HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-6, Page 4iaialmv, JANUARY tt 19.4 1001. Now for a;teilting of thou: i trod rest-• lettopa that were trailed to the trait nest $elutday. NrAltto.Qateopnehs aremattng fur new leglelation to give them ,a fairer deal in the days to eome, MANY perplexities are till to the fore 0YerSea4 end various Nations in a mood to continue the :temps of onto.' Caring Famine Fund is still very or- gent, despite the generosity of the people. Special appeal is urged on be• bait of the ohildrea, 441l4RN On tacit) l)ai ry 111(14* will meet in bonito on faunary to and 43 There is en moat appeal for et Ialge ltteutleeee at this gathering. Teta appears to be the dsy c.f the desperado, house thief sad UQid•ui' artist. Some of the ll tent:items are 11 e oheektest kind of cheek OYER$3,0oo,0000 inbeiietiog permits fu EdmantOn deong ,he past year This Is 3 times as much as in tete and is taken to -augur well for better days to come. PAeu4o for 114111414 smelly an the bests of butter fat is a plan being urged by some Cities and towns. Thiswoull7do away with the "thin" variety and give a pre• mina so the keepers of good cows. -qXr thinking• le the Orly :days et the DOD nr W war 'there visa a"vonferenae ix us 'Whitehall of GoeeYometlt ripresell" "taClves and the great tnanufacture ra ^^TM^'--•'•^"'""'""""`°""ri""'"""r of srnlanlilent - The. Q *w44otltltent wailed then, to pool their trade secrets in Larder to inereaee preelec- tion. They refused, and it seemed hopeless to persuade them, Then Lloyd George leaned firward'to his chair, and in a quiet voice sale: "Gentlemen, have you forgotten that your sous Sitt this moment are being killed^•••killed 1n hundreds and thole, b sands( They are being ktlied y , German guns for want of British , guns. Your sons, your br*thers' boys at the dawn of lnaithood—„ theY' are being wiped out of life, in 'thou- sands, Geneletnen, give me gime Pat lies wattling Wood crit beet) 4he ettinn delivered at their residences Ae the fo6owiug (heel) !'flute ;- Dry 26 Inch wood, per emit•$ 6 6 b6 Nu'e•nWQiprh wood, pr o Oaten 4-1100t wood, pet cord. 9 W Paz tion w,tiltttig to rift wood by the rntel eon get cotll•tteta. Piteties Willful; to heal wood may nein get bon ltitbit; at it telco per cord deli vet eel where direeletiin the Village of 111•uwele by 1be•Glrrk or in hie 4415• sato, R. (Liver. Apply In the. uudereibned, F, S. SCOTT, Clerk, FROM many places conte the storyof slim attendance of retepare:a at the Municipal Nemitetious, 0 es reason given for this is frequent arclamatioas instead of a big list of eaneeletes con testing every office. WHO'LL be the new Warden tar Bur - op for 1924 ? There are severs] aspir- ants and the most of them were cboseu to the Reeve's chair without a contest. It is the year for. the -Grit" Warder,. lapse setts so sudden that be passed away bl''fere a physician or the fest of the fatuity could lir suutrnoued. The rem/eine were tuketi buck to Toronto where the tenet el took place on Wed - 'tenthly. Tlie sympathy of this ::an1- lutlllity gulp; nett It 141re, Brnee in her evrre affliction, MAJOR EMMERTON IS GAME WARDEN In Charge of Territory From Wirldsoy To Niagara Earn• Major Richard Bremerton, formerly .,t Kincardine, has been .appointed Game and Fishery warden for District No. 4 with headquarters in London. This announcement was made by In- -lector Cox, Toronto, who opened an .ffice here some weeks ago and has bean acting as Warden until an ap- pointment was made. Mr. Emmerton has been placed in charge of the territory reaching from Windsor to Niagara Falls. He is well known to many citizens of this city, inspector 'Cox will return to Toronto have beet) a great man." It is not easy to understand how a man with never an idea of his own could have been a powerful statesman, though. it is conceivable be might have been a noble judge, A Picture of Balfour. WINGHAM, 't'eeswater, LucknoW mad Ripley are getting ready to put on great airs over the introduction of hydro, We are living in hope that when the Commission get reedy perhaps Brussels will also have fhe''iuice" turned on. Parol of news print 4s Stili oa the Ia• crease, a cent a potted born added on January tst. The Government Com• mission 45 not helping 'fie newtpain:s very much. This week they give the press a bump by increasing the postage rate, SARAW FRR4^h1AN, a 14n0Wn ret4' dent of Woodstock, is dead at the ad- vanced age of toil years. She was the daughter of an Indian Chief and tee moths vises. old woman. Liberal of the British Prime Mm duty d patriotism. It may be that man, and a delicate and sulfating i hinting for pictures, china or °Tea - well Don't think of your trade secrets. Thick of your children , Help them. Give the those guns." Asquith Deteriorated This was no stage acting, says the writer. His voice broke, his eyes filled with tears, and his hand, hold- ing a piece of notepaper before him, shook like a leaf, Tbere was not a man who heard him who was not deeply touched, and the result ,was Diet the trade secrets were pooled, and the supply of munition hastened. But now, we are held, luxury and cynicism hive invaded Lloyd George. He is no longer the radical, the re- former. Something of the same' sort has happened to Ivir. Asquith. He, too, grew soft in power; we are as- sured. His Puritanism and .single- ness of purpose fell bythe wayside after he became Prime Minister. He is represented as a man of impres- sive appearance, but moderate ability. "fie never had an idea of his own, ....He would have mode a noble judge; be might have been could a"powerful statesman; he ou never Id :cid continue his duties as inspector tar the 'Province. NEW PORTRAITS OF - BRITISH STATESMEN Nor does A writer who calls nimself "A thea anonymous gentleman much more favorably. We are told: "He Gentleman given With a Duster"ohes somee has said nothing, done nothing, writ - of given his impressions a 1{ ten nothing which lives in the hearts whom, the leadinge British statesmen with of his countrymen." Politically, he one gathers, be has been an Arthur Balfour impress rather intimate terms. It is because the anonymous author conveys the tsecond- is ca d is hail fellow well met, ready to pat the world on the shoulder, but in private life • he sees to it that' the idea that he is no .girnng se n world does not enter even the re - hand impressions that his book is I molest of his lodge gates. Mr. Sat- iating more generally read and discuss- four is cold,aloof and without emo- The Knuckle Duster ed in England than most books of tion George Wyndham once said the sort, whicb are free from stand- of him, "The trouble about Arthur He deals rather more gently with suns that his views Butr it cannot b Balfour is this; He knows that there's Winston Churchill, and quotes 'Lord said. his are greatly differ- been one Ice age, and be thinks Fisher, who said: "You may not like ent from those generally prevailing, there's going to be another:" We Winston, but he has got the heart spirit, and to council meetings was except in some details. For instance, do not believe that either "A Gentle- of a lion." 'The. three things he loves reduced to sulky dumbness by the he describes Lloyd George as a man With a Buster" or Mr. Wynd- are war, politics and himself, but hit brighter witted Lloyd George and wo pro t That a Difference it r Makes to Mother WA'pCH the averagefarm mother -your tYtother. VT for example --as she goes about her daily work. You'll be amazed at the amount of physical labor she does. See her operating the churn stra over the ump—stooping under the, heavy pail of g p water-4rtibbing and rubbing and rubbing over wash board—to-say nothing of her ordinary daily chores.. Then' after the day is done, see her trying to sew or read by sicldy, cheerless kerosene lamp light. Think --what a World of difference it would make to mother if your install a LAM°FARM !ELECTRIC POWER AND_1AC T PLANT -the plantthat has won thousands and thousands of friends everywhere•1 This remarkable plant is free from ruinous vibration. Ail that terrible shaking and jolting is ,gone -due to the quiet rune Sing Ide Super•Silent Motor and" scientific balancing of weight. A throttle governor controls engine speed -gives tapered charge to the extra size batteries. Automatically stops when batteries are full. Motor is fully protected at every point. When oil gets low, motor stops. When cooling water gets low, motor stops. The Silent Alamo is practically trouble-proof- built rouble-proof built to give long, efficient and economical service. it and 1e See Colne in, write or 'phone for demonstration. Well be your choice. , �, iil.� D. M. Scott, Dertrpeetesof SbSfrlha,44feretppa5eaon I10atb° un tog gewritten ie a 414 ,tee, Rini all ell a ciu4atloliru ammo:el wbrlohcat Int a118wered' Fly triter' et the Reglesrar omit/pa). et, ettelDI +, a4torth P, 0, Clerk of Noteiliee, fl. Dae, geth..lore, ' gee Annual Meeting Melealitth Chess & utter Gatt'ttt•, .fir m,+,-.•+� The 4100001 eleet1P4 of Sfetemeorth Cheese Better Oo., Ltd , wilt beheld in the loess• worth no, pa3tu'dny, ,tarhiary 80h 10411' 444 1.0 o'oloolt p. m„ to reserve the Aadllore ,lit• Part, aP 0100Oireetors for ensuing year and' traneao1any other business that Olinda nem° rioters the me°j AS. OF°ihi0SG. President. A. J. BE11D1BBSON, 8troralarg-. East Nuron Agricultural Society ANNUAL MI[ETINO For Stile 6 nor ret of ,gaol teeth epee whtul: li 4 54114' forli te, t eeie ruld,trnme nob 0. Pueeeitelon at out's. property locsu4d ra Vtlingn or untie breve, 1141015 oweetiby hire• IF,Htowtl. Nur farther Par4taularn a4t``: y i0 slots "1' UAhr itRO%t, or WhF*DAhiRt10AT" teeco144ore, Uranbra0k.' - .. -Farm for Sale The Annual Mooting of Bost Duran Agrlcul• tarot w.edt estwill be lnys, tbrould lir droy Town t i 1029at 1 80 o'oleek p. m. fluain0se of the mooting- Rooelying Ow Annual Statement and Audit- ors' Report, appointing racers for tite year 1921, ea, Qayntatelnt 4400 sore% being Lot& GOtt.b, Carey tcwnn 11• There 10 a g00a tr4o'ator brie c house with f11rnace : bent barn with °tables eomented ; wind 10111, elle, hen horse, pig Pen, drilled 0911, ao Good orobard. Rnr• al mail and telephone, sphereee met, dletent; g�yyp ;alias ram tlrtixsels. Posseo1014 in Spring, 1M11 plo4ng done, l5 aurae masted to hay. For :Y10e, tenni end outer pertleulars apply on lite rrenildes, or 11 by letter to Staol l'•0, 1G S d Z B, �, t, tRs. ANN( Pruprlatf0ee, Farm for Sale {Bebe South eg Lois s20 nod 24, Doll: 0. Bowler: towl'44lllP, 4uroe Ou4tty 4 5%11 '0e 6 acres hardwood, 4 °are8 u nr, 000110 10 nares river data, hood pasture land, ba1an00 1 vntlun, l+4444e honk Latin -with ebodl. commit stabling and hog pans underneath. Oymontsilo, poultry holIea, g :houses. Reboot on pr0mte844 Daily mail delivery and W00)(0 - ter t04ephone. [,Qts of good water. irnrm Weltfonned. ForPrloeand-particaare write 13,14',.Semnroa, e8 51o1alttto4, 8t. Thomas, G120 B. MULD001i, President. Bush for Sale M. BLAOI5, Seoretary, Angus Bulls for Sale and birth for salt Lot 1, Get• 8, Grey tow n A few choice Angus Bails for sale from 6 to ship, its sea olio anthe acre. iron further 10 months old. Pricedto'sell, Can and see p TSOR,1ned.RE, them. M. L. CARDIFF. 0 - Phone 68(0 North Gravel Road, Phone 428 Lot 10, Oon.18, Grey., Standing bash, ounelatingy°I soft maple, ash Buri for Service The Hill View Fame The undersigned will keep forrhe010a , on Lot 50, Oon. 2, Morrie township, ed Short Horn Bull, 6Ainford of Baton, No, 90418=. Sired by Doinford I4nrgnis (100800) ; Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor 41895%. Ped' - - -- ^-tion, erm0- igree may be 50.,...... e10.00 tor thorn -brads payable et time of Ser- vice with pr1vnege to return. Grade oowe not altow0d. t THOS. PIBBOE, E The Seaforth Creamery 1_. a 4.4444 i•r toe.• .4.4,1••' 4+4.4.4,4 G•t• a3•al•c+4,+ .e tt•Fe,l•9t4,4 i k'o4.44 c Creamery JAS. A.,t REA Breeder of large English Berkshires Young stook for aide, either soar For further partiOnlars write or phone. Brnrsela Central Wagon• P.O. PhOne 010 eream Wanled Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. 4. We solicit your. patronage knowing that we can give you thorough -satisfaction. r. : We will gather your Cream, weigh; sample and test Brussels - 2+ it honestly, using the scale test to 'weigh Cream sam Agentpees and pay you the highest market prices ,every two •.• ,. $ weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. .tet■..+. � , For further particulars sere our Agent, MR. T. C. he found it impossible to live up to -, the legendary figure of 'himself. He The Seaforth Creamery Co. lacked almost every grace of the ! fi just, one great virtue the stern cone McCALL, Phone 2$to, Brussels, or write to caption of duty. In War O$iee man who has had greatness thrust upon ham does eustice to Balfour. Both is by no means a noisy, shameless, Winston (Churchill. pass over his great strengt U Car- on sense of public the contrary, he is at heart a modest parsimonious, ellen to the point of 1 era view - 1d c of rt children, of wheal 3 `ur him, and He fres been unable to live h f h truculent and pushing person M On that even in his private life he was Mrs. Freeman was a woadetfui up .to !t, 1910 evidently supports 'the atter and lits strong Essex County is in danger of losing its place in the sun by a shyness on the part of rumrunners on account of the vigilance of the law and the monotony of psyinx big fines, If the letter were drop- ped and a term of 6 months is -jug" substituted it would soon affect a curer The ereorbitant profs s and the laxity of some fellows who were suup0sed to be lo League with the law breakers instead of supporting en foreement. were said 10 be largely accountable for the auduci'.y of the violators. A. practical orgaliz viola hos been set ou foot at Kitchener find Waterloo by the laymen of the evangelical ehnrepes' to boost the question of church attend - mace: The houses will be visited and pledges asked tor aaoug Lha line of going to services regularly. Not many towns : but could give such a bade a job n get- ting after the "slackers." If wed all do our duty this "Move on' Committee would soon he out of a job but just now there appears to be ample scope for it, Why? u y an p r inter, that he was a very great man these t k f ted earn Lord Robert Cecil is repro- meats in the houses' of his friends. that in the early days, but that when he began to conspire against Asquith, and especially when he surrounded himself with Conservatives, he de- teriorated. Harsher critics contend that Lloyd George Is to -day what he. always was, a keen, brilliant and rather unscrupulous politician inter- ested first and foremost in his own success and prosperity. - How Lloyd George Works CI Walton Walton i+'armers' Club otlicere for 1921 are ae follows :-.A. AlOGav}tet 'President; Wm. Somerville, Sec.- Treas. ; Thos. Leemitg, JolWi Short - teed tend Walter liroatd1aat, Direct, - ora ; 3no. itloidavin, shipper. About $101,000 of live stock has been shipped in pest 10 menthe and about a$10,00U done in generwl business. $DblrBte CRANE( o1. Nine. 13xtrc4':Y pA.rgein. -The people of this locality warn very ea1'ry to bear of Bereave - Mont 114 the home of A. 13. end Mrs. 1 on bywhich a r eel of Walton ohm Bruce, f y vat err rb1 t death took tats a t sadden p a evening, 1)ec 26411, width on Eland y carne With startling effect to the I tilt Jobe le of the Cam CYi YY Y• people Cowan, his tvi,fe and sen, or Toronto, were visitingat the bone of 1 w lYbee A. 13, Settop O. 1',agent, wife fie a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gowan, On Sunday evening the Brutes and the Gowans loft for ofeweil end on the road going Mr. Cowan took ti ime i and, watt and ac0ampanie1 bye his son, On reaching the house his col - The writer relates an incident not hitherto published of the means by which Lloyd George' sometimes gets his end, his ability to turn hard- headed men of affairs to his way of qualities are a en or gran : with British statesman. • earns WANTED' To draw Sawlogs by the 1000, Trip or day. Call at once. went Bro s. ut TtPrice Erle Men's and Bays' Clothing and furnishings For Saturday Made-to-order Suits, All Wool Cheviot Serge $40 00 1126 5o Overcoats for 22 00 65 on Dogskin Overcoats for .. 55 00 Sheep Lined Coats 1200 8 on Men's Wool Pants, exceptional value ' 6 00 Overalls at - 2 25 and 2 75 3 oo Boys' V Neck All Wool Sweaters for 2 25 Neckwear, Gloves, Wool Mufflers, Night Shirts at Refaced Prices. Also Cooper 'Caps. s. They e re very fine Interwoven Silk 13asiery, very nice for 3lma9, pearlier Atlxtnre and Merino erina All time) Ilardkere}i4fs. Initial a odkerah orfs, 1Qzed-Beau tifrl for Xmas. BIW$13[LS 1olirlrliess Biook R. W. Ferguson sented as a man of fine heart and It is this unpleasant portrait intelligepce, but too gentle for . the the author reveals himself as the fray. Kitchener is presented with { "Gentleman With a Knuckle Duster." Electricity for the Country garage., The motorist who has had even a season or so of experience knows Web that he never will know" when co where trouble ie going to 41tr}ke. It may be froth eo apparent fault of hie car -just' his day to have trouble, - that's all, or at least so it seems' whet: the momentary hard look comes. Ie is the seeming idiosyncrasy that =Ikea ita treettendous relief to find a well-equipped garage along the way, just where it will do the most good, in those. tithes when something has gone wrong and "a feller needs a friend." One thing that is essential to the we11•equipped garage in any locality 's electricity,tot light, power and bat- tery chargig and gwlth the develop' mentof the individual electvie light and power plantq garage owners to rewote),411831i410are fintlime the Way to enlarge poseibillte for eevi e and increased opportunity g Tanney. There is no way of lighting aerage after night equal to electric lights. !`here is no trouble lamp as good as the electric bulb on the end of an ex- tension cord„ with plenty of room be carry it around anti under and behind attd eo get a gond strong light just where it 10 heeded. One of these electric plants that will run 'enteric, say up to half horse- power, will take care of much of the lighthnuchinety iu use about the gar- eeee-air compressor, lathe, drill press, and so on. 'lphe powe ,is available et the turn of tt switch, a more satiafatr- tory Oranement that* to depend up. a t on gasoline engine. A A inns( aaLisfactory feature of also - tele service for the garage) 1s the charging of automobile stnrege bat- ' n • e accomplished tsries. this as accom p () 1 lan(s. rL plant e. e lett l e endo P with Hoe incl p The writer recently saw sixteen six- voit taping() ()eateries fu proceels,c being charged by one of these cleetrie plants. Many garage owners add considerable to their monthly revemie by pelting this feature of their ser- t vice, For the Small, Town Garage D'olco•Light is just the , thing for small town garages, , Electric light for il1umivat- ing the driveway and a sign over tite door, Electric lights for the interior and portable electric lights for repaiting. Electricity for charging storage - batteries and inflating.tires. Writs for catalog H. G. Darroch District Agent, Listowel art I�� gh tr for i ctrlcft Eo F Every Parer" RUNS ON KEROSENE SEAFORTH, ONT. 4114 i44,44pii•t044I3Qi4•tQ4'0:'7I.5e"Yf•'ii- tciefo.i»to Cream Wanted 11110l#r Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfact` ry Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all 17.x, press Charges. issue Cheques for tl:e pay- ment of your Cream twice each 'month, pay• able at par at your Bank, Give the Brussels1Factory one trial and will not want to discontinue. Brussels Cramery. Browser Bros, trop.. aN1aN�4a♦41.0.ro*s*••a♦♦iO►1 •••••A4O•N•d4''4'�"04.4 44044 Students May Enter Any Time • • • nStr1Ct0rs is d � °i6 Cfl j We give thorough Courses ; have h'xpe 1 n who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates etre I meeting with •gaotte0e. We are training Soldiers under ,. ' on„ l C tarn ei s Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Atidr0441 Lha 0altogO for !Trod Ontetto4uef tb el4her Stratford or wingham t +(►4,44%b►441 1.6.46-G*44444040.ttf i4 gib 004 i —+ ,r • 1