HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-20, Page 5,�.,-_.,_.. els Minn COM ++44 JNN04 8UTEMAND 86 SONS' I.IMITn) INSWIRSiWei i 'rMxtPIN &MUM) WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER AEp ISE#UEI3 or MARRIAGE LIOEN13ES tuoo lir the POO Dolce, Ethel, a0.4 ,8. (SCOTT AS A AUCITIO 1• i ♦ aha, vr111 soli for bettor prices, to batter elan in leen tinge end loss ebonite. than any other Auotioneei In Nast Huron or he won't charge anything. Dolma and ordors can ni8ays be arranged at tole ofnoo er by personal application.' X. SINCLAIR-- vv• A4 • Ba lletir, Holloitor,,pouvoyanoor, Notary Public, he, Office-0towart'e meek 1 door North 010entral Hotel. Solloltor ler the Metropolitan Sank, Off. WARE,L.AW. ktouor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oollege. Day and night calls. Office oppodts Flour Mat, Ethel. JAMESz M 1GAD EAN Agent Hoick Mutual Fire Insurance Company a i a n mPan Y phone 43 Tur,rberryStreet, Brnssels Successor to John Harris, Walton, T. T. M' RAE M. 8.. M. 0. P., d. S. O. M. 0. H. Village L , VS o Brnesela, Physician, Surgeon, ' Acoouollear C Sloe at residence, opposite Melt Ine Church, William street. PBDUBFOOT, IILLOBAN & COOKE Barristers, So ',cams, Notaries Public, &c. Office un the Square, 2n.: door from Hamilton Street, 00E0E1110H ONT, Private fund... to loan et lowest rates. W. PaOnDrOo'r. 5, 0. 3, L. 5rtton to H, 1, D. 000Kz BRUSSELS HORSE FAIRS Monthly Horse Faits will be held this season as follows : - TH'OR1 I)AY, JAN. O'rn, 1021 ~ FEB. Ono, 1021 MA1j.Ban, 1021 APR. 7Ta, 1921 local and Outside Buyers will be present Byorder of Council. F. 8. SCOTT, Ciork. IDEERINIE1 AGENCY + John. Oliver + BRUSSELS + d• + hag rDeering over, eering Ag .+'. +l, ency and haudies a full linenf 8, Farm Implements including the ,'1' noted + + et I. IL C. Cream Separators The only Crean: Separator with '" two wide open' cream outlets- + -t+ no create screw in the..path of 4. cream re the See it when n town. 4 Tbe 1, fi. C, 8-16 and 10-20 Tractors + + ure among the best. t The Deering Manure Spreader •'. With the wide amend and very ,+t+ light in draft. John Oliver + +++++++•i+++++•1•+++++1+'tF'1M+'t•++ + ++1+ it + bargain Sale COMMENCING + t Saturday, Dec., 11 T. *10 D iscnuntp.c. 1.., QN- + Groceries - flannelettes � and Shoes f tF +6 Special Price on Soaps M While 1yy last. . +fit All Kinds of Furs and Hides WANTED For which the highest market price will be I paid, • M. Y0111ck s+. Phone 2x Brussels ae + Total etas Items ADVERTISING pays. Test it for your- veil and bring trade to the town as well. !tend them athume and then test them Our. CARD of Thanks, E a e eat KO. n m gg no ace out s end Auction b ale Notices are charged a fee of 5o cents each iuser- tion 1n THE .POST Allan Lament. who (las been book- keeper at the Brussels Central Tele- phone office has accepted a similar office at the Shamrock Butter Factory, Brus- se's, and is already qu the job. ED POLLAK') has bad his contract as Rural a Mail Courier renewed- for a new tem at an i rI r no eased. rate: He- ha5 No. e, Cons. 14 feud 16 Grey. His numerous patrons think "Eddie Is the boy" and we guess they are not very far out. Now is a gond' time to renew, for'ng, Po.T, We'd like to hear from ,- a fe,v who owe for past 5 years, It .ould save us from collecting the amount through the Court and would be a happier route too. Tbe fault dues not lie with no as we have trjed to fill our share of the bar- gain. WHAT WE MAY EXPECT, -- Plans for Spring. DAYS ate stretchtcg. Fluctuating markets. Small skating rink profits. Continuance of mild weather. A boosting of implement sales. Reduction Sales of t\ inter goods. Bargaius by reading advts. iu 1?ooT. County Constable Regulations. In order to assist in the prompt and satisfactory administration of justice the Attorney General is arranging to place a Provincial constable in the prin cipal towns of the Province under the direction of the Crown Attorney. it will be the duty of this officer to at- tend, under the direction of the crown attorney, to police work in connection With all parts of the county where there is 110 police forces. In cities and towns having a force, while of course it is the Provincial officer's duty to give what assistance is necessary, lee will not relieve the local police of their duty or interfere with their activities, It will be his duty i u y to enforce o ce the Criminal Code, thentario Temperance Act n 0and any lerovincial'statutes but not of course municipal authorities. It is hoped that theappointment of these officers will result in a greatly improved adminis- tration of justice, especially in the rural districts. All complaints of criminal offences, offences against sections of the 0. T. A., or offences against other Provincial statutes should be made to the crown attorney who is 'responsible for the enforcement of the law in hls county. Brussels Branch Upper Canada Bible Society. Fall:eying the rept'rt of contribu- tions for 1920 as collected by the fol- lowing persons :- Oolle0tion at Annual ieleetJrlg Jure 8th 1920 .$ ID 24 Bruesets Fast Mrs. Meadows and Miss Brynns. Brtaseis West -Mies M Snaith and hits F. Spatting Brussels Noith-3)esdames Skelton and Harris Grey twp. Cone, 1 & 2 \less Mc- Donald. Gley twp. Oohs, 3 & 4 Alias Lilah Ane Grey township O+ma5 & 6 Mes- daiues P. A, McArthur and 'l'ut n hull.. ......... .......... 8 00 Grey township Cone. 7 and 8 Mesdames A Attnolrong tend A. '4'nlll ... 10 40 Grey twp. Cons 1) & 10 Mrs - (lame' A Llunone end 0. Hemingway Oran brook, 1nitn J. Srhnnek, .. prey twp. Cons. 13 & 14 Mrs. (Joel Iran e Ethel, Mrs. Nicholson and Mise Sanders Morris, 8td liiie, Mieoca Yuill anti Bowmen) Motrin, 4511 line, MTeeee Wilkin- son and .Mcr auchlin .....,., Morrie, 5th line, Miens 17, Kerr and 13. Jordan,..... . Morris, OLh, Mies Edia lhuell and 11rs. Larne Nichol,.., Morrie, 70: line, Mosdautea D 31cDrnald, and S. McCall5 10 83 85 30 40 88 10, '7 20 6 00 14 00 42 60 4 40 2010 8 05 8 55 0 00 6 35 �'9 25 44 This is n record amount tar Brussels Bennet: and is $29.7(1 more than 1919, Atnnnitt was forwarded to the Heed ofli.e, Toronto and their reply, dated + Righted. prices paid fot Eggs and Det', 81st is as follows ;- Pnreltlq, . W. E. Kerr. .. Terms of lisle -Cash, -. 7`rras, firnseela Brandt Bible Society +• DEAlt rumen :-Y lit remittance to hand nod n1TTcial (' .re1PL is elrolns- p ed, +r Many theulks fat' ynur'splendid walk tbie year. We have navel' (need greater obligations then we ats meet - 6 i g r intent the present time e. world 1 n tit w(ltd nvar., and the generous help from your H L Stewart i i. IILNI C2YiV e, lt44+`7•+'i+'h9++ ++ ++'3+4+!i++ +++ +,t•+ Stench ie greatly needed end greatly appleciated. Qu behalf of the Lipper Ciettadil Bible Society. Tenets rlineelely, A, N, Aleect5etions, 13nai1uas Man,eliet, 4.+I S.4.++h+F+F+++++++h+++++++d' '+'1 The Post letter Box h•-t•e•Mia+.tee+++++t+t!^F'A•'I+#'t #++ •• Il` Laing remitting from Brantford Writes t -"Hope title Bede you and you's enjoying good health as it leaves no pretty fair ar present," 51,'. anti Mrs, Laing were residents of Orley town: hip and Ethel tett' years, A note from Mee, J. E. lyairbuit'u, or Sacratueete, (alifot'nii, n elotOr to Mee. N Hugh McKinnon,Beueaole, saga Ave having ail Mausually pletaant Winter. Although the rainfall to date is slightly. above • mutual there lovely suushnty days between ehnw. ere Wishing yup all proslisi(1y fur the coming year, Belfield, .Ian. 4, 1921. Detect H1n, •-• Please lind enclosed :52,00 fur renewal of Tone paper Tien POST,. , V ea1 e baying an ideal e I W inter, a little snow, but stock is yenning out yet day and night. We are also tieing atltnnnobitee yet. Quite a change fro, Iasi Wins-' er. W iehing, THE POST.a prosperous New Year. Yon: e, MRS: BMW= MC0OWAN. This lady is a daughter of George Henderson, 3rd Hee, mortis township, an is well known d 1v in the comms nit . 11 y Montle Jaw, Salk, Jan, 3rd DEAR FRIEND, -Please find enclosed $2.00 for Pose., 1921, We all have got over Christ/as and have begun another year. All of the family are now to- gether in the city with exception of Donald who is in Alberta. We me enjoying a beautiful Winter hovering about zero weather and very little snow. We get 3'rno Pos'rgenerally olr Monday morning. Wishing you all a very prnspernna year just began. I enclose picture of our church. Wo have 1800 members. Yours Sincerely, WALTER INNER. Rev. Dr. Ross, Toronto, .former ty of grnssels, lute the kindness to write :- DEAR 5111, KERB. -Ill forwarding my 42nd aminal subscription to THE POST I beg to congratulate you on your long and, able necupancy, of the edittnial chair and the strong and steady sup. port which for mole than 40 years you have given to every good. cause.. May your two score year," of sitbetan- tint service to the cenimunily and the general public be lengthened. out to at least three score, Yoursver tsrul y y. JOHN Ross. 4•eee.•e.••.•e.e•..q•..a©. Flour an ;eedl 2 For Sale • • Grain taken in exchange for ▪ sarne at market price at Ethel Elevator Hay Hay Bros. ltd., per G, C. Glil • • • ¢c Also agent for the well knoivn Fertilizer, learab-Davies, p West Toronto. Please leave int, • your orders and get one of the • • beat Fereilizers on the market. • G. C. GILL - Agent I An iti1EU 'oh l fbJ FOR FIVE YEARS No Rohm: of the Trouble Since Taking "FRUIT.A.TIVES MR. JOHN E. GUILDERSON • P. 0. Boa 123, Parrsboro, N. S, 1 suffered luitlt IUterunatiun for five years, having it sobadly-at titrsIvts uuabte toet toget up without out assistance. I tried different medicines I saw advertised and was treated lty doctors in Amherst, also in any home Men, but the Rheumatism came back, In 1916, I saw in an advertisement that 'Triltii a . . s' tiv e would slopRhea- motion, ! R e 1w matisln, and took one box and got relief; then I took them right along for about six months and the Rheu- matism was all gone and I have never felt it since. Anyone who would care to write me as regards'rt.-L.-a•0),es' I would be glad to tell them what 'Fruit -a- tives' dig for me," JOHN E. G17ILDERSON, Contractor and Mason. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 260. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit•a-tives ,Limited, Ottawa, Ont. From, Rainy River Ontario, comes a letter from Mrs. D. 13. Monte, a lot m- er well known resident of this i anal- ity. She says :-"In renewing for THE POST as nanal I do so with pleas - me, .It is certainly weienlne eve,y week Wlis and now as you have en- tered on your 41st year as Editor I trust it lnay be a prosperous and happy year." A card was enclosed announcing the nirivel of Edwilld Alexander, a 10 pound 8 mince baby son at the home of 13. A. and AGe. McQuarrie, on. Decemhet 291)1, 1950. This is another 'grandson added to Mrs. Alorne'e list, Co tie, tnutletions, The proud.nlemma was formerly Miss Lizzie Moore. of town. Waod for Sale Quantity of good hard Maple and Beech Cord- wood which we will dis- pose of in the bush. Ament Bros. BRUSSELS C'a`r-e.1 , �yrXy Oa{t, FOR THE RURAL STORE The country store needs electric. ity, Delco -Light attracts trade. It furnishes bright electric light. It grinds the coffee and operates fans for' keeping the store cool and for keeping flies away. It holds old elastomers and brings new ones. ' Write for Catalog H. G. Darroch District s ilei Agent, .,Listowel ELECTRIC LIGHT AND ELECTRIC POWER The Country Store of, To -day The Country store of yesterday, where out. fathers and grandfathers gathered of an evening to toast their toes around the stove and settle the attain' of the nation, finds itself today with some pretty serious problems to face. Good roads and the automobile have stimulated a tendencydency on the part of, country people to go to the city to trade even for the purehnse of small article that need eto be bought only' from the nl oarest crossroads store. And the country store is a can• fronted with the necessity of over• coming this "town-tradiug' tendency if it is to do a worth -while huge -ease, For one thing the country store: has alwaye done a cousider'able evening bueiness, because its et:atemet% oouldn't conveniently get away from their farms during the daytime, or be- cause they liked to meet each outer n 1 when ov0 it allowed little g w tt it le leisure, It has always been tate custom for the rural store to stay open at night until 010 last euOLOmer was t eddy to leave, Nott/ it hue long boon known thht ole of the first principles of retail mer- chandising 18 display, -putting greeds where the ran easily 1 favor- ably be ea I and fuv t ably seen,y Hut In.the old days this was a a'nLhet diff cu t thin heel use light at night was furnished only t by one or two coal oil lamps hung over the conn true. Today a transformation is taking place, The small electric light anti power plants which hove come into such general use nn fat inn thtough nut the country- are :ervilig the Denney store, too. 'Oaunte's, Meow cases and shOty windows atebrightly iighted, For the Hest time goods arm reallywell displayed, 'Phis brighten- ed by lightbas brnughtbt'ighlening by other means, such as 11010 filament rend ft'eehty pain'd woodwit I k toed the result is that the people of tate sue, rounding- qOW nllitltty '1tt'e d nin elle natural thing,.•• -having 10011 displayed goods at an ntlrniciive stele 1)8,11' their 11011110, Where electricity has tone Id eeeve the rural store the trade -int -town tend- etloy is not worrying the site, ekeeper to any great exteue, lTtt 11nn fettled the solution to hie trade ptalblom. :THE GIGANTIC PROBLEM OF BRITISH FINANCE aun,c idea of the collussal (tout sial burden Which Great Britain 1 has been called upon to bear for jthe past six years may be had Froin 010 resent vtate in the Brltith 1(01110 of Commons refusing fu limit the Government to an expeu- diture for the year of £d00,000,000 ' ($4,000,0110,000). When bef,are the war the Lloyd George Budget Pro- posed to spend. a few million dol- lars in social betterment, the areas. ure was bitterly criticized and opposed. At that time an annual expenditure of less than half of this amount would . have been strongly opposed, 80 great have been the changes int:ident to the war, that staggering sums are nut(' voted fur public purposes almost without continent. . In the column n 0ti le , " entitled, d "British Public bite Pinauce, Just issued from the press, some antaylttg figural are given in regard to the troch• cfal expenditures of the British people during the period of the war. During the six fiscal years be- ginning March 31, 1914,14 and3 end- ing March n -ingMarch 31, 1920, the expendi- ture of the government actually exceeded the total outlay for the period, extending from 1688 to 1914, For the 226 years the sunt of $54,720,000,000 was expended, and for the six years $56,340,000,- 000. The British people paid into the treasury by taxes and revenue collection 36 per cent. of this vast total. The other 64 per cent. was borrowed. The money borrowed by Great Britain reached the maximum total of $36,940,000,000, of which 330,- 055,000,00e 30;055,000,00e was furnished 1117 her own people, $5,05,000,000 b or - rowed from the United States and $1,65.0,000,000 from other na- tions, including the Dominions. On the other hand, Britain had loaned .to the Dominions $930,000,000 and to her Allies $8,330,000,000, so that the amount loaned abroad ex- ceeded the sum borrowed by $2,- 475,000,000. 2,- 475 000 000. This we find that the 46,000,000 people of the Brit- ish Isles raised entirely from their own resources $49,555,000,000 over 31075 per head, whereas Canada rais- ed $263.00 per head for the war loans. For the active war period cover- ingthe five fiscal years ending March 31, 1919, from 22 per cent. to 343,1' per cent. of the expen- diture was raised from texitton, other revenue collection and other war contributions. In the fiscal year which ended March 31, 1920, taxes and other revenue produced about 65 per cent, of the aggregate budget of $8,310,000,000, while receipts from war contributions, sales of war property and incomes from trading operations yielded about 16 per cent„ leaving less than 20 per cent. to be provided from loans. So successful have been the plans of finance that it is expected that the budget for the current year ending March 31, 1 921., will balance, This is certainly a wonderful showing, 0 g, a nd reveals in an extra- ordinary manner the gertness of the British people. The nation suf- fered greatly 1n the war, both in manhood and tate expenditure of wealth, but it is evident that it pos- sesses wonderful powers of recu- peration which are fast restoring the country to normal. Walton At the annualN ta School meeting J , t n, l McDonald, or tansy 1"tvnl hip wee un- elected Trnetee Harty (Hark got the caretaking nt $125 pee tln1111111, 9 tons of coal was put elti sed wt 8.911 uU per ton, Jon Shottirud Is ~rein 117. Treasurer al $25 90. i1011(TCrt0N o1 REV. SIR I.t'11py AT I(IPPEN.-Li.i'ge totnthei0 attit:de:1 the htdnctinn of Rev, R. Lundy, hoe of Walton, into the paelnrate of s1, Andrew's 0heteh in 1 11)1*n, 1.nclnr- Lion 900111011 wit'i pit/ g (ted by Rev, Mr, Ferguson, IVhtthrnp, tone tuna tr splendid etfnre and 0 gond Intrndne. lion to the impressive induction s tr- vice, which followed. Rev. 51e. et,'- Leanave the adds -ess newly to the rlr 11 inducted pastor and Rev. A. Menu - lane reminded the enngregation 1,1 their duties in the new reiati(n'llip, An nutstnnding feature of the aflel'- n00n'e proceeding :Mien the other business own v . ,, e WOK the } tesentp• tint: to lion, Mr. Mefatlmle, Ileyfteld, or a Hum or money e.9 n uteregnit inn from the 8 rot ' 'n t tent ns l of 's ,r '- g g his her - vices its interim mode:ntor during the v0eaney. The piesmlltatinn wits made 111 EL 'neat speech ply A. McKenzie and Mr, Mefarlane flttiegqiy replied. A 'timber from I3rurrftt'Id head Henon11 nttcnded the iuductfo'n. Rev. 11 r. 'Neter, Methodist tuinietrt, Veleta, was invited to8318111 KM 10 a 1I1 ,'+telt, 010,11101' gave greetings from the .Methodist nIlut'cll. His athlete's tuns touch appt'eriated' and his presence also, Rev. Mr, McOonuel, Hermit, e •1•$$+44+•+••++++••9•+6 te0Ii6a4P••••• HOW ABOUT YOUR 00•41,44** 044 attery This Winter To 1)0 aas+lred of It good Buttery in the 113priug,i l%nvs it with its fur Winter Storage. WET STORAGE 4'+111 L:uttery will filen' if allow ,d to become discharged. "kuri ,g et iifttety underthe wet process bl13)51ly means that yi,ur llettery will httvu our iudiviituttl attention throughout the ltlllll'r Mot:Hue 111)1511et ell its we will keep it active and 10 ft cliart;'etl condition. (let otll' In ice"; 011 Winter, 8torago. �l Malas or Cars Overhauled A" ACSoalt FACTIO N WTEED We 81111 1utYee number of'Piree on hath( that 1r nee 1 ereI at Greatly lied need 1'1.1(4 s, Columbia Dry Cells and A.X.L. Batteries liar-Nniv is the time to have your (;ar orct h+tuieil tt, prices are lower. tiigham' 41••••4*••aaau04.4,,maw 0,q,44,6 1, 41.••••• 4•44 rag e A e w • M e • e 44,P a a 4' a m a• • •• 4e r 4.4.44,04.04.0500.00•9 31ode,'ai:nr of Presbytery, presided. Aft1 „ ter II 111eN1•n 1 was nVl` 1 N IN 1 t t t le g 1 P 1r dirt' , t tlL,Ile i 1 sehnnl room 0,10.0.0 0 yr'endid 'ttpprr h1,1 Ilse!) pri viil•`'l, 1,411 it ,+ 11,' .e j l ih'N it• lir iia, T v. sial 119. 1)1(0 1( ('1 n rinu.t0 to 111NtIt1,,it 1wi.eut1'+i't.}lediffrirug 000 g'' Rev \Ir, Lein y r."uhu,r0r1 ('''1t„+'*arytielvirl•snt Hillsgr.rnlas! an bl!S+II 111 'i hll (and FVerill ; voto.i'- qn-•re.ly 1101.0 a 11. 0(1*01 0i(.0 n, oil her l.rpprl' n1' 111111(0 ('hulriles. r^anN 11ev, 31r. and 311,4. Lundy to I(It p t: ne d hope they luny have a 1110.i )urre,•:,fnl pastorate, Beleravc: List SVawanuah Reef Ili,; 1 molly 11.111 their at nunl meeting t=. ii 1 b up 111-1it se f ,r pest yeaand (-Iv e•1 - re: 1921 S •rretarl 11 p, 1 t. sli+,lr. rd !hew { I ero , n 32 er nl„1, fume- hid 11hr(lt dr r,3 8.111,,et 16,UUn 11,,. .•t' shote .brei' t\'elkly +apply we* r et3y r+,r,,•Beery every Wednesday worn Ufl1(Nte1 r thereat 010:- i' ', ,.1, VV:P 10e ' �:•I I 101', .,r Ii.oi,t (1...l. ,11..1 10 11 11•-1(,- ed f.. .w t. 41 i 1: ;,,• lUd 11 h ,+1 ,:-t,1.., ale e.'nl. per 121. being p,'' :•1- l'•. 1 1 1 1':`r' neine:11g 111.11 t ,+r „00)' w1 t•Ig:llt, Increase Yalir Earning Power E by tat Ing a Course in the 1 't,:: 67).-) E.4.1..10Z .,..,,4 Yonpo & Charles Sia Toronto (Il -1! 'it.) R' -.1:11, 1114 r * e 1'.p'..iilons .no int r It ccr o k g 00 1e1t1 t ,,_ w It.1 ti 1 ' r. - p d' hoop correct preparation (1 lu ,tui r l ,"1131; in 1•,1,1 Yt + ,i 10 lie r t el{rte 'rl• 86(01.1n N 11 any tn110 J L O7T PRINCIPAL - A, INCIPAL- • a • e. n • a • • e • 5 a • The 'h 1 Ltdlrs' Aid Society of the e M 111 I lu dtHt ellen el s 11 one of theP nit 1 g. nl,; tetliy,tllntla• During the past year they raked ,121.1111 $300, part of which was epenr in 1eel emer0ting the chat oh. A ilnlalit ('t 480 On was on hand at 11,80 1,1 yea'. ()Meet,: aro .-Presi- dent, Mfrs. (i W. Piocte't : Vice Presi- dent, hI,s. 1i(lu'y Ilappee 1 Secretary, Mies Mat gavot Pinder t Treasurer, Mss, T 1{ratl,irett; Organist, 'Mrs. Desi] What would the Munches tin if it were not for the inlet 1Nre among the women folk 1 wring Sale All Underwear and Sweaters 20 R. C. off All Shoes and Wall Papers 15 p • C. off All other Dry Goods 10 p. c. off Special Price in Black Tea 50c a lb. Also a quantity of Milverton 5Jewel Flour and Bran Terms Cash R, PRATT WALTOI ±, Store open every week night 4,0'04,13b'0(-8G+(18'0",4,0.4004'+Gf2f•.@3&4r@o0G@4,+44+4. e1 4, 4. eu • rt 4. 4. R 0' The acra h leery Bread and Cake From this Bakery are light, whole.: me and toothsome. \\'e nee duly the best mater- ials which are mixed with t'xtre care its to cleanliness. Why hnther wi1(1 home halt- ing tvh,nl mate is 90 1ni1011 bet tet' and rheape r. Phone 825 W. E. WILLI$ 000G44•••••••••eee.'•••••+ 9 *epee 0m'bee+eas,•••••••••21.e ,p • e •• . 4 0 • t 4.• • 4 O s O 0 0 1) • 5 P 1 p 5 6 a P • (3 0 4' • t' 0 e Just Put it u • toUs • • • • • a • e if yon want le Watch with a very close 1 at ing. We have entre splendid t.ilnipieees 111 15 Jewel, 17 Jewel and 21 Jewel Movements, We carry all the leading makes and engrave pour Monogram flee of (theme. Eyesight and Efficiency The than or woman who line fault yvieion or whose work is such a •:ttllin on the rye. three beadle:110S nod 110,0410S110.99 ;1'e. rhe 1).4111 Cannot be Effie cioat, Whetting. in the sake, wee kshop orad 11nn1e I:Y'e (;om- Fnrt is veeentlal 10 a gond day' wo1k. (71111 tutu it 01111+51.8 111'e neee'a- 1)1'p 0' 0.011 supply you. Our eye) et 1 elf Testing is aeieutitit: mull 1111.10.dalr, How about a VIOLIN l+eor Ile long Winter evenifge. \Ve have three special assott- lnen ta'-..: Violist, Violin 0080 nod How at 4•• 4s • • e; • 15,00 20.00 25.00 e Theee tu•e extra valurt,' 4' We also rut 1 y a good stock of 'iulin S� r r ' e .._ \• 11E g 111 ti. Lxtaa T3n{v', Strings, Pegs, Bridges, Mutes, .4r Iteaio, Tail Gut and Pieces and Tuni11g.Pipee. Violin Self in- e etturtnrH at $1.00 eanh, .' R. tiVE ar, r JEWE•LIF.R AND OPTICIAN b+4•d4r••A#••••4•.+•••.41•*4' e••+• a WROXETER �; e, •••44••e••*ee•e••phe