HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-20, Page 3AMereiful. Bullfght. Though devoted to bullfight% the it'ortuguese are unueually kind to .ant, muds. Tile two !hinge, Gaye Lord 19'redericlr Hamilton in hie romkttseeR' oes, ,seenl irroeoncllable, until you. ,grasp the fact that a Portuguese butt - fight is abstalutety bloodless. Neither bulls nor bersaa are killed! the whole t+yectuole Indeed_ls mere an exhibition of horsemanehlp and skill. The bull's borne are padded and 'covered with leather thou;e, The pl- eader rides a really good, highly train - ad horse. Should he allow the bull even to touch his horse with his pad- •ded horns, he will be mercilessly blued. Tho espada is armed with a wooden sword ouiy, which he plants :harmlessly on the neck of the bull, and woe betide him should the eager •eye that watch him detect a devia- tion of evou one Inch from the fatal spot. He will be hieeed from the ring, On the other hand, should he total the fatal spot the occupants of the gal- leries shower small change and cigar- ettes Into the ring and sometimes hurl their hats there as well, The espada gazes at, the hundreds of hats reposing on the sand with the *mine expression that a 'alma donna assumes when the tiara 'tributes are handed across the footlights. IXe bows again and again; then, taking up a hat, be glancee at the galleries, Up goes a' hand, and the hat hurtles aloft to its .owner with unfailing accuracy. I al- ways considered the espada's Seat in returning the hats as far more extra- -ordinary than his futile manipulation 'of the inolfenetve wooden sword. The bull, meanwhile, after his imag- inary slaughter, has trotted home con- tenteely to itis underground quarters. .Even if he has his horns bandaged while in the arena, the bullfighters have to exercise their skill and acro- batic agility to the full. Few of us would caro to stand in the path ot a. charging polled Angus bull, bornless though be be, Tho Portuguese bull- fights are certainly full of life and -color, though the Spaniards affect an Immense contempt for them. • Professor toChoose Film Stars. DELICATE GIRLS ST MADE STRONG Rich, Red Blood Needed to Keep Up Their Vitality, If growing girle are to become well developed, healthy women their blood uupply must be carefully watched, Mothers ehould dot ignore their un- settled moods or the various troubles that tell of approaching womanhood. It should bo constantly borne In mind that pate, bloodless girls need plenty of nourishment, plenty of sleep and regular open-air exercise. But a lack of appetite, and tired, eating limbs tend to hinder progrees. To.eave the weak, thin -blooded sufferer she must have new, rich, red blood and nothing meets a cane ` of tido kind so well as Dr, Williams Pink Pills, These pills not only enrich and Increase the blood supply, they help the appetite and aid digestion, relieve the weary back and limbs, thus promptly restoring health and strength and transforming anae- mic girls and women into cheerful,' happy people. Among the thousands who have obtained new health and strength through the use of Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills is Miss Violet Booth, Glenarm, Ont., who says;—"For 'a long time I was in a badly run down condition. I was pale, breathless at the least exertion, and could hardly do any housework without stopping to rest. I often had severe headaches, and my appetite wag poor and fickle, and I would get up 1n the morning without feeling the least bit rested, I had tried several medicines, but did not get benefit from anything until I began the use of Dr, WilliamsPink Pills. When I had taken two boxes I could see an improvement, and after using six boxes I fognd my health fully restored. I fool altogether different since I used the pills that I strongly advise them for all weak, run down people." if you are weak or ailing in any way, avail yourself at once of the splendid home treatment which Dr. Williams Pink Pills so easily afford, stgnlficnnt development to the and you will be among those who re- Ajotoe In regained health. These pills production of British films is an are sold by all dealers In medicine, or 'pounced by an advertisement in the may be had by mail at 50 cents a box London Times for a university probes- or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville. Canada is the United States' second beet customer, being exceeded only by Great Britain. Canada's purchases from the U.S. have reached $800,000,- 000 a year. nor of sociology, psychology and erten- title research to assist the producer of a well-known company in the casting of photo -plays. For some months past the important work of casting for a film play hes 'been gradually passing into the hands of specialists, who have discarded the old system of putting so-called stars Minarcre Liniment For Dandruff Into leading parts, and leaving the other characters to be played by any- one. A year ago it was common for film producers to give the leading -woman parts to favorites. The result was seen in unsuitable people in leading parts. Often they were too old, too thin, or too fat, or were temperamentally unlike the character they were supposed to re- present Some went so far as to "make up" young women to look like old women by process of wigs and facial linos, all of which wore mercilessly exposed by the camera, In the United States, where the star system was carried to absurd lengths, there has been a complete revolution. Producers now seek true types, In- etead of highly -paid, well -advertised stare. ,The Origin of Meteors. No question, has been mord disputed among astronomers than that which concerns the origin of "shooting stars" —more properly called meteors. Laplace was of opinion that theyy came from volcanoes on the moon,PA recent authority, Sir Robert Ball, thought that perhaps they were thrown out from forat r e rel volcanoes, in the distant past. What we are able to observe of them from specimens that fall upon the earth would seem to indicate that they are debris of some kind. They are plainly fragmentary In character, and when not of mere stony stuff are of various metals, chiefly iron. It is entirely conceivable that they are fragments of smashed -up worlds, but the theory that they are debris of comets that have gond to pieces Is more plausible, Meteors entering our atmosphere travel through It at rates which seem to vary from ten to over one hundred ranee a second. Friction rapidly burns them up, so that probably only the slow ohes are able to reach the eartlt without being entirely consumed. Nature's Box. The northwestern part of Uruguay is a newly discovered .field for the pro- duction et.antethyste, watch occur in "geodes." The geodes, so plentiful that they are picked up in the fields. are carried on mule -back or in carte to the nearest railway station -and shipped in barrels to Salto, whence they ere transported by river boat to Montevideo. Naturally, it will be naked, "What is a geode?" Originally, it was a hole ire rock. Water percolating through the rook deposited silica, making a lining ter the cavity. Tholining grew thiokor and thicker, and after a long time, 1f the rock watt broken or "weathered" to pieces, a hard nodule would drop out. The nodule it 1 geode; and If, at sometimes happen", the silica has termed ot'ystele melds of it, colored by metaltlo wits, the seeds Is a little Vilest box oofltalalnr ,imothysto, Action.. 'W'e are born to sot. Reflection le atter all a suhordtnete, derivative, arti- ficial function, and our whole organism 10 framed to move, to de. to live. Moat of tie act instinctively, act oxeeeetvely, buzz and blur, waste movement, 'mate force, waste enerky, fatiguo and ex - haunt ourselves, then look about in weariness, and repot long effort spent for nothing and purposeless exertion gond astray. Then there are the people who hate to apt at all, Intelligence, Overdo• velopod, grown over -analytical, draade to take an i11-cousidered etep, dreads to take any step whatever, for fear it should be ill-considered. Weigh the consequences of even trifling eaten; bow vast they are, how far-reaching, how 'freighted With horrible possibili- ty. Can the most thoughteul provision I always avoid or avert them? Arid there .is the fear, of being re !fo others. others ort rs. A mama elightest word or deed may af- fect the welfare of souls, and a man is so utterly unfitted tb have such a bur- den placed upon hlmi s easto alt back•lo a quiet corneritiand wieratch i the vast, curious world lush by and attempt no movement that is not ab- solutely necessary to make that quiet korner sale and. habitable. When you get drawn into that Iaby- rinth of endless -angled analysts of post sibility, you are cut off from action altogether, and the only remedy is to go out and act. Due consideration, reasonable forethought, are prescribed for everyone. But you musk remember that perfect action le seldom to be looked for and never to be Sound. The. world's work must be done. It will be done, probably by some one less competent than you. Take hold and do it in the very best way you can. Others are fallible, as you are. Others. make mistakes. All make mistakes: Go and make them as others. do, then correct them, -forget them and act again. Remember that the greatest and most successful careers of the world are nothing but a tissue of mis- takes, corrected and forgotten. In these days of expensive fuel it is worth while to pay attention to a source that is too often neglected: the old stump field: Most, if not all of the coniferous trees have no taproot, but Say hold upon the ground with a widespread network of superficial roots that clutch the soil like a gigan- tic, many -fingered hand. Both stumps and roots are therefore easily blown out by a shot or two of dynamite. If they are the, stumps and roots of any of the pine trees, they are full of pitch and resin that burn with a flame as hot and clear as oil. Surnames and Their Origin COLLINS Varlations—Collinson, Collett, Colet. Racial Origin—Norman-French. Source—A given name. Here is another group of family- names derived from the given name of Nicholas, only thin time more in ac- cordance with Norman than Anglo- Saxon custom. Even before the Normans invaded and conquered. England the given name of "Cole" or "Colin"' was popu- lar and widespread among them. They had formed this name of the famous saint who was archbishop of Myra in the fourth century, and who already had become the patron saint of child- ren. Incidentally, this tendency among the people of Europe In the early Mid- dle Ages to take a single given name and split it up into all sorts of diniinta tines and variations was not duo en- tirely to the natural inclination 'to form nicknames, but in large measure was due to that same death of Insuf- ficient names to go around which, in- tensified as populations became larger, finally grew into the formation of family names. The family of Collins, when it is not traceable to Irish sources, is simply the modern form of "Conn's son," as also Is the family name of Collinson. Tho Normans quite frequently formed diminutives of given names by the endings "et" and "ot," and it is from names so formed that the family names of Collett and Colet come down to us. MEREDITH. Varlatione—Merideth, Meredeth, Mer- rlweather, Merriman, Murray, Rada! Origin—Anglo-Saxon., Souroo—A sobriquet, or nickname. There's a word in the English lau- guage wblch is responsible for a great deal of misunderstanding among us as to the character of the English public in medieval times. It is the word "merry." It is met with constantly in fiction, wheat it really belongs, as lending local color to the olden days, and also In historical relics. The misunderstanding on our part arises from the fact that the word had a very different meaning to those days. The English of medieval times were no more rollicking or boisterous than those ea to -day. The word moat "happy," "contented," "satisfied," "pleasant" and "peaceful." Of all these meanings, that of "peaceful" is probably the closest to it. There was nothing incongruous, therefore, to the hope of the religious Englishman of those days for a "mer- ry death," and by that same tendency which leads the human race, when not too bound, up in conventions, to name its children after its hopes' and as- pirations, "Merydeth" would often be added as a sobriquet to a chtld's,name, becoming a family name in the course of time in a great many instances. The family name of Merriman is ac- counted for quite similarly. A merry man in those days was a peaceful, contented, happy man, not necessarily a laughing or noisy one. This sobri- quet was one more likely to be given to a man as an adult than as a child, but would have no loss tendency to develop into a family name. We have a relic of the old -thee use of merry weather (merywedyr) in the use of "fair weather" in that song which be- gins, "It's always fair weather when good fellows get together—a" The family name of Murray is, of course, for the most part of Celtic origin, but who it is not, it is merely a corrupted spelling of Merry, from the old forms, such as "Richard le Mery," WII II IIIIIIIiIiui11111I11111111111111it 1I1111111111111111IUIIIIIIII1111l111111111111111IhiI11111111111I11W E. A Ready -Cooked Food a For Breakfast or Lunch a ape: ,t uts Crisp granules of wheat and malt- ed alted barley"sweet as a nut" from special processing and long baking. No need to sprinkle sugar on your cereal when you use Grape -Nuts 7lieres a Reason" Boy Scout Notes. Taro new proficiency badges Will soon be available for Canada's iioy Route. They are the Athlete's, the Oanoeman's and the Bookbinder's. I e A * Seonts througlfout the province are making plans to celebrate Sir Robert Baden-Powoll'a slxty.lifth birthday an February 22ad, Since the British "'Chief Scout" founded the 1307 Scout Movement in I.008 his eittzenahip training plan bus spread to almost every civilized country, and probably five to six Million boys and young men have conte Into Contact watt it. 4 ► • e The Ontario Provincial, Council of the Boy Scouts Assoclation ;will this, week publish the first isaue of ite new monthly paper for Scoutmasters, As- alstant Scoutmasters and other Boy Scout workora. It will be called "The Trail" and will be the first publieation of Its kind 1u Canada. Its ,Folumns 'will be devoted to general neve of the Poor tired feet -- Walked eet- - Walked all day danced all 'night for quick and sura relief, Soothing and, tefreshlag, BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES MONTREAL 0.00aru6a. THE LEENING NILES CO., LTO. Agents for lir. Sales nonett6 RELIEVES PAIN Why Don't You? Why don't You try to be cheerful,,, To look at the bright side 01 things, To think of the cloud's silver lining, And not of the shadow It brings? organization in Ontario and to epeeist It isn't the man with the grumble articles intended to help the Scout Who gets to the top all the while, officer in the efficient conduct of his troop. It is to be mailed free of charge each month to all registered officers. • * e e The Canadian General Council of the Boy Scouts Association has just appointed a publications board Con. sisting of the following: W. J. Sykes, Librarian, Carnegie Library, Ottawa; Russell Paterson, Executive Secretary, Montreal Bay Scout Council, and also a writer of Boys' Stories Gerald 30 Brown, Editor of the Boy Scout Cana- dian Handbook; John' Dixon, Adveh tieing Manager for the Conservation Commission, Ottawa; Harry Hereford, Industrial Engineer, Ottawa; Lawrence Burpee, Secretary, International Joint Commission, Ottawa; Scoutmaster Frank E. L. Coombs, writer of short stories, Slmooe, Ont.; and Professor G111, Director of the Government Technical Education Department, Ot- tawa, This Board will control the edi- torial and business policies of the Boy Scout Magazine, "Canadian Boy," and under its direction will be published all future editions of the Boy Scout Handbook for Canada and of all other offical books, booklets and pamphlets of the Association. —.f WELL SATISFIED WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Emile blalotte, Montpelier, Que., writes;—"'I have used Baby's Own Tablets for some time and .am well satisfied with them. They are surely the best medicine I know of for little ones." What Mea. Malette says thousands of other mothers say. Once they have used the Tablets for their children they would use nothing else. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative; are absolutely free from opiates, narotics or other harm- ful drugs and may be given to the youngest baby with perfect safety and good results. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Dominion Registration for Silver Foxes. Many silver fox ranches in Canada are still unaware that a step of para- mount importance to their industry has been carried through this year. It is now possible for any fox owner, If he possesses pure-bred .pedigreed stock, to secure registration of the same with the Canadian National Live Stook Records, Ottawa. This has been brought about by the formation of the Canadian Silver Fox Breeders' As - sedation, with headquarters at Sum- merside, P.E.I. Full information can be obtained by writing to the Secre- tary, E. H. Monkley. Lumberman's Friend, The Origtival and Only Genuine YARMOUTH, N.S. Buildings on the Sun. Well into last century it was be- lieved that the sun was inhabited, not with puny beings like ourselves, but with people weighing several tons and of proportionate strength. The sun, being a body at most tre- mendous size, must necessarily have inhabitants worthy of its grandeur. And, having men, women and children, it must have buildings in which to house them and to carry on their in- dnetries. lienee some observers, with an In- genuity which 111 credit to their imaginative faculties, were certain that they had discovered buildings On the dark, solid body ot the sun. The buildings wore not claimed to be in regular fornuttlon, such as a vast city. in the sun might be supposed to con- tain, blit were merely "traces." That was how these observers al- lowed their imagination to run riot. As a fact, what they actunlly saw was not a dark body on. the sun at all, for it possesees none, but dark open Inge (Caused by nprusht3 of gas) In the suns flaming envelope. These openings we know as sun -spots, 'and the differences in 'he shading of the :pole were taken to be buildings be- side which St, Paul's Cathedral would be a mere toy, But the man who can laugh at misfor- tune, And try once again with a smile. Nulty don't you try to be hopeful? To hope Is to half win the fight; It's the star, when there's naught else to steer by, That leads from black darkness to light. Be hopeful, but still with your hoping, Leave nothing to chance all the same; • For the hope that alone brings you heartache, With action wins glory and fame. Why don't you try to be thankful For all the good things that you hold; For the blessings that ever surround. you, For the love that's more precious than gold? So take heart—make another begin- ning— Go forth with a song to the fray. For from those who are cheerful and hopeful, The cares of the world fall away. Be Careful How You Tum. An ancient belief exists in the vire tues of dancing or turning round in the direction of the sun. Sun -dances are still held in 'Mexico, Chile, and. Spain, fn which the turns• of the dance are arranged, astronomically and the movements of the heavenly bodies are followed in the dance both as to time and direction. We are taught not to stir a pot the wrong way or the sugar In our tea; while mayonnaise sauce would be ruined if stirred one way and then the other. A story 1s told of some Scottish boatmen who considered it unlucky to start on a voyage, however short, un- less they turned their craft round three times with the sun. It may be asked why once or twice would not have answered lust as well. The number three, however, is one upon which the superstitious set great store. Some of the anol'ents regarded it as the perfect number, for it repro - seated, the beginning, the middle, and the end; It was the Trinity. So round went the canny Scots' boat three times with the sun. "W" Leads in Surnames. More English surnames begin with "W" than with any other letter. The Japanese Navy, in strength, comes third among the Powers. A scrub sire is backed by his tall only, a pure-bred by man'e thought- ful work for generations. Canada's new navy, presented by the Brdbish Government, consists of the cruiser Aurora and the destroyers Pa- triot and Patricia. Canada's population is estimated at a little over two persons per square ,.tile, es against 30 in the United States or over 200 in the British Isles. "DANDERINE" Girls! Save Your Hair, Make It Abundant! Immediately after ti "l;?andertne" Massage, your bair takes 00 new 1110, lustre and Wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair some to fluff and thicken, Don't let your hair stay lifeless, taloa less, plainer scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 85 -cent bottle of delightful "Dan- dotiuo" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimu. lsting "beautytonic" gives to thin, dull, fading Bair that youthful bright' noes and abundant thlcknese.—All drugglstsl BITS 0 fi UM FROM HERE &TEJEI;E Modern Life, "Do you help your wife with the dishes?" "No.!' "There iau't room for both of is In the kitchenette," "I've le the Lighthouse? I''ve called at reference to your ad- vertisement for a maldnervttnt" "Oh, yes!" nervously answered the mtetress-would-b e, The caller was very wail dressed, though perhaps she did not leek very strong ter homework.. "Do you think you could do a little hoasework?" asked the woman, "Well, mum," replied the girl, "my lteaath Is not too good, and I thought I needed a little sea air. Will you tellme where the lighthouse is? And then we can see if 2 can do the job." The Reason Why. Tommy, aged six, had been out or a long walk, and on his retina was speedily put to bed. Some time later his mother, going up. to his bedroom, found that her fond offspring had gone off to sleep with his feet resting on that part of the bed intended for Itis hent She woke him up, reversed him, and then demanded an explanation. Two chubby little nets wiped the sleepiness from two little eyes, and then a plaintive voice replied: • "But, mummie, my head wasn't tired, and my feet were." One Big Appetite Was Enough. One day a man complained of not feeling fit, and a friend suggested that he take up exercise. "There's horseback riding," said the friend. "It is one of the best forme of exercise on earth." "I know," was the doubtful rejoinder "butI am afraid I can't afford it" "Can't afford et!" exclaimed the other- "You. already have a horse; and just think of the appetite. tt will give your "Yes," responded the man. with a sigh, "and just think of the appetite it will gyve the horse!" "Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects Stomach. "Pape's Diapepsin" is the clufokest, surest relief for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Feat mentation or Stomach Bistros caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach Is corrected so you can eat tavorite foods without fear. Large case costs only 60 Cents at drug store. Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped annually. Largest sell- ing stomach corrector in world.—Adv. .ti The storage dam at La Loutre Falls, Que., will, when completed, be the largest of its kind in the world, at a cost of nearly $2,000,000. It will be 1,720 feet long, 80 feet high, flow of water will be regulated by 10 gates. It will store 160,000,000,000 cubic feet of water, or over four times the van, tiny stored in the Assouan Reservoir in Egypt. Three hundred square miles of territory will be affected by the undertaking. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and Isom to Fend Mailed Free to any A0 - dream by the Author. X. Qisyy Glover do-, tae. 118 West 31st Street Nev York, 11.9.A. 110111111111111HIeaaaaseMaaowasasMMXI ase A Kidney Remedy Kidney troubles- are frequently caused by badly digested food which overtakes these organs to eliminate the irritant acids formed. Help your stomach to properly digest the food by taking 151to 30 dropn of Extract of Roots, sold as Mother Seigel's Curefive Syrup, and your kidney disorder wilt promptly die. A appear. Get the genuine. q Laateeraat•Vme1®eM®iee40eett9O Mrs. A. Crawford Tells How Cuticura Healed Little Girl "My little girl's trouble started witli small pimples on the back of her head nod they spread � downherback. Thepim- 11t1 plea were hard and red 'o t and they itched and burned tcrrlbly. She % scratched and irritated hi' t a if them and they later de- ' °' vcloped into sore crop. tions. Her hair fell out and became than and dry, and scales fell off on her clothing. "I ueed o free sample of Cuticura and the pimples commenced to dry up. I bought snore and when 1 had used one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Alonzo Crawford, 89 Parker St., Bangor, Maine, ann. 12, 1020. Por every purpose of the toilet and bath Cuticure Soap Ointment and Talcum are woeder•felly good. Saone. Olstmen124solite. Tales $Ce. Sold throaghout thenOminion. CtinadoihnDeppt� i. �os anew p,, Iimhed, 391St. Peel 81., w. Mantresl, ®psyi-CutkueaSpsp 85,908w bleat mus. Classified Advertitiiementa. FAIIM WANTED, LR ' M AWANTED. STAND AIASCRIp. .5 tion and price. John 3. aloe, c Omelet.. Falls, Wlo. Fur Breeders Association. An Important meeting of fur tette.. era was held in Montreal during the recent exhibition of live silver boxes, Representatives' were preeent from both Eastern and Western Canada and a national organization, to be called the Canadian Fur Breeders Amelia Won, two formed. It will have ranch the same relation to the fox•farining Industry au the several National Live Stock Aseeclat1one have to their re. spectivo branches of animal husband- ry. National records for pedigreed foxes will be kept in future 11Y the Live Stocit Reoorde Branch of the Do. minion Department of Agriculture, Mr. Fred L. Rogers of Atherton, P,E,I., is secretary of the new Association. MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town aecounte by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, te— frith Have Biggest Heads, A London hatter says that Irishmen have the biggest heads, Scotchmen coming next and Englishmen third. Mlnard'a Liniment Rellevaa Distemper When we say that a man is dense, we do not mean that he is either solid or deep. Bamboo is split into pbonagrapi needles 91y machinery at a rate of 10,000 needles Fen hour and another machine, into which they are fed by hand, ran sharpen 30,000 a day. WEEKS BREAKUPA-COL AB LETS TRYTFf2is1 PRICE 250' ASPIRIN Only "Bayer" is Genuine 1 ' mo�o, gAvElp Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting Aspirin at all, Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer Pack- age for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothaehe,Lum- bago and for Pain. Then you will bo following the directions and dosage worked out by physicians during twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger pack. ages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is tha trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Ittonoaceti- cacidester of Salicylicacid. ., sib Liniment is always ready ease rh.eunittizsai cc T the very first twinge, down a`' A comes my bottle of Sloan's; then quick relief, without rnbling, for its stimulatorg and scatters congestion. The boys use it for stiff muscles, and it helps Sally's backaches, too." 35e, 70e, $1.40. senstetaiumatteamateematelerata MOTHER! 'California Syrup of Figs'° Child's' Best Laxative" Accept "California" Syrup of Piga oily --took for the name California me the lmokago, thou you are sure YOU* child is having the best and most harmless physio for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love nit fruity taste. ma dlreoteam 00 each bottle. You must say "California," IssUt No.3a-igi,