HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-2-17, Page 3nem!: lezeonenerree
Legitimate Trade That Yields
Quick Returns to Farmers
and Others-
Each year, .the question is raised as
to whether it would be In the public
Interest to prohibit the exportation' of
Christmas trees from Canada to the
United States.
In the first place, the greet bulk of
Chriatmas trees so exported are cut
from privately owned lands. In many
cases, they are cut from pasture lands
upon whfoh, the farriers desire to
check tree growth in order to main-
tain the pasture. In other cases,, trees.
are cut from swamp areas of inueltegs
where the growth le • very Mow, but
where growth in the open la favorable,
to the symmetrical development of
the tree, ties rendering it particularly
suitable for Christmas tree purposes.
In nether of such oases would the
'prchihitice of the' export of Christmas
iraes have any noticeable effect In in-
eron:lrg the suppliee of material suit -
en) fer Pulpwood or lumber,
It hes rot beau roTloaaly suggested
tient rcaidcets of Canada should be
prohflr,ted the use of Christmas trees.
Theo: terse, are usually available lo- •
ca'Jy. If, however, exportation to the
'Wiled Snare; were to be prohibited,
Ilene would be many farmers or other
enema cr private lands along the In-
to:elder:A boundary whose market
for Chrletwae trees would be cut oaf
entente a t,r greatly reduced. In such
move t.rous objection would be
lslstd to the wenn suggo;,teJ, `The
CE Christmas trete affords
teener •s and ethers an opportunity for
w1i trx week and roveuue. The sys-
tcmene growing of trees for pulpwood
GT lumber involves a. Ring -time Me-
rmen, which makes this ueuaF1y a
mauler for govert:ments or long-lived
a coal:orations, In either atm, it is a
bus:ne.t proposition, There is no
more:able doubt that the farmer can
EOeure a :larger rove•nue from the sale
of ChM :tams trees than would bo the
cue were he required to let the trees
grow to size; suitable for either pulp -
wool or lumber.
e mate Pulpwood Waste. �da���N��®��-�a�ILd�_'-
;ls a metier of feet, the vcarte in
Oaee a mother has used 'Baby's Own
Tablets teener littto"onos Elie will use
nothing else. Her use of them leads
leer to believe there is no other mode
cine to equal then for any of the many
minor ailments of chliclltood, Con-
eet'ning them Mrs, 'Eugene Boisvert,
East Aldfleld, Que„'writes:' My baby
was terribly oonetipit'ted, but after the
use of Baby's Own Tablets he is en-
tirely well again, I am' so well setle.
fled with the Tablets that I lose no op-
portunity in recernmendtng them to
other mothers.” The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mall at 26
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
His Mistake.
He longed to fled ibe,road to tame,
But nota highway bore that mane.
He thought to glory there must be
A. level path that he•siiottid see;
But every road to which became
Possessed a terrifying name.
He never thought that fame might.
Along the dreary path called work.
He never thought to go and see
What marked the road called industry,
Because it seemed so rough and high
He passed the road to semvtce by,
Yet had he taken either way
He might have conte to fame some
"Pape's Diap•
epsin" Corrects
-Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest,
surest relief for Indigestion, Gases,
Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fen
mentation or Stomach Distress caused
by acidity. A few tablets give almost
immediate stomach relief. and shortly
the stomach Is corrected so you can
eat favorite foods without fear, Large
case costs only 60 cents at drug store.
Absolutely harmless and pleasant
Millions helped annually. Largest sell-
ing stomach -corrector in world. -Adv.
The depth -of water under a vessel
can now be'ascertained by the hydro-
phone, whio1i works on the reflection
of the sound of the ship's propeller
from the ocean -bed.
Mlnard's. Liniment.for Dandruff.
To My on
oe you knew that your Saul 10 of Inv
Bola knell pert
That you seer to be fibre and core of
mY heart?
11on0 other eau pale Xqe 02 Yon, dear,
eon dei
None other eau please me or praise
ole 0.5 roll,
Remember, the world will be quielc
with its biome
It shadow or stain ever darken your
"Like motti.or, like son," Is a saying so
The world will judge largely or mother
by you,
Be this, thou, my task, rz task it obeli
To force tbts.proud world to do hom-
age to me,
130 sure it will say,when lts verdict
You've won,
"She reaps as she sowed. Lo, this
man is her son l e
--Your Mother,
Disposal of Lumbering Slash.
The Dominion Forestry $ranch Is
the piouserin systematic slash Wa-
imea! In Canelo. On all timber sales
in the Dominion forest reserves, this
1s one of the terms of the contract,
Slnsb disposal is now generally in ef-
fect in timber sales on unlicensed
lands in the Dominion threat reserves.
Operators And that, once their men
become familiar with the work and
recognize that it must be done, the
cost is by no means prohibitive and
competition with timber ` out under
other conditions is quite possible. The
stumpage revenues to the Government
are somewhat smaller by virtue of
this requirement, but forest officers
regard thio as a good investment. On
Dominion Crown lands under license,
slash disposal is not effective, these
lands not being under the jurisdiction
of the Forestry Branch. Iu cense-
quenco, the Are hazard in forest re-
serve lands is greatly increased,
In British' Columbia considerable
progress has been made toward slash
disposal In the Coast regions and a
beginning has been made in the In-
terior. • This is largely the result of
co-operation between the B.C. Forest
J3ranch andthe operators, though
there is now legislation under which
slash- disposal made be made compul-
sory, the cost for the most part to be
divided between the operator and the.
forest protection fund, On the coast,
broadcast burning is the rule, this in-
Grunt et c u with pulpweed and saw
timber of orat:'na in all our forests
r. rtwtdghC many thousand times over,
;thy pezelble loss which can be figured
its roman:Gen with the Christmas tree
trade. The annual lues from prevent-
able ftrrest iMacs Is in the sante cate-
gory. ilofore any government can ,
take the matter of the C8uitmas treat
trade so seriously as to contemplate
prohibiting exports, it should provide
really effective—forest fire protection
and take stere to eliminate umte,!es
eery eagle of merchantable ru:tterial
in enreetion with legging operations
en Crown timber lands,
The agitation for the enforced dis-
cootinuauco of the Christmas tree
trade, in whole or in part, shows a
very hs a: shy anxiety for the public
v c if:.re, however, this vary rom-
mendable anxiety would much better
be directed toward promoting 1n-
orensed etilenticy in lomat fire pro-
t,ction and n reduction of the truly
i tegering levees which take place.
each ye.u' through unneceasaly waste
of mercltatttaflle mnteriai in canuee-
tine with lloggieg epe atfons.
Wisps of Wisdom.
The man who floes yen an injury t
will remember it long after you have
forgiven him,
Remember when you are right you s
ran afford to lteep your temper. Wlten
you aro wrong you can't afford to lose g
An optlineet can always see the n
bright side of the other fellow's mis- d
ortuue. e
The beat education in the world is
hat got by struggling to make a Liv g
Provincial Board of Health. Ontario
Or. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat -
0 tors through this column: Address him at the Parliament Bldgs.. A
�Wa��es��ea�nu�V t
Good health, strong mentality and fault of his oven but from being in -
an active intelligent viewpoint on life adequately and improperly fed during
for as many people as possible, are the first few years of life.
We see so many beautiful thoughts
c2 Toren to,
volving .comparatively little m444001103
the Miura previnees, however,
Ureedoaat bulling 1s not feaaibie to
any great eetent,• partly becaaae of
damsge to the remaining undersized
timber, end partly because lit many
cases the soil itself le Iiigbly inSam-
mable• As a rule, .under ouch cendt.
bone, sitush meet be piled for burnleg,
and title neeessarlly involves material
expenee, In addition to the cost of
burning, which has ta, be done under
careful supervislen,
Depend Upon the Condition of
the Blood -Keep it Rich,
Red and Pure.
When a doctor tolls you that you are,
anaemic, ho Simply means, !n plain•
English, that your blood is weak and
watery. But time condition is one
that utay eae'ny pass into a hopeless
decline It prompt steps are not taken
to enrich tate blood. Poor blood, weak,
wateayblood Is thecause,of headaches
and backaches, lose of appetite, poor
digestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner-
vous Irritability and many outer
troubles. To poor blood le due the
pimples and blotches, the muddy com-
plexion that disfigures so many faces:
To bave good health, a gold complex-
ion anti a cheerful manner, the blood
must be kept rich, red and pure. This
is easily done through the use of a
blood enriching tonic like Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. The whole mission.
of this medicine is to help enrich the
blood which: reaches every nerve and
every organ of the body, bringing witth
it health, strength and new activity.
That is why people who occasionally
use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills always
feel bright, .active and strong.
Mrs. E. E. Cook, Simcoes Ont„ gives
strong testimony to the value of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills when the blood
is in'an anosmic condition, she says:
"I have been a sufferer for some years
from a run down condition of the sys-
tem. 1 suffered from pains in the
back, twitching of the nerves and
muscles, my appetite was poor, I had
indigestion and would get drowsy af-
ter eating. My hands and tea were
almost always cold, and though I was
constantly doctoring, the medicine I
took did not help me. I had practical-
ly given up hope Of good health, until
a friend from Hamilton came to visit
me, and urged me to try Dr. Williams'
Pink 'Pills. It took some persuasion,
but finally I consented to try them, 1
have reason to be grateful that I did,
for after using seven boxes I felt like
a new person. I have gained in
weight, have a better color and my
work is now a pleasure. For this con-
dition my thanks are due to Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills; and I cannot praise
them too highly."
You can get Dr. Williams? Pink Pills
hrough any dealer in medicine, or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co Brockville, Ont.
seine at the things that Public Health on paper, with suggestions as to how
aetit'ities are trying to foster and de- to live to the best advantage, but in
velop in this Province at the present real life these cannot be followed out
time. except the physical and mental state
Success in one's chosen occupation of the person concerned is normal or
is the aim of every man and woman as nearly so as possible,
of sense, and there are three rules Emerson says: "Life is not so short
for success. The first of these is: Go but there is always time for courtesy."
on. The second is: Go on. The third But again, the courteous man is usu-
is: Go on. These are good rules, but ally the healthy man, and he radiates
to carry them out, a man or woman optimism and happiness with whom-
nust have the necessary stamina, and soever he comes in contact.
the physical make-up must be so Even the matter o'f temper needs
ordered and governed that a person consideration from a. public health
need not lag behind in life's race standpoint. Bad temper affects di-
hrough weakness of the flesh, even gestion and a train of bad symptoms
hough the spinft is willing to succeed. result. "Remember," says an adage,
Wendell Phillips says: "The best "when you aro night, you can afford
ducation in the world is that trot
„ by to keep your temper, and when you
traggbing to make n living.This is are wrong you can't afford to lose it."
true if ire who is engaged in the strug- Bad temper may be hereditary to
le is endowed among other things some extent, but it can be controlled
WI a clear mind, a sturdy frame, f£ nn honest effort is made.
ted a good digestive apparatus. But By even commonplace examples
isappointments and handicaps at suoh as these, one can readily under -
very turn face the t l'
Y weakling -the stand the necessity of `observing ger-
man or woman who has not perhaps eral rules of health that help those
of n good start, and therefore has who are well to keep well, and as for
lug, b
Don't think you are a failure be- h
cause you are not piling up wealth. If
you are honest, irtdtLstriouss 'square; t
if you aro cheerful under difficulties,
helpful and inspiring to everybody
about you; if you are taking every op-
portunity to improve yourself, you are
Infinitely more successful than a
greedy, hard, selfish millionaire,
By the Horse.
A motorist put up at au English inn.
Ile hen just bought the car and did not
hesitate to b.mg about its capabilities
io the hmiteeeer,
The follow -leg morning, however,
when he called for his bill, he gazed
at it in consternation.
"I,andford," he called out, "I've been
very comfortable here all night, and
your charge for bed and breakfast is
very reasonable, but what's this -30
shillings for housing my car in ,your
"Well, zar," replied the innlleoper,
"Oi've not had one step 'ere afore,
and I didn't exactly know what to
trharge, and tie yer wore. ..t=tellfng 01
that was all-liorshpowar, 01 charged 2
ehilltnge a night a horse, les en anus
Mail is -of -honor to Queen Mary re-
telve the rank of "Honorable" with
the social standing of '• a bermes
'daughter, unless by birth they already
'rank As such or higher,
ecu handicapped all through child- infants and young children to see that
ood and the years at school. they receive nourishing food in suffi-
Wasted opportunity, it is said, is dent quantity, rest, warmth, and
he cause of most faflurea. How often, proper medical and nursing supervi-
owever, the wasted opportunity Sion so that they may grow to bei
arises through inability of the person healthy adults and become useful
ti'ected to grasp the importance of members of society. A nation's great-
the situation, on account of dull men- mess depends on the good health and
aiiby resulting perhaps through no education of its people.
Sweetness' of Wheat
and Malted. Barley.
is the S W eetneS i
The delicately rich ,savor, natural
to the grains, is developed, through
20 hours' baking. (rape'R'uts needs
no added sugar, and, is rich in noun-
ishment, of a .Form easy to digest.
This ready -cooked Food is economical
"there' a Reason son t,
As Time Passes
I know that over yonder, just beyond
the cloud so gray,
A bird is sweetly eingin' of the April
an' the hiay,
With the rainbow lightly playin' when
the silver showers drop -
Keep a tickin', Mr. Clock -an' don't
you dare to stop.
I know that over yonder, jes' beyond
the leafless tree,
A garden filled with •blossoms tempts
the butterfly and bee,
With the perfume of the ntoonflow'r
breathin' out a silent song -
Keep a tickin', Mr. Clock. The jour-
ney's not so long.
"Cascarets" If Sick,
Bilious, Headachy
Tonight sure! Let a pleasant, harm-
less Cascaret work while you sleep
and have your liver active, head clear,
stomach sweet anti bowels moving re-
gular by morning. No griping or in-
convenience, 10, 26 and 60 cent boxes.
Children love this candy cathartic too.
The Boy Scouts Association.
The Tenth Annual Meeting of the
Provincial Cormcil tor Ontario of the
Boy Scout Association held in Toronto
on Friday, January 29th, was the most
largely attended meeting that body
has ever had, some fifty members of
the Council and representatives from
various sections of the province being
in attendance. Mr. J. W. IMIitchell,
Vice-Preeident of the Council, pre-
sided in the absence of the President,
Mr. Gilbert B. leauguler, who is spend-
ing the winter in Italy.
Reports presented to the meeting in-
dicated that the organization in On-
tgrio is now reaching practically 9,000
boys, there having been a substantial
increase both in the number of troope
and In public interest in the Scout
movement since the early summer. It
was also stated that the Provinofal
Board of Honour which deals with all
applications for awards tor life-saving,
etc., dealt with seven meritorious
cases during the first six months it
was in office: Of these, two Imre for
saving persons from death by are, four
for gallantry in water accidents, and
ono for specially good sorvices ren-
dered to the Boy Scout Movement.
One boy saved two chtldi- ti from cer-
tain death in a fire which destroyed
their Homo in which they were quar-
antined because they were suffering,
trout Parfet fever. '111",cont net cue:
performed 11:c re-,ne ;.t r. o
Used Autos
Y�TWAICItY iiltn1,$ 'l'legei; 1781±.)
.L earn o1 all types; all cars sold sub.
Act to.deliverryy up to 009 miles, or teat
run of sante tllatance if you wtsh. In ga
got/ order es purchased, er purchase
orlre refunded.
RING mechanic of your own choice
to look there aver, ur oak us 't
aka auy
.ear ctY
sento ve
So tto TveryLargs tltoolatRRysfiend
9reakey'e Used Car Market
40ta Y9Ags throat, - Taro
A Mletpice,
Colonel (who suffers with collie/-
o "Look bore, sergeant, I believe you
have a men named Snlitb who is a
Sergeant---"Misinfarmed, sir -'en
Church of Engle:ell,"
New to Him,
"Rave you any worth -while books fu
here?" meted the superior person.
We have thousaude of . volumes,
air," replied the cleric. "I'm sure there.
1e something iu our stock to suit the
most exacting taste. What do you re-
"I want a book on synwnyme."
"Just a moment, sir, nate'. I speak
to the bases I don't believe we have
any of-er-Synonym's woks•,,'
himself, but in doing so contracted a
esvere attack of the disease.
For the year 1521 Aar, Gilbert le,
Ampler, of Ottawa, was re-elected
President, anti Mr, W. E. George, of
Toronto, Provfnolel Commissioner. Mr,
J. W. Mitchell, of Toromlo, and Rev.
Fr, Hebert, of Ottawa, are the Vico-
Presidents, and Messes, H. A. I,aur-
enee' and G. H. Roes res'peetively are
the Provenefal Secretary and Provin-
cial Treasurer. The new Executive
Committee consists of Sir John Eaton,
C. Q. Ellis, A, B. Fisher, J. E. Ganong,
J, G. Gibson, Lt. -0o1. I1ensrie, John
G. Hent, Lt: Col. Noel Marshall, 0. B.
lecNaught, John A. Northway, A. J.
J. F. M. Stewart, H. R. Tad-
hope, A. J. Gougb and J. J. Vaughan.
Messes. Prank Aruobdl, IS.0„ H. A.
Laurence, T. Albert Brown anti A. T.
Reid were re-elected to the Board of
9 f
His Hearing Restored.
The iuvfoible ear drum invented by
A. 0. Leonards which Is a miniature
megaphone, fitting inside the ear en-
tirely out of sight, is restoring the
hearing of hundreds' of people in New
'York City. Mr. Leonard invented this
drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises, and It does this so
successfully that no one could tell he
is a deaf men. It is effective when
deafness is caused be' catarrh or by
perforated, or wholly destroyed natur-
al drums. A request for information
to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth
Avenue, New York City, will be given
a prompt reply. advt.
For Future Canadians.
A country with forests -and no
country 1s more richly blessed in this
regard then Canada has a distinct
obligation to see that these forests are
conserved so that future generations
shall not seriously lack one of the
most intportarit contributions to cul-
ture and comfort. Finland own teach
us a good lesson in the proper care of
the forests. Finland, like Canada,
must depend 1n a large measure on
the product of the forest to maintain
and improve her economic status- To
neglect this course of wealth is to in-
vite national bawkruptcy It is most
aatonishing to us that Canadians have
so largely failed bo realize the abso-
lute necessity for a proper forest
policy for the whole Dominion.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper
.'For a Chinaman to wear spectacles
in company is considered en act of
In the French war zone, Arras now
bas a population of 41,500, Bethune
of 20,000, and Lens of 9,000,
Corns Lift Off
with Fingers
Drop a little "Freezone" ou an ach-
ing corn, instantly that corn stops
hurting, then shortly you lift 1t right
off with fingers. It doesn't hurt a bit.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone" for a tew cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, cold the cal-
buses, without a particle of pain.
a•..•.„,... ®-.•c,.•e be �» ems.
Cause of d
: Early Old Age d
d The celebrated Dr. Michboff, d
$® an autha:ity on early old age,
says that itia "caused bypoiaona
generated in the intestine."
When your stomach digests food
aEroopperly it is absorbed without ;
ng poisonousmatter. Poi.
e sons bring on early old age and
premature death. 15 to 30 drops
of "Seigel's Syrup" after meals ,,
yourdigestion e
omni. so
�•arta�rG •.
"Bayer" is only Genuine
Warning! it's criminal to take a
chance on any substitute for genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescribed
by physicians for twenty-one years and
proved sate by millions. Unless you
see the name "Bayer" on package or
on tablets you are not getting Aspirin.
at an. in every Bayer outage are
directions for Colds, headache, Neur-
algia, Rheumatism, Earache, Tooth
Lumbago and for Mtn, Handy iin
boxes of twelve tablets Gest few rents.
Druggists Oleo sell larger package,,
made in Canada llspilen is the fettle
rnatk (mien -ice In C eneelel, cif Bayer
?der M1100 Cr '1.ac:.1e• Lieaeek:.'tor
a F etyk;r, s 4
Boiled Locomotive,
Picking ber way daintily through
the locomotive plant, a young woman-
omanvisitor viewed the huge operations.
with awe, Finally, ane turned to a
young man who wee showing her
through, and asked:
"What is that big thing over there?"
"That's a locomotive -boiler," he re -
piled. She puckered her brows,
"And whet do they boll locomotives
"To snake the locomotives tender,"
and the young man from the office
never smiled.
A Purchasable Article.
A Belgian woman, who lost her hus-
band la a railroad accident, received
from the company $2,000 by way of
compensation. Shortly afterwards she
read 02 a traveller getting twice as
much for the loss of a leg, She went
to the company and protested that the
difference was unfair,
"Madam," said the official, "tie two
awards are perfectly fair. Four thous-
and dollars won't provide the man.
with a new leg, but far $2,000 you can
easily get a new husband.
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
A Kindly Word.
"Oh, let the sympathy of kindly words
Sound for the poor, the friendless,
-and the weak,
And He will bless you! He who struck
these chords
Will strike another when in turn
you seek."
Women in the United States now
number nearly 30,000,000,
'California Syrup of Pigs'.
Child's Best Laxative
eet e•
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only -look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
physic for thelittle etbm ach
liver and bowels. Children love its •
fruity taste. Full directions on each
bottle. You must say "California."
America's Pioneer Dog Remedies
Book on
and Row to Treed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author,
U. Clay ISiover 00., 200.
118 West 81st Street
New York, U.S.A.
"Pain's enemy"
--III stay itis!
WREN- you want es/dr tom -
.r forting relief from Any
'external" pain, use S1acn's
Liniment. 1tdoesthefob witL-
out etalnine, ratbbine, bandag-
ing. Use Anis ferriteumation*,
neuralgia. name and pain&
sprains and stratus. backache.
sere emotes.
{eeg it
Classified Arti±
rr1111TOitON7'o 711olA
near Weston, aid AUiedil5JX: ttele, clew
fork, offers to yours woen deafa•pyq
91 bsoonting qualified nrrrae5 u novo,
yyear course of general-treining envoi,
tine resider ee; Bang�tle rooms, For elaiih}rx
and other information a ply 1,ndY li p
aria Indent, Toronto Free 1'Iosnl,,fra1,
Weston, Ontaro.
Lumbago, Neuralg la, or any other rain,
Apply Minard's Liniment to the aoirinte
;pot and gat quiok relief, Minard'a i*
the 0e10007 7000 grandmother mold.
There is eothin��^ to equal It.
1 Qat SALT] 311Y10 XWI.IIII RD,
The New Car.
Pedestrian (conversing with friend'
in automobile) -"Xs it a. self-starter?" I
"No, I letve to crank the old boot,
Ile say she's a self -stopper, though."
Wily Tommie.
Tommie --"Grandma, If I was in-
vited out to dinner some place, should
I eat pie witb a fork?"
Grandma -"Yes, indeed."
Tommie -"You haven't got a piece
of pie around the house that T could.
practice on, have you, grandma?"
Although ducks, of which there are.
nearly 200 species, are the most num-,
emus in northern regions, they are
found ail over the world,
relieves pain of headache, neuralgia,
ieiatica, lumbago, rheumatism.
$I.00 a tube.
gents for Ar. Jtdea nauguo
Girls! Save Your Hairl
Make It Abundant!
Immediately atter a "Danderine"
massage, your hair takes on new life,
lustre and wondrous beauty, appearing
twice as heavy and plentiful, because
each hair seems to huff and thicken.
Don't let your hair stay lifeless, colar-
less, plain or scraggly. You, too, want
Iots of long, strong, beautiful hair.
A 35 -cent bottle of delightful "Dam
derine" freshens your scalp, cheeks
dandruff and falling hair. This stirnu-
lattng "beauty -tunic" gives to thin,
dull, fading hair that youthful bright-
ness and abundant thickness. -AD
On Face and Hands, itched and
Burned. Cuticura Heals.
"My baby was only a month old
when her face and hands started to
get red and scaly. The
eczema started in the form
of waterblistersend itched
and burned. She was so
cross and fretful she could
4 not sleep.
leale, "This lasted nine.
months when I tried Cuticura Soap
and Ointment, and I used threecakce
of Soap with two boxes of Ointment
when she was healed." (Signed)
Mra. Oscar Pilton, Amhcratburg,
Ontario, May 7, 1819.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and 'I's 1 -
cure are all ycu need for ee.t . i
noes. Bathev:ith Suppp soothe web
Ointment, dust with Talcum.
Seep Ole. Ointment 28 and SOc. Sold
thrsughuutthellominioh. CanadianAepot:
1- •mane, Idmtted, St,1aul 5t„ a:onirod,
'Cuticura Seat, ehaee, W itbout mug,
Send for list of inventions wanted
by Menuflecttlrors. Fortunes Yore
been made from simple ideas.
"Patent Protection'* booklet and
"Proof of Conception" on request.
:P atoeNAN ee tranene • - orMWA, Chk50A
FtN �'�r$
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