HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-20, Page 1VOL- 49 NO.. 30 o `$1.00 per a11n1G1n 1,n advane BR'USSEZ,S. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, YANUARV .2o, I92x. 1 W. H. KERR, Proprietor 'e • New Advertisements. For sate -Tare Pont. Auction enla U F, Carr. Amnion ,e a Anle J, T. Nlahal. HOT iMidconcert oats J i np Rn concert -Ethel F'on,manl11 Oloh. Megtb u terry ' Morris , Red .Btsr Washer -Geo. It, rnnlno-Jn,nes Cox. More eggs• -9'. R. iSmith, Notice -Township of AleKillon, Yarn for sale --Walton ltrd Orme. Deloo•Ligght--ti. G Dnrroolr. Oar or Flour -W. J. MoOraoken, ewelory-J. IC Wendt, Jamestown Imbert, Will. and Alf. Hamilton made ;l present of $650 to their brctl). or, Thomas D. Hamilton, aP 11.01es• Werth, to pay expenses. Soiree time ago t' to • e S. Ci r l r, Brussels; sold a player piano, GetIntiel-Heintz• Matt wake, to the home of Airs. Ohas. Forrest, wMoly afterward went to the daughter, Airs. herr, Minh. Later a fine Gray -Dort touring oar was sold to Jae, leorreet and hie' mother and this holiday season asecond player piano, n duplioaterof the first Bele wee placed for the sante folic. This is 0 'come back" most business teen ...like we fancy, Gnderioh Signal speak+, of a former well kiloton resident of this locality as follows ;-Atter 25 years as proprietor of the Kiugeton street general store, U. F. 0. Meeting Saturday afternoon of this week the members of Grey & Morris Farmers' Club are ask- ed to attend. meeting in the store, Brussels, at 2.30 o'clock. W. LITTLE, MILTON PARR, See rotary, President WANTED Highest prices paid for all kinds of Logs. A LSO wish to pall the attention of any ;tetanus wishing odd jobs at • the Plauing Mill to place orders 0arly. AMEN T BROS. •tee.4 3, .4 +4 d Car of 'F •k G c+ louri ON HAND '1 + . + 4. t- 4. .1 Clear ftrianitoba + + r t. Bl4.ended Flour $5.50 'l. - per cwt. at Store +i• .1. • fi Ili I_ ra I LeitC11 gi 3mi I \ F CRANi3ROOK 4. a ,l. .14d, -4.44+!'+•A- +.1.'t••N't4.4-3.8,•$,t,.l•d+4 It, H, Cott has retired, having sold the business to his son, J. Galvin Cott, wen has been rtesisting hint in tlaeAausi- ,•severe' uses fc v curs, AI r, u will tCult Il y now be able .to Lake, a well earned met, though part of his time will be Wren. up with his duties in connection with Lhe town Couuoil to which be was elected by acclamation,' Wroxeter °br'ie. Moffatt has purobased R. iilese is farm at Morrisbank, John Al tomcat who has been ill for the past week, le now on the mend., Mres Dthel.Stutt wee -Called home. from Bolvroa iville owing to the illnees of her mother, As. a result hi the dance held in the Town Hall Friday evening, the Rink fund will be increased ;100. WVhile retarrieng frum making a professional call on Monday. Dr. Mo- LeocPs horse became unmanageable resulting in the doctor being thrown fro° the cutter and his shoulder- be- ing dislocated, A, A. Lanionby, who has been manager of the Bank of Hamilton here for eeveral years, has been trans- ferred to a branch. at Princeton, for which plane he will leave shortly: Hie successor has trot yet been appointed. While in the village last Tuesday afternoon, Miss Inglis, an aged resi- dent estdent of Belniore, sustained a fractured leg, The horse she wasdriving be- came frightened throwing; her from the cutter. She was ableeto go to her home on Wednesday. 17. F. 0.-Anunal ineAting of the II" F. O. was held in Club room, Wroxe- ter, Tuesday, Jan. 1111) when a largee tumbe„ of menthol) erePresent. John fiicEwen, Secretary, read min - OAR OF Royal Household flour Bon, Shorts and feed Corn TO ARRIVE RoyalC O Pei cwt. Household $ a ccff car Flour Corn Meal $9:.00 per cwt, off car. Try Gluten Feed. W. J. McCracken Phone 43. RED STAR WASHER. Mattes Evc' y Woman Smile -10' cozy to operate -washes clothes so clean. On display at our store. Come and sec tt. Geo. R. Weller AGENT . - BRUSSELS A Good Investment riptiE money you save earns interest. when deposited, in our Savings Department, and both principal and interest are safe and can' be obtain- ed whenever required. Open an account to -day. THE E CB--1'rNADIA1 ® BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 WAL'TON 33RANCIi, J. M. McMillans Manager. Ates Of last meeting which were ad- opted by motion of A. E. Geliaher. Aster President, Ater, Gib son, had vacated o nlait ann{iP by ktnR t Moau itcn putt A.EGalaeact oe chairman, Carried. (-Winery rout- ine business folluwed :- EleaLinn of Presldent for corning year, Moved by Alex, Gibson, seconded by W, A, Mines that A, E. Gallaher . be the choiee: Carried. Moved by Nelson Louttit, seconded by Time, A1aGlytn that Thole McMichael be Vice Pres" Cat'ried, Retiring Directors were Arch, McMichael, Robt; Mitchell and Nelson Louttit, who were unanimous- ly voted back to office. Moved by i qbt, McMichael, seconded by T. G. Shearer that John McEwen act as SecretaryTreaeur'er aseieted by Alex, Gibeonas the business has increased making it too heavy for nue man, Following the election of officers the delegates to Athe 17. F. 0. Convention in Toronto, Stuart MoNauBhton, Roht. Mitchell, P, S. McEwen and 0, Moffatt, gave reports which were very satisfactory to the meeting.. After some discussion on different subjects the meeting was closed with the in- tention of meeting ab 1.30 p. rn 1511 Saturday Of each month through Winter months. With the hearty 00• operation of its members this Club will no doubt double its business in coming year. Ethel CoateorrnAnan brink hone for sale, with Atr- ium, kitaheaand woodshed, hard and sort, water. stable, &o., situated on Mat street, Ethel. For pertiaalars Phone 2326 or .156 Brussels ()entral. Skatingand hockey are now on the a c y pro P ram. f; Thie locality may supply the bride for a nearby. wedding. We must not mention names yet. Edith Ferguson, nurse, returned to Toronto after a holiday at the parent- al home here. Skating is now on the' program and despite nearby open water all that has been drowned is 0 hockey pucks. Some young people took in the hockey match in Listowel Friday night and report the game to have been good. The W. hd. S. of the Presbyterian church carried out the program ar- ranged for •the day of Prayer. An offering was given on that day for the Famine Fund. Last Sunday was "Every member present Sunday" at the Methodist church. Despite the inclement weather the attendance at the Sunday School was the flue number of 87. We desire to express our sincere thanks to the Electors of Ethel Police village, the ladlea especially, for their hearty support in electing us as Trus- tees of the village. We will do our nutmeat to protnote the welfare of the village and beautify the same" Signed DAVID MILNE, War. T. SPENCE, JNo. McNeal,. FAM1LY THAi.E BRUSSELS Program Saturday : 'The Street Called Straight' and Christy Comedy Monday Ann Cornwall IN "The Path She Chose" And First Episode of "ELMO THE FEARLESS" Wednesday : Mrs. Charlie Chaplin iN "HOME" Methodist Churches ETH EL , O/RCUIT Next Sabbath Services Roe's at 10.80 a. tn. Union 2.80 p. tn. Etbe1 7,00 p. m, " Topic i My forward Step" A lantern teCture Will bn given -in Roe'e Church Tuesday evening nest; Union; Wednesday and Ethel Thera - clay on 'The Life of Christ,' Adruission 15c and funds over expenses will go to Forward Missionary Aiovotteut, Make a 'point to attend Community Club Friday B J 1 va an 21 At 8 o'clock, in the Community Hall, Ethel when the following attractions will ,,, be presented A Side Splitting Comedy •ntitled'dLovo in All Corners" A Farce Comedy entitled y'Jpmbo Jim" Lantern Slides on a "Trip through the Canadian Rockies and Peace River District." Music, etc., a't Intermissions. Come one and all and el$oy a gond time. Admission 25 and 15 ots. 'a D. J. FALCONER, Boa. -Treaty. Public Library' is now open to the public, 31,00 -per year and you cat read as introit 0.5 you like. P. 3. Bishop is the. Librarian. We are glad to welcome Robert Mo - Kay as a resident of our town after his long absence from the community. Mr. McKay itas been greatly missed and we are glad to see him back. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held Thursday afternoon, Jan, 20th, at 3 o'clock, in the school room. All women of the oommunityare welcome. Listowel people showed good ju d - meet electing g our former villa er , John McDonald, merchant, to alder - manic honors, at almost the head of the poll. Our guess is that he will' make an A A Councillor and will sit in the Mayor's chair before be quits. It serves him right. Watch for the Community Club Concert Friday, Jan. 21st, when the sketch "Love in all Corners" will be liven. Talent from Jamestown lo- cality will also put on the mirth pro- ducing comedy "Jumbo Jim." A lantern lecture on the Canadian Rockies will also be given. Don't miss this first-class progratn. See ed et. Thursday evening of last week a social gathering was held at the home of Thomas and Mrs, Vodden when the young,men'sBible Claes le -organized for the coming year. While it didn't pay to he Goliaths everyone enjoyed' a fine time. The officers elected were as follows :-Teachers, Mrs. Hall and Robert McKay ; President, Charles HansuldVice Pres, Roy Hall ; Sec- Treas., Wm. Mitchell ; Convenor of Devotional Committee, Quest Dobson ; Membership Committee, George Mc- Kee ; and Social Committee, John Sletnnaon. POL[0Pu V ILLAc+E TttusTEE8.-The. Trustees elected on .Ian. 17th fur Ethel Police Village were D. Milne, Wm. T. Spence and John McNeil for the year 1921. There were 6 candidates, S. S. Cole, Chas. Hansuld and W. Gill in addition to those o elected Board rear immediately after election. Moved by W. T. Spence seconded by Sun Mc- Neil, that D Milne be Inepectin _Trustee for 1921. Carried: Moved by D. Milne, seconded, by J. McNeil that W. T. Spence be Seoretat y for Trustee Board for 1921. Carried, Moved by Jno. McNeil, seconded by D. Milne that Trustees meet 1st Monday in each month, Carried. Moncrief Roy(lnmmings is visiting relatives in Toronto. Knox Church annual statement is in the printer's hands. Duucan McKay, Stratford, has been visiting his brothers in this locality. Aaron Hulley, McKilloy, who drop- ped off so suddenly last week, is the father of Mrs. Munn, of Moncrieff. Wm. and Mrs. Fraser are renewing old friendships in this locality. The visitors live in Saskatchewan ploy - ince. Annual meeting of Silver Corners Cheese factory will be held Saturday afternoon of this week, at the factory, at 1p. m. Officers of Adult Bible Glass Knox_; church, Aloncriefffor 1021* are a5 fol- lows :-lion. Pros., Neil McTaggart ; President, Iiarry Luddington ; Vice Pres Alrs, Geo. McTaggart; Sec.- T'reas., Neil McTaggart t Collector, Jas, i3nlllie ; Organist, Miss Belle Inglis'; Teachers, Win. Harvey and Al. Hultrisntt. Morris If you watch or clock requires re- pairs see. 3. G. Jones, at his home, Brussels, and he'll attend to your needs. At the animal School meeting of 8. S. No. 6,1no. Kelly was elected Tette- tee ruetee as successor to Joe Smith. Wood contract was given to Alex. Russell. An Attrition 8ale of farm stock im- plements, &c, is slated by Jas. A. Nichol, Se Lot 25 and 28, let line, for Wednesday of next week. The farm will also be offered subject to a reserve bill. List of sale may be read on page 8. T. 11, Bennett will be the Auction- eer. Lemont DIED. -We are sorry to re - poet the cletrl11 of Alaicnlm, the bright 8 year old son of Thomas and ,llrytte Miller, 8t11 line, He passed away on Saturday. A abort time ago deceased and his brother were playing ont- donee and carne ettneee a slime hrtmlled fork, . In statue way fine of the tines penetrated Mallerehe's face neer the eye. A physician Was 'called at once and hopes wcr'e entertained for hie re- covery but Inter Ineningitie Misted and be lapsed into nbnonseiOasuees hem winch he never raised, Funeral took Irlaee Tuesday 81151110011, Rot, A J. Alarm emnduetiu . the service, In- terment was nook lin Brussels ceme- tery. Mt. and Mts, Aliller are deeply sympathised with in the demise of their little son. He ,was a Retuned favorite and will be greatly caused: Ray , ti line,I r R Fac 8 a has nt .h sec ,a 7 a 1 yi the Crich 100 more feral, near the Turner eine eh 011nton local it and will move to it on Match Ise He eold his home farm last year to J. J, Ma. Oaughey. 411. Fear pays $7,500 fru his new property, which is a good One, It to in Tuckers/tab ' township, Old neighbors and friends here rail heartily recommend the Fear family to the residents, of'Tuckersrnitl) Qrev Don't forget B. F. Cates Auction Sale next 'Tuesday, Lest Sunday Mrs, 13eury Hart, pas- sed away at her hotne, Lot 2, Oou. 4, 111111)5 township, aged 51 years, 0 months and 20 days, from the effects of a stroke. Her maiden Mune was Mary Shiels. Husband, son and daughter survive. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon to Bios. seta cemetery, Mrs, Hart was esteem- ed steem-ed by a large circle of old friends who sympathise with the bereaved in their sorrow, Oranbrook J. Noble is back float the West. He was id the Swan River District, Miss Frances Houston, of Seaforth, is renewing old acquaiutances in Oran brook. Miss Lizzie McIntosh, who has been. holidaying in Stratford, returned to her home last week. V. Foeretee, who has been coufioed to his bed for sometime, is able to be around0n0 emo e we are pleased to notice. Ilirs. Osborne and elaildren, of Log, an, were visiting with the former's sisters, Mrs" 3. Noble and Mrs. A. Cameron, W. E , son of D. and Mrs. Campbell, of Cranbrook, - was elected Mayor of Assiniboia, Sask., for 1921, Oongaatn- lation5, may his shadow never grow less. The Kincardine Review of last week speaks as follows concerning a formes well known resident: -Owing to ill• nese, Rev. F. a Overend was unable to take the services at Knox church last Sabbath. Rev. Mr. McCrae, al though advanced in years and almost totally blind, ably filled in the gap and delivered two fine sermons to a large and appreciative audience at both ser- vicep. Walton YARN ton BAWL -Walton Red Cross Society hast quantity of light grey yern on hand which is offered for Bale et 81 20 par pound, Yarn may be had at the home or Ora. Jobe Watt. McKillop Council meets at the Car- negie Library, Seaforth, on Feb 8, 1921. Annual congregational meeting of Duff's chute!) will be held next. Thea day afternoon at 2 o'clock. A new POWliehip Clerk for McKillop is being advertised for. M. Aiurdie has held the nffice for many years. Rev. Mr. Rowland, of West Flam- boro, will take the services in Duff's cruorchi ard 11n narivff next Sunday. I The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church will be held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Love on 'Thursday aftr'- noon of next week, at 230 o'clock. At annual meeting of Horticultural Society a good ieport was presented. Officers elected were :- President, Miss M. Ferguson ; yice Pres., Mrs. O. Turnbull , Sec. -Trolls., W. G Neal 1 New Directors, Harvey Hoover, Jas. McDonald, A. Dennis, Mts. Lydiatt and Miss M. Kelly. These with the 5 old Directors constitute the Board, Mira Aiaudo Ferguson delegate to an- nual Convention, Illustrated Lec- ture, having a share in a County ex- hibit of gladioli and mbar interesting Watters were discussed. At the annual School Aleeting held in U. S. S. No. 12, Grey and McKillop, Jon. Bolger was voted to the chtur and Chas, Case chosen Seeretary of meeting, Thos. Williamson was chat - ed Trustee as successor to Jas. Wil- liamson, Caretaker of achool is Geo. Williamson at 325.00 per aurum. Woad eoetract went to Chas. Case, 10 cords 16 inches long at $470 per spped. Trustees are 3. Duncanson, A. Afe0allum and T. Williamson, Miss ehIch1icbael is the teacher. 0o ronerED To BURWABH FAEAT - Fired with the supposed bravado tat 0 bandit, after examining a new rifle se. hum Wilfred Allbri h enredhyhis c Allbright, aged about 17 years, employed by Mr. Mills, a Hullett township farmer, held up his churn's mother, Mrs" Alfred Lydiatt, Wednesday morning of 'last week, and is alleged to have stolen $15 from her. Allbright escaped into the bush and after being traced 8 or 7 miles was caught while hiding in his employer's cowshed by Chief Fitz- ehumene, of Olinthn, and ,Chief %Vhjtesides, of Hensel!. The lad was taken to Clinton at midnight and sp- peered before Magistrate S. J. An- drews Thursday morning, When dr rested Allbright had the rifle, which be had taken From the Lydiatt twine. He said he did not know why he bad acted in such a manner, Allbright went across the road to his chum'e place and was shown the new guar and how it worked. He made a second trip Wednesday when no one was in the hoose, It is alleged that he then secured the $15 and went upstairs and got the gum, Mrs. Lydiatt hearing a distutbance, came in and started up the stairs and was met by Allbright with the rifle and the couttnand "Bands up I" The woman slammed the door In his face and tan outside to raise en tilartnt Allbright givingchase. Re diverted Ins line of trave, how ever, and headed for the bush. After getting into the hush he went several' miles before doubling back to the puce where he was discovered. He appeated. hefnre Judge, Dickson, Gnd- ercoh,•ouFridayy and pleaded guilty to the robbery. He attributed his start on a criminal career to reading dime • • drHaa Dais!: • • • J. T. Ross • • e Who has taken over the for- ft • mer Central Hotel commod. • • ions stables, Brussels, bas • opened the 'same to the tee • • of the public and will keep a • • supply of Hay and Oats. • i e tie••••••••••••••••••••••• • • novels. Judge Dickson addressed the prisoner at some length, stating that Allbright had served a terra at the industrial school for thieving and that it was bard to decide what would be the right punishmenpe to give him in order that ho might come out and start life over again in the right path that would make a man of him. His honor sentenced Allbright to the Bur - wash Farre for at least 8 months and not more than 2'years less one day. FINE FARM SOLD. --The fine 150 acre farm of W. S. Forbes, Let 16, Con. 14, McKillop township, has been sold to Louis Engler, who recently disposed of his farm in Grey townshig to John Sholdice. of this locality, Price paid to Mr, Forbes is $10,500. Possession will be given February 15th. A `clear- ing Auctint, Sale of Farm Stock, tat - P1emants.See. will beheld Wednesday, Jan. 28th It is 52ears since Mr.Forbes moved to the farm, coming with his parent° from Hibbert town- ship, Perth County, when a lad of 8 years, Place is in good shgpe and Mr. Engler -will do well on it. We have not learned where Mr. and Mrs. Forbes intend making their home tbut hope it will be In Walton- or Borne place nearby ae we don't want to lose' them from the community, Reminiscences of 11 Years on Morris Township Board of Health In the year 1901 I was appointed on the Board of- Health to succeed the late Geo. Hood, When Air. Hood de- parted this life he held 3offioers 2 of which came to hie, the other going to P. A. McArthur, of Grey township. Knowing the 'thoroughness, neatness and dispatch with which Mr, Hood did anything entrusted to hitt 'I con- sidered it quite an honor to be offered any office which he had held. Dr. MCAeh arae the M. H. 0. at that time an:l was succeeded to turn by Drs. Hamilton, Stewart, Bryans and White, all of whom I have been as- sociated with and found there gentle- men. Everyone of there men of abil- ity, good judgment and common sense, conscientious holders of the im- portant office. If they erred i6 was principally because all the facts of the case had not been reported. As I un- derstand it the business of the B. O. H. is to see that all churches, schools, wells, school closets, public buildings, and rilaughterhnuses are in a sanitary condition, to quarantine any one in the township having a dangerous communicable disease, except flu, which is not on the list and to see that they are properly attended to and if at all possible to prevent the disease from spreading. In this some- times people willingly assist and gracefully submit to the rulings of the Board but at other times it re- quires a lot of tact, knowledge of jest what ahonld be done, a will to do it lend a willingness to overlook many rebuffs. In writing this fair, two sides must appear, the unpleasant, un- appreciated side, and the other though not pleasant in the fullest settee of the meaning of the terra yet understood and appreciated, taken in the spirit in which it was given. As I always like an unpleasant thing done quickly, have it over and done with I will take just two instances of the unkind fleet. One morning •I started for Brussels on business of my own when there I happened to meet the M. O. and he happe H. said he had some work to do that I could do for hien and as he was very busy he asked Inc to do it, which I readily consented to. Next morning I was called on the phone by the man whose house we placarded, he being absent the day before, and was given till 12 o'clock to take the card down aid got other• abuse the worst and hardest to forgive of which was that my wife had reported the case so I could gaet busy and make a little money. I. asked him how touch he thought I would get nut of the job and he said 50 cents, thereby adding insult to abuse. It is unthinkable that any woman lvould send her husband to a place where thete was contageous disease and run the risk of him bring. ing it home to her and their children for 50 cents. Bahl the thought is - unworthy of any one who calls him- self a man. May he be able to for- give himself for the pain he caused. In this particular case .I worked to oblige a hard worked doctor and ac- cepted, itis thanks and do not want anything more, The other was the dense ignorance I rnet on the work just recently, where a large portion of the language addressed to me was profane, demand- ed to see my, papers and 1 was ordered to "On on," hut I will draw a „veil over this side, forgive it all and try' to Varga it, On the other side are homes we have visited whore the Dr. and nurse souses and everything went as desired, the little °nee soon gob well and were out '"Rosy cheeked to laugh and play and sing And all was as joyful as a happy clayu ' iuw ri P 4•' a tetime , 1 8 things not c Sometime at.r s ltd n5 g g wanted curd then, and thea ''Oh 1 lonesome shadow over a11, Because a little child is missed, Who does not answer to love's call Or come at bedtime to he klased. We do our work and go away Trust peace will cone in answer to our ,prayer While Heaven seems 1101 so very far away Because the little child we loved is there," At tithes like thio very little can be done or said but we know by lock and tone that our solicitude for and sym pithy with. them is understood anti appr•epiated and this and kind words from others mark the side that linget"a. in our memory; As to the financial side 1 see by the Financial report ending Dec" 1501, 1910, that Dr. Hamilton received $8.00 D Laidlaw, $8.00 ; N. A. Taylor, '$8:00 ; A. McElwee, $2 00; H. Johnson, $200 and by the last statement I get 318.00 ; Dr. White, $50 00 ; Reeve Elston, $0 00 and Clerk McEwen, $8.00 for looking after the contageons diseases among the people of Morris during the year. IL is evident on the face n4 it that the B, 0. H. does trot work for, the money that is in it but does a lot free for the good of hurnanit.y. Some seem to think that an office on the Board of. Health is of Minot importance, but as good health is our best, moot valuable ' n no nth blessing asset,withnut which other e enjoyed to the full,it therefore can be 1 y surpasses all other work in the pro- portion that good health exceeds the possession of power :and wealth and without any egotism the best men available should be on it. I have always faithfully tried to do my part and heartilythank a Fong. Buffering municipality for their toler- ance and forbearance with my mis- takes, for their support and many expressions of good -will and apprecia- tion of my services I thank present Council Boatel for their kind words and their earnest desire to have me continue at the work, .I hope my successor, Peter McNabb, will be able to steer clear of the snags, retain the esteem and confidence of his fellow ratepayers which he now holds, keep the office as lung as he wishes and' re- tire with his glory undimmed. Per- haps itis idle to waste time telling the other fellow all .the wonderful things that you have done, for he might not believe you and besides it will be tire- some for him to wait for his chance to tell the wonderful things he has 'done so I will just finish with these lines of Bennett :- "A little touch of kindness to others, OOW and then, A littlebit of bliuduess to the faults of other then The wish to be forgiving and life is `north the living As the glad world swings along." Yours truly, H. Jo tesoN, Horticultural Society Last Friday evening , the annual meeting of Brussels Horticulturnl Society was held in the Audience Room of the Public Library. Presi. dent, 8 Strachan in the chair. Re- port for past year was presented by Secretary -Treasurer 13. S. Scott. It showed total receipts to be $160, which included grants of .359 00 and. $100 membership fees. Expenditure will total up to receipts when liabili- ties for geraniums planted in the beds on the boulevards on Turnberry street and for subscriptions to the Horticul- turist for 1920 are met. The report was adopted. Election of officers came next and resulted as follows, the term for. President being recognized .as one year by the Society :--Hon. Presi- dents -F. S. Scott, W. H. Kerr, Jas. Fax, D, 0. Ross and A. Strachan • President, Mrs. J. D. Warwick ; 1st Vice, Mrs. R. Thomson ; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Alfred Baelcer ; Secretary -Treas- urer, B. S. Scott ; Directors, Misaee Grace Stewart and Mary McLauchliu Sirs. P. Scott, Mrs. ACurrie, le. G e, Mrs. Jas. B.11autyne, Aire. It F. Downing and Mrs" G, 11. McCall, F. IL Gilroy and Rev. A. J. Mann ; Auditors, G. H. Semis and H, L, Jackson. After discussing various phases of work open to the Society and receiving new members the mein- ing adjourned, Executive is called to meet Monday evening, January 81st, at 8 o'clock in sante meeting place. Will all whose names are mentioned make an effort to be present so that plane may he completed for Lhe raining Spring. If you are not a mertaher don't delay as the premium list will soon be prepat'ed. Brussels Society was organized 4 year's ago and bas grown hn interest, having 100 members in 1920. No better value can be obtained for the investment of $1,00 Now be the time to prove your interest in floriculture end the beautt- ficalion of Brussels. THE PosT ex- pects a lively season in 1921 by the activity of the offielary and the,hear- ty support of the people iat town and country. St. John's church is reorganizing 11 YonngPeople's Society. List of officers titxt week, Melville Church Young People meet Thursday evening after the con e. gational prayer meeting, maw instead i,f Sunday evening 01100 church Mrs. A. 1. Lowrv'i. Sunday School class of Young men presented an inter' eating program Monday evening et the eLeeguo service In the Methodist church,