HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-27, Page 8neeeftetage=e, 044•1440$44* • 4404440 MORE EGGS 4. .4 • agaggiefingnIgtgaillitigiBIEglegiageintillit Dr. Hess Poultry Panacea Makes Hens Lay More Eggs la lb.pkg. Panacea 350 5 Ib pkg. Panacea 85c This for 60 bens 4) days 12 Ib. 114, P ii $1 75 The; ter ea, • ie. 61 days Hess' Instant Louse Killer For tether Poultry or Stock 35e pkg. Dr. Hess' Stock Tonic I; a Conditioner and Worm Expeller - keeps stock heaHiv, 25 lb. palls Stock Tonic at 113 5o. Also sev- eral smaller sizes of pkgs. at 35C. 750 and $1 35. Other O. Hess' Preparations ess' Dip and Disinfectant 85c Tills and 450 Bots. Hess' Heave Powder goo pkg Hess' Worm Powder sec pkg Hess' Healing Powder eac tins Hellebore, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, 44 •4444444•444 •4444+4ildeleefete The Cool,Clean Klenzo Feeling rr VLBNZO 1%, protects the erlOuth in the natural way. It keeps the mouth free frona sub. stancea that fog.. ter germs, acids and decay. And while it le doing this, it un- narta that wonder- ful Cool, Clean, Klenzo Feeling which testifies to itd cleansing propertied Get a tube to ery today. 7t0ouev WM OM 0,27 1) PORICTICQFLOOR Bran and Shorts I AIN a quantity of Good Corn t Purity Flour $5.90 per enq. Blended Itt:l'isaV $5,45 AIf Baeker Poplar and Balm of Gilead Klenzu Tooth' Brushes each in a separate carton 350 ea. Other Tooth rushes at 200, 250, 350, 500 and 650 each F. R. num Store tee e .e;e-e-o=t2o Drliggielt and StatiOner tft 4 444' *4.4.****•0***4 eefeeeeetwe+O.+0,14.1...etteeeseettee.04* Wanted We can use a quantity of Poplar and Balm of • Gilead Timber. Call for particulars. Ament Bros. PURcitAss price of Mrs. Alex Braise.," residence, Queen Street,' should have read $4 500 instead of $3 500 ;est week THURSDAY evening of 14st week the W, M. 5, of Melville church entertained the young people of the congaegation and a fine time was enjeyeti. addi- tion to a musical nal literary program there were games and lunch. Rev. Mr Mann and B. S. Scott, were chairmen. Howicx Mutual Fire Insurance dom- piny wits bold its annual meeting in the Town Hall, Gorrie, Tueeday, February 15. Annual report which has been is- sued and melted to members, may b. read on pace 5 of this issue of THE POW Company does a large volnme of business and is thoroughly reliable. it APRON coeial evening et the home of et Mrs, David Walker, corner of William • and Albert streets, Friday evening of this week. under auspices of 01. lohnte °hutch. 'Pee served from 3 to 9 p tn. Zand a cordial invitation is exteedee to all -both ladies and gentlemen. Music- . al program 'yin be rendered and a line • time promised, gertal .31 ebOS (Itetyytt 1 PRO•YECT, for good ice supply are none too assuring, but lack Foist eau eeeae soott meet the demand if be gets busy Temeerroeee Rheumatic Cer suit s and Hueorr Co. Council is in session this. week, 4141 Division Court was held Wednes- day of lest week before judge Lewis, Omega to the mild Winter roots and vegetables are "growing" in the cellars of a number of people. epeciee attention given to repairing wetches, Mocks and jewelry on short notice and satisfaction assured. J. G. tones. Bruesels Duriug past week Auditors W. M. Sinclair and N, F. Gerry have been busy on the books of the town, School Board and Telephone Company. How many Inches do you measure around the waist? Go to 1be Apron Social at Mrs. D. Walker's Friday after- noon and evening this week and find out. Eloarthuvrtreete Society officers will meet next Monday evening in the Public Library Board thorn. ItIs an important meetieg, drafting program for 1920 so be on hand with new idess. Auction Sale of Household effects belonging to Mrs. Lydia Thuell. an- nounced for lent Saturday efternoon, was postponed, owing to the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Procter. Later an - 13 m t will bemade. A good sized hen house was hauled over from Wingbatn last week by sleighs. It belongs to George Manning and has been placed on his mother's property Turnherty street, George has s strongprelerence for the poultry busi- nees. CARD OE THANIM—We wish to give public expression of our appreciation of the kind words and deeds in connection with illness and subsequent demise of nur daughter and ester, the late Ellett- bsth Procter. It will never be forgot- ten. Yours truly, Mac LYDIA TEDELL AND FAMILY. Bear:see% Grey & Morris Telephone Co. will hold its anuual meeting in the 1 Towu Hall here on Tuesday, February ' 8th at 30 p re. This Company has grown into a b'g concertt and the management of it, especially through the high price days, is no bagatelle. Ecemorny, modern methods and keeping the various lines in good working condi- tion aae three important and very neces- sary elements in its conduct. Dozer forget the Public Library bene- fit entertainment in Brussels Towle Hall • Thursday evening of this week when the 1000302 picture "Auaarilla of Clothes Line Alley" will be presented It is ati educetional film, There will be a Comedy and vocal and instrumental musical program. Plan of reserved seats at Fox's Drug store. Tickets so. 35 and 25 mote . Take it in and give the Library Fund a good boost. Pro- ceeds 00 to this local project over necet• sary expenees. See advt. Ot2 this page. t Rez-mah for Asthma are veld here te, Jae Fox, local neut. Call IU for a sample 08 C. '1', IL will bold their next. meet jug Friday afternoon nf this week, at 3 1 o'clock, in the Audience mom of the Pub i c Library. CATTL9 and holt market have dropped considerably. Seale a the feeder, m at have to face po,gpert nf cons' de. able loss weeks; a change engines On atei,110 t of feed belt.; plentiful stab'es are well fill ed. Pone 110tray.-Pleaeo remember that rigrmeazith.:.?2,1.T4°%-iisToi.ki11:inekrd n stock, 130 I G. A. DRADMAN. OAR of Flour. Linseed Meal, Brat, Shorts nod Oatmeal to arrive at W. J. 7,1i0t7rachen'e, • at extra low prices Call 'phone 45. 7:"rl t:g ' acr of la Forr c rs sek at 4 T119 P052 Puldiehing Hee*, 1709211ER reduction offered in the balance of Winter Millinery to dear 1111% Trim AN. Brae...els. noon ruidar posts 403 3000000 length wanted N4 Lot 38. Con. 8, Morris. W. .7, 00108173 Phone 4548 Fait hAr,a IN CRAtilittnntree-Ifitehan 12 218 feet, matched lumber inside and ont. (Elena for quick male. JOHN WITMN. Phone 6611 ' Port Sans -The residence of .4 'It Wood, a*reet, * lenca:t arttiletV1 m'e%cM 717: garage. a..core and Rae it if into,- eidevrl'.1 Ua YARN VoR sar,c,-A quantity of light gray yarn or. hand at (130 310,0 of the war la offered for Rale at $1 fal per neand May he had at the Paine Library. Now W the time to secure it for the Fall and Winter's knitting. DVOIRAIILE preprrty for 5510 in Tirneeele eistilig of large stere and comfoVahle dwell. P Y B. LltAIMI;litiAtat Phnno 07 Ile. PARratt, Oetoopathtc Phyeiclan, .,vie`te Brute.* Monday afternoon of Farb week Chronic rind nervous dieeases areeeeetb lir treated. re,eitioneee rne4o-lintion at Que.on'el ItAT1121417NVATiVE WAN200 for firne,-ele and Huron rounty represent "The Old Lidtable Fonthill Nurseriee." 13ig sales we 40 11, made In selling Nursery stock during the retain. struction period. .A eplendid eppertnnity for O lire saloemen. Highest commissions paid, handsome, free equipment, large line r.f fruit. and ornamental Murk to offer. ItTonta 13, WRLIANOTON, Toronto, Ont. DNATH OP JOHN PARR :The death °c- ourted Saturday at Vietor'a Hospitel, Lobriote from poeuntoma, following au operation, of John Parr, of London Townehip, forroerly of Wolseley, Sask. About a year ago Mr Parr removed from the VVett to the old Talbot home- stead, earner of the Proof Line, and Con. 8, Loudon Township. He is stir. 0140 by his wife, his mother and an id- iata son (John), in London Township ; one brother, William Parr, in Wolseley, Seek ; 3 ',Were, Mrs, Guy Bell, Dear- born, ; Mrs, I. Elliott end Mrs. T. Regrew, Wolseley, and au uncle, James Parr, Brussels, Ont. The funeral wee held Wednesday afternoon from the residence of his brother-in-law, W. O. Vincent. x65 lobe street, LondOb, to Woodland cemstery, Vemcaze of all sorls are in use these clays, some on wheels and ROM ON run - tiers The thermometer takes au oc casionel low dip but on the whole we have not much to complain abeute Titeeetterte.-Mre. Hugh McKinnon received highly vetoed inetenriel called the Mona Star that was presented by the-. British Government to each of the col, dier teddies who sow service in the first year of the War. It was to be pi eseuted to Sergi Ross McKinnon, lied be been alive, and in his absence ceme to his mother lie enlisted in November, 2914 at Estevan, Sask , and 6 mouths after he was doing duty in France After nobty playing his part ne a heroic soldier he MO the result of a gun ebot wound at Vime Ridge, while lead. ing hie men, re.ssing away at the dreee- ingaetati,n on April loth, 1017 An art- ery was severed, The decoration 35 14 gold star, with a ereath and 2 swords on it. An inscription on the reverse eide. Sergt. Meleienon's number was 63637 Be an ware fine young fellow and with thousands of other brave Cenneks gave up his for the cause of free dom, elm McKinnon alto has sneer cross presented by the Caua dian Government, Inscribed on it are the words teetThis Crone is pre septet) to yoe in memory 01 000 who in the Gres' War died for Ithag and Country," All mothers who lost sous received a wetter eativenir, ? REAL) Tins Sareorsts.-"Thio Road I Through the Dark," Mao Kimban Young's latest Select Picture, will b. seen here at the Family Theatre on Saturday evening. The story des with 1 Gabrielleelardee (Clara Kimbell Younee t the dauebiter of a very conservative Parisian family She is in love with at, Americate John Morgan, who ber par. ewe dtsapprove of. She is sent away from Paris to a small village where her long lives. with her sistea and brother The war comes end the Germane enter the town. She becomes the mistress of a German Kommandant lie means of a code which John understands she sup- plieo the French Government with valu- I Able information. In Berlin, she kills I Karl and makes her escape to Parie. iwhere she meets lobo, who niters her h 1 shethn 1 ht she1 d leer 1, A. BOQUILT FROM AN OLD FRIRED.-- Followithr letter from Rev 1). angers now of St. Thomas, a former junior pastor on Brussels circuit and afterward Superintendent at Bluevale and Atwood His many old hew& will be ;ilea to read his interestene notes 1 -Met. EDITOR - Not on the principle that if atm have any'hing te say to a molls, ynu should say It to his face, do I write you, but rather on the advice that- "If you have anything to eev of a man. Don't wait till he's laid at rest. For the eulogy spoken wben hearts ere broken, Is an empty thing at best." Two copies of THE POxT have in.* COMP info my hands, and I observe you keep up the standard of the paper which you have maintained for nearly four decades. It is a record of which one may he justly proud. It is no small achievement, as I view it, to arranee end classify all the local items and other matter. write Omer. brief, spicy end ()Dec witty edito'ials a"d keep it up, with interesting variety week by week, through all those years I am glad your bow still ab des in atrength SE POW has alWala 010081 for high moral standards and I am store it bas done no smell part instilling these high ideals in the muds i'S numerous readers. In these ienues, I note several correepondenis in the weal', who were former/ye residents ot Huron Co, expressing their al-more:cite tt'on of the old home paper, and tweet*, mining their note, with a "note" of an- other kind which is always accentable to a newspaper man and especially these dim when the wet of paper is ex- cessively bigh We are tiot 65 yonnt., Mr. Editor, as when we were "first acquaint," but it is probable that you have been so busy Rod working with such full strength that you seldom lift Your eyea to see bow low the sun is get - log The best wish of your friend is that you may enjoy noonday light for grime years to come, I was interested in the report of the liquidation of the church debt at Ethel. The year preced itig ma' pastorate thf te, the frame cl etch on the corner of Lawrence Dob. state: farm, was erected, under the enet- voile Superintendency of Rev. C. E Seal ed, assisted by his colleagee. Al. fred la Smith. We had a ierge and in terestine congregetien there at that time I rectal the names of the "Lead- ers,"Jecob Keifer and Chat lea Dobson, and mons/ the membership of about 75, we had John Cnber, Goeleb Wm Slmpsou, Thomas Taylor, Benj Tindall. Joseph Whelpton. lobn Itnlay, G, T leteher, and Alexaader Stewart (who Was a gore local preaehere Doubt.. less many of these have been twornoted to "the rest that remaleeth" in the Church above, and ' 'Heppe is he that heereth. 'Phe signal of his release, The bells of the holy city, The chimed of eternal peace." Sincerely, PRIM, 170, 101, 1). ROGERS. Mee* Fele ThuredaY o next week. FOUNI)s,•ti atnalt key 811308 Childring. Aett atTlig Poor SKATING and 11001f0Y are 011 1h13 P2. grata ebove the mill dame u,-Tbe Telephone shill at the "Centtal" wish to heartily thauk ail who were tie generoue tee/fedthem during tee Cheatnies Period. • fervent the moving picture show In the Town Rail, this 'Phuniday evetting, and help the Public Library, Reserved BON Plan et Pott'a drug More. A "NOWA" leveettee -Net Tuesday evening, Feb, lot, the Methodist Hp - worth League will hold a Ple Social. A bright, interesting program is being RrePoled. inclecling 8 'lively debate, email adinission fee of xo and 20 °WAS is beteg clouged, proeeeds to go to the League treasury. Everybody welcome. Come ont nod have a piens time, Westre-A thinner well kuowe Brusselite, Nen. St former Dies Ie THE in the person of Neil S. MeLauchlin, son of the late Thos. and Mrs, Mc- Lauchliti, of Grey township where be was born, died ou Jaupary stet, at Pro, vast, Alberta, need so years. In his young inanhood he took up cheese mak - leg and followed it successfully for a realties of years at Silver Corners and mini. points Later he took up life in- seranee and egeuey work. He married Miss Margaret Coesley, of Brussels wbo bermeo her husband, along with a sons. Tbomas wad eau, and 4 &nigh - tars, Misses Aunie, Sara, Margaret aud UCCESS and Inde- • pendence,—Do not depend on what you earn but on what you save. The Standard Badlt of Can- ada can very materially assist you to win success and secure independence. VOA THF STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Marioti, 5 years ago Mr. MeLauchlin nee - and futility went West. His health had BRUSSELS BRANCH not been good for some time before be died, He was ri Presbyterian in eburch 0. H. SAWS - - Meeevaot relaeonship and a Liberal in politics. Alex Meleanchim, North of Brussels, is a lir i her of the subject of this notice firs McLauchlin and family will be deeply sympathised with in their ber• eavenaen t. Goss To CHATHAM. -This week J. T. Wood, having completed the shipment of the plant of the Excelsior Knitting Factory from Brussels to Chatham, left for Kent's capital, although Mrs, Wood, Miss Mae and Mercer will be be here for a month or so yet. Mr. Wood bought the factory lately owned by the Denby motor truck Company, St. Clair street, Chatham. Building is a solid brick 178 x 5o feet and 3 stories bigh. There is ale,, a 2 story stock roorn 24 x 36 feet and it will make an ideal spot for the large business to he done. 16 Years ago Mr, Wood came here from Rockwood and took over the then Lockridge wool- len mill and fitted it up for his business. The lines fell unto him in pleasant places and he bad ;a goodly heritage. largely the outcome of his energy, management and personal oversight, plus a well established trade that broad- ened beyond bis capacity to supply to the full. One object in removing from town is to get more commodious quart. ers, more medern power and probably less trouble to get and. maintain a suf ficleot staff Although a busy man Mr. Wood took a live interest in Metho dist church affairs (being an official raember) is President of Brussels Branch of tht Upper Canada Bible Society, and 1st V ce President. of Huron Co. Tem- perance Association, His well known generosity will be missed toward the church, benevolent and charitable or- ganizations or anything else that appeal- ed to bis head or heart in the public in- ierese Sunday last at the Methodist church morning service Rev. W. E Staffatrd, pastor, and the Recording Steward expressed the good wishes of the congregation to the Wood family, commended then] for their zeal and liberality and while their removal would leave a felt want wisbed them abundant prosperity in their new borne in Chat ham. Mr. Wood's reply 779S brief. be- fitting, reciproltal and brotherly. Mrs Wood is an enthusiastic worker in women's organlzatious. Miss Mne one of the leading sooranns in the church choir and Weiner a faehfut pupil of the young menet Bible class. Fred. and Mrs Word, who went to Chatham a few weeke ago were members of the cboir also. THE Powr bas no hezitation in re- commending Mr. and Mrs. Wood and fam•ly to the people of Chetharri. They need not he received oo approbation as they will 1.19e their place in the cherch, gate habil oat society and community with credit to themselves and the bettet. mem of the cause to which they are at- tached, While regretting the removal of 16 s excellent family from Brussels we wish them the success they desee. Mr. Wool still owns the Newry here and his comfortable home on Albert street. OAR OF • Royal Household flour Bran, Shorts and Feed pro TO ARRIVE Per cwt, ityllyulaerC-hold $ 5 9 0 offcar Oatmeal $4.00 per cwt. off car. Try Gluten Feed. W. J. McCracken Phone 48 , LAST week following chatty note was received from the Thompson family, of Hamilton, formerly residents of Brus- sels for years :-Enclosed find subscrip- tion to THE POST for another year. We simply cannot do without it. What our oar friends forget to write the paper supplies. We are all' well and enjoying this glorious Win. ter. Have only had 2 real cold days so far. Monday and Tuesday of last week, when it reached 3 below zero. Scarcely any snow. Wishing you the best of everything for 192x. MRS, ELIZABETH PROCTER PAYS NATURES DEET. -As stated in last week's POST deceased, went to London last week where. after X ray examination at St. Joseph's hospital, she was opbrated on Monday of last week but passed away Thursday morning at 4 30 o'clock, The casket was brought to her late home, Bruseels, and on Saturday afternoon, afteean appropriate service in Melville church, conducted by Reeds. Messrs, Mann and Johnson, interment was made in Brussele cemetery. Pallbearers were Wm, JeS. and Robert Thuell and Richard, Chas. and Abram Procter. The subject ot tbis notice was the second daughter of the late Wm. and Mrs, Thuell and was born in Hullett town- ship nearly 59 years ago She married Chas. Procter by whom she had a son. George Edgar, who died at Blyth, May 3/st 1918, in his 03th year. Mrs Proc• ter lived in Brussels for the past 19 years and was weal known and highly esteem. ed About x6 months ago, her health fagged and despite all that could be done and a heroic fiebt on ber part she passed away as stated above. Her mother (who is 82 years of age) 3 broth- ers and 4 sisters (Mrs. F. M. Lowrie, Buffalo ; Mrs E, C. McIntosh, Toron- to ; Mrs. A. Colclongh. Constance; and Mrs. Govier, now in town survive. They were all here for the funeral. as was also Percy Thuell, of London. Mrs. Procter was an industrious kindly person whose demise is regretted. Ohtliroh Obtmem Next Sabbath morning the Quarterly Communion will be observed in the Methodist church. Fellowship service at 10 25. Rev. Mr. Mann's subject last Sunday morning iu Melville church was Paul and Felix aud in the evening "Four kinds of Christiau Joy," Last year the W. M. S. of Melville church contributed 5515.0050 the regu- lar fund and at5o.00 to the Ludlanna Mission in India A good record The union prayer meetingand En- deavor service Thursday evening of this week Will commence at 7.3o sharp so RS to permit those attending to go to the Library Entertainment in the Town Hall. At the Metbodiet church last Sabbath Rev Mr. Staff nel took for bis morniug theme, "Perfect Through Suffering." Evening subject was "Chriet's right to reign." Miss Caine Hingston sang an appropriate solo entitled "Spirit of God," A. Y. P. A. --Following are the offic- ers of•the newly organized A. Y. P, A. of St. John's church President, Mies Maude Bryans •, Vice -Pres, Mrs. Gor- don McDonald ; Secretary, Mrs B. Whittard ; Treas., Miss Smith. ' Var- ious Committees were also struck to as- sist in carrying out the objects of the Society. Devotional meetings will be held twice a month at the close of the regular Sunday evening' services, com- mencing next Sabbath, when Rey. Mr. Johnson will speak on "Relation of the Church to the Sunday School," 000 . * ....................0 .........................., I:The --Palace Bakery i =ilk N : . 2 • ,i, *,c 7ititolliinitillIlliiiItlillop.. • • • Can't I i'.. . I 4s, - -1*.. bver-eat ; I on Willie' 'Bead, Lab them 4 ......, 1 1 , , 1 ...,m... iniZ1:11T „ 1017:;1 1 1h11 other pure food stuffs, Otto of life, made from thd finest of indulge their natural fonduesa for this clean, nourishing staff plea, cakes and goodies are of body-building wheat fieur and • ,a equal quality, Step in and see Our deileious pastries to day. : : * s••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••* Children • .44"" weI-7ttts, W. E. WILLIS 00000 Taniac Tanlac Tankic All World's Records :• are Smashed by I i . 1TAN ILA0%-01 a . ..........____ • o e 6 • • • • • • • NOW • - Over 20,000,000 Bottles of this Wonderful Medicine sold in 6 years. 1 1• • • selling at the Phenomenal rate of 8,500,000 Bottles a year. 9 • •• • • • • • • • TESTIMONIAL.S As to its wonderful qualities can be given from some of our most prominent public men who have been restored to health by its use and who have given their unqualified endorsement. TANLIle We are Sole Tigents for Brussels • • • • i • • • • 9 • t r • i • • • • i Isoossoessos000sseeosossesseemsasesesoemeesseme JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER DIED 110La0canni.-At Provost, Alta., on January r 21st, 1821, Nell 8. McLauchlin, formerly of Brussels, aged W. years. PROOTRIL—In Rt. Joseph's hospital, London, on January 17th, 1021, Elizabeth A. Procter, aged NI years, Omoethe and 6 days. POnmtv.-In Goderlith, on January 18113, 1021, Albert M. Polley, In his 87th year. BRUSSELS MARKET Pall Wheat tl 70 41 75 Oats 60 55 Peas 178 578 Barley se so Butter 40 40 Bags 05 115 Hogs 15 50 1000 MAUDE 0; BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Moe Corintok Medical College, Chicago, TII. Three menthe peat graduate conrae during paat year. Eva; correctly fitted with GlaRties. Head- ache% Inflamed &yea, Granulated Bye Lida and other Eye troubles, caused by Eyeestraln, relieved through properly fitted Glasses. Satisfaction Assured. Optical Parlor In Leckie block, one door Booth of Barrister Sinelair's °Moe. Ocoee Lorre : ton a, m.: 1acep.m. Alno Wednesday and Saturday wreath sis, -Phonons ring 4 100/1•MINI.I.m•Mai•O•/ CONCERT and MOTION PICTURES ‘TRI•TOWN HALL IR Thursday, Jan1 lith AT 8.15 P. M. IN AID OF Brussels Public Library • Programme MARY PICKFORD "Amarillo of Clothes Line Alley" EDUCATIONAL, FILM COMEDY DOUBLE VOCAL QUARTETTE DUET :MISS STRAOHAN AND MR, GILROY SOLO MISS WALKER INSTRUMENTAL MESSRS. GRENVA.11 AND JACKSON Admission 50c, 35c and 25c. Seat Plan at Fox's Drug Store.