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The Brussels Post, 1921-2-10, Page 4
y *4'+4•++++i++++++l.+a'+e1'+ .++$4'+++ Children is echngle tint thin fteeoolet! t ed feel keenelleappolltment tll,,t they 1 ' f ' lfaVel not the pt•!yi'egee ofofof ighlt.e"II i euhnnle. V RSDA . UPI3KUA.JY to 1921 hero s�+ot'a $d9' utlnrliihtt.•R tit the e ^. T" G�� ' ' hntrnnee examination ; of tits.e 81 DON'T forget yunr 'V.410Mittq .ntxt .. or fryer 80 per tient, pftesed, 1 f whr to Monday. i q stieslxyalsag rates ACR going tt/ Ivka 'til ! t other jump Up ''•itj•+• t 11 look honors, This le somewhat. + beLtee than the avetege And tout' he Lnkt'n as (Ila of the eviti(n,f"('s of a good year`s work. The High mid (,imtin1 11ioil School w et iia l 1 s were 1 Iy siteCesefuf itt the l)apartillan1itl 'lento, Ineticu ti, While the question of Consolidated 8ubouls Ilan nut been it aalive an ie' site this year as last, the li.tgrest bite not abated. find Revere, centres are looking for their establiehweut. By regulations passed this year, the Government 'grants for consolidated schools have been lneteased 60�pt+r cent. Al•most the only objt'etio 1 now remaining is lite u•rtelIsiill y 1)l Over- coming thedif$uullies or traueportisIg :le- children to school hi Winter, t 'hescheol;i ,vclevisited twice as •I , Nd by the regulations, except CoA. deliveries are pilinjf Up in 'Tor- onto hitt prtcee continue high with a break expecte 1. NSet oar owners will not require to be tickled with, a feather as the price tf gasoline keeps eliding 'flown. rl QIIassc Legislature will not grant the • franchise to women. Ontario was just os benighteduntil quite recently I hereby off, r for Rule At Miceli * that will suit all, my stock if Men's. Fleece Underwear + • Boys' Fleece Underwear Men's Werk Shirts and Socks I , Men's and Wallies s Shoes + f flannelette White and Striped • Men's Overalls + 1 wa that were clotted.; eeverII ad- Issuteue the Farmers' Sun tri -weekly ' will be held in abeyance fora while un- f Sale to commence Feb, 9th + til the high cost of publication comes 4. down: •d�i 'i.'ertua--Onsh 1(t Eggs. M Nicliethe, ih,- 1. alter M P. P t. 11-11, Lr Ste art fur Minn Brant, has a bee in his +. bonnet and both in and out of the House seems deb:insured t0 speak right out. There's jest a danger that when a wan gets a hubby that he will rifle it to death. Sia James Ciento, 91. P., h is succeed. ed Sir E (ward Carwo as leader of the Uoionii•t party in Ira:and, S'r James has no bed 1f rose;, wa wuu'd say in ptannwg'fcr 'the little bit of heaven." Pussib'y l3ro Car^'m snook hands with himself when tine 11-'ty appointment was • made. l'xrs Magstratri an 1 judges a e "wbatking" t: to tine house -breakers at'l hold -op artists n et'ff prison ielt_nct A hit . f the "ca " w'-nid be as likely Is anyllring to make the more youti,fnl think 1w•te la fore mite; ing on their daredevil work Now it the Lime to get reedy for the cutting Refeleudum. The anal touch off shoutd he made and the tinkering of the past pot a stip to. Don': forget the b'g Temper:seer Convention in Toronto on February 52 24. Cheap rates on railways. Junotxo by the anuuuecemeuts in the Toronto Saturday dailies no stone is left unturned to call the attention of the public to the Sabbath services, 'Weep ofmethods t t n he m hofs w old notb ave found favor with the "old folk" of years ago lam of course they were of the old- fashioued type and went to church to worship Gid. + IWNFRYN tounneaturlte tit.• s •ce'a a id the noble lads w:.. -gale Cis if hors for the Em n :e li 1. >r!; t.n.I r ,multtuO y are In a q ver„ • y os t:r s II it tao'IL1 rte the wise ,!tar.! +u d'+ School Re 1)r Inspector Fiel!'s P Pt The f,.itnwit•g is Inspector Field's j re p,:t t.: l'hoi %1r,- nlrvl i1) 1020 itt Bust Hut.,,i; 14k 1111 1 'rli",'It 111(11 6 Urban srh,n is in Ib. first trim there Weil • P22 CNacners t i ll iii ' h a Fall 18111) 119, the dement* hems, dare to a lower 8t• laitrianee in i ht,t,nr, 1':'Iiel and 8, 14 Nee 8, 3ieKitlup, reek of which reduc- ed its sluff by Of the 119 timell •rs 111 the seenud term 71td btp+t class Ce111 r tp6 100 eecuml einei, 8 thiel class, 2 kinder- l;ar1 •71 tit 1 "L t till "t•.11 y i't+1't'}flltttee :1 t the I egieel.iti• of the year the- ; guuiu tt. „ was sr,tneishttt higher, 'a4 .' 91 haul tir,.t-n:.,t.eel 1iNeat esmid only 2 I below :,:i t•lnw ti xleeu mr•I wet. tr tr ling at. the el.lsr of the year Several set,. rl- were :nolo closed fr...11,1nr .,f,•ur•we. ksnu 111,011111 i•f • an out ,erg .,t tl+<• ' lift" in r,1het. con- t t.:e,rirdis ;its sire ; as the 111'tanoti"lt eX- 'arrtinati'nr • were pow p �until the end of Jute. et the time of the t1",' 1, 11,(11.1 , t neve e tat rx 1)u t I t v t licher= 1. and pupil". tl • 1 r. 11 ,:' r ', n uli r tit t9 for tt r as - I e tl j rid • 11 •rt t1 make 1(p ter the Niue thus i.:.. •A u1•:v,rhnnl Wag built in 8. 8. No 8. $, tide titin year: it is a ge lar 1 buck bu,hli•�ir. attractive in appear 1 1 /tree lint Inside and out, with furnace ONrnxru's total debt is the sang sum basement fled i1) ids. closets ; the crit was ani tit $8,owi The Model School 1 of $159,757.053 up to November Int la Clinton u"(irt went extensive alters- i 1920. Possibly another 8 or to million ' trues ; hall and ( 1" 414 Moms were ail- I3 is now added, $7,000,000, of i; for 1 (led' flu rt4lwttlr1it% ip18111kswiand erani- i Hydro. It would be a mark of flue ' Y I t e stalled nnd the tt induws 11) Lhe oar - statesmanship to get busy in reducing esus class looms 11189sed on the left our liabili'y. Strict economy, without side of tit • pnpiie, so he to provide bet- 1 niggardlinesses, one route open to the ter lighting. Many of the rural I Government, seh(tul,, wet a repelled during the Sum -14. met months mei tire. 011198 roosts de- 109ttted and thus (nude mite attrac- 1 Hove yen tried jazz music on your give to the [miila. ii in al e 1 t 1 11 vitas 1 nide" 1( other a.e t t schools. 1 also assisted at all the school Pairs held in my Inypeotorate. SOCIAL LEGISLATION The year 1920 was a prolific one for this country in the matter of Social Legislation and the Social Service'Coun- cil of Canada contemplates publishing a review of legislation of this class. Here is a brief summary. Ontario—Allowances:for women with children minimum wages for women and girls the doubling of allowances of des- erted wives establishment of technical schools grants for community halls In rural districts etc. Manitoba—Legislation dealing with such matters as mothers allowances workmen's compensation a Joint council of industry proportional representation in Winnipeg, legitimization by subse- quent marriage, etc,, Saskatchewan—Mothers' pension leg 'station amendments to the minimum wage act, curtailment of the hours of work in factories and provision for the special protection of children In indus- try. Alberta—A minimum wage board for women and legislation in the. interests of children. British Columbia—Mothers' pensions and special provision for the treatment of sub -normal children. New Brunswick—Legislation provid- ing for legitimization by subsequent marriage, with extra safeguards regard- ing the employment of women and children, €Guinn Iln' p • Business + Am offering for the next 3 + $ weeks a large quantity of + + + + + + + * -a + + + + Other goods at Greatly Reduced Prices to clear. + R. ■ ®RAA ■TT WALTON hens as an aseistant to the production of Salaries advanced very sharply at t 4• eggs ? This is recommended as the tat- t8tinrtt, I run-, murh ehitt 1 (1 the expec- 1 talion t nrn-t tenehelR ; trustees us u est chicken !rouse fad, superseding the rule 190.gr,iz-a that the salattes of electric Light extension of working tearhere 11,11,4 rise ail in °thea oceupa- 1 boors. Poultry orchestras should be tint's, but the immediate cause of the 1 sudden Mom was the bonus grunt on cultivated. That would be a minstrel higher salies offered by the Govern- I halm IPS lay, we suppose. meal : as it was thought possible 10 4. drift the burden, advances have heel IT evil inks some figuring on the part general, so that $1,11110 to $1,2:X0 is a crnnmou salary in mord, of the town- r UNDERWEAR SWEATERS OVERALLS SMOCKS SHIRTS SHOES and RUI3BERS AT COST. of the Grits 10 09)1)511Columbia 10 hang sh9pg on to the reins. In the House they have '1'l,e Gnve1 nment giants a8vigned to 27 members the Tories are the uu'ucky East 11mt.u111 publie school purposes + y; number of 13 and there are 7 In depend amnuuted t t :37,307.98 with it entail t'+ ..t,+++++++4.4.++++•'r+++++•h++ aur trot yet 11) e"1ne of this amount. ants. Goad legislation may be expected $2,24.260 tray the. auppl+'meulary or and few holidays will be taken by the bonus grant on sltlaries- Of 11114 suis members daring the ses9',ns of Parlia- Huwiek township tt'ceiverl $1.001 and meat. 'I'HA•r timber limit story of the L'+cal lly tie (+overt,19 1 t f u• thi9 put pose, i Legislature would make the public Phe grunt is nnt-•h higher• for weak ser;Hurts, and as there's only etre sec - believe that some of the til, P, P.'s were Linn in Beet Huron with an neees-anent Parties wanting %Vond can have the slippery elm instead of the genuine oak, h'Iose $100,11110, the grants have con- same delivered at their residetrces at Some of them had some basswood in sequently not come this way. Lhe following Oath Prices :- A change but have had the weeping A c:ha nge was trade tliie year in tate money provided for each school sec- Dry 28 inch wood, per cord ... $ B 00 willow graft put on since the iIIVesti- dim out of the taxes levied over the Green 28inch wood, per cord . 8 611 gation has heen on. whole township ; Instead of a grant of Green 4.foot wood. pet curd. ... 9 011 s930n, Miele theta i8 ooiy one teacher, Parties wanting tri 011 wood by til+ 1(I $60(1, where there are two teiteheis, cord can get contrnrte, Mining the Ge'leral election of the the grain is now ;$(9(1(1 and $11100 re - was held the Govetument bad sprrtively, The object. has beet) 1.0 Part.ies willing to haul wand may it backing 01 71) now it bothers the said equalize the burden -thus taking delivered wheaetdir ctedililot' pV'llaer re gi 1 away ftp advalllagn that larger sec- g gentlemen to count half that number. ticus f"rmetly had 111 lite tate tot of Brussels by the Clerk ot• in hie ale This may perhaps account for the'r school taxes Bence, R. ()dyer. .not running any chances in asking a ver- The Adeleeceut School. Attendance Apply to Lite undersigned. r diet from the electors. It is not guess- Act pas4e(i itt 1010, the nperaric1) o1 F. S. SCOTT, Ing to say tilts sessiuu win be one (•t tvlifel, tvr18 in Lht' meantime suspend- ed, will mune 1iltn 91,!11 d operation in C1er1C, close attention to business so that no September .•£ !hie year anti into full catch vote will be sptung. operation 1t1 the two years succeeding. \1eKillnp township only $4t1 The -E., 9U1114 seem rattan rnityra60(u,t when r+"te c:.+oeider:, that 54UO,UW was voted or WARN lfy iia prnvieiun4, every child betvl'eetr 14 and 19 years of age shall attend • So much ha, been said about race sus- settled for the full time dna ing which 1)1 s of themunicipalityf Bhp Rrhr I lr nide ..e take this opportunity L 4 ppm potty t0 ah CJn tele the other bide of the picture viz that whieb hre scutes are open each year, Reuben and Mrs Bland, of North Cato. oilers exr 1101'' for earlairi reasons, IL wiil mean that all Ruch children 1nu89 j line, have a family of 34 children. attend some high lir Continuation t Reub-n ! Reuben ! I've been thinking `lt'ha,l, 1,1' In"vis.anq mutt 61 trade f a roll call would be necessary so as to fpr their linolut'tinn in the home ear, 1 titin. 11 tvili be worth cougidaring {{{{ how the anfut cement. of 'hie riot. will be ennput1erl in 1Ile. !oral echnnl eeetione. (fiii•er0 have heen appointed by thee unlace fmnement r.f Ithe lAtttend ance Aot, eny . unlace -Stone- Chestnut Bight. School Faint were held this. year 00v1.11(1 ; 010114 the whole ins 1 eprctnrnte ; there. iia increasing Salter- 1 E1 84 Sr T■ P 1 r a est. shown b 91) lits mud parents in urn e •t the "hull kitweret penia. sure 1 t a hum" e r It ' cat was pilo � 11 before the a w d 1(p and th clock put out each night LucxNow and locality are d)Scusstrog the erection of a Comnttrnity Hell. It is noeaymatter for a locality to wisely decide what should constitute a tnemori- f°hese funs, tutu t oai spa 411111101111011111 Y:'da No. 1 Hard al that would be of setelee attd still value is being mom and more realized. J PHONE 41x • 1i fry The flour you "knead" for bread 7111911) Leaf Milling: Co., Limited Taranto, Winnipeg Brandon, Halifax .genera,. Nova Scotia—Minimum wage law for women in factories and a fair wage law. The above makes a splendid record' of achievement for one year and there' is no doubt that, now that the pace has been set, still greater things will be ac- ; kr 44 still linenless, sells at twenty-five cents, The manufacturer sells these collars at seventeen and one-half cents and "re- quests" the retailer to sell them at twenty-five cents, If the retailer for- cornplished during 1921. i gets and happens to sell the collars at THE twenty cents he is not boycotted by TILE STORY OF COLLARS • the manufacturer, for that would be Il- legal, but he is :informed. very ,politely that the factory is "just out of the A few days ago the Philadelphia Led- styles and sizes" which he needs. At ger published a few facts concerning present, The Ledger asserts, the mat - "linen" collars which are interesting erial in one collar costs a little over and, we presume, reliable. Men's three. cents, , The biggest collar mane o. cellars, made partlylecturers are Cluett of linen and partly . , Peabody & Co., of cotton, sold a few years ago for a- i bout twelve and one-half cents. Dur - ing the war, however, prices jumped higher and higher until they reached thirty-five cents each But the collar which sold -for thirty-five cents was not the collar which sold for twelve and one half cents, for during the process of Prise inflation a species of deflation had goneC wasn't a on until ther va n't thread of linen n th left i thirty-five e e th ty five cent col- lar. Last year the public waked up and began to protest, and now the collar, THMA USE RAZ -MAH NO Smoking -No Spraying --Ne Snuff Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing, stop mncw gatheringsin the bronchial tubes, glvs long nights of quietsleep; contains no httInt-forTing drug.$10 0 at 1(r d1v F ggis, Trial free at our agencies or�vrlta Temple/roue, 142 King W., Toronto. Local Agent, James Fox ®••e•••••••0••••0•••••••044044.440+011•44.,••••••••••+4; ▪ The • Pa�aCe Bakery: •• • • In Your• • • Bread Box s • • •• • s is i. g .9 • e • •• o4•••t•••e+leo*o• see. •s4•A+epooseo+••4'••••••!••&••••4• i' keep Willie' Bread and it won't stay there long, Onr Bread is so gond that it dis- appears quickly. s q1( klq. ThA bast loaf for children's lunches, as well as for the fatuity. A bit; loaf of bread goodness for 12 cents. Phone 82x • • • W. E, WILLIS 4111,. BACKED BY SIXTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE! DOMINANT IN QUAL- ITY AND SERVICE! Sixty years of leadership --of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment. THE GILSON ENGINE WONDERFUL "THE Costs You Nothing "The Wonderful Gilson” stands supreme. More Gilson Silo Fillers were sold in Canada last yew' than any other make. It is guar - The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" En- entered to be the lightest running blower- gine—any size for any purpose—can be pur- cutter made. chased on the easy payment plan. Let it lye lode pay- for itself. Its economy. and depend- pendent—get a Gilson Silo Filler and gine In Canada. Let us demonstrate 012 4 ability have made it the biggest selling en - THE own silo twile your own engine, your farm. ra larger—at the proper time, when :ori Ifas Lha greatest feeding values TELE GILSON SPREADER HYLO SYLO The Hylo Sylo insures sweet, fresh, succulent en- silage down to the last It forkful. is built u t t o IRs. patented Eget ugh,. >; patented features c de- sign and r3' the ylo s explain bwhy the Iiylo ;- ating ar the Pays discrimin- ating ,armee. Pays (nr ;!sett a the after season Then year niter year pays 100 M coat, profiton your per Can you beat it? Manure is the best fertilizer. You have It. Use itl The best Manure Spreader made Is the Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread, It is low down. It has light dreft It will take a real load. It is free from clutches, gears and all complicated parts. Call and see our nearest dealer, name below. Ne will save and moire you money on the equipment illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dixie -Ace Tractors, Wood Saws, Grinders, Pump Jacks, Belting, etc, Write for Catalog. Made far Canada and Guaranteed by GILSON MFG. CO., Limited - - GUELPH, ONT. Call and Seo Nearest Dealer - EARL ROTHWELL, BRUSSELLS, ONT. , Increase Your inning Pourer :TTI by'tak'ng m Rntrtrim in the P ELLIOTT ,omeddi 11; 4. yengo sf Oharloe ate„ Toronto • one of the Inst two stridents to areept positions commenced at $42,90 per week -g, and Maritime COO at over OO pelt month. Promotion in business is rgiI L 11 you r hove correctpreparation. trios fa school Is noted for MO grade training y said for assisting the students to obtain , yemployment, : Write for tollegt 41r• oular bEnter at any time. A W J. ELLJ.QTT. PRINQIPAi. fi ,)+.AYE4a`.iiia`911'azeAsYa'�.'�'76+:,tPh'aY� `I+ who stake the celebrated "Arrow" col- lars, In 1918, the firm's profits were $1,871,163; but in 9919, they jumped to $$,t53,129, This was the year of thirty-five cents collars, and this$5,t53, 129 was made on sales of $32,421,806. These are the figures given by The Ledger, and -they require no continent. They do not make pleasant reading, but the public should know the facts, cutch Short Horne 810teli Short Horn lhi la fat' pale, huts 27 110(1011, Cult 1, (#ray tow„•hi , AMU, na'1TH, Phone Molesworth 11, li S, l,latowel, Angus Bulls for Salo A few eltoleo Ankuw B.ulle for lisle front 0 to ]nraonlhs old Priced to sell • 0491 and yea them. 89.1.. 4A UMW'. Pitons 4".8 Lot 10, Oen. 18, they. For Sale fy1 sores of good lard upon which la a 90111 -- fellable house 11ame sntble. Poesesslea at ono° Property )posted Itt Village of (Iran - brook, krtelyowrrd hr fare- 11, i([081,. For further pnrticatare apply t9 AMMMR.'1 t1A911+2RON, or Wu ('AMELON • I;'xrcuna's, 3'ngltiroolt. Bull for Service Tile,nderalgntd 9.111 kreti for lirvlaa, all Lot 819. ('011,'8, Morel0 taw n8hlp$ thothot9'-bO 11 short liorrt .Ball, (inbrturd of Salem, No, --9pi18'c. $lred by Gnlafnrd Margin',(Do8901 ; 'Z•. Onln dtl'dred VII by Loyal Sailor +1891), Ped- igree may -be seen on application. Terms•- dlU 05 for thorn -brads payable at time of ser- vice with privilege to return, GI fide cows not tiluwed,' THOS. PISa('I5, Prenrletor Bush for Sale Standing . bush, conalattiie of eon maple, nth MAIL CONTRACT and birch, for Hale, Lott, con. s, Grey town- ship, W III be sold by the acre. For further Particulars IWe the ondersig-Int.( Sealed Tenders, nddreased to the Postmaster General, • Frlrltt y',�the 411 received 7nreh at f121. forthuntil tetInivur" Arm of His alejtsty'e MSIHR, w1 n.propoaed (,'on - tract for four years, six IMum per week, over Brnsssls No. 8 dural Mail saute, f•so, 'he Puetwavter General's Pleasure. F008 90911 '1;, Phone 98.0 North (1, a' Rood, Printed notions containing farther Infnra a• tion as to conditions of proprard ('o -1t ,et ' may be seen and blank forms of Terrier may be obtained 1(t the PostOlOnis of Rru9sel4, Walton,Ratgrove, Rluevrile. Ethel owl at as intoe of the Pott Office Io-peolor Post Office Inspector's Olnce, Landon, Ont., Slat Jan,, 1021. CEA 5. '5. 15.11141E11, 82.8 Post Moe Ioapr dor, The Hill View Farm (14S. A. REA Breeder of Large English Berkshires Tang sto01, for sa,a, riUt.•i : rx. For fur ther pairtleulura write or phone- nrn oseta central— W al lou P. fl, Phone GOB/ L. 12, 8 ,+11+•9+c P1•t••p :•6 r+-19 :+•entad-o•i r%a•rrr,rK ¢+^rba•� <a•: a•r4•a•ue•(Y y+bc••vi•m 9 The Seaforth Creamery ream anteo- Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results, We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give youthoroughu 1 satisfaction. . • We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- + pies and pay you the highest market prices every two •� weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. • • For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. • ▪ McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to •• • • The Seaforth Creamery Co. 1 SEAFORTH, ONT. 49 k4 :t A ti +4 +•+4+41+4+4+4+4++441404 41+.+4+49+4..1-51 r+4.4 O4• -S'^. 4-•1-lt•e•`Ds'2• Cream Wanted Ship y;,iur Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactc ry Rett; -Sas We furnish you with Cans and Pay ill Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques lir. L!.e ha) - ment of your Ceram twice each tn'9nth, pad'• able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one will not want to discontinue. trial and ) •5Lttf:ei I. i?Ef�t7r BrusIS CiMiEVY Props. 1,N/MMN/M2/NM/Wr.s+.. _ a ormiervaae.oreem..e:..a "nth, a. . Ass ..1501* ii 2.4s•••••••r••••a•eerC•••eoefee•a®moaa0aesew0©4teer!+4,•,a 4.1tfi � +7 i 8 • 4 9 a 1 aI - e a i • A 11 ro U a • Stratford or Wingnt m Students May Enter Any Time • We gtv o thorough Cr,lli FPR have ;XPCi,?I cod TnsLcuators who give individual attention to pupils. Onr graduates are meeting with success. lata 11011 training f'oIdi,ro under Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Commission. Address the College for Frail Catalogue, to either t �+4.1144.4.e4.4.4.$34+4.494444.$4. aa••dt•4+•Orr *I (11 e0 0403•••+2• Y y 4.