HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-2-10, Page 8.444 4444410440$04440.
For St. Valentirre'S Day
Lace Valentines from 3c un. Valentines—Mechanical and eut•out de -
nn goo eauh. Valentine
' bo d 5
ons. Also fear y ed V'+lentines at za0 >r
Post Cards 2 for 50. Red Bristol Board, .Rad Hearts and Valentine
Japanese Napkins. See the display, A
Cherry Bark Cough Cure
For common Coughs, Hoarseness and Sore Throat,
taste and prompt in action. 35c and 6oc bottles,
Agreeable to the
Syrup of White Pine and Tar
A Compound of proven value in the treatment of Couglbs, Colds,
350 and 6oc bottles.
Syrup of Tar Compound with
Cod Liver Oil Extract
For hard dry Cough will be found a valuable remedy. 750 bottles,
Catarrh Jelly, 35c Tubes
For Cold in the Head.
Compound, Mustard Ointment -40c •
Rexall Bronchial Salve -600.
These two preparations are good as a local application for the relief of
Sore Throat, Chest Colds, &c,
A Tonic Preparation, coutaioiugTeptonized Iron, Cod Liver Extract,
&c. Large bottles $t 35.
As a Protection from Winter Winds
Use Rexall Cold Cream. 350
Cocoa Butter Cold Cream. 5oc
Antiseptic Toilet Cream, 35c
Seely's Witch Hazel Cream, 35c
Spring Pictorial J3eview Fashion Books
are now on sale at 25c each. Pictorial Review Dress Patterns, also
Embroidery, Braiding and Beading Patterns in stock.
Druggist and Stationer
twas'tx» irgernrr gaz4 war
Express 7:08 a m Mali...............11:32 a m
Express 8:48 n m I Express 9:87 p m
C,CNirrgslsaofab P CIFrC
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 8:47 a m Express .........11:41 pm
Express 2:27 p m Express8;07 pm
Going East - 7:11 a.m. and 13:81 9, m.
Going West- 12:86 and 0:65 p.m.
All frame going East connect with C. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
ears gems
DAYLIGHT is stretching out.
TEN is a remarkable Winter.
ASSESSOR Lotlg is on his rounds.
ST. VALENTINE Day next Monday.
WHAT about organizing a Base Ball
team for season of 1925
WEDNESDAY of this weak was Ash
Wednesday and the commencement of
A gasoline tank and modern pumping
outfit will be installed by D. M. Scott at
his garage, Turnherry street.
THE W. C. T. U. will hold a St. Pat-
Ice berveet is o0 this week.
LARGE quantities of green wood com-
ing to town.
HALF 01 February will be passed next
NEXT Monthly Horse Fair will be held
in Brussels on 'Thursday. March 3rd.
Avc'rioN Sale at Joseph Ardell's, Mor-
ris township, next Tuesday afternoon.
List In this issue.
DJD ycu notice how the advertising
patronage of THE Pool' is developing ?
It will pay anybody to test it ant.
YOU may have a good watch or clock
but by incompetent repairing you lost
faith iu it, bring it to me and I will re-
pair the worst wrecked watch or clock
reasonably. J. G. Jones, Brussels.
Fon SALE. -24 pigs from 10 to 160 pounds al-
so a brood ROW, to Aril
Have some good grilse cattle ford sale nt eleo.lat.
Phone 474. Monism ROBERTSON, R. R. No, 2
A number of young cattle for Bale, Lot 14,
Con. 10, Grey. Phone 245. ALEX. DARK,
FOR BALE.—Comfortable dwelling and 54
acre of land For further particulars eek a
Tag POET Publtehing House.
Fon SALE. The residence of T. T. Wood,
Albert Arend, Brneeele. An modern conven-
lencee; if sore of land; meet eligibly ,ltnated;
garage. Come and eee it if interested,
YARN Fon HAL¢,—A quantity of light gray
yarn on band et the close of the war le offered
for stale at 41.60 per pound. May be bad et the
Public Library. Now 1s the time to secure
it for the Fall and Winter's knitting.
S ,
Eugene ®'Bryan
"A Fool and his Money"
Leda Lucille
Elmo the Fearless
Wednesday :
An All Star Caste
j BUs#tlie� was *prcl*lly .good l it $At_
warty In town, .
Somer. Evelmee and Mrs.
I Sande -kindly opened their hotUe oD
Mogclsy evening tO the renkbere of St..
johns chureh choir in honor of Mise
muvieofromeiownWhe , Aigmeetrqujoyabie
evening was speer. Ie bebaif of tbe
members J G. Jones, in a very fellel,
tons address, presented Misa Stuclair
with a Cutglass orange bowl. The re-
cipient replied' most gracioutles Re•
freshmeuts were served and the cons-
pany separated with thanks to the geni-
al host and hostess.
Soma Vie FARM, --I3. .L. Mittel', form-,
erly of Brussels, has sold his farm oD the
Huron ad
t Bast of
Torrance farms EHenry, Heneali,
to Wm
who gets p0eseesion the middle of Feb-
ruary, Price paid for the farm was
$13,000. Mr, Heury also buys the stock
and implements, which will bring up
the sale piles another couple of thous•
and or so. Mr, Henry has been West
for some time and returned with the ie.
tention of buying and settling here, H•
bas certainly made a good choice of loos -
tion as he is getting a well improved
farm with all the comforts and couveni-
ences, Mr, Mittell bas not yet decided.
what he will do but we hope he will not
leave the locality. Mrs, Mittell was Miss
Annie Rozeil, formerly of Brusselsiocali
ty, befote her marriage.
las. Fox, local agent for Templeton's
Rheumatic Capsules, and Raz mat' for
Asthma says these two standard reme-
dies are selling better every day.
FORESTRY,— Monday evening at 5
o'clock in the Picture Show, the pupils
of Brussels school, plus others interested
were entertained and instructed by a
series of fine pictures from the Govern-
ment Forestry department. 'Principal
B. S. Scott explained the views, A vote
of thanks from the school to F. S.
Browne, for kindly granting use of
the Picture House was proposed by Miss
Margaret Maunders and carried with
very hearty applause. Mr. Browne
made an appropria'e reply. ,
tick's Day Tea in the Public Library n -
stating of ar• large store and comfBrussels
table dweli-
Audience room on March 17th. ing houses. For further sertloulare apply to
JAPANESE Evening in the Methodist R. LEATHEanena. Phone 87
church Lecture room Friday at 8 p. m. Da. PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visits
Good time under auspices of W. M. S. Brussels Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous dioeeeea euccesnfally
SOME subscribers to THE POST have
us $t. O instead of $a,0o treated, Visits residences. Consultation M
been sending g 5 Queens Motel.
credit for months R
E WANTEDror Brunets and
instead of tbe year. Huron County to represent "The Old R0linbin
MONEY LOST,—Last week, between F e,dll 1 Nn rser a Blg eeles are to be made
1n selling Nnrsory stack daring tbe recon•
Canningham's garage and William streotlon period. A splendid opportunity for
street. The loser will be very grateful if a ]tee salesman. Highest eommiselone paid,
handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit
finder will leave it at THE POST. and ornamental stock to offer. STONE,
ANNUAL meeting of the Royal WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont.
Scarlet Chapter of Grey District will be
held in the L. O. L, Hall, Brussels, on
Urea aternoon of Monday 14th inst., at 2
o'clock. Election of officers and other
business of importance is on the pro-
afternoon, February 29th inst., at 2
o'clock, a j' int Auction Sale of the
household effects of the late Mrs. Eliza-
beth Procter and Mrs. Lydia Tbueil will
be held at the the tate home of the form-
er, Alexander street. Mrs. Procter's
house and lot will be offered the same
afternoon. See the bills for further par-
ticulars. F. S. Scott will be the Auc-
passed away at the C. E E. Hospital,
Petrolin, on Jan, 13th, Joseph Harris,
aged 64 years. After his marriage to
Miss Isabella Scott formerly of Brussels
locality, in 1883, they went to Petrolia
and lived there ever since, Deceased
conducted en ice business for 23 years
but had lived retired for the pest to ;
years. The funeral was held from tbe
Baptist church Friday afternoon at 3 3o
after which the body was taken to G
T. R. station for London 'o Griffith's
undertaking ptriors Rod on Saturday at
2 30 was laid to rest in Mount Pleasant
cenietety. Mr. Harris wile a valued
member of the Petrol'e Baptist church
and one of its governors, Pallbearers
were Messrs. Pratt, Hawkins, Burt, Mc-
Leod and Dr. Denfield. The late Mr.
Harris -was well known in Brussels years
Moue by and his sorrowing widow will
have the sympathy of many friends in
this locality,
SATURDAY evening a Canadian props•
ganda film entitled "Sole mates" will be
put on at the Picture House It deals
with the leather question in Canada.
ors of Melville church will hold an en-
tertatnmeut in Melville church, Lecture
room, on Thursday, 17th last, Pro-
gram will consist of' the following:—
Piano and Violin, W. and sed Mrs.
Clouse ; Song, W. Joues ; Recitation.
Miss Jessie Strachan l Song, Miss Isabel
Strechan; Piano duet, Mrs. and Miss
McCall ; Violin and piano, Messrs.
Speir and Kerney ; Song, •'Dodo the
burn Davie lad," Miss lessie Strachan ;
Duet, "The Cruickit Baubee," Rev. Mr.
and Mrs. Mann ; Soag, "The Cameron
Mea." Dougal Strachan ; Song, Miss
Walker. "God Save the King" Pro-
gram to begin at 8,15 sharp. Admission
25 and 15 cents.
SILVER. WEDDING —Last Friday even-
ing the 25th anniversary of the marriage
of Jno. and Mrs Oliver was celebrated
by the assembling of a score of relatives
and old friends at their home'Purnberry
street, Brussels. Rev. Dr. john Ross,
now of Toronto, tied the matrimonia'
knot at the bride's parental home, she
being a daughter of James and Mrs
Ireland, who then lived on the 3-d line
of Morris township but kave heeu resi•
dents of town for several years. The
company sat down to a royal supper, tie
table being beautifully decorated with
flowers nod cbina, some of the latter be
longing to the bride's great grandmoth-
er over too years ago. Hearty congrat
ulations were expressed to the host and
hostess and the wish expressed that th.
Golden Wedding would be as happily
observed. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver thanked
the guests and hoped they watt:el be on
hand 25 years hence. Choice gifts
Community silver marked the anoivet
nary 4 children (Jas. with the Max
well & Chalmers automobile people 01'
Windsor ; Frank, junior in the Bank of
Nova Scotia, Brussels ; and Fiorenct
and Jack at bome) were born to Mr, and
Mrs, Oliver and married life appears to
have agreed well with the parents,
judging 11 their appearance. They are
residents of town for the past 13 years.
THE POST voices the good wishes of a
wide circle of relatives and Heeds that
even the Diamond anniversary may be
The introductory Story Hour at the
Public Library Tuesday afternoon was
in charge of Mrs, B S. Scott who tact-
fully and interestingly addressed the 5o
children in attendance.
A fine specimen of s live butterfly was
captured at the home of Ince Ferguson,
Brussels on Tuesday and is strong evl•
Hence that the insect would think Spring
has arrived. May be seen at THE POST,
THE expenditnre on electric light -in
Brussels totalled 57,825. From this is
to be deducted the receipts $3,600, leav-
ing a debit balance of $4 221. High
cost of coal is one.of the heavy outlays.
Everybody hopes Hydro will soon come.
KEEP Thursday evening 0t next week
clear for the Illustrated Lec'ure on the
Navy League in the Picture House,
Brussels, No admission fee and the
public are urged Io hear about this live
question and see the ntlmetOus fine
THERE was a large ah.lienee at the
'Town Hall '1'nestles/ evening at the -
PAvroaATE —A Calgary Daily in report-
ing the annual meeting of St. Paul's
Presbyterian church, of which Rev, A,
C. Wishart, B. A., formerly of Brussels,
is the popular pastor, says :—Meeting
was harmonious and sucouraging, with
gratifying reports of a banner year in
the congregation and a most optimistic
outlook. Total raised by Board $5,445.
besides Forward Movement. Sunday
School raised $1,069 of which $bop went
for Missions and benevolence, W. M. S
$400 and Mission Band $166, Ladles'
Aid $3,060, $2,000 of which wss applied
ou church mortgage. Debt 3 years age
was $13,000, now reduced to $7,000
Hearty vote of thanks was tendered
pastor and $300 added to salary end 2
extra weeks to his vocatioU. Grand
total for all purposes 523700 of which
$4,800 was for Missions and benevo-
lences. Supper was served at the close
of meeting.
A BEUSsELe "AT HOME "-130 ex
Brnsselitee assembled at the Brown
Betty Tea rooms, Toronto, oD the even-
ing of Friday. January 28th and eojoved
a very pleasant reunion. The first hour
was spent in social chat and tbe re'bewal
of old friendships in many cases, By
q o'clock all guests were on band and a
short well rendered program was pre
tented, Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, (51 Vice•
President, took the chair in the ab-
sence of President John Hargreaves,
who was confined to his home through
illness. A note was read from the
absent gentleman. Solos were welt
sung by Stewart Grant, Miss Addie
Sperling and little Miss Margaret Wal-
lace, Those whp cared for dancing
look a whirl at that. At Ir p. m. a fine
lunch was served and at 12 45 the com-
pany separated for their respective
homes declaring it was a huge success.
The reception Committee consisted of
Dr, and Mrs Graham, Mrs. Storey
(May Skene), Mrs. Law (iessie Ross),
Mrs. Wm. Ainlay, S. Crerar and Garf.
Vanslone. Miss Carrie McCracken it
the Secretary of the organization.
Among the quests the following names
will be familiar to Brusselites ;—Dr.
and Mrs. Grab= Mr, and Mrs, Law,
Mr. and Mrs, Crerar, Mr, and Mrs.
Work, Mr. and Mrs. Vsnstone, Geo.
and Mrs. Thomson, Frank and Mrs.
Closkey, Mr. and Mrs. Mellish, Mr.
and Mrs, Priogle, Dr. and Mrs. Herold
Hoag. Mr. and Mrs. Muir. Mr. and Mrs
Tate, Mr. and Mrs. Carter, A. and Mrs
McQi•arrie, Mr, and Mrs Sills, Fred
and ,Mrs, Adams, Mrs, Ayieswortb
(Mabel Adams), Will. Adams, Andy and
Mrs. Currie, Archie Currie, Mr. and
Mrs. Turner (Ferule Allis). Miss May -
(rid Alliu, Mr. and Mrs. Cruiksbanks,
Mrs. Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. Stark,
Mr. and Mts. Rogers, Brine and Mrs'
Scott, George and Mrs. Ferguson Mrs.
Leslie Kt - r, Mrs, Fawcett and Miss
Mary, 81rs. Ztmtner, Misses Mabel and
Tillie Zimmer, Mrs. Ainlay, Roy Aio-
lay. Stewart Grant, Will. Strachan
Charlie Leckie, Charlie Richards.
Lloyd Jackson, Will. Zilliax, los Mc-
Kay, Leslie Lamont, Bob Warwick,
Harry Argent, Jim Lorry, Joe Arm-
strong, Ralph Shaw, Eddie Lowry,
Will. Watt, Will, Mooney, George Mof-
fatt, Misses, Edith Toole and Irene
Tools, Miss Maggie McArthur, Mis:
Ella McIntosh, Mrs. Grabeli. Mrs
Copp, Miss Maud Sternal Miss Hos
sack. Miss Pearl Baeker, Miss Jessie
Cunningham. Miss Serve Bryans, Miss
Eva H[
s Mrs. Ed. Bryans,
Dr Yan.
Bryans, Miss Jessie Menzies Miss
Ferne Eckmier, Miss Irene Hoover,
W. H. Sumbling, Miss Agnes Walker,
Mist Winnifred Walker, Miss Margaret
McDonald, Miss jes ie McDonald, Miss
Helen Scett, Miss Jean Scott. Stewart
Fox, Miss Jean Fox, Miss Vina Bow-
man, Miss Georgia Kerr, Mrs. Frank
Gerry, Mrs, Skeue, Mrs Storey, Mrs,
Hunter (Nellie Irwin,) Roy Stewart,
Mrs. Craigie, Mrs. Hutchinson, Mr.
Alexander, Joe McIntosh, Miss Beth
McIntosh, Miss Florence McIntosh,
Miss Argo Ross, Miss Gertrude Mc-
Kentie, Cecil McKinnon, Mrs, Alex.
Armstrong, Miss Addie Sperling, Miss
Mary Livingstone, Mrs, Wallace and
Miss Margaret, Miss Hattie Downing
Miss Jean Ai mstroog, Miss Edith Mc-
Lanchlin, Miss Carrie McCracken,
George Hanna,
IAASTERSHIP.—London Free, Press says
of a former well known M. P. of Huron
County :—"Dr. Peter McDonald, post-
master, will be retired from the service
this year, probably sometime before mid -
Summer. according to the latest worst
received from Ottawa in connection with
the Act relating to civil service em-
ployees. Under this act those employee,
over 65 years of age who apply for re-
tirement prior to July ist of this year
will be given a pension amounting to
one -sixtieth of their annual wage for
every year of service. This applies to
those who entered the )ervice after
1898 and thus would not, ordinary, re-
ceive any p00sion. Under the old regu-
lations the employees who entered the,
service during the last 22 years paid five
per cent of their *ages' into a fund
which they received back with Som•
pound interest on retirement, Other•
wise, this was given to their heirs at
death. Last year an act was passed to
enable these to receive a pension, pro
viding they asked for retirement prior
to July 1, 5921. .The pension will he
giveu In addition to tbe fund which has
been accummulating from their five per
cent p87010uts There are several em-
ployees in the local office who will come
under this regulation. So far as 15
known, no ono has yet made application,
but those who do not ask for it will he
retired after July t and it is understood
they will loose their chances fit pension
if they delay, Dr McDonald stated that
he had not vet asked for retirement nor
had decided what action he wou'd take
in reference to the quer ou. He intimat-
ed that be sometimes gnestinns whether
he is not nearly to retire from active lite
in the department. But there it plenty
of time to decide iu the nee' 4 months
be says. In the event of the retirement
F. O meeting- Secretary Morrison was 1 of Dr. McDonald, the position would be
r ',HHROUGH good
times and bad tithes for
the est
ars this
13;tnkhassteadily givenit$best
e ivYt. to the development and
upbtuldiugof theagncultural,
manufacturing and commer-
f':11 business of this Country.
( .ttreffieientserVlceisavailable
for the benefit of all customers.
TUESDAY, Fan. 16Tn.—Nd Lot 18, Con. 9,
Morro township, Farm oto( implements, &o.
Sale unreserved at 1 p, m.' Joseph Ardell,
Prop.. F. B. Scott, Ane,
and oats eM Lt FEBRUARY, . 5, Morrie township
Sale unreserved et 2 p• u. Bert Watson,
Prop. Jae. Taylor, Atm,
SATURDAY, te of loft lar
Proteose Alexander
belonging to *Mate B ofsa the late Mrs.
Pr, s,t LydiaThu ll' street, reasee., , at 2 m.
Mrs, Lyia Thnell's furniture, �o., will also be
sold at the same time and plane.
TRGABDAY, Fan, 24TH.—Farm stook, Reale.
menta, &e., at Lot 18, Con. 2, Morris, Sale at
1, pp. m, uo Tkos, N. Waddell, Prop. John Pnr•
yti A
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2415. --Clearing
sale of Farm stook, Implements, Lot 88, Con.
Propriet.tor. Thom, Brown, Atllop. Stile at 1 p. mThee. Ryan,
Fall ,Wheat ...«, 41.70 41 76
Oats 1 6 1 75
Barley 4800 600
50 60
Hoge 10 75 13 76
Hal 21 75 16 76
For Sale or Rent
Form containing 100 norm of good lend,
practically new and in good oronpping oondl-
thin, being Lot 80, Con. 6, Township of Grey.
No dtteh tax or agent. Terme to snit buyer.
Apply to E. THOMPSON, Ethel P. O. 2
Auction Sales
A Attain, &o.uCtRION -FE . STOCK,
Scott, Auctioneer, has
received tnstrnctione from the anderelened
Proprietor to sell by Pobifo Auction at IN
Lot 18, Con. 8 Morrie, on Tuesday, Feb. 16th at
1 o'clock, the following property :-1 gelding
rising 8 years, 2 fillies rising 2 years. 1 driving
mare 7 years old, 1 fresh now with calf at foot,
8 cows supposed in calf, 1 dry now, 8 Spring
calves, 1 thoro'-bred hall calf 6 monlhe old,
sired by A. Ethiopia imported boll, 4 heti ere
rising 2 yeare, 9 eteere rising 2 years McCor-
mick cultivator, Deering din drill nearly
new, 10 ft. McCormick hay rake McCormick
5 ft mower, McCormick a ft binder, pee her-
vester,land roller. wagon and box, hay rock.
°tock rack, mufflerset iron Mumma, disc
harrow, fanning mill, set bob•sleighe and
bunko, 2 gravel boxes, top baggy, cutter, gond
set double harness, net plow harness, 2 eats
single harness, No. 21 Fleury walking plow,
sugar kettle, number of cedar poets, quantity
of oedar poste, quantity of hay, quantity of
oats, mixed grain and barley, epadee, folks,
shovels, chains and other artloles toonnmer-
one to mention. Sale without reserve as the
Proprietor hes sold his farm. Terme.—All
name of 510 and ander cash ; over that amount
10 months credit given on turnlehtng approved
joint notes. 6 per sent off for cash on credit
amounts. JOSEPH ARDBLL, Proprietor.
unable to be present owing to the dem•' titled from the local s1e1£ in all probabtl-
ise of Mrs. Morrison's father, Messrs, ity. N0 oelsi1ler woulc] be brought in
McKee. Toronto, and Mr. Currie, Mid•' to fill the piece it a local employee could
rllesex County, delivered live addresses, be found suileble for the situation, In
If any fault could be found it would be thus connection lite name of Deputy -
with their length. The chair Was ably Postmteier'1' C. Darman has been men,
filled by Clayton Procter, President of tinned quilt prominently for the noel•
N h H tion tion
ort oron organila . ,
ATTw0O0—RlnLRY—At the home of the
hrlde'ye paronte, Hnrraton, b the Rev. F
R, s A6twood' of Grey b. 2nd 1021,
to Mies
and Mrd .John Ridley, of 11n10 township
LIrtNOeTONE—EiTERLR—At the Teeowater
man0o on Thtrrtdny, Jeunery 27th, 1921, by
oft alrooe t, N111.1_nro d0l.vtinget neoai
Witglmm, formerly of Groy townnhlp,
SP•IRAN—BOLa1NGER, In London by Hey. J,
T Norsk B. D., 80 Askin St„ on ov. 17th,
1020, Mr.recently
twell int, atoll.,
Grey town•
niep. ro�e geir. Of1Grey.
MIoIi., to Mies Mln•
Fox's Drug. Store I
Weekly Store News
= Sunset Soap Dyes
• Have you ever tried these
• new Dyes ? Been selling
• them for the past year with
splendid results,
1 Powdered floor Wax
Tooth Paste
One of out' most popular
Den tri floes,
50a the tube
• Splendid for dancing floors,
• We have it in three sizes.
Pi es
• We have just replenished
• our stock and our assort -
m went is very good. Come in
• and look them over.
osJas. Taylor, Auctioneer has received In.
strnetlons from the undersigned Proprietor to
eell by Public Auction at 8t Lot 18, Con. 0,
the following velum property
draft mare to foal,, kerma w due M8a oh 18th 1 cow
due March 20, 1 cow due 1n April, 1 now with
onlf at foot 1 heifer Tieing 8 to calve July 24,
1 heifer rising 8 to calve March 10th, 1 heifer
rieing 8 to naive March 1211,, 5 steers rising 2
years, 1 fat steer tieing 8 yearn, 1 thoro'bred
Short Horn bull rising 2 years, 1 heifer riming
2 years, 2 heifers rising 1 year, 2 Mame riming
1 year, 5 pigs will weigh abont 160 lbs., 10 pt e
8 months old. 1 York sow will farrow March
20, 100 buehete of oats. Hale without reserve
months Phoprietor it short
of Toed
. Terms. -8
ne.oreditoff will be given re itapproved joint
notes. 4S', off (BERT. hWATSON, Proprietor.
BArlNte.—In Petrolie, on January 18th, 1021,
Joseph Harris, formerly of liruenele loon!•
thy, aged 04 yearn.
Sane gns, At lith elon Wtalnenday, February
, 1921, Rel rfiey Wilson, widow of the
i lute John Sanders, aged 79 years, 0 menthe
i and 15 days.
FuBee rom her later home Frelay at 1.80
p m. Service et 1 o'alook. Interment in
• Brussels cemetery.
Nded in' home:
Greeeat satisfactionevery - to have
one on hand when needed. ei
I minute, 1 minute and ••
minute. 2
i Valentine
O pay
Monde feta 14
aDon't overlook this import -
o• ant date.
See Our Window
Correspondence Cards . 1
Nicely packaged and a splen- t
did stook. When you has- td
en't time to write a letter a
Correspondence Card 011e
the bill,
35e to $1.50 per pkge.
For that Tickling g
Maltese Cough Drops
Wampole's Throat Ease
Horehound Candy
Menthol and Eucalyptus Cough Drops
And tho Old Reliable
Blood Root Cough Cure
matter of the estate of •Ilsabeth
A. Procter, late of the Village of
Br Is, In the County of Buren,
widow, deceased.
Notice is hereby given poreaant to "The Re•
vlaed Statutes of Ontario; that all creditors
and others having (datum against the eetnte of
the said Elizabeth A. Procter, who died on or
about the 20th day of January, A. D. 1021, are
required on or before the 2801 day of Feb'
rnary, A. D. 1021, to send by post, prepaid, or
deliver to Wm, Thnell, Brussels P. O., the Ex,
eoutor of the last Will and Testament of said
deeeaeod, their Christian and surnames, ad:
dresses and deoaiiptione, the full particulars of
and theenatureeof statement
by them,
And further take notice that after 'inch lent
mentioned date the mold Executor ,will
proceed to distribute the OBnete of the deceased
among the partial entitled thereto, having re.
gard only to the Malmo of which he shall then
have notice, Land the mid Executor will
not be liable for the said assets or any pert
thereof to any person or portions of whose
claim notice ohall not have been received by
him at the lima of each distribution.
Dated this 5th day of February, A, D. 1921,
82.8 Executor of the estate.
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mc-
Cormlok Medical College. Chicago, Ill. Three
menthol pont graduate eourmo during poot_�yYear.
Eyne dorreotly flood
aohe, Inaaed Ees, Cwh GlelEyeHTde
andeother Eyme tronylee, ealmed
lGiy� Eye•mtraln.
relieved t1,r eetlataeliOn property fitted meas.
Option) Parlor in Leekle block, 11110 door
8015011 of Bnrrletee Sinclair's o01on.
Wednesday and Flatus ay evening p m, Also
Phone 1Mx ring 4
$50 to $5,000
—No better life investment available
—Ifo better serosity obtainable
---Cesmot be seined or levied upon for any cause
—Will be replaced if loot, stolen or destroyed
—Not affected by trade depression
—Free from. Dominion Income Tex
—No medical examination required
Ae'oee ever the age of 5 years resident or domiciled in Canada
may purchase.
Any two persons may, purchase jointly.
Raapbyera may purchase for their employees --school boards for
their teachers—congregations for their ministers.
Apply to your pw 0 0000 r; or wrhe <poe58ac free, to S. T. Meted*, Super.
leYodset of hearties, Ottawa, far new booklet and other information desired.
1emeeet sad ass last birthday.
WE OR the Ford Company cannot be held responsible far
the performance of your Ford if you use parts not while
by the Company.
The Fnrd warranty automatically becomes void the moment
you use spurious parte on your car.
Yoti cannot affnrd to incur this penally. Nor do you want
your car weakened by -badly fitting pants made from poor ti at ial.
Spurious parts are manufactured with profit as the Bret con-
sideration. Genuine Ford parts have the Ford reputation tl
It ie to the interest of both the Company and ourselves that
your trord shell give you continuous satisfaction, The interest of
those who make and sell spurious parte ends tvith the sale.
The one way to make 0111e of getting the gettuino is to patron.
fze the dealers or garages displaying the Ford Service sign, '1'liat,
elgn allows that the denier has bound h'inself by oanteate to sell
genuine Ford parte only, Wherevee you go, look for this sign,
your guarantee of satisfaction,
As Ford dealers in this community, we rendre. Ford service,
We sell genuine Ford parts ata standard price which is set by the
Ford Motor Company. Our charges for repairs are also on the
"one -price" basis. You know the whole cost before we perform
the service.
D. M. SCOTT, •