The Brussels Post, 1921-3-10, Page 5f USINES3 CARS. JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LimiTED xxspimapcs GENIAGANW Oxman) VI/1111, SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSIJEB or MARRIAGE LICENSES • met le OM Peat 444neo, Ethel. 304 ki B. SCOTT A8 AN AUCTION- • :UM, win apil far hotter priaoll, to hotter won, in lima time and lose °bargee than any other Anoiloneer in East Huron or he won't (limp anything. limos and orders atm alwaya bo arranged at this Moo or by por4oRal APF8040108. M. SINCLAIR-- ' Sangster, Solicitor, Oonvorancee, ton Notary ;Ine, am, towart'e Block 1 door North of Cloutral Rotel, tiolialtor for the Metropolitan Omsk. ". OR. WAROL.4W 1. Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night omits. (Moe oppote Flour Mill, :Ethel. JAMES NI' FADZEAN igent Hoick Mutual fire Insurance Comply Phone 43 Terobeery Street, &wattle Successor to John laarels, Walton. T. T. AV RAE M.E..M.OP..&S.O. X, 0, EL, Village of Brussels, PhYelelon, Surgeon, Acioonohene C Mee at residence, opposite Melt ilio Church, William street. PROODFOOT, KIM & COOKE Barristers, SOmitore, Notaries Public, • 84.. Office on the Square, thal door train Hamilton Street, GODERIOEC, ONT. Private funds to loon et lowest rates. W. PROUPPOOT, K. 0. J, L, Err el H. 3, D. (loom{ BRUSSELS HORSE FAIRS Monthly Horse Veils will be held this season as follows :-- THEIRS DAY, JAN. ant, 1921 PER. 801o, 1921 MAR. 8an, 1921. " APR. 7TH, 1921 local end _Outside' Buyers will be present Sy order of Council. F. 8. SCOTT, Mork. ++44' f++++++++++++++++++++• f DRING+++ 1 ' AGENCY 2 . 4. + f. John Oliver + T BRUSSELS + + + + + has taken over the Deering Ag- + 4' ency and hand lea flitiful I litie of + i 81(130 Implemeets including the + noted + ÷ 2 I. U. C. Cream Separators 4. 4. .1. • The.only Cream Separator with 2 two wide open cream outlets- + no cream screw hi the petit of the cream. See it when in town. + The 1. 0, C. 8-16 and 10-20 Tractors 4. are among the best, 1". The Deering Manure Spreader • + With the wide spread and very * light in draft. I John Oliver eb+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ••••••••• *** • * •••••••••isti) I Highest Price • • PAID FOR Raw Fin • Hides and • • • • 4 • 0 • • • Mil me U- Nine 62x 4i • . se Poultry• SAM •WEINSTEIN 4444 '4,44444444:4461:4444401,4 All Kinds of fors and Hides I WANTED •2 For which the highest 2 market price will be 2 paid, M. Yollick t• Phone 2x female:Is pistrirt 'Reins Morrie • ScierOoe. legeomr.-The frelowlog ift the sellool repute for le, S. No. 3, Mote ris, for nemth of February, Thoee mining one oi mot e exittos. e merit- ed by ati asteelsk, Pupils wei flied in Liter., _Geog„ ADO, arid Comp. Those with a percentage of 75 or twee obtain the honor standiug t -Ste IV- T. Miller McAeter 81, Annie 0. Clark '70. Sr. III -Howard L. Clark 68, Jean M. A. Smith 07. It. III -T. Morris Leitoh 84, Evelyn N. Cook 70, Alvin O. Rutledge 75, *J. Douglas Smith 64, *Alethia 74, Hawk lee 62, •Myt tie Cook 02 Jr, II -M. Ellett Nichol 64, Roland filarial 45. Following classes were ex• :mimed iit Comp., Bead , Witt,. and Spell. i -Se, I -Mervyn E. McCauley 05, John H. Clark es .1 v. I-e-*Herbere el, Hawkins 04, W. Allan 8. McCrack- en 62, tiordoe N. Beadeliaw e0. Jr. Pr. -Marion McCauley 05, *Hobert G. Yeti! 03, M. Isabelle -Leitch 02, Jean H. Leitch 02, Morrie Leitch obtained Lite highest percentage in the school. Seven pupils attended school regular- ly. The average ateeedatice fue the month weer] J. MoRBeeeett, Teacher. Carey Elia/011T BELGIAN STALLION. -Rus- sel Robertson,' Lot 27, Oen. 16, has purchased front John Buie% Blum township the impoited Belgian stal- "Martilx," weighing 2200 pounds, The animal ie a floe one, cheetten. in color with Owe; inane anti tail mei stands in Form 1 by goverment in- spection. SOUOOL REPORT ---Pt.11owing le re- port of 8. No 10, Glee for the month of February. Sr. Hollenbeek, Laura felt:Donald, Flora McDonald, Wilda Spoil an, Ross Spelt - an, Jt. IV -Laura Paterson, Melvin Carnochait, Eldon Whitfield, Mabel Oox. III.--Victer Baker, Bertha Speiratt, Annie Inglis, Kate Stevenson. Jr. III -Doris Neabei, Lillian Whit- field, Leslie Patterson, Bert Nenbel, Norman Davidson, Netball Whitfield, Si. II-Oldford Speiran. Jr. II - Greta Baker, Pearl Carttothan, Russel Whitfield, Wilma Bilker, Wilda Baker. Jr. I-Aithur Neabel, May Oat nochan. Pr.-Ileleti Whitfield, Isobel Speiran, Alma Patteison. A. 01.-Stantrt Evans, LUWHOU Whitfield. Names are in older of merit. Num- ber on the roll 82. Average alteti, anee for the month 29 . A. M. MA0Pnensow, Teacher. Sowoot Rpeonae-The following is the report of 8. 8. No, 2, Giey, for the month of Febrile' y. All chimes ex' atnined in Arith., Spell., Comte, Lit, and Memory Molt, Read., Writing and Daily Work. Honors '75. Pass 60. Jr. 1V--Evellyn Cunningham 80, Sr. 111 --Bei e J/111110°14 '72. Jr. 113 - Howard Oster 84 -Si', 11 -Jim John- ston 83 ; Walter WW1: 01. Jr. II - Jim Turnbull. Those present every day were Jim Johnston and Jiro Turn- bull. V. V. MoreBree, Teacher. Clinton BANQUET.- About 200 persona sat down to banquet tables in the Town Hall Thursday night on the occasion of the annual somal gat liming of the Huron Central Agricultural Society. Huron County betngeine of the larg. set stock producing. districts Clinada, and Clinton being "The Hub" of the county, tnuth interest is alwitys taken in theee 'amniai gatherings, as well es in the Spt'i*4 Feint, coedutited by this society, which ere said to7 be among the beefs of their kind held outside the large cities. Mayne A elcelorray, who is alen Ste:retitle+ of the soelety, acted acceptably ito °Mehemet and toast enlister. The prin- eipal toast was to "Agriculture," pro- posed by S. B. Stothets. lemon's Die - Wet representative, and ably respond., cal to by Ptofessor G. E. Day, Guelph, who geve a splendid -address nit the improvement of live etnek. tent the first tittle the history of l hese 1 gatherings the women of tIm town and country were admitted to the g• latircent.tet and took pert in the pro - Referendum Vote April 18th It is now definitely se tied that the vote oti the importetion of liquor will be taken on Monday, Aptil 1811, 'es Parliament hat; passed special Legis- lation Inv this pumper.. The Otitto in lists of 1919 will be re- vised by registration hi villages and towns of over 1000 population, but thee will be no revieion townehips and email villages. No one however, living in ruled places who is 21 years of age (mail or woman) will bo deprived of It vote, as provision has been made for all who ave tubjents and reeidente of Canada for a yet**' and of Ontario, for 2 months prevloos to Pelointry let may cletimild a ballot,. when they go 10 the polls, Pereone livitig 1 wee must; see Hutt their names nre e 1 mt the Hetet by the revising einem.. 0r, Andrew S. Gra»t, of Toronto, MILL STREET BRUSSELS Secretary tf the Ontot io Referendtml • Committee is visiting Huron Coatity 111.414.4101141.••••••••••••••••• this week'and will addr OS meetings ThtlredaYi Mirth 1003, at Myth at 2 JI, and Witighare at 8 n. in, Pert et 00 elInty Miss Belle VVInet, of Pinlarton, Imes recently tnerried to Hommel „fortieth of Beigreee. Timy will rebid)" iti Bel. Veva. Methodist einmeh ehetle, elitebell, ere now kept looked mod all 1'611110R who have the right to put limit beams 30 Lhe !sheds whet) they. come lei town have keys, The snow regulations have been adopted in commit:Gee with Trielt church eheds. While going tin emelt PX0initiffi III 1 gymniteinin ite I he High School; MR- ; !Atoll, ae eeeees on Tuesday afternoon, Dower(' ,iortlan, finn cif ‘5,'311. nod Mtn, Jordan, hail the. rill fortune to f;01 ' from a parallel bar io the floor, a 'IN' twice of 6 feet, alelimat.leg an arm, Howick °canon Connell inet. in the 74e3 11111111 Helm, Ford wich on Feb. 37, 3)1114.05413. In ail. )0Ornmeta, members preemie Reeve in chide, Minutes of Net meeting read mid on inntion of Inglis and Hubbard were telopted. Auditors' report. Was rend, Moved by Sporton and Inglis that repot t be adopted. Osee led. Moved by Spetton and thee auditors be paid $5 00 extra owing te Omega in systeueordered by Govent- men t. -On ,'ied. A. deputation, enneetting of Blume Faille and Norman McLaughlin, wail- ed on Council asking for pent of $10 to help pay rant and fuel fee Ageienl- tural Course which wee held Portl- WWII. Moved by &yens and Hub- , at that a quest be granted. Cate Moved by Hubbard and Bryane that Clerk procure 000 tags for dogs. (Mr. ried. Tenders for Township printine were considered, Moved by Homes nett Inglis that W. J. Roberts, Fordwiell, get comma', lie to do all Totenship printing and ad vertiaing for the sine of $140, Vote,*' List to insludo 30 pages. Connell to pay 8200 foe all pages over said number. Oen ied. Following ammeter were passedGunwale Robertson, sheep killed by doge 824; Melvin Hubbard, cedar for Toweiship Hail $$ ; DA M. eleTevish, use of pedal. $3 ; Wm. Ilawkiibv, wood for Levi Newtote $22 ; A: A. Graham, Anditoe's salary $25 ; 14 W. Laird, Auditor's salary 825; Istlfte Wade, school Matilda -nee officer $12 ; 0. W, Richaed, grant to Agetcultural Time for All -TO- Retire HAVING purchased an up -to - date Rubber Tire Machine 1 tun prepared to do all kinds of Re.rubbering Buggy Wheels with the beet of material. Don't forget about our Woodwork and Blacksmith Dept. Work doer, %seine yon wait. Also do Painting to suit yotte taste. .New Ruggles and Wagons always on hand. Everything on hand that is found in an up to-tinte bop. What you don't 51.e ask for. Ono Price to All. John McNeil ommousuosoomor ETI1EL 34-8 0 . BECME SO TM I w2405,41.44w,401),Te.4.04,0w4.__ , Back to i 1,0,100**00.440400., 1 *0044 44444444,44104104040+•0444 04714144041444.411444**•.%**0444! ; * I • NEW • . 4 ,,SHE WAS AFRAID .:. , s ll Anti -Glare Leos -; , 1 f usiness . 1: Legalite -FaurwrivEso Made Her Well • Strong sod Vigeroue • VING relented fvom 'I'm • NIADAPACASITNIJA DEAUGHER .805 Clutter $t., Montreal. "I suffered terribly from Cons- tipation and Dyspepna for many years. I felt pains after eating and had gas, constant headache, and was unable to sleep at night. I was getting so thin that 1 was frightened and saw several physiefints who, however, did not seem able to help me. At last a friend advised me to take Tntit-a-tives'. I did so and soon I felt some relief. I continued with 'Fruit -a -Byes' and in short time, the Constipation was banished, I felt no more pains or headache or the disagreeable sensations that follow dyspepsia. Now / sea well, strong and vigorous." Madame A.ItTEDIR BRAUCHER. Me.a box, 6 for OA% trial size 25e. At all dealers or from Ikteit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. Class $16 ; F. 3. Gedcke, expenses rak- ing Geo. Dtiver to Asylum 313475; Bank of Hamilton, cheques and war stamps $20. Moved by Hubbard and Inglis that Council adjourn to meet in the Town • Shin Hall, Gorrie, March 15, when Pa:thinneters; Pnundkeepern and Pencevietvers will be appointed. Cur- ried. C. E. WatextB, Clerk. Morris Council Mieutes of Connell meeting held in the Township Hall, Motels, Monday, Feb. 14th. All members were present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. It wee decided to give the Assessor an additional $20 for ex one work. Auditors presented their report which was cnnsideved and adopted. By-law on the Temp) drain was finally adopted. De. R. Stewart, Winghtun. was appointed Medical Health Officer, salary $50. ASTHMA USE RAZ -MAN NO Smoking -No SpraPioll-Ile SEW Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing, stop meow gatherings in the bronchial tubes. ear • long' nights of quiet sleep; contains sms baint-fornaing drug. $1.00 at emir ars& gist's. Trial free at our agencies °melte Templetons, 142 Bing W„ Toronto, Local A gent, James Fox ieeee Better Living and Working Conditions Delco -Light was deielopede by men who early in life realized there was need for great improvement in the living and working conditions on the farm, Electeicity was the only solu- Men, Deleo.Light is the result. Write for °Mainz H. G. Darroch :District Agent, Listowel ELICTRICLIGHT and ELEbTRIC POWER GETTING RID OF The average houeewifses weekly 3301- 0 11011)' might run something like this &many, IVasluitty, Tuesday, Wednes- day and en on round the week. Werth. day is the one dreetled day in many families, and /me been foe a long time. In the days nf cheap labor it, was pos. cable to get the washing 00110 withnnt, much trouble, worry or expense. The wasli.,woinan need to be e. valuable in- sti tutiott in most own y community. But she has deemled, very largely, and while, in the pity, the power laundry has taken over a part of the berden, wesluley on the farm preeente a condition whiell mostfarmer's wheel' Would like nil liter cvelt to be rid of. With one of Lhe farm eetatria plante which so many eariners are bnying nowadays, the fameees Wife can find O really solution for the hitielthe of washday, This in through OW PPP (if the electritemotmeteivett weeethig. nutehlee, It' takes only a quarter horsepower teethe to run a geed. fared .sized washing machine and the "BLUE MONDAY" plant will ron the washer for about one cent, an hour, 1.1183) is, where the electric plant lute beet* carefully Rel. er.ted and one of the modern, elm cooled and direet-conteteted plants fa 111 use. With Snob a plant, with loco - thee 1180/1 foe feel, electric current is produced for some four or Rve Netts per kilowatt. Now this four ni five cente' worth of electricity may be translated into power which will do the meeting complete, cleaning, rins- ing and wringing the clothes mei it will do this while the" housewife le Italy et some other work, like tieing up the break feet Mabee, making bells, packing the chiltiretee sellout luttelies. 1,100 lag after the ellickene, bliseful thoitehl, tteteielly sitting by the win- d ow and readied oe jive' reethig, what'. the busy wathee /tires and wens away withom the aid of hue alds. Eleeteleity for the tv.tontig trutehine slwrietis the wanielay, The clothes are nu the line Rootlet' and 1 rade for, 'the terming bee ket Amulet:. Bleat Mit)? will chase away "Blue Vona "1 9033 fturonto mu onee more on e e has thy highest Government Teet and sidle at Cheap.. Lions btoh;en'ebto‘ovii,tte 1.04n7 addl. ; ; est Price. Alive them for every make of Car. * • 44 7‘ Batteries WATCH ES CLOCKS • * • • • JEWELRY 4- iinvo the Agency for the I X L Battery for this • AND triti, Can rerhuild your old I3attery or fro you It FANCY GOODS * new one in 24 hours' notice. Oome in ,,,et prices. 2 t and all to be sold at close prices, Many.choice goods for Weil. 4 Personal attentioo given to re- t ding Bre8eljts. 4 4 Pairs, Satlefaction assured, 4 °all in. • 1 WI F. Strettoo • BRUSSELS to • ••••••••••••••14••••••••••• Following accounts were paid 0. Laidlaw, sulai y $26 ; 'elands $6 poetage $3; A. Meltiveii, express 66e teleguaiti 42ii ; - umcipal Wutld sup.ple% $11 12; Thomas ()talk, vet/1( 31p Board. of t h ; A. Polleck, gravel $4.85 ; T. Wartviek. gravel $9 ; Geo. Hartnett, Leiner). Twp rate $7.50; W. Shuldlee, refusal Twp. rate 3113180; R. J. leen, refund 'Jep. rate $11.40'.' 33. Kirkby, tile on Con. 0 875.59; H. Kirkby, tile nit Evans sant Kirkby drains $1166.20 ; W. Geddes, work for B. 0. H. 31511. Warwielt, lumber $18 ; eVartv.ick Campbell, piittieg snow fence on Oruieshatik bridge $7 ; Jito. Hunter., work roads $12 t A. MateEtvele Say -laws mid Oleek's fees, Jetenyn chain $37 ; R. Johnston, Auditor $12; Dr. e - Naughton, Medical attendance for 0. H. 818; It. Jobiniton, gravel $8 10. Next meeting will be held in Tom. - ship Hall, March 141,11. A. MACIllofEN, Clerk. OLD KING COAL'S EVENTUAL HISTORY Will Lessening of Supply and In- crease of Cost End His Long Reign?. The whole world is crying out for coal, and in some countries in- dustry Is almost at a standstill for want of it. It now seems impossible for the supply to keep pace with the de- mand, and the position of such counties as Italy, which are chiefly dependent on outside sources is most serious. Britain is pre-eminently the home of coal, for it was here that it was first mined and used on any large scale, and British coal has gone a'l over the world. The .Ancient BritonS are said to have used it, and coal cinders have been found on the old Roman walls with Ronan tools and weapons, poving that the successors of Julius Caesar used it to some extent In the earliest days, however, its principal use seems to have been for andmarks, its black color making s Ole of coal very conspicuous. As the forests became exhausted orne new form of fuel was requir- ed for the growing population, and n 1329 King Henry 113. granted a charter to the people of Newcastle or the digging of coal. Newcastle hes became the coal centre of the world, and it his held it proud pre- ininente ever since. A year or two later the first coal as taken to London by sea, and hes aequired the familiar name of ea -coal, by which it was known for enturies, There is a Sea Coal Lane ff Parringdon street. COal was used y smiths and dyers In their furnace% ut the citizens became alarmed y the smoke, and in 1806, the year hat Robert Bruce mounted the throne f Scotland, they petitioned Edward o pohibit its use, which he did. Bitter Cs), of the Squires But the consumers had by this me learned the value of coal, and ey Ignored the proclamation, where- pon the death penalty was imposed r any breach of the regulation and e man was actually hanged in Lon - for having dared to burn a coal e. Peers and commoners combined stop the use of coal, which they dared "a public nuisance," corrupt - g the air with its Stink and steoke the great prejudice and detritnetit their health" when they resorted LondOti for the meeting of partia- ent. The complaints continued, but ng Coal Could not be suppressed d we find that EdWard ill was using 8, 4. AH Mahes of Cars Overhauled A N Do uSAARTAMNFTAEOET01 0 N Rave yonr,Car road,y for Spring by bringing it to our • • Garsge and Iniving•it put right. 4+ 4. 4. umunghom s Garage4.4.13. • • ••••••••••••••...........4,, •••••••••••••.$ • *go** • • s03* • Progreso, however, was not rapid moCtiovael pwoams,or the bwesotrldandknecwheaup:tsiti our day, It has long reigned as king. Will the lessening of the supply and the increase of the cost render its use and in Elizabeth's reign the health of prohibitive, and thus end its long dom- the country sqlres who came to Lon- inion as dictator of the nations/ don to attend parliament was said to hai,e suffered greatly, so that once 444" more its ase was prohibited. .,,,i.w.,=ozaw.4.=•-ntaoitinaav=„,rdr,er,44, Will King Coal Lose His Throne? PI taster Term flpens Mar. 29-, In Charles the First's reign, how- uild for Success by Attending ever„ came into more general use, - B but coal was employed for forges and furnaces long -before it was used for ; domestic fires because the ladies were strongly prejudiced against it, believ- Mg that the fumes spoilt their co m- 'tango & onerics. Ste, Toronto for;!;;ZIVIZiMg gi:`;_p"1;7;itF"T1174 pietions. They even refused to attend -(seIge"jeutt 1V011,1„14,1`,), ,;;;'"'eee'er,leirt ppaoristoiensedw.here coal fires were burned, and many people would not eat meal D, all year. Enter at any time. Uircnlsre cooked by coal' fetes fer fear of being :ree, 0 Toronto each year and we -ere ealled upon to Sal niore than wo can. Open fon/No/PAL, It was a fax on coal that was largely used to find the money for rebuilding London after the Great Fire in 1666, for by the end of the 1938 century two ships were sufficient to carry all the coal that was needed In London, The agitation against it use continued, ELLIOTT Wes FARM IMPLEMENTS HAVING the Agency for the Me- ocirmick and Deering Lnele- plements I will give ciesest priers in anything needed in Farm Im- plements or Tractors. Call in and give your 'meet. to U. F. 0. •style and you will save money. I will guaran- tee you against any reduction in prices until implement is used, and by order- ing now yott will save any advance in price which is likely to take. place eoon. Have a few Impletnents on hand which will be sold at old prices, David Milne ETHEL metre ememeerbeem eeetaateafetelmeoettW ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Going 4. of Business" 2 2 I hereby offer for sale at, prices Men's fleece Underwear • • + Boys' fleece Underwear • + Meo's Work Shirts and Sacks 4. Men's and Wamen's Shoes +2 flannelette White and Striped Men's Overalls that. will suit all, nay stock of 1 Sale to commence Feb. lth Terme-Cash re Eggs. 2 • H. L. Stewart I. HENFRYN ++4.44+4.+++++++++++++++++.1•+ BACKED BY SOO'? -YEARS' EXPERIENCE; 1A9AillirsTas,;;?1)14.- Sixty years of leaderehip-of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment. THE GILSON ENGINE All Sizes "THE WONDERFUL GILSON" Costa You Nothing The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" Un- gine-rtny dies for any purpooe-ean be pur. chased on the cosy payment plan. Let it pay for itself. Its economy and depend- ability have made it the biggeit selling on - gine in Canada Let us demonstrate on your iota. 1-IYLO SYLO AA\ 111 111*13 Irk' The Byte Syto insures sweet, fresh, eucculent en- silage down to the last forkful, It is built to last and Oink*. Rx el us patented featureof de- sign and construction explain why (1,s ilyle is chosen by the discrimin- ating fattier, Pays for manure to the best fertilizer. Von have it. itself in the Bret Season, Ilse itl The hest Manure SPreader milde Then year after Mr, Pays Sic Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread, 100 Per cent. profit on It is low clown, It hoe light draft, It will your investment, Can take a real load, It la free from clutches, you beat it? gears and 'ail complicated parts. "The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme. More Gilson Silo Pillers 3911.5 5018 in Canada last year than tiny other make. It is guar- anteed to be the lightest runningblower- :cutter made. Be independent -get a Gilson SIM Piller end all your own silo -with your own cusine. 4 hp. or larger -at the proper time, when 58101. 0010 has the greatest feeding value. THE GILSON SPREADER 0.,13 tma .85 our nearest dealer, emote below. He will env* and melte you money on the equipment Illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dixie -Ace Tractors, Wood Shwa. Grinders, Pump Jacks, Belting, etc. Write for Craning. Made in Canada and daaranteed by cas0r4 MFO, CO., Limited - 1, GUELPH, ONT. Coll bind See Nearest Dealer EARL ROTHWELL BRUSSELLS, ONT.