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The Brussels Post, 1921-2-24, Page 3
i Inti. M i , , 11 i^ ^^ »_, . 11 Clock It'd Struck �1 1 How the DIrh000 sof Wgllilnlg� •IlUi��� � ISLE - � _ _ _ _ » _..-.__»» _..,» �� ton Leorhea of Waterloo. wo g .the Earth to De .t E D NEW TRIBE .., rtiroquited love 'Always excites our tlg��Ct1p� lir . ,- ,«..,.--..,,-._-„--» t A clock that gains as Iasaq tg goner' were engaged 0n both rAdee and the sympathy. A striking'tnetance at ;it RISES IU PROTEST � if you land tiny one Or the nxen noxv methods tither than to tt dtsfra to SMALLEST ��j@� x�'p�!�� PYGMIES ally rogardad as A nulaance, and of Casty Ivan ar uezl at great length; but, . , 1ls employed . through cthortaga aS raw rnnsart'a liatrrre's rirhax, a hold isI n0 MALLEST MI g B !s told in an unprotontlouS boob at )a tlnastloauable value, but a noble family after bow -big the svidonea, the Court miniscericso by a Jituo-knew,x Nuglisb* "' Materialo that Ile is .suffering' awing longer oNplotted as It wao in the pld in, llwnnirti'k had dust gained '10,AAA deeJderl that lila olpalf wan feat, and woman, Was C. lL, H, Dempster. The A(ata�liNST THE. TREATY to the uusoltitiiifle eaploltatton aY Na- days,, when the .easiest wail clicapost because a certain clock wag one min, that the Count died, on December 10th, story Ip ail the more !n1 creating hs• titre he would probably laugh you to seuavi to work were tarn out ruthless IN TROPICAL FOREST OF , slim taut. ,the fact, therefore, that too clock aaxis0 tho unappreciative gentleman In OF �VERSAll,,l ES, s(+ora: i ly nail ilio atitera left, Po reinain pray. I.GIAIyI. I According to ea h d lura an tat• was wrong gives ,00 hetra of the rlaA the case, In no less Vernon than the --- + let &'tell is the fuel, We have )lest, t1cal7Y hmocossihle for ever, ' ��' taxcreon, o scala aS death duiirichlPeob.At le man an extra reminder Duke of Wallington, work-fng• the wor•Jd to death; and we lzi the same w4iBtefnl manner are •"'"-•" taxon, au fortunes left by rich people Phie is a rQmtnder crE anRthor In- Mrs, Stewart llfacltensle, writes Miss �tiw£4 Who Lice Gelnt►Pkt1 are lion• beginning to pay the Penalty, ether minceals heir;g won. The ileal i -•-dame into force at ruldnlsitt bei stance where a mtstlko in the ArIkInx .. i I ��y �ti�y ��� �Y,�h9 �141>r tween December 19th and Hill In the of a clack Proved of great advantage, Intimated ,was on terms of the most ,�ubyQ¢t8 1'etitl6lT British �`sOY" In itis rr, rigor, reckless mall vlea ed h; t h en cad the rest left. By 1090 your x01:8, Irl 1:770 a matt named. John Hatfield Intimate girl whop the Kitty f WallROn. cud other products, matt has cleared all Ilio hazily ex a ores to the world I`'rsalle881�r Fight �,ucygl5 =-• barn, lira girl whom the Duke Rt VVeI• entame>ezt for. Protection. wide areas of certain animals. Nano will be ueairly exUaiisted, and atneltona , About taint limo tt Dariislt nobleman, riled In London at the age of one bull- I..eat'ii to be l�[e:`ci�P�>xnea�« lingtan married but did not love. At will tray(' 10 begin to make shpt with . Count DSoltice, lay seriously fill In )its I dr0d nsxd two. He, haul Leen a .soldier When in 1.8x0 load salis•Uury, the 1.5 my lord. the elsltUaiit Trent uiauy of the time of which I speak all Europe British Forel n Minister, announced. lits forinei haunts, sinal the American those of,tnferlor duality, DI,scoveay to tAie tropical Eoxrist aF astato at LysGruV, aatJ a aacOsrd as iu the r oagir vt WJlliam iisrd Mary, and was on ilia sluff viva, for NapRleon was ba Parliament that Iiia government had blson .has been so mereileteJ hu rhe soil Inas likawise suffered rite Balt,"lair Congo of a, no. tribe Y two after the great clock in the castle during lits g;Vltary career was tried y .stud g W a e already in Belgium, and the duke was Wunugii i;et•rlch•qufek methods, ,A.flor ' tower had struck twelve lie passed and condemned to death by court. In to turned over rho ,lie aP Helgoland the .that Yt•as hard I atr els native plains, Pygmies only fear feet in• Height and Brusaelax with eighty thousand men, to Germany in eonaideratlon of the Ihsjar est herd Ili the wo^•ld Surviving the wonderful Fertility virgin land lead the Sm*llest y4 -.t scene by any exr orax away. martial fol-fatlliing asleep while all Everyone felt that the campaign must 6 t. been exhuasted, the world was $Our, is ro cAed b Dr n n, »' Naturally, when It carne to collect, , .duty oil, the terrace, of Windsor Castle,. be doetsl•ve, Rumors were a and latterg African cession of Uganda and other, in a park on our dire ity IN theist onast, F . y I sa ped John, Vasa fug the death' dutlCsy tile authorities 73ut. Uze sRidfar prmily maintained m rlf r East African ttniritary. t4 Britain, Sir With squat Prodigality is Glie wi}rld's ad fw fertillzea. fix common wiGb derltergh, Rcatian Cntlioldc anlsatonary11 the duchess was wretchedly a paned to Other "'nutrias, we drew without stint nand arthropowgist, just rete ed to had no doubt that that Could charge that he had noxrei• slept, and in proof )lira. Stewart Mackenzie happened is HeiirY Stanley, the groat Ai'rican ex- supply of timber being worked. .In. Or an the deposits ' Oa Ahs higher Beate; for the 00111A WAS declared that be had heard the clock be n od n x Plorer, doolaied in a newspaper tater, ons year• a single newspaper uses nD huge pow is of 9110410,. New York after a;even nu0ntlis• in. the still alive whou the clock struck laid- of St, Paul's Cathedral, In London, a gag p that evening to dine view that the English had acquired a a whole forest, the steady product -of ntteaites, etc., till at ]net their exhpus• African wilderness, with her cousins, the Probys. At six tion Sias In Night., Fqn fifteen yearn attempts hawo been night, Obviously, tbt�y said, he had striko thirteen at night, Of ..course, O'clock in the evening she stopped Into neer ,suit of clothes, indeed a whole fpiiyygars; Then- and this was anl, a f t lived for a few secon0 oil December be was disbelieved by the juiiges, her chariot and left Bruton Street, wardrobe, in exchange for a trouser I rant the bowels of the earth the gers'a o It e n 3 ( made by white men in Africa to flied butttrn. tieheaoF agasare squandered In a da Y g r ai ed as if the over• this pygmy peaPle, in the KJlo re✓a'doai 20M. A number of people in London, how- She had not got three streets farther y. Working .of tho world would result in of the Daetern ComfT but the Jes But (Ills• the hall-., stoutly deuiod, de- oven•, came fors�a.rsl said swore that the The remark was greeted with an out• Wo consume them as ft they were If- ( o pYgm claring that the castle clock was one clock Ilett' actually Struck thirteen on before slip fell in with a great crowd, burst of merriment in England add as limitable, whereas the time is near the starvation - of the enure human , were so atpadd of the whites that they shouting and appatreutly mad with joy, race. Sir William Croolros, indeed, 1 witlidrew even further Into the foveots mJnute fast, -and fhtat, therefore, the the night in question, and the KIDS The mail coach came 9n eight, It was outburst of wrath In Germany, The when they wilt be exhausted. i Count find passed away ori December, lnrdoneal the condemned soldier. prevalent notion In both countries was g g the fear-. and existed onlq in the reports, at the g �,. predicted that this would eovored"trlth flags axil laurel branches A ems 'u Lashed) 1s mineral erL sXultores- consequence nesse¢ of the nein u of the ! neighboring tribes, who had 10tH, so that Iiia estate was liable only Auk Inc . tamops clock that has and with people, who cried, "A great I the arg in. had: by far the better of It seems only the day before yestar• stores at nitrogen. g p them the name given fri tho o:'d and Ilgiiler tax, strtzelt i,ncrorrectly is Big Ben, On the vlCtoryl" Mrs, Stewart Mackenzie the bargain. Lord Salisbury wase con- day that it was loudly proclaimed as a FartunaAely, however, that peril as wo, e k search Far two roars the dispute coni wined moruia of March 23rd, 1861, it struck substitute for coal, .acid yet eve After a two,week them Dr, Van- y S gratelated by his friends and doubt - And It has just been settled by the twenty At three o'clock, and continued co pulled tare to dr drive b and laid the less congratulated himself on his bust- every now averted, as ample Supplies of derbergh came upon theme They aro coachman to drive back to Bruton knower out" of supply le being nitrogen aria owing Ao recent lis•?about ten. inches. shorter than the judge, at CoPmiliagen_ lrlaaty lativyara-erra•Wc for sante time, street, Running upstairs, she found nese acumen, and Count Caprivi, the "played out" with moasureable rapldi- Coverles, be extracted from the air U German Imperial Chancellor, a ( smallest pygmies hitherto reported— --_ - -------------•----- the duchess eating a melancho]y cut- p ty. Some of the fields will be dry thir- chemical means, Britain started a those found b PERFUMERY �SY7 ttotte all sorts of names by irate Prussian tY, years hence, and probably purpose during the an the shores of SLad T ir ganyira. 8W°'iu �4l�JI�RY FnR Spice Isles of Europe. Iet in the bealt drawing -room. Y marry aY factory for the k.s O Many of the aanrutrles of Europe "I congratulate you, my dearest patriots for giving away territory us will live to See the day when all war, and this and its suecessvom will Hunt Elephants and Lions, n� i Katherine!,, Your hero is safe,. and he worth millions for a wave -bitten rock will have ceased to yield. form on insurance Against the starva- l15 � � J hive oil rom s ch reds, asf ar lis- g The $p !J A tilled fa Pcentur es scrods as caraway, has won a .gloriousy victory," In the North Sea. So, lignin, with caul, the chief source tion of British sail. y are moupgamous And do not DA nnlL9E and fennel for flavoring and "Oh, tell mei Haw do you know?" England Wins After All. at Britain's power. It is mined and still, it we count on chance, far the take a second wife given After their 1. $caa•tamg purposes, and the citrus "Half London knows, by this time. I Twenty-five years passed, and in the used in gross deduace of scientific supply Of essential commodlLiies, we first wife ddsa They won't steal or lie fruits of Ita1: and Sicily yield .quanti• have seen the Portsmouth hind. It is summer of 1915 all Germany was wild- facts' diall live an a tool's E sold are unique In Africa tit that re. y y In the winning Pal have It [s COMES. FItE3M ALGIERS, tits- of valuable oil, In Pact, Bo frog• covered with Hags and laurels, and the ly celebrating the silver jubilee of the e got the precious min. .certain ilial maukiud will have to sof- � >;ard, and they wil•1 �t no meat of a Milt ate the flowers and shrubs of People are out of their minds with Helgoland bargain, while in England rad little regard is Paid to economy, far to some extent for overworking goat or sheep or cattle, because it Isn't CHINA AND INDIA. soma of the islands of the &Ieditarran• jot,, the memory of Lord Salisbury was Thanks to improvements in mining the world. • 1luatxd, reefsrving their iasis for elle- can that they are called the Spice Is. '+ But how can you tell that the duke cursed for what Englishmen called the pliants, Bons, and the like, which they lands of Fairrolits as the IvloluCca Archi• is safe?" worst mistake in British history. For foun•datlons of . the crags with walls will attach either from the groarld or Isles and Lands Along the pelago' in tl hp Dutch East Indica are "My &%or woman, let me tell you the barren crag !n the North Sea was mala of a special kf.nd of concrete. Farturies from I'III�fBti. I from the trees. They are very close Mediterranean Also Grow known as the Space Islands on account that I saw- the Trafalgar Mail come In- In the quarter century that passed In One of the most famous jokes of the A watchmaker's apprentice was one to the alae in appearance, sad lota to London. There 'was shouting Peace Conference attaches to this day holding sonxe spectacle glasses ' wanderings in the tropical Paresis of y produce. mace and cloves that betwooa turned into one of the strong• between his thumb and linger when with their low -hanging brar,;eizes have Sweet -Scented Flowers, they produce. Napaloon goad that he enough than but the laurels were all est fortresses, of the world, the base fact. At ane of the $•ittlugs the fate When ycu-pay the al7othecary a sum ivtiuld know his native land, Corsica, shrouded with crepe! Victory was of German naval operations in the of Helgoland came up for discussion, he was startled by the suddenly an-! given thein a permamem[}y stooping that seems like a dollar a whiff for with his. eyes zhut by the odor of the ours !at Trafalgar, but Nelsen was North Sea. and the principal obstacle and one of the innumerable experts J:asged appearance o a neighboring Pots-ture. hi nisthing that delights your senses, wiifte-flowerod cietus, dead, To -night there {snot an inch of in ,the way of the British fleet to At. duly explained that the preservation church spire. This accidental dis-� Dr. Vanrdethergh foun:l cut fi rEher Frankhncen•se, which is ane of the chaps to be seen anywhere; pour hero tacit on the German coast, of the island was due chiefly to the covery Seal to the invention of the : regarding the pygmies that they are GT if fart are espealthe centdiaus, of a hundred battlefields, who has de' construction of more and more sea• telescope» f not a uolque race, but represent mera. have ]rliir compound the spent. that chief aromatic coustatuents of the fan- And today? To -day it seenns again cense burned In churches. is the um foaled •Napoleon, is alive!" works and seawalls. When the ex. The art of etching upon glass was • 1y the rant step in a gradation of tribes "suits" your persoiznaity, did you ever g that after all the English had the bot- discovered by a Nuremberg glass cut- Z in point of height, averaging from six resin of a tree Lound In East Africa, The -duchess sat down and wept, pert finished a silence fell upon the i g i;• g' ataP to wander nhere Ilia Precious in• ter of the deal For Helgoland or .no grerlients camp from? The sonny Arable, and on the lslamd o Socotra, the cried tears of exeftemant in whJch Helgoland, Germany lies prostrate at aSsembly, a silence due partly to da ter' By accident a few drops of aqua; Sect down to Pour, and having their Islas and lands along the Mediterran_ in the Indian Ocean. there was An element of pain: liberation and partly to boredom, Then fortis fell upon his spectacles. Ile+ homes in suceesslOnz from Lake Albert the feet of her victorious' enemy, and noticed that the glass became cor- Nyanza to the f}ongo. Ladies acid entlearen in the time of Aly dearest Mary," she Said, "I some Innocent person, who merely roded and softened where the acid I Other tribes that he stu•dled were esu Probably grow sonic at the flowers, g the ratossat effort and expenditure ufiiars perhaps were plucked by dark Napoleon used t e tan urn bean, a know too well how it will be. He will wanted to keep the wheels of discus - j. q that the Germans have invested in the had touched ft. Acting on this hint he Masad, the bravest a lfoorlsh hands in Algeria. and may- native of Guiana, �o scent their snuff• not write to me, though he ought to "Gibraltar of the North Sea" are lost bion proceeding and mzant no harm, pe[� a is the hall an animal in the brooding hills of boxes' know that I could not survive his $60,000;000 spent asked whether any one bad any con- drew figures upon the glass with var.; worid, and the ilTakiguiu, wilt. have forever. For all the Irish, applied the corroding fluid, and, the horrible practice Of exposing their western-Chiva.gavo its life to furnish ho animal perfumes are extmenely death or his disaster." by the Imperial government on the orete proposal to make. one coirstituetu at Ute perfume. limited III number. Ambergris is Mrs, Stewart Mackenzie said as Helgoland fordlica ions nota single "I thought you said," quoth Lloyd then cut away the glass around the sick to. the hyenas ine�tead of allowing tmily'kind andreassuringthings as George, "that it was all Concrete." drawing. When the varnish was re-; them to the in their awn huts. This secreted by the sperm whale, civet by shat oath fired by the Helgoland can- Tko vegetable kingdom fa necessari- she could think of and then went to -r, moved the figures• appeared mined up• I systema was the result of superstStian 'Y the meet fertile source of Perfumes• tire anJmad o1 the sum© name, And cline at Lord Probys, In bed that non in the entire course of the war, ground. I that whoeveir should touch a dead mart musk a the mer, wh the mnsnd in and in accordance with the pence Meat From the Northlands. on a dark d•'ronr it" (!Divers, such as the rt;se and night sho promised herself to be even A process of whitening sugar was ;would himself die within five days j ,4117 itle, anal from its seeds, woods and tho m1141allay, rrhfah is torrid m ,with the duchess's husband end to all. treaty ati. the fortresses of the island The completion of the Hudson Bay discovered in a curious way. A hen � thereafter. Dr, Vnnri.emitei•gh reported rsmcl harks, such an tike spices and sun. the hr3h fIiitrala3'ac, Tibet, and east- must be dismantled. Railroad will open up a territory, that had gone through a clay puddle i that while a was there the Blithich ern Siberia, MUSIC ]!as one peculiar ply a salve to that ever -rankling That means the end of Helgoland as 25 aT dalwood, even the most fastidious' con• and alinosi inexplicable ellaracteristic. wound in the heart of the unloved a factor !n world history Like the within . o years, which would take the want with Lea• muddy tact into a sugar CRIS CUd•ties put eat earl to the Uarbar- nclvsour would be able to select oither• wife. The Wait morning she orate to place of ranching districts of Alberti house. he left her tracks an a pile oris custom. earns simple odor or a coni lex hon- One graiu of it kept Freely exposed to German naw, it proved, after all, but and would give the remainder of Can of Sugar, It was noticed that where. 1 At ane time the expedition saw a P the air of a well ventilated room, will the duke A letter full of congartula- a bugaboo and a splendid plaything; ads a large supply of its meat and ever her tracks were the sugar was ! bamaa of 200 Masai on the warpath, anal duet Nor are they far Perfumes imPregaule the RtmcR,Iilier-o' for ten tions on the victory of Waterloo, She It may have somewhat delayed, it car- alone, but for scenting staps, cream, exPresserl anxiety about the fate of a Y hides, according to Vilhjalmur Stef- whitened, Experiments were inati• Dr. Vandenbergh noted that 120 of Years without Esudbly dimlulshing in fainly did not alters the outcome of the ansson, the noted explorer. paatades, and In making Havarinee and wo'•g3zL young friend, Capt. --. Was he p orer. Plans for tuted, and the result was that wet clay them had Naz the Lieu skin cap tbat extracts• war for which it had been planned and i they are only allowed to wear after , ,_ .killed? Was he wounded? WAS he the formation of his own reindeer name to be used for refining sugar. sato? She would be so grateful it the built with so much Cara. ranch on Baffin Island have been cam- The origin of blas tinted paper Came they have themsedvea killed a lion. Rosemary, thyme, sweat basil and Snapshots of the Heart. duke would iu 0310 line set her mind injured by the Treaty, plated, and sufficient capital has been about by a more slip of the hand. Tire I This is the ,Intl.. that he callietl the marjoram are found in great porfu• B pian in hfedlteralrean r»olintiles, and Recent discoveries have shown that at ease. "But write It rather to the raised, Importation of a breeding wife of William East, an English bravest in the. wom'd, They Leve a But therm is another as,peet to the hard from Norway Lara the, chemist can distill the whale Che };-rays can pass through steel and duchess acrd to Bruton Street, for I go y will take place paper -maker, accidentally let a blue i system o1 camsCrlptimm tinder which bother and not boar about: picking the lion, and many engineering firms aro to Brighton to -morrow, question, bw, and my move. By an oversight early next Summer, the explorer bag fall into one of the vats{ aYpulp.' every man serves� twelve yearn in the dawors• l4haltCupearo, tho unfailing using rho 1 -rays to photograph haws inauts are rather tmcortain. In this —PosVibly- of the framers of the stated, The workmen were astonished when E standing array and cannot marry ttn- {n the castin way your report whether peace treaty a grave injustice Is, being y people have not realiz- Peculiar color of the! til after his tern of serviice. The re, ratni�list that ha was, mala ao error ,s of important Parts of ( good or While man they saw the dome to the Inhabitants of the island, ad the Paper while Mr. East was hi when Ue rhaso for C)phell i the flowers nxachlnery. bad) cannot fail to -reach mo." possibilities of the north, Mr, ghly in- salt ie such a very lbw birth rate that Mrs. Stewart Mackenzie kept perhaps the sanallast nation in the ceased at what he considered a grave they are dila >rhe scattered, This now n•or1G has been made pas- pt her Stefansson believes that herds of pp0aling. one of their sable day the wonderful S-rty Invented secret and went to Brighton or a prat- world—at least so they style them•. hardy animals, such a$ reindeer or financial lass, After storing the dam ohaxmctenlstic rvdea. is that; if a mem- Tha Lavender of England, selves. The feet Is that the Treaty of by all ,English scientist, Dr. Coolidge, ty long visit. When 6he returned, the bison, would prove more satisfactory aged paper for yeasts, Mr. East sent beg of the ttdbs rums away from ,any The old-fashioned lavender flowers, Versailles, which eliminated German it to his agent in Loudon with instrna animal whatsbever he Is lmnsediately which gives out immensely powerful duchess met her. "Congratulate me, than other enterprises. The whole hr 'which our grandmotherS' used to mys that cau pass through four inches. mY dearest Mary; my hero !s all that Control over can -German peoples, de• stretch of the Canadian northlands, tions to Bell It for what it would bring, expelled. I Pack tate household linen and their of stool Plate, is kind. You said that ire would write, privies the Helgolanders of cartel" where not too thickly treed, would are The Paper was ateepted as a novelty DevelopMechanical Skill. ' rich old laces, grew be,t in France and Now anattzer wonderful invention He has written! and l am such ague- Privileges which they had enjoyed un ideal for such ranches. The district and disposed of at quite an advance lar ILL old ander and which virtually over the market Among the blacks, it gemlesah, tbo ex- li uglar-d, �3 temppi amental IIowpa 3t Jzae been described to the Rontgen DY woman, By the way, there is a ( surrounding the Hudson Bay Rail- piles. might ba called, too, for unless the Society of England, It is a new photo-) amounted to a kind of autonomy. The • placer found a remarkablo dsttrip- ma=sage for you in the letter. Ile bids road, which is still under construe- -------- 4— maul in oiviitlaatdama sdaica lidg� lest tri s•]amate, goal axd altituda $lilt It to. PruBGdan government now takes the p, graphic plata twenty iliacs as Sousa- me teff you- that young —never had tion, is desirable for such a project, SIC I"Idi1C . aD71 ��jlt. lar 1906• The Kbvixo�nd fuses t0_ breathe forth its usual gra - ,stand that the Treaty of \'emu}lies 1 q for •nsrtamee, g Cfro to the $•mya aS the plates or- a scratch and never was Vetter 1n his according to the explorer, who stated who used to come Into the etatibms Of ranee. Fico codes of the lints aro Itte:' That was how the goad news abrogates all previous international that he expected within the next 26 Tile custom o referring to the time the Uganda Rahway stark naked, ane a( P dioriiz y used, or is likely to rovalu agreements, and as a consequence immediately after one's Wedding as a grown in the Dram¢ ragSnr_, Fran08, at tiauizo Ii -ray xvork, as Yt w31] make it came to i3rufon Strast. ,years to see large ranches through- now the most able meohamdes And an altitude of 2,600 fact, while the po;:slbW to take snapshot Helgoland has been shorn of the last harzeynFao.n descended from the an• ps photo- out the north of Canada. $s drew chauffeurs im the colon itow•+as„ gencirtllY considered to have �-�_ vestiges of its specSal status, clout tribes at Central Eurrrpe. New- T and even a+C't geed, y the heart, the ]tinge, aa•, in- attention to a shipload of 118 tons of IY married oau as. head MwYOM In the suvrel le. They the most agreeable fragrance ware decd, any part at the body, and coca y Thus lite curious attuatiau has reindeer meat having been shipped in Ides drank and served Nie Pull of the ides ai ldgier srlsen that th0 natives of Helgoland r to their friends s wine made from ty and of .from the Mitcham district at I.3ng3rtad, claematograph "radiographs', ague• IVIDon 8 Mighty Mountains. g December from Alaska to the United hone �, the new woman, for the ladies• of the where the conditions of soil and alti- Ing the heart beating, or the lungs at For a small body, tiro moan has who are Carman subjects have pets- States. y gathered during the first this the ew are now rethgdn Voted the British government for pro- days (or lunar month) after the per6 Rivhome ttmd era ow r g to stay at fade ars decidedly d1lYereizt from those work breathing, soma astantshin'gty Uig mountains. --"-"i' tormanos of the weddi Bout in oi»�w3s In Prarte. taction and expressed preference for _ ng ceremony, Only a tee yours ago it took half an -They are bigger than any we have on � The rosy g rauluat, which has such hour to photograph tilt thicker partsearth. ! British sovor•eignity, Isn't It Strange! After persisting for several hundred ,to see the world," an wxclulS{ta odor, is also ! The Ile-1golauders speak A distinct Thee are 14,000,000 Smliha in the' years, this custom finally died out, but Dr. Vamdenbosgfh took With him grown and of the Unman body with the 11 rays; rocks the manner fu roach massive: i world its sdguificauce remained, particulkr 'sera• man of the ..remove Playem. dlstSlled 1n Frart;e, but Spain, Al;Ilorp with iiia net; Invention n small frac• By 0verhaug dizzy preetplce•s many d•alect of Rris3an, not easily under' � Lasky Corporation, and' 50,000 teed ad and the kvlaud at Reunion ertgago In tion or a h000nd will suHlce. thousands of feat Iii€h, they are i stood by inhabitants of othey Islands, i The largest island tri the world is As the serving at the honeyed wine the industry, linllko the _veudei; Proxu 3674 to 1807 thea• tivere Iivh i Oreeulamd, 327,:300 square znlles in was stmesed+ed by the Practice of mar• lttm were made. He was asedoted in ;,. Urotrghd to be at much harder material >F un q hos scientific research by George bowever, tlr•> porfumo of the rose ger- tharacurs, der Danish sovereignty. Then ),,,ng- area. rind coup}bs leaving their home Tor a Bar auluilt comes from its leaves and. not Where, Cats Score,: r land seized the islet and held If. nuiilI Ili 3703 there were twenty evening YATYing letgtlk of time. For this ren• bank Shattuck; Ph. D., formerly of Many o them gIlik, in in their Vaz:sea• and Johazs Ha from the Rowers. Strictly sDanklug, Carts cannot see :u color, name glowing til(o an aPal. One! 1590, the Iliac of the Salisbury deal, Papers lu London. Now there era s!x, � svon the trip which follows the near- Akins. Together Lilt the Country that .well might be 001"Pleto darltuc.,a any more tbau of them, indeed, cari be seen Shining I oil July 3 of that year the agree- Canals of a total mitasg+s at more c rinse csremony !e now known as a tel a study and brought back kua}vn by its scent !s Bul thuman beings can, Rut owing to a tin the dark part -Of thi morin, slid this I meat was Edgued between the two gov» than 3.000 ase In effleNnt use ill •t<;ng• 1lt^uaymoon, though at has nothing to p records of ndana tribes the, dada., for ;its , Mamnjika, Wahamba, Wakilca rose Crop is second .Only to Its tobacco• peculta• construe,tla l of their eyes led to it boltig mistaken for n volcano eraments, unci on August 10 Kaiser , land• Edo wfiU wine, and generally lasts less iu, Vias- they can make much better usD of In full blast. i Wilhelm landed on the island and took ` •• At least two reprieved and convert. { th.*cr nrnt,th. -- al, Walidr3remd0 Bagamda, BasogO anvil Mora thou 32,600 aoies of land in lire 1 lit, Wald, pro9i.aecs of P1144Pip0118 and Stara whatever light there Sk and land a way Tbere is a utnuatntu range an tine ax• formal Porssession. i ad murderers have afterwards se.ved A Pencil Clock of Parte i lagora are given over to the gra lit through it room which appears to be frame south of the moan whose pealus Tile Inhabitants of the island, who as cliurchwardeats, ---4 Are Said to be item 80,000 ft, to 86,000 were not consulted about the trangac• A French expert declares that. the tit Paris is a city of curious clocks, No Pension. of roses from the Petals of -trlahattal vary dark, , chances of mistake iu Identification I Perhaps the most original nae serves of roses is dtntiitasI, Iu thoivolydertnt The pupils of a cat's ryes are one. ft- high, flaunt Plverest eau boast tion--erlP-cleterminat.ou was net yet The omiment Bsritigdn sur om Si able of being enlarged or distended to only 29,140 ft. Altogether, the mean }nvonted --hover liked the transfer, � with flnger print,, are once in 17,000,-: as the signboard of a Pencil manufac- � � r "it And at Isivagor Ifie bee, �it theu. 000,000. tttrei-, tylia attired, as the ma on the The Calif.*% tells. the sitory of a ra and Staxa Zagora the best of the a great extant, thus letting iii every leas nearly (arty Venire iv}rtch are high- ]Soder lsnglislt rule the isiaurl was a ( P Woman. n. who oompladnod to her doctor: (towers aro firo)". 'Pile fields. Ara or. Particle or light. 1l araover•, this on, er than Wool Illane•' 11 the earth had quiet watering Placa frequented chlef- ldenti0eatl0n by ,finger prints was clock shows, at conquering many ivar• "1''m a ranged much after' the fashion of ill, la'geitxeut of the pupil taken place ai m0untaius in Proportion to Its much ly by prosperous North German fami- employed in XOren 1,300 Years ago, I kete. This clock keeps good time, , pone wtitdder nmol I've un pear vineyards of Frairce and Italy, and the most IWtuntly, and there Is little ap• greater size, they would be very many lles. The Lin; lish never fortified the having' been mu nionly used In il"de i says the Wide \Fexld Magazine, des �in� t� halfopen, dow-laden buds, whitAx have parent hesitaiucy an the part of a cat miles high, place beyond equipping it with an ob. for Mit sale of slavos, pito its equaro. fare and the mecessuri• Who' , n i pensdam?" was the reply, As it IS, they are utero ri t If mast's organs lead been formed on ly reetiangular arran "flow soaasdulyou Why did, tiza0 re - Z7 tow patttls, Ore �inipVed off by i stitaring a dark rroonr after being in 1 g urea in solute UAttorY of naval snug, With gement of the fuse to grant you a peuslam,2' dillgant girls, bays and lvolilen In Che Itnii th0 blight light, caarlsort. The loftiest,peak of the Prussian rule alt that charged, The the gain() planus three of a canary, hours, which are formed by pencils "'E (lied before 'a joined earlymorning of May and Juno, I The Sauna prlucipis bold;; goad, to a Iiimalayns is bill 29,002 ft. high. in Islailtl rras pracifeMly put under m)tl• he would (baaring aeeldent,-) I've for arrAnged as Remalx numerate, You j n lip, sir, 11 About 4,000 Pounds of togas aro era m lesser extent, In the ease of the human 1,110 nockhes 14,000 ft, 3s about the .tart' control, TO be sure, the Oernzans 300 or 400 years can sos this clock on one of the mean I eye, for after wo "become accustomed Ilmlt, and 16,000 ft. in Lite Alps. The have done a good deal in the way of The gloss towers of the Crystal bonaevard% high above the beetle of Phase who think that flying is not abo4ucut 00 d on pounds oc land, but to Cho dark' -br After the puDlls of Canoes" are content with a maximum improvements, Thus they have built dace, London; which are 270 ft. high, foot Passongeirs,. It has been construct- much more risky than traveling on a► P petals to/produce height of about 16,000 ft. all excellent artificial harbor for neer• are kept in position by the force o ad on a very big scale so As to be railway train will be interested to the' an ounce of off 'for 'au atvir, whiolr attr even becomo suHlcieutly ciietended y True, there is It great voloano oil tine chant and flakier craft, gravity acting oil taliks at he tells of clearly visible from the street, figures of the English Air• Winisoy; beforo th0 .war cost about $260 a to allow Lila rayo to autos -•we aro g>r island 0f Ilawaii which rises to a the towers. Each tank holds 1,200 lroun(1• aUlo to apo ntuelr more cilstinCily than - .•- .�«_ �- , for a period a4 eight months do 1919.' hetght of nears • 14,000 ft„ and which, Probably Saved the island. tone of wattle. fgrtnorly, This, however, takes• an ap• a Y A Railway Quarrel, Tile conclusion of the invtotigstolfq ip Ras2ta aro grown• lir cigar Pawls'of preClablo lime, wlitte it aceurs ,rule• If the sea were drained away, ivoulcl DTn1t important 0t aid, they have Thunder call be heard M uo grantor ilial had, the same rate of aecidoaC distaniee than edghteau miles, slid gen• Clou auatorl" shouted a pusserigei , the Balkans as woll as in: Asvltitto Tut•. malleally In tiro eye of a eat, be inoro than 30,000 ft. high• probably saved the life of the island 0n tho baclr•aauntsy train "That was Journey for journey, been maintained SOY, 10301% they were illA tillood by But the :tea. romains-•--arid the moon Itself. Originally several hundred ¢nilly not mora thou, atino miles:.. The „ do railway travel 28 000 en i Altmesl V01 k, thO uoigit lni•ic Sh mtadee- mountains 'are e•rs3'-winners, duration of 1110 longest toil of thunder I my s,pf_on, I'll-! \'t by didm t You y gI nerd miles lirim by the beginning of the sac r? would have been killed and 260,000 In - $11,A) and mase of lottery, in the latter Our blanitet$ are named atter n that has been accurately noted was nre(I aid that 10G 0 «t,_ _ last Century Tteigatpnd`.s langlh was 'ire dont stop lbt;r,e any longer, J a ,00 passengers halt of ilio nineteenth century, and to Flemish woargr called l In I3, - fartY•Hve rre+wrtils, tvotld have liaein. killed alai nroxvi tbair India, Persia, the Payum kat, rvho lived {n Bristol in 1890,. r rodtteetl to something elturl of A colla _ »M - said Ilia comdnetur. You See the en Paiavan0e !n Of the 1.500.00(1.000 the real was onten away by the nen. •'• prople in .the -T glneer Js mad with the station agent!" a million injures?, According t0 their Egypt; and In Prance. Tito industry Loudoix has Adopted irerdun, as well werld, ane -half tire stili only partly Nothing tette aver done to atop the The manufacture Of yeast. Train —h— fi urns the Ask of the aero lana g. lately has been introduced rola Gory as several villages in the Meuse Val- clothed, And 250,000,000 wear no det,tructive ,vork of the waves until buckwheat is a new industry for Dan- The''alar regions are the only ser-. eenger k, F00 thnoF. an mat as that { iP y all: tlir. Germans aama and reiufoiaed the riiark. tions of the globe free from rats. t of the ral'uay partcutrer. �Y• ... .a lay. clothes,ai ,