HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-6, Page 8g Sto
Mast Ilol s**o
Cough ilemedieo
Blood Boot Cosign C:ere 55 & 500
Chanty Bark Coug
5oCc aid Sema
Syrup White Pine aud Tar
25e and foe
Rexed Colter Remedy 350 & 600
Syrup of Tar Compound with Cod
Liver Olt 75a
Mustard Ofutmout 400
Rexall Bronchial Salve 50c
lemsa'll Catarrh telly 35c
l 41e Vent:
01 Bottles
Wampole's Cod Meer Oil $1,00
Resell Emulsion Cool Liver Oil
$oott'a Emulsion 75c & 81.50
Laxative Cold Tablets well As.
/Aria - 250
Laxative Broom Quinine 300
Formolid Throat Ease Tablets
toe anti 25e
Paraformic Throat Tablets 25c
Kasagra 25c & 600 hots.
Epsom Salts toe & 05c pkgs.
Compound Licorice Powder roc
Boracic Acid roc pkgs
Camphorated Oil 15c e2
Refined Castor Oil aoc, 25c & 5oc
Pure Olive Oil 81.25 Pint
Hydrogen Peroxide 25e bats.
Fs �tti
The r'
Latest Oooka..
Tee long Winter evenings are
usually the best time for reed -
lug. [lore is a list of a few of
the latent I3oolrs ottt this sea-
sou ;
Kindred of the Dust $2 00
by Peter B. Kline
West Wiud Drift 2 00
by Geo: Barr MOCutebeun
Missy, 90
by Daua Gatlin
In Chancery 2 00
by John Galsworthy
Harriett aril the Piper 2 00
by Kathleen Norris
The Parts Men Play 2 00
by A. Beverly Baxter
Luainda 2 00
by Authanv (lope
Fertile Chronieies of Avonlea
by L, M. Montgomery 2 00
le, Darrow 2 25
by Plenty Cooper
The Valley of Silcut Men z 00
by lames Oliver Curwood
New Coosi omeot of
Paper Covered Books
These for a time were very
hard to get but we now baize
a good supply of the Books by
Sheldon, Garvice, Alger,
Bertha M Clay, McCarter,
Buffaio 13111, Merriwcll
and others.; '
Popular Prices 200 & 250
Druggist and -Stationer
+.444.4 i•4.40+4+0e.eet. +l&.3 4.5•Q •est•Y9'g• eee ewes •0'i•4F+i•N•A•F•4A+
oral tem*. Ni Lot 78.((lon.8, Morris.rte. J. Bdpoop poste for solo any length wanted
Phone 4528.
-Fun SAr.a tN QaANanoolt.-Kitohon 12x18
feet, matched lumber inside and out Cheap
1921. - for quick sole. Joss Wil.Son, Phone 5513
ANVARY. ?Atwitter FOR (rtAYgL-Au parties who
1011001s re opened on Tuesday.
WEATHER has been quito Springlike,
MDNTBL'e Morse . Pair ',tbursdly . of
this week,
STATUTORY Council meetings will
convents next Monday at 1 r a. m. for
the initial meeting of 0920.
R. F. DOWNING Wr11. Ameat, Ince
Oliver and Wm. Clouse were jurors at
Comeat Goderich
1 H. B
THE PosT des its bat to Mayor T daY
of the Win ham i t
er and we
hope be will not mix his get on 1920
municipal race course.
A Bax Social, under the auspices of
the choir of St. John's church, will be
held on Friday evening, Jan. 14011, in
the Lecture room of the church.
MISS GRACE STEWART, Queen street,.
entertained het Sunday School class of
girls, at her home on Friday evening to
tea and also for the evening, The girls
report a splendid time.
J. D. Ronald is visiting at the borne
of Barristersmeseirs. 4ficlair, Brussels.
The lattcrt'is a daughter. The visitor is
Rvronderfully well preserved man for
bis yeers. He was a resident of town
for matey years.
Txs PosT regrets to bear that Miss H.
M. Gordon, of Orangeville, formerly of
Brussels,is tit enjoying very good
health, She will be better remembered
in Brussels perbaga, es a sister of the
late Mrs. (Itev.) Paul, with wbom she
made her borne. Many old friends here
wish herr early improvement.
Tem Toronto Star bas advanced its
subscription price to $s.00 per year,
The cost of the white paper in the Star
,luring the year I920 was 85 78 while the
paper sold at 84.00. For the first
quarter of 0921 the cost will be at least
' 30 per higher. Coder the uew
postal regulations e on
Cthe paper amounts to go be postage
per nyear.
BRoT1tga tbutb AT ARTHUR: -On Sat-
urday, Dec, 26, Nelsen Armstrong,
brother to James Armstrong, Brussels,
died after a brief illness of pneumonia,
at his home in Arthur, aged 64 years.
He was able to eat his Christmas dinner
with the family. Mrs, Armstrong nese-
ed away 18 years ago. An adult family
survives. The funeral took place Wed.
nesday, Mr, and, Mrs. Armstrongattend-
ing tbe last sad rites, Deceased was a
Abe man and esteemed by i. 'wide circle,
ENTERED INTO Rs0T,-Early Monday
morning the spirit of Mrs Henry
Woods tock its Right from the clay
tenement. Her $earl, was not u'e1t-
pectod wo bo bad been 01511 the border.
Land for sometime, her health not being
good for past 5 years.. Mrs. Woods
Malden name was Ann Scott, she was
born le Lincolnshire. Englound, etid she
was in her 7;011'year, coming to Canada
when 5 years of age. In 1868 deceased
was married to Henry Woods, who -pre.
deceased Iter on May 22nd rgi3. After
e residence in Grey town:elm Mr. end.
Mrs. Wood moved to Brriseels 27 years
ago. The surviving children are'•WOl,
J, aid Frank, Grey township, and Miss
Ella At boom. John. Cbartie and Elie.-
betb are deceased Jobe Slott, of Park-
hill, is a brother of Mrs. Woods The
subject of this tranee was a aye kind
hearted, induerlogs„waman, a true wife..
and,falthfnl mother. Sbe e as a member
of Motlrodisl church fur yea s. Pepe.
al took tae
edn esda afternoon from
" q W
her late home, Albert street. to Brussels
cemetery, Rev, W. E, Stafford can•
ducted a suitable service. The beerelty'
ed share in the eympaUly of tbe cores
Bran and $harts'
"r Also a quantity of ; Good CorC
furnace -Stove- Cheotllot Purity Flour tG'per cwt,
d , Here this week.
E. 01 S.. T. Plum Alf. Ba,'eker
PHONE' 4lx
WEpnoc IN ST Joss's •+-
Weduesdav, December 29'11, atCIrbecii t:30
o clock a pretty wedding was soleintlired
in St. John's An. lean church, B•useels,
by Rev J. Stanley 'emel, r+ .,or,
when Will am Leslie Young, of Strat-
U,rd. tormcrly of Owen Sound, and
Miss Linda, daughter of George and
Mrs. Colvin, of this place, joined head
and heart. Churob was beautifully dcc•
Prated with au arch of evergreens and a
profusions of cut fl,werss the work he-
ing retbers thhoir in
honordone of fileby bridene, Choofir assistedecin the
service. The good looking bride wore a
becoming costume of navy blue tricotive
embroidered io black silk, smock of
send end nave georgette ;• with embroid-.
errand beaded trimmings, Week pic-
ture hat of 'French velvet and maltne,.
trimmed with French:flowers, and
touches of pink ostrich, aid seal furs.
Bridesmaid was Miss Emma Colvin, of
the Georgetown Herald steff, sinter of
bride, wearinganavy blue tailored serge
suit, witb embroider/ and head trimming
She also, worea large picture hat of
French velvet and maline. trimmed
with French flowers and touches of pink
ostrich and black fox furs. The. tlut;es
of groomsman were performed by bred
Etheriugtob, Stratford, Wedding
marches by Hallaender and Men
Sabo were played be Miss Ina Bryans,
orgacistof'the churcb and guests were
ushered by George Colvin. Stratford,
and Clarence Anderson, Brussels.
brother and cousin to the bride. Dur-
ing the signing of tite register Mrs. F
S Browne sting eeeetly "At Dawning."
The cttartning little flower girl was
Violet Mi:cbell, nelce of bride, clad in
dress of white Duchess 'satin. 5o guests
sat dowo to the wedding breakfast at
tbe borne of the bride's:parents when
toast w1s proposed ify the officiating
clergyman in felicitous term• aid re-
sponded to appropriately by the groom
The home was neatly decorated with
festoons of evergreeua, roses, Larnatiens
and maiden hair fern. Groom's gift to
bride was a beautiful Chesterfield; up
holstered in tapestry ; to bridesmaid.
organist' and soloist, gold pins with
emerald settings ; signet' ring to flower
girl and silver cigarette case to grooms
man. Wedding gifts were well chosen,
numerous and valuable. consisting of
china, sever, cut gtasn, cheques, &e.
The happy couple left on the 3 45 P. m.
G. T. R, train for Stratford where they
will be at home, at 233 Mint stree•,
af.er January 20 Bride travelled in a
dress of navy taffeta, with georgette
and steel trimmings and bat of Copeu-
bagea bhte velvet with trimmings of
silver sad wearing a seal coat and stuff
and sand shade glover and spats. The
Fatgaherson & Gifford Compnny, Strat-
ford, presented Mr. Young with a fine
andsilk velvet
ensh;0n. A
CC ti n was
tendered the bride and
t broth
er s
room at the home of the tat
in Stratford 'Mr, and Mrs. Young.
carry with them the hearty congtatule-
teens and good wishes of a wide circle of.
relatives and frietflls for a loug, bappy
and useful life.
#11 Petiole We Talk About I
tt ^fx
Miss Mary Ross fs visiting at Toronto
and Monkton,
Jiro, Henderson, teacher, Toronto,
was here for his vacation.
G. H. and Mrs Santis, visited Toron-
to relatives over New 'rears.
W. A. Cricb, Formerly of Brussels, is
a member of Seafortb town Council,
Mrs, S, Weinstein and children spent
the holiday With relatives iii Toronto.
Mrs. Wm. Bryans_is not as well as
usual but we wish her speedy recovery
Mrs. I. G. Jones and Miss Minerva
have gone to Toronto to visit relatives
Miss Minces. Danford. of Detroit, was
a holiday visitofat the paten tal home in.
Clarence Weber, Toronto, spent New
Years bete visiting Misa Lola and Wil-
fred Willis.
.Miss Rosie Wolfish, Toronto, is visit-
ing with her aunt, Mrs. S. Weinstein,
Mill street
Mrs. Thos, Davidson,p aent New
Year's at the bome of her daughter,
Mrs. Hart, Ethel.
Miss Sara McLauceliu, Toronto, was
A welcome holiday visitof with her
sisters .in Brusaeis.•
Miss Wilma Galbraith has been visit-
ing at the home of her grendpareuts.
180. and Mrs. Bowman, Toronto.
Harry and Mrs. Kirby .and daughter,
of Loudon, were hol'dayisg with Joseph
and Mrs. Qaerin, at the Queen's Hotel,
Leslie Lamont, B A., who lea studs
ant at taw it Termite, Was a holiday else.
for web relatives in Brussels end vicini-
Howard Catvetb, Of Part Arthur, was
a holiday visitor With W. J and the
Misses McCracken. He is a cousin and
his father was a farmer lernsselite.
here not settled for gravel taken teen the pita
of the nnderelened are asked to do-eo by
January ]5th. 1881.. After this date anybody
tatting gravel without permission will be re-
garded as treepcs0ing.
A. PoLLocw, darnestOWn.
7 young pigs for rale about reedy to w880.
Apply to J. P. Il1cINToag,. Phone 500, -Lot 21,
(.f n. 13, Grey.
Sta. Good Ewes and Ramfor tale.
200.2 410CnmbnaoN Bltoa-,
Phone 169 NH Lot 25,00n. 7, Xeres.
A fine largeo
Cow, fresh, with exit at foot
Phone 4818 R. C. CAMPDeLL,
Yhirap s muff found Ownermay bave'it by
railing et Geo McFarlane 0, . North Gravel
road, and proving property.
PAIR of brown woollen gloves lost between
the bridge and Brussels depot. Pinder plesse
return mune to TR1'PO85. -
Crmr.'rrRy Lore. -All persons owing for the
earetekime of lots in Brnoeela cemetery please.
aettie, sal am not sending out notices.
• Rolm, DLItx, Braeeele.
Fon sale, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Boss,
Y7iltlatrl street,between the 10th and 15th
Meta •-1 kitchen range, 1. coal limiter, 1 exton.
elan dining room table, several kitchen chairs,
etc„ oleo ladies' fur coat,
enure strayed, dark yellow' in color with
white etreuk ou face and back of neck, d white
pawn and tip of tai,' Information as to his,
whereabouts will bo thankfully received.
Phone 55I1.
NOmro5.-We will ba greatly obliged 1f all
indebted to kindly
by Jan.
8th, 12% dded ntethtlat
BAERER. BROS., Brneeole.
WE hove some extra °hole° Alfalfa Ray for
quick disposal. A ton of this is equal to $ toss
of bran, we are told. G. A. D0AnMMN.
ALL persons 0winii as acooueta ' are kindly
asked to square up the same on or before Jan.
uary 15th, by either cash or note.
Garage, Brussels.
ABERDEEN ANDES Ball for sale, 18 menthe
old. Joe. w. 011AanN, Lot 80, ion, 5, Rad
Wawanbeh. . BelgrnveP. 0. 27.2
COLLIE D430lcst about 8 weeks ago, medium
size, Mackin color with white on ,fade, neck
and pawn, Has n bob.tell. Reward offered
for informationast° its whereabouts.
Phone 802E T 01 enemata,
Fns SALE -2 Pare Bred Short Horn Bulls,
both tonna, f) months nld, , war. Bantams, Lot
25, Con. 4, Grey. Phone 576 410 268
CRo100 Short Horn Bull for sale, 11 months
old. D. GLSaSIER, Lot 8, Con. 11, Grey.
Pboae 2518
Fort SALE, -The roaidnnee of J. T. Wood,
Albert street, Brussels. All modern onnven-
lencea; 35 tare of land; most eligibly eituated;
garage. ()erne rad eo° it if ,interested,
TARN 'rail liALR,-A quantity of light gray
Yarn on hand at the bloae of the war 10 offerod
i'm• sale at 42.00 Door 'pound, Maybe had at the
Puh2ts library. ow is the time to 0eanr0
1t fen the Fall and Winter's knitting.
Desna Antis property for sale in Orungele con•
Mating of n large store and comfortable dwell•
Mg lumens, For further ppartionlare apply to
R. LEA0HEIt0ALE, Pllone 87
REPnnedRTATr0E WANTED far Brnea019 and
Hurnn C•nunty to re0resett0 "'The Old Meltable
F sella l Nirrssriaa' Big smell nre to b0 made
inaellrngNursery stook during the rauoa-
otraetion period. A splendid opportotray far
oliva aaleemno, Hlgkeet oommlae10ns id,
and orae, fres egsttal gqok to ment, large 1108 of trait
WELLINGTON;tToront0 Ont.°i.er,. ilTbNa
1500,?Antrim, Osteopathia Phydiolan, visite
a rna n f boob oak.
Ch ae n Moeda rte o o w
Chronic and nervone diseases auttetiO0t at
trrntai. VtRita reatd(moes. t7onanttntlnn at
Queen'o Hotel.
f,0CAL neo a 0)1 page 5
Alex, Thompson, who botch d good
position ns foreman in an ailumiaum
Plant in Niagara, 17. Seises home over
N ew Yenta.
Mrs. Fletcher Sperling was visiting
her sore Wyman, and Mrs, Spatting.: of
London, end tolled off at St. Marys 00
see her slater, Mrs, Stacey, Who hasbeen
ont the list.
r of
Mie `,usie Haddock formerly y
Huron County a i re n fur-
ural ❑u tv awl who s he o
lough from the Mission field in CHiia,
WAN tlto Riled of the Misses leunter over
the weak 'end. The ladles are old
Mies Hilda Pawsou is laid" 'up with t1
sprained ankle. ,
Miss Elieebetb Dowplug le visiting
relaptives and Old r1end stn Toronto,
H. L. Jpckson w�as ou the poorly list
last week but is able to be about'anee
Mrs. A, .McGuire is., visiting ber
daughter, Mrs: J. !, .Masan, Marlen,
Kept Co.
Miss Nelle larding, who was home
for the yaea(1on, returned to her school
M Concord, Out,
Walter Henderson, of the Standard
Bank, made a holiday visit with "rola-
tiYeS" in 'Toro. to.
Miss Muriel Sperling, of Belleville,
and Miss Addle Sperling, Toronto, were
home for the bolld'y8.
M' M. B. Davis, the Government pomplob•
gist,, of Ottawri;'was a New Year's guest
of F. S. and Mrs. Browne, Brussels,
Bee, Dark, of Galt. was here for the
New Year holicey visiting relatives lend
old friends. Ben, does not forget
We welcome Archie, and Mrs, McDon•
el(l and family to Brussels from Listo-
wei. They percbased the cosy bunga-
low of W. F Stretton,
Will. and Mrs. Henderson, Port Col-
borne, spent the New Yeat holiday under
the parental roof. The former is a son'
of Robert and Mrs. Henderson, Brus-
We regret to report the ill bealth of,
Mrs. Roht. Bowman, Alexander street.
She bas been seriously ill during the
past week but we ]lope for early im-
Tax Peer extends congratulations to
Mrs, fames Fulton, of town, who cele-
brated her 7gth birthday on New Y814r's
Day inthe enjoyrdent of comparative
good health.
A. K, and Mrs, Zspfe. St. Catharines,
and Mrs, N, L. Fry and children and
Miss Gilchrist, Wingham, were welcome
visitors et the ]tome of R. and Mrs,
Thomson, Queen street.
W, H. Merklieger, of Hanover, was
an town'on Tuesday. His wife is a for-
mer Brueselite, Miss Drina Gerry. W
H. is a genial affable emit whom you
teel the better of meeting.
Miss Nessie Kay and' Miss Jessie
Grant, Winnipeg, who have been visit-
ing in Brassels have gone to Stratford
for a visit at the home of Postmaster
and Mrs. Kay, Mr. Kay is a brother
to the ladies:
" R. A. and Mrs. Pryne and children,
Toronto, spent the New Year holiday
at tbehome. of R. Leatherdale. Mrs.
Pryne is a daugbtar, Both Mr. and
Mrs. Pryne were former well known
residents of Brussels.
R. C. and Mrs, Ratbwell and daugh
ter, Stratbroy ; Miss Cela and Eimer
Beacom, Toronto ; and Mlsses Muriel,
Utah, Addie and Elsie .Sperling; Ras
and Mrs, Pear and 'children and Alex
of Monkton
were holiday
visitors at thehome oE Mrs. George
Spading. It was a jolly party that sur-
rounded the festive• board.
70 cts. perr doz
for clean, fresh Egge, Dt
Stale Eggn s at valued,
Buron Specialty Earns, Brusseis
Phone 3 on 3811 8.
Church Chimes
SundaysScbool Lesson notes maybe
read in another column of 'Tem PosT
They are worthy of close following.
In the absence of Miss Miuerva Jones
from town the organ of Melville' church
last Sabbath was presided at by Miss Ise
bel Strachan.
LadiesGuild of St. John's church
will meet at the borne of Seri; Geo. Mul
noon, j'buredayafternoou of this week
at 2 3o o'clock,
Special W. M. S, prayer service will
be held id the choir room of Melville
church Friday afternoon' of this week at
3 4s followed by the regular meeting
Good attendance is asked tot.
Nextt,Sabbath Rev. S. Sellers', B. D.,
Totont8, wilt prea5h in the Methodist
church, Brussels, at II a. M. and 7 p. on
in the ihterests of the Educational work
of the church. He is a fine preacher
and was a former pastor nearly go years
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Staf
ford took for his subject "Drifting down
the stream," Psalm ,go and 12 being tbe
text. eerliss Addie Sperling, Toronto,
Sang in good voice the beautiful solo,
"0 1 for a closer walk with ,„God".
Evening topic of pastor Was on same
subject as morning. ✓
Melville church pulpit was occupied
by Rev. R. A, Lundy, of Walton,
last Sabbath. who is moving to
Kippen [this week, The reverend
gentleman and his active part-
ner in life, have many warm friends in
this locality who wish them abt;ndanl:
success on their new ellaree. ,
The Week of Prayer union services
which opened Motlday everting in Si.
John's 0lturch, held in the Methodist
church 'raesdav evening. will be con-
tinued in Melville church Wm/melee
evening. 'l'.bursd.y ie the Mellodiet
t Friday in St
churoh and concluding nv S
John's ebutch., 7 30 is the hour for
opening and everybody is invited.
Local pasters are conducting the ser-
Every mans, woman,
and child can save.
Every one should save. Every
ambitious person dm14' save.
The Savings -Department of
the Standard Bank of Canada
affords every facility = for aid
ing you t0 save. »o!
GAnNies,-At0Blnevale op JartaarySrd, 1021
Wm. Ghrniee,seee'�'I years, 50. months and
`et (Nye.
8mmer,-.In Wroxeter, on Deo. 28th, 1020,
Themes Smith, .aged A5 years end 6 months.
Woods --In Braesellsa on January, Brd, .1921,
Ann Scott, widow of the late Henry.
Woods, in her 75th year..
Onnn0012LL.-In loving, mentor" of our dear
btiehand and father, Harry'Chnrohill, wbo
answered the call` to the (ireatBeyond, at
O. P. It, Station, Mope w, on Jennary 8th,
'1018. ,
- Jpst a thought of sweat. remembrance,
351o010 token of al ection, true;
And a heartache -still for you.
LAysNL AND Ronson Oa0ROnILL.
M000Ton50N: In loving memory of ourdear
husband and father, Frank Me0atoheon,
who departed this life. Jon. 46h,1020.
He -suffered lou he niprmnrad not,
We watched him night and day,
Till God relieved him from hie pain
And then- he went away,
The Golden Gates were open,
AgentIe vote° uafd come,
And with farewells unspoken.
No calmly entered home.
Tat/goDAT, JAar, 18mn.-11'arm Stook, at
Jameetown, Bale unreserved at 1p, m. Wm.
DSroDONALD, Prop. P. S. Scott, Ano.
WEDNESDAY, JAN.IOta.-Farm Stook, ire-
plements, HoneeholdFurniture, 6o.,1035 Lots
11 6.12; Con. 0, Howiok., Sale ' unreserved, at
ehgrp. Jso, A. EDOAa, Prop. George
Walker, Alta.
Lexie--At Eaton hospital. Sask., MT December
Slat 1020, to Mr, and fare, Ohae, E, !Asko, of
Glidden Sask. Irwin oily of Grey towneh1p,
Glidden, ada0g te ,
Auction Sales
WY ekiy
Store New
The , Pass1n.ui the ltd Year
Z. Very often makes it necessary to
begin the New with a' •
• New Sgt alBooks
f ice Egui .iment
and utiher Office h
Our stock comprises, many of the useful artic-
les that go to make an up-to,date office.
Here are some of them c --
Day Books
Blank ;Books
Business Envelopes
Letter Baskets
Waterman's Ink
Pen Points
Paper Clips
Sponge Cups
Minute ooks
Binding Oases`
Waste Paper. Baskets
Fry's Ink
Indellible Pencils
Pen and Peno,il Clilis
Checking Pencils
Balers -
Menlo J3ooks
Clip Files
Pocket. Diaries
Stafford's Ink
Pen Holders
Ink Wells
• Look over, our Window and see if there
thing there to interest you.
Scott, Aaotioaeer, bail received inetrnatloaa
from the undersigned proprietor to' cell by
Piddle Auction at N3$ Lot 30 Con. 2. Morrie,
(atJamestown) on Thursday, Jan:18611, at 1 9.
no.,the following
aged o
odtool, 1 cow dee to Feb. 5th,1
cow due to Delve klarelath,1
cow dee Co aloe
April and, 2 °owS supposed to be in calf, 2
twayearold'.heiferssupposed In calf,1fat
cow, 1 heifer rising Byears old, 2 steers rivn
2y1�oeerryrol,1 bay heave,
Polled Angus calves, 1 Durban ball eligible.
for registration, rising 2 yearn. 1 ball,
sow dee to farrow Meech Met, 1 York.hlre sow
due to farrow April let, 1 Yorkehire sow due
to farrow Aprlt 23rd,. a number of Toting hes
a number of pure bred Rhode Island Be,'
cockerels, Salnnreeerved as proprietor la
overatooked and scarce of feed, reime-11000
and under oaeh 1 over that amount 12 months
credit given ou furnishing approved joint
notes, 5per cent oft for oaeh on credit
amounts. Poultry to biAODONALD, Prop,
For Sale
100 acres of land, 76 tillable, balance
Berber land and pasture.
This form has a targe barn, one of the beat
in the townehlp;ivtth a new steel root, Dement
stables, a comfortable frame house and drive
shad. It is well fenced and drained, This
term has boon in the: one fancily for over slaty
years.. Itis 25 miles from churches. Stores,
oreamery nod railway station t t54 miles from
school. it has rural mail delivery and rural
fhone. The stook. and Implements of this
arm may be purchased ata valuation. Price
00,000.02, or which 18,00000 may remain on
mortgage at 535 per cent. Thie is a goodebance
to,obtaln a good property and etoek se a,going
concern, W. J, D13FF
:28.2 - Ont.
MA E C. sR 1(
Graduate Department of Opbthhiptology, Mo.
Cormick Medical College, Chicago, I11. Three
months post graduate course during peat year,
Eyes eorreetly fitted With Ghettos. Head.
echos. Inflamed Byte, Granulated Bye Lide
and other Eye troubles, cnuned by Eyaatealn.
relieved through properly fitted Glasses. -
Ssttataotion Aeanred,
Opttera Parlor In Leckie block, one door
South et Barrister' Blnolair'S olfloe.
_Mee hours ; i to 1s a. in.; 1 to 0 p. m. Abet
Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
Phone 20x ring 4
b1g onto off the bride's por0510. oParra, 0 ber
120th, 1020, by Rev. A..7, Mantr, B. A, 'Brae•
Sole, Aftertaste L. 2leDonald, Grey town-
Phi))00 350ee'0obrl,tiuo B„ daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Yaiil, Morris township.
ttItAlY-011ASEV.•-14 the rectory, Myth,on
0 byRte. W. saw -
liar z5th fez
»arum ,
tons, ee ach l Rile, of (trey tf Mr. hip
Mr. hied
n, death Pettit inn 66liter of ffi . h
Af rs linen. rutby 14ttirrls townSlilp
'Youlro-UOLY1N.-1n 0t. John'c Ohnroh, Brnn.
este, by Rev. .1. 8. Jobneen, on December
i lIth,1910, Mr Wet. Leslie Young' Strut.
ford,, to Mae 1'.lnda, don htor of Mr. and 1
Mrs. Goutgo Colvin, of ere/owls.
We Want Expert
Field Men
EMARKABLIS opportunity
for one high grade field man
in each ter 1 or refer -
ably one who has 'a knowledge
of farmenndiei0ns, The pose
Hon is permanent and the work
pleasant and profitable.
Experience net essential ---we
train you, Exelusive terrltot•y,
liberal co•oporation and excel-
lent pay,
To men of eeergy, eblllty,and abed]=
me integrity thla position arena n 0081
nnhle asaeslation, and one that in of.
real Service to the Con enntty. Write
tie today,
he shin- 'M . off n Iia
1 n l Co.o na
Garildb Ontario
Reoretarr & Wittman' . yWo H. D41Y,
(For Onta )0 /0gl.Colle� ,hGueelph) the
is not some-.. •
To all we express the hope that the
New Year may be one of much
Happiness and Prosperity.
• .
•••••SS•••••••••e•••••woo s•s••••a••••••••••••••••es
Annual Meeting pf
Wroxeter Rural Telephone eo.•
The one 0o Meeting of the Wroxeter
hall, r x ter, will be held in theanuar1 own
1921 hall, Wroxeter, o'aloak p. ou. day, January
Fall Wheat 41 70
Gets 50
Peas •w 1 75
Barley. 8100
Butter . . •• 45
Egg"............. .-..�• 15.5.
{1 65
1 75
16 0000
OF i
Men's, Women's and Children's
T Caps c�
Scarfs, Toques, �
SWeater� Sca
Winter oer e
t Underwear
� ,t t�
t and Odd Pao
Boys' Suits a
en�s a
At Pr11es
CA .A.,►�.4..illi.1.I►A.J►416.416.46.�®r,44.A41116.•.41 .•
Men's and Boys' Overcoats and -
. Ladies Coats -
At and Under Cost
Overshoes, and ,F�ub�►rs
Anything you want in light or he v Rubbers,
Any Thy all go at and'under Cot.
Having decided that, if possible, to
tarry nothing in these Allies over to.
next season the o'pportflnityis now
yours to secure BARGAIN S,