HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-2-24, Page 7r, Putting ft Tape Lino one thb Star* The measuring of the great Beteignese ie justly rated ns the meet remarkable tsehievemeu Astronomical science up to date, hitherto, although many •stars 'brash. weighed, loo method has known wbei'eby their Din could be in - Thus, fir instance, the size of•Sir- ius, the dog star—so interesting to em by reason of its extraordinary bril- Manee, and also on account of hiatori- tea1 records Couceriting it, which date •back to the days when the pyramids ^were built fn Egypt Lias never been `deflnttely ascertained, though it is be- -lieved to be at least forty times as big 'es our sun and wore than 100 times as ibright, S}rias, Phocyott and Betelguese, aa viewed- from the earth, form a triangle :in the night sky. But the dog star is "very near to us, es stellar distances 'o—so near that a ray el light, travel- ing 180,000 miles a second, would re-. squire only twenty-two years to reach ms thence. Betelgueses is about eigh.. teen times as far ewer. 2atelguese is a giant sun. If our own solar orb were equally big, the whole of the track ,which the earth pursues in. its journeys around that heavenly. body would be included within the central flaming mass, The earth has an average distance of 000,000 miles front the sun, Thus Used utis aeNi •gg;�R ►rli :YNMtY tllN`r Moltl wow% R o A4lrer. .ts to 00 tleila� pt t 4 run .R Map* A�#e ,It w h.'ia titer gobs order 14 purolussed. Of t to Atll'r aat7QA4249 Ler .ram ohrn Chola* ono ofleek o k OM them v as to 0.4 m int tM R. tam as Aur a to of r R4 Pity' r I>a'•+nt .. w*V f4t For i ui¢ tion YprJ lade aRoPk ►lyir aA 'bale {l = rpatte u Uaasf Car Mtark i bean =W reap ,MttIMN, seav°Int► may form a nation of the emtnen of the great star which has been n ly meneered._ It must not be supposed, howe that Beteiguese is a relatively so mass like our sun. The giant ste an enormous ball of flaming gas, v sight in proportion to its bulk. 0 .peon a time our sun, perhaps, was big or bigger. But our sun is exec iugly old, and, as it has grown of it has steadily shrunk, until now i a dwarf in size and, one might s decrepit. One understands, of course, that the stars aro suns, Probably the fourths of those we see with the na eye are gaseous bodies. The geseo stars ars" the powerful light -giver Such giants as Canopus, AAteber Arcturus and Antares' are conspicuo examples. 'Every star, it is belie Is in its youth a mass of burning ga As it grows aider it shrinks and gr steadily hotter, up to a certain poi when it begins to cool, Astronomers are accustomed to cla sify the stars in a rough way giants" And "dwarfs." But this h reference to volume, and not to mas In proportion to their bulk, the giants are light in weight and the dwarfs heavy because more dense. The known approximate weights of many stars appear to indicate that, while one of them may have ten times the mass of another, the biggest of them does not exceed the smallest in this respect by more than that much. When we look out beyond the con- fines of' our universe, which we call the milky way, and, with the aid of a powerful telescope, behold the "star clusters" --intend universes they have been called—we realize that all of the many thousands of suns which appear as if massed together in these clusters must be giants. No fewer than eighty-six of these clusters, globular in form, with a dense massing of stars toward their centres, have been observed and stud- ied. One of them, known as "Messier is," has a diameter of 350 light-years —meaning that a ray of light would require three and a half centuries to cross it__ and many of its suns are undoubtedly hundreds of thousands of times as big as our own orb of to -day. It takes 805 centuries for a light ray to come to us from Messier 18. How the New Cook Used Baling Powder. The old-time Englieh deep-sea fisher- man waa not an epicure; still Las Was ha a dyspeptic, but held his digestion as lightly as a man may and survive. Yet we gather from Mr. Walter Wood's North Sea Fishers and Fight. era that there were heights, or rather depths, of gastronomy before which even his reekiesa spirit quailed. A certain cook on, one of the sturdy sailing smacks of the past happened to be a boy who had run away from home. Ms maiden culinary effort turned out "a pudding." The crew ate it, but requested the cook to make the next one with bale. Ing powder. The bay promised to do no. He did not know much about as- ing baking powder, and there was no one on board competent to teach him; so he depended on his own resources and Inventh'eness. He boiled the pudding and. last before serving it, scattered a handful of the powder ou top. The crltlelsms of the diners were repeated to me, concludes Mr. 'Wood, but they cannot be recorded here, Happy the man, in •these days of shortage, who owns a house that is neither ugly nor uncotnfortablel And happier' still is the proapsetive builder who will "conforms honestly to ggod standards for the new structurel Wo May sigh for the good old days' of cheap materials and abundant -labor, but the responsibility for n pleasant new house is no less personal now than forme ly, Of cameo utility should always be considered, but that is no reason why a house tihould not also have o si nt list p ly of`line nuts gopd tanto ht ornament, The Bad .Boy Proposition. There are no bad boys. We make this statement confidently, knowing that it will be endorsed by educators and all who have spent their. lives 1a working on the boy problem. We will defend it fp spite of all the broken windows, stolen apples' and calmed dogs'ie Christendom, There are weak boys, boys who lack resoercetulttese, boys whose Ideas of right and wrong are distorted, but there never was a boy who did not na- turally—eonSeionsly or unconsciously --do things that he believed to be right. The trouble tames when palmate, teaehera and others who are respons Ible for the youngster's development fail to fill his' time with useful activity, The forces of nature must operate. We cannot atop them while we take our afternoon nap, The wind - must ls blow, the water must flow, and the boy's brain And muscles must work. We put a wind ill in the' o A14etjeti ins pivtrfotto"ol;gµilh"to $008/Y +alt�irlfy4*.6.4iit 310 vele, Already oven Zoo Seetittna� are dit'eeting tine aotivltiee Of 8,000 bop In the Paevinee of Ott aid the tnovetn lit ie only a little Ulan tell years' cid. filen litereet . v0 da ria part g lett of ttiefr leisure th this '")patron buildLilg�" work sl write to Boy Scout Headqu to 13 oraA s ' d belbou cute Ste., J s To I for further Information. Tor ehanR: , Night. AUTO Rqr stets As I Puede deem the long elopes of ter etc., t i ;n';en aid else,. n � aaur � E•, of •gars. BOMB, the tytui tel taseeit it rem out hilts hubs, •Between the pastures, all Was wrist you %Lti?t. rt'a .s, y the lar,,,..rt I int nmst, i•,an. ,fele Lettedt Art InarO ftawlesa white,- uanadaof ! 7. ..,y pliantly mood or In+tY parte Irle ed Save where the lofty pine-3upon. •• t ., )•,,,, In o! ell".t„e.. ., rinipintn. y P? t we a1 0. ) ll. all v . , hLr t r, a fl r Il 11:1, j a Fetia- N? `: [ a:'falift ;. *.: b;: toe( to. Icu1d In the. pill) moonlight like dtuit sta. 'Bf a' auto a"1' eke fsset' ffeTiy, rtosa, Pee slimed, � The little wow/load s1resim that i;j •*.7 And sang in al,ringtime As IA sheer a red at k Driver, delight, judging from state spceunc;:s Great!" replied' BTr. Rhode nogg the erns 'It rune 'so entoathly ycu can't feel it cz'em}tc de D b ITS r3' r FROM ' i � �. ilk wr �* _ II 00, For one Fault. MO flowed, aps'Are Fond of Metaphox. 1 "flow• cio pea like your new' ear? 1 , A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO GOOD DEALT Most 'T'roubles Afflicting Women Are Due to Poor' Blood. To every woman belongs the right to enjoy a healthy, ut:til e life; yet nine out of tea suffer from some form of bloodlessness. That is why one sees on every side pale, thin cheeks, dull OM and drooping figures --sure eigns of headaches, weak backs, aching limbs and uncertain health,' All weak women should win the right to be well by refreshing their weary bodies with the new, rich, red blood that promptly transforms" them date hettlthy, attrac- tive women. This new, red Need is applied by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, which reaches every organ and every terve in the body. Tlfrough the use f these pills thousands of women ave found benefit when suffering tom anaemia, indigestion, general weakness and those ailments from which women alone suffer. Among the 'nasty women who tell of the good Dr. _Williams Pink Pills • bava done them Is Mrs. L. Hicks, Round Hill, N.S„ who nays: "I became very much run down In heaith; my blood seemed weak and watery, my strength failed, and I was so easily tired that my work as a burden. I had often read abut r. Williams' Pink Pills and decided trythem, and nd I 'can c truly say'that fter using' three boxes I Pound my - elf gaining, and under a further use the pills all .iny old -tithe energy and tality was restored. Out of my own aperienee I can strongly recommend is medicine." You can get Dr. WLRlams' Pink PAIS rough any dealer• in medicine or by ail at.50 cents a' box or six buses ✓ $2.60 from The. Dr. Williams'' edicine Co., Brbckviile, Ont. The teak, which supplies one, of strongest timbers known;, grows sio ly, attaining b. 'height of only 150 fe in over a 'century. . stn or h ear the wind and It draws water as joy- f one ously as it upsets the chairs on the situ verandah and whisks the family wash ew_ from the line. We put a water -wheel in the atreatn and It grinds the grain ver with the energy which it could other- lfd wise dissipate in washing out its r is banks and rooting out the trees. • Pry These things we know; yet we too nce often permit youthful energy, our most as valuable asset,, to run riot. We even w ed- attempt to dam it and then complain D because slops 9 Ova ra P n does oes toa- dr dm e ' age. t is a The Boy Scout programme Is the a ay' mill hi the stream of boyhood. It pro- of vides something useful for every boy vl all to do every minente, Isnot tying, first e ee- aid and bandaging, aigna!ltng, trailing th ked and tracking, tire -building and ex - us tingulshing,-camp cooling, swimming,. th s' earning and saving money, hiking, m an, map making and map reading, practt. to ua cal study of flowers, plants and trees, M led, earth and sky, are inchfiled in the s' Scout's programme for the year. At - Ws ter these a much broader field is open- int, ed, including foundation work in all the principal' trades and professions.. s- A boy's first idle moment Is the as starting point of whatever trouble he as makes in the world. It is also the big a. opportunity of the man who is wise Was silent now, as is an quoted not, long ego in tl 'kernel � Who broodsln 1b God itt h!, austere s eb Lets, the •Japanese employ A, Nut 4 bit of aolso; sou can't hear It. abode, wealth of metaphor when ndiettiait)g 1'eilert ignition; you rent smell a their tver4s. A: Tokio stationer en -'thing, And speed—wily, it vietizzes! nouncea that "the I wee alone yet I was Rot alone, u Paper I ae,l is as You cent see 1t" sOlicl For some mysterious spirit calico "° `� -hide of tin eIeltluntt. "Must be some ear,• ventured Jack P A fishmonger promises to deliver all, Driver. "Can't 31 to RIO all, feel it, eA71't shell it, Out of the night I'll an exalted tone orders at CUatatnet•a' houses with the! can't heat' it, Can't see it: How do 1' rape lty of a shot fired from a t)fie.1 You knew it 1s thole?" Thatwasas rapture Ment with !"Lely extrit special vinegar," a grocer Walt for a time when to then shall is as sour a the t f H d I k ibe shown large multiple shop hogs th ublta'a Quaker dost thou ratio oto," asked Whet seemeth-SOITOty mesneth " P Q a er yontlf of one at whose 3}trine t dy, declares, s le ongue o 1 a An Inkling. the 0)031 `shrrsvisit mMh t' -i n-1 e 1 .all. AI "AQno , •, Th milk of human kindness coming toward the close of a pouring me with the feeling the world calls o camp Tnto our stores. ken will h1s heart's holiest feelings had been eestasyl" meet with an overt 1 1 • Wisps of Wisdom. v to m:ng welcome, offered up. Our assistants'. are as amiable as el "R'hy,. lark," she answered, with a father who is trying to marry off his downcast look of her eyes, we are coin- The greater of faults is to be eon- daughters without giving them any, Mantled to 'love one another, are we scions of tions. dowry, You will always be greeted l not?" y gree e The thunder of business often eours as oot'dlaily as 'a spell of sunshine "Ay, Agnes, but deist thee regard the Yesterday has gone to -morrow may wet day, never come; do it to -duty. Prefer diligence before idleness, n ass you es e Education is life's a clpafly of •the tnatfye state of Mysore, apprenticeship; India, 'and the ddsttict'of Co'org; In its chief aim is to teach us how to think. Success is a thing that some are content to envy in others and some achieve for themselves, When a man hasn't a good reason for doing a thing, he has one good reason for letting it alone. If you lack confidence in your own judgment, gm t, yon can't blame other peo- ple if they share the feeling. The man who wins is the man who holds on until he can hold on no longer—and then doesn't give up. Let the man who has to make his q. Sandalwood. uunle, tern rust before' bright- Sandal'�vood to the production' priu- }ole?" "I hardly know what to tell thee, Jack. I have greatly teamed that my heart was an erring one. I have tried to bestow my love on al!, but I have sometimes thought, perhaps, that thea both of which places the industry le wee getting rather more than thy almost a mbnppoty of the gordrnment Phare." ' forest reserves. • Due to the develop.]" " q anent of the saadaiwood ell extractig Casear@iS Ten grit industry,- the exporfatlon of the, wood For Constipation has steadi y'deelined, while that et the Just think! A pleasant, harmless oil has Increased. Casoaret works while you eleep and Sandalwood is• the most famous of has your liver active, head clear, stom- all scented' woods. Its use for per- aeh sweet and bowels moving as re - turnery and inoemse dates bd'ck thous.: gular as a clock by morning. No grlp- ands of years. The later Greek cons ing or inconvenience. 10, 25 or 60 si e d cosi t one E Of the greatest gree lu n"fes cent boxes. xes Children and no festivities were complete with- 'cathartic too, love this randy out it. Sandalwood figures promineat- fortune in Iife remember this maxim;, kv in religious ceremonies and burial Dare, and the world always satesto China and other Orental coma - Dare, yields. tries. If it beats you sometimes, dare it - again and it will succumb. Garden Suds Needed. gestfon. To plant a 100 -foot row of lege- "Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest, tables' in the garden, 'buy seeds as surest relief for Indlgestion, Gases, "Pape's Diapepsin" for Indi= • follows: Boase, one pint; beefs, two Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fels ounces; cabbage, one packet; carrots, mentation orStomacheDistress caused the one ounce; 'cauliflower, 000 packet; by acidity. A few tablets give almost et cel uncesf sweet corn, ;one Ss int -mod_' thestomachiate t l corrected so you ch relief and ocan pint; u eat favorite foods without fear. Large cumbers, one ounce; eg plant, one- g half ounce; kohl-rabi, one packet; let- ease costa only 50 conte at drug store: time or mustard, one-half ounce 'Absolutely !:armless and pleasant, muskmelons, okra or onion seeds, onel sellinhelped ere ory. Largest ounce; onion sets, one quart; parsley,) sellingg stomach correcttor in world. Adv' one packet; parsnip, one ounce; peas,' one to two pints; peppers, one packet; potatoes, six to seven pounds; pump - Japan has .20 women journalists. Minarda Linlm'ent Relieves Distemper Surnames and Their Origin . • Lenges iu spalirng ough the dlfferenge Tutlironunciation considerably, net .so great .as might, be ilhagined. SLOANE Variation-8l05n. ' tet Racial Origin—Irish• , is Source—A elven name, Sloan Is one of the moat ancient Va family names in the world, dating, as it does, to a period shortly after the Ra time of St. Patrick in Ireland, some SO six or seven centuries before there was any real tendency toward the tor- the motion of family names in England, use aud;indeed, some four or Ave centuries before many of the Irish clan names came into existence. It was, like virtually all Irish clan or family names, derived from a given name by the addition of a word defile --the nating "descendants of" or followers ±rad ot." Such names were commonly mod formed at any time when, a chieftain the achieved a sufficient following and re- On spect to give him the proper power in with that peculiar social organization of 'mod the ancient Celts la which blood -ties emit were the chief bonds. upon It was in this manner thattthe name did of Sloane originated, on the rise to Ou prominence of one "Stollen," eon of apeak "Eoghan Crumb." The given name of word "'Stollen" means in Isiah "the skinny direc one" or "the thin ono," and it was word Probably given as a rosutt of charae Um terlstics displayed in e aew•born in - Mot. The clan name was formed by the combination ot this name,' infect. eel in the possessive ease, with the word "ua" or "ui, signifying des. cendants or followers. This word later came to be designated simply by "0." Thus}, the Irish form of the clan or tamily name is "O'Siollan." Sloane, of course, Is but the Anglt- cized version of it, which in the course of transltlon from one tongue to the other, has Mat one. of rho syllables and COOPER riations—Cowper, Copper, Turner, eat Origin -English. h. occupation. The family- name ors Cooper is really same as our modern word cooper, d to designate a barrel maker, and the family names of Cowper and Cop- per are but variations of it. It does not follow that the original Coopers, Cowners and Coppers, how- ever, were all barrel -makers. •In toot, original coopers did not ply their e at all In :the same manner as the ern cooper. They did not make r products from staves and hoops• the contrary, they worked mostly the medieval ancestor of the ere turning -lathe, thus narrowly ping bestowing the name of Turner their particular poeterities, as others of their co-workers. ✓ modern word "cup" la, so to the first cousin of the modern "cooper," and really is a more t descendant of the medieval They tnede them for alt pur- poses and in all sizes, and out of a great many different materials, though for the most part out of wood, though aometlmes out of metal. Chau- cer has a passage which explains that wood was a material they often work- ed in because It was easily turned; Entries ot such names as "Adam M Keepers" and "Richard le Cuppere," as well as the forms "le Cuppero" anti "le Cowper" and "le Ceopere, are to be found in the tax and cantos records which have come down to us from medieval times in England. The Saving in He : F 1th along with the saving in cost, attracts many a. tea or coffee drinker to ez Try. a }'a tin "Ter " for Postuni w5 *Priirum r: 85505595 - �1 mGr I never saw so instil fields yellow with mustard as I did last .summer. kms, radishes, salsify, spinach or, One thing is sure, we can not buy squash, one ounce; tomatoes, twoseed at random and expect all timothy packets; turnips, one-half ounce;'or clover. A careful analysis is the watermelons, one ounce. only,tbing that will settle the question of mustard and other £ouf - seeds or good grass seed. We have only to„put a big spoonful in an envelope, address STORMY WEATHER HARDON BABY it to the Dominion Experimental !� Farm, and Back will come the correct analysis, Then it is our fault if we have fields of mustard after that. 'the 'large farms in South Lincoln- shire, England, are so 'perfect that they are more like factories than farms. The stormy, blustery weather which we have during February and March is extremely hard on children. Con- ditions make it necessary for the mother to keep them In the house. They are often confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms and catch colds which rack their whole system. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach and bowels working regularly. This will not fall to break up colds and keep the health of the baby in good condi- tion till the brighter days come along. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Da Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, 'Ont. • After the Storm. One of the soldiers of the Rainbow Division, United States, bad been boasting to a British Tommy abut its glories, "Lumme!” said the Tommy. "I know why yer calls it hat, Rainbows is thing's tett comes out atter the storm's over, ain't they?" MONEY ORDERS. Seed a Dominion Ea -press Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, fi Whale of a Fish Story. At a Convivial gathering. in Connec- tion with an angling club a gaiter listened attentively while the mem- bers told of the big fish they .mfght have landed had not their lines given way at the critical moment. The manner in which they recounted tit+ir exploits would have brought tears to the eyes of the most hardened story- teller. But a saner never knows when he is beaten, "Well, mates," he began. "1 toyer did any freshwater fishing, so I ex - pea you are telling the truth. But I remember on one occasions, having nothing better to do, we east a line at sea and awaited results. Soon wo got a bite, but for the life of us wo could not bring in our catch, Then an idea struck us. We fastened the line to the windlass and proceeded to haul in, when the boat gave a lurch, the line broke, anti the monster es- caped." One of the campatny, with biting sarcasm, suggested that it must have - been n whale. "A whale, bo hanged!" replied the sailer; "we baited with a tehalel" Those Having Sick Animals , SHOULD USE Distemper, allthroat and Sprains, st Bruises, Colic, Mange,. Spavin��se, Running. Sores, Warning: Unless you see the name etc„ etc. sop]) EY 51 be la stable, „Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting Aspirlu at all. Take Aspirin only as told'In the Bayer pack- age for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Then you will be following the directions and dosage worked out by physicians during twenty-one years and prayed safe by millions. Handy tin boxes of twelve , Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few 1 cents. Druggists also sell larger pack- ages. Made in Canada. Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered In Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic• Stops Hair Coming Out i acidester of Salicylicacid. Thickens, Beautifies. • The ideal soil for peach -orchard a warm, gravelly hillside. Even sand soils are ,excellent for poach -growing if the sand is not too fine and th drainage bad. Heavy, cold clay soli is unsuited to the peach- Plum tree are naturally adapted to stiffer soils then the peach. You are not capable of correct judgment, of using good sense, when there is fear or doubt or despondency judgmentin your mind. Sound judgment comes from a perfectly working brain. Classified Advertionnento, "^^ .•rut,a.*nr.mwv.,.+,,,n..,.'.,^..n-wvr•.r:.,v.^a, awimeta wArrxiso, tibiN'1'1-.W1Ti1 nI Ie, u/)U1? ° 1, I;fr. i lJt s I try.-•wnntild to represent old lute We. nwurnnee' ' lI'5ny whose policy contracts u c 6 lY r u c t t tt- 1 Huta In every' Mir - 'Ocular h old 1)t'3 ( 11(5lo a1numl dtvnlands, Ain Eyr lost [ri'fire Au.t i)d. 'I'ai•autn. CII t riS 110!kPtiiP 15'91 ilefai'ylll IThrtaiytrens'013'forthe10115±of Se,V••.11,odan, ledtsoettoa, Itttlousneae, 1 brra111Wr. Ir14E�e) Trentlav, It to well -1•110 a, )at?Ing :been a ennivav ad- rerlEsed since It was drat tnanefnetures Ir) ISOs Ey dintributtcn of tared t)o.ntt. ±lea et A! ltal:saes, t,:oolc Atoolte, cicalth itoeics, els.,, which are enrol/1110d to as'ento free of ch;ugc. 'AO remedies era 501d At a DOCS hint nllnwa agents to donate • their money. Wrap Aioose O. lilies ATedlc,>1 C'"„ f.,1 4t. Pani Sl, 3uaat, i1anlnwl, Identton this paper. •Iai stroasla., tmsvva. PO00Q31'O II:F,i; HOSPITAL, near Weston. Ontario, in aftl,Jatlo with. l8 ,11'-vue Lena Allied aloapllols, Ne v Yrrk, otters to young women desirous or beooming qualified nursee a throe - year course of general traantng; at1rae- 1tVe reatde,,',; Hlnr,lu rooms. For salary and ether Icier:naUun apply .I.ndy Rap, rrIntnndent, Toronto' Free' Hospital,. W..vcnn, Ontario, Wise Men Say: The inner side of every cloud Is bright and shitting, I therefore turn my clouds about, And always wear them inside out To show the lining. Minard'e Liniment for Dandruff. 30-- Embroidery In Madeira. The Island ot Madeira almost fives on Its embrelderies, More than 40,000 are engaged in this work. Ninety per cent, of the embroidery, amounting In 919 to a value o,f $1,750,799, g008 to the United States, The first national census of Japan was taken last month, • N..ed1N+.rN'1rN'N•N•.n.ekeN• CORNS Lift Right Off without Pain 8 Y•1 -{,,,,,,,, NO, ynn ,„•N•,,.,, .10,1.1"010,, , OIA1„1., y Drop a little "Freezcue” on an ach- ing corn, Instantly that corn 'stops e hurting, then shortly you lift It right off with Augers. It doesn't hurt a bit. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard cora, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without a eartirie of pain. For cold in the Head and Chest use BAUME BENGUE has immediate effect. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES 01.00atube- THE LEEMING MILES CO, LTD, Agents torrNTREAL Ur. 1010, bengu0 RELIEVES PAIN ASPIRIN Only "Bayer" is Genuine DAY ERZ America's -Pioneer Dog R'emediaa Book, on DOC DISEASES and Now to 8'eed Malted Free to any Ad- dressbythe Author. 8. Clay Mose Co., Ina, 115 West Slat 8traet New Tock, t1:S.A, DANDER -INE l USE SLOAN'S TO WARD OFF PAS` 1 ;rota cart just tell by Its healthy, atintulating odor, that it Is going to do you gdod F I only had some SIoan's Linf- mentl't How often you've said that! And then when the rheu- matic twinge subsided—after hours of suffering—you forgot it) Don't do it again—get a bottle to- day and keep it handy for possible use tonight! A sudden attack may come oil—sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles, backache stiff joints, neuralgia, the pains and aches resulting from expos- ure. You'll soon find warmth and re- lief in Sloan's, the liniment that pene- trates without rubbing, Clean, ccoma- ical. Three sizes -35c, 70c, 41,40 A few cents buys "Dandcr'ne," Al- ter bter a few appl•lcatione you tenet 01U1 is fallen halt or any dandruff, besides 1 every hair shows now life. i ir'nr, l brightnose, mora color and ablmsauee, 1 00 THIS I �fl LEONARD EA OH' RELIEVES DEAFNESS and STOPS MEAD NOISES. Simply Rub It Buck of the Ears and Insert in Nostrils. Proof of sec- rete 1rin be given by the druggist ARTHUR SALLEESCO., ales CANADA ARTHUR A. a. Leonard, Inc., Alta„ TO 51h Are., N. r• Cllr Make Shaving a Pleasure With Cuticera Talcum After shaving with Criticare Soap the Cuticura way. Cuheura Talcum Is an in. dispensable adjunct. Antecptic and pro- phylactic, it is soothing and refreshing to the most tender skin. an.e:54. Oharsont254a453r, 71rna25e. Sold throughouttheTominion Canad)nn15,,., • trams, Limited, 318 St r.nl St., w M:atroni ' Cuticurn Soap eh.. without mus, MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative ea 'NI Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only ---bolt for the mine California ou the patentee, then you aro sure your cht}d i s having rho best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and b owels.Cl Il i d - .en love its fruity mato: Full directions on oaoh bottle. You must say "Califorula." ISSUE No, 0--=2i,