HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-2-17, Page 8Paper
1919 Prices
Would you like to buy
Wail Paper at the old
prices before the Paper
Market started to go up?
That is exactly what you
Dau do here as we were
fortunate in plaeing
targe orders hack in 1919
and still have many
good patterns on hand
from then, which are to
be had at the lowprices.
1n the aesortmentthere
are patterns suitable for
Living Booms
Dining Booms
Kitchens, &c,
We are anxious to ret
duce the stook of these
is order to make room
for the new Spring
goods. If you have Pap-
ering to do it will pay
you to see the samples,
How about those
Pictures you took
the other day ?
Better bring the Films
here for Developing and
Printing. They will re-
ceive careful attention
and we will try to get
the best from every pia.
ture taken. Fresh sup-
ply of Kodak Films,
Velox Paper and Sup-
Lower Prices on
Kodaks and
Brownie Cameras
No. 0 Brownie $2 00
No. 2 Brownie 2 50
No. 2a Brownie 3 50
No. 2c Brownie 5 00
Vest Pocket Auto-
grapbic Kodak 9 00
The Stare
47-:/ . e
Druggist and Stationer
3 Lot y4P1 Sprit* to. yrttlllft Mt It
you ekpeet to reap a OIOp from yttil' ;
' busleeee. '
Tette alook at the abstract statement
of the Auditors' report of Brussels for
r92o, to be found on page 8 of this issue,.
A number from thin totality attended ,
the annual meeting of the Hawick 1
Mutual Fire Insurance Co, at Gerrie o0 I
Is the local Item last week r k aiding
the ewe ef Biocide light about $2,0„0
riluwance for etre,. t lig his sle,uld pi .2
et, y be (helmeted from the R0101111,
$4,251 stated, '. '
Yell III .y hays a good watch or clock
hut by ine'mp,t nt repabing you lost
faith le e, bring it to me sad I will re
pair the worst wrecked watch or clock
reasnneitly, J, G Jones, Brusse's
Tim Women's Instituto will meet on
Fr day afternoon at 3 o'clock '1'be
Itopic, "Inella's place in tee British Em -
plea." will be in charge of Mrs $ S.
Scott. Ron call "Light of C.(nada "
rdi l ' ltatio is 'e •e o all
A o a ,nv n molded t
1 " • n attend. '
Some rough weather,
H. C. of L. to toboggan.
Canada. to forge ahead.
Good automobile business
Improvement to 'rows Hall interior,
Brussels School t0 sustain its reputa-
People sorry to see Rev, and Mrs
Mann remove.
auegestaearly and well ar.ensled meeting
of Brussels Business Mens' Association,
if it has act died a netera,death Every
oerson engaged in business should be.
long and not as an honorary member
oi�ber. Think up sngeestions to pre.
• sent to the meeting that will prove your-
self a live wire.
+ Making a garden for rear 2
4. Storing ice for next Sommer?
Joining the Horticultural Society ?
• Boosting Brussels and is interests 7
a• - Supporting a good Bee Rail team ?
I• Working actively far the Referen-
t•• dam?
- Making permanent improvements to
• your property ?
.x. a +•+•+•4�
• M 4hF•
(gal i eb tcm
EGGS are declining in price.
ANNUAL meeting of Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company was held on
Tuesday at Gordo.
A number of oar young people have
been taking in some of the Carnivals
tbe neigbboring town skating rinks.
THURSDAY eveuiug of this week is the
date of the Willing Workers entertain-
ment in Melville church Lecture room.
A good supply of ice bas been harvest-
ed by those r(quiring it for storage pur-
poses. Ice is about no inches thick bat
tree from snow.
A BURNING chimney at Backer Bros
butcher shop caused some uaeasi0ess
Thursday night of last week. No dam-
age was done bowever.
'I'ENDaRs are asked for Rural Route
mail delivers No, 3, Grey, covering
Concessbn lines 6 and 22. Advt. in
this issue of THE POST.
Navy League illustrated Lecture at
the Picture House Thursday evening of ;
this week, Ir will be free and adults ;
will be welcome. Lecture at o'clock,
Many fine views will be presented.
KEEP the Auction Sale of Household
Furniture, &c., at the home of Mrs,
Alex Bryans, Queen street. Brussels, on ,
Saturday, 26th Inst., at 2 p. m., in mead. ,
Mrs. Bryans has sold her residence and
intends moving to Toronto.
Lass' week Conductor Duncan Me-'
Callum was buried at Palmerston. He
was well known to the travelling publc
and punched the pasteboards for many
a year on the W. G. & B. and L H &
R railway lines. He bad many friends
who will regret to hear of his decease, tf
week Miss Ella Inman disposed of her
stock of Millinery to Miss Carrie Ring-
ston, who recently returned to town
from an extended stay in the West.
'easiness will be continued in the same
stand. The ladies go to Toronto this
week to attend the Spring Millinery
Openings. We wish. Miss Hingston
SATURDAY afternoon of this week, at 2
o'clock, Auctioneer F. S. Scott will sell
at the home of the late Mrs, Elizabeth
Procter, Alexander street, her household
effects and also Furuiture, &e. belonging
to Mrs. Lydia Thuetl. Mrs. Procter's
house and lot will also be offered. Bills
are Wilted giving lists of each sale.
Goods sold without reserve to close es-
tate in one case and in the other Mrs.
Tbuell is giving up housekeeping.
D, D G 54. Wilton, of Western Star
Lodge, No 149, Brunets and I. O. O. F.
installation suite have been installing
the officers of the tbree link Lodge at
Blyth,' Teeswater and Wroxeter, They
were heartily received and royally enter-
tained at the various points. Brussels
constitutes the 5th lodge of the D+strict.
The brethren who assisted the D. D. G.
M, are M. Black, A. Dennison, W.
Clouse, W./ McCracken, who do their
respWtive parts very well.
ENTERTAINMENT -The Willing Work-
ers of Melville church will bold an 00-
eerraiOmeat in Melville church,
Lecture room, on Thursday r7tb inst.
Program will consist of the following :
—Plinio and Violin, W, and Mrs.
Clouse ; So,g, Jd5. G, Jones; Recita-
ttoo,' Miss Jessie Strachan ; Song, Miss
Isabel Strachan ; Piano duet, Mrs. and
Miss McCall ; V3011n and'plaao, Messrs.
Speir ate Kerney ; Song, 'IDoou the
burn Davie lad," Mtss Jessie Stracben
Duet, "The Cruikit Baubee," Rev, Mr.
sad Mrs, Mann ; Soog, "The Cameron
Men," Dougal Strachan i Song, Miss
Walker. God Save the King," Pro-
gram to begin at 9,15 sharp. Adtnisslon
25 and 15 cents.
How is your coat hanging out ?
LAST Sunday was ,ike an April day.
DID you receive a Valentine last Mon-
day ?
WALTER Rose sets his incubators go-
iru Saturday rf :his week.
THE PoaT Edi' or acknowledges the
receipt of an invitation from the Eturon
Old Boys' Association At Home to be
held in Toronto,.
Fos SALE -1 "Perfect" Washing Machine
and a Portable Robber Bath Tnb, both fn good
condition. Apply et THE MANSE, Brussels.
YOUNG Working Mere, rising 1 years, for
sale. Ni, Lot 17, Con. 8. Morris,
Mae. A. CONNON, Brusebls R. R. 4.
Fong Young Driving Gorses for pale. Also
good Seed Cats far sale End a quantity of Feed
Data. Apply to THE PORT.
FOR SALr4.-54 pigs from 50 to 150 pounds al-
so a brood sow, to farrow about April tat.
Save Rome good grass cattle for sale also.
Phone 474. RtpesLLROBEUTsoN, R. R. No, 2
FOR SALE.—Oomtortsble dwelling and 34
sore of )and For further particnlare ask 4
Tan Poen Publishing House.
Fon SALE,—The residence of J. T. Wood,
Albert street, Bra/mete All modern canven-
naege hCma andede moatnegebyeda.tntd:
YARN Poe SALR.—A quantity of light gray
yarn ore hand at the aloes of the war ie offered
for sale et $1.50 per ponad. May be had at the
Pnblie Library. Now is the time to secure
1t for the Fall. and Winter's knitting.
DERBABLR property for Rale to Brnesele non•
stating of a large store end comfortable dwell•
ing hooses. For farther nartioulars apply to
R. Learaoeo.ALE. Phone 87
Da. PAREEa, Osteopathia Physician, visits
Brussele Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
HotVisitseresidences. Consultation at
Qneen'e l,
REPRg8EN'ATrYi WANTED for Braeaets and
Huron County to reprebent "The 01d Reliable
Fonthtll Nurseries." Big males are to he made
in selling Nareery stook daring the recon-
atractlon period. A splendid opportnnity for
a ave salesman. Highest Carle lielone paid,
handsome, tree equipment, large line of fruit
and ornamental ateeh to offer. 82055. &
WBLL5NGTON, Toronto, Oat.
THE Gray Dolt motor car Company
commence this week to talk to the
readers of THR Pow, S. Carter is the
agent at Brussels who will be glad to
supply information and demonstration
HURON County Breeders' Association
inteud holding a sale of pu.e bred live
stock, including Herefords, Angus and
Short Horn cattle in Wingham ou
March Loth. Mark down the date and
take it in.
LAST week Wm. Taylor, of Clinton
was renewing old friendships in
Brussels and ueighborbood, Ile baa
sold his too acre farm 7th Con , Stanley
township, to Roe Caatelon. of Goderieh
township, for $8,000 and gives posses-
sion next month. It is 19 years since
Mr. Taylor went to Stanley. He bag
bought the Robt. Ward Igo acres. tett,
Con., Fullerton township. nt miles from
Fullerton village. Price paid was
$15,000, This is an extra good property
olth good brick house, bun 46 x 68 feet,
straw shed 34 x 56, hog pen 17 x 6o.
Stone stabling under barns, with .dem
ent floors,. water pipes, &a and room to
feed 50 head of cattle There are 24
acres of hardwood bush. Mr. Ward re
tires to St. Merytt. We wish Mr. Taylor
success in his new location,
THE following letter Is from Alberni,
Vancouver ltilatid, written by Mrs. Jas.
Wilkinson, formerly of this piece, and a
daughter of Mrs lane Walker, Turn -
berry street B,usse'S :—DEAR Ln/TOR,—
Enclosed find $2 00 in renewal of my
subeot'ip(ion for THE POST Although
time has ma"e many of the names new
to me 4 still like to get the paper, We
are baving a very roue) Winter an the
Coast, snow, rain and wind storms,
Haim only seen once anything like it in
20 yea's 'i'rtialing you are all having a
nice. Winter in Huron. 1 remain as ever
the same. M, WleenesoN,
Feb, 4, 1921.
meeting of Brussels, Morris & Grey
Municipal Telephone Comeau), was bele
Tuesday afternoon of last week. A'•
tendance was not large. President F.
S. Scott presided. Auditors' report was
presented, discussed and adopted. Last
year's Board of Directors were le elec,ed
viz:—F. S. Scott. Richard Procter and
Wm. Cameron. M. Black is Secretary
and G. H. Semis Treasurer. Good pro
press is being made by the Company,
the management of which is no small
chore as there are up toward I2oo tele•
phones. If no unusual expense comes
to the Company it will not be many
years until the indebtness is paid. The
heck building in which tbe Central
office is located belongs to the Compa'!v.
While an occasional complaint is drop•
ped in the grumble box the public on the
whole well are served and the wonder is
bow we ever got along without this very
essential bousehold utility, This bas
been a favorable Winter for the Com
anit will
so far we hope
so unfit Spring arrives.
IAPANESE EVENING —A novel, enjoy-
able end 5000055701 entertainment wan
held Friday evening in the Lecture
room of the Methodist ehureb, under
the auspices of the W. M S. The
rooms were transformed into a veritable
Japanese reception apartments and by
hangings, flowers, pictures, decoratiooe
&c.. gave a real lifelike representation
of the people and homes across the sea
The visitors were waited upon in the tea
room by ladies in jap costume and the
service rendered was as they do in
Japan, both by word and deed Choice
program was presented with Mrs. Sk
ton, President, and Mrs (Rev.) Stafford
in charge and alt did their res eectiv' `'
parts with credit. Program was as fol
lowss—Hymn "From Greenland's icy
mountains" ; Prayer ; President. (MIs.
Skehon) words of welcome on this 4ote
anniversary of the W. M S. Society ;
Japan and its people, Miss Buchanan;
japan", solo, Mrs, R F. Downing :
Pr as giving for Japanese contests ; "A
little maid of japan," recitation, Klee
Marjory Jewitt ; "The little children
of Japan," recitation Miss Margaret
Downing ; "The Doll Festivalin Japan"
Miss Helen Seeker ; Japanese Lullaby
Miss Hlogston ; Imitation Japanese.
Margaret Dowding and Ro'fe Prete;
A favorite Japanese story F H Gilroy ;
"Jack and the Japs" Barrington Gilroy ;
Song by Mies Marjorie Hoover, with
her Japanese friend "0 Sin Cba San";
An essay on japan written by e Japan-
ese. Mrs Geo, Lowry ; "How Koharn
learned to worship," Miss May Skelton ;
Out Missions in Japan, Mrs Parker ;
"Beautitel Japan," soh', Miss Mae
Wood ; Japanese National Anthem in
Save tbe Kin Finan-
cial results were $45.00 which will go to
the W. M. S. treasury.
Church Chimes
'Pheiennual congregational gathering
of the .Methodist churcbes of Brussels
and Cranbrook will be held in about a
The Pancake Social, hold in St.
John's church Lecture room 'Tuetday
evening of last week. was quite s success
receipts being over $19 00.
"Thou art the Christ" was the pastor's
text in the Metbodist church Sunday
evening. Mies Louise Barks, Chatham,
rendered a very appropriate solo in good
Rev. Mr. Craig, of Edmonton, ba,,
been invited to become pastor of Wing.
ham Methodist churcb for neat term
commencing July 1s'. Present paster.
Rev Mr Armstrong, ties an invitation
to W allaceburg.
Next Sabbath morning Rev. W. E,
Millson, Secretary of Evangelism and
Moral Reform, will occupy the pulpit
of the Methodiot church, Brussels. He's
an enthusiastic worker and will have a
Miming message,
Rev, Dr, Petrie, WIngltam, was ap-
pointed interim Mntlerator of Melville
church congregation unttl a successor
to Rev. Mr Mann le chosen Dr. Per-
tie officiated before at similar work and
kuowa tee peep a we'I.
New 'Tete tee PARCON' ..-Brttaiteia will
see a obange of paelors in 3 churches
within a year. Rev Henry Smith re -
Moved iast Fall Froin the Auglioao
church and was succeeded ht Rev, M
Johnson. Rev. Mr. Mann goes to Nee
tuatket as Presbvtenan mky pilot and
Rev, W. E. Stafford will complete hie
4th year in the Methodist church and
remora b9111Iy, sot i3sxt 19 s de1>311p14
Of labor. tt is au uuttsnal etlndlfipp
end ilroVeti the cbangefnlpese of 1118
titres le wbieh we live, • ReV, Ft', Fat.
Jon still bolds the fort at St, Ambrose,
A Seedily School bas been organized
1n connection with St. John's ehureh.
The offeers are —Mrs, (Lev.) John.
son, Seeerinlendeat and tea411er of
Bible class 1 Mrs. F, S. BroWpe, Seare-
tory t Mrs. Robb, 'l'reaserer : Miss H
Smith, orgnnfs'; Teachers, Misses
Dodd, Snaith and Harris, School will
assemblettt 3 p m.
REsat '
FINE REuoaT.—Thursday evening of
lest week the annuli meeting of Mel.
vilie oongregatiou was held, Rev. A J
Mane, B. A., presiding. The reports of
tee. various organizetioaa showed ecwo
to be a most successful peer and were
most encouraging, ('here were added
to the roll 25 names present me/nber-
shtp being 421. Raised for all pnrpasea
$107,66, Of this $5 700 was for eongre-
gational ptuposes and $5 900 for M,s-
stone and Benevolences. W, M. S. re-
ported $617 ; Mission Baud $235 ; Sab-
bath School $376; Y. P. Society $301
end Willing Workers $435• Raised for
Chinese Famine Fund $287, . The For-
ward Movement Committee reports
$3,187 sept to Toronto. The amount
raised during' the eight years of the
present pastorate was $64,503 of wbicb
818,676 was contributed for Missions
and benevetences and $26,000 tor the
Building Funde added to
the membership roll 211. This was
possible only by the grace of God, work-
ing upon a united people. Hugh
Lamont, Nelson Cardin, 0, Smith and
A Crooks were elected to the Board of'.
Managers and alio Mrs, T. C. McCall
and Mrs, Robert Strachan, the ladies
succeeding Mrs. S, C. Wilson, removed
to GvtlerIMi, and Mrs 100. Robb, A. A
Lamont was re -appointed Secretary -
Treasurer flue Alex. Stewart, assistant
OW tl> 3SO
Bank, for thepp ast
�^- 45 years, has done
its sharein the development
of the business of the Do-
minion. Our experience and
equipment are at the service
of every' customer. 29s
81 7700
Secretary, The debt on the fine church peesWheac.
is now reduced to $2,500. Melvitte Peas
church has a worthy record and the, Battler
outlook is optimistic as the various' o'- Egge
ganizations are well officered and 1' Hogs
good heart. Rev, A. J. Mann, the pa, HRv
tor, who bas been called to Newmarket,
leaves his present charge in a most sat-
isfactory coaditios.
WmLLta,-In Wroxeter on
Diary Jane Ballantyne,
Willis, in her 8551i year.
1 78
$1 76
20 00
Auction Sales
mime, &o. —F. 8. Scott, Auctioneer, has
7111, 10.27 received instructions from the undersigned
wife 1911 Proprietress to sell by Public Auotlon at her
home, Princess street, Emmett], on Saturday,
' February 28th, at 2.80 o'clock, the following
roperty :—replace parlor suite, sideboard, ex.
MaNRrr..—In loving memory of our dear moth-
er,beloved wife of Neil McNeil, who was
called home one year ago, Feb, 15th, 1920,
Day by day, oh, how we mise her,
Friends may think the wound la healed,
But they little know the sorrow
Lies within our hearts concealed,
Oft we sit and think of her,
Oft we are all alone.
For memory is the only thing
That grief can call its own.
A nobler, kinder heart neer throbbed
Within a mortal breast •,A kinder mother no one ever had
Than we have laid to rest.
And as we watched her day by day
It caused n bitter grief
To sec her slowly pine away
And could not give relief.
But now she has gone froln among Ile,
No more her dear face we spall see,
Till we too shell cease from earth'e troubles
And ease over death's dark sea.
For death Is the only gateway
That leads to eternal bliss,
Whore we hope to meet our dear mother
And know no parting Uke this,
—Sadly Missed by. Husband and Family,
Tau,t0DAT, FEBRUARY' 17TH,—Farm stook
and oats, £435 Lot 18, Con- 6, Morris township,
Sale unreserved et 2 p. m. Bert Watson,
Prop. Jae. Taylor, Ano,
SATURDAY FansnART 18TH.—Household
furniture belonging to estate of the late Sirs,
Procter, Alexander street, Brussels, at 2 . ,n.
Mrs. Lydia Thuell's furniture, 7ec., will also be
sold at the same time end piece.
TRuR&DAY, Fah. 24TH.—Farm etoak, Imple•
mance &0 , at Lot 18. Con 2, Morris. Sale at
1 . m. Thom, N, Midden, Prop. John Pur-
vis Ana.
sale o. Warm stook, implements, Lot 88, Coe.
14, McEtllop Sale nt 1 p. m. Thos. Ryan,
Proprietor. Thee. Brown, inc.
SATURDAY. FRB 28215—Boneehold Fund.
tire, &o., at 2 BD p. m., at ibe home, Qneen at
Brussels. Mrs. A. Bryon, Proprietress ; F. S.
Scott, Auctioneer.
THuRBDAY, MA ROR 10TH.—Farm Stook, In,.
plements. &e., WI Lot 7, Con. 17, Grey town -
&hip. Sale at 1 p, m, John Smillie, Prop. ; 5,
Brown, Aub.
tension table 18 leaf), rocking chair, leather
conch nearlynew, leatherette (meek, ;jdozen
obalre, woolcarpete, 2 Wash anode, 2 sets bed
eprlage small table, bureau, 2 bedroom sets,
parlor lamp, hall lamp gins, lamp, range,
nook stove, "New Perfection', coal ollatove,
oroklnole board and disco, a number of dtehes,
several pictures and frames, a quantity of
peaters, lap rug, door ;netting, bnek•eaw, 2
and caws, brace and bit, cobblers outfit,
washing machine and wringer, 2 axea, wheel-
barrow, s000p shovel ladder. 5•ggal� noel oil
inn, watering can, 2 iron stove pots 8 pltoh.
forks, potato fork, rakes, hoes. garden nnple.
menta and numerous other articles. Sale un-
reserved. Terme cash
atrnotione from the undermigned Proprietor to
sell by Publlo Auction ut 8i5 Lot 10, Con. 5
Morrie, on Thursday, Feltruary 17th, at 8
o'clock, the following valuable property
general purpose horse rising 8 years, 1 heavy
draft mare in foal, 1 cow tine March 1651, 1 now
due March 20, 1 cow doe in April, 1 cow with
cell at toot 1 heifer rising 8 to calve July 24,
1 heifer rising 8 to calve March 10th, 1. heifer
rising 8 to calve March 12th, 5 steers rising 2
years, 1 fat steer tieing 8 years, 1 thoro'bred
Short Horn bull rising 2 y ears, 1 better rising
2 years, 2 heifers rising 1 year, 2 eteere riving
1 year, 9 pigs will weigh about 180 Ibe , 10 ptge
8 menthe old, 1 York sow wttl farrow .March
20, 100 bushels of oats. Sale without rexerve
es Proprietor is short of feed. Terms. -8
months credit will be given on approved joint
notes. 4% off for cash on credit amounts.
BERT. WATSON., Proprietor.
Graduate Department of Oohthahnology, No.
Cormtok Medical College, Chicago, 111. Three
months poet graduate comae during past ear.
Eyes correctly fitted with Olassee. 20eed-
aches, Inflamed Eyes, Granulated Bye Lids
and other Eye troubles, caused by Eye-atraln.
relieved through properly fitted Glasses,
Satisfaction Assured.
Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door.
South of Barrister Slnoielr'e office,
Office hotre - 9 to 12 a, M.; 1 to 0 p, m. Alio
Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
Phone 20x ring 4
Abstract of Accounts
Cash ty hand .............. 14D0 41
aecuunt levied un 4042 42
Bowmihi account amount levied 4010 42
Townoblp of Grey 24 00
Township n Morrie ., 01 80
Taboos bean GreY S hoof 1 levied:. 401 80
Township of Grey School Loan no1 75
Township o Morris School levied? no8 75
LopallmProvemont amount Ieviwl',220897
Current Loans 81000 00
Making Fund Recount 298 76
Brussels. Dturrts & Grey To1 arooant 11884 80
Corporation Eleotrla lighting..,......,8828 20
Corporatloe Wood remount 205 80
Resident taxes 6408 07
Licenses 140 00
b acellaneous rreeipts 288508
2888 12
$ 84888 58
Salaries and llo aII 1 69 0
Printing lne a 1 w Doe I 4
Intervetaacoon t B 97
Roe&and Bridges 897 45
Rondo Bridges 4607 74
School t ures, Coe 1886 74
Debentures, Coupons, ,0a 1280 27
Fire County 210 6
Qurren rate 0700 80
OurronCloane 28760 00
hung 782178
Towi, allland Weigh Scales 210 14
Miseellnneous" 606 99
Wood account 860 00
William street Rower 2188 04
Brunets, Morris a Grey tel. Syetem, 15572 88
Public Library 278 00
School Loan „, 897 50
$ 87780 80
School Loan
Sinking Fund
Telephone System
Local Imrovement
Debit Balance
$ 2078 08
8260 41
200 50
8787 81
910908 60
Wood account $ 111 1D
Wood oontrnet account 588 25
County account 0 10 02
Local account 5002 29
Current beans 1850 00
William Street Sewer! 228e 04
5 19698 80
Uncollected texea $ 480 60
6'1 added to uneolleeted taxes 21 82
Brnesele, Morris & Grey Tel, System 5559 80
Local foundry 1500 00
Dominion Permanent Loan 4602 00
Mortgagee on heal EStete 285 00
Mnnicip.6 bebontures 146 81
Town Halla Lighting l� 00
Fire Department 4000 00
Weigh *Metes 400 00
Town Bell 850.011
Public, School building 0000.00
$ 803200 iu
Pabho School - $ 7800 00
Local Improvement 10108 05
Brueeele, Morrie ,e Grey Tel, System 708 60
Amount to Balance 5240 29
180810 90
We the undersigned auditors for the (lorr'orotion of the Vitleee of Brussels, for the year
A.1"). IOW, do hereby Certify that we have exam ned the boska, COMMON, receipts and a sounte
of rho Trteeur'r of the bhie pnllty nue report eb , anise acrreet, as par 5510 foregolnt atet1t•
mentg e'ot Bad a debit balance hgahtat the lard Corporalton amoanting to Ehe sat of $5707.61.
All Of'Whtoh is 1 e4p&ottnliy submitted,
Dated this 28th day of January, A. 70.1571.
.1•7011L18 F. GERRY, t
W.f Audltora,
Sunset Soap Dyes
• Have.oever tried thoee
$ new Dyes
es ? Been selling
them for the past with
• splendid E5801tte
ox's Drug Store
Weekly Store News
Tooth Paste
One of our most popular
Den tri files.
50c the tube
• Johnston -s
Powdered Floor 'Wax
Splendid for dancing floors.
We have it in three sizes.
We have filet repleuiehed
•our stock and our assort-
• went ie very good. Come in
• and look them over.
Needed in every home. 1 ,
Great eatiefaotion to have •-,
one on hand when *leaded. •
minute, 1 )minute, Roll 2 I
Monday,Feb. 14
• Dont overlook this import-
s ant date.
• ▪ See Our Window
Correspondence Cards $
NIcely'paokeged and a opiate,
did stock, When you hay-
eu't time to write a letter a
Correspondence Card #11111
the bill.
850 to $1.50 per pkge.
For that Tickling
Maltese Cough Drops
Wampolels Throat Ease
Menthol and Eucalyptus Cough Drops
And tho 010 Reliable
Blood Root Cough Cure
s••••••••••••s••se•••s•olo•s•sss••a••••••s•®••••ss••• •
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Palace Bakery
Baked by
from the hest materials, our
,Bread needs only trial to
demonstrate its absolute per-
teatime In flavor, tooth-
someness and autrativequat-
ity itis an ideal bread for all,
from the littlest toddler to
the 1
1 strongest t g s man. Buy a
WE OR the Ford Company cannot be held responsible for
the performance of your Ford if you tree parts nqt trade
by the Company.
The Ford warranty automatically becoulea void the moment
you' 1120 spurious parts on your car.
You cannot aflnrd tafucur this penalty. Nordoyou 111,1
your car weakened by badly 14
fitting parte made from poor mate! MI,
Spurious parte are manufactured with profit ae•the first con-
eideratinn, Genuine, Ford parts have the Vote,te.pututioll to
It is to the interest of both the Company and n1.1iselvr8 that
you [cord aha! give you continuous satisfaction. The liltePeet of
those Who make and sell a.put•i0u6 paste ends with the sale,
The ope way to tnako sure of gelling the genuine ie to patron.
Ise the dealers or garago$ displaying the Ford Service sign. That
sign shows that the dealer has bound himself by contract to sell
genulee Feed parts only, eVherever you go, look for this sign,
ypur gtrarauteo of satisfaction,
A,suFord dealers in thin cnlnmunity, we tender 11'ot'd eei'vice,
We soli genuine Ford parts at a etantla, d Mee which is eat by the
Ford Metol.' Company. Our charges for. *epithet are elan on the
"one -price" basis. You know bhe whole cost before we perform
the service.
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