HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-27, Page 5ti •r gJNO; SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED virsrmovres WM, SPENGE OONVJi YANORE AND ISSUER or M411,RIAGP LICENSES nice in the rest intim, Ethel, 80•t 1.1 ti, sower AS AN AUCTION - o non, will Sell for hotter Prioaa, w better men its meas tlmb aid lima aburgee than any other Auotiouoer in lunge Huron or won'tbe ia1loergaaalays be arranged 00Me oy v 0rarmal application, 7if,: j3INUL1AILi- .. Y y. a Bn%riutor, Soitoita%, Oonveyan00% NotaryPattie, 1a, Ufdoo-stowool* Hlouk 1 dour Horeb 01 Control Hotel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate Of. Pilo Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Offitus opposltu /'lour Mill, Ethel, JAMESA M F DZEAN. Agent Hoick ,Mutual Fire Insurance Company Phone 42 iurnberay Street, Brussels Successor to John Harris, Walton. • T. T. M' RAE M. 8., M. O. P., dl S. 0. M. 0. H., Village of Brugge's, Physiotan, Surgeon, - A000nchesr (. lace at residence opposite Maly lileChuroh, William etreet. P11000FOOT, KILLOBAN & COOKE Barrlstore, 8o: ,citore, Notarial: Public, &c. offloe on theSgnere, :nal door from Hamilton Street, GODERICR ONT. Private fend: to loan at lowest rates. W.Psonnvoor IC, C. J.L. HrrronAtr 'H. J. D. Contra SRUSS ELS .et4:r. Ar HORSE' FAIRS Monthly Hulse Paha will be" held this season us follows :-- • THURSDAY, JAN. 13Tlf, 1921 FEB. 81to, 1921 111AB. Ban, 1921 APIC. 7T11, 1021 Local and Outside Buyers will be present. By order of Counoil. F. 8. SCOTT, Clerk. .1. .6 4:1;''...• ' u[EG.:,....zi. SIH •r • AGENCY... John Oliver BRUSSELS ' ,l. ,1' +l• has taken overt he Deering' Ag- + 4. +('ncy and handles a full line of + Farm Implements including the 4, -8' rioted + • L IL C. Cream Separators 'l• -b .t: • John Oliver The only Cream Separator with two wide (pen (Team outlets 17, - n0 gleam screw in the path of the 00eam. Seeit when 111 town. + The i, H. C. 8-16 and 16-20 Tractors +. are tunong the best. The Deering Manure Spreader4ggq. With the wide sin ead and very • light in (teaft, H + •x' ,••+b+a• ala+liargain+ + CO\I 111tNt TNp + I Saturday, Dec. 11 •1' [ICIILtht + .1. 111 , W Cm r --ON"- + Groceries Flannelettes and Shoes Special Price on Soaps 1 ,1. • 1f.'hile they last. lIighe'at lu ie..es paid rot Eggs and Fold' y. Terms of Sale -Cash. • Ela L Stewart + e; : 'Y HLNI 1. N ,(. 0.44t4''t•4"It++++++riffs'++++++. 211+ AilMods of I furs and Hides M WANTED 4 --�-- + For which the highest nar vl i et price will be T. paid. + M. Yollick , Phone 2x Benno's 4. ++++++++++++++++44++++++++ arta et>7 Mems .. Brussels Is represented on Fort Wil Ilam curling clubs by D. C. Ross and daughters, Misses Gertrude and Doris, this Winter, Our laurels will be Well sustained no u d doubt. Tits P STi POST sh hear leased p e r t hat Miss Muriel Brothers 13, A , formerly of Brussels, who went to India last year to engage in Mission work, has passed her 1st year examination in the Teluga language with distinction, a much covet- ed honor, Becoming proficient in the native language is a big step iu advance oto teacher, doctor or preacher and We wish Miss Brothers the attainment of her ambition. I. 0 O. F, -The following are the new officers for Western Star Lodge, No, 149, I, 0. 0. F , Brussels, for the following year :- PAM grand -S. Wilton, Noble Grand -Alfred Dennison, Vice Grand -Benj. Whittard, Rec. Secretary -M. Black, Nln. Secretary -A. McGuire, 8 Treasurer -F'. S. Scott, Chaplain -R, Leatterdale, 1Warden-S. Wilton, Conductor -W. Clouse, 1.74R. S. N. G. -J, 'rhpeil. L. S N. G. -G. 1i. Weller, ISR• S. V. G.: -R. Henderson, L. S. V. G. -W. J. McCracken, R. R. S. -W. J, McCracken, LL -_,L. S. S. -D. Kirkcolinel, I, G, --.Walter Williamson, 0. G. -Geo. Manning. Officers were rustalled Thursday even- ing of last week by 1). D. G. al. Wilton and suite in good form At the close a short program was given consisting of violin and organ selections by Bros. Clouse and Little; reading by-Bro. Whittald and recitatious by Bros. Pope and Wood. Tasty lunch was served fol- lowed by some games. The lodge is in good heart and meets each Thursday evening in their commodious Hall in THs POST block, the New Number MOW The 1921 AutomQblie And truck markers are BOW to be seen .on the oars 1101es also. Moo Road $uad.r The fact that the country roods ereaboet are reported to be in un- usuallly good condition would deem to indicate that Jack Frost is a better road-builler than Biggs. Something to He Thankful For Some ratepayers of town "holler" a- bout the high tax rate, etc -but when you think of It -Brussels has a very low assessment and overdrafts arc practic- ally unheard of, Listowel Council has an overdraft of $13,000 and the School Board of $5,000:'1 Kineardlne is over- drawn by the -tidy sum of $2'6,903,36 and the Electric Light and Water Com - Mission in the same town has a deficit of $10,718,07, Lueknow Now in Hydro dro Fa it y �y Public -Owned Service Is Turned. On There. -Completes A Circuit --Prominent Hydro - Officials Attend Cere- mony. Lucknow; Jan, IL -After a year and three months in varying degrees of dark ness, since the closing of the privately owned lighting plant, Lucknow is en- foying to -night the benefits of hydro from its own substation. The power was turned on at 4.20 this afternoon by Reeve Johnson and the local band turn- ed out and played a few selections by way of expressing the relief of citizens generally. Officials of the commission in town fog the occasion included GeorgeF. Argo, superintendent of municipal, con- struction: D. F. Flannery, district en- gineer; William McKenzie construction engineer; E. George Archer, transmis- sion engineer; E. P. Chamberlain, super lntendent of construction, and T. D. Berry, superintendent Eugenia system. Lucknow is on the transmission line from Walkerton and Ripley, 204 Byers, of Toronto. Janniy 22 is the SAYLI) FROopening date, }a, The new division will take away 10 corps "from the supervision 02 the Lon- i1fELONG[VIISERY ricin division, Ak the present tt a Str ril: furs is governed by the Landon head- quarters, bub under the new arrange- ment . Stratford will bacon a headquart- And a Dkngerous Opgrgtion, by era for the following municipalities; Taking +'FRL7IT A TIVIrS' Marys) WinghaGoderich, Listowel Palmerston; St, ilt, Clinton, Chesley, :;4e4a y,. .. ••tea IDrayton and Mitchell. ' The change was decided by the Offi- vials at the territorial headquarters, Toronto, in order that the cities, towns and villages in this section of Western Ontario may given more supervision, The London division will still control 20 centers, u MRS, M. J. GORSE 8928 -Union St., Vancouver, B.0, r( Iofferedwith all thesy P m tams of Female Trouble, with chronic Con- stipation and constant lleadarims. I had pains low down in the back and sides of the body. I tried. various remedies without relief, and then put. myself under a doctor's care and he advised me to have an operation. I refused. Then, I started taking `Fruit -a. tives); and from the outset, I felt better, and this medicine has completely relieved me of all my misery and suffering. My weight was only 143 pounds and now it is 168 pounds. 1 am free of pain and headaches and the terrible Constipation; and wllatsa red me from misery is the splendid fruit medicine, 'Fruit -a -tires'. " MRS. M. J. Gens);. 50c, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -tires Limited Ottawa, Out, New S. A. Division Created at Stratford Announcement that the London divis ion of the Salvation Army is to be im- mediately divided was mhde to The Lon don, Free Press yesterday at the provin tial headquarters. A new division is to be formed with headquarters at Strat- ford, under the Command of Major W. 48th Annual Report OF THE Howick Farmers' Mutual. Fire Insurance Company For the Year 1820 TO TIFF ,llEnunits OP T112. SAM COMPANY; Your Directorsobog to submit the following report for the past year The mintier of 901101001'eaued was 2040 and the number in force at the end of the. oar was 52l Y 9 The nmotmt of Insurance written was 58,448,027.69, the amount expired and cancelled 84 191,290.00, leaving the net amount in force at the 01,120 ofthe year, $10.818, 752.50, being an increase for the year of 82.261,797.52 In, the .amount of iusnranee in force. The sum of $404,211.00 of th0 amount at risk is re•lueured. '1'lm premium notes hold 1.2. the Com any amount to 8040,097.63, mid the amount available on said notes Ila 68 02.12. n , 37 7 'file amount paid for losses ou buildings and contents therein,. mused by lightning ,a as 5310.16: sparks from chimneys 802.00 ; fur - mice pipes, ato•e9 and stove Minn 11,416,5i : unknown 810,896.95:. live -stock killed in the fields by lightning 86,214.60; coabefl lanterns. 86,035,00: threshing machines 82,76.00; other causes 81,108.05. Tho Auditors' Report duly certified la appended hereto. The Directors retiring are Messrs. A. E. Gallaher and John A. Bryans, who are eligible for re-election. Two Auditors ere appointed at each Annual Meeting. Ail of which is respectfully submitted. W. S. Moll IMO UFA, JOAN JACKSON, Searetary2reasurer. President.. Gordo, January 16111, 1021. 9 Auditor's' Report Receipts Quill balance December Met, 1010 ..............,.. S 9.4104 J(r Cash 000otved is Fixed rayrneuts of 1020 89406.62 of prior yetrs 4144 76 as Interest 12i24 21 as re•inenance on losses • 85 00 from all otlersonrces 199 10 from investments 7890 40 'notal Receipts -1 46670 44 rap ono Iture Lassos : Mrs, J V. C W. C. Chambers, Minto, lleiforo.nd steer. light'g $ 100 00' Andrew Jaoklin, trey, contents of house damaged, child with umtele0 t. 9616' J. ,C J A. Menzies, Morris mare killed, lightning ....... ..e . 25 00 Rin. Ieuf M.uan, Hawick shouse and contents - femme .pip1400 00 Ad, J. Matthew, Nurda'ich, house and contents, unknown 809 00' 1F. '1'h isnot, MLK{llnp, house 12 cont'ts damaged, stove pipe 20 60 Alex 0' Moss, Ideals, "intents of house damaged, child with mittolies 00 00 Allan :delver, Unroll, i„ueo and ounteuts, unknown ......... 1090 00 W. 8. Sanderson, Howick, Manage to house, lightning ,. 55 00 Clete. O'Har, Itg.emnat, house and contents burning grass 700 00 Chas. Dickurt, Lowick 7 ewes and2 lambs killed, lightning 146 00 S. S, flood, Listowel, dainag0 to eontonta of stable and hon 001140, lira from stable 82 90 Co'. 1. 011., linwirk, steer killed, lighting11 00' Robert J. Saldoreon lto00rk, sheep killed lightning .,...,, 00 00 Albert Annhornian ,2lunnunh>', sheepkilled, lightning ,Y8 50' John 51ufuiro, Arthur, sleop•rkillod, lighting 20 00. \1'm. 11 I 1 iq Mutt Arthur, dwelling 00 1 unknown 860 00 t g Geo. (Insomnia!,, rat4hbonv contents.nf dr v0 abed oil • 18000' i ra David Robertson, 1\ nwu,o0h, cow killed lightning ) � 116.OW George Metlelhhu, Walked, heifer kilted, killed, ttabng 95 601 l lorman Albrecht, Howl..k, heifer killed, ligi tanlng 0801' Aloxle A. hoar, 1t+LWunosh, steer Moil, lightning 40 00 Jos. it Wilt. Gray Mullett, colt killed, lightning 160 O0 John alSKoovor, Listowel, barnand e011tont0, unknown ,,,, 1400 00 11.10. S1euuuun, Choy, 2 steers killed, iightdn�(C; 100 00 'Phones Brennan Arthur, sleep killed BelauIng ....,80 00 jamNelson, llgromout; a`oitoop end d Iambs killed, llghttng 320 00 13. Pay!, prey, 0 horses killed, lig! htnhhg 000 00 Abnthau Johnston, Ilowiok, tallkillel, Ii-htning 25 04 Steve Moore, Wallace, hotter k1116,, lightning 00 00 .7. x. S1uq)sun, Wallace, damage totow, dghtning 00 00 I , W. l'nner, \V Ll' 4 1 , , ou.0 , sheep killed,; lightning 2..0 00 Jas, Harrlood G 2.0y,f� sheep killed, lightning 20 00 14.11, M9Domald Grey, damage to 2 cattle and 1 horse, Agit% 26 00 John L. 12(0gs, Wallace, damage to tow, lightning 00 00 fob 1.. Hing Grey, damage to cow, lightning 45 00' D. Brackenridge, Grey,u. w,d,uwtged Bud (0 kited., Ifghfg 120 OO Md. 0 A. McPhee,Normen',.21,(mbs killed llgl(t0ing 26 00 5lielmelGan'oy, rthur, steer killed, lightning - �" 00 00' Janes Storey, M41C1110p, f g knlea lightning 40 W' Peter 5hntoh Itg6rehnont, bull kille1, lightening 106,09' • John H. Rohl heron, calf killed, II, 88.00 Davit '1, I2,01, Arthur, eteorkillod, lightning - 40 00' Thu, Bennett, liowlek, ((Amigo to horse. lightning 26 00' N. A Higgins, Morris, stoor killed, lightning - 700tiv. 11, D. 11 [slop, llnw'fek d .nage to cow lightning 71 09 flee, Mcalaste. :Unto, h..;,okilled, lightning 176 00' Stanley 5l,tohe, 'troy, Latf killer lightning, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 00• John I1, cullet, Mint,,, steer killed, lightninggiW 00 Jos, W. walls Norinwlby', caw 21116,, lightning100 00 (1. C. Grosz, fi latuhvol, louse tune's dam'd, caught (uneatable 80 00' wirer (4nli,way, Nowick, hurl and 0ontoneo, cord -oil lantern 2400 00• Win, 10, arson, Tnrltboery, home killed, lightning , 2255 00 Geo. It. MODOnah, Egremont, (heifer killed, lightning ,70 00' J. McDonald, Goderioh, etable dest'd &hanae dam'd, nnkn'tr 257 00 John Boylan, 001810, cow kiB6,1, lightnumq 125 UO Wm. Loggias, Wallace heifer damaged, lightning 45 00 Dane 5IcElavin, hlcOCitiop heifer killed, lightning 115 00 12. .2 Naomi Hanna,. Morris, heifer killed, lightning 45 00 James Anderson, alprris, horse killed lightning 175 t0 W. H. Armstrong. Prey, colt killed, lightning 13., 00 Fred. Schede, Wallace, 2 calves killed, lightning . 06 00 Herman J. Slahnke, Wallace, steer killed, lightning'.,...,„60 00 Jacob Koch, Wallace, s cattle killed, lightning 288 00 W. T. Bran 1Rf rs Ho1slek bolter killed 'leaning ni gg t .s6 60 00 D. 'i;. Sanders, Grey, tinrn, contents, ulrivo•slied and stable deetroy'd anti house damag'd, spark from thresh, mach. 2095 00 Chas. L. Cuereageaser, Grey cow killed, lightning 90 00 Allen Holliday, Formanby, cow killed, lightning •, • 137 05 Thomas Salter, Wallace, heifer killed, lightning .... 45 02 Andrew Wilson, Wawanosh, cow killed, lightning ...._.13u 00 Cuthbert Hutchinson, Grey, heifer killed, lightning 59 09 Samuel Appleby, Halle t t contents of barn, uunknown w. n . 1500 OtJoe.x n, Mc{i1toP, cow kill lightning 80 00IIonr Bona nrrla'•horso killed, lightning ". 180 00G LConnell;G dello1 damage to house &eon contents, ln 20 16N, A. BrownArthur, damage to ununknown 17 00 g T, G. Failte, neielo we ' hoe and atabe, unknown 71 00T. o- Henderson, eh,,houseC contents, otese,,unknnng 0 05J. x4 Mallow, B6Wswanodam to house, unknown lightning 2 00JHoffman, roeuOnbarn cent,spnr front thresh. mach. 160 00 John MiGs, Huron, steer killed, lightning 60 0RubarG Cole, Bruce, tiara burned, unknown 00 W.A. Biggins, Howiok, barn and contents, cat -oil ]stem 2500 900 hits, h, Dougherty, McKillop, barn and contents, unknown 2400 00 Allan Spain Morns,damage to house. spark (rein chimney,. 60 00 50 losses under 526.10 each ' 091 60 Cotnmfasion to Agents 1807 25 Llw costa" 140 04 Fuel 04 64 investigation and adjustment of claims 802 10 Interest 44 71 Statutory Assessment and License fee 100 70 Aire-Maruhal Tax 07 83 Travelling1, expenses 51 85 Municipal Taxes 63 71 Secretary -Treasurer's salary (office help lnoladed) 2400 00 Directors' foes 478 76 Auditors' fees o50 uU President for services o Printing, stationery and advertising 140U 20 Postage telephone, telegrams and express 212 01 Mutual Il3re Underwriters' Association tea 19 00 Ontario Bonds investment 800010 Sundries 13 00 Premiums returned to Policyholders 1125 28 Reinsurance - 008 44 Caul* on deposit : Bank of Hamilton, Wroxeter .. 5 170 4,) Royal Bank of Canada, 1arri0E0n 1056 10 Standard Bink of Can.. Brussels 621 02 2015 56 546579 44 Assets and Liabilities Assets 'Cash value of real estate $ 1092 00 Cash value of. Bonds 19100 00 :hock In Wroxeter Rural Te la hone Co., Ltd, -1 0 0 0 0 •Codepositn chattered banks o126 9 Amount unpaid of fixeaym nts of 1020 1528 79 Amount unpaid of fixed payments of years not ax• tended) 6522 85 'Office furniture mid sato (not extended) 6240 dl Amount of premium notes le force after dedaoting all pay menu thereon 708072 12 .Amountof accrued interest 189 70 $ 702216 24 Liabilities a ,00051. of losses reported 5 60 00 Auditors' Certlfleato We, the undersigned Auditors, do hereby certify that we 11,1,0 duly audited thebooks aecounte, vouo1e:s and so0uritios ni the Howlok Verniers' Mutual Fire Leorihce Oenpa y for the year owl. Ing December Olst 1020 01111 that we line the same to be ron'wrt. We .also certify that tie said company's financial statement for the said year upon which. this our certificate is huloreed is cornet and that the mash balance at the 8111 of December, 1020, to the credit oho said Company is 90 follows 1 Cash in Bank of lianilton, Wroxoter $ 976 44 Cash in Royal Bank of Canada, llnrristt n 106e 10 Cash in Standard Bank of Canada, Brussels eel 02 A. A. GRAHAM, Amino"'T. 1t. I111NN 10'" t', Dated at Wroxeter. January 10th, 1023. xvory monlfon( not In arrears is entitled to ono 7,110 ; 10 insured 'for 51.601.1 aid over two votes ; 53000 and over throe votes. NOTICE • NOUCB Is hereby given that the Annual sleeting of the mom - 'bets of the Uompany will be !told in to Township Hall, 14orri0, on 'Tuesday, Fubruary 1611,, 1021, et 1.20 n'olock p. in., for the purpose of receiving the reports of Dlrectm'eand Auditors for the past year and for other business. By 01ler of the Board, Iv. 8. htc1dBltU1IP.11, Secretary. 'Gerrie, January 16th, 142E MUST HAVE PERMIT TO HAVE FIREARMS ilei POSSESSION Circular Received by Chief Of Police Oliver From Attorney -General Says This: The following letter was received by Chief of Police 'Oliver and a copy has been sent to the banks and other places of business. The letter is from the Attorney -General and reads: From information received front tate Attoaney-General regarding the amendment to Sec, 118 of the Crim- inal Cole, 1920, it is necessary for every person having in his posses- sion . any cannon, machine gun, 'rifle, revolver, pistol, bomb, or any other firearm, or any air gun or device or contrivance for muffling or stop- ing the sound or the report of any firearm, to have a permit for any shut gun owned bx him before the 15th of October, 1920. Or sells or without lawful excuse, gives or lends any such offensive weapon, firearm, air gun, or device or contrivance to any one not beink the holder of a permit, In case of a sale neglects to keep a record of such sale, the date thereof, the name of the purchaser, such sufficient des- scription of the weapon, firearm, air gun, device or contrivance sold as may be necessary to identiy it, the date and place of issue of the per- mit, or neglects to send a duplicate of such record by registered mail, to the person who issued the permit or neglects to indorse upon said per- mit, the date and place of sale, the said description of weapon, fire arm, au.un device t g v e o r contrivance and name of vendor, Penalty The penalty for any infraction not to exceed 5100.00 and costs or to imprisonment for three months or to both fine and costs and imprison- ment. „ Pointed Paragraphs Lifer -According to some modern writers there is almost as much differ- ence between men and women as be- tween men and women -or women and Been. Max Beerhollnl, quoted in London Mercury. -it is a pity that critics should show so little sympathy with writers, and curious when we consider that most of them tried to be writers themselves, once. Kingston Whig: - Fritzi Scheff is suing her third husband for divorce, charging him with intemperance. 'Fritz: ought to be charged with intemperance herself -in husbands. Baltimore Sun: = By the time an immigrant gets accustomed to the climate, he begins to worry about the hordes of aliens coming in, Kingston Whig -- Dr. Graham Bell says fish talk to each other. ' Do they weigh their words carefully with their scales? British Wing: - One who is held upb g thieve � scan console himself with the thought that the internal revenue collector would get it anyway. Kingston Whig: - When daughter dresses for a party, she always puts 'off until to -morrow what she should keep on to -day. Orillia Packet: - "A tree will make a million matches and a match may destroyon trees, a milli Boston Transcript: - While they are talking of disarmament, why does not someone suggest that the nations of the world cut down in the manufacture of poison gas? Orillia Packet:.-- A certain actress protests that she cannot live on $50,000 a year. Her father and mother pro- bably pulled through on a thousand or less. But we live in a progressive age. SE ASTHMA RAY-IIIiAH NO Smokiap-'No Sprayial-No Snit Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH 1'a Guarant,Rd to restore normal breathlaq 'atop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give long nights of quiet sleep; contains sus habit-formingg drug, $1.00 at your dit'tus- gist's, Thal freeatcatrsgasch orvrrdte Tye. 142 King 'W., e1st'oato. Leval Agent • Janes S'ox tiltirbleattant1512 t'1 S1"a ka 1-y, " .Ift „C 1.1*1111.1110100101111 111$} 1 0441.404414 q4+ *004,les.ls4•1 a 6 • • • • • • • A HIOW yABT ou Battery This hinter 1. To be assured of a good Battery in the tlpring',l leave it with us for Winter Storage, WET STORAGE 'Your Battery will freeze if allowed to become discharged. 5 tori ,g a l3atter•y under the wet process simply meanS that your Battery will have our individual attention throughout the Winter 030151hs, inasmuch its we will keen it active and in a charged condition. Get our prices on Winter Storage, All Makes of Cars Overhauled AND Iiim ESDI°"' We -still have a number of Tires on baud that are I,ffered at Greatly Reduced F'ricss. Columbia Dry Cells and I,X.L,e Batteries Mr'Now in the time to have your Oar overhauled as prices arc lower. Cunningham's Garage • 6' 4 • • A a A 41, a • • P • • • • • m m 4 • • -- O ifse•N•••••••e••••e•eeeeeetf•b•••e 04'0 e0•kes4eAesseeee* Kingston Whig; -The difference between a dimple and a wrinkle is about thirty years. Kingston Whig: - The advance of prohibition in Scotland Leads us to wonder whether kilts have a hip pocket. Saskatoon Star: - One advantage of drinking wood alcohol, so coroners say, is that usually one drink is enough. New York American: - Chili and Sweden have formed an offensive and defensive ailiance. Seeing that they Ottawa Journal; - Because an ell are only 8,000 miles apart and never blocked the water pipes leading to the see each other, it ought to work out furnace a thousand St. John, N. B., first rate. scliool childrelr'had to be given a holi- day, That is the kind of nature study --- youngsters -youngsters know how to appreciate. Toronto Star: - Five thousand ac- tors and actresses are put out of work in New York, and it appears to be all their own fault. With almost untie- yievable incosistency they refuse to work for stage money, RED STAR. 'WASHER /Mkos Every Woman Senile -so easy to operate -washes clothes no clean. On y e disP Iat our store, Come and see it. Geo. R. Wether AGENT SINS•mmesimmesess earns WANTED To draw Sawlogs by the woo, Trip or day. Call at once. Ament Bros. •00••••••••84.000 s 4 • • • • • e ••• • PAID FOR • • Raw Furs a•nd • Hideo • 1 Highest Price • • • • • • •• • •• • • tr Povltry 9 A G 0 0 • Call me up -'hone 62x • SAM WEINSTEIN • MILL STREET BRUSSELS 40 BRUSSELS ••••40••••••i••4• BACKED BY SIXTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE' DOMINANT IN QUAL- ITY AND SERVICE! Sixty years of leadership --of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment, THE GILSON ENGINE 11116.' sae n Costa You Nothing 14 ' "The Wonderful Gilson" stands supremo. More Gilson. Silo Fillers were sold in Canada last year than any other make. it is gu The [omens Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" 'lin- ur- enteed to be the lightest running blower - gine -any s41. for any purpose -can p gnu ba our- cutter made., g pa -f on the cavy payment plan. Let it pay for itself. Its economy and depend- 611 youirende ,(I get a Gil90n Silo Nina Bad alsht have made it the biggest selling em 611 your own sno-with yang own , ,vhoe ty 4 h. o lar gine in Canada. Let us demonstrate on P. r ger-Itit the proper tutu, urban your farm, your corn Iran the grcutcat teedil,g value. WONDERFUL GILSON.' HYLO SYLO The Kyle Sylo tnaur es sweet, fresh, succulent en- silage down to the Inst forkful. It is built to hast indefinitely. Tirol usi'vc patented features of de- sign and construction explain why the Hylo is chosen by the discrimin- ating farmer. Pays for Manure is the best fertilizer, ]ro,, bare It, itself is the first season. Use 111 The best Manure Spreader made is Then y00r after year, pays the Gilson. Why? It has a wide. spread. 200 per rent. profit on It is low dawn. It has light draft. It will your investment. Can take a real load, It is free from., clutches, you beat it? gears and all complicated parts. THE GILSON SPREADER Call and see our nearest dealer, name below. Ha will neve and make you money on the equipment Illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dixro.Aee Tractors, Wood Saws, Grinders, Pump Jacks, Bolting, eta. Write for Catalog. Mode 0* Canada and duurc,iterd by GILSON MFG. CO., Limited - - GUELPH,' ONT. Call and See Nearest Dealer EARL ROTHWELL, BRUSSELLS, ONT.