HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-3-3, Page 518@�5 0N11100 JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED vreateamyear 00144441 Wer.110 WM, SPENOE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE IiICENSES aloe In the Fust Office, Ethel, 90.4 v S SCOTT AS AN AUOTION. • OUR, will Heil for better prices, to hotter men, in lose time and lege 'thereat) than uuy other Auctioneer in Pleat Huron or be won't obarge anything, Dotes and orders atm always be Hasse e 1 at this o#1on gr qy p vrsoual applioatton, Wm, sicvOr,aztzr • Barrister, Solicitor, Oooveysuoer, Notary Public', ho. Office-0tewart4 Brook 1 dour North or Oeutral Hotel, Iioliolter tot the Metropolitan Bank. OR. WARDi AW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Daqyy and night cane. Offioe oppo,ite Stour Mil!, i2thel. JAMES M'FADZEAN Agent Kowick Mutual fire Insurance Company Phone 42 Tuinberry Street,Brnesels Itutoessor to John Hartle, Walton. T. T. NI, RAE M. a., ed. O. P.. a S. O. M. 0. H., Village of Brussels, Physician, Snrgeou, Ac0000heur C Mee at residence opposite Melt/ file Church, William street. PROUBEOOT, KILIORAN 9 COOKE B arristers, ele Yeltore, Notaries Pubftc, &e. Moe on the Square 2nd door front Hamilton Street, GODERIOH, ONT. Private fonds to loan et lowest rates. W. PHCUDTOet 12.0. J. L. KILLOBA,N fi. J, D, Comm BRUSSELS HORSE FAIRS Monthly Horse Fairs will he held this season as follows :-- THURSDAY, JAN, OTs, 1921 •• FEB. 81th, 1921 MAR 8RD, 1921 APR. 7Ts, 1921 heal- end Outside Buyers will be present By order of Council. P. 8. 800TT, Clerk. + ir •V DFER14. + AGENCY I John ()Hirer 1 ' + 4+• + ▪ has taken over the Deering Ag- + ency and handles a full line of + 4.- + Farm Implements including the + noted + • 1 N, C. Cream Separators 41+ 4. The only Oeeatu Separator with +1, , two wide open cream outlets-. .i• I no cream screw in the path of .1. the cream. See it when in towu. 4. BRUSSELS The 1, IC, 8-18 and 19.20 Tractors • are among the hest. + The Deering Manure Spreader if With the wide spread and very light it) draft. + I John Oliver ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++44 I Highcst Price 1 I, Z PAID FOR I Raw Furs Hidesands s • Poultryj 2 • • Call we up -Phone 02x SAM WEI 4 Till till dads. of $ Furs and Hides WANTED. For which the highest + market price wilt be paid. w + M. Yollick +, Phone Rx Brussels' 714+t++++++++++++++++++++i•+ Waren It etas (Vials THE Posm gives the news. Send it to the absent members of your family in lieu of the weekly letter you often fail to write. 01,,,oHT To 13x THANKFUL - To be Canadtane. Spring is ou the way. For church privileges. Brussels for having a goof! school. G, T, R. for missiug snow blockades, For plentiful fuel -even at top prices. Household commodities will decrease in cost. Tna POST THINKs- This is a dandy Winter, Il psys to read advertisements. 'ru help boom Brussels buy at home. There should be a boost for Hydro. At Horne on March lith will be a suc- cess. Foot Batt organization should pro- ceed. You should join the Horticultural SOclety. • The New Express Rates The next express rate increases as set forth in an outlineof the judg- ment of the railway commission, do not on improve acquaintance, and are p 4 I , considerably e mor drastie than would appear at first blush. The increases apply to small shipments as well as to those of 100 lbs. and over, and are effective on each "graduate" below 100 pounds. This was notso in the case of the last increase, Where there is no commodity tariff 141 effect, the second class increase of 25 per cent will likely apply, Perth's Idea Smiled At— The resolution of the. Perth coun- ty council, favoring legislation give ing county Councils the right to get rid of a district representative, who, after two years' trial proves unsatis- factory, Is not seriously regarded at the Department of Agriculture, To- ronto. It is pointed out that al- though every other county in On- tario but Perth has had agircultural representatives for from four years up to ten not a single esolution of the kind referred to has ever been passed. Perth county today has the distinction of being the only county Without district representative ser- vice. 0 0 Ino T Forms for 1 20 Income ,►x 9 The income tax forms for 1920 tee now being sent out from the offices of inspectors of taxation. Upon the taxpayers will rest the onus of secur- ing such forms. This year fortes T. 3, T.4 and T. 5, g covering wagespaid to v employees and dividends paid to shareholders, as well as forms T. 1, and T, 2, for returns of corporations and individuals are to be delivered to inspectors of taxation. Forms T. 3, T. 4 and T. 5, are to be filed before March 31st, forms T. 1 and T. 2, before April 30th. A pamphlet containing in- structions for taxpayers is being print- ed for distribution with forms T. 1 and T. 2. Taxpayers may send cheques for the amount of their taxes, They must send with their returns, chegpes for at least twenty-five per cent . Of their taxes. 'if they make initial pay- ments of twenty-five per cent, of their taxes they must pay the balance in bi- monthly installments with interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. Blyth Next Monday the electors will vote on the Hydro Electric enabling by- law here, Blyth Pall Fair will he held this .rear on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 22 and 28. Rev. J McCormick d , M ani' C tk an A. B. Curr attended 'the Dominion Alliance Oon- venti ) o i mToronto. De. Roy Steakhouse, of Ridgeway, ay' , has been a oierted Cormier of Wei- gand County, He is an old Blyth boy. Architect Murray, of London, was in town ane ecting construction of Blvt t Memorial Ht1 1. Hetav very well All pleased with the work and commend- ed the cnntr Fleetly.actors,' Cockerline eFc "The Yonng Country School AfR'tn" is the title of the play to be presented in Industry Hall on the evening of Friday, Meech 4t1t.' raider Womeu'e Institute. t' Prouae a d will be donated. to Myth Memorial Community Hatt.. $,A Pt 1es ) toe !IRS been asked to take parte with other Pae. Grand • Masters In exemplifying the initiatory Degree of the Odd Pellet -vs before the Grand Sire i,f the Sovereign' Grand r Lodge of America in the Odd Fellow ' MILL STRICIt1' BRUSSELS B e Tem le Toronto, The conclave octave ** , t0 be i . -. ..“N•A •Aril' I concluded this Spring, Oliver Wedding Celebrated Friday evening Lrt b 49h, abont 40 friends and neigl,bare from ljowlek and Bluevaleaesentbled at Ms hetet)ai tie and Mrs Black, Lot 1.4, iron, 4, Howlett, to eelebrale thele Silver' Wedding. The guod people of how- lek expressed .their Appreciation end eineein hpreeeutiug the queu•ter ern. tory old Weide and groom 161111 rt hued- ; come mantel Week, pyrex CRseell Ie, pyrex pie plate set Ins ll ver, ciluiniln ei L'eel of cooking 0iehes, nut eleeking eet and 'diver pie knife. Bluevale people then tooit 8ITahr0 le their hands and George A cher) old read the following uddrese ;. 1'o Mr, and Mea, Itnbt. Black,. DEAR FRIENDS :- We are gathered together this evening, your old flienlie and neigh. bore of Bluevale and vicinity, to r•e- call to your Itlerrlo,'ixe that lhn ohiiu-s of Fabler Time have Iieketl off to you 26 years of wedded life, and else to give youe0iue idea of the very high appreciation and esteem in which yen are held by your old ne1t;hb0es to'd- friende of Bluevale, - We 611u11 ever le- rnember you as ulwrtys willing to give and help In l , al cal eH8 that Here for the bettering and ui.lil'ting of the community. You will please Adept these gifts as reminders of the high eeteersl and high appreciation in which you are held by your old ueigh- bore and friends of Bluevale. Slay yon long bespared to help and materiel each other along life's pathway is the • earnest wish and desire of those assembled have. Yotrx OLD FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. Mrs. P. D, King presented the bride with a beautiful chime ,utultel clock and John Spence handed the gronin a fine Auto Safety razor and briar pipe. The 26 year old groom trade a suitable reply, thanking the "HeWiek friends for the many valuable and useful gifts, also for the :continued spirit of kindness and good. will 'ever stoic they mime t0 Hawick. The Bluevale -friends, who heaved the storm and came so long a distance over none ten good roads, also reneivc•d ,1 heurty Cnmmendetion for their kindness it the a ear f goner yeare that have and the hap- py ny days eteit with each otherrin rte past. After these cere,n8n' p les the gathering spent the rest of the even- ing iu amusements of various forma and parted at an early hour' wishing the host and hostess along enough tease of life to celebrate their Golden Wedding day, r ere x'111. 0 BRED STAR WASHER Malas Ever:), Woman. Smile —so easy to operate -washes cloths so clean On display at our store. Come and sec it. IlIl11i11ii111 1111111 Qeoa Ra Weller AGENT - BRUSSELS t*iELCOME REM FROM ECZEMA'. Complete TreatmentThat Ms Gratifying Results W.earNo, Ol r. "T had an attack of Weefinr' zcz , a ,�' . rr, so bad thxtrayciothesaauld be wet through at times; ' For four months, Isuffered terribly, T could get no relief limit I tried i',T'rrcit-a-lives" and "Sootha.-Salpa". Altogether, 1 have used three boxes of "Sootha-Salva" and two of "Fru t•a-tines", sad am entirely well." G. W, HALL. Both those rayedte remedies are sold by dealers at 6Oe. a box, 6 for 12.00, or sent on receipt of pries by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. r r Fruit -a -lives" is alsop at up trial size which sells for 260. Seaforth Mee. J. D. Hinehtey, is visiting in St; Thomas. T. Brown has disposed of hie garage to Mr, Cardin, Hensel!, Howard Heavy and little daughter have returned to their home in Lon- don. Arnold 2Vestcott has accepted a position with J. F. Daly, as manager of the jewellery, department. Thomas Gillespie, who has been spending several weeks at his home, left for Strassburg, Seek,, where he is teaching. Walton Jas. Mose has been on the sick list for the past few weeks. Quite a number have the mumps in the sot rounding district, The Ryae Auction Sale attracted a big crowd last Thursday and prices were gond. John Fulton was laid up with an attack of pleurisy. Although 90 years old he has been active until lately. Jas. Bishop and familyhave moved fo the Hoy farm, 14th Con., ltfcKillop, He sold his house in the village to Thos. Ryan. Atwood Rrflliaw Hone has purchased the Crocker farm near Britton. Harry and Mrs, Buttery and family, Regina, are visiting at Rue. Riddell's, Ith Coe. 3. R. Hammond was at 'Toronto at- tending the Underwriters' annual meeting. Jas. Erskine left to become manager for the Skinner, Produce Co. Limited, of London, at their branch in Forest„ Atwood Farmers' Club took over the coal and cartage business from Thompson Go. John Joynt is in charge. Rev. J. Calvin Reid, Strathroy, for- merly of Atwood, hasgeceived an un- animous invitation to become pastor of the Quebec City Methodist church, commencing with the next Oonference year. Mr. Reid has aecepted the in- vitation, subject to the concurrence of the Conference concerned. An interesting meeting of the ladies of this community was held in the Foresters Hall, Atwood, for the pur- pose of organizing the United Fel 111• Women of Ontario. During after- noon a splendid address was given by the organizer, Mee. Laws, Cayuga. La 1 Ladies organized anized tvlthhe all w' . t f n n officers President Mrs. Thonl.te Hamilton Vice -President, Mrs, Du t- erm Saunders ; Secretary, Mrs. Hein y Duncan, ASTHMA -M RAZAH 110 Smoking—No Spraying --Ne s Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing, stop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes,give long nights of quiet sleep; contais no habit-forming drug. 11.00 at your drag - gist's. Trial free at ouragendee or writs Templeton, 142 Xing W., Toronto. Local Agent, James Fox THE FALL Months of gold and scarlet and 1ns- fiet, nl' clear, snappy mornings. wits Hn aftemnonsend frosty nights-=nf har- vest prmui-et feifilled, and of profit end prosperity far emmlry folk,- that's the Fall season, Anil 11) these days .the profits of the year's farm work are not hidden be- hind a loose 8toele in the chimney. They are. used Beet lot adding to the business investment represented by the farm,-moe laud 0r stock, new buildings and flew equipment. After these web advised expenditures the balancegoesinto solid securities that n801 yeti ye but safe rettn'u. avaco p Under the 'tete of new equipment come manyl things for Immo hnp t nve. meet, things which [e td to make feral life mine comfortable and more enjoyable. And aluOng these perhaps . t u one thingis nein takenmore nn n rapidly thee the farm eleotrin plant. In practicallyevert/neighborhood e • who here aro Aum ,nue fnrtn families have eon letely equl1!ed their homes with electric service, The house, barns and all tither buildings are brightlylighted. Hlectrielty tines the minting, separating, churning, pumping, washing, i,•oititig slid sweep. ng, There's scarcely r 1 giro s moment in c y et moment the day when electricity ,so't -making n things Hasler and more r, inf il+n•,tl 110 for some member of the farm family. Now the good name or service of this kind1 spreadsds rapidly ole' home to another, and Its i i 22116. fro ace more end more ferrite 1.1118 year putting a part of their year's profit in to electric service for the home. 24 -Hour -a -Day. Electric Service Delco -Light ',Electricity t for Every Farm" Delco -Light is trade for long, dependable and effi- cient service. phe best mechanics are employed in the factory where Delco - Light; ie made, Onlythe boat ofu,xtA'ri r I ars ere e user) and molt plant, isre repeatedly y tested before being shipped. H. Qato rar ch District Agent, Listowel 404, •••••••oo•eiR••r•AAbO9111 #A•e09y*0eN•••••*••ori••••••••il(/4i•9044418+ •40 • • sack to -Palaoe Bakery+ e Business ! - . ileg AVING returned from To. I rotas) 1 ata once more Ori • • lite job with many add) b • Borne to lay stork of • WATCHES • 1CLOCKS • • JEWELRY i AND , = FANCY GOODS i ± and all to be sold at close prices, 4 • . Many Moire • goods for Wed- 8 . ding Presents. e Personal attention given to re- • )11 U 8. • Satisfaction Gaon aeanred. • i •Oalltil. • • Strettonuari Bo• WI E•Y BR EL8 9444114•4••w••4e4999e•••+•4+ In Atwood, on Saturday, February 19th, Mrs. Small Hxmmond, aged 80 years, 4 menthe and 24 days, pressed away, 'Funeral was held from her late residence, Atwood, Tuesday .afternoon to Donegal cemetery. Fordwich Hydro By-law carried by a majori- ty of 88 vote., there being 67 for and 19 against. Mrs. Oliver Rogers continues to, gain front her recent prolonged 111- nese, Dr. R. W. Cook, Toronto, spent a couple of days with his parents. 13. S. and Mrs Cook Mrs. Saralee Matthews, who has beet) poorly for past few weeks, is some- what unproved at present. Contract for Hnwick Township printing was let tate year to Fordwicit Record office. Iuteteor of the Presbyterian 0)1117014 is being re -decorated. For the next few Sundays service will be held in the basement, A. 0. Sotheru has returned home from the West.. Mrs. Sotherm and Miss Evelyn are recovering nicely from their recent seem e.illness. Percy and Mrs. Haiustock and little daughter, and Will. and Mrs. Hain - stock and little son, went to Tut outer whete they spent a -fete days befoe leaving for thele homes at Shaunavon, Sask. Goderioh Geo. James has taken the posilinrt of janitor at the Court House. 'We regret to learn of the serious condition of A. Fowler's health owing to another stroke, Goderich purposes entering a he- crosee team in the league this season, and a meeting is to be held February 28 to elect officers. Frank Jardine appeared before Judge Dickson, Friday, charged with forgery, and pleaded not guilty. Jar- dine be tried a judge dine elects to tie by In 1. without a jnry, and a8 the crown 2126 not ready to go nn with the trial Jar- dine was remanded to jail until Merv]) 7, when he wilt appettr again before Judge Dickeon. FlVe VlIt8 have recently been, '8a P l against Louis Dalton, Eliz' beth 1121 - ton (his trite), and Joseph 15. D..Iton, all of Ashfield, for alleged slander. Louis Dalton is the young men oho was shot by wale patty on the anew - Mg of June let, 1920, on his tetur!, from a big social event near Netted, ns be was putting his h0ree into th•.. stable. The writs are issue+d at the i,IStettlCe of Jas, Sennett, \Vt ltt-r 0 ),- ton, almond Sennett, sleeve!) I. Sul- livan, and no doubt the alleged dart- rr is in couleotion with the shooting, Mrs. Ed. Speitan was the hostess of the monthly meeting of the Aggles• sive Bible Class of Vittoria St. Hunch on Monday evening. Business re- ports presented showed the tesult of contest to be 680. Besides this the Class is buying one dozen more Hymn books for the nee of visitors at the Sunday services, Three new members were received. After business and a short program, It social half-hour was speutover the IS cups. Listowel The animal Convention of the County of Perth Temperance Alliance will he held in Stratford Y. M. 0. A. 0t, Mondavi, March 7. Robert Savage is the ptoid nwne of a ynnngialligstor sent to him from Florida by his friend Rev, W. A. Wits, who is enjoying the bRhny breezes and sunshine at St. PaLcre- burg, Florida. Ho). Mr, Smith announced that the appointment would be made of a Dis- trict Representative of the Depart- ment of h county, Agriculturefor P g t only,. and et man will be sent the hest of July. Nies Alberta Bartley is recovering from her illness, Miss Bartley, ivho has been taking a nurse's tra' nt s centres at the General Hospital, Brant,. t- ford, has been suffering from planing, Her mother went to Brantford Andrew and Mrs. Torrance, 8rd line, Wallace, were preempted by a number of tit eie neighbors with a h w beautiful g 8old headed dune and casserole and an address at) a testimonial of the kindly feeling entertained for them by their many Mende. FATAL ACOIDENT,-Barry, 4 year old son of • Jno, and Mrs, Dick, tilt d Monday afternoon from injuries i.e- oeived Saturday, when he was knnnk- d down while e w lecrossingthe st.+ teeth.. 3a horse and rig driven by Will. Heibein, aeturn d mit i r e 1 ,wign lost bob! legs in the war. The accident happened on the Main street ht frank of the nos -t- attoo, The little chap tvaa crossing the etteet a feiv yards ahead of an elder brother, and Heibein failed to notice him he he darted out from be - I*. e • • 4 4 • r -Every ',mar from the Oven u)'lIleaout alike. Light w itir golden bruwo cruet and nuow white tenter. ,tuns a look is a temptation to Isstlf• AOd once you do plate, you'll !lever want ,111y bread but ogre again. Our bread le the kind that tastes better all the. time, !Phone 82x W. E. WILLIS l' r- *• as • a •a4•+•+®a••ea•••••ao••ro• 4a•o+••osacee•+++04r4,4,4,9•e.411 • hind 2 gh is who were waiting foe the rig to 1)(188. '19,e driver itumedietely took the lit tie feliew to a doctor, No bones were !Hokum and there wee (10 tl nu *ht a he t' iej r r, t t itne that the 1H torics t .md e.ve fatal. l. Gerrie PERSONALS -Hugh lidgar, was visiting friends in Ayr.-g1rs. Ii W. Irwin is visiting het• sieter in Tni't"ito, -hire. G. W. Walker, was visiting friends in Cheeley.-William Whit- field, was holidaying with friends in Bruseeie last week. --Philip Zimmer - mail lava enjoying els good health as his many friends could desire. -Rev. E. F. Armstrong, 13. A., of Wingharn, preached in the Methodist church Senility, R.o-v. Mr, McKibben, was at Wingbarn -Eli Bowyer, Niagara Falls, a lane lime resident of Gorrie was in town last week. looking up old friends. Be left Genie about 20 years Time for Ali -TO- Retire HAVING purchased an up-to- date Rubber Tire Machine 1 cin prepared to do all kinds of rte-rutibering Boggy Wheels with the best of material, .poet forget about our Woodwork and. Blacksmith Dept Work done while you wait. Also do Painting to suit yam taste. New Buggies and Wagons always Orr (rand. Everything on hand that ie found in an up-to-date shop. What you don't see ask for. Ono Price to All. John McNeil ETHEL 84-8 FARM IMPLEMENTS HAVING the Ageney for the 21c - Cormick and Deering Ieeple- elements I will give closest pri188 in anything needed in Farm Im- pletaenls or 'Trailers. Call in and give your oder in U. F. 0. style and you will save money, I will guaran- tee you against any reduction in prices until implement is used, and by order- ing now yon will save any advance in price which is likely to take place soon. Have a few Implements on hand which will be sold at old prices. David Milne ETHEL ago and Idle is his first, trip back, -12. A. and Aare. Spotton,were in Toronto, while there Mr. Spotted attended the Marble1)ealnrs' Oonvention. Trowbrluge Quite a shuffle le taking placer among the people of this contemnity, No lees than ° families ere moving. People of this counnunity are pleas- ed to learn that Henry Armstrong, who recently sold his fel n, to Rich- ard Johnston, decided to cancel the auction' aide announced Rud remain in the locality. He has rented the fere/ of J, R. Code, right in the village, Son, Eigin, who had planned to go )Pest in the Spring, will wait 'tilt the Harvesters' excursion in the Fall. Molesworth Thos. and Mts. Elliott are home again after their extended visit to the West, They left last September and have been calling on friends freer Winnipeg Wow to the ciinst, Their stay at the coast wee shorteeed by a message telling them of the severe ill- ness of their' daughter, Mrs, Archin McDonald, Winnipeg, whole we are glad to know. has recovered. Pd Re- turning g they came by tvay of Chicago, Windsor and Dutton vii tallg friends in each of these places. They report a most enjoyable trip. D.bei. ertAlatesc rests Y0. hl2Ml e.ela .tk�;: 6 faster Term Opens Mar. 29 Build for Success by Attending ELLIOTT Gedfri'led Tango & Charles Ott., Toronto Q.This School enjoys a great reputation for superior work and for placing the graduates quickly in good positions. There are thonsanda of openings tie Toronto (tech year and we ere nailed upon to fill more then we can. Open ,0- all year. Enter at any time. Circulate free, ' �,• W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Zvx2`;aa'v Vaa`P,m,:ita21at'caV.rta'visarettVit Going a d; of ass •+F k 4'. $. T herebyfor r 4•offer I sale ell. i'1 tht will suit a11, toyp ccs 4' stock of ,o •l Men's Fleece Underwear 6: Boys' fleece Underwear •qr •f Mont s Work Shirts and Saabs ,M T. * Men's and Women's Ohms + flannelette White and Striped • Men's Overalls • Sale to commence fi h, lth Tet ms --Baal, nt Eggs, .y. • Ha L Stewart t • HENFRYN • .14• ++44++++. •+++++++++++++++ ++•1r++++•b++ •++••+•c••••+•++1/•••••et)••+1•••+••••••••eao••groes*+ • a • • • • 0 • • •4 • • e • • • • • • • • 1 • • 0 • e • • • • • • Just rut it up to Us if yeti want a Watch with a very P close rating. 1Ve have some splendid • timepieces In 16 Jewel, 17 Jewel and • 21 Jewel Movements. We marry all T the leading makes and engrave vont. w Monogram free of charge. • • How about a P ` • t4'l Y I � l • A • • s 15.00 20.00 25.00 • • s + • • m a • e JEWELER ANO OPT/C,IIAN WROXETER • �► ••••••et)4•••••••••••.•••••••••••••e••••••••avo*+ea• Eyesight and Efficiency The man or women to who has n It P faulty vision or whose work is such a eta ale u e eyes L tae 1 t14 y s ] headaches e u r o r RC P,9 a ld Y e V U ene 8a are, the result Cannot be Effi- cient. 'Whether in the office, workshop or at house Eye Com- fort is essential to a good day's work, Call and if Glasses are neces- sary - saty we can supply. Our antern of Testing isscientific And up'to.date. For the long Wintnr evenings. We have three special assort - men te- Vic in Violin , V oho OasP and linty at These are extra value. • We also carry a good stock of Vieth) Supplies -Ex tea hate, Stringe, Peg's, Bridges, I\Thtes Resin,Z i ail Gut an/i 1?in :iii I,[ t and Tuning Pipes. Violin Self In. etruotrst61.00 each,