HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-2-24, Page 8A fhkM+1 �U4 WaH Pape r 1919 Pries slap MA i •410.04.44' Would you like to buy Wall Paper at the old prices bt,t'ore the Paper 'Market started to, go up2 That is exactly what you cau do here as we Were fortunrtte in placing. lalg„ orders back in 1919 stud aliii have many good lattierus on hand from then, which are to lie had at the low prices. ht the asBOrtlltent there are patterns suitable for living Booms Dining roams t9 Bedi aoms `•0r . Kitchens, &c. ;e• a�. 4 1,Ve are anxione to re- duce the stock t f these oke rooni life to m la order for the new Spring goods. If you have Pap- ering to do it will pay you to see the samples. 04, (0.I ..44. How about those Pictures you took the other day ? Better bring the Films here for Developing and re- Nt#xT Moti4ay Will be the. loot day of M. P. ,meat IS Malting Iter dough•, l?ehrpary, ter, Mss, "Asa Lynn at Waikcrvllie. A'r Blonta TuBereday evening. M'aryb 8, 1,lrs, 1?ltlstlioro, of Lnean, ige vlaitlug Town Ball, Brussa:is, Tiekars sae, ber cat 1n Mrs. H, L, Jackson, liras- lxloct ads for Navy Ltsgna t f Vauada eels. Women's Iaslitate are the hostess'. ., ilea and Mrs. Jobpeouu were visitors • woad bee was held at Wm Paw- with Old friends in Soutbaulpton recent• sop s, Elizabeth street, lest Monday 1S'.MI5. jTun. Coates fres not been YorY afteru000 wbeu r4 men cut up a pile e f W M Her 5oat S L of heel* wa: wend Ia the evening (only was held 4visiting tier during the week • • and a big time enj yd We ora sorry to state that Mrs 'Phos, The burnt or W m and Met Clouse,' DRvidean bat been real poorly during gorplfr 0( "Queen sad Albert street, has ..the past week, We bops she. will soon been sold to Mrs. Arthur Smite, of be better, n dig s d Gra township, who recently po e Gra of her farm Mr. and Mrs, Clouse and • 'son will remove to Listowel, it Is said. Sabbath nest Rev A J Mann, B A„ will preach the to u'udlug• discourses of A very successful pastorale of 8 yearstu Melville church and will be removing forthwith to Newmarket, the new charge. Induction will take place on r'.,lrrtlsday, March si'il Rev Dr, 1' 'r • Wiugharn tbe interim Medea - a, . u 'declare Melville church pulpit Oranbreoit Ilene "New Bnglend Polk" in Longe Hail next'Tueeday evening under aus- pices of Fermate' Olub, See advt, A number of teams assisted W. Gorsalitz 1 movie to the farm that K h Grey. F ht i the 8c Oon, they bought o 1 1 We are sorry to lose Air. and Mrs. Gorsalite from this neighborhood as they are A 1 neighbors, all.wool•aud-a $ vacant ou Saucily, •March 0 h. after yard -wide. which the cnngreguton will proceed to 0 i Printing. They will careful 'attention and we will try to get 4' the best from every pie - Lure taken. Fresh stip- ply of Kodak Films, Velox Paper and Sup + plies. k v Lower Prices on Kodaks and •• Brownie Cameras No. 0 Brownie $2 00 • 50 ^ v ie 2 r to's t; Na, 2a Brownie 3 50 No. 2e Brownie 5 00 Vest Pocket Auto- graphic 9 00 rah is Kat R p r e Ie• Si'%'iu 1TH .c . {; f`1storeI/rnggist and Stationer • hear mea desiring acan. . THURSDAY evening of last week a sac cesstul social was given iu Melville church, under the aaspicea of the Will- ing Workers. Chair was taken by Rev. Mr. Mane and those who took part were t -W, and Mrs Clouse; J. G. Jones, Misses Jessie Siracban and Isabel Strachan, Miss Wiuiker, Rev Mr. - and Mrs. Matin, P. Stewart and Mrs a h ImT • son, Fivaoeiel results ware $33 3 more practical orgauizttion cau be four d than the Willing Workers sod the ladies of Melville church have their plans al ready marked ant fur the employment of their activities for tgai. Pastry WSVOING.--'I'be bome of Bar rister and Mrs. W. M. Sinclair was the scene of a vety pre'ty wedding on Wed nesdsy r6ah inst., when their daughter, Lovise Rosati. d, was united In marriage of or Clair, cGre M Donald Arthurg t Don d 0 HanilloD, Oat. Service was conducted by Rev. 1 S Tolleson, of the Auglican cbureb, Brussels, Bride. wbo was given away by ber lathe-, looked charming in a gown of white Ductless satin, •with overdress of silver lace, filer veil beiog of t f with a wren b o embroidered tulle, byher mother orange b.onsons. Mora and also a grand aunt 6o years ago, She carried a shower baguet of sweetheart roses and lily of the valley, ber only ornament being a platinum lavellier set with diamonds, tbe gift of the groom Bride's sister, Miss Ruth Grace Sinclair. was her only attendant, wearing a gown of American beauty satin chartnense, with trimmings of gold lace, carrying sunset roses. Dr. „Thornton Ingram, Marathon, was best man, The wedding music was beautifully played by Miss Minerva Jones, and during the signing of the register a duet. "Come sing to me" was rendered by Misses Vero Walk- er and Isabel Strachan in a very pleasing manner. The groom's gift to the moth er of the bride was a Duchess lace fan with handle of mother of pearl, inlaid with gold. To the young ladies who as- sisted "vanity cases" and to the best man a silver pen. After the wedding Innebeon Mr. and Mrs Clark left for an extended Redding trip to Florida and the Southern States, The bride went away in a navy blue tricotine dress, seal and beaver coat and a small French bat, Upon their return they will reside in Hamilton at 358 Otiawa st Many good wishes accompany Mr. and Mrs Clarks in their matrimonial alliauee. ia.:tm« ,a +4)444 iaeses.e...eadaa-O4e04.04-este+04.4 t4-+44•fid.4.-A-'B-t444.G•-1•4444t-6448144- lY, A number of residences and business cit,17 9 .:+ lr1,1l ± 1TI I places in town are btiog wired for ' Hvdr', which i; hoped for ra Net. i SavzejL of the flax scutehers ate em - Real, evety advt. ; plowed at Lucknow owing to the fact IRUTTER 5 ascrrcearisle. ' that Brussels mill is temporarily closed Mulirnty Horse Fair Thursday of i St. Marys is asking for scu'ehers in an next week. i advt. is this issue of THE PosT. Pace of cattle and bogs are dropping I Ovs.R 3o sacks of Toronto department - and 'he il neer tib,e should feel the ad- y al store catalocuesend price ti=ts were vantage t t .,-,is t,,et. I distributed from Brussels prise Mee last L. CAL ,reeiItfar Templeton'sRhemat-: week, in their seeking for business. We le au 1 Asi iinl:i remedies, Jas. Fox's drug j wonder what our business people aredo• store. Conte to and get a free trial int: to roonterae this trade reaching package. I effort on the part of city stores, 3. W. McVicae, has been appointed j issuer of auto ii -••-uses for Huron County ! GRAY Pereheron Golding Lor cele, rising 4 and has bis office at Geo. McVlcar's 1 years old. Will weigh over 1,g0 pounds. shoe store. Gotirricb. IWye I, STitaorsAN, tf Phone 9520 Lot 25, Con. 9, Grey. Avenin Sale of Household Furni- I Foa BALK. -A Washing Machine Wrfager la • ture. tec-, is the home of Mrs, Alex. , good eonditton. Apply at the Manse. Brussels Bryant, Queue street, Saturday after- I Fon BALs. -9 Yorkehire Sows and 1 Hog 5 noon of 711.0 week L st of articles may ! months old, eligible for regietretiol&' be read itt r tis issue. ,TELSosDKE^EVER. W. C. '1' U. will meet Friday alter- 1 -V Phone 847 Lot 10, Con. 7, Grey. noon or this week in the Audience room t YOUNG Working Mare, rising 4 years, for sale. N3% Lot 17. Con. 0, kf orrie. of thePub:au Library. If will be al blas A. CONNON, Brunette R. R. 4. Moths,'' melting and topic will be in I Fora Taxing Driving Horaes for sate. Also charge n` NI- s (Rtv1 Manu. ( goad Seed Oats for wale and a gaaotity of Feed G,115. Apply to Tag POST. NEw C)OAl I ERs -TrIi4 week W. I 9'oa SALE. -24 pigs from 50 to 150 pounds al - Willis moved his Bakery from the Gar- j ass brood Row to farrow nbout April let. field block to 'he Stretton block, where Rave come Rood. grave cattle for sale also. specially fitted quarters have bean er- Phone 474. ROSeaLLRon0af-soN, R. R. No. 2 greet All Foil t4 i,u Comrortable dwelling and �,y ranged and where he hopes to gr t Hera of land. For farther pnrtleulars ank tit old test"mets and many new once. S, ; Ta: Poas'Publlphlog House. Carter takes ,;session of the store 1 iFOR NA Ln• -The residence of J, T. Wood, valla' tri for his swot/labile, piano, sew- Albert street, Brussels. All modern Conven- ing machine and agency work. It Will' ieneee; 34 acre of land; most eligibly situated; make ti trot,;:..,cat ion .for him. garage Came and see it 1f Interested, BOUGHT TME HOLLAND FARM. -Aa. YARN tori NALR.-A gaentity of light gran c porches- yarn re' hand et the,,to-e of the war 1A offered denser; Br• s , of R+ u.tg,4 , have p h for Rale at $160 per pound. MaS be had at the ed the Moods Hol:and farm, adjoining Pabho Library. New is fhb tmeto sconce the town. It con'ains 135 acres aria Ittor the eatand Winter'sknitting. prlee is v ,td to he SIn,ono. Mrs. Hot. • DvsIRAfLE propertyfsr asla in Brnsoel, 000' iand's it `te tllh was the reason for sell- wfating of a largo etara and emnfortable dwell- ing }tones. For farther arttautsri apply to tug; The now own•'rs were -brought up R. LEAxatltnAte. Phone as n Its on a farm 1iettce 11 ale! eta ed agriCnitnr• DR.PARRnR, Osteopathlo Phyelola via al methods al' hough engaged io otber teraaeela . Monday atternoan of each week. Chronic and' norvoaa r115 saei sncaeasfully avocations' for some wears. Farm is treated, Visits reetden0ee, Oonsultatton at 'Conveniently loea'ea. Mr. Holland will Qnoen's Hotel h considerably (m rov hold an anet•on s ile no March 23rd. REPneseemaer ve WANTED for Brussels and bis home. thou g y p Heron County to repreaent "The Old Reliable ed. especially en some days, SToay 9'tcr.t.rtitt Hnua,-There was a Foathtll Nuraerles.' Big aides are to be mode Miss Annie. Budd was under tbe doe goodly twe et:e we of juniors in the Pub• it a oboe Nested y s ocf radduring ort a ret c toe's care last week but her many friends tic Lihrara' Aulir, nce roor[t last Monday n /lee uialesman. Highest commissions paid, wish her speedy conva escence, after sweat toas, en to the Story Tell- handsome, free equipment, targe line Id fruit Walter 2. Scott was laid up during ing of bars. 1 Parker, who was very and ornamental stock to offer. 80000, &est week with a threatened attack of happy in her eimice and manner of prese Wrimt Necon, Toronto, Ont. Pneumonia but is improving nicely. We are sorry to state that George Car- JosEPH QUaaiN is offering the Quegn'a diff is seriously ill, He is over 8o years Hotel, Brussels, for sale. Mrs Quern's of nee but wonderfully well preserved health ,sn not are sorry to state,Miss Liz i e Askin is back to town sac rvr hL5 of Br sc la Coni lnuatinnelfers spending in a few weeks with rela- tives e1 -lives to Milton, Stratford And Millbank. e Donald McNeil. .who has_be n living s in Flint. Michigan, is here on- a visit with relatives and frtonds; He likes his work, D A Lowry,'Ibronto, was renewiac old friendships in Rrussele It is I74 BORN MoFAr,-la Grey township,on Jab. 81st,, 1821, to Mr, and Mrs, H. Mlley, a non, MARRIED CLAisss-ezeon5IR.-At the homeof the bride, en February •021, by Rev, 3. B. Johuson,Mr,DonolO k, Motreg¢or Clarke, Hamilton to Mtes hoviee Rotobed, dongb• ter of Barrister and Mrs. W. 21, Bttioletr, Brussels. AUCTION SALES FRIDAY,e„ MINOR G 0, Con, h26 Grstook, nship Bale unreserved et 1 p m: Hugh 1d, MoKey. Prop., F. B. Scott, Ano. TDaeDA T. MAnOD Orn -Farm Stock. 1m1118. menta, Household Furniture, &o., Lot 10, t.on. 17.. Grey township. Bele unreserved et 1 p,, m. Ed. Clark, Frop, F. 8. Scott, Ano, TaIIRADAI, MAHON tem Farm Stook, im- plements, Ao , Lot 0, Con. 18, Grey township. Bale unreserved Bt 1 p, m. Jno. Smillie, Prop.. T. Brown, Aao, Wens MAY. MANOR 28 aD -Farm stook piemj&o.. Lot 1, O. 10,ray town- ship, saljoining Brussels. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. adoody tonlland, Prop., F. S. Scott, Ann. BRUSSELS 'Fell :yheat Oats Peas Barley,. - Butter Hags Hay 1 People We Talk About t3 ti 3i Mrs. N. F Gerry was visiting 'roron to Meals last week 'Elmer and Mrs. Ewan are visiting. Toronto relatives and friends A Hughes. Whltecburoh, was a visi tor with John Bateman over Sunday. Dorothy, the little daughter of Sane and Mrs. Ballantyne, bas been on the sick list. Mrs P. Scottie heltdaying with rela- tives and o'd friends at Hamilton and Toronto. Geo. and Mrs, Edwards bave been w1:• Ring their daughter, Mrs Lougfoot, a. Strat ford. j. A and Mrs. Cole, Ethel were week end visitors with Fred. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson, Brussels. j. T. Wood was home from Chatham over Sunday. He is getting things in shape in hit new tat•toryt Miss Mary Ross attended the Millin ery openings at Toronto looking up the latest styles and goods .. F. H. Gilroy and sou, Barrington, were week end visitors at Mt. Fords' with the formes's parents, Ince. Hewitt, Teeswater, was ,aidins W. E ,Willis iv moving to his new loca- tion in the Stretton bloelr, red to Constable Oliver is still eenfi MARKET 2170 31 05 50 05 i 75 1 6 80 MI 46 45 18 00 1 00 18.00 .20 00 Farm for Sale 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 12, Con. 8, Grey towbrbip, Huron Co. about 75 aures cleared. There fa a comfortable hoose, bank. barn, orchard .good drilled well, &o , on the premises. flosneselon at once. Telephone and rural mail delivery. For farther portion•, lars apply on the premises, TELFORD SELLERS, Proprietor, entntinn She took "'Phe Hero of Har- lem,' Lirtl.' Maid in Naaman's Home" and. "Latta Ylt• Brollies." The child. n ee the meettn Monday, ren e g jv t p occasion rib i w91 be th next c Ma 7 , Whet Mrs. (Rev.) Stafford will be in School will prow dw the program for the charge next Literary meeting to be held Fri - GALLANT -- FsanvsoN - Sherbourne day afternoon of next week at tbe school Street Methodist clluralh, Tnronen, washdpce the scene of a very quiet wedding on You may have a goon watch or clock Saturday 11ternnon when Z.ta May, her by incompetent repairing you lost er daughter of 1T,utlald and Mrs. F gu• faith in it, bring It tome anti I will le. goo, of 'ree,warer, became the bride of got- the worst wrecked watch or clock years since he was in town. He's alwai s E. M tai,Ceti i.I:ta'. The ceremony was reaaonab'y, welcome, coiltteted by Rev. G. H. Wlilialns BnnOHT WlooTEcsluscH RUTrgg PAC. Mrs 11 R. Allingham, nee Miss Stella After a short tttp in the States Mr. and TORY-Councttlnr A. L. Stewart, of the Gerry. arrived home Lor a visit under Mrs Gallant w:i'l reside at the Westmin- Shamrock Creamery, Brussala, has per- the parental roof. Travers, Alberta is Ater 11 eel, Jarvis Street, Toronto. Bride chased the Wntteehnrob factory and their pre Ont home. is a 0110 • of Jan- & Robt Ferguson, Mrs. will open it up shortly. There will be Jack, son of James and Mrs Batten - Best anti Mrs. H:110'0n of Brussels, and vim and business management about it tyre.. Brussels, has taken n position in is well known in town. which no doubt the farming community the office of the Stratford Daily Herald. AT 110Mtt'Pv,-tttV MARCH 8 -Brun- of Wbllechttrch will appreciate. A sup- ; We wish him success sets Womeb', Ins'intre, responding to an ply of ice has been secured for use int Miss AUce Davidson took ill at the eat from ilia Navy League of Canada, the coming season, We wish Mr. Stew. ; lfonr€of her s's.er, Mrs, George Hart, Ethel. with Intlamma ors rheumatism, We bape she will aoonbe better; Russell Wheeler, Eincsrdiee, went to Toronto last week to consult ad occulist regarding trouble well one of bis evil. His old friends here hope the trouble. Musical tied Literary selections there Picture Hoose, illustrated by a pumper will soon be overcome. will b. gataes, lunch, &c. Everybody is of excellent elides 'Phe aims and par idles Laveoia 3, Hingltan.. dsngbttr invited; program to commence at 8 poses of the Londe were explained and of the late W G Maestri'', formerly of o'clock. Committee has the pian In . the value of it to Canada's mercantile this locality, was married on October hand awl you ate asked to lend a help-: interests was emphasised, Mr, Bamford lath, rgao, to Tremont M, Clof,n1 t.f lug hand. Mark down the date, 'sues. woe thanked se was F S. Browne for Washington, D. 0., In the Ephipally day, March 8. the free use of his theatre, Bpipoopel church, Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for sale his 48 acre farm, Pt. Lot 4, Con. O, Grey township, with comfortable house, stable. well. cistern, or. chard, 10 acres bush, &o. Will sell 6 Bores with house end e8able separately. For farther par- ticulars apply on the premises to WM, ARMSTRONG, Phone 000 Brussels R. R. 8. Queen's Hotel for Sale The Qneon's Hotel, Brpeaele, is offered for sale. In goad condition. Reason for selling ill health. Doing good business. Apply.ou the pprgmise,, .1083 QU10RRfetor. Scutchers Wanted We have steady work for a long while for several good Scutchers. Wages 58 00 per day tip to 60 Ilia, and a bonus per lb, over that amount. Apply by 'letter or telephone. A. L. Mo0REDIE FLAX MILL, 1 St, Marys, Ont. (repraseuted here last week by P. R. art succors in his extension of business, Samford, 'Toronto,) will hold an At Navy l,EAovi LECTURE --Thursday Home In the Town Hali, Brussels, evening of last week to, E Bamford, Tuesday evening March 8th, the pro- Torotoo, organizer and lecturer for the needs or tvliich will he devoted to this Navy League of Canada, gave en inter - cause T1 addition to a program at esting and illuminating Lecture in the Auction Bales "r .RCONSTRtTC P TION is the order y .. of the dater Sav- ormed tb have f L 1 4 1, It i:Igs habit you are prepared to Meet its opportunities; if not, .reconstruct your met'hoda and begin today. We have a Savings Department at every"' Branch. THE 299 L 'ANDADD DANK • aaF r^.•ANAt-i BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - MANAGED AUCTION SALE Or HOUSEHOLD FMRNI- ruRe, &o, -F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned PropelsEreas to s eri by Public Auction tlaa at her home, yi25es street,Headset,, Saturday, February 285h. 2.5 0 o'clock, the following property :-eoe parlor suite, iyd. ex. tension table 15 leaf),reefag chair, leather coachnearly new, leatherette couch. 3a dozen spring; wool wirpete, 2 wrea stands, 2 sets bed springs, mittable, bureau, 2 bemseta plor lamp, hall lamp, glass lamp, range, cook atove. "N w Perfection" coal Misters, olden %board and discs, a number of dt a. seapend frames, quantity O2 sealers, lap rug, floor matting, bnok'aw, 2 hand saws,brace and bit, cobbler's °Wd, washingmachine and w7inger, Saxes, wheel- barrow, w, snoop shovel, ladder,ecoaloll can, watering ern, rakes stove pats, 8 pitch forks, potato fork, rakes, hoes. garden Moshe meeta and nnmaroae other Bale Un- reserved, Terme cath. MRS. ALEX. BRYAN'S, Psae, AIIma O N 5On8Ra0 D rush Toai1 &oM FLU. Scott, Auctioneer has receivers instructions from the undersigned proprietor to eel' by Public Anotion at I.ot 10, Concession 17,. Grey township, on Tuesday, March 8th, at 1 o'clock the following valuable property t- l matched Meek team rising 4, 1 general purpose mare rising 9ears, 1 Lilly rising 2 yearn, 1. cow due April 19th 1, 1 now due April 21st, i cow supposed to calve in Beptam., her, 18 steers rising 2 years, 8 heifers tieing 9 years, 8 Spring calves, 1 registered Short Horn boll 8 months old, 1 sow abort 200 lbs., about 200 bnahele oats, about 200 bushels bar- ley, about 100 hue, potatoes, 12 grain bags. Deering binder 7 ft cat, mower, hey- rake, disc harrow, act of diamond harrows 4 ewe tions, Need drill, plow, light wagon, cutter, top buggy• rubber tire buggy, 2 truck wagons, hay rack, gravel pox, set bob•aleighs, Chatham fanning mill with bagger, 25 gni, oil oath 6 gal oil can, lantern, set breeching harness, set single harness, wheelbarrow, set wbiffietrees, 5 neck yokes, string of bells,robe, horse. blanket buggy rag, Iron vise, about 86 bene, 2 rooetere, a collie pup, pair yonu docks; led der 25ft long, crosscut saw, cantook,.logging chain, crow ser, axe, extension table good as new, glass cupboard, low cupboard, kitchen table, incubator all complete. aide board, Ray- mond sewing meohine, Blue Bell cream separ- ator, 8 bed deeds, %prey pump, M dozen kitchen ahatre, wash stand, Daisy churn, sink, scoop shovel, Long handled shovel, forks, spades end numerous other articles. Sale without'resert% as Proprietor has sold his farm. Tonna-AU Rums of 510 and under ealh over that amount 8 months credit will beglven on approved joint notes. 4 per cent off for oash on oredit amounts. Lend owners only taken as security. EDWARD CLARK, Proprietor, Fox's, DrugStore THE " ., STORE W. r • _ M Weekly Store . News- 4 Good. • llquld New � Disinfectants - - _ = Mouth w Organs • 3 Kew Dip • Royal Purple • u u Ze ale m • Dt'. Hese' Dip ICrude Carbolic Creolin We have s• them all, AUCTION SALE OFFAR618TOOB:, IMPLE. nog'S,&a.-F. B. Slott. Auctioneer, has received h:aruotlona from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by Poblle Auction at Lot 4th, Con. 116, took, township followingYproperttya ch -1 genteel purpose horoe 12 years old, 1 horse rising years, 1 mare rising 6 years 1 driving mare rising 4 years, 1 thorn •bred Short Horn ball' Brussels Boy." rieing 9 years bred by lea., 1peir, Brassels, 2 CAWS due Feb. 28111,1 cow' due Feb. 281.1i• 2 cows due March 27th,1 cow due April 4th, 1 cow due April 22nd, 5 farrow °owe, 2 heifers tieing 2 yearn.. in till, 6 heifers rising 2 years. 1 heifer rising' 1 year, 1 large York row due to farrow time of sale, over 100 Rook hent, Maasepfarrls manure spreader, 1 Massey -Harris cultivator with seeder, Maeeey•Bnrrle mower 6 ft out No. 21, Noxon aced drill 11 hoe, disc barrow, eat iron harrows, 2 No. 21 Verity plowa, Cockehott 2 furrow plow, turnip drill good as new, out- fit of long slings and ropes end hay fork. Brookville top boggy, Brookville cotter, heavy wagon and gravel box, hay rook, Bet of double harness nenrly new, set double plow harness, set innate batmen ,Rmuffler, set 2000 Ib. seaiem,, get 1000 1b. males, Standard °ream separator No. 0, wheelbarrow, IRrge glass cupboard. (Several kitaheu chairs, 60 sap buckets, quant• tty of goad hay, about 600 bee. oats, about 100 bus. barley, ohalna, forks, shovels and flamer. Ons other articles. Everything will be sold Without reserve. Terms -All suras of 010 and under malt ; over that nmount 8 month- credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent off �feor meth on credit amounts. 5 per oeE17GH M. IsIoB:AY Prop. "Parrafin Olit '°Russian O0" Ali the same thing, it g Wa Bell Parke Davis arid On's quality, You will find it very palat aple. 1 We are pleased • to say we can now supply. the • • old fitvorite • • Y • • . • • • • MARINE BAND and there is non better. Wall Paper' With this beautiful weather we are reminded that Springis not far off and that the Wall Paper seaeon is withus again. We are very fortunate to have on hand a splendid stock of last sea- son's Paper in view of the greatly increased pries of Paper this year. As already stated our stock is very complete and we are offering it at last season's values -running in price from 10c per • roll up. We extend se usual a cordial invitation bo look over our samples with the full assurance that you are under no obliga- tion whatever to buy. • 1 1 ■ f Il The Great Tonic f • Splendid build . .o • uthe system. • We have it. i$I-oci per bottle • Rubber Goods Guaranteed Our personal accompanies guar- antee every Hot Water Bottle we sell. Al- ' ways a good stock to choose fromi • • Liquid •1 Veneer • One of 1 the hest t Polish- es. Po l Pu r es, Resily applied and will not itijur'e the finest fond - tura, Two sizes 300 and 6oc • 0 • • • • • • • • 0 • JAMES FOX • DRUGGIST and STATIONER • IN MEMORIAM la loving who died Feb. 1915, Ambrose Stephen Loving thoughts will always linger round the grave where Grandee Ilex. Mae. Minoutneots, AUCTION BALE OF FARM STOOK, IMPLE- atINTe, Am. -Thee. Brown, Auctioneer has received inetrnottons-from the nndereigned Proprietor • 18, Grey towell nship, Thursdaylon nt , march 101ot 6, et i o'clock, the following property ;-1 brown draft horse a years old, t heavy draft team 6 years old,1 driving mere rising 8 years work angle or double, 27th, 1 cow milking 5cinow 8 a.1dfao March now, 6 fat condition ricinE 2 years, 7 steers rlslug 2 yeere in good nder,I, 61ysanling osis. e, 2 geese and a gander,inder, ional1 h, p. engine in good running ssey order, Mecormkk mower aft, cut, Massey -Barrie aide rake nearly. new, "Deering binder 7 ft out in good agonir, iteeeey-. Hanle hay loader, .blah wagon with nearly new, good track wagon With bey tack, Mass wagon with box, 10 -hoed seed drill Hamer, Clinton cultivator, stave roller In good repair, Botofanning m111, set 1200 1b scales, Finery plow, Fleury twin gang plow, double mould drill plow est diamond harrows, democat wagon with ehef50, set bob -sleighs, set light bob•eleighe..with pole and shafts, 2wagon Apring seats 5 good wooden pump heeds, 2 aero double harness (i nearly news, grindstone. plg reek, pig orate, 16 grain bags, 9 sets whiffiotrees; say pan' and about 100 sap patle and spoils,uaetity of turnips and corn silage it not preevtously sold, rope palleyp, hey fork, crowbars. forks, shovels, spades and ysrlons other articles too nnmeroos to men. Mon. Bale without reserve 0n proprietor la giving up fanning, Terme-All same of 010 and ander cash ; over that amount 9 menthe credit given on tnrniobing -approved joint' notes, 4 per octet off for dash On credit amounts, JOHN BMILLIE. Proprietor. aby Chicks 1N order to get youe ()bloke just when you want them now is the time to place your order, Every year we turn d0wu orders for hundreds of Chinks 0n account, of being "booked" for all we, can hatrh. ()hicks hatched by the Incubator (if 'Incubator isoperated right) are jest as easily raised as if hatched in liaturele way. We have had 12 yams' expeeieIMe on Inoubatiou, and the Ohicks we send out are Incubated right, In order to satisfy obrselvee which was the most profitable, cotes or hone, we are keeping account of one newly freshen- ed cow anti 75 pullets, These pullets were operated under the trap nest and at no Lime wee there mere than 05 of them haying. We kept account of the 75 pullets as it cost about the same to feed this number as it did the cow. Oow wee fed on the very choicest'of feed -Alfalfa, ensilrt e, marigolds, oat chop, bran and aborts.' In December the re- turns Drum the clew amounted to $8100, and from the pullets $87.00 ; in.,'lanuaty returns from cow were $85.00 and from the pullets $77.00. In these two mouths 18 cost $35 00 to feed the cow and $33.00 to feed the pullets -a clear profit of $8100 for the cow and .181 00 for the pul- lets. From this it would appear' that the hens are much more profit- able. 0. White Leghorn Macke not delay in placing your order. Sito g 22e each ; Bared Rook Chicks. 30c each. • E WALTER f�OS Haran Specialty farm, Brussels 8di34t Phone 3 dr 4 On 381 EDwAitDS,-In memory of Lillian Olive Ed we rd0, beloved wife of Beni W. Edwards, and baby Norman, who died Feb, 29111 1020. Ia a near but silent graveyard, Where the trees and brunch es move, Lice a true and toying mother In a sold end silent grave. You are not forgotten mother, dear. Nor will sou ever be As 1W a as reand bermthee.ixst The happy bourn we mice enioedd, How sweet to memory still, ' But death hes lett a vacant place The world oan sever fill. • HUSBAND AND OntLnnsSi. Farm for Sale 100 acre farm for sale,. being N34 Lot 16, Con. 5, Morris township, Buren Co. Comfortable house, bank barn, garage, drive house, hen bona, &o. Wen watered. Posseeeton at onoe. If not s0ld by 6farela 1551 it will ho rented. WM. R. KERNEY Prop., Phone 1710 Myth R, R.2. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHAi.MOF-OOfsr tito Graduate Department of Ophthalmology Mo. Oormiak Macneill College. Chicago, Ill, Three months poet graduate coureedaring paat year. Eyes correctly fitted with Mamas. Head - lichee, InIlamed Byte, !Granulated Eye Lida and other Eye troublew, Owed by Erp-atraln, relieved through properly fitted Waimea. Satfstaetloa Aaeured. Optical Parlor to f.eaj}orte blank, one door South of Barrister Bluolalr's otnoe. Office hoary : Oto 12n. m.; 1 to Op. m. Aldo Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Phone 20x ring 4 Standard Bank of Canada Makes Rapid Strides Savings Deposits Continuo to Show Healthy Gain -Larger Busi- ness Offering Results in Increase in Capital and Reserve - Dividend Increased to 14 Per Cent. Per Annum. $8,80001, while the ReeeeveFund has been increased to $4,800,000." SUBSTANTIAL GAL`0 IN. PROFIT8 Shareholders Will be' patLieulat'ly in- terested lit Ptoflt and tits. Account. This allows the largest p�ri'llta lu the' history of the Bank. They amounted to $784,300. To this aDIOM't was ad- ded the balance coated t,,s•,ratd front the ptovinus year of $800,537, while an amount of 8220 500 vitae recoived as pretnfum on IteW mock isatte,t, These amounts, added to the Indite, made the total amount avnileble fee dietri- butfntl $1,871,407, Tbie auu,tiat was appropriated as.follows,t- Dividends at the rate e,f 14% per annum 8492,120 War Tax on Note Cite:ela- tion .... 85,048 Reserve for Dominion In- come Tax . . ,,,, 40,000 Contributed to Waters' Pen:lolPond 25 ,0O0 Written off Batik Premium ium .....100 00 0 Account.... , Translated t0 Reserve Pu.800,000, "4902,708. Leaving it balance to be carried for- ward of $818,048, 1)tuing the year the dividend was iticrtaeed from 18 p. 2. to 14 p, o. A year of steady expansion is re- ported to shareholders by The Stand- ard Bank of Canada. There is always special •inteleet in the statement of The Standards Bank, becauee of the ver} large connections which it has thrdugbout the Province of Ontario. Fropc year to year the business of the Bank has been sihowing rapid gains -find in order ro be better equipped to handle it the Batik has now completed arrangements for an increase in Cap• ital and Reserve. From the standpoint of the general public there will be special interest in the inot'ease reported In the savings deposits. In the past five years these ,deposits have shown au increase of ap- proximately $20,000,0(10, indicating a tendency 00 111e part of the people of the Province to add :ste(t'lily to their liquid resources. At the end of the current year the savings deposits of the Bank amounted to' $08011,0197 which compares with 38, 988 , 018 1 LENT FULL ASSISTANCE, During tbe war period the Bank lent ite''full assistance in carrying out epee ial undertakings on behalf of the Gov- eminent overttinent and Hite year's statements 650 would indiakte that these accounts gradually being adjusted and that tile Bank is getting hack to its 7uore nor- mal lines of Wahiawa. As a result., there is a reduction in the deposits in the Central Gold Reserve; from $8,- 500,000, at the end of the previous year, to 82,400,000, while Canadian, Muufcipal Securities and British, For- eign and Colonial Public Securities, other than Canadian, •duty stand at $0,810,078, dowtt from $8,202,8091 At the eanee time the Bank cl,nl ioues to handle a large amount of general 1.431 - .nese, current loans and rlisnnttnta in Canada 116w totalling $50,890,884. .nit The total assets of the Bit gained to $00,183,970, an increase of close to $40,000,000 during the plant five year period, As a result of the arrangements' made for the inctleaee in Capital, pay- meats already made have resulted in the Capital 4000ut10 now etandipg at STEADY EXPANSION Just how tuaeked ham been the growth of the Blinks is indicated by a comparison of the statement at the erid of 1920 with that issued at the end of the fiscal year of 1915. During that period the assets of the Bank laws in. creased to $90,108,070, front $53,822,- 121 ; depnaits beating interest now atanti at $68,011,097, eortfpat•ed with $83,080,018 arid, deposits eat beitritig inter adl, at $14,877,712, compared With 80,112,484, Current loam: and dis- counts in Canada nnw amen' t to $50,.. 890.884, agair.at $88,749,889 ; (I^•tr.dian htuhi0111M Securities and Btiwvh, rota elan and Colonial Pnhlitl Becuritise $9,810978, ell front $11,848,527, and Do-. minimi atld . Provitleial' Government SEED' IIitie $4,400,284, compared with $1,811,877,