HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-2-10, Page 1VOL. 49 NO, 33 2.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, r1URSDAY, E$RUARY lot x921 W, Ii' KERR, Fro tietr: Pnid•up Capitol $ 0,700,000 Ream° 18,000,00 Resources , 280,000,000 Aur':.matie Increase The moment you open a savings account in The 13ank of Nova Scotia it begins to Mere:lee, and ev ry time y„n feta to it frcan seem own savings (!pd increase is ioore:csed iieleitestierilly by the in- ,nest it dram s. Nott•.int to ;sere certain than the Et:tbilify and iacrrase of a savings account. Why not open one to. day? 22B E RANK OF NOVA SCOTIA F. H. Gilroy ID7.eMager, BRUSSELS New Aduortisements Auction Bale -Bert. WatBoa, Farm far enle-•E. Thompson, Notice to Oredltore-hlrn, Procter estate, Weekly store uewB-Jns. Fox. Deice -Light -E. G. Darroch. Fenn implements -David Milne. Buck to bueinaae-W. F. Stratton. Illustrated Lecture -Navy League. li7'Arict tin Walton Quarterly Comtnuuioo was observed in the Methodist church here last Sabbath. Services in Duff's church next Sun- day will be taken by Rev. D. R. Tan- uahill, Toronto. Women's Institute will be held next Wednesday at 3 o'clock at the home of Sirs, George Clark. Mrs. Joseph Carter U will have the topic. Messrs. McBee and Currie addressed a large meeting of the U, F. 0. in the A. 0. U. W., Hall, Tuesday after- noon. tllr. Morrison was called home to attend funeral of his father-in-law, lase seflits3ar110,888BB • G e c, CAR OF c Royal Household 'Flour Q• Bran, Shorts and feed Corn 0•• rc • a n • e • a • • • • • • Here are our Prices ; Shorts $2 00 Bran 2 10 Linseed Meal 3 75 Low Grade Flour 2 75 Good Feed Corn gpe1 10 Royal Household $ • e •• s s • G • • • • • • Flour 5 90ifi = Oatmeal per cwt. 4 00 s •• ••• tee W.J. McCracken 1 • i Phone 43 • 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••,f•• Thursday, 24th loot„ le the date of 'Phos. ityau'e clearing auction sale of farm stook, itnilemeett, &e., at 1 p, tu. air. Ryan has sold 111s Yarn, to Victor Sperling, vqra bte ak and will move tohie having bought Jas, Bishop's house. Jamestown David Pitblado, a prominent young Nile farmer, has been visiting at John Jobnaton'e the paet week. George Johnston sr,, who had his ankle dislocated and leg broken, is lin- proving nicely we are pleased to state. The youngpeople of this locality have enjoyethe excellent skating on Andrew Jaekliu'e river flats. The open river has added to the enjoy- ment. Andrew and MTs. Pollock have been on the sick list but are both feel- ing better. La (frappe has hada quite a number of victims around here this Winter. Bluevale Wm, and Mrs, King, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,.McOall, Mrs. Coulters is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mre, J. Mc- Intosh, of blolesworth. EIrCOVRAteING, - Annual beldame meetings of Bluevale and Eadies Presbyterian churches were held re- cently. The various reports showed both congregations were in a flourish- ing condition. The atnountraised by Bluevale °hutch during the year wee $3,13809 of whirl] the sum of $1,481.00 was given to the miesiouary and benevolent funds. Eadies church raised $1,742 00, of which $017.00 was given to Missions and benevolence, making the total amount raised on this prstoral charge $4,875.00, Rev. Mr, Tate is a highly esteemed pastor. Methodist Churches ETHEL CIRCUIT Next Sabbath Services Roe's at 10.30 a. m, Union 2.30 p. in. Ethel 7 00 p. in. Topic "life's Crisis" Instead of the League service Thursday evening at Roe's church a prayer meetiug will be hada It home Lt i 1 tt the e f an. n o n lI t 2nd Line, Grey township. p The topic at Ethel Epworth League Thursday evening of this week will be "Canadian Poets," to be taken by Ales. John Allan. FARM IM.PLEM ENTS HAVING the Agency for the Mc- Cormick and Deering Luple- plements I will give closest prices in anything needed in Farm Im• plements or Tractors, Call in and give your order in U. F. 0. style and you will save money. I will pat an - tee you against any reduction in pi ices until implement is used, and by order- ing now you will save any advance in price which is likely to take place soon, Have a few Implements nu hand which will be sold et old prices, David Milne ETHEL GENUINE ASSISTANCE • TO FARMERS That this Bank is anxious to assist the agri- cultrrr'al development of Canada is shown • by the fact that two•thirds of our borrowing customers are amblers. An application for credit from you will be given the moot considerate treatment. 586 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID.UP CAPITAL - .. $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . $15,000,000 WVALTON BRANCH, y.11. McMillan, Manager, A number of the old rrelghbore from Bluevale attended the 25th anniver• situ of Robb and Mrs, Black's mar, rine last Friday evening, et their vie in hone kf u Howick andres r to em p et d L t 1 with a ehime mantle clock and safety razor and report having bed it pleas- ant evening. A number of the friends of Mrs. W. J. Duff (nee Mies Alice Paul) aseembl., ed at her home Saturday evening and presented her with two upholstered chairs and a number of other useful gifte. After spending a social hour, all returned to their homes, feeling that the ranks of single blessedness is getting small in Bluevale. Who is next xtP The February meeting of the Ladies Aid and Missionary Society of Knox church, Bluevale, was held at the home of Mrs, Jae, McBBer, let line Morris, on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. let. There was a large attendance and very interesting meetings, Mrs. Tait gave a splendid address on Japan and China, and Mrs, 1. W. Sing gave an interesting paper on "'The Life and Commands of'Jesus the Missionary," At the Giese of the second meeting Mrs, Messer and her friends served an excellent lunch, to which all did ample justice and all re- turned home feeling they had spent both a pleasant and profitable after- noon. BEATE( OF THOMAS THYNFg.- Word was received a few days ago of he death of Thomas Thynne at the home of his daughter, Alice, at Oak- ville, Manitoba, where he bad remain- ed over night on his way bonze from Winnipeg, Deceased was born in Scotland about 70 years ago, and came to this country with the rest of the family, when a mere child. He was the eon of the late John Thynne, schoolmaster, and for a number of years lived et Bluevale. He married Jennie Brown, of Browntown and moved to Dakota, thence after a few years to Manitoba, buying a farm at Oakville, near Portage la Prairie, and provlug himself very successful as a farmer. He is survived by his wid- ow, 8 children, 2 brothers and 8 sla- ters. He suddenly took a paralytic stroke ou January 13th and died the day following. Being of a genial and kindly nature he was widely known and made hosts of friapds wherever he lived. The widow, who is left to mourn the loss of a kind and affection- ate husband, has the heartfelt sym- pathy of all. Navy League of Canada WILL PRESENT AN •i ILLUSTRATED • LECTURE sT ' 7P ' T '• IN THE Family Theatre BRUSSELS Thursday, February filth When a fine number of Views will bep resented. There will be no admission fee and the public are cordially in- vited to attend and glean in- formation concerning the Navy League of Canada. N E A E T H T T S L A I I L D R K A W I E E R T D HDE N E N TNT I F A I A J D F G E E N R S N AL RU E0 LUO N E U' O Y A N C O P I AYTDAO L AIJJ P W B O P A E ELOD M HETN NO TBS A I C Methodist - Church Basement friday, February llth At 7,80 o'clock Admission - 25 cents W, M, 8. and well chosen, not forgetting •a gen- mous cheque from bride's wester ',ilia bride wore a gray Bilk dress with Community Club concert eorgette trimmings, 141x, ,tarn Mra. ua eal> g TOWNSHIP HALL ETHEL Friday Elea February11 at 8 o'clock, The Community Players „Present the Rural Drama entitled "Hew England folks" BETWEEN Acte a good pro- gram will be rendered con - elating of Violin Solos and Readings by Miss Lillian Jack- son, Blyth ; Piano Duets, Or- cheetra Selections, Solos and Readings by local talent. Proceeds in aid of Ethel Public Library and other commun- ity enterprise. Adults 35c ; Children 20c. A. H. Macdonwla, D. J. Falconer, Pry.. •odyn At the official Board of the Metho- dist'church, Bluevale circuit on Tues- day afternoon a cordial invitation was extended to Rev, Mr. Wilson to con- tinue his pastorate for the coming Conference year. The pastor accept- ed and thanked the Board and people for their cordiality and interest mani- fested._ A resolution was also passed asking that Bluevale circuit be left as it ie for the next year, in view of church union proposal. Morns Council meeting next Monday. Mrs. S. walker is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. L. Humphrey, at Chatham. D. 0. Walker Regina, ask. paid a S g . short visit to o i his parents,Sand Mrs. Walker, duringthe e past w ak. D. and Mrs. Jordon and Miss Velma were away oh. are enjoyable visit at Hawkeetone, Simcoe County, where the former's brother, George and family reside, It is several years since they visited together. Mr. Jor- don also visited hie slater, Mre, Mills, of Burk's Falls. An Auction Sale of Farm stock, con- sistin of horses, s, cows, Short Horn bull, young cattle, hogs and oats is an- nounced by Bert. Watson, at Sa Lot 13, Con, 5, on Thursday afternoon of next week, at 2 o'clock. Jas. Taylor will be the Auctioneer. Proprietor is short of feed hence the sale,+ List may be read in another column. Thos. and Mrs. Kirkconnell, of Shepherd, Mich., who were here at- tendingthe funeral u of Jno. Kirkcon• nail, the former's brother, were visit, ors with George and Mrs. Armstrong. The ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkconnell were former Mocrisites, who, went to Michigan 31 years ago but theyhave never to t e et interest in their old Canadian friends. The visit- ors are always welcome back to Mor- rie. SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the S. S. No. 6, Morris, School Report for January. Pupils were examined in Writing, Spelling, Art, Arithmetic, Hygiene, Oopduct and Daily Work. Sr, III -Jack Shaw 82 ; George Pierce 74. Jr. III -*Willie Bowman 89; John Barr 85. Sr. II -Leslie Camp- bell 83 ; Ruby Bone 71. Jr. II -Sada Pierce 64, Primer examined in Hy- giene, Conduct and Daily Work. Roy Pierce 78, "The names marked in this way have missed an examination. A. M. SEELTON, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT, -Following is re- port of S. S. No. 3, Morrie, for month of January. Subjecte-Mental Arith- metic, Spelling, History and Hygiene. Those missing exams, are marked with by' an asterisk, Sr. IV -Miller McArter 87 ; Annie Clark* 69 ; Sr. III -Jean Smith* 71 ; Howard Clark* 67, Sr. II -Evelyn N. Cook 77 ; Alvin 0. 'Rutledge 78 ; Myrtle Cook 74 ; Morrie Leitch 83 ; Douglae Smith. 74 ; Latta Hawkins* 66, Jr, II- Ellen Nichol** 78 ; Rollie Marks* 59. From let class down, tried in Spelling, Writ- MervynndMcOauley* 65;and Jack Clark** 69. Jr, I -Herbert Hawkins* 65 ; Allan McOracken•* 83 ; Gnrdon Brad- shaw*** 71. Jr. Pr. -Bobbie Yuill" 88 ; Marian McCauley* 87. Jean and Isabel Leitch absent. MARY MCKELLAR, Teacher. WEDDING- BELLS.- Wed need ay afternoon of last week Elwyn Somers, only son of Wesley and Mrs. Somers, of Grey township, and Mies Hazel, daughter of Alex. and Mrs, Nichol, 6th line, were united in marriage at the Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, by Rev. W. E. Stafford, B. A. Groom was aupported by his cousin, Clarence Theal, while Mise Margaret McNeil, cousin of the bride was bridesmaid. Bride wore a nav3e blue suit with an ivory crepe -de -chane waist, black furs and navy blue hat to mat eh, Groom's gift to bride was a brooch set with pearle, to the bridesmaid a bar pin and to the groomsman a tie pin. A recep- tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mre, Nichol in the evening when about 75 were present. There were games, social chat, dancing and lunch,, Wedding gifts were valuable, useful amet@ will take upho ek LI on the groom's faun, dth Con„ Grey' township, with the good wishes of a wide circle of ft tends for a happy and useful life, Mancriefir Rev, Mr, Tannehill, Toronto, will preach here next Sunday afternoon in liner church. By notice in the marriage record it will be eeen that Harold Livingstone, sono D. K,n fn re n d M Ltvt n nth e ti n Win 1 urn nt g r to married at Teeatvttter, on Jan, 27th, by Rev, W, A, Bradley, 10 Mise Emma Steele, of Culross township, Old friends here oongretu. late. Or'anbroak Reeve McNabb is a member of the Road and Bridge Committee of the Co. Council and Deputy Reeve Conine of the 0o, Property Committee, Friday evening of this week, .at 7.30 o'clock, the preparatory aervice to next Sunday's Communion will be held in Knox church, Rev. Mr, Ken- nedy will preach. Ethil COMPORTAALx brick house for mule, with furnace, kitchen and woodshed, hard and sort water, stable &a., titnated on Main Arca, Ethel. For particulars Phone 2226 or 156 Bruer sale Central. e, Read the advt. of David Milne. At the Official Board Meeting of Ethel Circuit Methodist church, Rev, Mr. OKell was invited back as pastor for the 3rd year. The preparatory service to next Sunday's Communion will be held in the Presbyterian church here Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, Pastor will conduct the service. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS.-Wednes- dayevening of next week, 18111 Met., Dr. Field, Public School Inspector, will give an addiees on Consolidated Schools in the school room at 8 o'clock. Public invited to hear this live topic discussed. Wednesday afternoon next, at 3 o'clock, Ethel Women's Institute meeting will be held in the school room. Subject "The furnishing of a living room for comfort" will be in- troduced by Mrs, 3. K. Halls and the guest room by Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson. Good attendance asked for. Wroxeter Aweel of revival services ces are bAin g held in the. Methodist bur •h, Jno. Rutledge, Brampton, called nu friends in the village Tuesday. Ashton Morrison, Clifford spent the week end with his parents here. One rink of curlers attended the bonspeil in Harristou last week. J. Morrison addressed the W. F. 0. Club in the Town Hall Monday even - in . Miss t. Evelyn L M e el n Henson Hamil- ton, is visiting her grand -parents at the parsonage. Mrs. Wenger, Ayton, is visiting her ister, Mrs, Cameron, who is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Davey. An Auction sale of the property and household effects of the late Mrs. Wm, Montgomery was held Saturday The house wt s afternoon. ht paralleled nrcha§ed by Win. Hayes. Grey Misses Kate and Henrietta Denman were visiting friends at Atwood un d Listowel, • Miss Emma Hollinger has returned, to London to visit Hartwell and Mrs. Speiran, Mrs. Speirau was formerly Mies Minnie Hollinger, James E. Cochrane, 14th Con., is taking a commercial course at the Ueutral Businees College, Wiugham. We wish him a successful term. Reuben and Mrs. Mclnnie and child- ren have returned to their home at Windthnrst, Sask., after a holiday visit at the home of J. A. and Mrs, Frain. Next week Joe Frain leaves for his home in the West. Be was here for a couple of months. Thos. and Mrs. Kirkconnell, and little eat, are here from Medicine Hat, called' to the parental home by the death of the forrner's father. Mr, Kirkconnell is ad engineer on the 0. P. R. and has been with the Company for past 8 years. Mrs. K. is a daugh- ter of Robt, and Mrs. Blair, of Dins- more, Sask., formerly of this locality. They will spend a month or soholiday- ing with relatives and old friends, 0AIt»'bF THANE:9.-We wish to ax - press our thanks to neighbors and friends for sympathetic words and kindly deeds in connection with the recent demise of husband and father, the late Jno. Kircounell. Also to thank Rev. Mr. Malin and the officers and members of Court Princess Alex- andria, C. 0. F., S-uesels, for brother- ly atteudnnce at funeral, Yours truly, MRS, KnR]rCONNELL AND FAMILY. By notice in another column it will be observed that Amos Attwood, son of Harry and Mre. Attwood, of this township, has joined the great Bene- dictine army associated with it fine damsel of Minto township, Mise Mize. - bah Pearl Ridley. The matrimonial bow was tied by Rev, F. E. Clyedale, Fordwich, at the home of the bride's parents, near Harriston, on Wednes- day of last week, May Mr. Attwood and bride enjoy many happy, prosper. ous years. REV J, 0. OVERT IS Dean IN IOWA. Rev, 3. C. Curry died at the First Baptist church parsonage, Grundy Center, Iowa, on Jan. 26, in hie 51st year. Besides his wife and yoneg daughters, aged 5 and 12, he leaves to mourn hie lose three birthers,, 'Wm, of Lonestar Sask. ; Isaac of Echo Bay, and R. D„ of Bar River, and three else ke 14s••♦41,40*00••O9rs0*••***00 2 • 2 Back to • • 2 • Business •£ 2 • AVING urfrm Toon- 4 • 101110 I aretni onnedce m•aore 2 the job with many addi- 2 • thine to my stock of • • 2 WATCH ES • ♦ CLOCKS • JEWELRY 2 AND 4 FANCY GOODS * ti 2 and all to be sold at close prices. a • Many choice goods for Wed- S. • ding Presents. 2 Pereunal attention given to re• E • pairs. 2 2 • Satisfaction assured. • • Cull in, •el F1 Stretton 4 •• • • 2 BRUSSELS O • 4 a4,•••••••••••••••••••••••• teit'Mrs. G. Wilkinson, of Echo Bay ; W. C, Cook, of Arthur, Ont, ; and Mrs. Thos. Mn0artney, of Owen Sound. Deceased was a eon of the late Isaac Currie formerly of Grey and Morris townships. Brussels Public School Report Sr. IV. -Examined in Gram, Geog., Memory Work, Lit., Arith. and Hist. R McVet.tie .....88 E Pollard........ 73 M Ferguson., .81 0 Wbilfield.....66 S Ballantyne, ..83 N McDowell.,. 65 L Olouse.........74 M Little 80 Present for only three exams, V Smith......... 60 L Forsyth54 Jr. IV -Examined in GeogMem- ory Work Lit. Aritt. and Spelling. J 80 Ferguson.-- 88 F Oliver ..... r `Lra+ h a ..... 7a 'ha F b t n. E Chapman, 6$ R Pollard . 71 D Thompson... 52 M Sperling71 NI Walker... ...-42 ,I Oliver . 67 D Johuston ....25 G Stafford68 Sr. III-Exarnined in Arith., Hist., Memory Work, Lit. and Spell. Those ,narked * abseut for one examination, tti7 McVstn's 85 ell, ....72 S Stuart t ar 70 W Galbraith L Champion 71 P Backer.., ..... 82 J McOracken73 11 Thotnpson...59 McDonald.,72 F Denuison,.,....54 A. E. GEDDES. ROOM II Jr. III -Examined in Writ., Comp., Aritb., Lit. and Spell. Honors 75. Pees 60. H Kerr. 77 W 1NcMillau.... 77 A Lo an ll75 J. Yolleck 76 D Ennis74 M Lo an.,70 S Scott:09 D Kyle......., 88 D Warwi^k 87 A Grewar68 H Champion84 NI Harkness 62 *G Sperling 81 *D McDonald58 0 Th uell54 M Ritchie.... 62 Sr, 1I-Pxaruined in Writ„ Arith., Comp., Lit. and Spell. A Thompson....84 E Wilson.........86 13 Holland,...... 82 *E Savage ........65 M Strachan 82 F Semis ..,... .. ,.64 V Wilson, 81 E Edwards. 61 M Somerville ...76 G Kellington..,,53 J Brown. 71 *V Rutledge..,.. 41 0 Kernaghan,67 *B Thibideau....38 H Kyle... ea Jr, II -Examined in Writ., Read„ Comp. and Arith. D McVettie87 S Thuell.........67 G Yolleck. 76 13 Gilroy. 08 O Ennis 74 G Burgess... .....48 L Thuell........,71 L Harkuese.,.....44 L Rutledge 69 T Walkey........43 11 Baeke•....... 68 *R Rutledge .... 14 Those marked * missed one or more examinations. KATHLEEN WILTON. ROOM I 5th Class -Examined in Arith„ Read., Spell,, Dep. and Daily Work. 13 Askin, 90 J Kernaghen..,.73 Sl Downing,, 88 W Champion,..72 O Walker 80 0 Weinstein,..,70 D Rutledge. _,85 H Whittard......60 V Fox . „ 82 M Thmnon 87 Hilda Whittard$0 F Edwards.. 65 al Ennis. ,......... 79 R Farrow.,,. 60 J Hamilton '77 *L Walker„ H Savage 76 411i Class -Examined in same, I McKay, 91 J McDowell 85 NI McDonald.,, 89 J White 80 S Bnrchill.......•87 N Thomson78 3rd Class,Excellent-M Hamilton, J Douglas, 13 Yolleek, Good -R Fox, G Pa'vson• 2nd Class- Excellent -W Savage, G Holland. Good -E Hoist, W Ed- wards, Ist Olase-Excellent-E. Browne, F. L BUCHANAN, COMING EVENTS :- New Postof5£ea. Au early Spring, Hydro -sometime, Maple Syrup making, Reduction in coal prices. 'lbwn Hall improvements. Navy League illustrated Lecture on Feb, 17th, i3ru041ol4 Qouncll The monthly aoeslorl of Om loeutl Parliament convened Mendel evcrrlti ;. • in Connell Chamber, the Reeve aini ,ill the Cottrleil being on deck, excepting A. L, Stalvart, Minutes of last session were road and adopted, Following accounts were presented R. Oliver, disinfecting houses,,,$ 8 (ill Benson-Wiloox Eleetrio 0o., 7b lamps 71 11 Rebt, Oliver, salary 75 1)n C. Davidson, drawing coal , 86 tel Robb, (hll, salary and rent - 143 011 A. Strachan, salary as T.a o r. etand extras 93 (10 Moved by S. Wiltbn, seconded by M. Fraser that above accounts be paid. Carried, Treasurer Strachan reported the re- ceipt of $50.00 from Brussels Worinnn s Institute for Town Hall interior im- provement, A discussion was entered upon over the coming of Hydro and Clerk is to write Sir Adam Beck and Engineer Gabs, relative to it. Auditors' Report was presented for 1920 and was considered, and Abstract ordered to be published in Teta Po$T, on motion of Freeer and McCall, Mbved by S. Wilton, seconded by Geo. McCall that the Clerk write L. Jackson re smallpox ecenuul, and if not settled that the same be collected through Court. Carried. R.'Thuell asked what Council pur- ported doing relative to the working of the Electric Light plant. After die- cussing the question it was moved by Councillors Wilton and Fraser that $50 a month rental be paid for use of plant. Carried. 0, M. Scott applied for pertnisnic,n to install a gasoline tank and pump opposite his garage on Tnruberry st, Moved by Wilton, seconded by Mc- Call that it be granted and that it he put in subject to the Street Oarnmit- tee. Council then adjourned, Church Chirnea Methodist Conference will assembly. in Askin St. church, London, next June. Annual congregational meeting in Melville church Thursday evening of this week. Services will be held durleg Lea, every Friday evening in the Lem tve room of St, John's church, at 7.3e o'clock. Ladies'o uild f Si,J eburs chore .n G vet t the a r•. Wm, will m R Tom of Mrs a Bryans, Elizabeth street, on Thursday, retie lest., at 2.30 o'dlock, The A. Y. P. A. of St. John's church will hold a devotional meeting after the evening service next Sunday. Miss Maude Bryaus will lead the meetiug. A special meeting of Maitland Presb+;- tery was held on Tuesday to deal win recent calls from St. F•Ielen. :, r cl M 13 Newmarket. Rev. A. annA. 1 1 R a' ndell, Robert Strachan and J s. Fax attend A bee was held lest week to out down 4 of the large maple trees at the Metho- dist Parsonage, where double rows were growing. They were killing one another and causing too much shade. Last Sunday Rev. Mr, Manu took for bis morning theme, "The abundant life," and in the evening "Christian principals in Community life," the text being "They pitched by their stand- ards," It was Christian Endeavor Dny, The pastor spoke on "Bear ye one an- other's burdens" at the morning service last Sunday in the Methodist church and "Life's Signals" in t e eve in . A n❑ "Lt sh u g choice solo was sung in the evening, en- titled "Open the Gates" by Miss Iva Harris, of Walton, in excellent voice Maitland Presbytery granted Rev. Mr. Mann release from Melville congre- gation to accept the call from Newmark- et. The reverend gentleman will preach the closing sermons of his pastorate on Sunday 27th Inst, The call was sustain- ed from St. Helens to Rev, Mr. Cum- mings. 1 People We Talk Abc:ttt ;t $$ $$ Miss Maude Bryans suffered from a sprained ankle last week but is neo, ty all right once more, Miss Florence McNaughton ismaking a good recovery from an operation in the removal of tonsils, Reeve Plum was drafted on the Cr.. Property, and House of Refuge County Council Committees for tome George Cardiff, John street has battle;. been up to concert pitch during the pie week but is somewhat better now. Mrs, Coutts from Chicago is home nit a visit to her mother, Mrs. 'Limes Men. ties, who is rather poorly jtisl neer, The quarantine ban on the home t f Walter Rose has been lifted and the family is at liberty to once more 0130, their their freedom, airs. Holmes nuderwt'ot 00 operation for appendicitis in the Wiegham hos pital, We hope she will soots bo an hearty as ever. Mrs. R. Thomson is visiting in Torun. to and toots in Ibe Provincial Horticul- tural Cottventiou. She is zst Vice- Presideut of Brussels Society. Misses Laura Ament and Marguerite Wilton and Frank Oliver attended tee Normal School At Home at Stratford last Friday eyening and report an A time, H. A. and Mrs. Gorreli and dnul;h- ters, who havebeen visiting with S, and Mrs. Carter, for the past few mouths, left for their home at Oxbow, Sank„ last Tuesday They will call ou relatives en route, J. H. I{vle is station agent on the Grand Think Pacific et Etttlakn, 11 C. A new station and residence. are to lei built when Mrs, Kyle end family will join husband and father, They are now residents of Brussels, Enriako is a divisional point on the railway,