HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-12-5, Page 2WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5th, 1028.
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kited d a s s' co-Oprativeci
t. (By ti Left Hand Monkey Wrench)
ci aaay.aawm- •_ vc.s:uMa - +m,w .....d ...Gvc.
REPAIRS COSTLY WHEN tele time of the yeme After a
DELAYED. 114r1717 ,t fre t t ,: an tl i warm sun- i
1 _h d •oh the delicate, white
Engine repairs: or ole,•h•ttt rt
Should. be made the minete trouble +' •v '1'•t, there remains an excessive
amount of moisture on luu•elsur]•ace
appears or inefficient o; erattlon is '
noticed. A fel- -do •. llarspent im- highways. The fallen lteif retain.;�
mediately invariably will save many this dampness and offers a spot
dollars later an. where an automobile may skid.I
: Drive carefully and be very of the 1
BRIGHT REAR LIGHTS ENSURE leafdtrewn highway.
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?inkhorn's `Hy gets :^.:1;:
Sarnia, Ont. I1lin- t 1
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11 r:li`11 lilt' L1'ett"
1331 •rood Lydia
�I'inhluuu's'iie e--
] e out round
me. 1cannot he
t !no:* ful ,ou hfor
Utz benefits I te-
1 during the
ae t ,Zn. of Life. I
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Illy n t r1 v:111 t at-
mosl you,. metlivine to a'i with t on-
lte:_ikeIhut. \1t .JbIsU1..`:,N,
102 N. Chrieelna Ste Sarnia, Ontario.
The Car Owner's Scrap -Book
Keep the rear lights bright and BEFORE WINTER COMES.
clean to avert a rear -end collision., A general going-over would be
The twilight usually becomes dirty very timely to any car after the
after a run through muddy made rigorous uses during the summer
in wet weather, and this condition menthe. Heavy fogs are character-
makes the ear a dangerous obstadie rate of fall evenings, and in some When starting up a hill, it is a
of the mountain communities ice good plan to always notice which
On the highway. may be expected at any time, Wind- isle of the road is the high side.
ATTENTION TO ACCELERATOR. 'shield wipers should be oiled and
The accelerator should be checked adjusted to ensure their opinion To accelerate too quickly causes
up occasionally to make sure it , when needed. Brakes, which must the ear to jump and the engine to
returns the throttle in the idling-' measure up to a maximum at ate pound,
position. Sometimes the accelerator times, will he especially vital to
spring weakens and allows the throt- safety while driving is subject to Be prepared for emergencies
tle to remain partly open when it,such conditions. From neglect and becoming familiar with the use
should be tightly closed. di use the lighting equipment be- the ]sand lever brake.
comes out of adjustment, lenses are
TIGHT CONNECTIONS SAVE cracked, bub filaments are damaged,
ANTIFREEZE SOLUTION. and the el:tire unit becomes duet -
Have every connection of the covered. Dust creeps into the tiny
cooling system thoroughly tight erevices and fillers inside the lamp,
when adding glycerine to the water iso that only a feeble ray reaches
as an anti -freeze agent in the radia- the outside, if the lamp works at
tor. New hose connections between 1 all. Steering in a heavy wind is
the engine block and radiator are,hard work, but it is positively dan-
advised. To overcome any loss of gerous if the steering mechanism or just before the ground freezes
the solution this special treatment is not in good condition. See that Examine the car occasionally for up for winter. Allow as much
is necessary.
Walter Damroseh noted U. S.
mu r •len. who began a program of
musical instruction over the radio,
for the benefit of school children.
Hundreds of schools in the States
have been equipped to take advant-
age of his work.
Sit low in the seat when driving
over rough roads, This will pre-
vent striking the top of the car.
Never open the throttle too quick-
ly, but give the engine a chalice to
pick up gradually.
Proper engine lubrication
pends on changing oil every
miles and prevention of
erankage dilution.
. 500 from seed, or old crowns will give
excess very satisfactory results. These
should be dug up late in the autumn
Hots. John S. Martin, .,eini.,ter of
Agriculture for Ontario, who pra-
ctises what he pre'ac'hes. He has one
- of the finest f.trnts in Ontario, He
believes that other powers borderingspecializes in poultry which he
on the same sea should realized that breeds for all parts of the world
his country's relations with Italy -are He is also prominent in nations
a question of vital importance to Masonic council, being chairman of
Greece, and goVeru themselves ac- the Ontario Grand Lodge. Apart
from his duties of State and home
he has had an extremely eventful
year. Recently he cracked several
ribs its a motor accident and last
spring his good wife was injured in a
But the Greek premier is not
having it all his own way with the
press of his own country. Some
papers say that he is making a mis-
take to try and solve foreign affairs
at a time when the internal weak-
nesses of Greece are apparent to
the outside world. They fear that
under such circumstances the agree-
ments he negotiates will not be of
very great advantage to Greece,
Cellar Forcing
• of Rhubarb
To successfully force rhubarb in
the cellar during the winter months
is one of the easiest and simplest
of undertakings. Strong, healthy
roots that are at least two years old
A conservation of battery power
is made if the clutch pedal is pushed
down to the floor when starting
the engine. This relieves the star-
ter and battery from the task of The air pressure of tires decreases
cranking against the clutch and when there is a drop in the tempera -
gears in the transmissions. ture of the weather.
FALLING LEAVES. Always apply power and brakes
Leaves on the highway are a con- gradually to avoid unless spinning
stant menance to the motorist at or locking of wheels.
the chains are in perfect shape for
travelling over wet and by streets.
An engine operates most efficien-
tly when hot.
s i fns
That bring friendly life and cheer to all
You can make your Selections Now
Ladies' Wrist Watches
A Bracelet Watch, desired by all,
in or
whitee gold.eral new A goods movement
in a dainty Modern Case. d All
nicely Boxed .... $10
Tambour Blocks
When other presents are forgot-
ten these Tambour Clocks will
still say
Merry .ehristmas
Several designs, striking the
hours on Tuned Rods,
Many Styles in the new Cron-
ium Plated Cases to show you
Radium & Plain Dials Long &
square shapes, also a com-
plete Line of Gents Pocket
watches. All Boxed and Ini-
tials Engraved free,
loose nuts and bolts.
The biggest expense in operating
a ear is the starting and stopping.
In cold weather a gasoline engine
must be run slowly until it warms
up to its normal temperature before
it can develop its maximum efficiency.
earth to adhere to the roots as pos-
sible, allowing them to remain on
the surface of the ground until the
soil and roots have been frozen
through. Freezing is essential to
good forcing as it has been found
by experiment that roots that were
not frozen before being placed in
the cellar did not do as well as
those that had been frozen.
Do not attempt any difficult feats A dark cellar where the tempera -
in traffic if there is an excess of ture can be maintained around 55°
play in the steering wheel, The F. to 55,i F. will be quite satisfa-
"fine" points of guiding the ear are
then almost impossible.
Free water circulation is ofttimes
checked by deterioration of the
inside of the radiaator hose connect-
ion. The broken edges curl inward
and obstruct the water flow.
Remove corrosion from terminals
of batteries and inspect connections
to see that they have not been eaten
by the acid. Replace suspected con-
A Peace Angel
Premier Venizelos of Greece declares
that no one can prevent hint from
working for peace in the Balkans.
He has recently visited Jugoslava.
Italy, France and England—all
All reliable Makes
From $9.00 up
We are showing some splendid values in
single stones, Green and White Gold
Mountings from $25 up.
Our Christmas Leader at $50.00
in lovely Gift Box must be seen to really
prove the value.
_��t ETEP w� x
story. The frozen roots and soil
should be brought in and placed on
the cellar floor adjacent to the
furance. Sand, earth or cinders
should be piled around the roots to
maintain an even moisture supply.
At intervals of a week or ten days,
it may be found necessary to apply
water to the soil mulch. It is un-
necessary to apply fertilizer of any
kind since a fleshy root -stalks have
sufficient plant food stored up in
them to produce at least four good
Under proper conditions, the first
pullings should be ready in about
four weeks from the time that the
roots have been placed in the cellar.
To maintain the supply throughout
the winter a second lot of roots
should be brought in when the first
pulling has been removed from the
previous roots. Five roots properly
handled should produce about sixty
pounds of a marketable product.
Wen the fourth pulling has been
removed, it is a good plan to place
the roots out-of-doors again and
allow them to freeze. These roots
can he planted out in the. spring in
good soil to recuperate.
Postage Rates.
Early Posting Urged.
Those intending to send Chrietnuts
gifts to relatives or friends in the
United States must mail their parcele
before the end of the first week in
December to insure delivery before
Clu•istmas day, it is announced by
L. J. Gaboury, deputy postmaster -
general of the Dominion.
Are not Renewable.
Sir Henry Drayton chairman of
the liquor control hoard of Ontario,
states that no new books would lie
issued when the 234 lines were filled
in the new green liquor control books
"No they can't get another permit,"
he stated definitely. "We think there
is plenty of space in one of those
permits for a whole year.
Money Orders.
Brusselites who intend sending
money orders to foreign counties at
the Christmas season are warned to
dispatch them as soon possible. All
money orders for foreign countries
must be sent to the exchange office
and then returned, and if a heavy
rush of orders is thrown into the ex-
change office within a :week or two
of Christmas, the piling up will
result in some delay, and senders
ntay be disappointed. The orders
should be mailed early, and anytime
now will not be too soon.
Just Optional.
Some little confusion may arise
from a statement published in a
municipal journal to the effect that
Dec. 24 would be nomination day in
the townships of Ontario this year.
It seems that townships have the
option, under certain conditions, of
if, that be a Sunday, as it is the
this year, on the day folowing Un-
less that is done the day set 10
the last Monday in December, which
this Year is Dec. 31, and the elec-
tion is on the first Monday in Jan-
uary, which this year falls. on Jane
nary, 7.
Motorists Will Be Disappointed.
The Premier has stated definitely
that there will be no reduction in the
price of motor licenses for 1928. He
said that the governments expect to
spend eighteen trillions of dollars on
the highways and the most then can
expect from all sources of revenue,
including the 2e increase in gasoline
Canadian, British or foreign new-
spapers or periodicals addressed to
Canada, the United States or Mexico
will be carried at the rate of one
cent for each four ounces or fraction
thereof. Canadian papers and per-
iodicals addressed to Great Britain
and certain British possessions re-
quire one cent for each four ounces
or fraction thereof, the minimum
prepayment to Australia being two
cents. British and foreign papers
addressed to Great Britain and cer-
tain British possessions require two
cents for each two ounces or frac-
peace missions for the concluding tion thereof, All newspapers and
of pacts of friendship, and all, ac- periodicals addressed to counties
cording to the Greek premier, open
and above -board, so that France
should not worry about bhe visit be
paid to Signor Mussolini in Italy,
while Belgrade has nothing to fear
ie this understanding either, he says.
The way the Greek premier sums up
his country's position is this: Greece
is surrounded in more than half her
territory by the sea. Therefore her
interests make it imperative for her
to be on most friendly terms with
her neighbors of the Medeterrean, He
other than these certain British
possessions squire two cents for
each two ounces or fraction thereof,
Walter "Tiede. of Formosa, has been
apnointed Collector of Ielendltevetiue
at Femme. Brewery. 'Tie position
was formerly held by the late Bern-
ard B.iingessner.
Prof. W. M. Clark, who for many
years was organist and choir .leader,
int 1tox Presbyterian Church, Khmer•
dine, passed away at his home in
Mount Forest on Siam day, November
17th from pneumonia,
Christmas Cards 1
The time to select your personal
greeting cards le right now. We
have six or eight lines to snake a
choice from, and we know you will
be more than pleased with the
The Post
ASKS FOR INVESTIGATION 400,000 drivers annually would re-
guire unreasonable increase of ex.
'sting machinrey.
Entertained Choir.
1'he Goderich correspondent to
the Stratford Beacon -Herald had
the following item which refers to
former Brueeelites, in the persons of
Rus. and Mrs. Wheeler;'r'he r.nnual
meeting of North Street United
Church -choir was held at the home
of the president, J. R. Wheeler, on
Thursday evening. Thirty members
were present. The following offi-
cers were elected for the ensuing
year: President, W. C. Pridham;
secretaay-treasurer, A, M. Rober-
tson, B.A. At the close of the
meeting, a dainty lunch was served
by Mrs Wheeler assisted by Mrs.
Deputy Reeves.
An amendment to - the Municipal
Act of Ontario suggests that the law
Dr, R. J. Manion, ex -Federal Cab-
ineti Minister, who has forwarded a
letter to Attorney -General Price
asking for en investigation of the
sudden slump in the stock of the
Jackson -Manion mines, is a brother
of Joseph Manion, who originally
staked the mine. Early last month
the value of the stock crashed from
90 cents to as low as 17 cents a
relating to the admission of deputy
reeves to the county councils has not
al'tvays been applied with sufficient
care to determine whether or not a
municipality is entitled to be re-
presented by one or more deputy
reeves. In future, a clerk of a mun-
icipality not separated from the
county and having less than one
thousand Municipal electors accord-
ing to the last revised voters' last,
will be required to post up in his
oilice and send by registered letter
post to the clerk of the county at
least six days before date of nom-
ination meeting, a certificate under
tax, will be sixteen millions. For his hand and seal of the corporation,
those in this district who operate stating the total number of munio-
their cars for only about eight ipal electors according to the last re -
months of the year, it will not be vised voters' list who are to be cou-
good news. Pleasure comes at a nted to determine the number of
high price and autoists who are out deputy reeves to be elected. In pre -
for pleasure will have to pay still paring this certificate, care must be
higher for the fun. taken to see that the name of any
person is not counted more than
No Examination. once and that those who are electors
The policy of the department of by reason of being the wife or hus-
highways is to reissue drivers' 1i- band of a person rated for land 115
tenses to those already in possession, owner or tenant are not counted:
except where there has been a con• The penalty for failing to send the
vietion for negligence or serious vie- certificate within the prescribed
lation of the Traffice Act, It is con- time is not to exceed fifty dollars
sielered out of the question to ton- and for certifying to a larger num-
duct examination for ail motorists bet of electors than should be count -
Drivers who, although originaally cd the penalty may be two hundred
well qualified to operate a motor ve- dollars. This will not make many
hicle, become unfit to do so, will be changes in county council represent -
checked up in due course, it is point- ation and will satisfy all concerned
eel out. The task of re-examining that the law is being observed.
Col. J. C. Dennis, C.M.G. Chief
Commissioner, Department of Col-
onizabion and Developnten4, Cana-
dian Pacific Railway, who, for over
fifty years, has been active in Cana-
dian land settlement. An outstand-
ing authority on Canadian immigra-
tion and colonization problems, he
has recently eencluded important
Oohs with the British Government
for the movement of British settlers
to Canada.
There are a great many ways to do a job of
printing ; but quality printing is only done one
way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds,
and 'no matter what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way.
P. S.—We also do it in a way to save you money.
7 he Post
Publishing .Douse
b.' 4