HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-27, Page 73AA'P 00MANY 01 r PJF4ES GOVERNMENT�(RAILWAY 1011... A1DS DE 1%ELOA- MENT. Dominion's Merchant Marine Comprised a 8;000 Vessels; Nei'vot s Headadie yields to NSTAU lt,`. E A `a .a iE soothca`and theta the rails. ' IWARE OF'Stte r fi T 0 Th STonnage 1,600,000. ss.00 a Nee, TE SN 'muss CO., La Development of Oans. 's merchant MeM nrat marie has now reichod a point where h311a!n1011lir.J.,iA RELIEVES PAIN the registered Beetl alg of the Dentin.. ion coltsists of more than 8,000 ves- sole, representing an 314(53 gate of 1,- 619,000 ,019,000 -gross tons, With a large fleet Owned by the Canadian gevermneat and linked up in operation with Ute govurnrnoltt: owned railways and co- opereting with old •establ'-,alsed 1111.1041 shipping lines, Canada is t0 be regard- ed as a maritime competitor of to a United States, and is no, to be under- ratggd because its total of totutttge is so inucb less than that of Lea reP ublic to the south, 08 the total Canadian holdings at present, 4,375 vessels ata steamers, ag- gregating 1,105,000 tons. and 3,720 are sailing vessels, totalling 514.000 tons. The omit -going shipping of the { United States. at the le inning of the war was only slightly more than a million tons. Some idea of the widespread activernrn ties of the Canadian Go:.ent's sh;ppitlg le given by a rep,.. en the location of the various, vessels of the Beet on one doe, receetly, .Canadian Fleet Active ► . 1n the North Atlantic, or British. is trade, at; London, the 1 at:ail. an Aviat- or was discharging 31.'33.. Al Liver• pool the C'anallan li. ngcr and the. Canadiau Conquerorhad a )rived ttn.i at the satin! port the Cute,.Ilan. Seig- item was loading fo• Gat.,:da, The Caoad,au Settler was -liselearging ear go at elanclleeter at ih: Camelia! Telmer at Cardiff. The, (lamellae -e Vteunoar was nt G1' eg:' enloading anti the Canadlau Vryaear was load - fug at Cardiff. ThL makes nine veeee:s of the Cana- -..._d1(t :'atunal fleet .n BOOM) ports alone' on. that date. :llersover, the Canadian Carrier Wal in the Gulf of St. Lawrence betted for Glasgow: The Canadian Navigator was nearing Glas- gow and the Canad,..n S ;nailer was at Glaogew, The•Canad:-.n Otter was on the way to London and Cardiff. The Canadian Miller wee loading at Malt cal for LIverpool, In the Cubean! Jamaican trade the Canadian Adventurer was home- ward bound with a cargo of sulphur Prot» Sabine, Tex. The Canadian Sow- er was dischargl• a cargo at ,Quebec, and the Canadian Trader had sailed from Havana for Mttntreat. In the Barbados, Trinidad and De- mote:re cervica the Canadian Beaver steered for Sydney, I'..S„' outward belted, tend the Canadian Fanner from Trinidad for Canada. The Canadian Observer was discharging cargo at Neutron!. Ships in Many Trades. In the South Amerteen trade the Canadian Victt.lr was leading at Mont- real anti the Canadian Planter was unloading at Rio de Janeiro; the Canadian Splutter was unloading at Buenos Ayres. On that date in the newly establish- ed iudiau trade, from the Atlantic side, the Canadian Pioa1eer was east of. Suez, in the Indian Ocean between Karachi and Bombay, from which port she was to continue to Colombo, up the oast coast or India to Calcutta, Rengoon, Singapore, Straits Settle- ments and on to tee Dutch ports of Batavia and 'Sourabaya, in Sava, In the Pacific service the Canadian Explorer was discharging at Mel- bourne, in Australia, and the Canadlaau Inventor was on her way between Mel- bourne and Vancouver. The Canadian National Railways and the Canadian Government mer- chant orchant marine have concluded satisfac- tory arrangements with the Halt steamship interests at Liverpool and the British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited, for joint services between Atlantic and Pacific ports in Canada and the Orient, including In- dia. Already one or the Ships of the BrLtish'edit, Company y has called at a Canadian port, and a ,.ergo has been found foe it by the Canadian National Railways and the Canadian Govern- ment merchant marine. Likewise a full cargo has been secured by the British India Company for one of the ships now In Oriental waters. London Tower Rises and Falls With Tides. The Towor of London, already so famous in history, has recently achieved a new distinction. It might now be called the 'entering- Tower of London, Nor would 'the term be an exaggeration,, for the old pile actually does move up and down four theme each day as the tides in the Thames ebb and liow, it Is in the soetion of the tower nearest the river Where tab movement is most noticeable, et wad explained by an 9111°1al.that the, movement was caused by the water which ponetratee under the foundation with the rising tide, As the water is forced in the Whole tower. is forced ugward, and then when: the 'Water Bows out with the tide the tower sinks again. it is said that the movement is so pr030u114ed as to make the place unsuitable for certain Government scientific teats. The frilow who bears, his burden trlsrerftrliy, tinder hie burden lighter, , eett:,aa00Z 1.3 How Do You Shake Hands? or, Ciiruler P. Boger, of Cleveland, Ohio, declares that there are, broadly c.nly ilve varieties of hand -clasp, and that the manner .ill whIell one man reets another is an infallible index of his true character. The man who, when 1laard•ahalahlg, gives a full Hand anti prensee his thumb against the back of your hand, says Dr. 130gei', is softie', liberal, and a colleen/al companion. The man whQ does 31th Press 131e thumb against the back of your hand is thrifty and economical to a fault; he Is niggardly, almost miserly, and hence a poor associate to revelry and amu0emerts. The snap who offers the tips of his fingers is sly, accretive, and cunning. He may abound 111 polish and emdoth lie:;, but not in truthfulness. You will invariably find that the w o a s w s hands closed in the form of a fist, is insincere and 14:1 r:' tl' exaggeration. PNEUMONIA Tht: Close of Day. .. � At eve the settenteArei ;owe. to etc ,. , , each drying dale see they '-1 targe betweve, the ante, lose It='off <R2i t3 W1'y 11oy fel, t en ettelset i1., eoli'h t'io '7h it IL,:t i5 it.) And I1n e.110 3. j” 111. eye at 1 3:4 a b 1 n'c:il x I., ,.; u 1P rl.:c t :slat,, .a tee iteee.1, l.inlyill i,.., le .31.11113.4 )-ea, 81,31, au .. ta..:' llo) 111 CI, al ' 0 heel 11n 1 rotle '3 ver JS that 1I to J t1 't3 z Qs. i r I t ,.a nact.l b h r~.au to telt .he 1 a • tYtig1 ty 'power, Tho itcallni declare IIts glory" .in title closing 11ett1', KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL N WINTER Is a inter da ns u oro s scason ,for I rW tho little once. Tho days oto ehango-. able --one bright, the 'met 0116 cold sue stormy, that the mother is afraid to take eeljtlklren out or the fresh air and exercise they need so much; In couseciuence they are often cooped up in ovez'beatotl, bluffly ventilated rooms and are soon seized withcolds or-..,rrippe. •What 38'' needed :. to' keep the Attie ouee well is Baby's Own Tablets, They will regulate'"the:stem- acll and bowels and drive rut colds and by their use the baby will be able r31 nearly rIvro r t Ittc . fear young, f .rt a births, to l tee twee ttln r,itelee t'dltatt t1 t urn. ii.o ti( 1s efeees311te eteParlt Parrre 1. ales 1 3, 1,0014310 It et fr,'ctt nr: is eeetta s,) eel. hotly iu the •t m uiiiio i ; to 1.1".r. f," 1 , i 31.3. 1 tit f ` Au n t+c 1 It•:•l3 1 eieele ..e'1 exe, „ry 1 it: 1. nate 'Y' l 1 e 1 .i4 ) L exist 4 s r 1 it4 t re 1n eeee deptirelee of at-te h.tilvl;U1 ' 1 Ilt liiv t b ealt3 t 3 reeve t ,.t.., „0 Ile eity, Or .i "hire f ;fennel' 13,,31; : n,,i he et tee ar lees el:3:t>, lea 31,101311 Ovine melanin that melt ct:lt ; c, 1 l,f that it is hul.i to tell theta sitar` Songs for Su lam Cows. i1Mui3Jc: lras a bi:, effect on most aid - teethe 'elle Morro of the caavalryillan In :eke up its elle, Ole moment ithears tho trumpeter's notes, and does net forget them for gears. Slay tows caul be restored to good temper bythe dairymaid's songs, and mu at Lbs plough will do better when thea driver sings. The circus horse soon learns the aitfierenee In tine time of the music to which he has to perform. He will march, trot, or gallop es the musician leads him.. Monkeys and elephants n be trained in a sirniha There le an Eastern saying that the song of 'the shepherd fattens sheep more than the richest pastures, FRAGILE, PALE AND MISERABLE to get over the winter season in per -1 A � fent safety. The Tablets are sold by i medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brookville, Ont. Twins Are �I Iereditary: and other Lung Diseases Once in a while one reads in the newspapers about a birth of quadrap- Claims many Victims In Canada and lets. "Very rarely quintuplets are born, should be guarded against 1111 s Lined 1e• a Great Preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used. Minard's Lint. mon has cured thousands of cases of Grippe, ltronehitts, Sore Throat, Asthma and kindred diseases. It is an Enemy to Germs. Thousands of ,,ottles being used 0tery clay.. For -sale by all druggists and general dealers. Mlaarda Ltainlent Ca., Ltd., Yarmouth. 13.13- A man who is at the mercy of his 1 and there have even been instances of sextuplets. When foie or more babies come In- to the world at a blob,'almost never do more than three of them survive. A tendency '10 the production of. twins is undoubtedly hereditary; It runs in families. A woman.. whose mother and grandmother have borne twine may fairly be expected, if mar- ried, to bring one or more pairs into the world. disposition can never be a leader,. a That curious armored mammal, the power .among men.. armadillo, common In Texas and Mexi- HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Ontario Board of Health V Dr. Middleton w111 be glad to answer questions on Public Health me- ters through this column. Address him at the Parliament Bldgs., A Toronto., ` 1 am writing this article to the boys or woman than if yeti neglect to carry 1 and girls, and mere particularly to out these simple little rules. you bon* and girls who are going to Here they are:— school school from day to day,.and who are mea'(1l) to -dog. I washed my bands before each being taught reading, writing, arith-I (2) I washed not only my face, but 1etic and other useful subjects that, my ears and neck, and I cleaned my will be of use to you all through life.; finger nails, pen - Now, to learn quickly and to make' (3) I tried. to keep my fingers, ells and everything that might be un - progress at school . you must be ,int clean out of my mouth and good health, for you cannot go tot (4) I drank a glass of water.before school every day if you do not feel each meal and before going to bed, and well, and so you get behind in your drank no tea, coffee oe other injurious class, and feel that you are keeping drinks to -day, the other children back, waiting for you to catch up to thena,.in your (4) I brushed my teeth thoroughly 3n the morning arid.' in the evening studies. to -dry There are several things that yen (6) I took ten or more slow, deep should do every day to keep well. They' breaths of fresh air to -day, do not take much time and in fart, (7) I played out -doors or with win - are very necessary if you are going dews open more than thirty minutes to have good health.Ito-day. Every boy and girl knows how bene -f (8) I was in bed ten hours ormore ficial it would be to earry out certain Leat night and kept my windows open. health rules front day to day, but (9) I tried to seep neat and cheer - Sometimes there is nobody to tell just fol constantly, and to be helpful to what should be done. ! others. Here are some health chores which (10) I tried to -clay to sit up, and I would like to lee every boy and girl to stand up straight, to eat slowly, undertake to do everyday. Copy out and to attend to toilet and each need the list and pin 41 somewhere where of my body at its regular time. you can so it. Then at night before, Now, boys and girls, just copy out you go to bed put an X before each these rules and try your best to do chore l tt AtOU have done y and sec how them every day. Gat your father e r or many you have missed out. If you mother or big brother or sister to re- do not miss any of the chores you will mind you each night to nark off the feel in better health, you will have a dist of health chores you have done better appetite, you will sleep better,' through the day. You will never re - and Val will study better. Besides' gret doing them and you'lI thank me you will grow up to be a healthier man for telling you about them. r.............................................................. Grocers Used To Wonder why some of their tea and Coffee trade switched t INSTANT POST.' . any--ok them. understand now `they use Possum in their own Families and Find a big gain in health, and some economy, with no lost in satisfaction "There's a Reason For Posh= instead of coffee 4111...1.0111.0111.0111,1111.21110.1.1VIVIR,W, ••10.1111.•• The Melancholy State of Thous- ands of Bloodless Children and Young Girls. How often do yon hear the remark, "She is very delicate?-". I4ow often it means that some young woman I8 liv- ing in misery, suffering from periods of prostration, dizziness, loss of appe- tite and disordered digestion. Head- aches afflict her at intervals; pain in the bacjc and limbs follow any exer- tion. xection. She is never really well. Tltis fragile state ofhealth, this lack of vitality, ,calls for prompt.treat- ment. The blood must be nourished and made strong enough to vitalize the system that is so lacking in energy. In such cases Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have proved remarkably successful in making the new, rich, rod blood nacos, sexy in restoring tone to the system. Mrs. L. M. Duncan, South Mountain, Ont., tells of the wonderful benefit Dr. Williams' Pink Piles made in the case of her young daughter. She says: "It is only right that I should. let you know of the good derived from the use of Dr, Williams, Pink Pills by our girl ' ofeleven years. She was alwaye very thin and not gaining in weight. Her appetite was poor and she had no de- sire for wholesome food. Finally we elecided to give her Dr. Williams, Pink Pills. After taking one box, she went arfay on a three weeks' vacation, tak- ing aking three boxes of pills with her, which she took regularly while she was away. When she returned home we were sur- prised and delighted to see how well -she looked, and to find that she had gained seven pounds in weight. She had a much better color and her ap- petite had improved eo that she was always ready for her meals. She con- tinued using the pills until she had taken seven boxes, and the great Im- provement they made in her condi- tion was noticed by many around here. I can only add that I believe Dr. Wil, Hams' Pink Pills are a splendid medi- cine," The best time to begin taking Dr. Williams Pink Pills 1s' the moment you feel the least bit out of sorts. The sooner -yon do so the sooner you will regain your old time energy. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cente a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The 1)r. s William' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Longest Way Round.. Patsy—"Mom, won't yer gimme candy, now?" - Mrs, Casey—"Dido' 01 tell ye 01 wouldn' give ye aany at all if ye didn't kape still?" "Yes"m, but "Well, the longer ye kape still the sootieryell get it." Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper The First Lighthouse. There has been some controversy as to whether the Romans or the Phoeni- cians built the first lighthouse, but the bust records at hand give the honor L., the Romans. 1t was nothing more than a beacon tower upon which fires wore kept burping to guide mariners into the port. of Alexandriayp , Egt, 'Situated on the Isle of Pharos, it was called the Phases, a name wheels has been applied to Lighthouses ever since. the building of this first beacon, about. 8.0. 331. Both the Phoenicians and the Romans later erected beacons at various points along the Mediterran. can coast, an old Phoenician light- house ighthouse still being in use at Corunna, Spain, havieg been repaired from time to time during the centuries it. has et0od In the Same location. The remains -of a Itonlan Pharirs (fight - house) may be wen at Dover, Eng Intml,. which was the terminus of the barge line across the Channel during its occupation by the Romans, and con- neeted with the Britain of military rode that lead down a to Rom Don't try to get out of anything which will help'you, which will make you a stronger and larger man, 41)70 SPARS feAi3Te "a'{'-"1 ,N eare3p'ui tr4.at3 e seen 1St„u4'6 053313' . •nartp 15 red - Write se 31'130 us 138150115. 1111• , Al a un 1105113 We carry the 'alta, i ,.tel n1,10 a: gni lett, stork la 1 11 n;+ 1 3 i i ahtlu 33,d or alt? Parse III "u ...tea,. e'luipn)ent 11•e ship x; et totgw1.ere in C emn 1 to Fieti8, r,'tor 3 n rural In f,_ 31 aur alnt10, 1,'3o>1 a 4:3 o Salvage rlmt Savv1Y, €3.3•ttel rtroteta Flt., tones, par,/ '4t, T h a Home That Wins. 103:-bt into the Iinnds of revery father, 111) lay 31:r:ut movenoett puts an Jae ,,. tt Dr P s tr .lc or h.s Lo Futuro. 1 y ) 1 t 1: -is to something 0 to f the u i stet coin >; u ie, Meet, It to turn you )coy over to, and £e 1 athe most f si t h irt, S cosi ie l e n t n g , actlet, 0raeever let loose in the world fer welding father and son together :oto; 11 c'innieg team for home and couite Every father does not realize that the avel'ageOntario boy is awake 5,800 hours a year. You put him iu sellvel for 009 of these hours and overiasting- JI 1y keep after. bin; to melte good. 'Fou i place him in church and Sunday) -Reboot for porbaps another 100 hours! And let 1111 kaowryon are 1kng. for results. You keep him around 11Ome and under your watchful eye for prob- nhly 1 31(30 ,, hi. ,,,nlrtna h...,.vo enA • thee turn hien loose, for his play --3,00000 hours a year—and that's the end of it. Why? Because you are past the play age, or think you are. Yet rlgbt here, in these hours he Is away from borne and other wholesome influences, is where your boy forms his character and needs you most. Scouting gives you, as a father, a com- plete playtime programme through which you can win your son for life. Scouting wins, and the home that "puts in" Scouting wins too. Scouting is the manliest programme ever devised for a boy. As associ- ate members of The Boy Stouts As- sociation fathers unite with their boys in Scouting, They become pals with their sons and "home scoutmasters" backing up the regular scout leaders. The home with Scouting in it wins. IC Scouting is not in your home, a let- ter addressed to the Provincial Heed - quarters of the Boy Scouts Assocla- Ion, Bloor and Sherbourno Streets, Toronto, will bring back a reply tell- ing how you can help to put it there. Druid Oaks of Marseilles. The old Druid religion was a dread- ful one in mane aspects, and no phase of it was more evil than the cere- monies that were conducted in the sacred grove just outside the walls of Marseilles. The trees were oaks, and no human band had laid an ax to the forest since the creation of it. As a result the underbrush had grown up and the trees themselves had so inter- laced limbs and leaves that the in- terior of the grove was almost as dark as if it were perpetual night, as no ray of sun could penetrate to its heart. A slime -covered creek twisted about among the trees, its waters an inky biaclmess, and it Is said that no four - footed footed animal could live In the grove tar any bird perch on the trees. Deep In the heart of the grove, reached only by a secret and twisted path, the Druid stones were set up, ghastly tly gray piles with flat tope, so 4c 3NOM DERE &IOW , ' A Tragedy—for Hen n 1old an? "Why1e an m so n 1 alto y, "Silos Brown rejected me last night " "Well, brad up; there are others," " Yas, ot course, but somehow I can't help feeling sorry tor the poor girl." ,0•,11+,.,1« Ctassi#ied Advertispmenbg, roma WA:NTIIA. ' �Mf ivna�zln, BEND Dice tezZ.. (len end pries, 4033» J. U1aeite fdPee to 1113310, 15'31. • 4GZSTTS W4NTFiD, t Ull83iTi3 IVANW]3D; 41.184 NAT.rvis Herbs is a remedy for the retie! of L...,3stipetlan, Indigestion, 13(110wenee13, iRheumatism, Kidney Traublee• 1t ler 70l1-ks0w0. iia ing been exteneivoly a3, vertised, sinee it was first menurftecured In 153,8, by distribution 0f large ltailtie Me of almanacs, Cook 1340ks, Health Books, ese., whitey- are 3urnie1ed to agents free of Charge. The reined es are 801d at a pr. ice that t alio Is a Sen' s t 0 Blb eheIdai 38,11,724 nn Writ.' eAararC; entroal. Mention this paper. Might Mean Two Things, A bride and bridegroom were on theirhoneymoon.ri e n toe-j!j 1 The Pride, 1 1 I graphing to her radio., announced that they were "having is revs every morning before brealdaet," Her father, evidently reminiscent of his own exporlences, wired back, "How do you pronounce ro•w?" Laked Her Mother. Six-year old Margaret aften played with Nellie, a neighbor's little girt: One rainy day the two were just'start- ing across the clean kitchen floor at Margaret's house when the latter's mother, seeing their muddy shoes, headed them off and sent them out to play on the porch. After a moment Nellie remarked: "My mother don't care how much I run over the kitchen floor." There was quite a long interval of silence. Then Margaret said: "I wish I had a nice dirty mother like you've got, Nellie." The Toddlers' Language. An Englishman who was Just begin- ning to understand Chinese stood lie tering to a group of English children who chattered away now in_Engiish, now in Chinese. follow, Most of it be could but the talk of two wee mites whose tongues were wagging as hard as they could go puzzled him completely. "Are they talking in English or in Chinese, or a mixture? I can't get a single word of what they are saying," he remarked town older child. "Of course you can't," was the ready reply. "No one can except themselves. It Isn't any Ianguage, but all the little ones talk it. They get it off of God, and they keep it till they're three." MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order, Five DoIIars costs three cents. Hiding Your Light. Don't forget to tell your wife oc- casionally that you love her. Other- wise she might not find it out. Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. Weather conditions are reported and forecasts issued by radio tele- graphy from a number of places in France as frequently. as seven times a day. MOTHER! • A New FIytrap, Something entirely new as a cone trivauce for catching flies is the idea of Juan I, Domindtmez, 0f Buettea.A rens It has a rotating disc, with a series of radial fins, between whiob syrup or other bait Is placed. When a ilY alights on the disc (which is kept re. volving slowly by clockwork) it i0 presently carried beneath a . glans cover and takes ming upward toward light which comes from a box attached_ to the machine. The box fe provided with wire -net windows, to make its interior light, and the fies, once inside of it, are prison. ors. "Pope's Diapepsin" Cornetts Stomach. "Pape's Diapepsin" is the 0uiekest, surest relief for Indigestion, Gases; Flatulence, Heartburn, Soarneee, For* mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost Immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you eau eat favorite foods 'without fear. Large ease casts only 60 cents at drug atom.Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped annually. Largest. selling stomach corrector in world:-, Adv. e Toys have to beCCaurtitely made hi 83017 detail to please the mcrcru child. The largest crysatithenuut yet♦ grown, which has a circumference of 30 inches, Ville recently shown in 1.110. don. WAN' Send for list of inventions matte by Manufacturers. Fortunes have been made from simple ideas. "Patent Protection" booklet cad "Proof of Conception" on requcs:, HAROLD C. SHiPMAN St Co. PATENT ATTORNEYS 20 WIPMAN CNAM.C110 - • OTTAMA, C4NA0.4 3tt P6" that the bodies of the men, women and "California }, DANDE 3.'' children to be sacrificed could be laid, 1 Syrup Of Figs nude and helpless, upon It. The priests, with stone knives, would dis- embowel the screaming victims or would slowly cut their throats, chant- ing prayers as the death gurgle echoed in the grim forest. There was not a tree in the depths of tae forest that was not stained with the blood of bu- man beings. Maidens were preferred to any other form of sacrifice, and the mare beauty one had the more she was thought to be acceptable to the unnamed gods, A Woman's Logic. Tho other day a famous lawyer took one of bis women clients out to lunch. What the wife doesn't bear the wife doesn't nag about, so he decided to say nothing about the event to his better half, But some busybody, who, as usual, knew everybody's business bettor than her own, told his wife instead, and that evening he was duly scolded Pori his misdemeanour. "But telt sometimes go out to htnch with men who are our friends," pro- tested r0- test n s ed her 1 Isb nd "and 1 don't ob- ject. Now, what Is the difference be- tween the two eases?" "Why, the difference is to the bill," smiled the ledy. "One way you save it, the other way you pay 1t." ASPIRIN "Bayer" only is Genuine Warning! Take no chances with substitutes for genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," Unleso you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tabiote• you are not getting Aspirin at all. In every Bayer package ars directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu• maestri, Earache, Toothache, Lumba- go and for Pain. Handy tin boxes ot twelve tablets cost few cents. Drage gists also still larger packages. Made in Canada, Asetrin Is the trade mark (regietored in Canada), of Bayer Mann, feature' of `14tono3cotleacidestgr of Salicylicacld. Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—lock for the name California on the package, then you are sure your alit' is having the best and most harmless physic for the Iittle stomach, Ever and bowels. Children lore its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California." A few cents buys "Danderino." Ate ter a few applications yon cannot end America'. Pioneer Dog Remedies a fallen hair Or any dandruff, beeldes Eook on every hairchews new life, vigor, DOG DISEASES ES and How to Food brightness, more color r and abundance, Matted byFreet' thes10any Ad- dress] by Author. s, Olay Sir Ob„no I. ill Westst ales street Now 'York, U.S.A. �^r3 it `` Stops Hair Corning Out Thickens, beatlwwfk . IN RHEUMATISM BITS YOU i it' ;t t Slann'e Liniment should be kepi; handy tor aches and pains ovvrny wait fora severe pain, an ache, a rheumatic twinge fol.. lowing exposure, a sore muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to make you quit work, when you should have Sloan's Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active, and fit, and on the job? Without rubbing, fur it penetrates, apply a bit today to the afflicted part. Note the gratifying, el, :zn,prompt relief that follows. Sloan's Liniment couldn't keep its man)' thousands of friends the world over ti it didn't matte good. That's worth remembering. All drug - este ---three sizes—the largest is the most economical. 35c, 70c, 41.40. 4 Prevent Falling Hair With Cuticura Shampoos The first thing to do in restoring dry, thin and falling hair it to get rid of dandruff, itching and irritation of the scalp. Rub Cuticura Ointment into the scalp, especially spore of dandruff and itching. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water, Soap 2Se. nistaind eS 53533 toe. Talmo 25e, Sold throughout the Iloa,ielen, Cauadiaa De i Lima,* Meted, 003 St. Nal St., 7„ M,,ns.L ■p!i'Culleava Soap d:sas. -dshout mwai. MOUE No. 4-'R