HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-3-3, Page 84+4
It can't leak
because it's
made in one
piece -- that's
why we guar-
antee satisfac-
tion or your
money back.
Complete Iine of
goods. Prices
from 40cta $4.75
" is the Arlt step in the proper care
of the skin and for this every
woman should regularly_us
good cold cream.
Cold CreCream
is as fine and pure a cold crealiii'i
as can be ,made and va171' not
grow hair.
Delightfully perfumed with
the costly new odor of 26
Easter Cards
See the latest Pictorial Review B arelsnPatte tae.
Embroidery, g Beading Patterns.1
,35c & 60c Tins
1,•••ti4•••••19i1 Pl 49f••••••044
Special Prices on
's Clower & Timothy Seed is
✓ n+.^
Who greatly regret her depat'tme 4nd
Sorrow with the ituebend And other
' relatives in ilex going away when
life appealed to poseee6 10;111louai
theme, pis Nes. 13. Judson, an aunt of
deceased, of Priecetmt, was horn as
ruses Jue. and Aire, Buwuraa and Mixs
Vine, Of TOL'OnlO, M,W, J3 iwman rotes
• • a great sufferer at times doe:ng her
• Brat)
• severe Biases and death Cattle Ike a
m happy e'eliel to her:
.$200 st „
2 1 0 e came to Georgeof Cardiff;11J int strative eet,
• Sunday efternuom ubout4.80 reelects.
eh• Linseed Meal 3 70 Z It wan not an ruilooked for event as
t he had been near the border line fore
o Low Grade Fair 2 75 o eome days in his month's siukneee, ax
• a result of advancing years mid a
: Royal Household ' • a oottple of strukes of prralysis in the
• Four 5 80 Paet2 years. Although in hie 82nd
year Me. Cardiff had retained rernark-
j • Oatnlell per Cwt. 3 75 t0 able vitality and nail terent years
' had few of the markt) of the so called
• ' old Mian, Born in Kitley tu;Vnship,
O — Leeds Co., Ont„ he cauie Weetward to
W ecl Ucken • along with other n
s • lembecs of the
a • , family. He found a true helpmate for
o Grey townehlp in the Spring of 1859,
®• ` life 55 years ago in the pee'sorl of
• Phonon • Sarah Poole, of Smith's Fells, and
tA•••••:a•••••••••••&p••••Er« 1 41h line
housekeeping was set up on a farm h
4th line of Morrie" township bought
TEAMS wanted to haul the town wood i Esau' a Mr. Aikitls. where they con -
from the Hislop hush to Brnssd's. See i tinucil their home for 22 years when
lowo Clerk, F S. Scott. for particulate. ; they moved to Brussels, Mr. Cardiff
MRs, Faso. Osrsa, who was ooerated formed a partnership with his brother
on last week, is making favorable 'pro- Mark. M, in the' Massey -Harris implen
gress and ,will soon be convalescent we
Ir is a matter of grea'_conVenience to
Brussels people that 'l'empletons Rheu-
matic Capsulesand R z•Mah for Aethm • G. A. Best fat'1 years, and wary se -
can now be secured at Jas F•'x's. queinted with almost everybody in
Foor BALL—Fr'day eve ing of this the count eyside,.. He was feminist1y
week, al 8 o'clock. all luteres•ed in the called "Uncle" by scores of old filend-
re -organization of the Foot Bel team for who respected and esteemed.:b m
11921 areasked to meet at W. Bell's Res,
taurnnt. Don't. forget.
ENJOYABLE TIME —Wednesday even-
ing of last week about 2 score lady'
o e
Mends Miss Ella laminvaded be.
a 1
apartments. in the Stretlon ock, who' OauS ff, of town, was n heather and
Miss Grace Stewart read a kindly word the late Alts. Henry Hamilton, and
t Mrs. Jae, Williamson, of Walton lo -
j n
Store Druggist and Stationer
4+++4+4+4+4+0+040+040.1' 0+4es "3A+••2'•'atea4e4ia.4w•►•9a
DnN'T forget the Auction Sole of well
'autt bred stock at Wingham on March loth
'-,' ` Rosi. THOM,01.1 housed his supply of
_.--_ -., _--.-_—._-_---- ice this week, for next Summer. I
COUNCIL meeting next Monday evea- came from the pond onSaantdi' Roe'-
122 farm, Brussels South. Ho Bolger.
MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of butcher, also filled his ice
firms in the
k DON'T forget b
Town Hall, Brussels. next ruesday
evening under auspices of the Women '•
Institute Proceeds go to the Navl
League of Canada.
this we
SEVERAL interesting matters are
crowded out of thee issue but will ap-
pear next week.
Deserts the stormy cooditioa of Sat-
urday afternoon the Auction Sale of
household tftec's at Mrs. Alex. Bryans'
was held and quite a number attended.
PROGRAM a'. Brussels Continuation
School L'teraty s"cieev Friday after-
noon ofthis week will be supplied by
ex -pupils of Brusei, and lucality. Par-
ents and friends will be welcome.
You may h:,ve a good watch or clock
but by incompetent repairing you lost
faith in :t, bring it to me and I will re-nANTITY or Biel Oats for sale—Lfgowe
pair the worst wrecked watch or clock 1 E, Goldena plow vari. Jieies Lot
2, Cen. 14.
reasonably J G. Jc.s Es+ BrnScels. A ttvood Phone 4151 MonktonB. R. 1,
Were aids w
neral e r eta 4
fit r tale. f
the i 1 fo g
5 n ld n
less 5 eon Ge
No erohe g
est Ganda.
"n vPr 1.500 p
time during p 111 wan h
potted up At one nm gytl0.rn Old• W g
week in Hrnssela, a most unusual occur- i WM. L. BTRAen AN,
rence. 'rhe deceased were Chas. C. t1 Phone 8525 Lot 25, ( and 105 Bog 5
iWinnipeg• Mrs Robe. Bow- I Fon BALM—8 YorkshireSows an.
Sherriff, + months old, ellgibte for reg
man, Jno. Smith. Miss Alice Davidson ; TEL5000 xa551111,
and (,leo. Cardiff 'Truly "in the midst , -11 Pbone 847 Lot Maar 7, Grey,
of life we are in death." 1 YouNo Working 'Mare, rising 4 years, for
FIRE.—Fite, which started from a , sale. N54 Lot
t 7, on. 0, Myo rrrnsstle R. R. 4.
spark fv:m a chimney at noon, Sunday FoOa Yo ung Driving Horse,, for sale. Also
Of cast week. resulted :n considerable rod Bees Onts for satsaares for tityof Feed
80nt of money lost in Brussels, Thursday of
last week. A suitable reward will be paid for
the return ottha same. ARORtS MOLnAN.
Cow for sale. 4 years aid, due to freshen
March 17. A.V. Menne.. Phone 2518
TOtL01t6E Gander for Pale or would ex-
change for a Gomm. W M 0RA85.
Phone 200 Lot) 6 and 7, Coa. 12, Grey.
Two well bred Short Porn 11n11e for sale,
aged 2 and 114 years. Lot 28, Con. 18, Grey.
Phone 4015 GEo. WIITr0ELA•
mens business and after 4 years the
latter withdrew and George Kirkby,
of Morris township took his place fat
a similar term and was sttp(leeded by
to a mailed degree. Out of an ortg
alfamily of 10 children there now is
left, Henry; of Dauphin, Alan. ; Mark
and.Jamee, also Mrs. Thos, Hingston,
of Langley, Wash. Ter. The late Jen
ed address and Miss Clara Anderson, 11
behall of the company, presented a fine
club bag and purse ot money. Miss In
man was taken by surprise hut for all
she made a ver' suitable reply in her ex•
pression of thanks and reciprocated
gond wishes. A tasty hutch was served
Mise Inman; who has recently so'd ht r
millinery business to Miss Carrie Hing
9tou, after a successful tenure of owner-
ship, expects to make ber home in To, -
onto. She will take witb her the hes'
wishes of a wide circle of friends and
the hope of frequent visits to town if not
permanent residence. Address was es
follows:—DEAR MISS INMAN--We, a
few of your friends, have gathered here
touigbt to spend a social hour with you
before you leave our midst. We all re-
gret your departure. and especially those
of us who have known you "for nigh
unto seventy years." Daring your years
in business here, you have helped to
beautify the ladies of Brussels and sur-
rounding country, by the attractive
headgear wbich you'have turned out of
your work room. We all know that fin
feathers make fine birds, and some ot %s-
have indeed bad lovely plumage in tbe
past. However we treat that your suc-
cessor will carry on the good work. We
are all very pleased to know that von in-
tend making your home in Toronto,
rather than in a more distal], city. W.'
are all thinking of visiting the Canadian
National Exhibition this veer and we
have been told that by all going rngethe•
the could get reduced fa:e so in selecting
a home in the city please keep this in
mind and be sure and have a supply of
hooks to bang us on during Canadian
National week. As asllghr token of pu+
regard for you, vee eek yon to accept the
gift. When at any time you feel blue
and lonely, jnet pelt up yotir.tronb'es i'•
this club hag• and strike for your .
home town, etherse you will a'ways find
a very warm welcome from your man!
friends. Sigued by
"THE JnLLv Buttes
damage being done to Ibe roof and attic 11 °gats. Apply to Tn11 PosT.
at the home of Public School Inspector goo SALE,—Comfortable dwelliog and 5
Dr. Field, at Goderieh. Prompt action sere of d.' Forofu Housparticulars sek et
by fire department prevented more seri
Fon BALE. The residence of J.T. Wood,
Gus loss . AlbertStreet, Brume,. All modern convene
CARO 01' 'THANKS --In behalf of my unreel 4 vara of land; most eligibly sitnated;
self and h -thy I wish you express my sin-, garage. Come and see it if interested.
core thanks for the many kind words . D . AARRMER, Osteonday opathic Physician,
coo week
and deeds received by us during a long 1 Brussel and nervous di0eaaea successfully
and trying ilioeas, and the loss of an af• treated, 4181611 residences. Conanitetton at
fectionate mother and wife. Queen's Hotel.
T, R. Biomes., of Wingham, was in
Cowie Tuesday. He has severed his con-
nection with Massey -Harris Co., to ac-
cept the managership of the tractor divi-
sion of the Ford business at Wingham,
under the able guidance of A. M. Craw-
Ar Hosts —Don't forget the At Home
to beheld in the Town Hall, Brussels,
on Tuesday evening next, March Srb,
under the auspfeee of the Women's In-
stitute, forthe benefit of the Navy
League of COnada. Program will com-
mence at 8 c Crock sharp and in addition
to musical and literary selections there
wiltalso be cards, games, lunch, tee.
li'veryhndy is invited. Tickets 500.
Please he en hand at 8 o'clock.
Do you belong to the Brussels Horti-
cultural Society for laze 7 The list or
shrubs, plants, trees, &c closes on
March RM. so as to get it away in good
time, better hustle in your 3 choices.
These go in with your membership fee
of $1.00. There, should he at least too
members in Brussels and locality. Help
beautify your one. property and the ap-
pearance of the town at the same time.
Was received here tbrd i'trchie McKen-
.zie,Sob of'Adam and Mrs McKenzie, of
Toronto, 1110 been kiilei at Burlington.
'The late Archie ,Mei eazie was a loco•
motive fiaem:in and it would appear
that as he st. pried from tbe crib of his
vagina he was run over by an, express
wain hotted froth. Lond••n to Toronto,
The subject of this notice is a grandson
of George Crooks, au old resident of
1i i't now living at the MaKen.'
REAP Brussels Horticultural notefica
tion in tbis issue. Keep the Society in
good heart by your good wishes plus a
membership fee of $r,0o. You receive
aplendtd value for the investment, Do
it 0000.
SATURDAY Was 8 real rough day witb
snowfall and bluster. Sleighing was not
helped much in soma places as the high
whirl cereal the snow into the ditches
instead of leaving it on the bighwavc
There was plenty of snow in some
HURON OLD Bovs.—The annual
dance given Thursday night by the
President and officers of the Huron Old
Boys' Association of Toronto in the Odd-
feilows' `temple was a delightful affair
Orchestra was stationed on the stage.
which was banked with dowers and
ferns, Committee in charge was Dr. R.
B. 1. Stanbury, Majors and Mrs. 1.
Beck, H. I. and Mrs. Morrish. Mrs. E
Floody, S. G and Mrs. Scott, Mrs H.
Worsell, R. and Mrs. Cobbledick, Robt.
Holmes, Mrs. Martin, R. C King, Mrs.
W. H. Ferguson, Rev. W. Fingland and
j, F. Timmins, Over four hundred
guests were )resent, a few of those
Mrs,Cotnbe be of
noticed no g
Trenton, Dr. and Mrs, Sloan, Dr. and
Mrs. Belden, 1. A, and Mrs. MacLeren,
,and Mrs. MaoLaren, and hu
Fred. Johnston, D M. and Mrs, J
stop, Mr, and Mrs, Prldham, John end
Mrs. Freld, W. A. and Mut Buchanan,
F. J and Mrs. Trider, 11, N, and,Mr0,
Compton. A. and Mrs, Greig, W. B.
and Mrs. Phillips, T. H. and Mrs; Dav-
malty, were sisters, George Was 111e
oldest son. The father awl rancher
eleep in Brussels rentetery, going
hence in 1885 and 1892 respectively:
Deceased was honorable,gentlenlauly,
industrious and kindly and neve)
wanted for friends. He was a mem-
ber of the Orange Order' and a Metho-
dist in church relationship. Funeral
was largely attended Wedneetlay af-
ternoon. Appropriate service woe
held at the borne by his pas-
tor, Rev, Mr. Stafford, after whirl) the
cortege made its way to Brussels
ceneetery. Deep sympathy to express-
ed for Mrs. Cardiff, who is within 6
months of her hueband's ago and Will
greatly miss the one who travelled
life's journey for some years by her
side. Aflne rnan passed away when
George Cardiff died.
Seldom is the Editor of a local nerve -
;tepee called upon to chronicle the de-
parture of so many Eine folk in as
short a period as falls to our lot this
week, grading from the youthful to
those who bad passed the 8 swore and
10 by a good many years It is It loud
call to obey the injunction "Be ye also
read y."
A couple of weeks ago, Alice, youug-
eet daughter of Thos. 0. and Mrs
Davidson, of Oyprese street, Brussels,
went to Ethel to visit her sister, Mrs
Hart. Shot tly after she took ill with
inflammatory rheumatism and al-
though only 14 years and 4 months of
age, could not withstand the attack
when the trouble centred about her
heart and she closed her eyes in the
sleep that knnws no waking in time
on Saturdayylast. The remains were
brought to parental home and Tues-
day afternoon were,interred its Mount
Pleasant cemetery, Ethel, Rev, Me.,
Mann being in charge of the service at
the house and Rev. Mr. Kennedy at
the cemetery, Alice was horn at
Ethel and by appearaneee would be
judged to live for litany years but was.
transplanted to the land immortal.
It was a great shock to home and
Bruaselit.ee generally
and came as a
loud. call to the youthful,
OAS oceIy, is,
xto home, Toronto,
The third death in the family inside
a year was reoorded last Sunday
when John Smith, a man of stetting
character, closed his earthly career
He was in his 78th year and cause of
demise was a stroke of paralysis. Mr
Smith was born in Hawick, Scotland, 1 BORN
and came to Canada io 1860, taking up KznR.-At Edmonton, Alta., on February list,
farming on the 8th Oon. Grey town- 1921, to Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Kerr, of Ponce
Sibtp, where he aneeesefuI1y continued RYANO°pin B. 0., lop on.
n Fehr aro 18th, 1021, to
until 18 year's ago, when he resolved o11 Mr: and Arra. Thos, F. Ryan, a annghter,
taking a well deserved rest and meat- SCA 02.—In Morris township, cit February 20,
ed in Brussels. Be mer led Mho, 1921, to Mr. and Mre, Wesley Sear!, "ason—
I George Allan.
Marion Stewart, of this locality, 46
years ago and she•anawered the told MARRIED
)'ail of the skies 11 years later, March •K11ns_PnooTeR.—At the residence of the
1st being the eventful day. Ona sol,, I brides parentis, by 1921 ?Ira.
John we. A.,
(Oliverof Waternue, Sask.) and 8 p on February 28rd, oral dad titer
Kerr tO Mlsa Margaret A., y g
daughters (\'Tes, Edward Bryane,; of Mr.and Mre.W.C.Prooter,onofator-
Mort•is township; Agnes, who died it, , ria township.
her Ilt1t ear ; and Mies Nation at ; WAT005 AlHTaN: AE the hOlna °ft,lebridan
y uarenls, hl r, and Mrs. George B, Anhton,
home:) were born to the home. The 1 6th Con., Howiok bp Rev. F. E. (Apatite',
latter cared for hoe father with a de- t on Febt'o rl eth. 1921, their
r eldest
votiml that is well woi thy of mule. ter, Pearl
Wet -
tion. There were 7 brothers unci 4
staters in Mr. Smith's 8,: mily but only DIED
2 members survive, viz Alrs. AndrPU' l BoWttAN: Ill Brussels, on February 2515:1921,
Turnbull, Grey township, and Mrs Bowmen, isudPeai,yelo ed ifsmonof toot.
Alex. Stewart, town. James HmlUt• l days.
on February 27111, 1921,
, \ '' • t rnseols ey
of �t(xP•' —Ina
n Smith, , mr5
1' 'rime, S Ah
and r 0
2n year,
In his 8 d
i or eOardiff, y
r d1011 s
•Ps' did
U (C M1 L(t
ter, brothersn Fehruur
.e ' I DAVArit: In Grey Lownnilti ° i
a this notice � n •h-
pastyear. The anhl ct of , 1 .26th, t 621,A,,n (1 01(Mrs.ysnd ut
of Thomas C and Mrs. Davidson»vid, Brute
''`HTS bank aims to encourage w
standmatter•showr large �orc low small you 0
business. Our advice and counsel on
financial matters is always at your 0
service, •
systematic saving. Tt also
• Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits
went• Mrs. Sheri iff is accorded the
deep sympathy of many in ber sudden
Church Chimes
Maitland Presbytery met in Wingham
On 'Psiesday. Rout Strachan attended
from Brussels.
Next Sabbath Rev. Dr. Perris, Wing•
barn. will ronduot services in Melville
church and declare the pulpit vacant,
owing to the removal of Rev. A: J -'Mann
to Newmarket
Last Sunday morning. Rev. W. E.
Staff led discoursed on 'The destiny of
the beatheo," Evening service was
witbdrawn owing to Rev. A J. Mann
preaching the closing sermon of his
pastorate in Melville church.
tbis eek a
Wednesday evening of b s w
union prayer meeting in being held in
the Audience room of the Public Lib.
rary. The coming Referendum will be
the subject. Arrangements will be.
made for the comiug vote on April 1S
A good attendance asked for.
Thursday evening of this week the
annual congregational meeting will be
beld in the Lecture room of the Metho-
dist church, commencing at 7 3o:o'clock.
In additional to the presentation of re-
ports from the various departments of
the church, 7 Representatives to the
Ofeecial Board will be elected. Musical
and literary numbers will be given;
lunch served and a social time enjoyed
000a"�Jr dtt3 V19#i Ai �i ittlBl 0 Mfi Qtl100t tw0040
Fox's Drug Store
r1+lI J ".•% 'sr�i4 ' STORE
Weekly Store News •
ICroao Dip
Royal Pltrple
Dr, Hese' Dip
Orude Carbolic
We have
them all.
"Parrafin 011' ,
0Ru9010n 011"
All the.same thing.
We sell Patlke Davie
and Co's quality, Yon
will and It vary palat-
1. 18
We are pleased
to say we can
new supply the
old favorite
and these is none
better. '
Y With this beautiful weather we are reminded. that Spring is not
sfar ori: and that the Wall Paper season is with us again. We
• are very 80110Oete to hav0"OIl hand a splendid stock of lest sea-
son's Paper in view of the greatly increased price of Paper this
cyear. As already stated our stook is very complete and tee are
g offering it at last season's values—running in . -price from 10c per
O roll up, We extend as usual 1a cordial invitation to look over
r•e our samples with the full assurance chat you are under no obliga-
a tion whatever to buy.
was ti sturdy type of citizen who lived
up to high ideals and vet before the
community, in an 1111Obtetlfati011a
manner, moral principles of worth
lie was afaithful tis miser of Melville
Preshytelian church for long years,
Following a !bort, appropriate service
at the home on Tuesday afternoon by
Sev. Mr. Mann, the casket was taken
Co the silent city of the dead and
placed In the family' burial plot.
After a heroic battle for life for 8
weeks Evelyn Maud Parr, beloved
wife of Robert Bowman, Alexander
attest, Brussels, said Goodbye to the
earthly home last Friday evening at
6 o'lock, at the early age of 31 years, 1
month and 11 days. She was the
only daughter of James and the late
Mrs, Parr and was married to het
now bereft., partner 3 years ego' last
December. Owing to Mr, Bowrnan's
i11 health at that titne he sold his
favor and took up reeide11110 in town,.
A baby daughter watt born September
doing well. Meningitis
17th,; veld is g
was the cause of . Mre, Bowman's de,
cease, Funeral service was in charge
of Rev. A, 3, Mann on Monday and
pallbearers were deeeased's 2 brothers
(Levi and Milton Put t) 2, uneleis (John
a rad Adttm.$iordan, Detroit), Albert
Bell mid Wesley Jermyn. Burial
took plane in Bruelele cemetery,
Ines, Bowman tette beloved by
There passed away in the city of
Winnipeg: on Friday, February 25th,
a flue spirited and worthy man In Un-
person of Chas; 0. Sherrill, a former
Brusselite, fie had been a resident of
the Western metropolis for the past
12 years where he carried ona lucra-
tive business in Dentallabfatory work
and Dental supplies, A year ago he
had a severe illness that shook him up
considerable and left bins with a weak
heart. Thursday night he wag taken
i11 at his home and physicians wale
called and despite all that could by
done be passed away before morning,
to the sad stu•pries of a wide chafe of
friends, He is survived by hie wife,
who was fnrtnerly Miss Ethel Creigh-
ton, of Brussels, sister to Mrs. H. L
Jackson of town, whose mlesion CPa9 a
sad one in accompanying the lifoles'.
fotet of her loved one W Brussels
where the funeral took plane Monday
afternoon from the home of H. L
Jaokeon, Mill street. Bev. W. 13
Stafford conducted a brief service a
interment was made in 13fussols ceme-
tery, Pallbearers were Geo, anti
Walter Lowry, W. 'J. McCracken,
Robb. Fat,'row, Dr. Hamilton and
Harry Doornail, Among those who
attehded were Mrs. (De.) Ball. only
sister of deceased, Dr. Earl Ball and
Miss Hannah Ball andLloytt'Jackami,
all of Toronto ; Oonducter 1 11wal d
Creighton, Hamilton Mrs. Rands
Auburn ; Mrs. Dinsmore, Liman ; anti
J. Musgrove,,-Bluevale. Mr, Sheri iff
was born at° Bluevale but carne to
town when a lad. His 8811101, as.
(iodated with Wm, Neal, Walton,
purohesed the simile grist mill, Mill
street, now utilized by W. A Lon 1
as a sole nod feed stable. Parente a) e
both deeeasedi the father passing
away over 40 years ago. The subject,
of this notice. was genial, kindly and
popular and made friends wherever' he
sola, need 14 years. 4 months and 2 days.
Atwood, on February 15th,
1031, Mrs. Sarah Hammond, aged 80 years,
4 monthe aid 24 days.
HOLT—In Fordwich, on Feb, 2151, 1021, An-
thony Holt, aged 80 years And 8 days.
N1otIOL8ON.—In BiaKilinn township, on Feb.
.23rd, 1021. Harriet Nicholson widow of
the late Wm. Nloholson, aged 02 years.
B0Enn1FF.-In Winnipeg, on February 25th,
1021, (,has C. eherrlff.
SM1Tn; In Brussels, on February 27th. 1921,
John Smith, aged 77 years, 5 months and 1
Trnxen—In Fordwich, on Feb. 21x1, 1921, John
Tilker, in his 07th year.
the Great Tonic
$i.00 per bottle
• 1
te6• r146®f9e•5ie)tylAw•gC,80:1&0C6It•1tD0181.6••t•••••••••••••••••t!••
Splendid to build
up the system.
We have it.
Our personal guar-
antee accotn parries
every Hoe Water
Bottle'we sell. Al-
ways a good stock
to choose from.
One of 1 the best
Furniture Polish- a
es. Badly applied •
and will not inure •
the finest furni- •
tuye, Two sizes— a
3oc and 6oc
Barn for Sale
Frame 28%40 feet and lean. 12 x40 feet, For
further particulars apply on premises.
H. L. ,3'lgW ART. Sentry n.
Sale of Good Stock
Huron County Breeders' Association have
Issued a_nlngnets for their loastgament Sete
Tto ba Maid in Leppard'n Shed, wmgham alt
t h Som. , March 10th. This in o e desiring
el call tar
the 184.8. The nnonttof tinge ,18510lnl110
purchase bulls sad those -wishing Ang.Hto purchase
female' of Aberdeen Argas, Hereford or Sitnrt
Horn breeds is called. to this Rale. C0(1104urs
maybe secured on epp,loutionto the Secre-
tary. Sale at 1. p,m. S. 14 $rerfEA RH.
Depnrtmsnt 01 Agriculture,
,)linten, Ont,
AINETT.—In loving memory of William An.
nett, who departed this life one year ago—
March 4th, 1920, °
We miss thee front aur home, dear father,
We mina thee from thy place;
A ehadow o'er our lite i) cast,
We miss the sunshine of thy thee.
We miss thy kind and willing hand,
Thy fond and earnest care:
Our home 18 dark without thee,
We m,8a thee everywhere.
—Win/ AND Botta.
Telephone Notice
Auction Sales
Hoot), Auctioneer has received instructions
from Publicthe Auctioneatt101. 5, Cind oncession, 6,tress to pGreYll y
towne1dp, 00 Friday, March 11th, at 2 o'clock
the following valuable property : • 1 driving
mare 10 rears old, 1 fat onw, 1 farrow cow 7
years old, 1 0000 6 years old. supposed In calf,
10 head grass cattle rleine2 years in good or.
der, about 40 hens, rubber tire MUMS, steel
tire buggy. cutter, set sins'lo harness, horse
°unar,qqunnttty of lumber, Grand Jewel Doak
stove, bedstesd. Delaval orrl:sm separator,
churn. butter bowl, °rocks and dishes, rugs
blanket, robe, carpets and other Smell articles.
Hale without reservoirs Proprietor has sold his
farm. Terms.—All flume of 510 and under
cast) over that meant 8 months. credit will
be given on approved joint notes. 4 per cent elf
i tor cash MRS. 'credit S ITS, Proprietress. s to
All ppersonao owing the Telephone Co for 1020
are naked to par the scone at once. land anyone
owing more then 48.00 for loll is to do the
In future all Tenants will pay in ndvance the
Sum et 01.10 per month from the start of their
present year up to January 101, 1921. and atter
that date all routs will be tine Lt ndvenee of
the let day of January in each year.
All owners tinning in 'phones as such will
81 1 when
month up to J nnery 1st, and. in In
future after tnn6 rhe Ram of 018,00 per annum
In taxes,
ire 'phone m
P5001s wishingend
togivein thu P
so t0rad W B. Scott
of giving notice of sun
lutonEionta W.FI.Soottbntnt•o circlet of Deo•
ember in any year, unless tho term of 10 781108
has not expired fur those on which debenturee.
were issued.
FRIDAY, MA11011 4Tn,—Farm stock, Imple-
ments, &e., Lot c0 Con. 15. Grey township.
Fiala unreserved at 1 p. m. Hugh M. McKay,
Prop., F. B. Scott. hue.
TOMMA.v, M.81108 gra—Farm Stook. Innate
mbnte, Household Furniture, &0., Lot 10, (.on..
17. Gltd. Clark Prop, Sete
. S.iPeott,rAuo at 1 p.
TnuRat1AY, 00411011 IOTn,^Farm Stock, im-
Slmento, &e_,l,,ot 0, Con. 18. Grey towneldp.
ala unreserved at I p. m, Jnc. StnitlIe, Prop,
T. Brown, Ane.
Wnu'08DAY, Mahon 2115.n.—Farm stook,
Implements &0, Lot 1, Con. 10, Grey town-
ship, adjoining Brussels. Bale unreserved at
1,p. m, Moo07 Holland, Prop„ F, S. Scott,
F: B, s(`OTT,
2 Secretary. President.
\Fa'r'm for Sale
100 mare farm for wale, being Lot 12, Con. 8,
Grey towhaitlp, Huron Co. about 75 1orti
cleared.. There 14 5 comfortable house, blink
barn, orchard good drilled well, &o., on the
premises. Possession atonceTelephone
and rugal mail delivery. For further partied.
inn upply on the premises
TEL10100 stll,LRRR; Proprietor• months poet graduate coarse Ont 5A past year.
I Eyes co"reetly fitted with Glasses. Head
QQ qq nnhoe. Inffmmetl. Eye'. Granulated Bye Lids
!J i4 endothnr Eyo trcnbtea• tamed t1 Eye•itrntn.
Queen Hotel fora . relieved through properly fitted [;leasee.
I lntIofee ion Assured.
The Queen's hotel, Iirneaele, IF offered for (Wield Perim In Leckie block, one door
sole. In good condition. Reason fer selling , SoutI, of Berrleter Slnclab?e office
ill health. Doing -Food Madness. Apply on •. MOO hemp : Stn 12 a, nn-; 1 to 6 p. m.. Also
the SW misoe• TOS. QUEProprietor, 1 Wednesday an Ph000 2 z rl,tt lnb>~• 1
d.f..--. - . ""r.�rs r—M
Graduate De tnrtmsntof Cnbttalruology, Mc.
Coriniok 7,teOleal College,
Fall Wheat 81 70 51 75
Orta50 65
Baas 176 6. 170
Butter Barley 95 41.
Eggs 18 50 EO 50
ENT Hogs 18 00 00
Farm to Rent
Orals form 10 rent, being tot 20, Con, e, and
34 l.at 211n the same Con., Morris township
Tenders Will be received up to March 15111.
rt,e highest or an7 tender hot nneesearlly tee
oopted. For further tnrticnlars apply to
Exooutore of Alfred Button estate,
Blyth, R. R. 2
;Sealed Tenders, nddres+el' to the Postmaster
1 General, will be received rot Ottawa anal noon,
on Ft May, the dth
pri1,1021. for the
. node °tills unjesty'a ProPosed Pow
treat for for ]'mon,nix 1111104 per week over
Walton No 2
Rural Mail Benteila from
t Slily next,
Printed notices eontaintng further Infertile•
Con as to conditions of proposed Contract
may bo seen and blank forms' of Tender may
be obtained at the Post Offices 0f Whitey.
Brussels, Blyth and at the office of the Post
Orae 250101tor.
PestOIIlae Inspector's Oftico, Landon, Ont.,
2511 February, 19:1.
CidA P et Otfloe tnapeotor.
Otlrne0,1(1 Three
N order to get. your Chicks just when you want them Pow is the
I time to place run, order, itvely year we turn down ordere foe
hundreds of Chicks nn account of being "booked" for all we can
hatch. Chicks hatched by the Iuoubator (if � Incubator ie'o operated
right) are 'u+tae easil raised as if hatched in Nature's way. We have
had 1�2 years' experience en Inmtbation, and the Ohleks we Bend out are
Incubated right, In order to satisfy ourselves W111511 was the most
profltable, cows or hens, we are keeping account of one newly freshen+
ed cow and 75 pullets, "These pullets were operated :andel' the trap
best and at no time tune there more than 05 of them laying. We kept
account of the 75 pullets as it cost about the same to feed this nambet'
as It did the tow. Cote wan red on the very choicest of feed—Alfalfa,
en80ag0, marigolds, eat chop, bean and shorts.. In December the re-
turns from the cow ameintted to 831.110, and from the p11Uets 887.00;
in January returns from cow win* $85.00 and froth the pullets 871,00.
in these two menthe it root 830 00 to feed the cote and 683.00 to feed
the pullets—a clear profit of Bat 00 for the cow and 91181,00 for thepul'
lets. Fi'om this it would appeal: that the hens are much tnore. pt'(tfit-
De not delay in Oaring your order. S. 0, White Leghorn Chicks
22u earh l Barred I'Rocl(. Chicks, SOe (.4,011. ,
Huron Speolalty farm, BrusselsBox 14, Phone 3 or 4 on 8X