111'0100 in (Inst? W. E, WI LLI S , •••••••i••••*edeee•A eseeire.40 Y ,1,45+0g9104!•/r+1't 1 • • • • o Good( New Disinfectants Petrolatum organs Fox's Drug t ►re THEta STORE Weekly Store News t6 • Brs ISIp • lboy,sl Purple to Zenaeoleum 8) Dt'. Bees' DIP °rode Carbolic Drooltu • We have o them all. 1 s • ro • s ••3 • a •t 4 • • • •w • w • "Pariah til Oii' "Rtusalan Ofl" All the same thing. We sell Parke Davis and Oo'e quality. You will fed it very palat- able. • We are Pleased to Pay We elm now supply the old favorite MARINE BAND and there is none fetter. Wall Paper w • • • • 0 Y 4! • IS u Y Y et Y • • Y • • • • • Y With this beautiful weather we are reminded that Spring is not far off and that the Wall Paper season is with us again. We are very fortunate to have on hand a splendid stock of last sea- son's Paper in view of the greatly increased price of Paper this year. Ail already stated our stock is very complete and we are offering it at last season's values—running in price from 102 per roll up, We extend as usual a cordial invitation to look over our samples with the full assurance that you are under no obliga- tion whatever 1,0 buy, VINOL The Great Tonic Splendid to'build up the system. We have it. $1.00 per bottle Rubber Goods Guaranteed Our personai guar- antee accompanies evesfr Ilot !Vater Bottle we sell. Al- ways It geed stock to eboose from. Liq id Veneer One of ,the best Furniture' Pelieh es.: Busily apf•!ted and will not M'jltre the finest furni- ture. .Two eizea- 3oc and 6oc JAMES FOX • re 18 a ' eitaiare • • s • s s e 4r • S• DRUGGIST and STATIONER • •• 00•••s•••s•essamesas•ss•••••s•1s•••111••••••s•••••ss Hog for Service BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat „- 01 70• 1 Onto 60 The undersigned w111 keep for eerviee on Lot Peas 1 76 14, Con. 10, Grey, a well bred Tamworth Hog. ' Barley BO Terms, 61,52, to be paid at thne of service, with Butter 50 privilege of returning if neoeesery. ' Rg o - •88 87 2 ALEX. DProprietor. ; Ha......... ..,.»........:.......»»' 16 000 $1 75 65 1.775 88 20 LI 00 aby Chicks 'Horde'. to get your Chicks just when you want thein now is the tiiiie to place your. order. Pvely year we tarn down orders foe t hundreds of Ohicka un account rif being ...booked" for all we can hatch. Chicks hatched by the Incubator (if Incubator la operated right) are just as easily raised tie if hatched in Nature's way, We have had 12 ye 's''experience on Incubation, and the Chicks we send out are Incubated right. In order to satisfy ourselves which was the most profitable; cows ot bene, we are keeping account of one ifetvly freshen- ed now and 76 pullets. These pullets were opevatt'd under he trap beat and at no time was thete more than 05 of theta laying. We .kept account of the '75 pullets es it cost about the atone to feed this number as ib did the cote. Cott/ was fed on 4110 very 011010est of feed—,Alfalfa, ensilage, mangotds, oat shop, been and aborts. Lh December the re - tures from the cow amounted to $3100, and from the pullets S8700 i ane r returns from cots .were .'86.00 and ' from the pullets $77,001. in7 ny4 fo5 e1 $7.0 In these two months it cost $25 00 to feed the cow acid 588.00 to feed the pullets—a clear profit of 581.00 for the cow and $13100 for the mil- lets, From this it would appear that the hens are much fleece profit- able. Do not delay in placing your otder. S. 0. White Leghntn Chicks 22(1 each ; Butted Rock Chicks, 30c each. WALTER ROSE Buren Specialty Farm, Brussels Box 34, Phone 3 or 4 on 38x ,u.o�varsamri. Every Farmer Needs a 1 Fore You don't hesitate to own a binder for a few days' use per year — to save time. Why not a Ford for use day or night every day in the year. -to save time that can be better used in productive work ; — to keep you in close personal touch with markets —to bundle light produce to town —to bring out hells to your faun ; — to keep the boys contented on the farm. The sturdy Ford la the fai'tn car you want for dependable pow- er, endurance, simplicity and economy, We render Ford Service and sell Genuine Ford Parts, D. 11010.SCT Brussels A1; TI1013dZlf17 FOOD D17ALIi;I4