HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-12-5, Page 4WEDNESDAY, DEC. lith, 192S. TRIBUT WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5th, 1928. TO SIR JOHN AIRD INDUCTION CEREMONY HELD AT S. KINLOSS Rev, A. K. McLaren Takes Over Double Presbyterian Charge, Lucknow, Nov. 29.--South he loss Presbyterian Church was scene of an interesting and impress - ire 'event yesterday, when Rev. A. Iii McLaren, formerly of Toronto, was inducted into the pastorate of the pastorate of the joint charge of the churches at South Kinloss and Kin - lough, in the presence of a large and interested congregation. Tile ceremony was in charge of Maitland Presbytery. Rev. John Pritchard, of Moles- worth and Gerrie, conducted the de- votional exercises and preached the sermon. Ret. C. IL MacDonald, moderator of the Presbytery, out- ained the circumstances Which led to the call and conducted the induct- ion service• The address to the min- ister was given by Rev. Dr. Forbes, of Teeswater, and Rev. John Pollock of Whitechurch, addressed the peo- ple. After the service Mr. McLaren was introduced to those of the con- gregations who were present by the elders of South Kinloss and Kin - lough, respectively. TRIBUTE PAID WINTER FAIR MADE RECORD The Royal Winter 1r'air concluded last Thursday night after the most successful show in its history. There wits a large increase in attendance, the admission receipts showed an increase of over 23 per cent., while the nttendance, at the Bosse Show ori hex t. 1 1,,,,.0; 11. It i5 trtrtte•d that the booths hie done 71 per cent, more business than any other r ea'011. Tile Province of ()Merle which led in number of exhibits, had the last (ley 1. lord to itself, and in ,lite• of keen , o.1u, 1 t on, pi n'ttlUll- eil its lead as Canada's premier plovince. Th: 1ftc :'te,•k exhibits. alone are .i Sir John Aird, President of the ihno-t equal to the ageregats from (`at •,h;:; r think of Commerce, w" ' represent an indhutry• which is vol- t:,ei•.•re11 a dinner by the directors j mei as S164.000,000 in cattle, $11,-1 tial .staff, Sir 1 0 0 000 in and se±:'ot to i11b1•as o' i, of a1100,000 to .sheep, nd $� , 0 , John $ala nurde the recipient swine tend $2,000,000 in foxes and, s01 d *old r osc of p of Canadian kohl, fas:tfoned and en- gaged by Canadian -born. Toronto artiste, ti signed and executed by Ellis Bros. The design is taken from the work of Paul Larnbrie, noted goldsmith of George 2nd pe- riod, The bowl is 12 inches in dia- meter, having two handles and the • inscription reads as follows: "Prese- nted to Sir John Aird, President of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, by the Directors and Senior Members of the staff, in commemoraion of 50 years of service in the bank, 1878 -18th of November -1.928." tion," declared Mr. Ferguson, This. engraving is on one side of Prominent visitors from the Unit - FRe S Li VA11aa,, the bowl on the other side is the ed ro It 1' other turhearing animals. For the ring parade last night it was impossible to show any but 'the prize winners and picked herds. In declaring the fair officially clos- ed, Hon, G. Howard Ferguson, Prime Minister of Ontario, said there was only one defect in the exhibition, lack of horse stabling. ss "We are willing to sit down at any time in conference with the Do- minion Government and City of To- ronto in order to provide proper ac- commodation for the valuable horses which are brought to this exhibi- tes and all over the Dominion, e:.e.i - bank's crest. have been unanimous in paying tri- \ bate to the success of the Fair, end Chatham Priest Ces to Clinton- ing a cheryue Froin a nei_'hboring PursePresident Duncan 0. Bull said it Blyth Parish — Presented.puri:h St. Patrick's, in Raleigh town had retained its "balance" perfectly, thus achieving the highest purposes Chatham, Nov. 30—ble±nbers of shiP• for which it was instituted, "lIv sentiments are too deep for St. Joseph's parish, as well as other i expression." he said, "You have been parish(, and many protestant Sullivan,t so wonderful to me that you are TAX TO of Rev. Father Maurice lvan, i making it halde INCOME r for me to go. You assembled in St. Joseph's parish hall r will always have a place in my heart , last evening to bid him farwell as no matter where I may be stationed TAY IN F®RCF,I a he )pace for oactivi- ther spheres of ,•n my duties as a priest ty. 1 CLUB TRIBUTE D , CLA�s Ra OB As e. token of their good wishes, On behalf of the Rotary Club, of A� 11.elaJ ��`�� Rev, Father Sullivan was presented i which, Father Sullivan was a member, with a purse of $275.00, including , regrets were spoken by Lt. -Col. P. IC, donations fromluthe Knights of Morley, V.D. Columns end Catholic Women's «Father Sullivan was one of our League. valued members," he declared. "We TRIBUTE PAID all know and appreciate his work 'Very Rev. Dean J.J. Guam, pastor among the young people of your of St. Joseph's church, was chair- parish and the city and we deeply man, ad paid an excellent tribute regreth is depature from our midst. of removing the income tax 111 to Rev. Father Sullivan's work dur- After extending to Father Sullivan Canada—the subject of recent poll- ing his seven years as assistant l the best wishes of the Rotary Clubtical emanating from pastor. for his future success, he declared:a Quebec—werespeculations rudely shattered by "I am very pleased to see so malty <. t as few terse sentences in the speech honor I Outside . St. Joseph's church we guests here this i do of Hon. James A. Robb, Minister of Finance, to the Vancouver Canadian Club. "To speak of the income tax for a moment," said Hon. Mr. Robb, "there is a situation there which I wish to clean up, some gentleman in the east has had the idea that this tax will be removed. I submit to those gentlemen who hold tax exempt administration ra fon i Father Walsh of Joseph's. bonds which mature in 1933—and Dean Gnam gave an outline o£ a i Darin the evening the musical I want to say to those gentlmen that t issue any Minister of Finance Declare It Will "Remain for a long Time"— National Debt Plan—Hope Ex- pressed That $60,000,000 Would be Retired in 1929. Vancouver, Nov. 29.—Day dreams to Father Sullivan," he said. He ex- ' well as a real mall," tended heartiest congratulations to i Tributes to Rev. Father Sullivan Father Sullivan on his promotion to ;were also exppressed by Rev. Father the rank of pastor. Quigley, pastor of St. Patrick's "The aspirations of youths are for church, Raleigh township, and Rev. promotion to higher spheres of ac- , Father Forel, of Dresden. Other tivity," be said in part clergy present, but who, did not speak "This has at last come to Father were Rev. Father McCarthy of 'Tha- Sulliyan. He, like teeny others, has i mesvill'e, Rev. Father Harrigan of looked forward to promotion, which Blessed Sacrament parish, and Rev. meansthed' t ti of a parish." St.J h' pastor's duties to the church and to I number considered of Mrs, J. A. the Government will no his flock, citing the parable of the Hillman, soprano, in "Roses of Pica Good Shepherd as the most typical rdy,, WN. Houle, baritone, in of Christ's illustrations in setting la- "Ships That Pass in the Night," and an example for the pastors to follow. 1 several choral numbers by the senior He concluded with the words, 'choir of St. Joseph's separate school, "Everyone knows and likes Father Mr. Ray Stenton was accompanist Sullivan, I am sure that he will i for the soloists and Miss Lyle always be a good priest of Almighty , Stringer for the school children. God." President J. J. Brennan of the *t i SERVICE Holy Name Society read the follow- I SPLENDID in address to Rev. Father Sullivan, during which Mrs. Dunn presented New Pastor Takes Over Charges ADDRESS READ i of Blyth, Auburn and Belgrave "To Rev. Father Sullivan, "Dear Rev. atter:epresenn F 1 R ti g the purse, which reposed on a silver MARKS INDUCTION tray. Blyth, Nov. 30.—The induction the members of St.Josephs parish of Rev. Arthur Shore es rector of an its various to s we: offer coaare ga- Trinity church, Blyth; St, Mark's, tittered here tonightght to l ra. • 4 b and Trinity, lielgrave was snore tax-exempt bonds— who is going to pay the interest an the bonds which are floated to refund the securities?' "The income tax will be lighter as conditions permit, but the income tax is going to remain for a long time. They have had it in England for a long time. There are men in this hall. who are younger than I and 1 believe they will live to pay in- come tax for a long time." The minister asked the audience to compare the taxes of Canada with other countries of the world. When we compare our taxes with some of the states in the country to the south, we have little reason to grum- ble, he added. Paying National Debt, Hon, Mr. Robb dealt with the pro - V THE BIt(JSSEt.$ PAST eatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday Dec. 6, 7 & 8 Matinee Saturday at 2.15 46 eau l.i este With RONALD COLMAN Alice Joyce Neil Hamilton Noah Beery Mary Brian William Povvell Norman Trevor Victor Mct•aglan Ralph Forbes A PARAMOUNT PICTURE LAU (9ES'I'E I., like no olio.' p3o- tnee 0501 made. Probably the greatest melodrama ever an- gulate 011 1h _ sol0.511. II ,dao Pi eaenla a bunting mystery in which dead men shunt at uns, and other terrific. (553119 make your hair stand oo enol. From P C• Wren's enormously pope. lat. novel of wild adventure In the Sahara, Screen play by Phtyl Soho - Adaptation by John Russell and iiert:ert Brenon, Monday & Tuesday - Dec. 10 & 11 WARNER BROS. present "flue and Ten Cert Annie" With LOUISE FAZENDA ALL FOR LOVE—Annie braves perils of the hint sone—die• guisrd as b01t1d<•(1 sailnl—t1) protect her wealthy "White Wings" who has been -leanghitied by the villainous Briggs, 1010101' valet of th0 deo-•as'•d benefactor. In tit a dead of night Annie manages their thrilling escape to revenue cutter. - Friday & Saturday - Dec. 14 & 15 TIFFANY presents "Wild 99 By Martha Rstellso A Canadian Western Girl A GREAT BOOK—NOW A GREATER PICTURE She rebelled against the cruelty of her Father Driven to desperation by a moo devoid of all human feelings, Judith, young. full of life—and in love—broke the cords of bondage only to be overpowered and made a primmer, A Photodrama of Intense Situations. An Epochal Screen Play A. family cowed and crashed by a merciless father—defied by his beautiful and spirited daughter—whose love dares his enmities, and even teeny frees his "Slaves" ft'om Thra d m Coming Dec. 24-25 Clara Dow in "lied Hair" II 1 r e i t. hell passed asva5 suddenly l to town. J. E. I''ekttson, Pro tut -f i�sttyPts. morningin Iherns ina bed )dieter; Jolm Eckert, Clerk; Fred Y W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. roe two weel(e, with an illness which was not thought to be serious ar1,1 at the Lilac the summons m,tnte be was 0111,1)13 up in bed told had just finished eating a light breakfast. Two buildings, hotel and garage, in the village of Rostock, were destroyed by flames at an early hour Saturday morning with quite an extensive loss. The hotel, known as the Queen's was owned liy William Lensa, Milver- 10n, and until Tuesday of last week had been occupied by Geo. Daline. Seebaehs Hill. Since then it had been vacant, The garage was also the property of the hotel and was not occupied at the time of the fire. So far as known the blaze started in the garage and was fh'81 noticed by J. Mal the about 3 30 o'clock in morn- ing. In order to prevent the spreallof the flatuee to neighboring buildings, the Stratford fire (leparment was cal - and responded with pumper and crew. Water pumped from 0elglihm•- ing wells helped keep down the flames Some insurance was earned on both buildings. �� tuiis millet; 200 'bushels of oat. 111(10 bushels )nixed) rain; 100 bu.41i of wheat; 10 balks potatoes,Wood .--5.5 cords of hardwood, in inches lone. Furniture -1 lass iupbou'd; 1 ste,n:iou table; a 1(rtehen elutisl 1 '1 -ll nrn3•r Perfection coal oil stove with Oven h octave 13011 organ; 3 rocking chairs, 1 small tablet,, 1 set- tee; full !wartime suites, 1 ons) tin;; oth d piing and ullttreee stand -t :old dr cors; 2 wash tt oils, 1 vet•- lndth a e.al; three toilet Sets, 1 parlor rug; 12 yards linoleum 12 feet wide 1' 10 yards stair oilcloth; 2 linoleum, 2 pieces of oilcloth;I A1ad and WAS badly shlgutl both on ,nen dill icon.; few loons; unmhcr of and hair. pie tttl < ' • a quantity of. dr. he s 1)1,1 Stratford will benefit to the ex tont otos; ts; , :oc ks and ;fare; 1 eight-day of about 10 per coot, ;n fire iueu•- clock; and a number of ether ,trtw- auce fat 08, weevil ink to tun a111u.u,1c, • les too llunu•rous to mention about hent of the Can0ciian 1+'ile Under- the farm. Te1n113 _- Wood. 1(14 all order's' Assoviatln11 111ak1)13 effective SUllla of $15 1111d meter, cash; ov r a now schedule al' lower vo,ten for be that �91110)111 1110 fuuutht,' credit r dit willl the Pi1)villcr. A deellue i1) fi1•0 Io s in the city is given as the 1 cads ; joint nays with property owners its 1'01' 2130 cut. ecu 'ty, or a 111r<•ount of 1';1) 11 tlliarn li, 13ude, of the Login txaight 03T for 1•a ll. No reserve as 11""(1' ood """"ill" and " gnnr1er nor 11 the proprietor has sold his farm and of ,Mitchell, 1 laovn„ NEWSY ITEMS PERTH COUNTY From Oetober 1, 11327 1.1) October 1, 111'28, 30 persons died in llllltt town. ship. Mr1 11eeu, speed 00p, )5110 was injuriA several weeks ago Is on his "heat" again. F. \V. flay, M. 1), wan itppniut' ed a director 1)f thuuulit=''Iburi, $ with It Oapitltlizat inn of 31,700,000. 1Yi11iao1 MUtlhk,', 1.011*' ll it pilot', struck a Vatic}l to see 111111' unfelt alcohol he had in th,' mar uud13311.1' NEW BOOKS IN CIRCULATION AT THE . PUBLIC LIBRARY BRUCE COUNTY Southampton voted 228 for Hydro with 12o against. Kincardine will have no election lie all offices were filled by acclam- ation. The former Methodist parsonage, stables a„d lot at Arnow are of• bred for sale. Nilson Farrell, con, 0 near Pine River had his arta broken in two places when cranking the car, the crank kicked back Bruce County Council will be increased by one next' year from 88 members to 84. Amebel Township qualifies for a Deputy Reeve. Walkerton skating rink cleared $1500 o13 last winter's operation, The hockey club was the factor ie in- creasing the revenue. At a meeting of the Paisley council last week it was decided to purchase alight to illuminate the soldiers' mem• enol in that village. Miss Alice Hang of the staff of the General Iios3,3ta1, Moscow, Idabo, fund Carl Haug, of Seattle, Wash„ ate visiting John and Mrs. Haug at Tiver- ton. It is 20 year's since 131r. Haug was horse and he is having an enujny- able visit. AUCTION SALE —of - 25 Clyde and Percheron Horses Fillies and Geldings From 3 to 4 years old and weighing from 1500 to 1600 lbs. At Lot 8, (McMann Farm) Half Mile East of Seaforth Friday, December 7 at 1.30 o'clock. This ;s ane of the best carloads of horses (vet shipped to Seaford'. "Terms of sale crib, DOW, T. BROWN, 0, J OW fur. Auctioneer, 1 Following is a list of new books Dr. Pete of the Sierras Davis that have been placed on the shelves Barde'ley's the Maginficient. Sabatina at the Public Library: Saint Martin's Sunnier... Sabatina Fiction , Author Scaramouch Sabatina The Right of Way ..Gilbert Parker Juvenil Books. The Best Man ....Grace Hill Lutz The Rifle Rangers Reid Cherry Square . , ..Grace Richmond Heroes of Land and Sea . , •Newbolt Tihey Also Serve ..Peter B. Kyno Literature. Better Heritage ...Margaret Pedley Nevada Zane Grey The Friendly Road Greyson The Border Legion Zane GreY The Three Gifts of Life , ,Nellie M. The Shepherd of the Hills .. Smith, M.D, Harold Bell Wright Science The Secret Garden Burnett Infelice Wilson Maternity Without Suffering .. Drake, M.D. The Plains of Abraham . — Cu1•wood God's Country and the Woman Religion. Cnrt,OOCl Brother Saul Lincoln Biography. Byrne u urn, and t'Ulatl0il8 to you on your spiels) it of held in Trinity church, Blyth, on grecs of Canada in paying off her Promotion to be Parish priest of Wednesday evening. Von. Arch- national debt during an address be - Clinton and Blyth, deacon Sage, D, D. of London, was fore the Canadian Club lice° yes - While we feel )fees regret at your in charge of the service, assisted by torday. Mr, Robb, said that during depature from our midst, we rejoice I2ev. Jones, R, D. of Gerrie. the five-year period ending Marc)) with you in this well-deserved pro- After the induction which was 31, this year ,Canada had reduced motion. We know, too, that you veryimpresive, the archdeacon her debt by :$136,000,000, or at the will bring to your new field of gava splendid address. He spoke i rate of more than $85,000 per day labor the many excellent qualities in high esteem of Rev. Shore's In October of this year, Mr. Robb yo mind andn heart that have nada work in other parishes, continued, $53,006,000 indebtedness your sojourn amongst us such a After the service a reception was had been retired from the current revenue. Next year he hoped to re- tire $60,000,000 by the same method. "We want to make a further tax reduction ,but I am not going to say anything more about that just now." the Minister remarked. happy one, held in Memorial Hall, A(ldreases Please accept the accompanying of welcome were given by Rev. Dr. purse as a slight tribute from your Barnby, J. B. Tierney and Charles Chatham friends who wish you every Asquith of Auburn, which were in - success in your new parish. terspersed by musical numbers by • "Signed e behalf of the parish. Misses Cole, Van Camp and Pauline "Mrs. Josephine Dunn, President Robinson. Rural Dean Jones of Ladies' Altar Society; John J. Breis- Gerrie occupied the chair. Rev. non; President Holy Name Society," Shore of London, brother of the rec- Iple sing his thanks to the to also spoke. The new rector people for their generous gifts Rev, thanked the congregation for their )father Sullivan spoke of his pleasant kindness already shown, The ladies associations with all since his work served lunch at the close. commenced In Chatham) seven years sago, As evrdebee of the kindly feel- 4' ing towards him he told of reeei