HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-12-19, Page 1IF + art re re a» rpt: t r4 le I Ie aa
Nee 109:99.9ele lei: NaTt•I: 11
The Surrounding District
IISIBIr3aEI: Alta t:tH? hAtlelt!btii»IablaiL'•iel»k!Ieaekl rtate«I%Itieteettreltaitatet tta»L~I_; F I e
VOL, 57 NO, 27 582,00
er annum in advance
TM -
. L. KERR, Proprietor
Miss Helen Stock, London, le bone
for the Christmas vacation,
Robert Hlurrie, Asquith, Seek., is
visiting hie mother, :41 re. Wrn,
Harris, 7`t cherry.
Geo, Paulin went to Sault St,
Marie last week to attend the
funeral Cf his sister Mre, Jiro, Huffer.
a former well known resident of
this puree,
Geo, T Gfbnnc, Vancouver, second
eon of the late A. L Gibson, with
his brother T. W. Gibson, 'Toronto,
event the week -end with r•eletives
here. In the United (Mulch, Sun-
day evening, Mr. Gilson gave un
interesting talk on Home Mlesi en
work beteg :dotal in B. 0.
The Thank Offering Service of
the '`Buds of Promise" Mission
Band was held in the United Church
nn Friday evening of hist week.
An interesting piegratn was given
by the children cotieist.iug of two
pageants, recitations, songs and in-
'et.rurnerltal music. The offering
wea $17 00.
The December Meeting of the
Wroxeter Itlstitute will he held on
Thursday, Dec. 27, eta o'clock. Ad -
Once Again ! r,_
Dance g
friday Ev'g, Dec. 28th
t •e
Town's 5 -Piece Orchestra
Gentlemen 95e plus tax
Extra Lady 25e
Come and have
a Real Dance !
xaMiN.;n2'cacti'.tR,7;tet *N+i;,n.z'rter-Itoaaat2Ya
New Advertinenionts
Greetings -Leitch l5o Ziegler
Chain lost -Geo, A., Dunbar
Rouse fr.r sale -Mary Davidson
Pigs for sale -W. d. Grant
Butchering `Sylvester Osborne
Btraw wanted -G. A. Dendman
Clolte strayed -Baxter Stevenson
Ootnmunit7 Christmas Tree
Greetings -King Bros.
lieyond To•mr Dn
tral BUR. College ega
Tree-Cranbreek School
soars it Town Ball
Travel 7 silt-t,ndlea er United Church
Battery elmrging-it 1,. Devjardlne
dress on "The Store keep hlg of Chliet-
i rens" will be given by Mrs. BnIlnhl"nke
told 1110 10a1 ea11 ttneweren by
a efmple menu far a Ohrfelmas
Dinner. 'L'here will also by ai hecl-
istitrhing onete0t.
The people of filly rourtuunily were
greatly aLrrtled Ph et May afternoon
I t0 learn of the tragic death of Milton
Edmnnsnn front asphyxiation, He
had been around as usual the previous
evening, A neighbor goieg to his
house the 110x1 aftelrnnen, getting no
re -posse and noeicirig a strung odor
ofgas, at once secured help turd gain.
ling entrance by removing a window
found Me, 5)1(113,10011 in It dying con-
dition as the result of gas escaping
from it coal stove, He was at once
ernoved but only lived half an hone.
Deceased, who wan 64 years of age,
was a familiar figu10 in the village
and township of Howick, where prac-
tically all his life had been spent, He
is survived by two brothers, William,
of Los Angeles, and Robert, of Regina,
and one sister, Mrs. Torulinnon, of
Much Trouble
Can be Caused
by allowing batteries to stand
in a discharged condition.
We have installed an up-to-
date Battery Charger and will
charge them at a moderate
E. L Deslardine
'CleteietC'$ G etre e Ct!att:se'C,IPilPkles'e"l ie'Sk eeteletritrilCITCe re',e,"let lee stertor`teteareitilletetelleteleieleieleter-skill
'Vie. teteiltS-,':t., f aE A
Mr put tuioltro all till reaZins a 111rrur Irrrj 0.111riotma,
Aritk iD12a41119.M.11&li+£r°s:rF,iarailtaliaraliiV'',4 ts:V 2rW1Wiil:04101P1Z12' itat l4A. al Wir
May gladness spring from
w'eb,eteeteeseetetetetQtsteretetire' a every leaf ete�igICtet �cezc.sx��rcrete'eetes�
Of Mistletoe and Holly, ,;�"TOES A X+ Trighten up your heart ba �Jt 11RAVEL 0
to Ni Un F,q
tee c and home p;
tf �° t And make it look quite P TALK
0kt o'aL ........................ d�
Evenings ti n o• 9
is A
ilu was for forty years ai, elder, was o Thursday Eu g Dec, 21
i4 conducted by Rev. Dr, A. L Hovtud, tf i til
tip For the Christmas �c ;,
r5 essieted by Rev, J. Y. AlecKtonol of d A
^cg Trade from now A Brantford. H. S. MacPherson, senior, MISS A1ASI'.!. 1,IMMI:R will yg
until Christmas. °g' Principal of t'he Simone public school, us give .l'i'r,,crl'1'.,Ik under auspices"( reil
p, until had been closely associated with p Grout', No. 3 of the Wee' Aid of as
°F a Mr. Haddow for rainy years, read a 0lin United Cl in d1. lo"
✓ BRUSSELS CHAMBER A- shprtuingistic blographynfespled. 'f r8 VIEWS 57 8
w C�r, did life cif service. 1`he bearers were DOA
SO OF COMMERCE t' W. L Innes, H. P. Innes, A. Rich- b`
Admission 25e Children 15e
51 lie arils; H. S, lelitepherenri, ,111e. Pettehey ei EVERYBODY WELCOME rt
Yetra..2r�nfADat�rar<rdramowabr at2;�1.s,A and Robert Hoag. Mr, and Mts. Ilad- °? e&
claw joined the Presbyterian church 9 meeeiate eeptaietaiacoraeadate-ear:er21r9-
forty-eight years ago. and a few
rnolthn later Mr. Haddow Wanetln1en -
as an elder. an office which he held Good wishes were extended to the
until he left Simcoe five years ago. host and hostess that they be
\V. J. Haddow, of Brantford, A. W. spared to celebrate their Golden
Haddow of Regina, and Mrs, Arthur Wedding.
Cnoonbe of Bluevale are surviving
children, and they were all present
at the funeral, WALTON
Toronto, his wife having passed away
three weeks ago. A peivlrte funeral
service was conducted et the home
Saturday afternoon, after which in-
terment was made in the 'Wroxeter
Mise Margaret Garnies was a recent
visitor with Wends at Loddon,
Alex Mowbray made a business
trip to London last, week.
Miss Doris Aitchesou who recently
underwent an operation at the Wing -
hard Hospital, returned home recent-
ly and is getting along nicely.
The United Ohutch Sunday school
entertainment will be held in the
Pot eaters' Ball
on Mondayevening,
December 24. Practise le now be-
ing held twice a week in preparation
for it,
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute was held on
Thursday Dec. 13th at the home of Mrs
Charles H. Garnies, A paper on
"Good Form in Public Places" was
given by Miss Mary Collie, Roll
call was answered by a donation
of 0
luristmae gifts for the War Mem-
orial Hospitafor children at Lon.
The Brantford Expositor of Friday
last makes reference to funeral of
the father of Mrs, A. H. Coombs :-
Carried tenderly by men who knew
him for decades the casket contain -
the remains of the late Thomas Had-
dow were interred at Oakwood cem.
cemetery, Simcoe yesterday aft-
ernoon. The funeral service in St.
Paul's Presbyterian church in the
congregation of which the deceased
Connell closed up their business on
Saturday at Ethel,
Can you pick out the Council for
1929 ?
Mrs, Alex. McCracken has returned
horse from Fordwich where she has
been nursing Mre
J. H. Thorn for
the past two months.
Mrs, Wm. Bailey has been laid
up for nearly six weeks with a
splintered ankle bone, which has
been canning her much pain.
There ere a few articles that were
left from the bazaar. These may be
had at reasonable prices and are at
the home of Mre. Robt. Oockraue,
Ethel station.
Don't forget that you are invited
to the Christmas Tree entertain-
at Brussels on Saturday aft-
ernoon. See adv't on the front page
for full information,
evening of this week Robt. and
Mrs. Oockrane, 141h cone enter-
tained a number of friends and
nnighbrmrs nr 111011' hemp in honor
of their Silver Wedding The
eeorli ng wee spent in card. and
tanning Many 11401111 and 110aut-
11n1 presence tveee 1•eepived and at
the close a dainty lunch watt served,
DANCE. -The Titre Blues of Walton
are holding a dance in the Orange Hall
Walton, on Thursday, Dec. 27. C1d
time and some new.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society of Duff's
Church was held in the Church School
room on Wed. Dec. 12th. Mrs, Shaw
presided and Mrs, R. Reid led in
prayer.er. After the scriptureture Readingg
of the Christmas Story by Mre. L.
Leeming, the topic was presented by
Miss hi, Srnillie. It was based on
the last chapter from the Study book
New Paths for Old Put poses -A letter
from Mrs, H. Campbell was read
thanking the ladies for the Bible
presented to her on her removal to
Brussels. A report of the Conference
of Huron Presbyterial held in Clinton
on Sept, 27 was read by one of the
delegates. Reports from the various
Secretaries were read showing a
profitable year. 'Meeting was closed
with prayer by Mre. Neal.
The hydro men have installed
our new street lights.
Miss Muriel McNair is assisting
in 7.legler•'s store for the Christmas
Go to Church on Sunday. Special
Christmas service in the United
Church at 7 30.
- Alf, King is doing a thtiving bus
iness in the 'loncreitf 0101 e these.
days, Bargains for everybody.
E. L. Desi•tt•dice has installed a
battery charger in his garage a11(1
is ready far husineos, Read the adv't
111 Ole issue
'tepave The United Church Cheietina0 En -
b tettailnnene will he held nn 'Thurs-
day night 111 the Church bltsetuer1.
la'ery body 00me.
Their cu e a few articles that were
left from the baza,u, '1'heee may be
had at. zeasocable ptiee0 and aro at
the home of ,111(0 8,obt, C ci.tan0,
Ltl el static n.
The Regular mooting of the. Pt,'s-
lyteran W. M. S. was held in the
church on Dec, 4. Meeting opened
, by singing Hymn 37.1; followed by
sentence players and the Lord's
11 Prayer in unison, atter which the
7dth Psalm was read by Mrs. Geo.
Kr:inter. The Secretary report was
given. 20 members responded to the
toll call. Hyman 309 was sung and
0bMt Heath read the topic on
"Prayer". This was followed by a
tending on "Social Service" by Mrs.
R. Cunningham. The election of
officers then took place, the follow-
(, ing being elected: -President, Mrs.
Geo, Armstrong; let. Vice-Presdent,
Mrs. Geo. Kreuter; 2nd, Viet -
Pres -6 dent, MTS. Jas. Wright; Secy., Miss
E. Ranson; Organist, Mrs. Thos.
Turnbull; Assistant Organist, Mrs.
Geo, Kreuter; Glad Tidings Secy.
Mrs. Jno. McNeil; Library Secy.
Mrs. A. Dunbar; Record Secy. Mrs.
I. 'Campbell; Home Helpers Secy.
Mss. C. Hutchinson; Topic com-
mittee; -firs. McNeil, Miss Mc-
Lennan and Miss Ranson; Auditor,
Mrs. J. Nicholson; Mission Band
leader Mrs. N. McInnis. The meet-
ing closed with singing of hymn 38e
and Mrs. Williams leading in prayer.
4►G Council 111inntea may be leafs on
another page.
Not much stir in municipal rttat-
b tete yet in the township.
Aire. Cheney 111111ul returned
from the Feigns hospital on Sum
day laid is improving in health.
(' Came to Brussels on Sat urdayend
attend the Christmas tree celebrat-
iAn invitalinn t0 extendd
yon.on, on the first pag0 of 0at het
Raymond and 0111,1 ence Fnrtrsi, of
Detroit, sp0nt, a few do vs with their
uncle, W. S Forrest The young oleo
arelnotnr)nh to Trowbridge, Algoma,
y� and will call on relatives et Pttt•is and
;y] Tn1•nnt-n.
lTP�.tC uses 10isnds are sorry to hear of
(6 the set ions condition of Albert
Crooks, 4111 line. ',eel Thursday he
b a s
suffered l.roke and has never
, rallied yet. We hope to treat bet-
ter (10005 8(1(1(1,
The 1)ratnatio Club of Belgrave Ism
,led Ohut'eh will present the'' play,
i'Phe Tines Pegs" in Ebenezer Clmroh
(Hiow',tnwn) nn Friday evening, Dec,
28th. Further particulate will be
given next week,
Chrsimas ry e
r1 a i n St: -- ) Y usse i s
Saturday, Dec. 22nd
Parade from School at 2 o' clock
All Children are asked to be there at 1.30
Santa and Mrs. Santa
will head the Parade
followed by
Mount Forest Kiltie Band
Boy Scouts - - Thirty in Costume
Santa has over 1000
Presents to be given to
the Boys and Girls in
Brussels, Grey & Morris
In case of Pad
' Weather
Celebration will be
held in Town Hall
' c'7 JG�.' 81044) 's+'t:J J c �' �ii��,,yy��'��'�t,y�y.V,g��W�(�;� W��.r,���W$�4��.�y} ,W c ' ; " 7
G. •G- G G C G' G'awV G�`4'/G'�eg./G'•wY i'R3/�•' G'+�'+.. ' 'C G•
c'g°Ptetef a e."Zt ety£•.,es..1+ •e'•etenteter.
Christmas Tree
and Concert
Will be held in
friday Ev'g, Foci try 21st 1
Dialogues, Etc. K
Doors open at 7 o'clock 2
ke Program at 7.30 sharp irks',
-g4�gpF.p Mia. A. Forrest, 'reacher itI
W..:;na(2,a'ra1.1, 1-14 1'.,aiAPIPi1l21.3.: 11- i2,$aSO/f.t'
Good Program
Choruses, Duets,
Don't forget the Christmas Tree
and entertainment at Ebenezer
Church, Browntown, on Thursday
evening, December 205h,
There passed away suddenly Nov-
ember 14th, at her late residence,
1728 Parker St., Vancouver, Mrs.
Jas. A. Millar. Mrs, Mi'llar's name
before her marriage was Catherine
Meiklejohn, lived with her
mother anand brothers on the fifth
line of Morris where her marriage
took place February 24th, 1898. She
leaves to mourn her loss besides her
sorrowing husband, two sons, W. J.
Millar of the Vancouver Drug Com-
pany, and Donald S. Millar of Vic-
toria; and three daughters, 'lrs. T.
C. Hallam of Victoria, and Miss
Mary Millar at home also one sister,
Miss Annie Meiklejohn of Hazleton,
B. C. The funeral took place on
Saturday, November 17th, interment
in the family plot, Ocean View
Burial Park. The beautiful floral
tributes showed the love and esteem
in which Mrs. Millar was held, as
she was loved by all who knew her,
Mrs, Harold Keys is spending• a
few days with friends in Toronto,
James Noble leas left for Califor-
nia where he will spend the winter.
A few of our sportsmen have
bagged :some veru fine foxes during
the last few weeks.
The children are snaking great
preparations for the Christmas tree
on Friday night.
L. and Mr. Gordon of Detroit are
visiting Mrs. Hunter, the later's
mother for a few days.
-a few of the farmers in this
di.trict attended the Guelph Winter
Fair lit we ft an,' reported a
splendid show.
We a1 - sorry to 'tear that Mrs.
lohn Coeeilitz, who Inas been in
Four he )1 11 lot' emu time, ,s not
quite as !good.
0- Th'u'd". Derernb,n. nth, the
W. M. S. of Knox 17nitcd Church
stet and held its regular meetint'
mid election of otlners. lobs. Jos.
Millar .lad charge of devotional
x n'c•tsl s and Mr:. Abe Proctor led
in prayer. The usual business was
dealt with, Roll call was responded
to by Christmas Greetings Mrs. D.
Geddes, the efficient secretary gays
a splendid report of years work.
Mrs. Stobie then took charge of
meeting' and closed with prayer. The
following arc officers for the corning
year: -Hon. President, Mrs. C. 13.
Wilkinson; President, Mrs. Jas, An-
derson; lst, Vice -President, Mrs.
Jas. Michie; 2nd Vico-President, Mrs
Albert Vincent; Secretary, Mrs.
Jesse Wheeler; Treasurer, Mrs, Jos,
Millar; Supply Secy, MTS. Abe Pro-
cter; Missionary Monthly Sec'y, Mrs.
R. Stonehouse; Secy. of Steward-
ship Finance, Mrs. Carl Procter;
Strangers Sec'y, Mrs. J. A. Geddes;
Associate Helpers Sec'y, Mrs. J. A.
McCallum; Organists, Mrs. J,ts.
Wightmarn and Mrs. Jas. Michie;
Press Reporter, Mrs. Jos, Clegg.
Geolge and Mrs.Bengden, ofLnttdes-
bnre, celebrated their diamond wed.
ding of Saturday, Nov, 17111,
'.Photmpsnn Brothers, 0f 'Peeswaler,
contemplate tweeting a creamery at.
('lorrie, on the silo of the Albion
Hotel, which was burned last spring,
'Phe whereabouts' of Thomas Latu-
port, 17 -sear oid D'tahwond bay, who
11isappelued from him home on NOV.
ember 200 was learned the other
evening when John Farrell, district
IITltu ign
41.10:1 (3111.1' of Lnld.•; 1, etll,-
ounced Hint the boy was working 011
a farm in I arnlaoll County.
On Wedlie:eday lrtat there cried at
Hamilton De. Then, Ooleniaoi, a Imam.
ber of a family the name of which
i5 elosely emmected with the surly
history of Seaforth, Dr, Oolentlan's
parents tntd grandparents are hur-
ried in Ilarpinhey cemetery. Be
was twice inatlied, hie Beet wife
being"Kit" a well known writer who
for many years edited a papular
women`s page in the 'remote Mail
rind Empire. While on war service
he :harried Miss Edythe Milnes'.
vreeete.tatete,,meta!e;,c etet.rc n,mtetste4:'.
g Sunday, Dec. 23
sd Special Musical Program
e at Evening Service
consisting of
Chorus and Solo Numbers
ea from
Fredrick Handel's Oratorio
'hsCome and get acquainted
with the best in acred
Come early and get
a good seat.
1'.22m a.7153'ame,:7t2tMb)0ia1.219: t-220*,2ia
cPersonal Paragraphs )
D. M. Scott, of London, was in
town today,
Doug. Warwick was a visitor in:
Toronto last week,
J. L, Kerr made a business trip to.
Toronto last Thursday
Walter Hawke, of Palmerston, was
a visitor in town IastFriday.
Will. Palmer was a visitor in
Kincardine over the weekend.
Mrs. A, McGuire has been under
the doctor's care during the past
Walter Rose attended the Winter
Fair at Guelph and cleaned up with
his birds,
Sam, Carter is able to get down
street after• his recent operation at
Fergus hospital.
Sheriff Middleton and son Robert
Middleton, of Clinton, were in town
on Saturday afternoon,
Williar n
Gillespie D 9 t
a able to
re) ern to town this week, as his
father is now improving in health,
at his home to Seaforth.
Mice (iartip Hingaten left this
week for Washington, whete she will
visit her aunt, Mrs. F. M. Chaflin,
Inc the next tnvo months. We wish
her it delightful holiday.
Miss Dunelda Mat:Donald leaves
(his week far a 2 venni he visit. with
eelati108 in Chicago. On her return
1.110 Will visit with 'Steads in De-
troit and Windsor, She will he ac -
";.3 ('v Miee 0111.1.1 P,nrherc,
of Lisa:eve C,.•tiegi«ire, Wh'' will spend
Chri lm.:, v:ith tel 1 in Chicago
and '\':v -1-,•1r' with Ft cd, Wilson
and family at Windsor.
Brussels Continuation School
1 Na11ey Jane Fowler .... 79.5
3 Mauna H1arniltnn 74.7
3 Helen rM,Allister 09.8
4 A+thni Beeley 64.3
5 Wilma Love 62 5
6 smart Bry+tnv 62.3
7 Mamie Si cQuitieie 59,5
8 Vera Potter 58.2
9 Maly Roe 55.6
111 Eva Hall 53
11 Mary .Melntooh 52.3
12 Jrltnos Kett' 51.2
13 Marguerite tiepins ..,50.2
14 Rusool Fax 44 1
15 Melvin Phompson 87 9
16 Scott Burchell 35
17 Jaclt McDowell 30.6
I Agnes Davidson 87 2
2 Catharine Walker 8.10
3 Leonard Walker 72
4 Edna Franklin 69,6
5 Muriel Michel 66.2
6 Mabel Bewley ' 62
7 Viola Fox 61.8
8 Allan McCracken 60.3
9 Jean Sanders 59 6
I0 Fred Glassier 50.1
I1 Jack Hamilton 59.11
12 Douglas 'Hemingway53:1.
13 Oalviu Kreuter 431'•
14 Ethel Shaw 48
15 Ray Carter 47 7
16 Alberta McMurray 46 5
17 Blairtuore Shaw 89 3
18 Blair McIntosh 27.6
1 Clare McColl
2 Helen Seeker, , ,
3 James Johnston
4 Margaret Dawning
2 Doris Gill
6 Margin et Smitli,
7 Valeo Armstrong
8 lames Turnbull
0 Tenth Banshee ..
Ill (George Kirkby
D. Viola Wilson
I2 Marie Huetiier
13 Dorothy Feat
14 Hattie McCall
15 Doreen lllrknlier.,
16 Lerma Manning
17 jean Sanders
18 Kenneth Jaeltsol
78 6
46 5
l3iosttlrc G, PENrot,IT
R, 3. Scott, of Hullett twp., was
elected Vice President of the Deft -
ed Farmers of Ontario,