HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-2-17, Page 1VOL. 49 NO. 34 ,00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY r7; I92x 4 tti Y aa� Paid-up Cannel $ 0,700,900 Reserve 1.8,000,009 Resources - 280,000,000 Banking by Mail A,JJ V THE BANK OF K NOVA SCOTIA Gilroy, tl Because you live at a distance is no reason why o should bout 's y d n k the loss of your money by fire or theft. Mail it to the war - est branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia, whether you have an account or not, If you have no account, your remittance will open one and you will receive by return mail a bank book showing the amount at your credit. If you already have an account, a ment of thet adepos t will be sent you. 1913 41 F. H. Gll Manager. BRUSSELS New Ad,,artisements Anti -Glare Lena—Earl Cunningham, Baby Cblake—waiter Bose. wan Paper -8', R, Smith. For ,ate—Rev, A. T. Mann. Gray.Dort—Samuel Carter. Our prices—Alt. Beaker. Auction Sale—Mre. Alex. Bryans. A bstraot—Brnesels Auditors. Mare for sal,—Mrs. Alex. Connon, For sole—The Post.. Deleo•L8R1tht—B. G. Darroch. Time to Retire—John McNeil. Millinery business sold—Miss Inman, i trict its Jamestown Last Wednesday Mrs. Wm. Fra - lick celebrated her 80th birthday. She had tea for a number of her lady friends in honor of the oceneion. We extend congratulations. Next Sunday evening Rev, Dr. OUR PRICES j-Iarknese, of Wroxetae, will conduct serener In Victoria Hall at 7 o'clock. ._.,_QF.-- I obert i Mu Josht of Kitcard bre sa' Peat part t of! est week at the home of Crawford Strachan, The visitor is a student at the Mediae' Coll Tor- onto, College, lar.. onto, where he spent the past 2 year's. Me, iticOoeh'e mother was Mies Mary Strachan before her marriage and is well known in this locality. Blyth A FINE MAN PASSES AwAX.—Thurs• day of last week an old and highly esteemed resident of East Wawanosh passed off this stage of action in the person of David McGill. He had been in failing bemRh for past 2 years but was only confined to bed for a week. Deceasedwas married ted twice,lie a Ii first wife being Aries Bella Ridde and on her demise he chose her sister, Mies Agnes, who with a son (Walter) and daughter ( (Olive) survive and ailal' e in the sympathy of many. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon to Blyth Union Cemetery. A suitable service was conducted by Hey. Mr. Telford, Preebyterian pastor, Blytb, and the pallbearers were David, James and Jno. McGill, Mark Buchanan; Walter Cunningham and Thos. Riddle. Out of 11 children in Mr, McGill'sfather's home only Mrs, M. Buchanan, Bruesole and Juo. Mc - Saskatoon, survive, The subject of ice this notice of wasr a t induetriaus honorable wan who enjoyed the re- spect e epect of the comenutlity. He was 70 years of age, Belgravia A Dance will be held in the 0. 0. F. Hall on Friday evening of this week to which all are invited. Blackstone Five-plece Orchestra will furnish the music. Earl Anderson, son of James and Mrs, Anderson, 6h' line, Morris, left onLonda A 'o y for Toronto to resume his studies iu connection with Home Mis- sion work. Rev, Mr, Vezee, a returned Mission- ary from Kot ea, took the services in Presbyterian church Sunday morning and aleo spoke at the Endeavor Sun- day evening, describing his work in Korea, where he bee been for 13 years. There was a large attendance at the Endeavor, A Junior choir furnished the music. The Cantata. entitled "The Message Eternal," given by the Blyth Choral Society in the Forester e Hall, under the auspices of the Y, P. S. O. lt., was indeed a [teat and much praise is due Rev. Mr. Telfo.d, the leader and train- er, also Mies Gidley, organist, They were singing a story of the Pilgrims who were seeking a Heavenly Home. The first was the Pilgrims themselves, the longing of the human soul for God ; 2ud, the Promiee, "Ask and it shall be given you;" and 31d, the Paradise—the realization of GOd'e un- failing promise. The expression throughout, was wonderful and the whole entirely harmonious. 2 recite - Baby Chicks iN order to get your ()bloke just when you want them now is the time to place your order, Every year the turn don a orders for hundreds of Chicks on account of being "booked" for all we can batch. Chicks hatched by the Incubator (if Iucubator is operated right) are inn as easily raised as if hatched iu Nature's way. We have had 12 years' experience on Incubation, and the Chlcke we send Out nee Incubated right, In order to satisfy ourselves which was the most profitable, cows or hens, we are keeping account of one newly freshen- ed cow and 76 pullets. These pullets were operated under the trap nest and at no time was there more than 05 of them laying, We kept account of the '75 pullets as it cost about the same to feed this number as it did the cow. Cow was fed on the very choicest of feed—Alfalfa, ensilage, marigolds, out chop, bran and shorts. In December the re- turns from the sow amounted to $3100, and from the pnllets $87.00 ; in Jemmy retnt'ns from cow were $35,00 and from the pullets $77 00. In these two months it coat $85 00 to feed the cow and $33 00 t0 feed the pullets—a clear en profit of 881.00f P t of the cow n 1 nd04.00 for r the pal- lets, From Ibis it would appear that the hens are much more profit- able. Do not delay in placing your order, 8. O. White Leghorn Chicks 22e ericil ; Barred Reek Chicks, 30c each. WALTER ROSE Horan Bpeslalty Farm, Brussels Box 34, Phone 3 or 4 on 38x •••••••••••••••••••••••• b• ••••••••••••••••w•••••••••• • NEW t m Anti -Glare Lens -legalite • • o has the highest Government Test and sells at Cheap- • est Price. Have thein for every make of Car. ••1 • • .Batteries • • avo the Agency for the I X L Battery for this dis- trict. Can re -build your old flattery or give you a new one in 24 hours' notice. Lorne in and get prices. • •A All Makes of Cars Overhauled AN GUARANT EDCN e • Have y0nr Car ready for. Spring by bringing it to our • Garage and having it put right. • • II 9 ��n ha�na Garage?;lm tl itNN••444•••1N16t4?'bA t ••i•••Nt•••N �t f i•Ae11t i 1 i• Flour and Feed Five Emma Flour.,.,, ,$ 5 80 ,Purity Flour 6 80 Jewel Flour ., ..,,, 5 40 Golden City Flour 6 40 Oatmeal per bag , 8 75 Ontaro Bran 1 210 Shorts.. ,., .. ,., 2 00 Middlings ...... .,. ,. 2 10 Corn pee bus. . 1 05 FERTILIZER We have a car of Fertilizer to hand at $31.00 per ton, payable Oct. 1, 1921. Alf. Baeker tions, ladies' quartette, 2 solos and in- strumental by Messrs. Gidley and Gid - ley wereg iven between numbers. 18 was such a pity there were not more out to hear it as many feel we all need Co pause in Our mad rush for pleasure to think of this Heavenly Home to which we are all wending our way. Cranbrook Mrs, Geo.r'h Spa ag, Brussels, spent the week end with relatives here. Mies Millie Foerster, London, is visiting at the parented house here. Will. and Mrs. Sinai/don, of Michi- gan, are visiting with H. and Mrs. Smalldon. Rev Mr Tannehill, of Toronto, preached at the re arnt ry servr ce in Knox church last Friday evening. 5300 GRANTED.— Howick Mutual Fite Insurance Company's annual meeting instructed the Treasurer of the Company to pay Reeve Jon. Mc- Nabb, of this locality, the eons of .5300 for threehing machine destroyed by fire in David Sanders' barn last Fall. While the Company is liable for in- surance when machine is iu owner's barn this is not the case when it is do- ing duty elsewhere according to rules Navy league WILL PRESENT AN IILLUSTRATED 4 LECTURE IN THE Family Theatre BRUSSELS Thursday, February llth When a line number of Views will be presen ted. There will be no admission fee and the public are cordially in- vited to attend and glean in- formation concerning the Navy League of Canada. WIRE For Sale FINDING it impossible to get i' enough Wire for my custom - ere whet] the season advanc- ed last year, I have now on hand a car load of Frost Wire Fence, "Tight Lock." for ]921. Hope in• tending purchasers will take ad- vantage of this opportunity. Geo. E. McCall Phone 36x BRUSSELS of ruoett companies, hence the neces- sity of ,taking the ease to annual Meeting, Reeve McNabb, Coen - oilier llor lL, L. Taylor and Jno. A, McNair' went to Gorrle, They had a petition with 250 names asking for action, Mos, Jas. MaOallutn and lithe Helen, Owen Sound, have come to visit the formee's parents, Juo, and Mrs, Hunt- ef, Mrs, Pennington spent several weeks, visiting her sisters, Mrs, Shine, Monkton, and Mrs, Bailie, of Elora. McKillop MATRI sena.— Wednesday v r - M U s e t ing, February 2nd, at 5,30 o'clock, a very pretty wedding was solemnized at• the home of the bride's parents, Jas. S. an r d Alva. Smith, "Hillside da Farm," lith Con„ McKil'lop, when Rev. Mr. Ferguson, pastor of ;Cisme church, Winthrop, in the presence of immediate relativee, united in mar- riage their eldest daughter, Leila Margaret Isabel, to Adint Forbes, a prosperous young farmer, only son of Sum, and Mrs. Fm•bes of the same township,Tothe n a strains n of the Bridal Chorus, rendered sweetly by Mir.B Mary E, Godkin, the bride entered the parlor leaning n p g o the arra of her father,ere wh theroom awaited her, beneath a beautifully decorated arch centered with a large white bell. Bride and groom were unattended. Little Miss Olive Williamson, neice of room dressed in pink Bilk, acting as flower girl, carried a basket of sweet peae and maiden hair fern, wherein was con- cealed the g g n we ring. 1 r The bride was becomingly gowned in white crepe-de-obene and Georgette crepe embroidered with floss and silver FAMIIL THEATRE BRUSSELS Saturday : Madge Kennedy IN "Through the Wrong Door" Monday Y Harry Kerry IN "Blue Streak McKayfl Wednesday : June Caprice p ice IN "Damsel in Distress" Also a Canadian Propaganda Picture "The Bar and the Ballot" Methodist Churches ETH EL CIRCU/ T Anniversary of EVANGELISM GEL SM antl SOCIAL SERVICE DEPT. Will take place next Sunday at Roe's at 2.30 p. m, Ethel 7.00 p. en. Bev. Walter E, Millson FIELD SECRETARY Will speak. Regular service at Union toili,- be held at 11 a. in. instead -dd 2.30, Sunday School at 10 a. w. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT It is always well to have a Savings Account upon which interest is regularly paid and from which you are free to ,draw at any time should you have a good oppor- tunity to buy stock or feed. A Savings Account is Ready Money. 7SA THE CANADIAN I3ANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 WALTON BRANCH, 7, M. MtMilian, Manager, MILLINERY BUSINESS SOLD f IWISHI to notify the public that I have (Reposed of my Millinery business to MISS OARRIE 11IN(JSTON, a well known yohrtg lady of town, While thanking the people of 131us0Js rdc mm 8 a) community # fortheir liberal atrona ex r del s tel Ito ins I hope the saute cordial support will be extended my sueeessor, who will continue in the same stand. d E. INMAN trimmings, wearing a bridal veil crowned with orange blossoms and lily of the valley and carried a boquet of white roses and maiden ,hair fern, caught with a bow of white Duchess 81111.5 rihbcn, After the ceremony and congratulations were over the guests repaired to the dining room, which was prettily decorated in pink and white, where a sumptuous wedding dinner, prepared by the hostess await- ed them. In tbe course of tbe even- ing the bride changed her wedding gown for a brown silk. Bride's going - away costume was a navy blue Berge suit with trieolette blouse and taupe picture hat, Showing the high es- teem in which the young couple are held, they were the recipients of a number n£use useful and costly ptaaen ts, including eeveral substantial cheques. Groom's gift to the bride was a hand- some lavalier set with pearls and sapphires, to the pianistgold a n d Monett setent•Is ith w p and to the flower girl, a necklace. After the evening was well spent in games and amusements, the young couple left for their new home on the groom's fine farm 141h Con., MoKIliop, carrying the best wishes of many friends. Walton Our flax mill is still closed down but we hope it will soon get going, A. large stock of timber is being piled np in Jno, McDonald's sawmill yard ready for the saw, Rev. Mr. Chidley is expected to Preach in Duff's cit mc4 next Sunday, Congregational meeting next Tuesday. Miss Maude Ferguson attended the Provincial Horticultural Convention at Toronto last week as the delegate from here. She is President of Wal- ton Society. Ethel ComeoaOOBLC brick hnuso for sale, with furnace, kitchen and woodshed, hard and soft water, stable 00o., situated on Main street, Ethel. For particulars Phone 2225 or Ir'e Brue- seie Centrsl. Read J. McNeil's advt. Mrs. A, Eckmier is not enjoying her en u alcod healthwe g 1 are sorry to state. Several young folk took in the Palmerston -Listowel hockey match in Listowel. Wilfred Eckmier spent the week end with his parents, 0. and Mrs, Eckmier. Thursday group games are nn the program for the League meeting. Everyone come. Rev. F. S. OKell preached an excel- lent sermon on "Life's Crises" last Sunday evening. P. 4. McDonald, of Vegerville, Alta„ was married to Miss Blanche Altos, of Saskatoon, by Rev. W. 0. Olark, Next Sabbath evening 4ev. W. E Millson, Secretary of the Social ser- vice Department, will conduct the ser- vice in the Methodist church. A contest isi g en bs n ud ^t d by u., e the Y, P. S. 0. E. of the Presbyterian church. Everyone invited next Sab• bath evening to help boost the En- deavor. Moucrieff Hockey teams played an exciting game with 2 teams of Ethel boys, both juvenile and intermediate. It was a fast game from start to finish. A. McDonald. of Bay City, Mich„ has returned to his borne after spend- ing a few weeks with his sister, Mrs, R. Coutts here and Jamestown friends. A meeting of all interested in the reorganization of the Foot Ball team will be held at the hotel on Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock, Be a booster and attend the meeting. A Box Social was held in the Town Hall here on the Sth lust., under the auspices of the stirring A, Y, P. A. of Henfryn. Program was giv- en by Maitland Henry Co„ Belgrave. A good time was enjoyed by all. Pro seeds were $80.00. CARD or TreAyscs —We wish to ex- press nor thanks to all who in any way, by word or deed, helped us in the sickness and sudden demise of aur dear mother, the late Mrs. Jno, Sand- ers, it will never be forgotten, Gratefully yours, THE SANDERS FAMILY. Most of the necessary material for the barn to be boiltol David Sanders' faun to replace ,the one burned last Fall, is on (land excepting gravel and it is being hauled. The building will be 44x70 feet with straw shed 40x56, and cement stabling under all. Work will be pushed as soon as Spring weather is at hand, Mrs. Lucy Smith (known to many in this locality as Mrs. Annie) died at the homeof her 80 0, T H. Annie, of Lansing, . Mich., Jnuuat y 2 6th She t e survived by§ sans JI Annie, Romeo, Mich • E A, Annie Flint Aline. ; and 1. H. Annls, Lansing. Mich. Mts, Smith and family were one lima residents of Ethel., She was a sister to Mrs, Spence, W. H, KERR., Frokrietor Time for All —TO— Retire HAV INCE purchased an up -to. date Rubber Tire Machine 1 ala prepared to do all kinds of Re•eubbering Bugg Whe is e the with 1 t bastmaterial. of Don't forget about our Woodwork and Blacksith Dept. Work done while you welt, Also do Painting to suit your taste. New Buggies and Wagons always on hand. Everything on hand that is found in air up•to date shop, What you don't see ask for, One Price to AIL John McNeil ETHE L 34.8 Leslie Pollard was visiting friends in town, Mise Istria Mitchell tch 11 is home from London for a few days, The play entitled "New England Folk" was given in the Town Hall and attracted an immense audience so that the Hall was filled to overflowing. Play was exceptionally well presented and was the best given for a long time. ou Interni si tes between cera were occupied by readings, solos, piano duets, &c. We hope it will be given again soon. Proceeds were $85,00 AeroyarER OF THE PIONEERS GONE,— There passed away at her home here, Wednesday of last week, an old and well known resident of this commun- ity in the person of Mrs. John Sand - ere, in her 80th year. Oil age was the chief cause, although paralysis of the throat was apparent before ber de- mise. She was only in bed 5 days. Her maiden name was Rachel Ray Wilson, one of a family of 10 children, her birthplace being h the township of P p Ottouobee, near b, uPete r rr ' . The fam- ily rAmPWestward to Woodstockodstnc k, locality and 55 years ago deceased was united in loarrisge to the late John Sanders and they took up housekeep- ing 00 the old homestead, 10t1) Con. Grey township, now owned by David Sanders. Mr, Sanders died 11 years ago, aged 81 years and the subject of this notice and daughters moved to Ethel where v h ere deceased c r ' olttnued to make her home until called to the House of Many Mansions. 4 sons (W. E., Ethel ; J. W., Brussels ; Oolonel, in Manitoba ; and David, of Grey), and 3 daughters (Mrs. Geo. Love, Moore Park, Man. ; Miss Lucy, at home ; and Mr's. Geo, Robertson, who died 12 or 18 yeare ago on 16th Con. Grey) are the children. A brother, John Wilson, Colling-wood, who is 82 years of age, and- 2 sisters (Mrs. Andrew McKay and Mrs. John McFarlane, both of Vancouver, 8. 0,) also survive. Mr's. Sanders knew little of sickness in her long life aid never called a physician until her last illness, a wonderful re- cord. She was a true wife, doing ber part iu pioneer days, kind mother and good neighbor. For ninny years she was a faithful member of the Metho- dist church at Ethel. The funeral took place Friday afternoon to Bees. eels cemetery, Rev. F. S. OKell con- ducting a suitable service. Pallbearers were :—Fred, Oxtoby, T. Stevenson, D, Cooper, Wm. Slemmon, Robt. Barr and Harvey Dobson, The same men were bearers ats, A .Sanders' funeral except that John—McDonald was iu H. Dobson's stead. Mr. Wilson, Ool- lingwood, and son, Harvey, and Mrs. Wm. Wilson and son, George, of Woodstock, were here for the funeral. Sympathy ie expressed to the bereav- ed in the departure of their loved one. There are 0 grand children. Grey Assessor Kreuter ie at his work for 1921. Every woman in Grey who has a right to a vote should make sure that her name is recorded. Gordon Knight and Miss Lydia Steise spent the week end at their home here. They are students of Wingham Business College, Are you going to try the oats and root crop in East Huron Agricultural Society competition this year 7 There should be 2 score entries in Grey town- ship. Merle, the 5 year old daughter of John and Mrs. Wilson, who under- went an operation for hernia, is mak- ing a good recovery we are glad to state. She is a bright little girl. Service in Union church wi 11 be held next Sabbath morning inetead of afternoon. Sunday School preceding the preaching service, In the after. noon presching will be attoe's church when Rev, W, E. Millson, Secretary of the Social Service will speak. A short time ago Jesse Wilbea had his right leg near the knee, badly squeezed by the rolling of some logs that were being cut into wood on the Jacklin farm. Fortunately no bones were broken and sae hope Mr. Wilbea will anon be as smart as ever, A tempting offer has Dome to Mise Irene Hoover, daughter of J. Henry and Mrs. Hoover, lltb Con., (who le just home from � aP oeitlen in Toronto St. from S Louis, is Mich., to accept the ass h sir a u t management trnont of the h Lad Maccabee race in that city. Mies Hoover was stenographer and filer in the sante office a few years ago, 'the offer is accompanied by protzlrse of a good salary, , Tuesday of this week Jno, 4, Itryans, a former Grayite, now of ord F wets w # ae re-elected ao ed a Director tr a of Howick Mutual Fite Insurance Com- pany by acclamation, Serves trim right, Ben, TiardalJ, of North Bay, was renewing old friendships here during the past week. It is 80 years Antal abe removed from this township. Icer maiden name was Maty Jane Bielop, Time has dealt very irindly with the visitor and old friends were glad to see her again,- Morris gain,Morrl,i Wnt, Skelton, who has been on the sick list, is improving nicely, Mrs. Parquet', Clinton, agent a few v d with daughter, rMc s. Jos, Clegg. My houses have been fighting the cold and sore throat epidemic that ap- acre p to be abroad. Jae, and Mrs. Anderson and Miss Sproat were at Kippen attending the funeral of a relative. Menno and Mrs, Jackson entertain- ed their roan friends on F'' Friday ids even- ing at their borne, Everybody ejoy ed themselves. Miss Lowe, teacher of Button's school, No. 9 gave a commutnit coasting party. After coasting they' went to the school for games and lunch. An Auction Sale f Farm S eo a m s tock con- sisting of horses, cows, Short Horn bull, young cattle, hogs and oats is an.. flounced by Bert, Watson, at St Lot 13, Con. 5, on Thursday afternoon of this week,at 2 o'clock. o Jas. Taylor will be thAuctioneer. Proprietor ie short of feed hence the sale, Licit maybe read ' d m another he column' THE POST T is asorry to hear of the health of Henry Jackson, a well known resident of the 8th line for manyyears. He has been n vis` in g at Brt deu with r etell es of lata, An- aemia is the cause of his decline. His many friends hope the coming of Spring will help reinstate him to his old time vigor, Wroxeter R. Steele, Bolton, is the guest of Herbert and Mee. Henning. Mrs. Richardson, New Liskeard, is visiting her neice, Mre, F. Davey, Airs. Wm, Casemore left last week to visit relatives at Sandusky, Mich. Miss Doris Harvey, Goderich, spent the week end with Mee. W. Westlake. Mrs. Reeves left for Toronto on Tuesday to attend nd the milliner Y openings. Last Tuesday A. Gallaher was re- elected by acclamation to the Direct- orate of Howick Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co. and replied in a neat speech. Ward Sharpie moved on Tuesday to W. Rutherford's residence on Queen St. and Wm, Hayes also moved the same day to the house be purchas- ed from the Montgomery estate. After a week's illness frompleurie Mrs. S. Willis passed away at her home early Tuesday morning. De- ceased was in her 06th year and her maiden name was Mary Jane Ballan- tyne. She had spent nearly all her life in the home in which she died, it being formerly owned by her father, a well known weaver, She is survived by her husband, 2 sons, Edward and Nelson, and a daughter, Mrs. Wm. Cornwall, to t ehom sympathy is ex- tended n1 loss 1'tf wife and mother. The funeral took place to the Wroxe• ter cemetery Friday afternoon, Rev, Dr. Harkness conducting the service. 1 People We Talk About 1 t2 --t# Will, Champion has a position in Ter- mite. Miss Muriel Young, of Londesboro, is visiting Miss Lizzie Denmah for a week. Jno. Ballantyne of Tun POST staff, was off duty1 week est from the prevailing g cold going the rounds. Jno. A. Bryant. and Miss Marie, Ford- wich, were visitors at the Roma of Mrs. Edward Bryans on Sunday, Mrs. Ad, Aingston, Wingham, was visiting Mrs. R. 7, Hingston and Miss Carrie, of john street, Brussels. Mrs. W. F. Stewart, of Ethel, spent the week end at the home of ber daugh- ter, Mrs. N. F. Gerry, Brussels. Miss Barks. of Chatham, a former milliner bene, has been visiting Miss Laura Leatberdele and other old friends. Last Saturday Mark, Ward and Miss Florence Buchanan attended the furter. al of a relative, David McGill, at Blyth. Richard Stevens is paying attention to the good people of Hensali end locality Itt supplying his clothes cleaning prep• aration. Mrs. J D Wa ick, who is Presi• dent of Brussel rticulturai Society, attended the P cia1, Convention nt Toronto last las a delegate from our Society, G. A. Deadman Ise ling Ttt/Pose- from St. Augustine, Florida, says it is getting quite hot even here and Miami, with its Mono population more so. Our address will be Daytona. Rev. D. B. McRae, Kincardine, has bean visiting relatives and old friends in Brussels during the past week, He is very welcome as be is widely known in this community, Reeve Plum attended a dinner party given the House of Refuge Committee at Clinton Tuesday of last week. Mana- ger Reynolds and his good wife were the genial host and hostess on the oc- casion. Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr and Miss Mary Helen arrived back to Clinical last Sat- ut'day after• spending the peat 124. weeks in Toronto where the former was receiv- ing electrical treatment and is nsuoh im. roved in health, p ca th, Monday afternoon n of this weekJames Speir, a P G twee, was successfully opnraa eti upon at Fergus hospital for removal Of prostate gland and is doing well, Mrs, Spelt accompanied her husband to Fergus. We hope he will soon be able to return home,