HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-1-6, Page 2r�11 ­­ -1 .. . . . , : . . I I I I : I I I . � " I I � . . I I . I . I � . - . I . . � � ", � . I . I . . . . . . � . : I '. . I I I . . . 1, . I I . I . I I � . . i .. pi,..w,�1"a.,gs+,�rxxa•.•..*n �' ,,,':.inn"n^ro.. -rn .. m.rn..n.-.mm�.r+.»•.•.+�.esrr.nmvw.,�..a..+•-. •.+•inn' Mmmwnnin» "I*1^^'-t'-'mRr"tln...�Tln . - _ % ; �yy� y{�,�}�{�, wM.rnwM�•yi ... finer . , I . Ij N.1, 1.11. I.._e.1, 1-11' .F.- 0I. .,I �it ,0I-... - -4 ' PI I... u"I I 00 . , 1. , lea" • Tito use of � � .s. Dr s. V. X.V3TARD in I I . I � I .1 tie -Brain a �' @W f' lite t ainte air small nnelkt s Baur dinner lady anci digest➢ole. T ire"largest .demand fox aiZrliowols 11e "rens-hes the alt I ' ToWn Newspaper lath'ics, its cleiicaus tingle eniladLGes the flavor of your is' by watchmahoxs, .'fax. IiCaringa which the delicate machinery reyuire0t „� food, and its essential oils •and its Warmth, ,are Next in order Came electrical inatru• ,,,� .s, incoraparable aifis to calth and vigor+ nnoats, in connection with which. they By W1LT'1AwvTJD'I+k!X I'9LLE'Y. . , L I I I 99,i_ - I ­ . I - I — I ,amm�. Tax iia enjoyment of your'meals, are hood As pivots and countcrpivats. I I I �ADA 1. =:;:� ` and for better, digestion, - —replenish the They are being mono and Moro otn ,. . . not afford a linotype, Perhaps tiro old t I{ears SD.S.I+. mustard epioduCtion points fox r p1aYed as r • ' a fiat till t e1i1 PART I,U -11-. -1 I ►Y��� � phonegruph$ 'an<t another of the Pur, i SCS` ge t 1# 4 Thera 'Was na doubt abput it--uur1 editor ante thinking of a time, also, arlustara not Wt is J, ori ]anal a,' when a;Oost .�vomttn had' kept Go WA ,(vary' day. poses for tvliz°}a they axe utilized is litho Vermont town of Paris r Jos ' JylAGt)R, SQ13' «rw Cor I.iaiiteil no wine for electric ) . il! ak&1 1"tu' ilii �t , _ til r 1xSe, second uewspal+ar riG last 1 6 Igls camposliaan billSfiy ltdiging 6"a'atla the drawing of Ricks had opaper out the threat.ntado tat a tYlI L fie, That as the pathos of iilamettts, Z"4 1"C`�t'�4>!1<1yoUr T�C'n to xt re otter. the eavr;try prexs. Legion are the c Mgnuool Toronto I6 We are acetitstantod to think of gem- 111ow - Gr�A T y 0, p it's 66, ea bofor( he quit our erne Y, s ,p the editors wile could] not always CwadloaAs�aia• r M1xC�d kAiig iJ� f>tif2 xi 5 5►12.c is Pala lie had palreirased Joel Sibley's printimako a living i£ at were net for the /, atones as tea pxeciona fox ordinary _.. _. _ _ _ shop. lie had produced A P40r, Itimakefis?i slid If it d asst'stan.a ,A ' ___ mm�ufaeturing use. But; as a matter lay before us on the axphange tab a " e of fact much of such niatErial, no mat, k . their ,eves. `a:' nein, smudgy and athetic and 'half __. �� Ing what the ncY, " so flawed, lack, t' T tar full of boiler plate. ut it was a nows- "Poor boy and' girl!" ha sand aloud transparency, ox^ undesirably Colin pauper; and we o£, the Poris "'Selo- :"txy'ing. T; get f e�pp nand -_ - . "� '1T Tom -Tom_ ord, as to render it useless ;for cut- a „ graph crowded (tonne] to anspact our Fodde • • wish00014compliment, i''k naw oontom orary. steer Trim antght, Alec as a fads( millotndes Have VOU04 Tu Arting into gems. The NAtiona7 jtiiuseum ' P , We 411 like Compliments If they aro t Washangtpn has pn' exhibition a We were still, lacking it over callers friend to him, but I m afraid hall .payhgpute95 - +k %m 1i�_' ->1, UvCle Joo Fodder came in,, dearly finding it out," In a harmless bobby., offered into111genkly `and with discus- beryl that 'weighs mew`s than halt a i. lou, It is quite genuine, het oY no ; '"Look ':here, , t Sam and the old, soi'diar were• still tion• The proverU tells us that "praise rya7n Had this, 'Nen'noble:.. • do at all!" its cri,e�: u -his c'aCkiyvobce. disau�ssuug :the thau�lntloss insinua� In regularkl8oalkhful recreation; to filo Saco ' is sad disgrace"; but we value from the standpoint of .the jewel' i ., '"phis new paper -night ofP th( bat inata'. "in the Blades sdhooi-rsontmitlike t, just the'samo, We may say merchant. the first editorial filmounccment.--is editorial, whean the door (pealed In ueAtal.developtnent: that aro wont for the work's sake and r !because its huxtinl folkses feelin's, This Dicks' and little MM.rss Angelina Lasher.enter- „ In duty cheerfully performed. Rniv diamonds of inferior quality CAlDF. usrtl Sausage afters spools not for praise,. and it may; be fru(,, are used for sawSng; cutting and poi - H0 M&.NL-1D1; too long"• bopt:arts polar+ fun at Dr.. Dodd for ed the office, , , In thoughtful attention to the aged, but the kind words are aCcePtable to ishing gems; They come ;from Africa, 1. istaking is ttelayed t bam on the school com attee," No party is a complete Success A .aid Of the fat should casually be 0 Jo h knowl" declared .Little Mises Lashes had -been rnore,"Ithan In the eomPaulonahip of the world's every living .cue . of us tdkou they Brazil and India, but tire sttpPlY is dis- withoat cand •, and while one may buy p and used for lard. The major- I iota' our editor -owner, sadly Ong school in Pari best books, come, W- buted from London through the � I y at It , of Cel made of Sam II oiity years. She is not so cheerful In little unobtrusive eats of kind., It you like compliments, remember all sorts of sweets, the candy made it of people prefer a sattsago "Alec Patborton's sat haat up to bite as' she was once. She ss small gild neog. , groat y Diamond Syndicate; which ab- Y � home is best of all, Hero are some a arts lean, to one ,part fut. whole business,: Joseph, St's too bads frayed out and gone to seed: Wo,knew that others -]ilia them slice and that solute] controls the diaiitond market ` : ', y In file society of mon end women et y #dtra P It is your business to give them ns tx+msty recipom Run the least 'ard fat through the, too bad4 The boy came here, a wrong- Privately that the board had several high ideals. of the world, m as thoroughly as er• and --mighty gullible, too. He :Pell times considered dismisstn her. Yet encvuraging,.,Cheory let• well as .to get them. ' Make a study Raw rubies, sapphires nnd'. Oriental. Candied xNutfl_into a perfectly cutter, miamg the g In writing �Y ace alt ut one en bxrorsn in with Ale thmkaiug Alec was a twent ears before, wdnem Mass Lashat odd moptents of the ort Of Giving Amethysts (three varieties of corun- c3ean sa p . P P possible the first time,. y y teres., dam crystal) are used in watches and cue-ihirrk rut of corn syrup, ldow spread the sausage 'out In a bright man. ou see, ho m er was not old and frayed out s In helping' others to fled themselves, them properly and so. as to uffoxd sugar, Alec like we know diem Each Others pleasure. one. teas >oCnfiil rine ax, ova teaspoon- titin layer, and season. To sul't the gone to seed, she bad. beb n lvvedl by i; enial gmilee' and ebronometera. They conn, from Siam, ' , 1 u one ing ha went into the shoe store for'two young men in our town, One was in s'catteRln g T}isro are two Points about a earn• Ceylon and India;, some also front �. ,1 f'ul lyc";rine and one half cupful taste of 'a majority of people, o itemrr, and Alec -urged hien •over and g ounce of Broken Janes' osiers misfortune over-, pleasant wardsr Aliment, MAny think that compliment America. But within the Inst few l'1 water. Boil without stirring until it ounce of fine salt, ane-7ralf over to start a paper. Heil stand'witb• took him; the other was Jack Sb4clan . Li working for a great cause without ,. War when -put into ice w (ter, ground black pepper, and � Itim 'bahintl the shoo Stara door, and lug neeeasariiy implies insincoritY, It years it has been discovered how to is br t P grtr . Angie Lasher hada chosen Jack, and expectation of reward.. d°es not.iniply that at all. Com�lt make all three synthetically, and in - ;, tlicn remove from the firo and Ie5 ounce of lent sage to each four pounds Alec would . classify the liars and I had been engaged -to hien. At the time In ttringdng, sunshine to ,Mut ins . tp mentg heed not be insincere- In f C , r rnan tes until the sy- meat. Mix this thoroughlyBud run double-dealers and scoundrels and I the Spanish, War ,broke out. Jack had the sick and afflicted: Switzerland there Is one plant that I, eta..^. l f/ri' three tI of -a im thieves and swindlers and gublieans 9 d tri Chickamauga, and kettle M?ss a 'to be successful and appreciated they turns out 100,000 carats of these arta- , ; ntup ceases to 'heal, " Place caref y�thraugh the cuff Ea and sinners that assed outside. Everd'e InkeePing,aa open envied, apsgiiaanl must not be insincere, There the p Panr shelled netts on a shallow, Muttered For immediate 1rse, Simply Pack the ec in .came hese, the lad's been Lashexs insert had been hurled with ta' :all now , progress ficial jewels daily. over diem and !Wt sausage awes 3n Mone yar'S: If a thin sat - en him. • Paris knew the story, and was l movements, d distlnotion Ustveeen Camplimeat and Raw garnets (used in cheap watch- $iar.. pour the syrup sa sag Y handicapped by a nonsensicalltrel § airs es) owue from Czecho-Slovokla, In- Par. n- �11 Para to cool. ,layer of melted lard is poured over Now its cropped out in thnsP' kind The°ol committee continued. in a clean conscience and worthy Satteiy. Flattery is in its a sense l 5 to charge Iter about from buildinia io insincere: it 3B the Attempt tog J ai"v Creat; s •Cut fu -4r or fives ]arae the top,.it may M1lay kept for maany So AleC'a behind, it; hey?, That ac-� ambitious• an end by deliberately pretending to did, and South Amerjea. Agates ffxont l e to tcdang and xoom to xoom, and she German and the united States) are figs into very, sniall P,:eves and wOrk}weeks. counts for this crack 'at the so�a(]iin bone lrnew that she, hes place iti,the practice of thh,relkgiott.of ,discover uiarits whoxo tater( are ngne. Y g committee. I remember, now, lOc's converted into jewels for fine iitstxu- tbeni into urilavarEd fondant. On For keeping purposes, it its best to out of Pity", and tried to peax her. alis- love. 4^om»liment s+bould be founded On z of his sand put the sausage away in easings of been sorebeeause they didn't pAss that a �tme$" nivel:. life tragedy bravely, in the discovery of s latent talent, manes And repxaductlon points for ua count of the siacl cues t Y p truth, -should Weis't upon and ompha• 4" s advisable .to farm it into o,id' soma kind Intestines and narrow dander -headed laid gf,..has into a higher L% not to let it embitter her and In liable' Thoughts and honorable size real desert, of whieh'the recipient talking machines R i Tlie glade this winter Extremely important from an engi-- xtsal,cs and cant with chocolate. muslin hags are satisfactory. I tried to w'a= the buy," Went on eome out an her treatment of the pursuits ' is seriously conscious: The best and a r: Cupful sa ar, sou"age should be stuffed tightly, the Sam Hod• "Hut he, wouldn't be warn 'ehildrevt . In 'unselfish service and the; relief veering and industrial viewpoint is - usage iolasses Gandy --ore P g most valued compliments aro even the «co use actor is blade diamond, molasses, twc tablespcon- ' euds of the casings shov]d be tied, and ed: He seemed..to 'thank I was dead "Mr. HOW," she began awkwardly, of distress. those Which mix a Certain amount of which is used for diamond drilla, The two cupfuls . • oonfu+ls but- melted lard rubbed over the.. outside set against having any humaxi interest not seeing that Uncle Joe Fodder was' In outdpor life 'find intimate com- reserve and criticism with praise. So ful,a v'ineRar, two tab;'-sp th,crou hdy, and then the. casings stuff in the local columns just inecause present on the Other side the big of- munion with nature,' entire world's supply comes from the ter, prom of soda. Stir constantly and g in a coal clean; dark at he wrote had a little gaff an it flee stove, ") wish you'd tell me dust In returning Good for, evil and IIv- soa:oned, the praise tastes all the state of Bahia. in Brasil, where these '• bell until very hard when tested in should be `hung what ' .. sweeter. In other words,,it takes •n- diamonds, which are brown of black water. Put lit bu-ttered 'pan anal let pl&-e• .somewhere to prod into folks and what to do; ttee, a yore ex of t a Ing in the liner senses: talligenee to compliment well and ti light leave a little hurt to their feelings. school com'ir>sttee, but de, fr been ti In :good music, good pays, works of skillfully. in solar,_ occur do a conglomerate d - of eon, maul h to til it Pali e 1 g, THIS WAY TO SHADOWTOWN• 'Here's this Broken, Jones Van, in par- good f riend ,t inane' aside franc that, eoLared" ar,d .null] it can be cut mere es, waterworn pebbles embedded in sand- fncular, Joe,, says I to iutrn, the night and I haven,t anyone else to go to•: art,—line pictures, , be .utlfvl state And this loads to the second point, .stone. Most of them, however, are pieces with the scissors. Sprinkle} SmaY to azul fm in the twilight grey, he quit urs. `In a little town You can't The new Paper ie t'h got lately that great tthe daily work and the simple which is 'that the worth of a comp]] obtained by washing atroant gravels p with powdered sugar to prevent candy This is the ferry for 'Sbadowtown; get away with it. Jones has his friends been say g swant depends not only upon iIs goal - ki together. t always sail at the eiifi of the day, —lots of thorn They know his itis- axe -kind of bard to overlook or anis• pleasures of the home circle icy but. upon !ts source. Ila compil- derived from the cangiameiaan , from oV,e ug g I Y Dates_ --Stone one pound of t as the clarkn s cio¢as dawn• Tory, and sympathize with him. Here, Ner, Mr. Hod,." se there was a lit In vUeerfuk'coav(rsation, rollicking wonting„ as to so many other great Brilliant diamonds, whits and y(1 ituAed D , Jus tO the first place, instead of calling She stopped- fan' and hearty laughter;' low, occur in the same formation, but god dates, Beat the. whites of two I him Ezra, Preston Jones, you bluntly tle hateh' in her voice, and she could 'In holding steadfastly to a high. and IitVe affairs of lits, we are likely are not ndarly go, large. The black eras and rnls enough 'powdered, sugar, Rest, little head, on my siwuldex_so, term hien Broken Jones airs print Now, not trust herself to go on until sire ideal, of matter what the col se• to 'think more of ourselves than of (or brown) onus are quite •aa hard as to make -a cream filling. Add ons -half I A sleepy kiss as the Only fare; Broken Jones Vs what, the town calix had better control over it. the person complimented, Thatmts a the gem crystals, their dark hue and IEaspamiful vaitalla or finely ohcppvd! + "He says, this ydung mm'l> does,,, gnenCes,... mistake. .And in saying kind things Drifting' away from lite aroLld we So, him, and he pra+bably doesn t 'resent „ in seeking the sunny side of life. opacity being due merely to accident 4 nut: meats• Stuff the dates aid thou Baby and; 1, in the xl>*hig Chair- it,. and neither do his sympathizers, she finally Proceeded, that the sr]i.ocl and making failures stepping stones More than in almant anything'else self al impurity. rel each ase'in dine granulated sugar, ' But you can't call him Broken Jones committee aF letting too ranch senti- should be forgotten. How often do " Peanut Fudge -- Three cupfuls See, where the fireings glow and spark in print,, Joe. Right off:the bat there's .cho 'l teachers. 11 knInterfere with ow he means a to success:�s*_ we sp a very ]talo soul aim to exalt brawn sugar, one cupful mills, oma half Glitter file lights o£ the Shad6wland, a arae] tnsuit and puff .Itself by. offering inept and rJevlYlg of Work 18 Motive -tablespoonful butter. Wlien to WnI The rain' g drops on the window— "`Then, all- through your Yarm,' I lot of cis who flans hears, hews i long BfC(�S' Are jhjr,t 1 4ectrw fulsome eulogy to a great ova. The from the fir( Add two tablespoonfuls t hark] says, you've inferred that if he wasn't time and maybe sort tl got into a I half foolish it aroulda't °have ]tappers- rut. But, at the earns flints, its hard C1Itt:Cl. Process !s painful to the recipient and o� Unusual%�OtISt . s� tr£ peanut butter a'nd beat until r Are ripples lapping upon its ss'tran�d'. Maybe he is, Joe. But the little for us n resign ee4 -"a vrho have been ,may birds can perch and remain.ua- disgusting to the spactatox. 'Iia hlag To a housekeeper, a home that saves creamy: i local. paper can't come out in this way here and . teachaing the :bays' sad harmed on live trolley 'Wires is a perraps could (reuse the o one sof labor is primarily ane that Is easily , Chocolate Caramels—Ono cupful] There, where the minor is glancing and say so in Briant, either. It caWt g of Dr. Solingen rebuke to one of kept clean. Designed by a woman, a srCho o'ne curial —One e , oneI dim, parade the weaknesses of the home Sam knew, 'and Uncle Joe Fodder, question that doubtless' has often c- those nvould-be ebuiplimeaters, but it houso recently built in a northern H ,_ue aancF ane -i i ;hinimerin , cool and folks., never mind how Mumble they stating over;his s'peetacles, knew, that Carred to many peoples: In explanation' to impossible to read It without a ser linois town eliminates all of the sex- - eupful thick cream, A -aka lies g tarn sympathy. "Madam, before you 3 rlIt f tab:•e natzifuls butter, four! st,i 1, fare It's not only a mighty un -Chris Co afford to give up herr TISCe. is pe f ct } true that he trolley wire vant problem, and much of tba ordin- ,S 's nares unsaeciened chacolata. Biossams are waving o'er its brim- ! tian thing', but its suicidal to Yourself, flatter a man so grossly to Iris face, ary housework, ~•by its curious can- Caok e the window sill. Joe, To get your name in the paper, It was, the only, thing she knew' how carries an electric current . strong you should consider whether your But, straction as much as by its equip- if, Stir frequently while Uniting. , Those over there on in a 'little town is a Mighty serious to do to earn the few dollars neves enough to kill not only birds'buthuman tory is wdrth-his having." until it will harden in cold water. Pour thing, Joe—at least, up here in New $dry to keep her off the town. ed the beings. -must a to do any barm gr the Ment. It is a stucco bungalow, roughe into shallow pears, nvoll buttered. Put Rock slow, more slow in the dusky England. People demasrd that their old editor broke In mud answer�k: current must pass' to the gravid Dg g [ J , the 2u der Zee !y 6i3 feet square, i a 4 foot concrete ;I in. a vary cold Placa to harden and fight, names and the reports of their actin I woulditt take it two Muth to fourdatiott wall with all its mann ' heart, Mass Lashes—what this young through the body of the bird or par. whets n•aarly saki& mark in'ta $quarte$. Silently +inner the svelter down. vities ire handled with dignity.' to Crea$e Farms. roams on one floor, S , Plain Fudge--Thiso cupfuls grana- Dean little passenger, say "Good- "But he never saw my Point. He chap says, H( dcesn'tvnderstanxl the sen The rAnn(etion of tho`bodY wi#h ,„ said I was a mossback. Poor kid! Iles local situation, and hes got a lot of the ground need not be direct, but` it After many years' deliberation the Living room; dining room, hall, and y,' people of holland have decided that suit porch are virtually one enorinous riled sugar; two cupfuls nidi, four night. boyish steam in him that he a;' got to must exist in .some ova $ squares unsweetened chocolate cut in wotva reached the harbor of got'a few awful jolts coming to him before he snoceeds in aounhay-town ''blow off $'*in ow, Just you allele in A person could sit on the taolloY they need Wrote land and, having room, "1Z by 84 ft, lint the hall is isms], pioc-es, one tablespoonful butter, chadowtown• journalism., your place, and don't resign until we sire ,just as safely as the birds do, reached that decision, they have gone two stella higher than the rest, n.pair . Bock, and test in, cold water, when —Eugene F,i(Id, 1 "I should think he'd go slow at first, ask you to do so. And from. present but it be should stretch out bis hand about the acquisition, of it Lith dbar- of bookcases separates the living and taken from than fire add two teaspoon- and sort o' feel his way along --ham indications; 'and what you've been a 'and touch another wire, or an iron. acterfstia Dutch energy and determin- dining,rooms, and a row of eight pil full vaxuaia_ Beat until creamy. "ITPRE AND SNOW" DESSERT. with a `business to buikd among folks the boys slid girls of Paris, that'll be pipe, running diroctly''or indirectly to .(tion. The program cantemp3ates the lata marks off the parch, with its 16 Delicious Afaple Fudge—One pound fisc Ciainbe is botili help- 'lie ain't quite uses] to, &ad u. wife and a tong time Yet, Miss k� a slow- ben U'the. ground, file frill force of the carr building of a 80-m3le dike across the! windows. No plaster is Used, all Oho ma to su broken irnto small p rec(s, bob to su port" folks tdlto are contentp outlet of the Zuyder Zee and gradual= walls and even iha cabinet panels be - maple ger fol and Pretty, care must be taken 1n ' " p ontlt a in fiea't et. and more cornse2vaitbve p7aee ass rent would than pass through .him. one pint cream (half milk may be ¢ ration. in Norway, where Cod makes y supple nes still in the saddle:" in other words, the current would be reclamation of parts of that body by� Ing of wallboard. Panay moldings Rtt4- -- -^•-A its used a small rump butter. Boil, stir of the always W61 as in body moi` ordt-r -+' sea Tears came n+r little Miss La:sher's grounded by`the connection mada with means of smaller dykes and a filling-in also taboo, and casement olOtlfs Luka ! ring constant] . When caaiked, add they mak( much o Y the awful bumps bhat came from ex- . ng y cook it in earthenware. FortimatolY, erience, Joseph.' It's proof of Itis eyes then. She got outlier handUser- kis body. In the case of the birds, and pumping ,process. The damming. the place of window shades.' al built- oiu+-baaf teaspoonful of vandlla, i we do not have to bother' with this Mercy," commented the Old editor chief. with }ler bony little, re3' hands, there is nothing to afford [ ' ground of the north end of the Zuyder Zee In garage at the rear contains an Opera Creams --Ono and, onerhalf` .a process, as in our modern porce- Badly. and' wiped them away, and. ble%v her connection, and theY ,axe in, cense- 'presents difficulties,.not only on ac- electrically equillil4d laundrys slid a A cu' is anulated sugar, ore cupful' P v Have all ad- Saris leaned back 'in has chair. A shat little nose, atnd folded the handy quence unharmed, the electrIe current count of the length of the darn, but dish wdsbing machine is permanently o talales oonfuis butter, In&D,lined pens i e ��pp ed her eyes again, cream" p vantages of the earthenware, The far -away, look ears in -his eyes,. loos: lterehief and wip pasaiitK through the wire owlet them 'also due to the feat that at rho Fries- installed in the kitchen, whiles a gag axes unsweetened chacokate. g tee- .lie h not missed the fact that t'he and restored it to her plaid waist. as water would ass through a main three squares poxCalain surface is atbsolute pro �d P laud share end, file water depth varies range has an automat(, timing attach- i ]Toil and t°_at an ca13 watsr like fudge' bo s littke wife bad Come on from " oo Ai a Qa ed the old col on vrhfch;a person might be sitting, from 11 to 38 feet.' cent. The narrow superatructure that tion from tPrte aCtton of the (cul or y Take from fire, add' one teaspoonful , any disoolorabion of the fruit. Crate 8.1 ' b 6' i ce down ttnitse street eaehar, had goats out, "I remember a without wetting him, The foundation of the great clam, represents the second floor is pkalmad tanilha. Let cool without stirring' berries are really better cooked and oto A , t shop and;watrlied gime when 8 a was the daintaoat and, will'Ue; literally, billions of all elzea�to contain three bedrooms And an ad- then beat wefll' and drop from spoon on served who]( than cooked and straits her ypuargster whit° she haloed out at PxetUiast girl an Pexis! Cheating the ea jtyljI, of tree branches, lashed togtther into ditional bath, but to •used at present Iarefdn paper like bon -'bons. ad, as is now often done. - Put on the 'the sass Ib se the "H, !1.. could {Contimied iii xnext issue) great bundles. These will be enor, as [ piayraom. — I cranberries 3n an enamelled saucepan, _'- ••"----- - -- Did a ever stay to You to wonder, forming a, supporting mat a Inor- " il.1islbiG S.kUSAGL^' AT HOME. cover with just enough water to keepI nvhy the yste stays in the middle id mous area. Upon this will be placed ________4_r 'y,, them from burning, When about half 1y live on Airships. an egg, instead of falling to on( -end' a thick IaYCt of coarse crushed stone, it Was a New Word to Her. Only clean, fresct muni sliaular be or the other by gravityi and on this powerful foundation will In an ancient mansion that recently • 'cooked add 19ie atrgan. Stir as ]attic __ The reason as simply that,the your b ed the raasoniy of the dyke changed Harada on account of the ups ss possible, so as not to break the ietrias more than can be belpeds Serv- A little way out of Bedford, Eng- elusive of rates. Little. wonder, that house is. occupied! a rear _ is held in place by .two taut strings { said downs of war -time fortunes there of modified albumennwhic areattach- Roosevelt Passed, Him Up. is a parlor maid of very expensive and ± in this way all the good of the Id Y cranberry is preserved•, There are land, there is a village which is pro- practically every .bably unique --a village which exists Lack of accommodation the ed ahelioatheitlion end—the arrangement Prep dent Roosevelt once nearly ap• rather (allured and superior typo, 73or pointed a man to a consulate on a ro• says Ilia Lannon Morning' nary ways of 'using this pretty berry. whin apples ,Bedford by building airships. Its name is for their workers Sliortstown. Made during the war, it benefits of having them "on the spot" mistress, being sonfeWbat like that , used for commendation of • mutual friends, and Post, does not mind the expense, but. hour Tera is one lin combination ?are ,and cote the atpple,s, Put In. bale- consists of approximately one hundred were the ohlet reasons whim induced little -brick houses and the making of this model village, swinging a hammock. 1t was only in the eleventh that she is often much bothered by the 11 'lien an egg becomes stake beyond 'be discovered Ills true calibre, and culture, which is on too high a piano mg pan, fill the holo from wl>aCh the apple's ,ora was taken with cranberrythe and fifty rod and all Of them tenanted by man and The fact that the construction of hese 'lately bees a certain point Its membranes, iriclnd- then only by chance. for her understanding. envelOpea,the yolks be- The ot13Ce•seaker Had come to Wash -4 "Ma'am," sold the rna.td qua day,. sauce cover all with a sprinwe of women engaged in airship work, and airships out down has s Y aldrIasedcaits come, -Weakened. 'The yolk lases its iigten to racetve big Ap»nlntment, unci "there is a mendicant at the doer."' ]rte sugar• Sake in a slow even, The aranlberrY w111 calor grid flPvor the their families, bxcept that the shops originally poPulatibn, although it bad reduced it the total number of employees by grip and sags. by way Of showing his great�heartodl "Then toil blm,' said the mistress. Experts who. make' a business ofi nage, he was telling the President of the mansion, "we have nothing W igpdo. When Codt1 at!'d a spoonful of plep poo ful of halve planned have not came, into being, t cor. more than halt It tnkos about a year "candling'i end, . in ardor to grade about the meanness of others: mend." . ap cream. in Seandiar ky quite n to complete a big rigid under present them for market, sae at a glance when "The other day I went on a fishing W,ey invented flits 21iah, that gave it It has its own water and electric conditions, A yolk has fallen alit of place, All trip," he said, "and before starting, a insect . Not the tli'a pbatical name of "fire and snow." light systems, Its own °stat° office, All mauner of things, from washing each eggs are, graded as interior at one of the party made as all agree times atown,00 (pie res• ; ImTo —4 "The Ways." its own °antoen--a particularly 11 gold beators' akin to making the rings, one, too--ned its own street electric. or !lames, Which compos( the main as,s res arks a elderly. arnous croon' has that treat r Caught ,Now do he Brat nob , +' librarian I"I Sowev�, an ing p must, , you but 1t ? n aywb%tdrn But to ovary than here openeth ways and a way, A and Y lamps, metal framework of a rigid, are,done It is, a lighter tlian.alr community kt these shops, women and girls being recently patented a machine for 'mak- know, that both the other men bad tam ..ours geter, a ., ! . Ing old eggs look like new ones. �t is bites and never pulled up their )in,?,, femainod�forr D, eY . institution, o introduce. at In kation way, , ind the high soul climbs the high way, that has nes Counterpart in England, employed In several departments. and built by M9861`0o Short Shortstown is the bast fiior, doeigaed for iso in said -storage that(- +`So You coat; tion," said Itooseveit, I% rota now lgosi of the.. . houses. A •simple turn of 'a crank . po11te1y, A totally 4 . Ana the low soul gropes the low; And in betwoon, on that misty ilatA, Conceived .probables• trod„ Ltd., wb6 constrUctad 8311 And plagued and beat equipped aireblp aW once a week will cause Nellie'hundreds "Oh, no," said the consular'aspira, creature, 1 "'please, said the lad, 'tat me have, The r(st drift to and tiro, IL82, anti who are now busy at It27 and tion addition to its varlous,warkshops, It88, the two, biggest ai,ahipe' se Oar position, thi tthe utigsiitt`aiti all the "l didn't put say bait an my hank," l a book on whales? . . ' the' youtbial student, But to ovary Mau there opanrath Iaid dawn in England, this model vfl- it has Its darn hydrogen and alurablian a agordo accommodation, for most lanes: Thera is also a huge ah(d, y� p 1°Very, shortly yolk will be lit as altered position, A �se2 w bot vi naturaC The yolks behlg relieved a! atigne,` ` Cr® pAR�� �ai.T was provided ton invited to's, A hi h wsy Fwd a l�at+r every map deoldetlx• of the hundreds of heads emplOYed lig more than seven hundred feet long, s'atith n will thus :to enabled to hold' tltom• ht"""' anti his ds.+ �" Chapter an carates, ,Arad The tray his sent bhatl go. rho Arm. in which two modern rigida could be ' biggest housed have tbroo bed" built simultahoously. serves rip; and the candler, when he Comes to iaramino the sir 0, will givei i" "the boy gave one leak at the vol. GaAre% !carate x(Centlp gar etwtN ill pair]*, The overa thousand scrod of level ed t oc ptir m,l ground are resew or ](sell ttkw a superior rst�. �iNON1ti MLT NTIO!"I amu and than said: + O. i.Ot+i#tP TOi�ONrO "'Oh, I Moo mean a book on th` the OtitL't17f'r "'` �j'jY $.lnlmNn4 flee tttnrns, titer lrgnut vAarge4 ie �s Ona �d k, int t lntritenl Relieve* Ooidss sea, insect] tta(an Minsrd's Liniment +