HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-20, Page 804440 0401•0 +00.4 .11+M MORE EGGS Dr. Hess' Poultry ", Panacea. Makes Hens Lay' More Eggs Ib, pkg. Panacea 350 5 ib. pkg. Panacea 85c' This for 60 hens 40 days 12 lb. pkg. Panacea $1.75 This for rno hem 6o days Hess' Instant Louse Killer For either Poultry or Stock 350 pkg. Dr. Hess' Stock Tonic Is a Conditioner and Worm Expeller — keeps stock healthy. 25 lb. pails Stock Tonic at $3 5o. Also sev- eral smaller sizes of pkgs. at 35c, 75c anti $1 35. Other Dr. Hess' Preparations : Hess' Dip and Disinfectant Sc5Tins and 44C Bots. Hess' Heave Powder 5oc pkg Hess' Worm Powder sec pkg Hess' Healing Powder 25c dos Hellebore, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, Dec. • The Cool, Clean Klenzo Feeling TLPLENZ0 protects the Mouth in the net'ural way. It keeps the mouth free from sub. stances that fos. ter germs, acids and decay. And while it Is doing this, it ins. parte that wonder. fol Cool, Cleat, Klenzo Feeling which testifies to its cleansing propertf*Y Get a tube to try today. ,400•100) yy'rr nn, Brushes loath Klen� a each iu a separate carton 35c ea. Other Tooth Brushes at 2oc, 250, 350. 500 and 65c each t F!RISMITH tp, Druggist and Stationer •i'+ t••f•'F 1. •7• si-oi'+++ a G+4+•4 3•• 7• +9P •i' ata1cytz etas /tents READ about the Gilson Farm equip• .l d � E 1 Rrtthwetl is the LOCAL news on page 5. HURON Co. Council will meet next Tuesday. LLU1D GEORGE, the British Premier, was 58 years old last Mooday, MESIBERS of Farmers' Club are asked to read the advt. concerning meeting Saturday afternoon. F. S. SCOTT was elected Chairman of Brussels Public Library Board for the currant year, succeeding B. S. Scott. o wale or clock that is not HAVE y u e b going right ? J. G. loves is prepared to adjust them at his residence, Turoberry street. A robin was seen last Saturday by members of lames Armstrong's family, Flora street. Redbreast would not be le sed with weather- much pleased program ]afar. ANNUAL meeting of East Huron Agri- cultural Society was held Wednesday afternoon of this week in the Council uhamlter. Report will bo given in next week', issue of Ties POST. SUNDAY was a stormy day at times but the snow was so light and the breeze, or gale at times, so strong the sleighing was not much improved in some places by the downfall, The local snowplow helped clear the sidewalks Monday morning. SOCIAL EVENING —'The W. M. S. of Melville church 'intend giving a social evening to all the young people of the congregation Thursday evening of this week in the Lecture room of the ahuroh. Special invitation given to the young folk. Gocd program of music, games, &a AUCTION Sale of Household effects is announced by Mrs. Lyda Thuell, at her home, Alexander street, Brussels, for Saturdsy of this week, at 2 p m. She intends giving up housekeeping and will go to Kinburo to live with her daughter, Mrs Colclough, in the mean- time. The house has been leased to N. Chapman, of Chapman Bios., boot & shoe dealers. -Mrs. 'Thuell has made bei ]tomo in Brussels for a good many years. See bills for further particulars of Sale. JAMES BROWN DECEASED —The daily papers of last Friday published the sad news of the demise of James Brown, of Portage la Prairie, Mao. Brusselites are specially interested in him from the fact that Mrs, Brown was a former well kuown resident of this place when Miss Jennie Hargreaves, sister of jno.` Har- greaves, who was engaged here in the drug business for some years. Mr, Brown was a fine man and highly es- teemed by a wide circle of friends, He is .a brother of john Brown, the well known Provincial Treasurer of Mani. toha, with whom he carried on a large mercantile business in Portage la Prairie for years. Brussels friends tender Mrs. Brown sympathy in her bereavement. They had no family. Cosy Homs Sou). --Last week Into, Crerar. 9th Con , Grey township; pur' chased the comfortable residence of Mrs. Alex: Bryans, Queen street, paying the sum of $3,5oo tor it. Ile wilt be given early possession. Mrs. Bryans and Miss Ina may remove to 'Toronto, it is said, where Mise Berea holds a position on the public school teaching staff. '''Their removal will be deeply regretted by a wide circle. Miss Bryans is organist in St. John`s church and along with. her mother, has been a diligent worker in various departments of the church. Site has had a position in F, R. Smith's drug store here for several years. Mr. Crerar, has sold bis fine farm to D. Mc- IUunou who moves to it in March. mens oo page 4 .r represeutative for Brussels and locality. A lively move was made last week on sawlog hauling to the Ament Bros. saw- mill Several additional teams were drafted in to assist in the somewhat de laved haulage, ow ng to the lack of good sleighiug this season. CAR tet aaopio sR About3 ro R I T Y 1100 1 Iliad, Wood was dere from Ghmkatp Fur , few d ys last week. M 12 l y Plum t from a visit Bran and Shorts Also a quantity of Good Corn Fon SALE.—Comfortable dwelling and 5S acre of land For further particulars ask at Tun PosT Publishing House. Farm ine reduction 18 offered in the balance of Winter Millinery to elear 7 M19t{� MSN, Brussels. f Berkshire sown 1 p mire red' Be P FOR PALEsh type.! p (large English typo.! W.J. 'MASTER, Blai:vaie: Goon Cedar posts for sale any length wanted NI ore Con. 8, Morrie. W. J. Bel5NE8 Phone 4628. FOR PALE IN CRANPROOR,—Kitchen 12 x 18 feet, matched lumber inside end ont, Cheap o Phone 6518 a JOHN WILa N for nicks le 4 Fon SALz.—A fine large young Durham Cow, fresh, with colt at foot. Phone 4818 R. C. CAMPDaLa.. PAIR of brown woollen gloves last between the bridge and Bruseeln depot. Finder please return shwa 10 Tan. P01T. Ct10ron Short Horn Bull for sale, 11 months old. D. GLAes1En, Lot 8, Con. 11, Grey. Phone 2518 Fon SALE.—The residence of J. T. Wood, Albert street, Brussels. All modern canvass. fences; 5 acre of land; most eligibly situated; garage. Conte and see it if interested, YARN Pon SALE.—A quantity of light gray yarn on hand at the close of the war in offered for sale at 3160 per pound. Mayy be had at the Pnhlio Library, Now is the thio to seoare it for the Fall and Winter's knitting. DeSre.ute. property for sale in Brussels con- alsting of a large store and comforteble dwell - Mg hooses. Por further nartienlara apply to R. LaATDERDALe. Phone 87 Dn. Panama, Osteopathia Physician, vitae Brusnele Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases sueeeasfuliy treated. Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel.. REPO laSaN'CATIPe WANTED for Brnesele and Huron County to represent "The Cid Rellnble Fonthill Nurseries." Big sales are to be made In selling Nursery stock. during the recon• struotion period. A splendid opportunity for a live ealesmnn, Htgbest commloslone ppid, handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit and ornamental stock to offer. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. WAIT Fos IT.—Through the kindness and courtesy of F. S. Browne, a fine moving picture Show is to be placed at the disposal of the Library Board on the evening of Thursday 27th in the Town Hall, Brussels, Special films of a high order are being procured and the entire proceedst;above operating expenses are to go to the funds of the Library, Full- er announcement will be made neXt week Keep the date clear and be pre- pared to boost the Library by your presence. Purity Flour $5,99 per cwt. Blended pin 1;SlH° $5.45 Alf. Baeker Poplar and Balm of Gilead Wanted We can use a quantity of Poplar and Balm of Gilead Timber. Call for particulars. Ament Bros. THE fast growing demand for'I'emp;e- ton's Rheumatic Capsules aril Raz Mab for Asthma, which las. Fax's Dray Store has experienced since securing th, local agency, proves the value of the medicines. We are sorry to hear of the ill health of Lorne 5, Dunford. of^+Detroit. II fishes will hasten his recovery good w he should soon be o, k, H, i; an old Brussels boy, a son of E. C. and Mr• Dunlord, of town. WOMEN'S Iostiiute will.meet Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Public. Library. Topic. "Living a l;fe is mor than making a Living" will be in charge of Mrs. Nelson Cardiff. Roll call, eu' rent events. An invitation is extended to all the ladies to be present. Music. Ex•BRU5SELITE4 in Toronto are hold ing a Re union, Friday evening of nex' •vleek, Ian 28:11, at the Brown Betty Ten Rooms. If any one has not received 0n invitation or kuowsof any who has not kindly communicate with the Secretary C. McCracken, ,112 Grace St. (College 85x4) at once, BAIL. KING'S famous story "The Street Called Straight" comes to the Family theatre Saturday, Jan 22nd, • in motion picture form. It is a powerfull. dramatic story of a great lore born of a great tragedy. As a book it gripped the ioterest of millions of readers As a picture it is even more vivid and pul- sating. It is a Goldwyn picture and one worth seeing. SUCc es, YUL.—A most successful after' noon tea and sale of Home made baking and candy, was held on S'eturdsy after noon and evening by the ladies of town and community, for the bentfi' of the Public Library, and the splendid sum of $Ion 73 was real zed. The L'braty Board have asked us to convey thei HoMR FROM THE WEST.—Chas Mil- ler, formerly of Brussels, who has spent the past to years in Yorkton and vicin- ity is hereon a holiday visit. He thinks that country a good one and is quite ready to sound its praises and supply information regarding it. Samples of grain, and photos of the town in post- card and news'leper form are in hand to verify his statements. Crops were ex celleut last yenr tut market nothing to brag about. Yorkton is 316 miles from Winnipeg by auto roads, It is a live town, with streets o9 feet wide, fine buildings, ei or to banks, good lighting plant, big Fair, tlp to•date hotels, 3 rail- ways, a bustling newspaper—The Enter- prise—Long Lake &e. Some big farm- ers up there, Charlie says, a man named Beck owning 36 Sections, Mr, Miller called tr seo his brother George and family at Souris, Manitoba, and spelit a Week with them He left 'Yorkton about Christmas and may return unless he finds something to suit him better in I Ontario although; harlie fared all right out there. • .'s$ i 1 uin le tome relaiivee at Clinton. Mrs, H. B. Churchill anti daughter 1h1ve heeu holidaying with relatives at Strrt. f old. Mrs Alex, Roe and Miss Mary are vial ing retativee and illend3 in Morris low p<h• . Mrs, 1] Rabb has been bothered with an attack of erysipelas is her face but is improving. Mrs. W. L Vonng, Stratford, was visiting at her plrenlal home with Geo, av3 Mrs. Colvin last week, Coles ,o Sslter'of Clinton, was a holi- day visitor at Reeve Plum's. Be is do ing well et school in Toronto. Mrs. A. hunter and Miss Myrtle are visiting with Dr. and Mrs, Jas. M. manro, Listowel, The former is Mrs. Moore's mother. Mrs, C. Procter is at London where she under,.ent au operation last Sun• day, which her many friends hope will. prove efficacious THE POST is pleased to report progress in the condition of Mrs. Robert Bow- man who has heeu so seriously ill and hope she will continue to gain. Miss Apnie Bess' friends are rnpeh gratified at the marked improvement in her health and are delighted to greet her on the street, at church and in the social circles 01300 more, Last week Miss Mande Bryans was laid up by an attack of pleurisy and un. able to attend to her office engagements We are glad to hear she is better again and once more ou duty. We are sorry to hear of the ill health of Mrs, Heart' Moore, 'Trowbridge, r mother of M. H.,.Moo e and Dr. ' J, M Moore, Listowel. She bas had one or more strokes of paralysis. Last week the home of Walter and Mrs. Rose. Frederick street. was quar- antined owing to their daughter, Louise, develepiug a case of smallpox, of a sigh. type. We hope she will come through all right. Mies Ida May McLaucblio, daughter " 'ue of Thos. McLauctill n, visrh g lo this locality From the West, is quarantined in St. George's- hospital. Winnipeg, fol Diphtheria. She is training as a nurse io the General hospital in that city, Miss Ge-lrude Ross, teacher in Fort William, diughter of D, C and Mrs Ross Brussels, was operated on for ap- pendicitis last week and is making good progress. Her wide circle of friends hope for early couvalesceoce. George Crooks, Toronto, was calling on relatives and old friends here during the past week. Ele recently .recovered From a sick spell. - Mr. Cooks is 86 years of age but is wonderfully smart for his age. He came to this community -65 years ago wben settlers were few and clearances small, R. H. Green, grocer of Cayuga, took a run to Brussels last week, to call on 'elatives and old friends He was at- teud"ine the Dalrylnens' Cunvention at London and called here on his -was• home Mr Green was a former residen' of town for some years when in the cheese business. hearty thanks to all who so cheerfully and generously assisted to make the tea s success Edward Torn, Winnipeg, has been renewing old frieudsh,ps in town kir 4 f a son -Di -law of Mrs. S Crawford, Queen street and lived in Brussels fui years. The visitor is a locomotive ed gineer, running out of Winnipeg with a passenger train on the C i4. R. His work evidently agrees well with him as he plumps down the scaless at 2 3' pounds Mrs. John Simmons, Brussel,., is a sister of Mrs. 'Town License Inspector Yellow, of Gode rich, was in town last week taking a surety of this part of Huron County He commenced his new dues on Jan uary 1st and THE POST misses its gees• .11 the new Inspector does not enforce the las with energy. Law breakers, who knowingly violate, need expect no mincing but a strict adherence to the legal requirements. AN enjoyable time was spent at the Box Social given by St. John's church choir last Friday evening. .Program was e good one, with Rev. Mr. Johnson in the chair, and was as follows :—Solos by Misses Strachan anti Walker,A F. H. Gilroy and J. (3 Jones 1 readings bt Misses Harris and 'Thuell. A lively time was spent over the contents of tht well filled boxes. Financial proceeds were over Bre OO COURT PRINCESS ALEXANDRIA, C. 0 F. —Tuesday evening next, 25th iust , the new officers for the local Court or Cana. (Tian Order of Foresters will be installed Tbev are:— C, R. Waller Sharpe. V. C. R, B. Whitlard, Rec.-Sea, W. Clouse, Treas., G Kerr, Con., Jas. Burges,, Chaplain, G C. Manners, S. B., R, Farrow, 1. B., W. Harkness, S, W., 1. Orpington, J. W., V. Sinclair, Program, games and lunch at the close of the regular business A good attend- ance asked for. Court meets over the stores of H. L. Jackson and Howard Bolger. Rheumatism Neuritis, Sciatics, Neuralgia. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Bay, brought good health to half -a -mullion sufferers. A healthful, money -saving remedy, well known for fifteen years, pre- scribed by doctors, sold by drug- gists,11.00 a box, Ask our agents oe write for a free trial pacck Toronto Templetons,142 King W„ Local Agent, James Fox BORN BUTTeRT.—At Honwall, Ont., on .Tan. 7th,1921, to Mr. and 91 r, Harry Buttery, of 2068 1403,1111 street, Ragine, Sask., a son—Barry Nrsnklln. MOhNToh n.—In Morrie township, ou January mi, 1024, to Nr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Mo- Intnsb, n daughter—Mary Olive, MOTAS'IPR —Ill Wroxeter, on 'hammy 18th, Mr. M. McTavfab n 19.1 to❑and Mrs, D, , l daughter. e DIED BROwS.At Portage la Prairie, Man., on January 18th, 1921, James Brown, nod. 60 yeere. HAmr.—In Elmn township, on January 16th, 1921, Mery Shiels, beloved wife of Henry Bert aged 51 yea 08,0 months end 26 dale MILLER.—In NnT r 4 t, ski on January 1. township, 151h, IULI lnalcohuamt of Thomas and myrtle 51111er, aged years and 4 menthe. IN MEMORIAM Mn'CHRLt,—ln loving memory of husband and tether who entered into rout January 19111, 19' 9. Not dead to n3, the ono we loved so dear, Isbt toot just gone before No r no k news how murk we meta him, Nene but an aching heart can tell He lives with nu to memory still, And will for ave, more • Two yearn have past since that sad. day One that we loved was called oivay In the lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are ever near. Wire ANDFAMTLY FkAVING. --The fo u tt datio.n of alimost " every successful 1 iciness venture is built on Eavinga. The Standard Bank of Cariatla can be of great assist- _auce in helping you to de- velop ydur business. 209 THE `1ANDARD BANK OF CANADA r� BRUSSELS BRANCH '•. H. SAMIS - - MANAgine Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM 8To0K, IM- PLEHENTS, 4e.—F. 8. Soots Auctioneger, has sproprietor to sell by Public Anotfond et i85 Lot 16. Con. 5, Grayy, on Tuesday, Jan. 26th, at 1 o'clock, the following, property :-1 heavy draft bay mare. 1 heavy draft blank mare in foal, 1, driving horse, 1 Holstein cow due in March, 1 Holeteln•Durham cow due 1n Marsh, i April. I Due - ham re old due a Jersey cow 8 ea P 1 Je y y May,3 Heifer em heifer r years cold due in risingFeb 1 year, 2 broodok o due to farrow in Feb., a binder tityfoot of Rook sey.Hpoultry,r s Mower dtt ifs , soder 6 toot out, cultivator, 1 hoe Mower oft out, scaler, tooth ou'r, 1 12 hoe od driIngle ot 8 3,e pulper, "Frost l Wood single plow, set t section harrows, Kemp manure spreader, farm wagon, top buggy,m heet'bset b. singRle cutter, hay m sopa team quntic set singleharness,cream sepnrntor• lawns royller, of caw, and log ing chains cement lawn roller cow and things tops mems, forks, ion. . and other rued top roprletor to hag Sale Terme—A1 ass ms of 51 r has cold her cash. TeemsatIl sums o! 11000 and under given eneh over that amounted months es, 6 per o% off for caro approvedcredi joint notes, 6 per nen{'• off for oaeh on creditOAR. 10. B. F. CARR, Proprietor. AUCTION SALB OP FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPIAMENT8, &e.— T. R. Bennett, Ano., has received Instructions from the undersigned Proprletnr to Bell by Pabllo Auotton at 85 Lots 26& 26, Con 1, Morris, nWeedneWdngy, Jan. 2641, at 1 o'clock, sharp, the property :-1 heavy draft mare 7 years old, 1 draft horse\77 ears old, 1 cow milking, 1 cow due May 1$ 1 cow due Mare's 20th, 1 cow anp- posed in calf, 4 heifers 2 years old, 2 steers 2 yearn old, 5 heifers 1 year old, 1 steer 1 year old, 8 young calves, 5 sows bred, about 000 bus. 0. A. C. OMB, about 50 bus, berley, Massey- Herrin aseey- 0 tbinder, McCormick h ilBseldly ry1thaae, 1e drl, Bissell ineneal new, Massey -Harris spreader new, gang plow, walking plow, set team harness, set harrows, entailer, fanning mill, set truck reales, wagon. and gravel box, hay and stook rack, set bob- sleighs, open baggy, cutter, democrat, bag holder, wheelbarrow. Terms—A.II euma of $10 and under cash ; over that amount 11 months credit given on tarnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent off for cash on credit a- mounts, Positively no reserve on sale ot'etook owing to shortage of feed 1 Implements to be sold only 1f farm reaches reserve bid. JAS, A. NICHOL, • Proprietor. AUCTION SALES TUESDAY JAN. 25Th.—Farm stock, impple• meats, &o., Si Lot 16, Con. 5. Gray townahip. Sale unreserved at I p. m. -B. F. Carr, Prop, F, P, Scott, Atm. W SDN rAnA 26TH —Farm stock, imple• melts. 40., Lot. 10, Con, 14, Henke. township. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. W. S. Forbes, Prop. Tice. Brown, Auc. Notice Apnlicationa for the Olerk,hip of'the Ttunl' efpallty of the Townehip of McKillop will be received by the Connell of the said Municipal- ity until the Brd day of February, 1021, when applications will be considered, at 2 o'clock p m., at Council Meeting at the Carnegie Lib- rary, Seoforth, M. MURDIE. January 17511, 1921. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mc. Cormick Medical College, Chicago, 111. Three months pont graduate course daring past year. Byes correctly fitted with Glasses. head- aches, Inflamed Eyes, Granulated Rye Lida end. other Eye troubles, caused by Eye'straln. relieved through properly. fitted Glasses, Satisfaction Assured. 1 Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door South of Barrister Sinolair's office, Office haute i 9 to 12 a, m. ;,1 to 0 p. m. Also Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Phone 212x ring 4 7-iLVEST 1 floVR The family eats more bread since Mother started us- ing Cream of the Wegt Flour. It makes loaves of ex= traordinary white- ness and flavor. Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited Toronto, Winnipeg Brandon, Halifax Taolae,.Tanlac Tanlae • I All World's Records i are Smashed by !TAN'LAC CI • • • • •his Wonderful 200000,000 Bottles of • • ful. Medicine • • sold in 6 years. p • •• • y Now selling at the Phenomenal rate of 8,500,000 Bottles a year. • • el 49• W • • • • • O • e O • d • le to •1 mNLI-\e SP te •• r Brussels We• are dole Ilgents fo •• • • • f i s, e • • • • TESTIMONIALS As to its wonderful qualities can be given from some of our most prominent public men who have been restored to health by its use and who ` have given their unqualified endorsement. •• ••• • •. i JAMES FOX • DRUGGIST and STATIONER •- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••&1 • • • • • O Annual Meeting Wroxeter Rural TelcphOno Co. BRUSSELS MARK QT Fall Wheat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . i_ Oats Peas Barley The Anneal Meeting of the Wroxeter Rural Butter Telephone Co.. Ltd., will be held in the Town E9ge Ball, Wroxeter,. on Friday, January 21st, Hogs. 1021,e4280 at o'olook p. m. Hay • 1 75 80 46 16 550 24 00 $1 76 115 46 05 16 66 2600 lea ring Prices WE ARE NOW OFFERING ALL LINES OF Men's, Women's and Children's Sweaters, Scarfs Toques, Caps and Winter Underwear Men's and Boys' Suits and Odd Pants At Greatly deduced tr ics •lir/►A•...6-.0.J .16A-0..JLLJ.41..A...0. 4 .�►,i.t...• Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Ladies' Coats , At and Under Cost •T•••••r•ir 77T777`r7T0e77e TT7`i• WE ALSO INCLUDE ALL• LINES- OF Overshoes and Rubbers Anything you want in light or heavy Rubbers. They all go at and under Cost. Having decided that, if possible, to carry nothing in these lines over to next season the opportunity is now yours to secure BARGAINS. A. Strachan