HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-27, Page 41 1 .be a i"tx EElo 'fast 'I'l'iU111;WA1',, JANUARY 27. f92l. flaw 1 r H litte•t1p to bt11)8t ever;: worthy project lit yoltr cotnttlunity lir ;i lifter hot a leaner uniy MittenAtd Ltel 701.N expresbetl H WASP When ho o-0 (1 "•1 have potieed that fplk8 are generally ehoet as humpy aye they Made op their minds to be," "Leen whip and more oats" is a motto Moog we might all take anti work it out a g the broadest and best litres possible, Think it out and CHs PosT doubts pot but it will be found a panacea for many of the things tbat fret and caused us to chafe 88 WO travel life's pathway and help pull the loads, Batr3te 1s a glerioeseol02izer a'ld will help soy people to work out tbelrtlestioy if given a t'quere deal. Iudis,. Fgeer, South Africa are shiulog examples and the Green 1de viers •,j y Peace if they cot eurreil.In erei•i:1 tI '.iia and Ceased telling iwaginary troftrte,l to their neigh- > ,t • A toed time is t•o ug '1`HAT wild goose chase of the Muerte- ate balloouisls cyst Uncle Samuel nearly $9,000 but possibly the 1 est lesson learn- ed from a coolish aerial jaunt at a most inopportune .season of tbe year, is an idea of the acreage of Canada. Il'a no one-fifth of au acre lot as some of the American school honks were printing it years ago Tee trip to Moose Factory may not be altogether money thrown away. P&nynecteI. Prohibition Convention mill be held in Massey Hail, '1'orouto, Tuesday, Wednesday and Tbersday, February 22. 23 and 24 There Will no doubt be a big rally in view of the coming. Referendum vote and advanced degtelstion eougbt for. 143318 Barleycorn 1g only waiting t receive a dual knock. o r out blow, and all lovers of sobriety should help give it to him. Special railway rate to Toronto for tbe Con. vention. DDE! for Sale Quantity of good hard Maple and Beech Cord- wood which we will dis- pose of in the bush. Ament Bros,. S L z3Ru.SSE I•r needs a jolt to get mote of us our of our eeasy 330 Mete are naw eurolled at the Stock and Seed Judging Course at the 0. A. C Guelph ; 37 take the Dairy course ; 32 redd] study 13eekerp`ng rind 20 lake up the alt of getting bees to do their beet laying (u Winter when the top notch market (13120s rule 6 W mien are to be found in the Poultry class --not because they are "old hens" though but up•to. h times }s r of m . 1 e deters. One enrolment of 15o'inethe tractor class 1 e e9. Gasoline is r't;ht au otl Dcbbi a's b. Axe you a lover of flo'rers 1 If so, and you live in this locahly, join the Hortieelturat Society aud do your part in helping beautify your property sad community in which you reside. $t on wet make you a member for a year but We interest cleated in your borne, your school Or church may be beyond cow putatluu. A lew fl later beds or dowel- ing steub5 'Mooted et the sebooi and uteetiug house in the Spring of met might be the initial step and many a stride in advance.. Let us rouse up and get ou the jab. The trustees won't 0bjtet t•' a little 6xeig up Probably they would be ready to assist. Meer bodies who imagined that wo man kind were the weaker vessels will have to revise their tbeories. During the plat week one woman shot a man to death. and forgot all about it for several dere. Another gazelf heard somebody Lu.ovu Gsoaee, the modern Moses,. turnbl:og round in the vestabu(e of her alas caucelIed a holiday he bad plaooed borne one night and thinking it was a on a0eouut of the fidgety character of burglar sent s tittle leader pellet from public affairs in ti's domain. He's sure- the throat of a 7 sheerer in that direction ly a royal oak statesman and a long and lased uu' her hubby The old idea stretch removed from commonplace that a woman "couldn't bit a barn doe" basswood politicians. Everybody don't must sorely be a cunningly devised love him hat possibly that's to his credit fable or eiee female markstnansh.p hes as arc ca led recommend from some improved much of late. Tbis note peop'e is the hlacke,t kind of a black should be taken as a hint by prowling eye that can be obtained. nocturnal husbands as well as by gentle men of leisure who desire to follow an easy style of supplying their needs with- out raisin!{ blisters on their hands There is hot much Cost time between the "bark" and "bite" of a well a`med revolver and tbere aim much room ter dodging either. Ote page 5 of ibis issue may lee read the Animal Report of the Howiek Mutual Fire Insurance Company, a well known organ zttion establisbed in the year 1873 Toe apnual meeting will be bell 10 Gorrie on Tuesday. February 15th. Retiring Directors this year are John A. Brvaos and A. E. Gallaher, both of whom are eligible for reelection This Compa0y is one of the strougest and best managed in the Province, ere a comparison from authenticated and an. biased coerces will prove. Two important public gatberiogsthat a great many people take no Interest in are the Ontario Horticultural Conven- tion to be held at Hart House, Univer- Grey Council 4akto•tora**0004004044"e, • t► 4 For a.&le 4t 5 Greta lager, .lit r'xelient;h AirIs t srnte at tour ket ;Aloe at • 1 1 Et• hel Elevator Nay Bros, Ltd., per G. C. Gllitt • f 31111►- Also ageot for the well A k3 31'w» leert13iree, i-1Hrab,1)evies, • F13' 1Plotter lva s N w alrat, s Tutelage, 1 t >d n ,f t o r •' H l i. n e t ( deKb t 1 UAaI t ix . of 1 litlet 11 Nla t. 47e ttt t e s t t t u � ill i i G. C. GILL -' Agent OA**. .,. 4409006.444e:a Fiat Poll Clerk, No. 5, $200';, .A mos Smith, D. 11 0 No. 0, 1$400; Santee) McGeorge, Poll Olel k, N. 6, $2 W ; Allan Catereeote 1). It 0 No 7 $4.00 ; 1V. E. Fterreet, Poll Clerk, No, 7, $2.00 ; Bernice Prtvn, use .d' echuol tome? for election, $3.1)o; Solas Jolene etnn, nee off echoed Melee fur election, 53.00 ; 11 3, ldndvee, use of school bowie for election, $300; .Gen, Rob- t "1aH for 8182'. n ucl 1 t ' 11 tree f a it 1 Rob - referee to Il, 1 a time 53.00 ; Ivie Campbell, 1150 431 school house for el821101', $3 OO ; Jecne Long, tree of hall for elertgu, .$3 Oh ; Grant to Public e Llbtaly, Ethel, $10.00; Grant to Sick Chihli ens' Hospital, Toronto, $1000; Giant tit Childreus' Aid Society, Gnderieh, 510 00. Council adjnnutad to meet February 7th, A. If. MACDONALD, Clerk. Turnberry Council Minutes of Council hied 311 Bluevale Jan. 10th. Members present, Jas. Porter, Reeve, W. A. Mines, J. J. Moffatt and .1, L. RfacEtgen, (Arendt - lore. After signing drelevation of office Council went on with regular business. 3tiuutee of last reeetlrlg, Nontina- •fun tneet1ng and election lead and approved. on motion of J. J. Moffatt and W. A. Mimes. B Laus were passed confirming appointment of O1,uncii as mall come lulssi0ners, Geo. Y. Cruikshank and Allan McEwen, Auditors, Vtn. S King, Assessor anti James Moffett n member of the Bolted of Health. Moved by 3. L. Mac}"riven and J. J. Mt4fatt that By -Low No 5 he passed . for holding it Nwniullion meeting to Foreetel's' Hall, Blneyale, 11"nday, Jan. 24111, at 1 o'clock p, ru. Ou mCtien of 1V. A. Mitterrand J. J. Mof- fat Reeve and Clerk were authorized to sign petitions to the Mil,ister of Public Highways re provincial grants for public roads. eloveal by R3', A. :lines and J. J. 1110ffatt that we call for tenders fur township printing. Carried. Following ece0nuts• .paid. were :--Ll. B. Murphy, fees re Douglas appeal, $5659 ; C. A. Jones. fees re Jermyn drain, 5173.17 ; 3. Clasem"re, gravel, thee, '518.00 ;1'1>F. (3 Scot nud 81 phone telephone ratty F. 00. Next Council meeting will be held in Bluevnte on Feb. 155111, rat 1 p. m. P. POWELL, Clerk. East Wawanosh Council The elnnicipal Council of the Town- First meeting of Council for 1921 ship of Grey ]net in the Township u held according to stntutp, Hall, Ethel, on :tfondrty 3anualy 1001. January 10th, with members present, Following member; of Council :-be. Reeve Currie presiding. Afeel a feu ing John hleNatb, Reeve, Jas. F. Col- timely estingkfrom peeve. Irrigates of 11 , Deputy -Reeve, and Phi nuts Mac last metiug in 3920 were read and os Donald, °firer Barris and Robert L. en owi. Taylor, Councillors. The minuets of Faolillowing efnelale were appointer} the The the current year la -W111. Rialtoed. 1 Bylaw No.and adopt- 1 fur 19`21,, anpointdng son, school at lindanes r f ser ; J. N. the following Municipal Meets for Carnphell, member Board of Ittalth; the current year wee put through its Jno. b. recon and John F11 1t., Audi - tars salary *12.00 each ; David S 1 status and finally passed Yee 1 sity grounds, 'Toronto, on February tots severe a atr 1 Scott, Culleetrn', 813181 y $85 00 ; Win Rn$ Irth, and the Fairs and Exhibitions (leek and Treasurer, A. H. Mlardon- SV1ghtr11Ht1, Aes8091lr, salary $100,011 old ; Assessor, Johneitn r g g ; Collet'' O sin t5 rat a minima, of extra work Convention stttect for February 8 and 9, tor, P. J. Bishop; Auditnre, • Edward H'ulton and Jas. A. Mc:.Vnir • School made nece,sary by recent. Iegdi;lHl[nu, y in the Foresters' Hall, College street, Queen city. Both bodies deal with very practical affairs an(1 if they become humdrum snmetimes its because they need shaking up. with a new set of of- ficers, perhaps who wooed get the annual program out of a rut. It will be a glad day for all public gatherings when ,the oh qui'0us delegate comes to the con• cleeion that somebody else should be permitted to get a word du edgeways on the sud•jects being discussed now and then, 't'a'king machines grow monotin- ons no matter y tt how well the do their' Inspect , At tendanc Officer, John Kreuter'.whereby Clerk and Asseesoe are called Fenceviesveee t Gideon 0. Parks, upon to fulfil, 515 00 was greeted each Antos Smith, Cuthbert Hutchinsnn, of those IfIebslo neer ii 111811' fnr 1 Robert J. Hoover, John Oliver, Rich- salal`les, 510.00 was vetted do (rid 11 I ardlCox, Andrew xllaeltan and Thom- the Children's Sheltie G1,deri,'lt li sitnilarat10(nttto the 33311knka arFir. a9Poundkeeps, 801,122 Payn, Hospital, 0 copies of Muniripnl World Thnmas Cumming, 4irilliant 3, Gill, were orderrd-for Council and Clerk. 11 William altdhe h a, Jacob Long, Dime 1 ; Oolleclne repot ted 111134 he been C. Collie, George McKay trod 1V,n. 11. 01102080101 in obtaln(ng all the tuxes Sholdice. levied in 1920. Board of Health : Dr. M. Ferguson, Moved by Mr. Cmittes, seconded by Medical Health Officer, John McNabll, Mr, Rober4aan, that Reeve and Clark Chairman, A. H. Macdonald, Secre- tary, and George McFarlane, Sanitary InspectorJohn Kreuter. 1 By-law No. 2 for 1921, providing for expenditure on the roads in the Town- ship of Grey during the year 1921. Wrier a couple of women folk on Tor- i under' the Ontaa}n Highways Act and 17( amendments thereto, and appropriat- 4 onto city Council and aootber good , ;rag frnnl Lha x(8438}es raised by general :5lbvtYbLtrb 4P/� O. Increase Your Earning Power by taking a Course In the ELLIOTT,{j sister a Manitoba M. P. P. tbe acidity of 1 taxation the sunt of $5000 00 fur that •e. these respective bodies should be nicely purpose was put through 119 several Pe Tonga 8, Charles ate, Toronto ata ee and final] paaaed to sweetened and the Lords of creation may . Ify-I'•W No.31(1i1' 1921 appointing the Orient the last two students to accept ty come to the conclusion that all the good i Reeve Road Overseer for the Town- 0 a00I 1 eaik'e .tine daft cee Der ntlk R. s2a041a the community le not covered , ship of Gtey under the Ontario pj Promotion In hnoh,ese is raped it you b3' their res restive hats, Woman can I Highways Act was Put throe g,it les 0 have 005508* proparatton Thio 1 several 04431308 and f1r1813y pit80231. r'� sohoel la noted for high kende training _t� mike au A t job of managing the home, l , r ,, and for as:fetin the students to obtain l g g The CnllBetpr a 1.011 for 1920 was re- employment. Write for Cottage Clr• church departments. benevolent testi-' cefved and Collector relieved ftorn , ou ar,t)Enter at any lima t aloes end we are ready to believe she 1 any further responsibility in regard to w. J. EL1.IOYF, PR!NC/PAL totions REAM FL0uR' FST ill its f3. 1e • 1 �-• tee.. sal !8111 I% OU can also make beautiful light caller and bread of wonderful whiteness and flavor ithCream of theWest w Flour. ed lain Co, Limited 1 Leaf illi Maple c g P Halifax Toronto, Winnipeg, Brandon, t4' l be authorized to sign and submit to the Minister of Public Works and Highways of the Fer0v111Ce of Ontario, the petition of the Corporation of the Tp. of East Wawanm.11, showing that during the year 1920 thele has been expended upon the township roses and bridges the sum of $6035.45, and tequeeting the statutory grant me that amount as provided by the Ontario Highweve Act and amendments thereto.-013r1•ied. By -13335 No. 1, 1921 ratifying the ap' poiltlment of towriehip officials and ley -Law No. 2, 1921, appointing *Domicil total Commissi0ner•,s were read and passed. A number of ar- couttte amnuutlug in all to 533659 iichCouncil aid after were or<ierral p adj.mrned to meet Monday, Feb. 7th, at I o'clock. A; PORTERRFIELD, Clerk. same, will da good walk in tbe new sphere of 3 The following accounts were pre- v1 FA7rvaVesl ie=^,2agiiR 2 operat one. If these public bodies are soloed and masted to be paid : "no fit place for women" then it don't The Municipal World, election 803)' saymuch for the past management when plies, *7. 42 ; D. Milue sheep ealva- the daughters of Eve had the key turned tor, $2,00 t Louis Steise, drawing gravel, $2.46 , Geo, M. Mitcho11, (3085-1 on them. Our mothers, wives, sisters 0311113 ballot boxes, $15170180G; 0 011 ; Cies. 1+.. i add daughters are not miens -what' ever' Speiran, gravellin" , $170 80 ; Thos, t111S8 you may see fit to place the prov-'; Berke, underht114htng and work on e bial motheretelaw netwithatandin I Burke Drain, $51.00; William Holt. 1 g' ! ^k on Burke Drain $611100 • Wil• anti all they need is au opportunity to • li oe w am A, Halton, repairing . belege, ! prove they are ail•wooband•a•yard•wide, ! 1$3 00 ; Geo. Johnston, D. It. O, No. 1r, they are play largerm No 2, $4.00 , D. Poll Clerk, M tbe history of this gem of British poe. No 2, $200 ; Oliver Turnbull, D. R. ' si ne It is up to every Woman t0 O No 8 $4 00 • John S. Ritchie, Poll Hurrah ! for the 'women of Confide, : 1B4.00 ; Chita, A. Shn$)8"' Pall Cler(, p - a - Stave - Chestnut r .destined to la a art in No, 1, $2.00 ; ) Davidson,flo Grant, D. R. k. 1 4 Coal woommigtemistownmummi Assammumignita No. 1 Hard sea a . past 17erself tin the wider .arena into Clerk, $2.00: Neil l41(tTaggart, p_ S T Plum D. IL 0, Nu, 4, $4.00 ; M, Hartfsnn, E. 18G M 1 w 11, 0. 13'0.5, 4.00 ; ' W. Y•3. Lave, PHONE 41x tvhiell she ham eutered sous to 'be ready Poll Clerk No 4,52,04 ; P J. Bishop I to stop into the open doors. heumatasm Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Have brought good health to half-a-ml.lton sufferers. A healthful, monev-saving remedy, wen known for fifteen years, pre- scribed by doctors, Bold by drug- gists, $1:00 a box. Ask our agents or write for a free trialackage." Templetons,142 King W., Toronto Local Agent, 3ntnne Fox. z.3' , �.1,. i••i•i••i+++•t-i••1•i••i'Q•'1•i•++++*•F++++4+W+•F4•F•F^•94•++++++++++ + + • + 0 Sey`aon.a of good land upon which is n com- fortable h00ev.mld frame stable. Possession brook,, a sly owned by e. Village of Draw brook, lately' Owned by Mra. D. Drown. For 11141110r pertiieniars amply to Mils. T. CA8ERCN, or Waif. CAMERON, Executors, Gran)r0011, (No'ri*I* Ye 1seteli'» O ,-11h thN. ',ratter •f the eetete of dtamee.. n h f o St 1p • f W tete of*he 'r aa. i 1 � na, tl M oA 1 ! 0811, to the County of 'liven, Var. O .d. I roar, a•oen e 9 Notice. ht eal'elay elven puruuaut to ":11)1 fie• hie ether toilettOntario." Meerut as:O e Braaaanteeof 32055(31 3ame1111 3008130331, who died On or "nt flay et Jane, .A, D, lege, ere aelgat the at. d 22141, A. ), 41 before the Meal dry or Tarn eery, AtD• Chloe tv rend na peso, Brusselsied, 0., l.un, N .2 UhaA A. Mcnu)503 0 ts305)13 s s to ttei ]Yheistlt1Arhtthllurnam of the estate their l51Q0'tno end port hatters addresses 385)31a30 1(15 3i1Rulens, the full portiattersoftheiralnlnta the statement of their tweonlibe and LIM10(1 na- ture of the ta0ur141es lit tiny) bold by •haul. Aud further581(0130We (Wetter 0000 Inst n,antfoned dote the sand Administrator win proceed to dist Moto 6110 assets or the deaessed among the nitrites entitled thereto, having re. Ord 001y 40 the 0lntuls 01 1811101 ho a10131W1(1 Bove Hallos, and said Admluistrator not be liable for the said 4100330 or any nett 1 thereof to any Perron 01 4)33(00(0 of whose claim notlee 03,911 not terve been reoelved by !Must the time of moll distribution, Dated thin lith' day rot January 2,.D, 1921. CHA1, A. lttoi)ONALD, 28.8 :Administrator of the e0t3te. Notice l haw Sorvioe The nederstened a iii keep ter so2vine, nn 345 eeot lrort,lio,2, (1(2clstunmrrlp,rholhoro b3' el ..1)04sge, sternn Iinby, Htof Marquis (1 No.1 Min 101110 il II Royal Minter(minor4i8U')1 3. i�llii fgrna may bit area 011 Opp 1,rtllort, Terme" 0(2.30 00r thorn .tinkle parnhle at (1(8143 0: ser' 1.iue With pr2Ylle4;0 to return, Grade ewe met ,, ]HUB. P3(51(033, Proprleloi' Farm for Sale (3ottlahtfnit 100 sores, Wire leve, (`013.0, (3005'�1' township, ;Morels n good two-story tai 11 ho11511 with fnrmieo hank Intro with 8tabioseetuoit31 t 1 wind it silo, hen house, pig 3101, 43 (l,rd well, 20 tirte,1 bro4�lord. ltur. 131 nsil nnd tnt Br one. 5433,4343( 35 nails distant, l21 miles plowtrota51,000010 sseedel0ohoe.rFor IIplewng done, 18aor0sa8nded 10187. 1503' of t mdara n 1 1 Mbar at i Pm y tl 1� kerma end p_ Ghnti+ 1,ntldas, or if by Muer to es. P. U., 13, H, 1. 31HH,11NIC111 BPru1'11, sss,. ' Farm for Sale Applications for the °ler table of the Ainnl• 01pal1ty of the Township, of 11e00110p will bo received by the Council of the said Af Wotan'. IEpplile tions wilt day at a'eloohen ni„ 84 G'onaen 5,11 0e2038.1111 a1 the Carnegie Lit- t�ry,8entvrth' m, MULIDIE. Jnnuory 17th, 1.123. Angus Bulls for Sale to A taw choice ld Angus Dulls for sale from 8 la months old. Pliord Co call. Call pndeee them. M.L. CA1tDIFN>. Phone 428 Lot 10, Con. I8, Greys For Sale WANTED Highest prices paid for all kinds of'Logs, LSO wish to call the attention of any �ters(u8 wishing odd Nee at the Flailing Mill to place orders eat17. B R S. AMENT 4 woad or WDRK Parties wattling \Vood eau have the sante, delivered at their residences et the following Cash Prices :- Dry 28 inch wood, per cord $ 6 00 Green 26 inch wood, per cord.... 0 50 Green 4 -foot wood, pet cord.,.:9 00 Parties wanting to cut wood by the cord can get contracte. P1310ies willing to haul wood may also get contracts at price per cord delivered where directed in the Village of Brussels by the Clerk or in his ab- sence, R. Oliver. Apply to the undersigned. F. S. SCOTT, Clerk. $50 to $5,000 t + + + + A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT A YEAR FOR LIFE -No better life investment available ` -No better security obtainable --Cannot be seized or levied upon for any cause -Will be replaced if lost, stolen or destroyed -Not affected by trade depression -Free from Dominion Income Tax -No medical examination required Anyone over the age of 5 years resident or domiciled in Canada may purchase. Any two persons may purchase jointly. ,j. Employers may purchase for their employees -school boards for + their teachers -congregations for their ministers. Apply to your postmeptap or write, postage free, to S. T. 880(840, Super- ' intendant of Annuities Ottawa, roc new booklet and other laformotioe dsp ecd. +',�',' Stake sex and age lest birthday. 440++++++++.6444+04444+04.1444004444•444++++++++++ FARM HELP Owing to unemployment in centres of popula- tion there are many men now available for farm work. A large number of these men have had farm experience and their services are now available at moderate wages with board. Farmers who can usefully employ one or two of these men at this will be rendering a service to the community as well as to themselves. Many farmers have repairs and other odd jobs which have been put off for years on account of the high cost of labor, This might be a good time to get caught up work of this nature. Fanners desiring help please communicate with your local Representative and state the nature of the work and wages you are willing to pay. S. B. STOTHERS, Agricultural. Representative, County Huron. HONORABLE MANNING 1V. DOH.Ilt1)'rY, Ministor of Agticultut'e. Being 800111yy6 Lots 20 and �yy24, flan. 0, Hawker ar((dwood,4wee Buren aol0dar807 5 Norsh0114 10 acres river flats, good pasture hind balance 1st 0(880 working land 1a .high state of cult! vat(on. Largge Ulnlit barn with straw shed,: cement stabling and hog pe710 uudernesbh, Cement tato, 110111117 11178(2, 2 lioutae, roboot on promisee. Doily small delivery and Wroxe• ter tsl1ph0110, Lott or good yp water. Farm well footled. ,5ATIII(M.i58 21llnkof, 0803 Tho nae. Bush for Sale Standing bush, consisting of soft maple, ash 0on 6,(aro town. . d birch, for Sade Lot 1, Cy n id She acro. For further 5 1 3 be b 811 Will b y particulars see the undersigned. , ` A'H08. PIERCE, Phone16la. North Gravel Bead, The Hill View Farm JAS. A.' REA Breeder of large English Berkshires Young stook for sale, either sox. For further particulars write or phone. Brossols Central- Walton.P.0. Phone 8010. n. rt. 0 44.4%:+44,y F44.14 !'61••44• .4.t', r•a•y4•t' 04.414.94.044+0+4,4.40 ! 4.4.444.44 4+as , The Seaforth Creamery t• eream Wanted 1 Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service' and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. • We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test a 0 it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- 4. pies and pay you the highest market prices every two + Iweeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. +For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. ,. iMcCALL, Phone 23 to, Brussels, or write to • The Seaforth Creamery Co. 4. SEAFORTH, ONT. • z + 1e", +@-F,4•••••4+*+.4A+•4444rl4►••'1'at'F4•he+•++++M4 4-b lbs e i e•e444, r Cream Wanted �¢rsta�a t1111tt _ ps�t� - Ship yi;uit• Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satislfact1 rpt Returns We furnish ybu with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques fur the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay• able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and will not want to discontinue. Brust.Crnoery Etc'�i'i bras. Props vOrill h...m.E.wfa.W..,i..,.w...___30 ,o.,mFN*,,,.. n,4.:8a„',., .k•.,M1 • r ci•400••AFon••044••9+444•••+41044•40.0040@44•F844.64.4f Students May • s 1 yye 1: 7. e 4 Enter Any Time We give thorough Courses ; have l sperieneed instructors who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under ,soldiers' Civil Ile -establishment Commission. Addrooe the college for Feta Oatato9Ue, to etth00 Stratford or Winglham • • • .4 • . • w • (L • 99 43 *C••••••••••••••••••••••••• Itp I • 4+44 +01.,91Wta 1=444444st