The Brussels Post, 1928-12-12, Page 1'OL, 57 NO, 26 $2,00 per )annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, ,WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER -
I2, Tg28
elVefateMglFtP,tGit etalenWC1etttf.Meit4;tP, tkItZ1Vee.P4141tt:x4141ereefs;tf.1'.1;b,,t+µ"M., .M{:8t4'41
a el
10 More Days to Xmas
I have a nice selection of
China - Fancy Goods - Toys, Etc.
Suitable for Christmas and New Year Gifts
Come in and look around We appreciate your Patronage
Gift and Variety Store Brussels ,a
., r1
l.e.-. r:r..r7.m..taa�t�rei�t`2tdm'Pot`ell`r3i`2hk"Yi�'drrt`�iJtJt'r`t7t€ltd+i7rri'rr.7r+aoi�ca,a,a.izi�tr3;a'7r�i3e�..,a(dica�.:. �<u
Mrs. Thos. Moore
New Adver(L. ernent•
Wood for sole -Frank Nichol
Robe lost -H. A Key,
L000l-Armlhage's Dry (flexneri
Uow Lor solo -!t 0. Campbell
Tonobor wanted -A llonglee
Lighting hyetent for sale -.Ur, McMaster
Auotlen Nato-Junldiil & 4focor,dck
Morels open -Climber or Commerce
Entertainment Duk 'e Nrbool
Nodes to crooners -hire 'Ziegler estate
Feed wheat -Grc ver 0. QM
Car of corn -W. tit Radford
t elutst ties Tree -Fulton'. sohool
dhrl tams el•s RC ,11 t,nh,ad
Dante n1 Tose Hull in a -sol+
Itntertain,nent ti h. No 4, Grey
Where -W. T. Spence
Opening -W.0. Bennett
iinene0u or ratio, o--contrnt lira College
015r1eInnas shopping -Ir. I. hmlth
Ito Ulrrtsumarl t1111r-Fling Brox.
Chrlstmne Tree -Milanese Church
Uolcert-himlorh•ft Sunday School
ID more stays--dh•s. Time. Moore
with but four teams prospects are
ti)14,,444.4-$4). «***4 t+4.3et 2 e :+**143•+'.».d4.t4 P« .140 bright for this league to increaase
Rs membership to ten or more this
The Surrounding .District
lif 7�k t:S E8tet it3 F:_49E))HeE itai.+22«*.3! kitea*. Iete *d **3+*)Mte_
WROXETER Allan and Mrs. Fralick celebrated
Mrs, A. Rrearring is at persent on the 25 th anniversary of their
the sick list. marriage Monday evening, when
Arnold Edgar and fatally spent they entertained a number of their
the week -end in London. friends.
Jack Edgar and harry Allan, of Miss Ma Mr.t Hislop,ddaughter
Brussels, spent Sunday at their Hislop the late at and Mrs. Alrn-
died her home in Turn -
homes here. berry on Thursday. She was 70
Mrs. Geo. Bennett has returned Y
years of age, and leaves to mourn
from Wingham hospital and is re- her a brother Alexand two sisters.
Christina and Elizabeth. A private
Funeral service conducted by the
Rev. E. Bolinbroke was held Sater-
covering: in health.
$20.00 was the proceeds of baking
sale held under the auspices of the
young people's Society of the United day afternoon, and the remains laid
church on Saturday afternoon. to rest in the Wroxeter cemetery.
Alex Dodds, an old resident of the
village died at his home here Wed-
nesday, He was 72 years of age,
4^i and had been in declining health
TC)R S for over a year. He is survived by
STC)RES 'o his sister, Miss Sarah Dodds, who
N �
a most faithful nu • i
i e in 1
OPENA long illness. A funeral service was
held at the home Friday afternoon
after which interment was made in
Wnoxeter cemetery the
Rev. R.
For the Christmas S. Jones officiating.
Saugeen Hockey League.— The
e au -
A geen Hockey
d`a League was held at
the Royal Inn, Harriston, on Thurs-
day night and was attended by a
most enthusiastic gathering of hock-
ey fans from this district. The teams
represented at meeting were Clifford,
Teeswater, Mildway, Walkerton, Fo-
rdwich, Gerrie, and Harriston.
.Although just organized last year
Trade commencing second annual me tin of theS
ge Wednesday, Oec.19th
and until Christmas
rtvi tPtPR»ltet .tF,'« 1 i6't n.,.we. al i ive;0 6'cz—o £, ., L'aeaa teett'2-tmetate�ly ivoziet.` R
The Annual ? -' °? The SundaySchool of �'
1hr ° IVa e� oa O N C R I E 11~ x'
6n "
3a n5 3 Will hold their
tOp and dS 6(f
yep ea
bA °.: �P
o n
Entertainment nt �1r1.S
n e t �. �.
to Will be held in (1 1 1 1 1 5
pro Ebenezer Church un
.P r°
ThursdayOec1 211th
(Brown town) j
1, e
i Thursday (p,ptlyyl{'l'�G�r71l' Besides the usual program c hW �I,MLi 1 1 , n•e
20th � , t the.
y� e-he1 I
op P. I it will n Christmas Comedy,
g•4 "Dave's Baby"
01 � II and a Pageant
r'9 "The Birth of Christ"
presented by the Young People
also the Everoody Orchestra.
A Good Prograin
Isbeinfi,re,uelconsisting of Drills i
Dialogues, Solos, tacrlatums
and a
9 short play entitled "WHISKERS." ey is
e# Admission 25 and 10 cents Admission 5e xa
,,9 ria'
Come and have �a Wm. Patterson, Helen J• Roy,
I t
a Good Time - g Superintendent, Convener, opo
i; 211=4 ,1 tate"tSi"3rtStn:',KhZe3ik,r.S.i3M3raad'., z9rra 1rbaartM 97`dValiVal satues-r`io7 4
year Hanover, Chesley and other
towns are considering entering.
0,lI.A, rules were adopted. The
officers elected for the ensuing year
are: President, Chas. H. Plotsch,
Midway; vice president, W. E.
Paterson, Fot'dwich; secetary-treas-
urer, Chas. H. Wendt, Mildway;
Executive committee, Art J. Schnell'
Walkerton; J. E. Sauer, Mildway;
Mel Donahue, Teeswater; A. Edgar,
Wroxeter, G. Jefferson, Corrie; J.
A. Laird, Clifford. Allen Struthers,
a prominent broker of London, is
donating a trophy for annual com-
petition and minature cups to the
individual players on the winning
Ars. McOollongh, of Teeswater, ie
visiting at the home of her daughter
Mrs. 0. Hemingway Oth eon.
Miss Pearl Jacklin, of Toronto, is
spending a few weeks at the horse of
hes parents E. and Mrs, Jacklin,
The annual Christmas Tree Enter-
tainment will be held at S. S. No. 4 on
Thursday, Dec. 20th. Keep the date
in mind.
S. S. No, 3 will hold their Christmas
Entertainment on Friday, Deo. 21. A
splendid program is being prepared.
Admission 25c."•"" -
S. S. No, 6 will hold their annual
Christmas Entertainment on Dec, 10,
commencing at 8.15 p. m. Admission'
25 and 15 cents.
Mre. Fred bardif , 8th line under-
went an operation at the Kitchener
Hospital, and' is doing well, we ate
pleased to hear.
Duke's school will hold their
Christmas entertainment on Friday
evening Dec, 21e1. Watch for fur.
then particulars next week.
Wm.' Work, who has spent the
past few weeks visiting his sons.
Robert, of Toronto, and Harold, of
\V iartoi has returned to his house.
Mrs. Albert Cardiff and little
daughter spent a few days during
the pact week visiting at the hone
of her aunt, Mrs, Beacom, liullett
mar) op TIe ANK5.—We hereby wish
to tender our sincere thanks,' to tts-
a ends and neighbors for words of com-
fortan(1 sywpal.h e. In ani'recent be
° 1 OUVOmeit. ri trite loss of O tr dent
e:a mclher. Bitch ants of kindness and
, sympathy will not be forgotten by us.
L6 Only recently a popular young man
ifs backed out his lt'otd Oar from the
es di tying shed into the scow bank
5 and he couldn't get it to move foe -
ward or backwards alter' it stopped.
do With the aid of a neighbor, they
Ad shovelled the snow ,away and even
then it wouldn't Ivo) k, until lea dis-
covered he had his 4.w heel hrakes
his wasn't h only•'Celia•"
on. Butt the
to be in this difficulty, anothr young
roan drove up to get his lady friend,
but: got stuck half way up the lone.
and Itis pastier for the evening had
to wallt down to where the ear was
stuck and whet) they returned sortie
ed Junin _later the car became stuck
• again and the test of the way was
made by foot, That's seeing a girl
home in difl•ienl(100.
The Annual Christmas Tree in
connection with the Union United
Church and the Public School will
Tie Specialize in th
Try Our
Teas and Coffte
The Flavor will convince you
rSee our
We have the'choicest
at reasonable prices.
1i Beautiful display of
s ehinaware
Also at Reasonable Prices
Our1Courtesy Service 1
Eckmier's lers G
be held in the Church on Wednesday
meet Dec. 101h at Miss Laver8.16Y
is preparing the greaterpart of the
program with some interesting num-
bers by talent from the Sunday
School. It is hoped that every one
in the community will co-operate
by being present.
4- tel'Og'LMtC-WeWgiate 1eVomee ,'teimieefe
Town Hall
r a ��
Town's Orchestra, Wroxeter prl
will supplythe music.
Tickets 95c anditax
Come and Enjoy
a Good Dance
Lam "ai3iwtrt°.Pf2'tli3m31a2ta4i3*mmo3tn`t`it,,
tsicvloet tetutRd lFlrotPazictet$tnit"tlt;t& tF,gictc jl
And 2 -Act Play
g"The Laughing Cure"
gS. S. No. 4, Grey
1 Thursday, sec, nth
11 a
,1 Admission 25 and 15 cents gi
pJ Everybody Come gas
and Laugh! 0:
P' l
Jos, and Mrs. Jacklin arrived
home a week ago after spending a
couple of months in the West.
Mas. Beacom and Harold of Lon-
d('shore spent a few days last week
with friends in Grey,
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Isaac Clark is not as web as her
many friends would like to see her.
She is at present unable to leave
her home.
Smith—Ferg Wedding — A quiet
! but pretty wedding was solemnized
on Dec. 5th at the Manse of the
United Church, Walton, when Miss
Hattie Mae, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Ferg, of Grey
Township, and William S. Smith,
second son on Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Smith, of Elma, were united in
marriage by Rev. W. J. Manes, B. A.
The bride taffeta, trimmed in Van
in Orchid taffeta, trimmed in Van
Dyke points and flower and black
satin shoes. She was attended by
the groom's sister, Miss Edna Smith
who wore a becoming gown of cocoa
brown, Morcan crepe with shadow
lace, trimming. The groom was sup-
ported by the bride's brother, Mr,
Blyton Ferg. Followinging
the cere-
mony, the wedding party returned
to the home of the bride where a
dainty wedding dinner awaited them.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith left on the after -1
noon train for Toronto where they
\vi11 spend their honeymoon, the
bride travelling in delft blue dress
of silk georgette velvet trimmed with
hat and shoes to match, a coat of
black broadtail with American Opos-
sum trimmed, completed her cos-
tume. On their return they will re-
side on the groom's farm n Eltna.
the pioneers of Grey in the person
of Anne Blair, ',elect of the late James
Ritchie, passed away at the residence
f her sou•in•Iaw, 3, P. McIntosh on
Sunday December. 2nd, Mrs, Ritchie
had been in failing het,llb for the
past few vpnrs, 011P tuns nee of the
early sealers of Grev, horn in Que-
bec 80 years ago, (10101118 Lo die bush
at the age of 10
t, years. vet'
b. A
idiot she wets fond of tellingabout
miming from Seaforth to
Walton was when they
built, a fire using the last, of their
dprovisions when the whole affair
dropped intn a hole -unknowingly
they had built Weir fire on a snow
batik over a hallow Left withn
anything to eat and ebildt en cry-
ing -hoe father the bate John Blair
n•0nted them tha the Lord would
l•5ovide and at what is now known
no Lead but y I they found enough
•n isions t last:
provisions 1 to 1 IIrPIn until reach-
ing Walton. The f,etnily !neared on
!Sill nogg. of Grey, 'i'lie hate Ales.
Ritchie ,Jas of a retiring nature
always laying to help 8, 111» 00P, was
s friend to old and ynnng. Shp leaves
at family or 1800 daugilterc and two
sons to thorn the loss of as loving
teolhel :-Mrs. J. P. Mciolosh, with
.. hem she has lived the pout twenty
year's, 14ir's, 0, Brodie, SeitFna'lh,
Thomas Ritchie, of Brussels, and
John Ritchie, of Halt, also a
sister Mrs, Cameron, nT .Ilensall. and
a brother Robert in the West. The
funeral was held on Tuesday after-
noon to Brussels cemetery in charge
f Rev. D. Guest assisted by Rev;
W. Williams. rhe pallbearers were
Messrs. Jas. Knight, \\ran, Sharpe,
Louis Steles, John Shiers, Neil
McNair, and Jas. McNair.
The Chopping mill is receving a
carload of corn this week. See advt
in this issue,
W. 0. Bennett is opening up the
Co-operative store, what he bought
on Friday of this week.
has been
Russell Marks, who
up with tousilitis, is able to be 00
duty in his blacksmith shop and
Joseph Hackwell receved minor
injuries while administering medi-
cine to an annual which has e
sick with "flu" Mr. Hackwell has
had the misfortune of losing two
with the same trouble, a fine cow
valued at $125 and yearling worth
The Women's Auxiliary of St.
George's Anglican Church, Walton,
heldr successful Bazaar in the
Workmen Hall on Wednesday after-
noon, Tho splendid display of fancy
work, plain sewing, knitting and
toothsome sweets, also home-made
baking, goes much to their credit.
The delicious supper, which was
served, showed that ample justice
n whim
done bythe lar umbar
was to o a g
1 partook of the ante, The ladles are
artoo s
to be congratulated on their • t splendid
work whichthey.are
ct tChand missionsat home and
aboard. The receipts e after-
noon were in thes for the
neighborhood of
$200, The White Elephant counter
Jo l
at 8 o'clock
. Good Program
Choruses, Duets,
Pantomines, Drills,
Dialogues, Etc.
and Concert
Will be held In
Dunbar's Hall
Tuesday evening
December 18
1# Admission 25c Children Free
V.:°rii`d't`d:'e'tFiieii.iee vii a,iiielat'`.iieai`di-direatZtie
caused much merriment which was
in charge of the President of the
Guild, Mrs. Sohier.
Lloyd Fergusoi, of the 0. P. R,
section gang, Auburn, has been pro-
moted to the position of section fole-
man at Walton and will move to this
place with his family in a couple of
On Thursday Dec 0th the annual
meeting of the Ladies' Guild and. W.
A. was held in the A. 0. U. W. Hall,
After the minutes of the meeting
and all unfinished business was corn -
feted the new officers were appointed
for Guild :-Mrs, P, McTaggart. nggart. Pres.,
Mrs. F. Miller let Vice Pres., Miss
Marguerite Bulger 2nd Vice Pres.,
and Mrs. J. Watt See. Treas. The
W, A. officers are : Pres. Mrs. P. Mc-
Taggart, Sec. Treas, Miss Mary
Pollard. A vote of thanks was pas-
sed to the retiring officers,
Charles A. Simpson aid Mrs,
Isabel' Ross were recently married
at the Presbyterian manse, Wing -
ham, by Rev. Dr. Perrie. Many
friends and neighbors of the enm•
triunity wish Mr, and Mrs. Simpson
many years of wedded life,
Mrs. Chester Rin tout, 5th lute, is
in Fergus Hospital where she Itndet-
went an operation and is pulgre:s-
ing all might.
A Christmas Concert will be held
in S. S. No, 1, Morris, on Friday
evening, DM -Whet. 21st, by pupils
and ratepayers. A full program of
dialogues, duets, drills, panlotni110s,
,: s melt.
recite and dalkie
1.ot se. 10 t U
u c
stru. If it, harts you to laugh 1.1011%
- Jas. B. and Mrs. Kerney, of B1u
vale are spending this week with
their daughter, Mrs. Joe. H. Smith
4th line.
The annual Christmas tree and
entertainment will be held on Thurs-
day, Dec. 20th in the Ebenezer
Church. (Browntown). A good aro
grain is being prepared and a short
play "Whiskers" will be presented.
Harold Voddon is working in the
Ethel Bake Shop.
Rev. and Mrs. Hart and family
of Trowbridge visited at the par-
sonage last week.
The hydro workmen were in the
village this week preparing to give
us hydro on our streets.
Robert and Mrs. Webster and son,
Melvin, of Varna, visited on Monday
with Jas. and lvfrs. Pearson.
FFredand Mrs. Rowland and
femily expect to leave shortly for
Toronto where they will make then•
The Village Trustee Board is of-
fering the Ethel Delco lighting, plant
for sale. The advt, appears m this
D, Savage has rented the butcher
shop in the Bain Block and opened
up a new shop to supply the public
with fresh meat.
Go to church on Sunday,
will be made welcome at the United
Church at 7.30. 'Christmas service
two weeks from Sunday.
Andrew 5, Bain has been busy
the last few days moving some of
Itis large stock over to Moncreiff to
the "Pratt" store which he has pur-
chased and which he has opened for
business. Alf King is in charge of
the store there.
Car Crashes Into Buggy.—While
driving with a horse and buggy into
Listowel on Saturday evening, Rus -
eel Lohr, accompanied b
ft'ien.d, were struelc by ay tar a
by Mr. Selling of Ethel near the
1 of
railwayerosit •• atthe west en(
Main street. The impact damaged
the buggy to such an extent that the
driver could not restrain the fright-
ened animal and as it neared the
post office both occup
ants were
thrown out on the cement when
horse swerved on to the sidewalk on
ti ht • hand side of the street.
Mi. Lohr fortunately escaped with
a severe shakingbut the lad
received several ruises. (Listowel
.1. L. KERR, Proprietor
To be held in
Fulton's School
S. 5. No. 8, Grey
6 e.feKteKeiC{OVCIV F.,C4r...!ree'efP.'Cte'tyc'eL
Friday ev'g Dec 14th a8 ?
Will be held In
By the Pupils
y At 8 UO'clock.Frida [v Hcc.2!st
Fin • program f Di:donut,. Reru,tl•:r ey uo
0 lh•i11- x.. hew t....peui:oed
to Also a Play entitled "Snoops
p `ai -, vs Foorle by the young pee -
Came Early and ,avoid the rush i.e pie of the Section.-
ection:Admission 25e and IOC. ea Admission 25c and I5c
Don't tut get Lilo Cha tont.; 1500
and enure,' rot the Puller Srh"ol
will he held in ihi,har Hal'. ,is
Taesday evening Der.: 16th in ti dclock.
A good in n,grow is being pr1•pared,
See the adv,, in this issue,
The dance held last Ft id ay night for
the benefit of the town park put 81.75
into the treasury. At Ihis. rate it will
take a got d mans, (11e1,ces 1(1 wipe
off the indebtedness.
There is a difference of opinion as
to cause of large crowd at the Spotti.n
concert held in Dunbar's Hall last
Iweek, Some say it 8110 owing to
Mr. Spottou's popularity while others
claim the reason was that it was 1 free
Concert in a Scot(•h settlement. Any -
j way these was tt bumper al4rivd and
gpod time, -� pts d— .l,`�`
Mrs, D. Wardlaw was in Toronto
last week attending a meet-
ing of the Provincial Board of Direct -
i i
ears of the Federal Women's Instit-
ute of Ontario held at the Parlia-
meat Buildings. Mrs. Wardlaw is
1 the representative for Envie, Huron,
and Perth Thee Board passed some
very fine resolutions of NN. Well the
public will hear mote of in the
I Eastern Star Lodge at their an-
nual election of officers elected the
following officers for the coming
year:—W. M., Bro. Harold Love; D.
M. Sister Ella Pearson; Rec.See,
Sister Roxy Rowland; Fin. -Sec., Sis-
ter, 14Irs. Harold Love; Treasurer,
Bro. Norman Lamont; Chaplain, Bro.
J. E. Rowland; D. of C. Sister Ruby
Cleaver; C. of C., Sister Mrs. W. H.
Lowe; Inside Tyler, Sister Mrs, J. E.
Rowland; Outside Tyler, Sister B.
Rowland; Standing Committee, 1st
Sister, Mrs. B. F. Carr; 2nd sister,
Mrs. M. Gilkinson; Sed Sister, Mrs.
Alex. Speiran; 4th Brother. J. I
)lowland; 51h, Sister, Ella Pearson.
Auditors, Pro. J. E. Rowland and
Bro. Norman I•amont.
The following Obituary taken
frmtt the Nw'p,Iwa Fret. Press 0r
t+ -cent d tat refers to a -on of Henry
and MILS. Acnes of Arden Man. and
formerly of Grey Township. Friends
here will extend d synhp+t n. The
funerel of the lete let(Cecil Ross linc..5
we. held from the family home at
Salisbury, on Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock and was very largely
attended. The Rev. v. R. 1'. Hunter '
officiated '1' 1 pr erne heel a very t um-
forti tat siirtrum from the 1 lib
('hspt r of St. John. Two favorite
hymn: of the deceased were sun
"Soin ole• will enter the pezti'i
gates," and "What a friend we have
in J u •." Interment afterwards
was mad.. in the Arden rent,eter:'.
the pallbearers being Auliniy Cham-
ber., Key Mckenzie, °sear Rile}•,
Liltt•son Thomson, Charlie Tleliy:u'
and Earl McGarran. Among the
floral tributes were beautiful wrea-
ths from Salisbury church and till
Arden U.F.M. and W. The deceased
was born at Ethel, Ont. Aug. G,
1896 and the family moved to
Salisbury in 1890. He died on Mon-
day, Nov. 231, aged 32 years.
The December meeting of the
Ladies' Aid and woman's Mission-
ary Society of -the Ethel United
Church was held on Thursday last
at the hone of Mrs. Thos. Vociden
with about 35 ladies present. Very
encouraging reports were presented
by the two Societies while the
greater part of the. time was spent
in the election of officers for the
coning year. During the meeting o
the W lI S. with Mrs. Wtn. Bremner
in charge the pastor Rev. D. M.
Guest was asked to present to Mrs.
Wm. 5 s'l ton on behalf of the
Society a Life Membership in the
Woman's Missionary Society in me-
mory of the faithful service to the
Society and church of the late Mrs.
Franklin. Mrs, Slemmon who was
taken completely by surprise, replied
in a fitting manner thanking the
Ladies for this mark of their
thoughtfuhtess. The election of offi-
cers resulted in the following being
chosen for the year 1929:—
W, M. S. Oiiieers.--President 111rs.
Wm. 13lenuner•, Vire-Pies, Mrs. G.
E kn if e Sec. Mrs. W . Slemnon
Treasurer Sirs. H Lm•e ("err, See.
Mrs. J. Acnes; Mite Box. See. Mfrs.
G. Erkmit•e; Organist Ella Pearson;
Stewardship See. Mrs. Maguire;
Watch Tower Sec. Mrs. W .Bray;
Temperance Sec. ):Iia Pearson;
Strangers Sec. Mrs. (Rev.) Guest.
adios Aid Officers --Paas Mrs.
Jno. Xing;
Vice Pres. Mrs, I.Do-
bson; Sec. Mrs Win. Slesnron;
Trees, Mrs, s Geo. Addy;s Or •a'nist
EMllr as. Wm.Michel; Assistant tart
Penson' Welfare Com. Aire.
(Dr.) McMaster Mrs, Wm. Love,
Mrs, C. Cleaver, Mrs, Wm. Michel.
Personal Paragraphs 1
Dr. McLeod, of Wroxeter, was ill
tow!? on Friday hast.
A H. Mae,tunidd was a visitor is
VV!ile,l,am on strata).
Thos. Grant and son Harold, of
Wroxeter, were n town last week.
Inspector Murray, of the P. 0.
Department London, was in town oa
• C. A. Robertson, M.P.P. for North
Huron, was a visitor in town last
Hon, Nelson Parliament, Liberal
Organizer in Ontario, paid Brussels
a visit last Wednesday,
'Mrs. Pollock, of Kincardine, spent
the week end with her daughter,
Mrs. (Rev.) A. W. Barker,
Miss Evelyn Cunningham and Mrs.
R. Pearson • nd Master Donald, were
' visitors o s m Wingham this week.
I We • are glad to hear that Mrs. D.
Cunningham is expected lupine this
week from Wingham Hospital.
left on
Saturday for her home in Glengarry
after an extended visit with her aunt
Mrs. C. M. Wilmot.
Cline and Mrs. Scott and son, Jitn
who recently moved from Calgary to
Regina, owing to changes being
made by the Bank of Commerce, are
now nicely settled in their new home
at 2831 Regina Ave.
Miss Alice Currie, Galt, who has
spent the past three years its Ontario
and who leaves shortly for her home
in the W set, spent. the past week
with Miss Nora McDowell and other
relatives in town,
Essex Free Press — Mrs. Geo. It.
Weller, wile recently underwent a.
serious operation in the Metropoli-
tan Hospital, Waikerville, was
brought to her home in town on
Sunday and is making good pro -
The Sued tv Sohool of Molerief
Unite)) C itureli or;11 hold their annual
Christmas Concert on Thursday
eveilleg, Dee, p0 h. A i i program
t c. a hreea:cd. S ,. .'dvt. In .this
Mrs. W. T 'Wilson :and Miss Hazel
Trurnbley 1, .t Ig,it Ftiii.lay for their
heine near (':;s';.1!11 •1ft t spending the
lest week vieitlee in Toronto,
tlualph and Atwood.
'1'lu•:ennnal nets Free Enter-
t•einrn,nt will be !avid iu Knox church,
1'rtd,ay evening, ilea W ,t.
A ode to The Pest from IV, F.
:'heppatrt1, at Toronto, alai f.,1 suer
store•ls het 1. says ••I am 0n-
rensmg• 62 00 fes toy nibs, r ipliou of
'i'bn 131 ussols Fant, whlrh ehnuld
have been nr-111 In: g ag,'. 1 et,jny
yleur pop( r, since leaving C'rerlhreok
sloe, I like to know the news of
the dist) let"
' ST. MAnya' J'. t•n\AL -Minn Jeat1
HlletisP1 or the homely Ford Hos.
pits], Detroit, and her brother, Cine
et, lsa f ,1• 1\fotn0' Netott•opnisP,
5005re1' g5touests o11f their parents, Mr,
:and ,Cts, \Vtn. Hnpther for a few
days the past week.
bond time sons had 011 Friday even-
Ni 11
g, 8 til, at Ihe honutifm[
home of Hagler and Mrs. Nicholson,
41(s line of Morris, when Mr. Niehol•
son entertained about 80 friends its
honor of his eightieth birthday, Pro-
gtessive euchre was played uutilebont
10.30 when a sumptuous oyster and
fowl sapper was served, after which
the evening W11.8 given 11p to 5a 1110015 -
al pl•ngeallltrie consisting nF solos,
duets, readings, instrumentals, lhals and.
violin selections. Before leaving Mr,
Nicholson's Mends joined in wishing
hits many lama years of health and
happiness. Mr. Niehelenn, d559110 hie
eighty years, is still hale and hearty
and fete yn115i let• :nen ran compote
with him in Isis fond sport. of hunting
and fishing.
The 1111/e1.11 t t 1 of Mrs a 3•
I nt h r
was held on 'Tuesday afternoon from.
the Anglican (ahttn•h, Bslkre ve, Ieee.
11r, S n
h t e had ,' :
11 u� re of
ibP. er'-
k e
vices, The pall•bsarst's were P. W.
hent J. T. Coultes, J. eltewat•t, 0.
Dunbar J. Mason ani J. il'tgii'man,
The deceased wemn55 was %yell and
favourably known in this dietliet for
is number of yeare, Her 1
ae n
ud pre-
deceased t r by
tiPt (
A family of one daughter, lairs. O.
McO,1e., of Morrie, LWo 80118 13et•t,
of Bel rave and 84. of
g nosh
e The'
.nryiyP, sympathy of the is extended to these in their,