HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-2-17, Page 5lee
7Mr lgr rw� t.1MITED
al9�v t�`tlr fir 'a/t' all
0,11inir COh1W'7VIRIO
or MA oeIAGB LIo k sES
Mee in Me rest °Alco, Ethel. 86.4
lig S. 800TT AB AN AUOTION'•
• ass, yrs» soil for better privee, to
hotter moa in. loos time and lose charges
than any ether Allottuuoor in Nast Union or
he won't obarge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at thie °Moe or by
poreonal application,
w M, 8,INUI)AIR--
• Y • Burrister, 8otloitor, Conveyancer,
Notary enbllo, ko, ut8oe--8towert'e Sloth
1 dour North of 0eutral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan li auk,
Honoroe,g DaYyY and night calls,e Ontario
Fleur Mill, Ethel.
Agent Nowiek Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Phone 48 Turaberry Street,13cusoele
Successor to John Barris, Walton,
T, T. M' RAE
B., M. O. P., S, O,
M. 0, a.,. Pillage of Brussels.
Physiolan, Surgeon, A000nohenr
1. dice at roeldeuae, opposite Melo the Church,
Wflliam etreet,
4. All Kinds of
furs find Hides+
it For which the highest
•t market price will be
M. Yolliek
1 Phone Ex Brussels 4
Huron County Council
The Cott/tell adj•tarned tail the
members repaired to the Oout t Mouse
corridoe, wham ex. P Wavelet' Petty, at
the tegttest of Wardell D,iig, unveiled
it tablet erected in hotter of the late
Donald Patterson, who wee for years
a valued member of the Council, who
occupied the position of Warden and
County Engineer.
Brief and appropriate addresses eu-
logizing the life and character of the,
late Donald Patterson were made by
Dr. Milne, County Treasurer Lane,
Metiers. Currie, Young, TI ewartba,
Arm,troug, Purdon, Beckett and the
County Clerk. All ep•,ke of the ster-
ling qualities of mindi and heart of the
late Cowley Elrgiteei and paid de•
servhrg tributes to his ability and
Pfl000fOOT, MOM & COOKE neighborly qualities.
Barrietore, Bo"c,tore, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, sea door from Hamilton
Private lands to loan at lowest rates.
W. PfOont'ooz $. tl'r J. L. $ILLORAN
H. J. D. Oooag
Monthly I3otse Fairs will be held this
season 1(e follows 1 --
" FEB, 31ti, 1921
MAS. 3RD, 1921
APR, 7i'u, 1921
local and Outside Buyers will he present
By order of Council.
P. 6. SCOTT, Clerk.
-r '1-
. John Oliver .t
has taken over the Deering Ag- +
,r ency and handles a full line of +
Farm Implements including the r
noted 4
j 1. N. a.
C. Cream Separators
I. The onlyCream Se also t r i +
two widopen steam outlets- +
no cream screw in the path of
the cream. See it when iti town. I
. The 1, H. C. 11-18 and 111-20 Tractors o
RIO among the batt.
The Deering Manure Spreader
1, With the wide spread and very
light in draft.
* John diver f
• County Agticultgral • li,epresenta-
live Seothere sent a lengthy and de-
tailed report of the art t k of the office..
On the subject of Soboul hairs Mr.
8tothere said 3 new school Fairs were
organized, Orediton, Gude*#ch and
tlelgrnve. Atteudance and enthue-
burnt had kept up to the records of
the past yettes and in fume cases had
set mew ream de. The schoolsfait's
were organized around community
centres as much as possible. 12
echoole were included- in. the Clinton
Fair. 'Tide was the largest There
were rattler small fairs in a couple of
places, but they were located in dis-
tricts where it should be possible to
Kt . L1a G c miler schools
t Chn)19.
"The coedit), of the exhibits was, in
the ease of older fail e; of a very high
order. In some of the newer' !Pelee
the pupils de riot yet nuderstand what
coustitutee a good exhibit. They are
learning from year to year though.
in this contrectinti we `night say that
some of -the seeds sent out last year
by the firm distributing seeds were,
mot of a particularly high order.
:;rule were very badly mixed. Con-
ecquently we ran up against some
rather poor exhibits which could be
traced to tit#s cause. We feel that
too much emphasis cannot be laid on
the quality of the material distribut-
ed fur this work."
It was hoped to improve the prize.
list so that more money could be of•
feted fol' such competitions as phys-
ical culture, school parade and school
or community singing.
The judging the pant year bad not
a F ( could been s Batts ecLa y a*cut (1 21P wish-
ed, owing to the fact that Mr. Meer ere
the Poultry judge, quit when the
Fairs tver0 abo tt !half over. Messrs.
Revell, Goderich, and Cat ter, Lourdes•
burn, assisted very materially as stip-
plies, and by co opet'stion with Mr,
2(IcKay, of Stuce, the judging of the
whole series was got through # with.
41&tOlher year the prize list wrulil
probably hove 10 be curtailed t0 about
80 classes in otder to gel Lh.ongh the
Work in time.
Two pent( y breeding stations in
the county had been esLabliehed, op -
et ated
p•etated by L. V.- Hoge) Exeter,
and H. 12, Revell, teleder rh, and
through the School Fairs 413 dozen
eggs t else 11111 ail tt1 pllpild.
'1'housaiitls of eggs and hatched ehloks
were sold by these breeders direct to
the farmers.
A very 500481401 short course in
Agriculture and Dolneetie Seience was
held in Exeter in Jan, 1921) .Attend-
ance at the gills' oouree ran up l0 75
and at the boys' up to 30. "Our ex-
perience in this 000100 convinces u9
that Uremia no better way to alit' Up
sititusiastu in the Shen Course than
by [browing Lhe responsibility on the
people of Lhe common ty '
One Junior Farmer. 1' Inprove11len1
Association, Duly, was organized, lit
Our Baby Beef Competition (Tented
coneiderable interest to the 0 itnt.y
and was our most iutereeling and
refitttble competition llad 3 coot ree
mi 7 completed lite contest. ft, the
Inter-Cotlty claw at •,.11.11111 We 110t1calve4 in 0 total lint .p of 9 and Re-
ed the following pl.n Inge, 'tad,
41h 5Nt and 701.
The campaign tocle'm (Nil tine act lib
bull tva9 gone into hl detail and also
marry ether, features of the wnl Ir.
The report of the S. riking Oontruit•
tee, earned the following committers
for the year,
Executive -N. W. 'l'rewattba, Jas,
0. Purdon, Jus. Haokett, John Doug-
las, Di,'W. 3. Milne,
o;reo a+44,a..v4e+ae44aeoae.®.a.
8 O
Hihest Price «x
A •
flaw F
I s
• 8(leelnl»•Ti Ai. Paylt , r ,osTIplinjf,
Il, 0 poi tt<i' It J All1lol' W J S 014
oan0o-3V. J ('ort 1e, V, Mr Quaid,
d. Jattulesou; W, Ali, finites, .Alex,
Mittention-•••13, W. ,F. Beavers, 11.
Elope, 12. Webb, A., 8101111, John 141e,
Road nod 13ridge-•A1erlon Elliott,
W. 1218140), A, E. Erwin, J, MoNabb,
J. Grieve,
County Property --Gurdon Young,
M. Armstrong, Dr. elm T. Flom,
Jas, F. (011111,
Haase .oR ltel"nge-A1m)s 'Pipiing,
Jno, Dotgiae, A. Neel, S. 1', Plum,
\Varden's (Jontruitit'-Wm. Stint-
ton, Jas; 0. Put don, A, 12, Erwin, N.
W.'Jh'ewerthtt, WlJ, Currie.
P00 )any minty pupile ere gnirig
mashie: the County to other High
chords . and Oolingiates, Metiers,
Tretvarlhn, Heavers and Milne were
appointed pp dol u committee to look into
the `natter and see if a way cannot be
found 10 Prevent this.
Muniuipalleles tint paying Viol`
()minty rates in future before Deo.
80th Lull to be chin ged 10 per vont
J. P. Marshall, of the Provincial
Highway Department, addressed the
Council on the lust day.
Comity printing for 1021 was award-
ed to The Godetdch Star.
The salaries of Oounly officials were
fixed as follows
Warden, 3100 ; Treasurer, 31,650 ;
Clerk, 31,500 ; Supt. toads 32600 ;
Crown Attorney, 31,100 ; Jailer, 37100 ;
Turnkey, 3700 ; Jail meteor), 3225 ;
Manager Huron County Home,
31,000 ; Matron, 35(10 ; Assistant,,
3840; Physioian, 3600 ; Chaplain 3160.
Ontario Horticultural Society
Miss Mary Yates, of Port Credit is
the fleet woman chosen as head of the
Ontau#0 Horticultural Sooiely, Miss
Yates wan elected Prealtleut of
the soniety at the annual
meeting at Toronto on Friday,
Other nf$oers elected as follows :
Rev, W. M, McKay, Weston, first
Vice -President; J. P. Jaffray, Galt,
Makes Every Woman Smile
—so easy to operate -washes clothes
wt Elea). On display at our store.
Come and eee it
Gen. R. Weller
wrcori' IEL!EF
Complete Treatment That
Rives Ratifying Results
"I had au attaolt of Weepiwg
Ra'e014 s0 had thatmy Clothes would
be wet through at times.
For four months, IsuJfered terribly,
I could get no relief until 1 tried
""Fruit -a -lives" add "Soolpa-Salva".
Altogether, I have used three
boxes of "Sootlla-Salva" and We of
"Fruit -a -tires", • and am entirely
well.". G. W. HALL.
Both these favorite remedies are
sold 'by dealers at 500. a box, 6 for
$3,60, or sent on receipt of price by
Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa.
"Frult•a-tires" f8 also put up in l6
trial size which sells for 26e.
second Vice -President; 0. A, Beeson,
8t. Catharines, Treasurer ; J. Leckie
Wilson, Toronto, Secretary and edit-
The directors are : Rev. A. H.
Scott, D. D., Perth ; 71. A. Middleton,
Lindsay ; Cherie= AV, \deur, Fnet
William ; T, D. Doekery, 1'urnhto ;
W, D, Burgoyne, St. Catharines
Wm, Hartry, Seaforlh Dr F. F.
Bennett, Se. Thames ; J. E. Carter,
Guelph, and J E. Brown, 'Kingsville,
The Ontario Horticultural Seeiety
decided to request the Legislature to
punish men eprentation : •.1 deception
regarding the sale and distribution of
diseased or mi8-named nursery stark-;
also to ask the Dominion Government
to appoint a competent person to in-
spect all bulbs imported into Canada,
and to deal with any diseased bulls as
such officer might deem advisable,
The Greyhound Excursion,
The dates of the Greyhound's June
excursion have been announced. The
steamer will arrive on Monday, June
13th, at Goderich, and the moonlight
excursion under the auspices of the
Goderich band will be held that even-
ing. The trip to Detroit would be made
the following day, leaving Goderich the
usual time on Tuesday morning, return-
ing Thursday and leaves again for the
final trip to Detroit on Friday morning,
June 17th,
East Wawanosh Council
Council met on Ft•b. 71h, with all
the members present. Minutes of last
meetingwere ate read and apprtvetJ.
Communication Them lite city cif
Loudon asking the Council to appoint
a delegate ft meeting 111thee
i o
city 0
23 1 the,
d e trot°) ' )
RcuUt n (( the
L H and 13railway received and
read On motion 11r 11osteo° ami
Gillespie Councillor Cnnites 108.1 Op -
110 Smoking—No Spraying—No Snuff
Just Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing, stop mucus
gatherings in the bronchial tabes, give
long nights of quiet sleep; contains no
habit-forming drug. 31.00 at your
gist's, Trial free at our agencies or
Templeton, 142 King We Toronto.
LoonlAgent, Janos Pox
Electricity at All Times
Messrs, Wildon tot Jackson. Jalrles
Lake, Angola, Ind., Pay of D en.
Light: "Our Defeo -Light la used t1(.
lighting• a etnre, hotel, haat-httdll,,g
three cottages and grounds. One
plant has been in operation foe -over a
year but we have never been "1itlient
Write for Catalog
H. G. Darroch
District Agent, Listowel
Autumn brings with it a lot of betake
8Ale'edeotreeswae4aerf4o4m0eteoee that belong peculiarly to the fall of
$ o the year, Sortie of these are the work
our ail
crimes simply because it's
s Amnion, e time of har'voet-of
Be�� 9garnering.
Sartre of these tasks come because
Winter re following along on the heels
of Autumn and preparation must be
'nude before the icy
Meets mune, foe
the shut-in days and the long nights
of the Winter season.
Aututnn is the time to get every-
thing snug -to replants all broken win-
o -
doty lanes .t ut back into
t o p tic c plena the
Cellar windows, to get the Winter's
fuel supply housed in a good, dry
place if that has not aleendy been tak-
en tare of mullet, in the season,
When Lhe evening* begin In leng.
then Rua 110licuiions moue again of
the long 50013111ga drat are attend, it is
a gond time .o think i
1 1 to I 1 bout the light.
in s elom o le is grind f i ( enough r
e t h fn the
coming Winter, If Ode in the old,
Coal-oil•lamp system, it will pay to
inveetigate the stabjeot of electricity
s For Sale p
3 Crain Wren inw,Pxchange for e
e same at market price at ee
a Ethel Elevator 3
0 C,Gill ;•gee -Also agouti) foe lite well :West '1'neonto. Ph ree leave me 0t yonr entices arid get one of elle it; hese Feetilizers on he market, ;
I Ha
Yrile, ltd per
01111 111e up -?hone 62x
1tI1LL' tEh;'P
illNt' +N o••N•44100404**,0
$ G, C, GILL Agent
I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
for Ugh Ling the farm 1(r a,rl,nrh.0
home. Electtirity ran be n,01 for
13gliting, uolvatlays, in tory 1, .Shuts,
by means of one of the 0,111111, 11,11ivid-
nal electri^ plants and the farmer.
who will put nue of tl e>e 1,1 101,111 nn
his premises will be mire of ur",letn
ldght0 for the long \3 oiler evenings
But 11 should 0
e alou tl n t amt mei! Win.
tee to plan for it. Fir,ttie lights
mean electric hiring, the mine alt for
a 1101180 in the any. An 1b"'1)11 plant
will re ul e it cotso)elr
port and tide should be 111u1,1 w1111e
the work 0041 be 111010 10 comfort, It
ie a 11811110 job 1(r isi•t) roll``°' in 1lin
Wiiter time and while 0 is n mall
Otte IS Make n base- 1' ::+ Nth, int;
Omit, it's sntalh•t their ever if it ie
made der deg nice it utuinu no:t71*",-,
And 11,10117 l tW118t0hd farmers end their
families s
alt are drtltu•ir1f lh tl makes
1 it r '
Ammon more ems eefthl•: le lie 1(l Ir 10
look forward (1 Wt'i1 r rvrninl ((lith
plenty of height electt•hc light. in the
hero hletead of coal oil lamps,
ck to
1 Business
1 4 Of 4
1: al.,.......,e
AAV1:N(t elurn,'d froTup
costo (, stn nnre ltlnrme un- s
the jut) with marry addl. e
111(5 Io any stock of 0
e WATCHES - y•
e AND a
* rind an to be sold atclosetmice0, t
+} Many choice goods for Wed-
tding Pi•eeerrte. 4
a, Personal ateentiun given to t•e• e
2 thalrs. p
♦ Sntlefactinn aseitred, 4
. Call in.
i a
W. F. Strettoo
; S
O 4
,`,04.44e444144•$+44.41.4•e 4 •••04,4 44
pointed to attend this meeting tie a
representative of titin Munieientl#ty.
Messrs, Scott end Elliott presented
lucid report as Auditors of accounts
for 1920, tha Abstract statement,,
showing a balance nn baud 1(t the
end of the year of 31881. 67. The re-
pot t was adopted on motion of 001111 es
arid Robeeteou,
item esentativee of the Sawyer -
Massey Go., waited on the Council in
reference to the selling of road mach-
inery, An order was placed with the
above Company for the purchase of a
road grader.
Reeve and Clerk were ant hot ieed to
sign aril forward to the Legielative
Assembly a petition, for the pm pose
of securing It more 1)113,,1(011)1(1 Olen re.
more equitable distribution or 11ydn1
Electric power• throughout the Pi (m-
HyLetw No 3, 1921, regulating the
running at large of dogs in the Muud-
cipality Wac.read and passed,
The renewing accounts were paid ;-
Fred, Hayden, Dern, statute tuber tax,
$O 40 ; Wm. A. Cnt•rle, sheep -destrny
4d by doge, $35 00 ; D. °inter, widen-
ing and fencing On hi11, Cons. 4 & 5.
3146.00 ; I. S. Scott and 3. Follett,
Auditors 3.12.110 each ; F, Andersen,
Treasurer's salary, 3120 00: Postage
and war tax. 315.00.
Commit adjourned to meet again on
Monday, 'March 14111, at 1 O'clock.
A. PonTER1rIELn, Clel•k.
Nev. Al C. Wishart Writes
from Calgary
DEAR MR K'ERR-The label nn 1(l
"POST" informs me that my subserip-
tinn J8 pant due, and fearing lest I
might be cut (•tf, I enclose 11R O. Ord-
er, with thanks. I look fntward to
the cooling of Tux Pose, each week
like the visit eta friend uud carefully
„m11 the tilt ins o1 news emitained
therein. One thing that has for gr 10e
time(1euck ole very ftircihly, is the
;deeming manner in which en Many'
your worthy eitizene have been reeve
ing away from the old town, and wets
110t NW the staunch calibre (,f thr
people still remaining I would fetor fog
the future of Brussels, brat kuowiur
what the) ale, there is no 1'088011 11
fear on that genre. I think -the row,
Ooutwit should pass a byelaw pri111ihig
in;; airy other persalt even epeakhot
,1f moving away, under penalty [ f a
heavy fine and imprisonment if neces-
Ne have passed through a very
$Ceenuouo year in the West and things
re a very dull here. The unexpected
drop in the price of farm produce
came as a severe blow, from whdrh the
country has net yet recovered and
fitern818 are very nitwit discouraged
It will take ail the Western grit and
1ptimism that they ran nttt.ter to
send them faith to the Reid, next
Spring to sow nnre more in Irene,
The unemployment problem lute nee
we:tuned be propnrllons it was fear-
ed her e, :+till there are many unem-
ployed, to lvhmn a8 others, t( h1( coo
scarcely keep the wolf from the door,
'('he mild Winter in a von!table God-
crud, To rneey it has been a hued
yitr,118 t114o .f1'ew11tti•nt gic. 111has been easy, to 801'
Ohm eh work goes on moi h no usual
bot it is always ermine t}1(e fist to
feel the pinch of hind times. Stilt
thee*. are those wh.1 believe in the
Church mei eland 17 it, Mid alto,
lhenugh oil fits eared expo; ienet s,
give it of their very best. It is n test-
ing time of the church and of puifes-
Ing Clhrisl111us, the likes of stub T
have never seed in my experience,
And yet "There de 110 restraint In the
Lord to save by many or by few,"
Toe wee- the different dennminatione
trent ',over 1110 t(l in rounerlinn
with the great Forward Movement
financial camuaign 5hntvs that the
1.11)10011 is still alive and all that is
needed to the propelling dynamic of
the power of the Holy Spirit to melte
her orgailizat:one and energies elf 01
ire, fur "it le not by alight nor by
lower but1
l h t by4ti ,•
t t ga 1
l t the
Lord d nr Hosts." T P
4((lh.supremen t�
sed ,f
the church is the welting for the en- i
d„wluen1. of the Spit itas the disciph s
wait 'd before rt e Pe t e
t r Petit t.
lly the help '11 a kindly Provirhw.re
we have 0001e to the end of abettor
(Meech year in 0111cni,g1Pgatinn, at (1
me able to report the hest year in one
dtietemy, 1 `night e, 1(d you a elippi• g
fenln the 7).>)h')) here hoot is ton long
end wo,1t1 not be interesting to merry
,.f your readers. Still a few itnns
might Interest.rent, Our Force arts Motif,1
)lent allotment wan largely nver•8ub-
teefthed and over a half of it has I•ttbn
paid 3n, TI114 S. 8, raised neer
•31000,00. Our mortgage debt which
Persuasion Tailed
Jhey.7ok /0 . %rce.
SUB was so proud
of her first cake.
It was so light so
But her young bro-
thers had an eye on it,
too, and
You've simply got to
bide the cakes and
bread when they're
made from Create of
the West Flour.
Maple Leaf Milling Co„
Toronto, Winnipeg
Brandon, Halifax
,�F>J a �' � r.
2 verve ago W(18 $180(11) now etanda at POST, and with v
$71100. The one organization which prosperous year.
excelled itself
I f was the Dulles'
AltVery 5 1'
wilic3) raised over 81)0(100 Hre-Sixths A. t 1 te rails er.
of which 10ae made by the needle, Oalgaoy, Jam Slot, hue t 1
The total amount rained from an
sources wad; over 313,700. Our mem- _ --- --- -------- bersh1p stands at a little less than 800. ,�,
We gave over $4,000 to Missions and AwFav✓''k'
Easter Tenn Opens it 29
Before I close I wish to congratulate
you most heartily ell 1110 lengthy ser-
vice you havebeen permitted to ren guild for Success by A. tending
der to Brussels and nut 1 •
t 1 u)my ttn ee
editor t f 'Tile, Pose, It is no 'small 19
opinion an
you have none awlalways �) Vonge &Charles 8tO„ +°:•unto'
true to the highest ideals 'of life, me, see, 44'? , „
May your bow long abide in siren 1+ =th
for a i.
anti ns an nidlt•dshman said in h"ur•,;ii graduates q1( , 1:�
ler when he peesente,l 1111❑ with a )•,an1 "},'There ore 1t t „' '
Irish blackthorn Blick nn one n"moult T0(11 o 11 11 Fe,• 1( \ ,
"Dia bivin' be ueen Il' nu r• 1ta,t \ , ,,
y your hums, Itit may art year. Bator tit ,:r>1 1r::L.,• i1
you be tt len;; time in gettiri thele," so frre.
Engl. wo all L., Fon. ;Vey yon be lent; w. J. ELLIOTT, PI'. J.VOPP-,zlr. qEngl.spored to guide the dee doses of Tette ,F t 211?F^xx 4.t see fee fie ., 7,F:.', a .. to
thing to be able to stand for so long 7
time guiding and mlotddit.g Nadir
SPS41641$4e*Git44 aetvG•9 FARM
® r1
Hoyal HouseinE II
Scald Shorts and suis Coni
l a Here are our 3'l is ,s1
' IS
: Shorts?Olt ,s
Bran 2i(
I Linseed Meal w
I Low Grade Flttul g2'76 ;
j Good Feed Coro '.;,.1 10
Royal HousI•hl.ld i'
a, Flour 65 911 ,r
® Oatmeal per cwt. OC'
® _.•••••- 3
B •
We Js17d16Y,tl(lt8i'
AVING the Agency for the Ma- 1
Ourtuick and Deering Itnple-
plements I will give closest
priers in anything needed in Perm Ion-
, .
Lnfngn• Truelove inertia t ' 1 r
7 t t t rt, (,tt . :
1 retold
ee•ur older in U. F. O. style ami
you will save money. I will g11ar8.n-
tee yon teeniest any reduction in prices
until implement is used, unci by order-
ing note you will stove any advance in
price which is likely to take place
Have a few linpll'nlents on hand
which will bo sold at old prices,
David Milne
s Phone 43 >o
tQQ�t55%�rfgt$t�tn�rt$tRt��c,�nt7R•Ar r.,-• ,, 0111 q. :,.:,1�,
Sixty years of Leadership -of giving good value, heaping satisfrtetion 4
and real service! That's why the Gideon name wins respo)11 oar'.
confidence front coast to coast. That's why we aro proud' site sell
this dependable farm equipment.
Costa You
A11 Sizes
"The Wonderful t 1)vnn" stand- tum ems
More Gilsona dow
li llr,b e,1(kv n
i r
Inst year than any other g 'lumina
i1 is roar
go size Gilson.
fie Ea• nutted to be the hl,htt-i. rnaaaa lliwcr
egine—any y purpose—canmeat plan.
6e Cur- gutter' unit.
pay i on the hast' payment plan. Len ..
pay for itself. Its the Bigg and depend.. B1 your own o t dsnn v 1 t ilrl ono
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