HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-2-10, Page 6Juertes
Act -
The object of this department ie to place at the sea
vice of our farm readers the advice of an acknowledged
authority en all subjects pertaining to soils and crops.
Addressall questions to Professor Henry G. Bell, In
core of The Veneon Publishing Company; Limited, Toro*,
t to, and answers *111 appear in thls column in the getter
In Which they are reeelved. When writing kindly men.
tion.this paper. As space Is limited it Is advisable vvhero
Immediate reply Is necessary that a stamperrand ad•
dressed envelope be enclosed with the queetlen, when .
the answer wilt be mailed direct.
W as-Kindltt advise me as to the fertilizer 5.10.5. Near Lake Ontario
When you• pay 50 ceitts Tor a
half -pound packageorRed rtOse
Tea(Crintson Label) you get ex-,
actly the sante tea for which
you formerly paid 55 cen
package.—Quality in RedR�se
Tea is the first considera.tion.
— taw- - LeThet
Evils of Over -Fat ioue in Childhood
Om of the most distreesing mem- should his omitted during the period
you, or „einem clover, wie prm crops are just two weeks backward mist; of my own childhood is the
duce good (noes here in Ontario? here for early market. Tntentil sow- teightmares which I frequently lead
Could it he sown early in the spriug ing Bonny Best for one, How is
and Meowed to work its way into the Ponderosa?
ground the Acime as clover and tim- Answer -.Ons of the biggest points
ethy seeds that are sown on winter in successful tomato growing is to two and one-half wales each way to
grain crops? Would you consider see that the ground is well prepared. high school, or five miles a tley. For -
Sudan groes a good crop to cut and Choose plants about 4 to 6 inches high tunately, the nervous fatigueeresult-
Put into the silo? How do soy beans which have been hardened by the ing from this, added to otte daily
compare with fodder corn for feeding • boxes being set outside for a week or chores and the .school program, be --
tench cows? 10 days before they are set out for amp. sufficiently evident before we
Anewere-Crinison clover might transplanteng. Make a hole sufficient- 'broke down, so that our Wise parents
possibly be grown in Essex and ICent, ly deep for the roots to be etraighten- plarmed transportation for us one
nut h is not a imitable legume for the ed out in transplanting the tomatoes way.
remainder of Onterke You ev.ould do and retain as much earth as possible The forty -eight-hour record has
far bettee to grow common red -clover, around the roots. When applying the proved very useful in our work with
elate alfalfa or sweet clover. Sudan fertilizer, scatter it round with the children front foster homes. Recent -
grass IA a very course grass. grown in band where you are going to set the
the Southern it Ate. It makes fairly plant so that the fertilizer will not be
warltiets hey hut not suited to too strong in clom proximity to the
growth in Ontario. It is widely ad- plant. Front the time that the to-
vert;FP by men who want to sell the mato plants began good growth keep
seed. Yen would get far better and the soil cultivated not too near the
rise r les.1 in rerewing ensilage corn. plants nor too deep, but jtest suffi-
after an evening of hard study. My
brother and I used to walk a mile to
school,' four times a day, and, iater,
1 tin class cote osed calmly of
y, a p !I
teeming plot. Entangle Him; ensnare, constituted authorities, and tr.ake our fellness go together, it pays to build
a platfOrm of plank for loading. The
me is then pulled up on this plat -
older girls from such homes, one of much greater during the dark nights and religious grounds (Anderson). nificanee.
them, a the foot of the class, showed of winter than during the lighter Jesus frequent -1e denomiced their hy- 2. Jesus showed that men have,
a marked loss in weight, There seem- nights of summer. pocrisy. Took counsel; concocted a political duties. We ,.re to reject the .
ed to be no reason for this loss. The There should be no light in the
limn as a fowler catch birds.1 ' contribueot for the welfareof the 1 form by one or two horses, thus say -
girl had taken sufficient food for sleeping room, and children should net His -talk; literally eby word," ithrill nation. We are to render to Caesar ' Mg much heavy lifting. The cost of
gain -2,400 calories -and the foster be permitted to sleep in untlercloth- I the question they were to ask or the; the things that are Caesar's. I cutting and loading will ordinarily
;, ,,,, the much richer el Pro- tient DO keep a dust mulch one or mother could aPPerentlY offer no ex- ing which has been -worn during the. answer they hoped he would give,_ ' j Whitt is good eitizenthip in Can- i run from 25c to 50e a ton abiere a
tele tL!.u. corn. For instance, corn two inches deep. As the tomatoes: pl•anation, day. The arnount of sleep needed Vs 16, 17. They sent . . their clis.: ada.? It ismore than obedience to thti. considerable amount is harvested.
an:•ly.cs ob.:mt. 10 per cent. fruit pre- begin to form it is frequently good' varies with the individual child, but chiles; young echolars. It may be law. Recently a Premiee of one
I However, when the child was gees- e i The quantity of ice necessary var-
tee' anti 72.:3 per cent. carbo -hydrates. practice to spread straw three to five' the malnourished child needs at least:that the heeling plotters felt them -I our Provincee declared that the mau
timed by herself as to just what sheies with conditions of location, am -
Wm and :As pet ecnt. carbo -hydrates, the ripening tomatoes will lie on the', dfid,
y broke down, and discloted a pro -
meth hour of the day, she sudden -
should be taught to rest even Avben
ten to twelve hours' rest in bed. He selvesito be so discredited with Jesus who held more land, more anything'
t.11 they
etytem?a,asireiare enroatanli.kett,?titt, al:elle:rd. ' !rig he e,01.4.tautsejoiashlaemki:g iin pat-
ri Heamount of ice used for household re-
ount of milk or cream to be cooled,
Sce- leaco taalyze 36.5 per cent. pro- inehee deep betwesn the rows so that
Tley also terry „bout three times the straw where they will be kept clean gram that might well have been token not sleeping. The ability to sleep 1
1°r" °diens; a political party, deriving its in°eant "that it is yOur celuty and°mine frigeration and other purposes. Gen -
fat that ram carries. Soy beans can and at the sante time the straw will from a tale of Dicicens, The foster short periods at any time is a hebit, name from the support which it gave , to make the fullest and largest con- I erally we may say that, allowing for
be used to SODIC extent as a conecn- form a mulch after the time when' h had 11 d thisunder-that makes for health. 1 to the dynasty of Herod, "Perhaps tribution to thestate, and that.no man waste, 1,000 pounds of ice well cool
trate in le:lensing /Wry rations. One 11111St cease cultivation. The when ercompe e e -eight malnourished girl of twelve The rest periods proPerlY taken are then hoped for the restoration of the is justified in preventing another from' the -cream from one cow for one sea -
01 rea Men .
After a day spent in worlc, study
and a regular routine, it is natural
for the child to wish to have a latle
fun" in the evening and so the bed-
time is delayed, and there is another
cause of overfatigue in the phortenedi
hours of sleep, Nearly forty per cent.
of all malnourished children keep late
Overfatigue is elm caused by dis-
till -bed sleep when other members of
the family retire late, and agair, when
the child is aroused by early TISCV4.
It is caused, too, by sleeping facing
the light, for lig14 is a powerful sen-
sory stimulus. It has been demon -
4w that the depth of Sleep is
The, Emir
ay ehool Lesson
Lessons im Citizenship, St. Matt. 22, 15.22, 34-4O.
Golden Text, St. Matt. 22: 37,
Thi* and IJae—Tuesday, A oell 4, of the whole Old Testament is love.
A.D, 20; The Temple Court ati Jews- No keeping of one single law is of
eaten, video, unless love .prompts at, Jesuit
Connecticut Linke-When Jesus en- rises above all petty legal questions
tered the Temple Court, on the Tun- to the spirit of love, whiell alone gives
dete of Passim Week, the is dear of vulue to any forte of duty doing. •
Ms public tetwhing, the Pharimes
asked Hint Istr what authority Be n'ae; 1. 3e:us showed in that religion is
,The Lesson Applied.
acting, Matt, 21; 23, In reply He above the intlegues of Politicians,
questioned them about the baptism of
Parables. of the Two Sons and the for • .
The elerodiane and Phaeisees thought
Jam Matt, 21: 24-28) and added the to entrapi Jens, and so have ground
againat H' ti Bo -
Husbandmen, 21: 28-44. Th
Pharisees wished to arrest Min, The
feaxed the people, Mutt. 21: 45, 46, man outhoeities. Jesus lifted the dis-
JeSue then spoke the -parable of the cussion clear above the fevered ques-
Itearriage Foist (see last lesson, Matt.
22: 1-14). Then followed three ques-
tion of allegiance to Rome. It was as
if He sale: "You bring this ec.'n as a
sem ol o ROMAII 11.1 e ant an 1011 y,
Cons proposed by His enemies, one, ni0 .I.„ .„4 ,,, ob,,ditknoe
I tring you the ntesage of the eternal
by the Pharisees and Herodiens about! Ile simply i),-,'-,5;,,d-ii,;.p.r;liti,Tit-1 ''clii-e-s...
the lawfulness of tribute to Caesar,
another by the Sadducees absut the' pared with
1 tion aside as of no" importaneb cow-
greateat commandment, The first and, , „im n.,,,:tie sPirith41 °no. On an -
!other occesion ht saw that the niluds
1 resturrectlen of the dead and a third,
third of these questions form the les- .a,„ - ..., esse e were filled with anxietyh
by a lawyer as to which was the
SIM foe tosday, extorted geode. See first," he cried,
bout clothes, and, wealth, and ot, al'
i I. The Tribute Money, 15.22. "the kingdom of God." We learn also
that the teaching ef Jesus twis not a
Iparty fanatically opposed to eve*, the startling thing is that ween Jesus
V, 15. The Phdrisees; a religious .eignal for politiete revolt, and yet
I thing non-Jewish, hence thole name Pictured the triumph of the gospel, he
which means the "Separated Ones." had in mind en empire before whose
"They were the soul of the opposition magnificence end -power the imperials
. to Jesus, opposing Him ou national ism of the Caesars faded into ineig-
If trait have ageteee to a stiatint tut
pond of suffietent size toel depth to
cut ice, this eirelele may ee tif Inters
est to rm.
Depth of water is Of mucli
parlance all area, singe the ice le Lost
that dem net have sticks, leittao, ,
pebblee in it.
The ice may be cut in blocks front
18 to 22 inehes square, Whoa the
lee was 12 Males thick, each meat
would weigh about 125 pounds. A leole
was clumped in the ice to stela, and
to guide the saw a 16 -foot plank was
used as a straight edge.
A. common eross-cut saw with oee
'handle removed, and whieh was et to
tut wide was generally med. A vege-
ta ice saw is a little easier to handle,
and sornevehat cheaper in first meta
Hand sawing was a necessity on small
areas, but the tee pew was aerates
used when we cut ice on the mill ponce
An ice plow will soon pay for itself
when used es a community propose.
Two men can work to good advan-
tege in sawing and getting the ice
out, A. pointed bar is used in break-
ing the cakes apart. Two pair of
tongs and one or two ice hooks aro
necessary for efficient handling and
holding of the ice, When several
tometo culture? 'The quantity in oz. leading varieties used at this time.:
the, to do the family washing and ironing,
R. Ile -Will you give full details on mars you mention are among
together with much other heavy work,
of :et& how .own to get evenly. E. E. Do -Last year I wrote asking
Tratispientinis in the (men, rich linen how to kill quack grass. I did nearly and had threatened her with punisb-
soil. and again replanting to the field as you advised, but have not killed it ment if she shoule tell about it, The
on 20,000 planet. The soil is sandy all out. In part of it I put tone in. bInasPairfor traesferred her to a better
rich loam, plowed front sod a year ago. order to work it. Will it do to put where an immediate gain in
weight showed a quick response to
had a crop sf beans. 1 intend placing it to corn again? What is best and
around each plant a . mull handful of cheapest commercial fertilizer 1 can:kind treatment.
, use for corn, and which is best for: yeTtbiclotta°fneemusr''('art is an extreme case.
' potatoes? My ground is quite heavy: tious children to-Verdnt7int graerveenof atm:nit-
Ir.,perial Mica Axle Grease and
Imperial Eureka Harness Oil lessen
the strain on wagon, team and har-
ness. They make heavy hauling
safe and easy.
The Mica in 'Imperial Mica Axle
Grease forms a smooth, heat -resist-
ing coat on axle and hub. Over
this the grease works easily and
kills all friction. Imperial Mica
Axle Grease goes twice es far es
ordinary greases.
Imperial Eureka HIVIIC38 Oil keeps
Lumens soft, flexible and strong. It
protects leather front sweat, dust
and moisture, and prevents exack-
Mg. It is easily applied and quickly
saves its small cost in harness and
=airs. It Improves the appear -
awe of any dark dressed leather
anti ke:ps it in good condition.
Fonar Mot Licht Lubrication
Branches in oil Chico.
brieqoil Mica Axle Create comes
convenient airee, rantinii ft= e 1 lb.
gin to barrel.
Imperial Eureka flat -
nett' Oil in sires from
1 pint to n barrel.
Sold tot dories
clay. Do you think soft coal ashes pressure from
they worth hauling? and carrying a prIc7grntsamorthatetaeevhoeurlsci
any good for heavy clay soil? Are. v
Answer: I would advise you co put,
j be a strain upon a full-grown adult.
corn on the same ground next year,' matter of
Naturally, progress in school is a
lbs. per acre and using a fertilizer: been ngrODeaten
fertilizing it at the rate of about 400; However,
analyzing 3 per cent, aznnzonia, 8 per given as yet to the difference in
cent. phosphoric acid, and 3 per cent.• progress to be expected between. a
potaeh. The best way to apply this well child and one unable to bring belts
fertilizer is to have it drilled inat; full er'''IrgY to his work. Every mal -
the time the corn is planted. High j nourished child is under par, and
profitable results have been obtained! white he is in that condition he is un -
from applying as high as 500 lbs. per, able to do full school work. A pro -
acre of fertilizer analyzing 3 to 4 per j ogra., ..m.,' well planned for the n.ormal
cent, ammonia, 6 to 8 per cent. phos-; mat may be a heavy burden for the
phoria acid, and about 4 per cent. malnourished child.
potash, for potatoes. I do not think, Our school efficiency too often is
it will pay to spend very much on coal rae__,a.,eur,ed_, by the number of pupils
a certain period of
ashes to mix with your clay soil. I gr4u1'31"eu ls.'""n - - .
would he afraid the free chlorine in time. But malnourished children are
the ashes injuring plant growth. In not capable of sustained mental ex] -
order to lighten up your clay soil 1 ertion, and therefore, unless unusual y
would advise you to grow a green bright, they lag in their studies land
crop which you can turn under and have to be crowded. They are o ten
thereby add greatly to the humus of camel ,az_y, when they are physically
the ,oil. unable to carry the burden ofthe
school program.
' /If Odetri
effort of nn11Yeuthtetaliccoennttrfruteedd
tenston that produces overfatigue.
. .studying,
School tension for three hours at a
A. S.: I have some chicks separate streteh, or in the case of one -session
from the other ones. that have colds. schools, for five hours with only a
They have a watery discharge from brief recess, is a severe strain even
the nose, look sleepy and keep their upon a healthy boy or girl.
eyes dosed a great deal. le there a One of the first essentials in bring -
remedy? ing about the recovery of the =l -
en separating the chielet with colds nowdshed boy or girl, therefore, is
from the remainder of the flock you that he be relieved from too long
have taken the first step exactly right. school hours, complicated as they
Colds are contagious. Place Perma"s often are by an atmosphere of fear
ganate of potash in the drinking and tension. The child needs mental
water used by all the hiree. See Dia employment, but the amount of time
of great importance in counteracting national kingdom ender one of the using these means which he himself2,500 pounds of ice will cool
the fatigue posture. The clothing sons of Herod" (Hastings' One Vol- keeps under lock and key. Whhol
en t, een, Or
the whale milk. Thus, for a 20 -cow
should be loosened, and the windows ume Dictionary of the Bible), Master; curse of Deborah fell on Meroz it was,
dairy from 10 to 25 tons of ice would
open. The chad should lie without a "Rabbi," the usual title of a Jewish because that community omitted. ti;
teacher. Thou art true; the most in Fer.,11 help alien a stand was h°Ir' 3. be necessary. To this add two tons
pillow and facing away from the light.
sielous flatery, They approach ,Te-sis huo..e against the common enemy. ;fee household use.
Fifteen minutes of complete rest are as e teacher whom they trueted. The' 'is: tl....le is re deula that if the The average farm icehouse is very
of greater value than a longer time way of God; the teed cf life end c .,-- Premier is, right. a great deal of our wasteful, the less running often as
speut, tossing about in discomfort. i duct in agreement with God's WM, lalt.1 cpet111nti011 is wrong. ftr tv: h•ve Lige .es cre half tf the t,tal. One.
In extreme cases, absolute rest in Neither carest . . for any men. With immense t:rtticht, cut Victi. Ike: at.. fs.rotc.' cf niy tiegt-J.:2::ance built an
bed for several days may be thehypocritical flattery, they lay ern- locked up. The Sante i,... tale :It:1116CD icehouse and spent a great deal of
means of causing the first gain. In phasis on His fearless ou•tepokenness' limits and ether -resources, meney constructing triple wails, yet
other cases, it will be better for the' to lead Him on to commit Himself the But there is another way also of
in the meddle of August seldom had
moveS .by orttsvard ap-1 males ensies ••, d, „II a filife °aim:Seel°
child to have breakfast in bed at his question to be asked. Regardest not, looking at mtehis bus
any ice. An inspection showee that
regular hour, and then continue to etc.; are not
pearancei Thy demean wet not be, musical gins, wealth, the gift of a drain was needed. After it was in -
rest until ten or eleven. He should influenced by wealth or power or pFes-I speech or writing, lie is bound to uso stalled he had no further trouble.
not be allowed to sleep through his • tige. It is lawful; from e religiousall for the -common good. He dare Air spaces due to poor packing, lack
usual breakfast time, and thus lose, point of view. Tribute; the tax levied; not allow large parte of his mental of ventilation above the ice, poor floor
the value of regular feedings. I by the Remelt Government, to Which and spiritual life to be barren and drainage or drains that admit air, in -
The desire to keep up with other; the Jews were subject. Ceesar; the unfruitful. All must be freely put sufficient insulation, burrowing rats
children in what they are doing often' Emperor of Rome, If Jesus said i on the altar of the country's need. and mice and poor, spongy ice are
leads to overfatigue. This may bet,"Yes" to this question -e -this was the, 3. This lea& to the truth that "pat- , t , . .
play., thought of the . would,
Phafieees-He riotism is pot enough" as Edith reeponable for an empty icehouse
seen in school, or at work, or 111
go against popular fee.'mg,- which was Cavell declared before she'went to her early in the season.
Many a ehild is forced by the example, strongly opposed to ths tax and the martyr death. Perheps it would be Forty cultic feet of space is requir-
Lfmhipsincgo,merradteeshtokyleioeing;onnuptiinuenegd hell, s
people would cease to trust Hint as best to state it in this way: that the ed for packing one ten. Thus, a 15- 0
. the Messiahs if He said "No," which richest patriotism involves the ston icehouse would require 600 cubic
u -
when he has not the energy to spare was the ophuon of the Pharisees, they pretne law of "core-mare:Irma" as en- feet of space for ice. This could be
for such exertions. AU such fatigu-1 would accuse 'Him -such was their unciated by the Master -love to God had in a dimension of ten feet square
ing exercise should, in feet, be avoided hespoeriset-to the Roman authorities. and love to man. On these foundation 'by six feet deep. Allowing one foot
while the malnourished ehild is get-; Vs. 18-21. Perceived their wicked- stones a glorioue Canada shall rest,
ness; saw through their crafty plot. 4. The fundamental requirement of for packing sawdust n each side and
ting back into condition and climbing
, Why tempt ye Me. , The mirpose of citizenship is love. Agitators inflame ead, the ieside elmensions would then
up to normal weight. ;their flattery was open to the eyes of the thoughtless to overthrow our in be 12 feet eqttare and 10 feet high
arid; Jesus. Y. hypocrites. They were such etitutions. But the way in -which for working comfort Dry sawdust,
berieghhiltderwailndl nanituenavellyaeotviveerelho,e is,.
because, while they pretended to be things will be settled right is the way plane shavings, or chaff may be used
the greater the danger from iiil$ , searchers after truth, they were really of love -no other, "Christianity for packing ice next to the walls and
est We have helped, striving to entrap Him by unwary changes aloommentSby changing
--!--- ---- - over the top. Between the layers and
blocks we have had the beet success
by using wet snow. If this is done
many children to get better control; words. The tribute money. The taxi the hearts of the people. We have
of themselves by telling them about could be paid only in •Roman money.; a task of growing seriousness in Can-
a small dog who toe tiedp4 Penny • the Roman denarius,worth ado. Our big cities are filled with
abouttrucentsourinage. denarius bore the Emperor's bra; and 50 per cent. of our population in freeze into practically a solid block,
him from wearing himself out ehnSaufienrsualatiocna;eatlarte. ineceettir the "tit/hese is non -British in ceigin, We The snow will allow the blocks to be
easily broken apart when the ice is
by running about. A "free" horse
people used Caesar's money ail:LT:a." rthegs to
people of '''gratia:° -
held back.
does not hem to be urged, but rather, The
unetdrtihlaetiroanefo,ver the ice, or at least
There is an important difference' left it to themselves to decide if they' talk of "Canadianizing" the "strang-
!lived under Caesar's protection; Jesus tience and get,pbeut inefaitTlr8Ish0ort11.:
eh all this •
taken out,
between the fatigue which is a natur-Ishould pay taxes to Caesar, Unto Gad , ers within our gates" esesstrealias 10the
summer monthsisthne°
. . . God's. People have duties to God, the mark. We must love them and
al result of exertion, from which one,
; wrL
as their Ruler in spiritual things, as do our part to Christianize them, and on the roof raises the temperature
makes a quick recovery, and Over-
vsell as to their political rulers. Where their attachment to the country will above the ice to a point considerably
fatigue, which carries the child each, these duties elasb, those owed to God take care of itself. above that of the outside tete The
time farther from his normal condi-, are, of course, supreme. But Jesus
___—_ ventilator will prevent this accumulse
tion, and makes his return to health' does not define the Ihn,its of political tion of heated air, and thus prevent
and strength more difficult. I authority. - much loss.
This is the kind of fatigue which; V. 22. Marvelled; "wondered;" the A good floor -drain that will not ad -
must be prevented by careful plan-; reply a genuine surprise, they had not mit air is a necessity where the soil
ning. It. may sound impossible to' thought it possible that He could slip is non -porous, or where a concrete
toe' out of their hands so completely, and floor is used. A simple drain for oral -
the water is colored a deep rel and , arrange for rest periods during • .
the birds have no other source that he should be subjected to the day with the many small tastes to be
50 easllyII. The Great Command -In , .
ent 34-40 ncoamvymPontirdPramiestr tci°1enslat alsfouat strsixhignehof-
of et1P" strain of school attendance depends performed about a farm and which;
, The Hens.
ply. Rubbing the head of a bird with upon his condition. Some children almost necessarily have to be ac-' V. 3C The Pharisees. See on V. 15.
a eold with camphorated vaseline will can be ' The Sadducees; a sect of the ,Tewe, The eight was coming very fast; es below the floor line, The trench
present the entire sehoel clay, eomplished by the children. But rivals to the Pharisees., who did not It reached the gate as I ran past. should be filled around and above the
()nett reduce the, ingamme. '''1"a• te,rtei provided time is given for rest per- planned work will accomplish more in tile with cinders or gravel.
poultrymen maim a mixture or a believe in the resurrection, and wile The pigeons had gone to the tower of
: iods and lunches. Others ;WI) gain pioneer hours than a long-drawn-out heti might to discredit Jesus by show -
11 •
the church FOC insulation, double walls are
tablespoonful each of ginger, fitelrt bet•ter on a half-day schedule. Certain
mustard and black pepper. Then lard; ehildren ought not to he under the
is added until the mixture can be strain for more than two hours a day,
rolled into pills. When a bird showswhile a few of the mere serieue eases
signs of a told several of these emailehould be relieved of all school work.
pills are given to stop it. Somethnes. Few :wheels are organized to make
day of undirected labor. ing that a belief in the resurrection And all the bens were on their perch, usually built, the space,s between be-
teg filled with <fry shavings Dry me.-
alake the children earn their rest, wee absurd, knowing that Jesus be -
but see that they get it. i
' lieved in th.e resurrection.. Put . . to ten much better insulating
'al has
After you have made the forty- ' silence; literally, "muzzled." The A piece of a little purring word.
Pharisees were doubtless pleased with, I stopped inside, waiting end sta,ying, qualities than wet, To prevent rate
eight-hour retard of activities, chill -
the defeat of their rivals, and, hoping To try to hear what the hens were from burrowing in the insulation, the
lenge every item and try to make it
slushed om•on rubbedon t te headant h id, , to succeed where they had failed, at- stales,. shavings may be treated with tome-
, cam e ano lei encounter.
t t d tl • sive sublimate previous to being plat -
these adjustmente, but when it '
is justify its tax on the c i s energy,
fed to the sick fowl seems to control known • They were asking something that was
col& and etart the bird on the road ' . ` i Vs.35 36 A lawYer• one of the e'ed ' tl 11 Iftheinner'
plain, In te eve . wall as
that the requirements ere v
one When you have made out the new
temporary, and tha children 1:01 be program, stick to it, and do not allow. ee es ' • 't t ' the 1 lined with waterproof felt, the life of
h When rubbing the head wiiiiii ehs is
:TII smears ofd euent Asking et over and over again.
to healt . brought in a few weeks or menthe t anything to interfere with the hour
with either onion or v
tho insulation will be iecreased, es
use e care- a much higher plane of efliciencY, for rest periods and lunches until one Wit°, agtreemte°orfinuclountment One of them mewed ,and tamed around!
Oitr Best
TIVestThelti,-AZaureS lotY0
wise STONZ 84- NS
t w P.S01-.1. Oell'ATSIO
s, i
often leaking faster progress than child is up to normal weight for his menu is great? What are the qualities Her feathermade a ruffled sound, well es furnishing a good additional
the eterage well child, it will be less height In our next article we will that determine greatness in the law?" A ruffled sound like a bushful of birds, tostelatien,
"heavy," whilsomeAs for site, a sheltered spot should
chosen where the sun's rays will
difficult to smuse the en -operation of tell how to arouse the child's own The Jewish sallies reckoned up 613 AO she said her little asking ‚words,
Of these She pushed her head close into her be
Outside leasone, interest in co-operating with you to "heavy," in the MW.some were e were wing,
ascii as music, carry out the health program. "light," arid it was keenly disputed But tothing answered each anything. strike a minimunt number of hours
clay. A large tree or building
the sehoul authorities.
or••••••••....•••••••••, will afford n great deal •of peacetime
Where streams or ponds are notavailuhia,
available, the making of ice in shallow
pans has been used to some extent.
It is nest suceessfel •tvbere r
long perioda of steady zero weather
may be expected. The pans may be
made of any heavy sheet metal. They
are usually about 8 inches deep and
18 to 20 inches wide and long. The
sides must be alightly flaring, so as
net to burst When the water freezes.
They am moat successful wbed
n line
with paraffin.
._.___ , . . ....._ a._ which belonged to the one class and
ful to keep It from the eyes. Child Welfare. which belonged to the other,
the hest method ef treatine wilds By far the most valuable asset of Vs. 37-80. Thou shalt love. Jesus
to keep the birds locked in the 1,
PaYs any countrY, particularly of It young answered hy quoting Detre 6: 5 as the
great and greatest ("first") come
contests in preventien. It oft( n
•-"u(° country like ours, is the conservetion
sue... sf its native sm.), ehimrea. yet it Is rrumlment, enjoining thenloveonof Godan
on cri'd win an•I rainy days. At a ;
mills and the birde will be ,_ „• -ietee a cartons feet that tm to the present toevtli?..0'11. Irnetanroinoing0trhoblievge; of and
VIIIPS the expo:rare frequently ht 11 i'q
in the laying -armee seralcbing
"tater "a I time, while the Government of Can- mitzheor. as ourselves. "Jesus' special
in al ado bus for years had a department, metenality lies in his combitting
• deep straw litter where the Me is the but,iness of which was to lock the love of God, and the love of teigla
mill stud dry. Feather a halee,sed ra- eller the tame, the faiths and the Mw, Ineking the later a derivative of
tion Si,elne to keep fire birth toned up telt% it has given not one cent for the former and a form of its expres-
anti resistant to seeds. Clean poultry theountry. reettection of the babies of the si.1.0n" . (Anderson). Amongst the
houses free from draughts Ore niSo , What are you going to do Pharisees the levo of the law had
e os that (linnet bout it? he
neglected. An evergreen whellirealt a'taken the piece of the persental love
ef God, while no ?lace was loft inneglected.
their system for t human love Of
on the poultry range will protect the The mane -fixture, sale, or keeping' neighbor.
birds from tea 1145 01 are it 111 ineit of stintehm eontainingptima 'V, 40, 011 them tete hang all the
common cause of watery eyes.
phoeus is illegal In Belgium, law and the prophets. a moral' drift
Drafts and overcrowding art eona
mon causes of roup among poulery.
Now is the time to prune the or -
Always' open to buy, and
always , prepared to give
you the highest prim and
a even dord, Try tue
e6Thou0tieo Iona
Diepenso with the old sour -swill
barrel. It is o disgrace on a niodern
hog-farrn, Even pieta do not eater,
ally like old, musty, sour ptoill,