HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-2-10, Page 5j44
p. ,or
160 6111r:'F'6Y #Jr47111i 14,
or AR IAG7+1
140108 118
igou lir (ho Peet {{tale, mho" - a04
eon, will soil for bettor p}•loes, to
theeor ntoo, iu less Limo sad lata uren4ot
thee I n any luog Auotthing, in blast Home or
iaa won't s he samtrange ng• title soil or by
eau always bo urraugod at tbii oiBoe or by
partings; appltoatton,
1' • Barrister, Solicitor, Oonvayanoa+'
Notary l'obno, ho, (,ftloe-b tewart's Blocs
1 door Nor ti] of Oeutral Hotel.
Solielter for the Metropoiltaa Bank.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Day and night calls. Qi$oe °ppoffts
stout 01111,.1rthe1.
Agent Howick Mutual fire Insurance Company
Phone 43 - Turaborry Street, Brussels
Successor to John' Harris, Walton,
M. B., M. 0. P., It S. Et.
M. 0, A„ Ylllpge of Bensvei't
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur
0, trice at residence, opposite Melville Church,
William street,
P0011OfO0t, KIL1,0111111 & C00KE
Barristers, 6o' palters, Notaries Public,
Office uo the Square, eta deer from Hamilton
GCDERIea mesa
Private fund., to loanet lowest rates,
W. PROU0No02, H. U. J. L, KILLORu it
H. J. D. Coolie
Monthly Horse Fttitc will be held this
0058011. 168 fOilowe :--
THURSDAY, JAN. O:rn, 1921
'" Pf;t3. Site, 1921
rel A D. Seto, 1021
APR. Pro, 1021
Local and Outside Buyers will be present
fly ardor of Council.
F. 8. SCOTT, Clerk.
'0' +
• +
John Oliver
has taken over the Deering Ag- .i
4, envy and handles a full line of +
.1, Farm. Implements including the `,ys
•1 noted 4
I. N. C. Cream Separators 4
°I' The only Cream Separator with +
two wide open sewn{ outlets- +
nclean serin the path of +
+ thoe cream, Seeew it when iu town. +
The 1, H. C. 3-10 and 10-20 Tractors +
are among the best. 4.
+4. The Deering Manure Spreader
M+, With the wide rips end and very
,` light fn draft.
.t John d1 ilii
. •
1 Highest Price
0 .
'8 r
c PAI[) •
a •
Haw furs
1 •
Ides and 1.
a •
• a
0 Call ate up- ?hone 62x •
MILL STREET BfRUSS1ELS + W. Conway has been •appointed physi-
t••••*••••••••tt,N•••••••••• Ical director, t air
SAMWEINSTFI and Prof. Reynolds, of the O, A. C., are
each to give an evening address. Rev.
til Kinds of
Furs and Hides
For which the highest
market price will be
paid, +
M Yollick t+
*1 Phone 2x Bt uasefs ..1:
• ee+++++++++++•1.+++++++++++*
tical duo Items
A Brighter Outlook,
Bradsireet's report Indicates that the
tide has turned, and a very much bet-
ter business outlook is the result,
Dominion Parliarnent to Open Feb. 14th
The Dominion Parliament Is to
meet on February 44th, and the
members of the Government are
now engaged on the "valentine" which
they will ask the Governor-General to
present to parliament on that occasion:
Exchan$e Fixed
The Dominion Board of Railway
Commissiotn, In accordance with its
judgment and order of January 14th,
has fixed tite rate of exchange, in con-
nection with the shipments of freight
between points in Canada and the
United States, at 11 r8 per cent. for
the period January 3.1 to February 14.
The surcharge during the same period
will be 7 per cent.
Eatbaryo On Corn
Official notice is given by the de-
partment of agriculture of a quaran-
tine of "corn fodder or cornstalks, in -
eluding broom corn, whether used for
packing for other purposes, green
sweet corn, roasting ears, Corn on the
cob or corn cobs" grown in certain
twnships of Welland, tlaldimand,
Oxford, Huron, Elgin, Middlesex, and
Kent counties in Ontario, because of
the prevalence of the European corn
borer in those townships, and the
danger of its introduction into other
portions of the province by reason of
tate shipment of the corn and corn pro-
Must Stay at School.
Circulars which are being sent broad-
cast by the Provincial Department of
Education announce the coming into
force on September 1, 1922, of that
section of the Adolescent Scohol attend-
ance Act which ''provides for the at-
tendance at school of adolescents be-
tween 14 and i6 years of age. "In
conformity with this section, "pupils
are expected to remain in full time at-
tendance at school until they are 16
years of age, unless employed on the
authority of a home permit or an em-
ployment certificate, as provided for
by the act," It is announced that it is
not the intention to make the act re-
troactive by endeavoring to compel
those already in regular employment to
return to school.
Dogs To Be Tagged
The statutes • of Ontario for 1920
states that every owner of a dog shall
procure a tag for each dog owned by
him and keep such tag securely fixed
to a collar on the dog at all times.
The council directs that the tag shall
be given on the payment of the dog
tax as provided by the statutes. Own-
ers of dogs who negect to comply
with the above regulations are liable
to penalties of not less than ten dol-
lars and not more than twenty-five
dollars for each offence The annual
tax specified in the act is $2.00 for a
dog and $4.00 for each additional
dog, and $4,00 for a bitch and 56,00
dor each additional bitch owned by
the same person. The law costes into
force on the first day of April, 1921.
Goderich, Jan. 31 Arrangements
are being compteted for the summer
school, to be held in Goderich this
year under the Methodist church aus-
pices, Rev, Alvin E. Milison, of .Auburn
has been elected president and. Rev. J.
F. Raycraft, of Goderich, secretary.
The sessions are to be held at the Norilt
Street 'Church, which gives ample op-
portunity for large audiences or small
classes, Already part of the program
qt i108 been arattged, Rev. J, 1-I, Arltup
T11is Estimates of Ald Harley Does Not
Include Income From Scrap
(tendon Free Press)
Electrification of the London, Huron
& Bruce is estimated at a cost of
$21,500 the mile by Aida F. 13. Harley.
This on the authority of a professor of
economies ore cs of Western University who
has had access To costs of radial con-
struction during the past decade, Titis
report was turned in privately to the
Huron and Bruce committee last night
and will be submitted to the general
meeting of municipalities a t the con-
vention here on February 2314,
According to Ald Harley's estimate
the total cost of electrification for the
Huron and Bruce would be 51,612,500
'this figure is arrived at by multiply
ing the 75 miles' length by the cost per
elite. Figures arrived at were based on
the cost of electrifying the London &
Port Stanley R. R., which figures are
said to be entirely inclusive and do not
take into ' consideration the present
value of the Huron and Bruce branch
or its value as a basis for remaking of
roadbed. The scrap value of the
branch line's material is also not con-
sidered in the 521,500 estimate. Those
factors are written off to take care of
the increased cost of materials.
In that connection, Ald Harley also
pointed ,out that material cost are
surely returning to the leve of 4915,
when L. & P, S, electrification was
completed. By the time electrification
could receive endorsement and work
Makes Every Worn= Smile
-so easy to operate -washes clothe"
so clean. Oo display at our store.
Come and see it.
111111111111111111 1111
Geo. R. Weller
Suffered Tbrest Ycara Until She Tried
Pointe St, Pierre, P. tZ.
"I think it my duty tot -:1 t ou hew
much your medicine has ,l:a ,e r ,..t.,
I suffered forthree yearn yid: terr:'.le
Enamel. 1 consulted sever. I d, et„rs
and they did not do me arty g;.,.l•
Then, I used one box of +aotho.
Salva' and two boxes of 'Fruit -a t iG.
and my hands are now c1",tr. The
pain is gone and there 1116 ho!'n no
return. I think it ie a 31 _h"t, iluus
euro because no other me'lirine dill
me any good and I tried all the
remedies I ever heard of, without
benefit until I used 'S':otTra•Safra'
and Trait a.tioes,'
'Fruit -a -tires' cooled the hfou,l
and removed the cause of +`i r- i
and 'Sootha-Salva;' completed til°
cure," 1
Dame PETER LAMAllfti; (his),
50e. a box, 0 for $2.50,trial si: r "'e, 1
At all dealers or sent postped.l by
Fruit -a -tines Limited, Ottawa, Out.
begun, he believes that the actual cost 1
of the adventure would probably total
much less than the estimate now in tl
the Hands of the Council and Chamber
of Commerce Committee.
Ald, Harley also pointed out that
municipalities along the Huron and
Bruce were not alone to be asked fa
Join London in what is termed one of
The greatest development proposals of
Western Ontario's history County
councils concerned and township coun-
cils are to be invited to come in a
body or send delegations along with
the cities, towns and villages actually
on the H. and B, route,
Neuritis, Sciatica, Netura:ia.
Tk ei13p'ett*_tins
Rave brourrht good
health t't
A healthful, money -saving r ne.ly,
well known for f]ttec.t Y' ere -
scribed by doe•tors s 4,1 1 y 11004,
gists, 51.00 a box. As cr r n eihs
or write for a fret trinl pa
Templetons,142 ling W., T6....16.1t0
Local Agent James Fox
Saving the Farmers' Time
F'eotricity is one of I he most valu-
able features available on the farts to-
day, beean'e it eaves tine and labor
And ca
use beCa i.6
bins t°the farm
home all the earl ut comfy' e c mit i to and
mm01,11001008 Hutt belong to the mod-
ern in metory where.
1.1 et,nlly furnishes safest means
of lighto,g, Alan, combined with the
elements of etittifn,'t, convenience and
splendid efficiency.
Let's eotsider the time -saving feat-
ures for a moment. 'Theta are a de,zen
Jolts about the farm that ordinarily
take the time of one or two persons,
jobs that a small, elect.] ie 10etor will
do, maybe with the at'eotion of 80010
one, mayhejust by itself. We heard
recently of tt mien on a big middle.
west feu'r`r who used a half -horsepower
electric motor to ren a feet) grinder,
This man ground seventy-five bushels
of barley an hour with this grinder
riot by eieetrieity, Compere this with
loading; the grain into a wagon, driv-
riving tiff to town to the mill with it,
having It gronnd and then hauled it
batik borne--nr compare it, even, with
going town to haul .t load of ground
feed )tome,
Then this same than used this euotos
to run his hay forkand would unload
aload of alfalfa in five minutes. Time
saving 1 it's importanC remember,
In these days of little labor y e Lor Hurl eight-
hour days, and it is modern machin-
ery, sorb as electric Equipment which
is going to cavo the day if it to be sav-
ed, Pumping water, running the
{washing machine,' 0110.0, gtindetone,
fanning mill, cream separator, every
"per aUnn, done with an elrctlic Motor
means labor saved -end time, 1t
means more hours foe work that just
hits to he done by hand. Any farm
{tan have electricity unwndaye. 'There
are small electric pinut8 especially de•
signed to provide electricity for the
faun, They will run with tittle at-
tention end will furnish electricity
twenty-four h s
our a day, the year
round, rendering a mighty valuable
,eerviee to the farm fatuity,
Why Move to
the City
Delco -
"Electricity for
Every Farm"
Mndern e'ndeti.11 u+ $ mewl
00 longer belong ar,1y In
those who lice hi the pity.
Delon -Light, rancfur xis Lb,
faro. home by teal leg n,.+•
sibs the ] 14 .
1 ]E it 1 011.5...dal ke
and tendon city tonveni•
Better elerirlr 11i-hrs, de-
pendable 'devil -it, 1•,0101', a
cnrnpb•te both{, -„tit
cold water at 1 he tot a if he
faucet --are nii main, p.184f-
hleby!)o1rt'-1, 1,1,
Writo for Catalog
H. O. Darroch
District Agent, Listowel
e More Straw for
Bach of Taxpayer
Adding just one 3110re straw to the
Hack of the taxpayer'a new anlen,Inlent
to thefederal Income tax 1aw. Is antic-
ipated to gu into effect shortly, accord-
ing to inspector of Taxation George R.
Under the proposed amendment,
every man will have to, figure up the
emoted of his taxes, le addition to re -
Porting the total amount of his Income.
And when he reports 1110 amount of his
income for the past year and what he
figures nut his tax to be he must for-
ward with his returns a marked check
fir at least one-quarter of the amount
Jf his taxes. If his taxes are not vert'
1:.res lie may at his own discretion, for-
' :lard a check for the full amount but
his figures are liable to be questioned
fu any case,
iiI the t/ardee's .Chair
Wei tier Krug way elected \Vardett
f the (:aunty 11' Pet t II at the i roman' •
1 m'eti•g of the County (',,urr•ri
190• mail eat Is AS betneea 111r. Krug, .d'
is utb Hes i1 •pe, and He.-ve A. A. ("ed.
It,h.•nn, el 5liLinea, Only nrie baIh4
Ink. n, the vote being 11 to 4 in
t c.,1. , f \Tr. Kt 11g.
L i•,+,;illy to note Ihat illi•is the
li •r {,1510 111 30 visas that A repro -
.sive of N tit It 11. 1h66pe baa been
1 1...d.
16 Sir' RE ug ha, been a men] -
1.6•1 -81111 • 1. 1.111.1y Connell for9 ytlu's
t 1'- fnL y c•-. mservaxt with t)ounty
1'1,6t Reeve fuhn8(0(1, Lonknnw,
,<ehose.. \teat den of Hume County
,.t ,h•• 1,st County Donnell nrretirrg
1.16161. 11 as a pleasant Surprise Cn
h I.u..0, utv Ili,rndy, And that pleas-
ure wits 11111 eased v1 her, 1t n leen tie,)
thr,t he h tet , n'distat'eed 108 11011k--
(.r,lrl, t -f Tara, and Rnwand, • £
Hi ant. The vote stood Johnston 21,
(,taut F Itu•vend 4.
l .tie
compliment to Tt"eve. Johnston
thea tenter when it is emtsideu'11
that Ir• t one of the yr-nugest me111•.
hare et the County Council, and that
Nu. (tear.{ is mete an ,4d hand, having
0 -mi este,l the \Vardenehip sots 4
01.1 4• It 6W61.11(1 Ivent to the Ciampi]
s he 5.11110.)01.1 ns J,htstan.
The 1.'1101' rams to Johnston altn.,01
11 1s.mi;ht. .lir. Jnb11ston 1, a $011411-
1.1(0 111 .Inn. Joyut, 01, P. P,. North
SCHOOL RL:I'ORT -The feilolt jug is
lien r '51011 of S. S. No, 2, Grey, for I he
month oF,bu-a,u'V. All classes exaln-
merl 111 Atith, Spell., Geug., Coma,
11 iv ar,d Daily Work. Pass 00.
ilo,"vs 75. Jr. 1V -Evelyn Omitting -
/14m 78 Sr.Ili-Bra Johnston 69
ir. ill -Howard Oster 71. Sr. 11 -
.lin] Joh, stun 03 Walter Oster 01
Jr it -Jnu Twirled! 01 * missed
',e tie {nor • exams. Those present
every day Bert and Jim Johnston turd
Halter Oster.
V. V'. 11 CLEOD, 1'ee 1.h e1..
SCHOOL RETORT-F0110wi ng is I he
1,epo:1 , 1 S ,ti. No, 10, Grey, for the
113011111 of January. Sr. IV --Laura
tin Donald, i\lyrtle llallenboek, Murat
McDonald, Wilda Speb•,tn, R08845/e41`-
318. Jt 1V-I.aora r,atersnn, Melvin
t. rntxrlt•ul, Eldon \1.l1156eld Sr. 11I
Viet"' Maker, Bertha. Speitar,
Ant to limns, Kate Stevenson Jr. 111
e • Lillian t 1c Aetl, 1, I, 11 an Whitfield,
he Par erson, Nelson Whit field,
11'lt itbel, Ni rman Davidson, Sr,
11 t'1:t3 ,0 Studios. Jr. I1-14 tern.
hidter, 11,-.1 I 1'.,l norlar,', Russel 1\'1,11 -
Held. S,. 1-\Vil1.a Baker, Wilda
Bake). Jr. 1--Aethmt Neabel, inlay
('tu Iorhrtn. Pr. -.Shea Patterson.
I.alrel Singling'', Helen Whitfield. A
t' 1 .- Laws .n Whitfield, Stuart Evans.
\A11604 in nide( ,:l' merit.
A. \1 M('PHiultsox, Tenclt•-r.
SrIIoOL 111+PORT-Following is the
„port of S. d. No. o, (trey, fat omni l]
4.1 (',l/n'u•v. N.unev in order 01 rnet'it-
t8 1V --Nellie
Campbell, bluets
tic comer, Joe A n1. 1roti 1.6,011'1
it:, inner. (la,* IV-'-Sinrs,,alr Alnt
',voile:, .dna ):vel igh Alex Alex-
a ' 1 Sr. 111 -Melvyn 'Hamill on,
1,sto (a Abell, CClettprice Clark, Ethel
1Vttrd,Margaret McNeil, Willie Lucas.
Jr. IIT -•R rlph f3.4101ee, Norman
Iieirnes, Lena Ward, Stanley Alex-
ander, Tommy Luras, Hughes Attn.
Itr 13g. Class TI -Metes ;McNeil, Lenin.
lit is 1lelrn Ilrirrtr', I CI. -Angie
ler • iehrb, Bella Immo. Sr Pr. -
t 1t Luca. and TrllyHeirnest'quoit,
Liza,0 Reit nes and Jean Campbell
(.1,1111 A verage at lend/131m,24.
9:. I 11ARN, 'rearing.,
Turnberry Agricultural g ri t
ural Society
41) ,,nal plotting of Turn berry Agri•
r tit, tit Society was held in the Town
flail, lVingheun, on Friday, January
ttrrtsnrer's statetnent showed re'
shpts amounting to $210993 gnd ox.
14.16611605t.s amounting to $2154.82.
Sl+errty has telt been able to make any
money on their Inst couple .of Faits
because 1.f tnisetable weather, bat th,
new directors are going at, it with a
renewed will ,red their efforts ate de-
i.etsfug of the very beet success attain-
, able. 'rhea(' - ie $700 on notes borrowed.
Demo toren t Jnrlges will be seemed
1 a'nt's' this year and instead of (reit11
Mold chop cl•mpetit?On Society will
i to tt't'tile regietered go 830 compel it km
re U. A. (1. 72 °ate- The difference to
• 111 x• i'mnp('l 11 1)1018 is that 5101111- 01(11 bo judged in field Ami the grana, y,
.. • ,tip: htors mtt10t 050 t'egiateto d Set ii,
r1 r 111161617 will be $1276 iu4lo<Id
i ,'t $ie. There must be 15 competitors
u1 (here van be 110 0ompetitlon,
I.)isti'ict Representative Stothers ad-
dressed meeting relative to the hold -
Froth Chrome Leather
A Horsepower Hanle Strap
These two articles are made from chrome
leather, the strongest, toughest leather known.
They will not harden with sweat or water. They
have great strength and wearing qualities that
will our finersel selection of of hallease ters and harness,ou, you
Associate DI) eel ono -W. J. Currie,
V. It. VaiiNorman, .1. A. Brancio11, O.
Campbell. W. G Gray, Adana Robert,
log of a chzrnplomhip School Fair io
connection with the Wing/tam Fall
Fair, prizewinners at the neighboring
School Faire being eligible to compete,
Suggestion was fav"' ably received and
will he gone ahead with,
Folowi.•g is result of eleetiuu of
Hon Pres,-JI-JJ. Moffatt.
Hon Vice Pr es.-H.T. Pet flue,
i'ri-widens, . Wright.
Ist Vice Pres. -•R S. Williams.
2nd Vere POI'S -G, !Y' Underwood.
Directors -W,.,1 Greer, Hugh Gil-
mour, 1, 1. Smith, \\', A. McGill, F.
Heupy, John Gillespie, Richard Wil -
toe, 0 G. Campbell and A. G. Smith.
Lady Ditertors-Wives °f officers
and directors.
son, John' Tripp, Wei, I3rydges Alex,
Auditors -3, A. McLean and Robt.
Richard Witton and Mrs. W. A. Me -
Gill were appointed delegated to Or.-
tario Fairs' Association Convention 1,t
Terrell° held Febr nary 8th mid 9th.
Secretary A. G. Smith asked to be
relieved of his duties owing to lack of
time, but was urged to reconsider 0(4
resignation and report at next tweet-
Date set for holding of Fair woe
Tneeday and Wedn'dtty, Sept, 27 slid
rerrresr•••••••• rstureeess ti
flour and
I R E.
Fee t
0 • -._ - 4
For Sate Y'
0 Grain taken in exchange for tog
For Sale P same at market price at e
Z Ethel Elevator
' 1NDING it impossible to get E••
.,,,,,,,,,i,1\il, fr,r ley euetom- Hay Bras. Ltd., per C. C. 0111 '
etre rubel, the 6ea1M1 111-1V/1,1/e4• 4
ed last year, I hit's now on hand i5 -Also agent for the well
R "a1' 184"1 of Fr.»l 1\'it•o Fer.oe, • known Fertilizer, Harah-Davies, d
"Tight L•,rk," fur 1921. Hope in• •
tendingpurchasere will take ad- • \Vertrnrnntn. Please leave me p
vantage 1,f this oppot Inuit y, •• your orders and get one the '0
® best Fertilizers on the market, L,
Geo. E. McCall G. C. GILL - Agent
Phone 30x 151tU5S1tL9 0
8• HOW b
e ABOUT Batter This Winter ° _.1
To be assured of a good Battery in the Spring,$ leave it with
• us for Winter Storage.
'Your Battery will freeze if allowed to become discharged.
Stori.ig a 13attel,y under the wet process simply means that 3
your Battery will have our individual attention throughout the
Winter mouths, inasmuch as we will keep it active and in a •
charged condition. Get our prices on Winter Storage. 's
All Makes of Cars Overhauled AND
We still have a number of Tires on band that
are offered at Greatly Reduced Prices.
• •
Columbia. Dry Cells and LX.L.* Batteries
air -Now 15 file 7lri1e to have your GRr, overhauled as prices are lower. w
i06444,04040444000000,0000•04, 0.44.4440.1 0004'40 41 41, e *
••044a•e0r•••••ar•••0r•e••e• er•••e'••ero••4•'r•oo-•pao4-04,
Just Put ituptofls
11 you want a Watch with a very
close rating. We have some splendid
timepieces iu 15 Jewel, 17 Jewel and
21 Jewel Movements, Wo carry all
the Leadiog makes and engrave your,
Monogram free of charge.
Eyesight and
The than or woman who has
faulty 0181011 or whose work 18
such a et, sin on the eyes thas
headaches and nervonsnt+setare
the result Cannot be Eft].
oient. Whether in the office,
W014041011 neat home R'y'e Com-
fort is esse.tiai to a good day s
Call and if 0/Asses are 5)0008 -
vary we can supply rm. Our
8)0500tl of'Teethlg is scientific
and ap'to•tdttte.
How about a
For the long Winter evenings,
We have three special 098(1) t.
Violin, Violin Case and Bow at es
These are exile value,
15.00 20.00 25.00
We also carry a good stock of
Supplies -lytta Howe,
Strings, Pegs, Bridges, Mutes,
Resin, Tail Gut and Pieces and
Tufting Pipes. Violin Self In-
structors at $1.00 each,