HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-6, Page 5SPIESSICARbs, JNOr SUTHERLAND eE1LA W qp SONS SW LIMITED (0,2401 04701010 "1010 WM. OPEiV OE OONVEYAIWEt isms, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIQB+NSFS Moo to the Pen O1roe, wthel. 8Q4 s, SCOTT AB AN AUCTION e ESE, wn1 Hill for better prices, to better Ben, in does time and less °barges Bain any other' Auotloneerin. East Baron or he won't charge aurthlns. Dates and orders can µ1w(47nt be arranged at .able gWoe or ey personal app1ioation, • , Blii0LA W• M " Barrl8ter, iesi cher, Ileutoyauoer, Notaryrabllo, Bo, UWOe.-0tewurt's Blook 1 door 14ortit of Central Hotel, 8olioitor for the Metropolitan Bunk, O . WARDLJ W Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night eons, OUice oppoiits Nlour Mill, -Ethel JAMES M FAD ZE AdV .l9 entHowick Mutual fire Insure m i r nee Company Cn pr Rhone 40 Tornborry Street, Brussels Successor to. Jobe Barris, Walton, T. T; M'RAE M. B.. M.. O. P.,,Q S. O. M. O. H., Village of &Imola. Physician, Surgeon, aeconeheer C tBoc at residence, opposite Melt il.le Mardi, Wlllialn street, PHOU0100T, KILlOHIN & COOKE Barristers, 6oinoltoro, Notnrlos Public, Fie, Office on the Square etia duos frons Th inllton. Street, GUDERICH ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest =tee. W. Paoonrooe, K. C. J.L, ZI$LO'adii H. J. D, Coolrn BRUSSELS HORSE FAIRS Monthly Horse Fairs will be held this season as follows :- THURSDAY, .i"AN. Bra, I021 FEB. San, 1021 " MAI).8ttn.1021 APR, 77.'11, 1921 local and Outside Buyers will be present Dy order of Cannon. F. 8. SCOTT, Work. +.1." .1 1 1..,..t.✓' 4 y..;. 3 ;. ;...;..; 1..,.. -+.I.4•-1 ++ OEEING.,.. AGENCY + + John Oliver x + BRUSSELS has taken over the Deering Ag- 4r. envy and Imitates a full line of ' Farm Implemeuta Mete/ling the : noted + I. II. C. Cream Separators.1. The only Cream Separator wills + two wide open cream outlets-- 4+ no cream screw in the path of + the cream. See itwhem in town. + • The 1. H.C. 8-1H end I11-20,Tractors are among the best+ The Deering Manure Spreader Witii the wide emend and very + light in draft. John Oliver + +++++++++4• lessee+++4••A+++•F'++ + + Bargaio I + ... COMiMI:NOING 4.+ Saturday, Dec. 114. + 4++ + 10 p. iccuntD � ..,.. ---ON- Groceries Flannelettes Shoes and h s All Mads of tura and. rides • WANTED For whichpaid, the highest M market price will be + 4,, •Phone 2x Bruesele t++4+++++++++++++4+4•++++4+++'*F focal On 4tems We congratulate Fred. Campbell, sem of Angus add Mrs. Campbell, Mill street, on successfully passing his exams, as Conductor ou the 11. '1`, R. 1'fe has to r t r rt t from the Sarnia R` no u el on a thr o u ufreight. H e is a steady y ioer andsh w e i Iw sec w h success. Pno.IfIRA You Lifts To Gkt rhe following letter speaks fon itself. Dealt 12420, Kjxa,-You will find enclos- ed $2,o0 for THE Pos'r for 1921. We certainly feel we cannot do without it and we look forward to its coming as it gives us the news in.,whicb we are in- terested and seems like a letter from home, • We'are having lovely weather. Nut snow enough for sleighing but good roads for autos or wheels. The heavy teaming hauling grail soon smooths the roads, Prices are not as satisfactory as years 1 y s thus far. Weare -all wallior wbich we are very thankful., Trusting you are also enjoying good health 'sand wishing you the compliments of the season. Yours truly, Mas. R. &BemuLL, Kelfield, Sask. ' NEWSY NOTE nom Covert, MISSOURI, U. S.-DB•AR EDITOR. -We are having a fine Winter in Missouri this year with only one real cold snap about November 25112. For 2 or 3 days the temperature was round 10 20 above zero and one night 1t was rot Since then it is not much below freezing but damp' and cloudy a goud part of the time. First snow fell on Monday, about to laches but It was soon all gone. •Roads are fine,and motor cars are running all the 11010. -. Wheat was a good Crop and rice at thre hlu p s g was $2,30 but new cars to be bad now at. Corn ' 51r,75 is t he finest ever seen and an immense crop. Price is very low, eo to 5o cents per bushel. Hogs were $47.50 to Sept. but s8.6o_ now' abd cattle were $17,00 per cwt. but now $8 6o I senclose cheque for Tax Poar. I enjoy having it. _Yams truly. .,,111E;.EN ROBINSON. NEN PASTOR Al, MEDICINE HAT, -The Shauuavon Standard speaks as follows of Rev, W. H. Ellis, sun of Win. and Mrs, Ellis, Brussels South, who has re. cantly removed from Sbaunavon Bap- tist church to Medicine Hat : ••Last Sunday evening the Baptist r,hurcb was crowded to the doors to hear the Rev. Ellis deliver his farewell sermon. The large attendance clearly demonstrated the esteem and respect the pastor has won during his seven years uf faithful service and sojourn In Shaonavoo. He rs 8011118(1.m be classed as one of the pioneers of this' enterprising Western town,which sprung tufo existence with a leap and 8 bound iu the Fall of 1913 The transportation facilities to and Cern the little hamlet at that tune' were primi- tive, as the pastor found them, by weik- iug, and by motor. He stated that a tet -weekly express late in the ball of 1913 added ,ouch to' the comforts of eoma;ng•awig,oiott. Io 7 years Sharma - you ass grown Iron a hamlet to be re- cOgntzed'as rose of the foremost towns iu Western Canada, serving au itnmeese. crate agrteultu'ral tetrduly. Great trifles have then made in providing (:equate education for the enudren or he growing town sad district. When tr am,et, oury a small room and' one smeller were sufficient - to aCCOilimonate ud teseluet 511 the chl,ttren- iu anent• nee at asst time,. The etLendaOCe gladly increased which demanded reater accommodatiou aud,more teach - is, unto today our town can proudly oast of it commo(hous teu-roomed brick cheer budding with ten teachers on the lal9, and aresatten(laUee of 300 pupils. early *20,o00 is extremist' anuunby lu perattug,lie school. Tue teen who ave been entrusted' with the adonis- rati011 01 school -affairs rri' Sbaunavou tiring lois peered 8828 ui:,puiyad lunch xecativelabdity. Rev. Ems has lot the est Six years teen Lin active member n the Siiauuavou Sencur BOMA, daring 1110`11 111110 be has served as cna.rmau, great portion of the developmeut eu ur School as above refereed to is prop. ly attributable to the uutiriug educts Rev, Ellis, It will be a difficult met. r to Ail the vacancy on the school and anal secure the Services of one hods willing to devote so much of hi, me to the advancement of our child ueatl»n, rhe success' which be has hieved in this great work will remelts ash in the memories of the Shaunavon oneers and tomes. Not only as a este:son the school board has he ac• m lltshed ueb but he b m m as always was d at heart the moral betterment v ! l n four wn, From the pulpit, Rev. Ellis has uouuced all 1001115 of vice wbicll pre. it in most Western towns and tend ,to grade per youth, and he was also ac• ely engaged its suppressing such vice. ch efforts are certainty oommeudabje (1 we treat, that' 800eone will All the saucy by Biking up the cudgel, The xperteuce gained from honest effort d devoted service iu Shattaavou, we. ei, wilt"stand Rev. Ellis in .good stead his new pastorate, and nay the me success crown his efforts, as dur- +thepest seven years, We. can 'as; 0 02,21 be leaves a vacancy Which will Bard to fill." 'rlie Medicine Ha: ily News adds -'the Rev. W. H is, to whom the above refers, arrived the city Friday teat and is now 112 ego of the work of the First Baptist here,havingpreached 1 rob p d i ie intro- wry serons last Sunday to large Appreciative. congregations. The B 20 Shaunev011 Will certainly, be our u; Mrs, Ellis and family thus be hero a h 8 a e b t d 9 a w A c er of to 1rc w ti ed a0 fr pi tr co Ila to de vu de tiv Su 8u 8a tan Special price ou Soaps ten p p Sal ing sur be Da 12111 in obs situ dun AIM los gei While they last. +' Iiig p hest lees paid 10,' Ef{g a and Poultry. . Ternis 11. of Sale -Cash. H. Li Stewart HENFRYN at the olose 01;the school toren, peat rpomthi A pate from W. McLeren Poi .Is. 1 . B., Port Huron,Micb„ fotmerIy of 1211:Cbuuty lays .-•'I1 will be 43 year., on January 3x11, 29(41, since 1 began nay career as teacher in Union S. S. No, rb Howick and Grey townships. I was 18 yore of age them now I am past the three score, I remember when f3rmssels wnw•AieleyVilie and i)luglc P. O. The late jou. 'Leckie set in the Co. Council with three generation@g of Doigs-my father, his son and grandson," Mr. Doig Is cow engaged In the practice of IOW in Part nurse. Will Meet in London The London Conference of the, Methodist Church will ,meet In Lon, don hl June of next year, It will be a big year for moving, Toronto Daily Star Has Three Huroniens on its Staff. The Toronto Daily Star has three Heronians on its staff, viz; Mr. John Bone, Prem hast Wawanosh, one- of its business managers: Miss Etta Me - Brien and Miss Jean Chidley,+ Clinton. .. r Maitland a tland Pret;bytery rpreabytery of Maitland met In Winghaw, when Rev. Robt, McCal- lum, Leek now, was elected: moderator for ensuing 6 months. Call from Hillegreen, Kippen'and Blake in the Presbytery of Huron, to Rev. R. A, Lundy, Walton, and Mo,t- orieff, was accepted by him. Mr. Lundy severed his connection with the present charge last Sunday of the. year, Rev, A.. J. Mann, Brussels, was appointed ,Interim Moderator of the vacartc Mr. 'Andy, d y N 110 has been interitu Moderator of a vacuity of Belgrave and Calvin, resigned the •s♦•♦e♦Y®•0990♦000♦♦68:0.00.0 Flour and feed • • For Sale e • e •Grain taken in exchange for 6 I same at market price at 2 Z Ethel Elevator Z Hay Bras; Ltd., per C. C. •GIII ,• knownn Fertilizer,H arab-Dn fes , . estIF'Also agent For the 'well Weet Toronto, lease leave me ,• your orders and get one of the • • beet Fertilizers on the market, • I G. C. GILL• - Agent i ♦••N••• •.•.••N♦•s•N•..♦ $TOPPFD HER beinterepreseutetl by au Elder of an- other n oaigregatian, Rev. Dr, queries Beaverton, having; �, of Whet sliver, Alghuh, tl eicall to ' • HE Ac llrE hint trop, 8t, lielone end kiae4A51ih01(1 4 U was dropped, II flea Ar. Eerrle and Rev. t Years Of Suffering Ended By ¶rust-a-tlYesll s 112 Hazen Sr,, Sr. Joins, N, 33. "Itis with pleasure that I write to tell you of the great benefit I received from the use of your medicine "firriil-a-lives", made from fruit juices. I teas 4 great suiRrer i'or many years from Nervous Ileadackes and Conslijaliou. I tried everything, consulted doctors; but ntitlring seemed to help zne until 1 tried "Fruit-a-tives", After taking several boxes, 1 was completely relieved of these trou5les and have been unusually well ever since", Miss .ANNIII WARD,' 506. a box, 8for $3.50, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by wt a -ti Il'1 vis Limited, Ottawa, , position, and Rev, James Scobie, Whitechurch, was appointed in his stead. Presbytery • considered the remits sent down by the General Assembly. Report of the committee nn business was approved. Report no co-ordina- tion was approved, but as to the general principle the Court did not approve the appointment of a paid Secretary. The third regarding method and terms of appointment of church officials was approved. pp ved. The fourth regarded settlement of minist- ere, the Court approved, with the re- commendation that greater attention be paid to seeing that every minister be settled The fifth was regarding presenta- tion of Elders in church Courts. The Presbytery did not approve an Elder Wood for Sale 'Quantity good rt .of hard N Maple and Beech Cord- wood which' we will dis- pose of in the bush. Anent Bros. BRUSSELS. v ACTON'S MEMORIAL MONUMENT J Hn POST is able to t'e+p toduce the above pictureotthe Acton I cocci l and descripttdti thereof through the courtesy of H.' P. Moor, Editor anti Proprietor of the Acton Free Preen Mid an eacttve participant in the memorial movement, This magnificent monuwont has been erected by the people of Acton and vicinity to. ootnrrseutprate the memory of the brave men who went from Acton at the call of King and Country, and' who fell in the great war, The tuonameht 19 a tua8give strife - titre. It is 7'feet0 inches by 041001 et the base, and the column by. some 0 feet high. It is skillfully carved and moulded and the face bears the males of the fallen soldiers and the I•egi. merits to which they were attached. 022 the sides aro en Innings the the famous battles in which tb'iy fotighei • The memotial ie of gray 'Stanstead granite and the Wreath surmounting' the maple isa weather proof pito 1 n of copper ans bronze, fromm Canadian I mines. The monument'000upieo a corn• mending site on Mill street, in 'the centre of tate town, on a tort of the 1 lawn of the 'Methodist church, Which was donated to the Cmnmitleo of Five for the ppnrpnse and deeded by the Church Board, with prt•ruissfon of the Oonfeeence, to the town. A sodded terrace two feet high, 1111(1 86 feet egttare'Surrnunde the monuments The Work. was executed and erected by the McIntosh Granite Company, of Toronto, and refiecte great credit upon the chaste and desalts designing of the frur'e ar1i8t0 and the skill of their ;granite cutters, The design gives a 'massive mid pl'rmaaltrn,t ,appearance, and is withal of an toilette and 8p )ro rt t ae , 11. i pp sty Cl i 1 s 9piendid memorial, Which Weighs about 2q tons, stands. upon a selii c0norete foundation gine feet Ito depth, The vatua of the 11101111ment, a9 It stands, is $8,000, N l D• Sinclair was appointed to, vleit the augrlented charge of Dungannon and Port Albers, and Reya. A. A. M2Lean and C, 0. Overand to vielt the aug- mented charge of A,rruew, following ins trBet loes of the Horne Mlesion corn- mince., Sulgrave L.0, L.--Fpllowi ng are the . officers for 1921 for L. 0, L. 'No, 41)2 Bel.grave :-VV. M,, Murray Johnson ; D. 111., Bert. Watsm, ; Chap Barry Hopper ; Rec:.Sec„ Ohaa. King; Pine'Seo., John Scott; Tr'eee.,, R. McCrea ; Dir, of per., Chao, Coulter• Legtmr- ere, G. Netiery and 1'. W. Scott ; Committeemen, J. Fergnegn, • W. McJNurray, M. Bradburn, Wei, Love, H, Lefebmatt, Next regular meeting will be held on January 10th when newly elected' ofileers will give au oyster supper to the members,. A large attendance is hoped for. Morris G 50HOOL REPORT. -Following isthe report of S S No 5 Morrie, 1 ig for the Fall Term Percentages are based on *narks obtained by pupils in daily work and weekly examinations, Jr. IV•=Riehie Procter, 81, Sr, III- Geoi'ge Martin 87 ; John Noble 81 ; Robbie MacMurray 79, Jr. II1-Rob Procter 76 ; Edna Jackson 70. Sr. 11 -Francis Jacke0n 88 ; Willie Gtaeby 72. IO - eta h laee A b I I e scMurray 90 ; Harry Jackson 78. Pr,- George Noble, satisfactory, Beet attendant, Robbie MacMurray, OLIVE'S!, RtNTo11L, Teacher,. Molesworth The Mission Bund has had a very successful year. The annual meeting was held 3n school room with large number of boys and girla present, $70 were banded in which brings the contribution for the year up to $110.00. Officers for the coining year• are :-President, fare. Bell ; 1st Vice - Pres., Mrs. H. Howe ; 2nd Vice-Presi dent Mabel Robertson 8Vice- President, i' . . tdD1.1. Pre 113 s cut, Bessie Holmes ; 4th Vice - President, Irene Stewart ; , Sec,•etas y, Mamie Campbell ; Treasurer, Jeaaie Brown, Listowel MATRIMONIAL. - On Wednesday, December whet• 22, ld aver very pretty wed- ding took place nt the home of Mrs. Martha Mitchell, Listowel, when Iter•. daughter, Eva Beatrice. was united in holy matrimony to Wm. Elgy 'Bran- don, of Stratford, Rev. Dr. Hazen of- ficiating. Bride looked charming in a blue serge suit and peach crepe de cbete blouse. She entered the room on the arm of her brother. After the ceremony the guests retired to the dining -room where the wedding din- tier was served. Groom's gift to bride was a handsome cheque. The wed- ding gifts were useful and well chosen. The happy young couple left on the evening train for a short trip and afterireturning will reside injStratford. We wish the young couple many happy and prosperous years of wed- ded life. Grey SCHOOL REPORT.-Following"ts Ie - port for S. 8. No I0, Grey, for the month uf December. Si, IV -Rase Speiran, Wilda Seekers, Flora Mc- Donald, Laura McDonald, Myrtle Hollenbeok. Jr. IV -Melvin Cau•no- Chau, Laura Patterson, Eldon Whit- field Sr. III -Victor Baker, Bertha Speirar,'Annie Inglis, Kate Steven- sor. Jr, III -Leslie Patterson, Doris Neabei, Bert Neabel, Nelson Whit. field, Lillian Whitfield. Sr, 11 -01111 - ford Speirau. Jr, II -Greta Baker, Pearl Carnochan, Reese] Whitfield. Sr, I -Wilma Baker, Wilda Baker. Jr. I -Arthur Neabel, May Caraochaa. FLA -Helen Whitfield, Isobel Speir- an. Aima Patteson. A Cl. -Lawson Whitfield, Names are in order of tierit. A. M MACPHERSON, Teacher. Sostoors REPORT, -The following is i the report for 5,. 8. No. 8 Grey hawed on the Christmas exatuivatioue, Those marked With an asterisk missed one or more exams. Jr. IV -Annie McIntosh, 75.5 ; Annie 'McTaggart, 69.9, Se, IlI-Fergus McTaggart, 68 8 Stuart McNair, 08.4 ; Clifford' Brown, 87 7 ; Howard Mitchell, 39 5 Sr, 1I -Lottie Atwood, Jack Fulton. Sr. 1 -Blair Mcltitosh, Fred. Mitchell, Eddie Blodgett. Primer, Isabel Mc- Taggart, Elwood 1tlOTaggart, BEasxE I. TOUGH, Tracker. Oranbrook Miss Lizzie Baker, of the Stratford Normal, was home for the variation. Mies Jessie Menzies of Toronto, was spending her Ohristmae vacation at home. Mise Beth. Oalder, Toronto, was spending the holidays at the home of John Forrest. Mise Madeline Baker, who is Le/tilt- ing in a Londou. hospital, was home for the holiday, Miss Beattie Ald r 1 e 901 also Mies Lavinia Alderson n J. Dunc t alull of Toronto,were visitors with W. and. Mrs. Alderson. ' Smoot. .REPORT.- Senior room,' FobloWing is the report for November and December. Examined in Liteia- tore, Geography, History, Writing, Spelling and Hygiene. The average mark is given. Sr, IV -Jeanette Mc- Nabb 93 ; Beesio Leitch 88 ; James Keys 88 ; Earl Ponniugton88. Jr, IV-.Mu115lBray 81; ()aerie Dark 91,; Ethel Smalldon 85; Everett Wright 85 ; Edith Smalldon 84 ' Tom Pen- nington 80 ; Lortie Oantornn 79 ;' Frank Hunter 78; Johnnie Fischer' 78; Aiileter Bird 00, Sr. III-Itene Dunn93 • Edith Goroalitz 98 ; Kate McNabb 89 ; Rector Knight 88 ; Alma Querengeesor 87 ; Lydia ,,7eeebke 85'; lank Noble 83 ; Iva Blown 82 ; Ivan Leitch 719; Willie Looking 09. Juuiot' room. Iv xamined itsrtttng, Litera. tore and Mousey t onr �r C�%nr k Spelling, Arlthmetle, La11yuage and P Geoq t'aphy, Sr. II--Jegp Cameron' 00 ; Jack Cameron 87 ; Jean Noble 87 Goldwitt Knight 88; Elsie Fischer 88 ; 49.E OUT ABBatterytlaYOUR 11 Winter 7 To he as'3nred of a good Battery in the Spring, leave it With ne fox Winter Storage. " WET STORAGE Your Battery will freese if allowed to become dieoharged. Storing a Battery under the wet proems simply tneaula that your Battery will have onr individual attention throughout the Winter months, inasmuch as we will keep It active and in a charged condition, , Get our prices on Winter Storage, pit Makes of Cars Overhauled AAlaIJAl?ASTEEp°" We still have tt number .ofTires on hand that aro offered at Greatly Reduced Prices. Columbia Dry Dells and LX.L.. Eattcriss n -Nott' le the tithe to have your Car overhauled rte prim titre lower, Cuooiijham's Garage �0n•••••9.•w•N•.O.9 ••••0♦041.40 *tie •telade* SieOO;s 4tbettte•esesoieti Helen McNabb 80 ; Margaret Brown 74 ; Jim Pennington 70 Jr.'• Jno. Bray 84 ; inn. Looking 42 II A-Retta Doxey 95: Marie Finether 88 ; Archie Campbell 80; Jean §malldon 78 Jr. II Et -Edith Ford 87 ; Eleac�for Knight 81 ; Ethylene Steiao 81 Earl Dunn 77 ; ,lno. Pennington 71 ; Harvey Doxey 70 ; Glen Hunter 87 ; Edith Brown 58. Sr.' Pr.-KaUileen Zeigler 80 t Howard Brown 75 ; Willie Fischer 73; Hulda Querehgl'seee 70. Jr. Pr. -- Evelyn Huether 78 ; Fergie Smalldon 74; Frank Doxey 117 ; Itorua Cameron 52 R. MoNant, Teachers. ALICE J. Pommel, Increase Your Earning rower by taking' a Course In the ELLIOTT Ventre &Chanes Ste., Toronto One of the last two students to accept -40; positions commenced at 022.60 per week and the other at over 9100 per month. Promotion to business fo rapid if you have correct preparation Thia 0 school is noted for high grads training andfor eo misting the students to obtain iemployment. Write for College Cir. onlar. Enter at any time. W. J. ELLIOI'T, PRINCIPAL' Clearing Sale. Ali Underwear and Sweaters 20 p. c. off All Shoes and Wall Papers 15 p. c. off All' other Dry Goods 10 Ia. C. off Special Price in Black Tea 50c a lb. Also a quantity nea It of Milverton t on 5 Jewel Flour and Bran Terms Cash R. PRATT WALTON Store open every week night •••.N••••••9••♦•.0.0.•.0. oo0/44.0*.00.0♦,...♦0♦•••••• • • • Creat Values • _IN- • Boots & Shoes • Club Bags, Suit Cases, Etc. ♦ HARNESS, ROBES and everything • in the Saddlery line. • • Mitts, Gloves and Sox • • • •2 • • • •• i • •♦ • all at reasonable prices. A.pairof Shoes or nice Bedroom Slippers make a very suitable Xmas Gift, and in order to make this easier we have Reduced the prices. We also have a large assortment of Ladies', Gents', Boys' and Gills' Rubbers in the Granby make and in all sizes and styles, even little tots can get a suitable size. es-Repairs:on S3hoes, Rub- bers, Harness and Collars promptly done and at lowest prices at the GASH SHOE STORE Next to Bank of Nova Scotia CHAPMAN BROS. 1 FARM HELP Owing to unemployment in centres of popula- tion there are many men now available for farm work. A large number of these men have had farm experience and their r services are now available at m oderatees a w with g i board. Farmers who can usefully employ one or two of these men at this will be rendering a service to ,the community as well as to themselves. Many farmers have jobs which repairs and other odd P have been put off for years on account of the high cost of labor. This might be ag ood time to get caught up work of this nature. Farmers desiringhelplea please communicate with your local Representative and 'state the nature of the work and wages you are willing to pay. S. B. STOTHERS, Agricultural g t al Representative, County Huron, HONORABLE MANNING W. DOHERT', 711itiletet of Agtibulture, O. • • e. • • • • • 0Q • • • • • • • • • v ••• O • • • 4. w 6 9 a" P ♦ er • 0 s