HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-12-5, Page 5"NORTHERN" Rubber Fort war The "Northern" range of Overshoes far Men, Women and Children offers a wider selection than ever, ,f ereey or Cashmer- ette in various heights with buckle, strap or Whizzer fasteners. Match your + Winter Costume } with a "Northern" tailored to 6t Styl-Shu W omen's "Whhser" tit It ♦ r" r.> ,y it! °Ken's ,tc.Alberta" LOOK FOR THE TRADE MARK Matte with 1,3,•:,x6 fic.ckleu Acompleterange of 'Northern' Rubbers and Styl-Shus is on hand to meet your needs. ge BRUSSELS, ONT. THE cg' vAt ecu uw*ao Huron Co. Old Boys Hold Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto was held in the Auditorium of the Central Y. M. C. A., on Friday evening last and 'notwithstanding the very inclement state of the weather —a continuous downpour of rain -- there was a splendid attendance of the old boys and girls. R. C. King, the popular president, occupied the chair during the even- ing and conducted the business, The reports of the secretary and treasurer were very encouraging, and showed the. Association to be in a e ourbddng condition. The veteran treasurer has been ill for sometime, and having an- nounced his intention of retiring from the ofldce, the association con- firmed tine action of a special COM - VETERAN TREASURER RESIGNS Treasurer. ---John Robertson. Trea- t Robt. Holmes; Financial Secretary: --Ernest M. Lee; Auditors: I ---Geo, Ferguson, R. S. Sheppard; Chaplains:--Rcvds. T. W. Neal, C. A. Mustard, F. E. Powell; Organist: --Mrs. H. Martin; Reception Com- mittee: ---Mrs. A. E. Forbes, Convene or, 111eadarnes R. C. Bing, I3• II, McCreath, J. A. McLaren, John Moon, W. Proudfoot, W. A. Buchan- an, H. W. Hong, E. Floody, L. S. Scott, W. E. Hanna, H. L Morrish, J. Wilson, R. Scott, Robt. Brooks, H. J. Hodgins, G. E. Beswetherick, Messrs. J. Moon, Dr. Hoag, B. H. McCreath, W. E. Hanna, H. L Morrish, 1), M. Johnston, George Young; Program Committee:— H. 13. Stowe, Convenor; B. H. McCreath, W. P. Floody, Geo. Ferguson, S. M. Wickens, A. E. Forbes A. Currie, W. H. Innes, Frank McCaughey, G. E. Beswetherick, Mesdames H. 13. Stowe, G C. Young; Doner, S. M. Wickens, and Miss Mary Morrish; Refreshment Committee:—Mrs. D. D. Wilson, Convenor, Mesdames R. C. King, D. Thompson, C. Doty, L. Kennedy, A, E. Forbes, J. A. Mc- Laren, H. B. Stowe, D. Robertson, Miss Grace Newton; Messrs R. C. King, E, M. Lee, A. E. Forbes; Publicity:—A. G. Smith, W. Powell, Robt. Holmes; Finance: W Buchanan, Convenor. R. S. Sheppard, Dr. G. F. Belden; Property:—G. A. Newton, J. R. Lyon; Visiting:— Mrs. N. B. Cobbledick, Convenor, MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEES. Goderich:—B. H. McCreath, Con- venor. E. Elliott, H. Martin, A. Me - 2 uarrie, E. M., Lee, D. A. Eagle. Clinton:—J. Moon. Convenor. Dr. A. F. Cooper, W. J. Tamblyn, W. Downs, J. Thompson, W. F. Cantelon, Thos. F. Rance, Mrs. G. Elliott. Seaforth: W. Powell, Convenor. Arthur Reid, Dr. H. J. Hodgins. Exeter:—N. 13. Cobbledick, Con- venor, R. S. Crocker, F. C. Sanders, Wingham:—C. G. Vanstone, Con- venor, R. Robertson, H. McHardy, Miss M. Piper: J. Netterfield. Brussels:—Geo. Ferguson, Con- venor. L. M. Pringle, R. Brooks, A. Currie. Blyth:—Mrs. Isaac Brown, Con- venor, W. E. Floody, J. S. Mc- Kinnon, Mrs, T. E. McKenzie, Mrs. W. Davis. Hensall:—Mrs. H, J. D. Cooke, Convenor. Dr. Byron Campbell. Bayrfield:—J. A, Cameron Cone venor, Dr. R. B. J. Stanbury, Rev. J. S. Cook. Gerrie:—G.E. Beswetherick, Con- venor. Mrs. F. Irwin. NOTES OF THE EVENING. • John S. McKinnon proved to be a popular speaker, and made many happy hits during the evening. Ernest M. Leo, the newly elected financial secretary, was confined to his home with a severe cold, and sent his regrets accordingly. A. E. Forbes, the President elect, is a Scaforth Old Boy, and a real Hustler. He is the Sales Manager of. the I.mndy Fence C. of this city. John Robertson, the veteran trea- surer, WAS unable to present, through it severe illness, but a committee iir,. John Robertson, who has been the obliging Treasurer of the H. O. B, for years, has been forced to resign owing to ill health. mittee, in arranging to present him with an ebony cane, and a compli- mentary address in recognition of the splendid service rendered by him to the association, In the new list of officers, Mr. Robertson takes hon- orary rank, and is succeeded by Robt. Holmes, ex-M.P. The feature of the evening was an address by John S. McKinnon, a Blyth Old Boy, and Vice -President of the Canadian Manufacturers' Associa- tion. Mr, McKinnon's address re- called memories of the "old swim- ming hole" behind Ransford's Salt works, In Clinton; of the absent minded preacher who went visiting with a borrowed horse and walked home without it, and the Luclenow High1and.r at the Caledonian Games NAM offered to fight "any man of my own old and my own heavy". He sketched the early days of the Canada Company, related many in- cidents in connections with the Dunlops, anti commended the erection of the cairns along the Huron Road, in memory of the settlement of the Huron Tract. The Toronto Harmonica Band, a Juvenile organization in connect- ion with the Y. M. C. A, favored the association with a visit, and rendered several popular selections. This organization is under the leadership of Master W. D. McKenzie, a son of T. E. McKenzie, a Clinton Old Boy, Tho following are the officers and committees for the ensuhtg year, viz; Honorary Presidents,—T, A. Russell, J. A. McLaren, R. C. Ring, Honorary Vice-Presidents.—Mrs, E, Floody, Mrs. R. C. Ring, Niru. FI. B. Stowe, President.—A. E. Forbes. lett, Vice-Presidents.—Lack Kennedy, D. D. Wilson. • 2nd, Vice -Presidents. --Mrs. D. Thompson, Mrs, W. J. Cracknell, Mrs. C. G. Vanstone, Miss Lily Paterson, Mrs, G. C. Young, Secretary.—E. Fleetly, Assistant Secretary.—Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Hon. CAR OF Coke and Nut Coal THE BRUSSELS !'OST WINGHAM PUPILS TAKE TM C RTE ' SCHOLARSHIPS Tv.a, ,students of 171.1.,.rr :;•iwul Vire-+;J or th' \tttteltn t High Ae-4nel h:rut ba nnlitt honer to their lee° her.; ;v d r pool it, ttvu of the e l:Wa :,hip of Ilurpi, Cunty •r -t - a+•d, t1 by the i>tt L•u'ia ti vertt- rt et +itt"u .h the willof tl• late of .1 1, t'.•t, t <>f Sarnia. t,'lte 1, ft. runs.. t0uIIOSl fur ilo• pur,,o:.e et r ! : inn o-ehoL'u ht roe ill- ?yr., 1'oanty, to '.vin iu:.._William .J. 11 »- d,•! t'n lViwawa, watt 1-'t pfi:',• tt ''life :'tris 's,, • %Beeves Grd rice, r ': end ,tit.; Ce ttrudo il,nurlt n: 15 ire'' :rte• tun(. I b,• ee'-n':er,itip ere tt :tiled the three t•;tndidatee who t, e• .:veil the Id:ellest. ntar )c, on sessommesessonsateeMatmasseveasSos timi, ton pans.; of 19', :lone Upper >>-fuel u:arn.nat]op., 111 the city of ieorouto and !u ear]' ofi 21 emtntie. or group ui' counties. i The values of the ,r•hut:tr.ligr,, ore j a.t follow'.,: To the coast niter, who obtained the high t ng:trt, :e s f 1 mark:, $100; to tit tbe tine who r tmked .second of the tlif , :d.,• ,;1,0 atl,l o Ile• .sue who ranked third on the n> r ;I:at .10. in I'ertit Count flyer, pupil, of St tdo d C ,;lu rid In tttnb• won all pttz..<_ T11. y tr •re: ;4t .,, W iel:t•r t.)11 tut I :+ot, ,;ocond tins( 11 lt'ritt, 1 third, In Hecto to. the 'vett were: ,Jame,; ' . I/avid:on, (he 1,'y; Allan F:. Stetrlin.r, hrut•trrliao; Do rotlee 111. Stie Iain, Kinee rtline. eorttpo:eed of M t. sr.e, McLaren, King, i " icIc(reath, Moody and Newton wait. 5 1 D� ed on hint at his home on Saturday evening ant] prc:aented him with a 1 Expected this week 1 J. H. Fear Phone 22'14 ETHEL handsome cane and complimentary ' ,F INJURIES address. in recognition of his value - Me services to the association, It is estimated the Membership Committee representing the different t towns and villages in the country, during the incoming year. ](:very Huronite in the city should have one. They only cost one dollar. Mr, Walter Buchanan acted as treasurer during the evening, in the absence of Mr. Robertson, and took in a large amount of money. Master W. D. McKenzie made a hit with his juvenile band, and de. lighted the audience, A. Prominent member remarked that it was about time we were run- ning a Huron Old Boy for Mayor, ' but that will be a matter for future consideration. A committee was appointed to arrange for the annual church ser - Mrs. E. Hind, Chatham Succumbs Shortly After Accident. Chatham, Nov. 30.— Suffering from injuries to the head, received in an automobile accident on St. Clair street last evening, Mrs. Eva Hind, 71, widow of Mathew Hind, a retired farmer of Dover township, passed away in the Public General hospital shortly after nine o'clock. Mrs. Flind was struck by an auto- mobile driven by Fred Woods of 125 Victoria avenue, city. Dr. L. L. McRitchie, city coroner, opened an inquest into the accident this morning at the undertaking par- lors of harrows incl Campbell. Fol- lowitt•g a view of the remains the jury adjourned to Tuesday evening, December 4, at 7:30 o'clock. vice to be 'held during the early i The jury is composed of W, J. McGuire, (foreman) F. J. Rhody, J. winter. C. Wanless, J. E. Gray, A. E. Stirl- ing, W. H. Ferguson, James N. Ed- dington and W. N. Humphrey. According to the version given to city police, Fred Wood was backing his car out of the driveway of the Seneca Knitting Mills on St. Clair street at 6:4.5 o'clock Last evening. The rear right wheel of the car struck Mrs. Hind, of 17 Lowe street, who was crossing the driveway at the sidewaik. Mrs. Hind was thrown to the pavement and knocked unconsicous. Sh% was at once removed to the general hospital in an ambulance and doctors Agar and Glenn were summoned. In the car with Mr. Wood were Mrs. Wood, Merner and May Wood. Old friends in town express sympathy to the Wood family in this sad occurrence. Mrs. D. Thompson looked after the refreshments and did the work with despatch. Everybody enjoyed the good coffee. The secretary and his assistant, ItIrs. L. M. Pringle, received a special vote of thanks. ion uresented the report of the Nominating Committee and in making the selection, ho and his assistance, :had some big and difficult contract. WINNERS NAMED IN SPEAKING CONTEST Miss E. Ritchie, Ashfield, and C. Johnson, Bluevale, Victors at Belgrave. Belgrave, Nov. 30.—The meet- ing of the Young Peopple's Society of Knox United church held on Wed- nesday nesday evening, was of special im- portance as several young people societies were represented and a public speaking contest was held. This was a semi-final and was very interesting. The first speaker was G. Pierce of Brussels, who took as his sub - jest, "Our Canadian Poets." He mentioned only a few of the num- ber and gave a sketch of their lives and works, which was quite instru- ctive and interesting. The next speaker was C. Johnson of Blucvavle, who chose as his topic. "The church and amateur sport, de- bates, contests etc." He showed how the church could conduct, through the young people society, several games and contests which helped the young people socially, mentally and morally, Miss Thornton of Bluevale had for her address, the topic dealing with the Liquor Control question and showed in her remarks how there was room for a groat deal of work in this line, The last speaker was Miss 15. Ritchie of Zion church in Ashfield. Miss Ritchie chose the subject, "Why 'go to church' and was able to point out several reasons why people should go to allurc;h and what benefit they would receive in sev- eral ways. The judges gave their decisions in favor of Miss Ritchie and Mr. Sohn - son. All speakers were compliment- ed on their material in their ad- dresses and manner in giving them. The program also consisted of -a solo by Miss Nora Van Camp, read- ing by Mrs. T. Forbes; solo by Cela Coultes and instrumental numbers in ehe violin by J. M. Coultas. Lunch WAS served and a social time enjoy- ed by the members of the different societies. rogr-LOOE AT YOU$ LABEL CHAS. A . NAIRN PASSES AWAY AT GODERICH Descendant of Pioneer Family Was in 75th Year—Had Been 111 Some Time.—Was Returning Officer in Dominion Election for North Huron. Goderich, Dee. 2.—Hundreds of sympathetic friends calling at the home of the late Charles Albert Nairn on Sunday bore mute evi- dence of the high esteem in which ' the deceased was held by those with whom he had come in contact. Mr. t Nairn had been in ill -health for a protracted period, so that his pass- ing early Saturday morning was not unexpected. The hurried sum- ' morning on Friday night of those Hearfor to him, foretold a change the worse, which culminated on Sat -ur'day in the removal of one of the town's most respected pioneer , citizens. Mr, Nairn was born in Goderich, as, wise his father before him, and at his death was in his 75th year. He had retired in 1008 from an active grocers business, which he had conducted for 37 years, Mr. Nairn's grandfather, John Nairn, who was he first school inspector for Huron and Bruce counties, came originally from Scotland to settle in Goderich, where the family has resided to the present generation. The loss will be keenly felt within the congregation of Knox Presby- terian Church, of which the deceased was a very active rnobmce1 holding various offices in the church during his lifetime. Local Liberal Workers twill also mise the active energy of C. A, Nairn, who assumed a great share of the party work in this dis- triet. He had taken an active part .in ,natters 'pertlaining to the Wel- fare of the town, having served several terms on the town Council a.. 1'ountillt>r :utd Utter to Ree. Il,' atei the of+b+rt tit ntb+yr '.i' tit b,e;tl Order u1` 04,11',1?nu' . 1n politic_ 11,'. Naim tr;t n A,t1t111e17 111, t:4. Fur many .',•ir. 11r..hit::v b,•Id the p'.:itinn of 'I'r, n::nrer of not nu,rr, tlod••r]t:h L-tn•at L'ewiinx ;\.•:;aria. Can. 11 ;OM/ )i.td h •c•te 4 mea d> •r Of 1.'1 fecal 1 •furl C oanntittee i Of lb lItt r it 11 Ba:u'd. lir. ra ]• theft, d by hi; wife, li rr>', 1.:. tt.3n irt• r:•, 11r:,. .tt>rnl ileete 1 tit ., ,1 .1 u l te, �, J 1 ., t".,e t:_) e eue }lee., Adelaide rad tilt .1., of (, n leti to l hi.' ,- tie, (,:fee(1,:ieee I;. tit' f eteee", •rad lees la, e I'nsontn. - 'file fu ^tl, Mond tt aft., run ttt d I]uton lntl. .+: 10.0.1,. of whit•! 2Ir i:titn t,:t em,t t t.11nr,tl ee ) it let, r- elent w'.,: nese l,. t eieitietei ry meter}'. FAMOUS 'BEAU GESTE' AT GRAND THURSDAY Million -Dollar Production To Remain 3 Days With Matinee on Satt'rday Afternoon. An event that Brussels theatrt:- goers have long awaited, the coming of "Beau Geste," Paramount's fam' our rnillian-dollar production, is tttt- nounc.ed for Thursday evening of this week, and the remaining days. There will he one performance daily, with matinee on Saturday af- ternoon at 2.15. The French Foreign Legion; the endless, gorgeous, giant sand dunes of the Sahara; a famous missing' sap- phire; hundreds of desert warriors sweeping on horseback to attack a lonely fort -manned by 40 men, pra- ctically all in mutiny. There you have just 't glimpse of the romance and thrills contained in "Beau Geste." No greater effort was ever put into the making of a motion picture. Phis eontatle, thrillinit screen mys- tery story, adapted from one of the most popular novels of years, re- presents a larger undertaking than even "The Ten Commandments," which was also produced by Para. 1 mount. Ronald Colman, Alice Joyce, Noah Beery, Mary Brian, Neil Hamilton, William Powell, Norman Trevor, Victor McLaglan and Ralph Forbes are featured, but there are scores of others nearly as prominent. "Beau Geste" is a mystery story of. the Foreign Legion on the des- erts of Africa, that will tighten your very skin with excitement. It tells of three young Englishmen who dis- appears from home after a fatuous sapphire, the "Blue Water," belong- ing to their aunt, is stolen. All this leads to a remote fort on the Se- hard and the ever -feared attack of an Arab host. - In the morning the fort remains uncaptured. Every man is at his post: --dead! T!he commanding of- ficer, with a French bayonet through his heart, and an amazing confession concerning• the theft of the Blue Water clutched in the hand of a dead soldier, both lie on the roof! 'The magnificent broad sweep of this drama of the Foreign Legion has never before been surpassed, nor has there ever been a finer theme more masterfully executed than that of the devotion of three young brothers and their smiling, unflinching sacrifice for each other. The pounding, pulsing drama of "Beau Geste" is brought to the front with shocking force in all of the scones. Thrill upon thrill follows in "Beau Geste"— the sight of hun- dreds of colorful Touarges sweeping ,cross the sand plains sends count- less other pulse -leaping moments a- stir. The ambition of every motion .picture director's life, the casting of a motion picture in exactly the way he wishes, with the entire field of players from which to select, was realized by Robert I3renon in filling the many roles of this great production. Ronald Codman, who be- came famous with his first picture, "'.Che White Sister," and who has been adding to his fame ever since, was placed in the title role of Mic- hael, or "Beau." Alice Joyce was the director's choice for one of the two feminine leads, and Mary Brian, whose first screen appearance was oracle inn Brctnon's "Pete), Pan," his other, Noah Beery 'vas given the greatest role of his career, that of Sergeant Lejamne, the cruelest beast and bravest moldier" in the French Legion, Neil Hamilton, whom D. W. Griffith brought to fame, end Ralph Forbes, a young Briton who played leading roles in ' Haver" and "Greater Than Love" on Broadway, were chosen by Brem- en as Colman's ,younger brothers. William Powell, "the handsomest villain," and Norman Trevor, an English actor and New York stage favorite, were also given featured parts, John Russell and Herbert Brenon collaborated in adapting +++++++++++++++4 .+4.0+++.1.÷.14 t @la..ara+l•1....m.4 i�aaii (' • UIIUI 41111111 LlIf110 I• 15 months old, for $ sale cheap. Others + younger. + A O. Turnbull & Son Lot io Con, 15, Grey Phone 2814 Brussels rr'z 4.++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ WEDNESDAY, ,DEC. 6tH, 1928, "Beau (e^ t• to the :gree+n. The ptwltltti rut ei e•>tt: :et tie, (imaid ''heetrr, t!r; : 'i'hor day tt 'tine+. MORRIS T•WPo COUNCIL. lieu mined n>at out 'Not robot i9, lees. member,- all present.,the Reeve in the lair. ntinutes of last ti) 1 e. rend ..1 apitr v'd. IS w l t•r I 1 trc1. th iteev+' :u"1 21r. 1 d r tit a:, t tit Mr. I. n -h•. field r ;ntuln_ /,So, Oil 101. pt. ^u 1. tan. 1. The !tolls c tt-,r'ti Bond w:t, p, . •ra+ d, accepted and filed. 11 w td.,eided to repair the ILt t'I1 ltt.:n 1 g' qv i f,o:tt ,It,ln, t' t'u.,i t . ,1 r'ttit g'.1 r" 1 (lured I'low'nratt'.; 'I rotinr.1 i r .r•ti a rw,olui.ion r It fo I ti e pt.tl s lint With ih. i un-atip. a! l;rey and Mehilloa of 111 le•r cent. of tit' east of lticaitt- ttir n, of su,,et hoops in Walton Ti,,,1 t!lnwin oath ger+; pail 1b i t Well:, ort Wells Drain tout 1.Stl. Ula $259,25. Howick Veneers' inututit los. on Hall $3.50; 1,• 1' f atnel, >er. 'fres. Plowinans' a,,t ition,-'5,(l0. hr. It. It. Stewart, rated. H.O. *35.00; Peter Mctiab, B.O.H. if13.00; James Herr work on Itentoul Dr., $8.00; Arthur Shaw, Treat:urer, 8110.00, Postage $1:5.00; A. McEwen Express. Co. 13.0.H. $3.00; Expellees to London $5.00 Drains $25,00; W. L. Craig advertising, $1.50; Blyth Standard advertising, $2.00; W. J. Henderson 13.0.H., $3.00. Patrolmen:—Lewis Jewitt, $56.09; Rus. Sandereock, $13.00; Wm. Craig, $7.75; - Wm. McMurray, 586.63; Charles Work- man, 825.90; Wm. Thuell, $15.19; W,tt. Brown, $44.50; James Ander- son, $10,00; Thos. Miller, $82.30; D. Johnston (blasting) $25.00; John Craig, $39.08; J. A. Geddes paint, $7.50. The council will meet et the Hall on Dec. 15. A. MacEwen, Clerk. WALTON PLOWMAN HAS UNIQUE RECORD Gordon McGavin Has Taken 14 Out of 15 First Prizes Since 1925. Gordon McGavin, Walton farmer, has indeed an unique "record in ploughing matches in Ontario dur- ing the last four years. Mr. Me -1 Gavin in matches at various centres since 1925, has been so successful as to get fourteen first prizes and one third in fifteen starts . His last success was at the 1928 Perth County ploughing match, in which he won the first prize for tractor ploughing. Mr. McGavin's victories are as follow.: 1 1925, first prize in the Huron County match; 1925, third prize in the open class at Brockville; 1925 first prize in the class for men un- der 21 at Brockville; 1926 ,first prize in the Huron County match; 1926, first prize in the class for is men under 21 at Niagara ; 1926 first prize in the class for men under 26 at Niagara; 1926, first ' prize for ploughing in stubble at Niagara; 1926, first prize for ploughing in sod at Niagara; 1926, first prize for the best work with the Oliver plough at Niagara; 1926, first prize for the best work with a tractor at Niagara; 1927, first prize r• EYES! is Smiling : 'ITE Flashing BLACK 9 -.ready GRAY Li><lottcurrcl BROWN What Ccfor are YOUR Eyes? Thr color Ind ;', tut of the eyes tell pear dr. r . t—tl',ey also roil e1 ti .,,clition of your !',Ire. You may be marring the beauty and sparkle of your eyes by improper dies. Im- poverished condition of your blood, sluggish liver, constipa- tion, etc., seen show their effects in the eyes. If they are dull with a yellow tinge to the whirr. ---that's a Nignal of tutt_timl slug,d,hne,s. You nee.! ", rid thesy-- rem or accumulated poisons. You need a laxative. You nerd Beecham's Pills, paetoYE YEttow TINGEwire Try a regular daily course for a short period. Your eyes will soon tell the story of improved health. Read abatei Character Irate the Byes is future Beecham Advertisements. we A Vegetable Product at the Logan match; 1927, first prize in the Mount Pleasant match; 1927, first prize at the Perth County match; 1928 ,first prize at the South Bruce match; 1928, first prize at the Perth County match. Walton should certainly be proud of the holder of this spring of vic- tories. eks Mr. McGavin has not been defeated since the match at Brockville in 1925 at which he took third prize, it appears as though he may better his record by continu- ing in next year's matches as he has done in the past. 0 Walter and Mrs. Fairbairn, Rippon, a-nounce the engagment of tbeir daughter. Grace Habkit'k, to William Ross Love, second son of Robert and Mrs. Love, Hillsgreen, the marriage to take place quietly in December. Mise Janet Cowan, who has been a faithful operator in Blyth telephone for the past couple of years, has secured a position in the Wingham exchange and will take up new duties in the course of a few days. Mrs, S. Coming who has been relieving operator, now takes Miss Cowan's position permantly and Mrs. R. is and reel g instructions for relief Johnston.pet tor. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For Sale + 'A '8 + + + + + + + •1' + + 8 1 1.1 ++++++++++ +++++++++++4 + + + + 2 Bull Calves€ One Red and one Roan. Browudale breeding. Extra choice. + + + + +1- JNO. G. SPEIR Phone 166 Savin Money � s From a business standpoint you are really not making any money unless you are saving some. Money you save is profit—the balance remaining after expenses have been paid. The habit of saving regularly EACH WEEK is certain to show you a profit. This Bank Invites Your Savings Account, Interest Compounded Half Yearly, THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ,HSTABUSHHA 1832 Capital $10,000,000 Reserve $20,000,000 Total .Assets over $ 260,000,000 J A, McLEOD, General Mauler, Toronto 0