HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-12-5, Page 11r e,
VOL, 57 NO, 25
`2.00 per annum iv advance
Seetatet_ eiVateatteelitilteeit eeeele'"..i•`t•a»FF elete_etettereSet eHetetreE 4.1t F.06Ebk tfetlN
The Surrounding District
AG �;
t stele »iwtelr ie$�atti3al~ fiffet teletetel tele eefeet gab's' eel teI4
Mise Viola Garter is at present
visiting relatives in South Water.
Nitta Mnvbelle Rands, of Setafotth,
visited with Nies Auna McTaggart
George McGee of Whithnpe was
in Walton on Thursday delivering
the Tax Notice,
Mrs, William Neal has been con-
fined to ham reont being a victim of
a very bad cold.
Mr. and Mrs. Badley, of Harris -
tun, spent Sunday at the home of
Jos. and Mrs, Love.
Mee, Peter B. Gardiner and eleugh.
ter. Vera, spent Sunday. evening vis-
iting friends in Seaforth,
Messrs, Fred Miller, Walton and
Earnest Plum of Brussels motored
to Toronto on Wednesday.
The many friends of Mrs, (Rev.)
W. J. Maines are glad to learn that
she is able to be at home again,
,.t' Kenneth Jackson and Russell Bar-
' rows were in Toronto fcr a few days
attending the Koyal Winter Fair.
The McKillopTownship Council held
their November meeting in the Work-
man Hall, Walton, Thursday.
Miss Mary E. Mowbray and Miss
Marjorie Reid were week -end vis -
pore at the home of Mrs. George
Dickson, Seaforth,
Thomas and Mrs, Backwell and
little eon, Elliott, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Hackwell'e parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott, Mitchell.
William and Mre. Humphries,
Mary and Stewart, and Mrs, Adolf
Sohier and son Kenneth. motored
to Stratford recently,
Quite a number from the village
attended the anniversary service in
the first Presbyterimt Ohnrch, Sea -
forth. on Sunday evening,
J. Fry, who has been operating a
grocery store in Walton for some
time, is very sick at present at his
son-in-law's home in Stratford, Mr.
Fry has not been enjoying very good
health for some time.
Groups 1 and 2
of the
United Church
Will hold a Sale of
Aprons and Home-
made Baking
Saturday, Desi 8th
at 2.30 o'clock
In the Public Library
t BPternoan Ten will also he Served
1i. 0. and Met, Oousins, of Grate
ton, spent this weekend with
P, and Mee. Rutledge, Walton,
'i'lte many friends of George
liumson, who lives Eurb of Walton on
the thundery, are rorty 'to hear
that he is confined to his bed suffer-
ing with an attack of pneumonia.
Quite a number of people from
Walton e kn i went over to Seaforth on
Wednesday evening tin hear the Rev.
1-1, 13. Savage, Radio preacher of the
Ie'irat Baptist church, Putitlec, Mich-
igan, at the Filet Ptesbyterian
The play "The Three Pege" which
was presented in LIie Workman's Hall
Walton, 011 Filcher evening, was
lirgely alt ended, 'J.'Ice play was well
presented by the Dramatic Club of
Helgrave, under the auspices of the
Young People's Society of Duff's Unit-
ed Church. A splendid musical pro-
gram was presented between the acts
by Mrs. H, L, Radford, Merles Boyd
and the string orchestra of Blyth, con-
sisting of Miss Grace Shortreed, Her b-
et t Kirkby and Robert and Mrs,
Watt. 1evening
The e
tL roses a of the
amounted to forty dollars. All pres-
ent enjoyed themselves to the utmost.
The Dramatic Club displayed excel -
len t talent and splendid leadership.
Preparatory service will 'be held in
Knox dem eh Friday evening at 7.30.
Services for Sunday : 10 a, m. Sun-
day School ; 11 a, m., Communion
Dail Rudd has returned home after
spending 10 days at the Winter Fair
in Toronto.
The annual Christmas Tree Enter-
tainment will be held in Knox church,
Friday evening, Dec 2lst.
There was a splendid attendance at
;he first meeting of the Young Peo-
ple's Society last Sunday evening.
James Noble is contemplating talc.
ing a trip to California for the Win•
ter. We wish him well in the land of
sunshine. '
OrITtIART,-There passed peaceful-
ly away, at his home in Toronto, vary
suddenly, one of the old residents of
Oranbrook person the of William
John Alderson, in hie 72th year. He
Blanchard t lan township,
was born i r B c p,
Perth county, and moved with his
parents when five years of age to
Oranbrook, When a young man he
was united in marriage to Miss Emma
Knight, and resided here for a num-
ber of yeare, moving to Toronto six
years ago. Ile leavee to mourn his
loss his widow and six children ;-
Charles Russell, Ncn•tlt Bay ; Mrs, Jas.
Duncan (Levinin), Mrs. Stanley Var-
ney (Bessie), and Miss Victoria Amei.
la (Millie). all of Torero() ; and Mrs.
Leslie H. Plewie (Pettit 1: ), of Meeko.
110 ; else an nuly Meter, Annie, of
Salem, Oi egon, and one brother,
Charlea, of Oranbrook, , The funeral
service etas conducted by Rev. Dr.
Robert e, of Hheibonnie TJuifed Church
where the deeetteed and fancily wets
mem tiers. The floral lathlike, We
beanliful told testified to the high es,
WISH to announce that my store will be
1 closed from December 15th to March
My stock still includes a good choice in Ladies', Misses'
and Small Girls' Hats, some of which are high-class Gains-
boro' and Roberta models, which I will sell at very low
prices. Call early and get the best.
We Specialize in the Best !
teas and CafeThe Flavor
will convincey ou
See our
Try Our
We have the choicest
at reasonable prices.
21 Beautiful display of
Christmas �' �s ChlXlaware
Also at Reasonable Prices
Our Motto Courtesy 1 Service I
Eckrier's Grocery
c"o:J a+'tiy :J o:'J e�6.`q:/ c -to mJ xtg c"tw o1J cJ A� J c
New AdvertMements
We npeelallze-Ealapinr'n Grocery
Hog for service-Donll 13aternen
gee eeetione--IIing l3rna.
NIoticentoa(Jrreettore-Hobert Darr Pante
Allen's Drng store
anomie sole -J. E. Ferguson
A uotlon sole -G..1. Dow
Plinio for anle--Tn a Poer
Money loot -Tun Posse
Foliate for Selo -Dan. Glaaeler•
Dobbs C'otleoted-Canndten U red itor Aee'n
Weill in whish the departed was held,
Those coming from a distance were
MIs. Wm. Huefher, St. Mary,'; Mrs,
Annie (arter, Amgen ChineAlde,:
eon, Oraubtook;
,Janes (Cameron,
111usse•!s. The 111111')1 sympathy of
the conununity le extended Lo the
Lordly In their bereavement.
TIIE 'hinge: PROS --On Friday even
ing Nov, 23rd, the belgrave Dramatic
Club of Lha (bated Church, presented
the comedy play "The Three Pegs,"
to a large audience. The play was
exceptionly well given and every
character played her part very eff-
ectively, Mrs, Wright, one of the
leading characters represented Emily
Weston, rich cultured lady witi
seise and dignity ; Mrs. D, Geddes
'ed the long and diffloulb role reli-
ne. 'ing the scheming Aunt Euphel-
ia in bhe moat capable manner. Her
costume caused much merriment;
Jennie Wightman as Marguerite,
Aunt Euphelia's niece and one of
the Pegs, kept the house in peals of
laughter during the whole perfor-
mance ; Dorothy Vincent played the
part of Madge, another Peg, except-
ionally well ; Celia Ooultes, as a third
Peg made a winsome and charming
picture and delighted the audience.
The part of Sarah the Irish cook
was taken by Mrs. Jno. Rintoul and
that of Lizzie, the Irish maid be,
Mrs. F. McCallum, Both of these
provided much merriment for the
audience and seemed perfectly at
home on the stage. Mrs. Charlea
Coultes played the part of the
Italian talkative woman, Mrs. Conti,
to perfection. Mrs, Jack Coultes
represented Mrs, Barclay, Emily
Weston's refined friend, in a
very dignified manner. The suc-
cess of the play' was due in a
great measure to Mrs, Rev. Scobie
who trained the cast, Between the
acts Mrs. Joe Clegg rendered a beaut-
iful solo accompanied by Mrs, D.
Geddes, and Jno. Bell pleased
the audience immensely as usual
with selections on his whistle assisted
by Mrs, Jae. Taylor on the piano.
Council met on Saturday.
Paying taxes is the popular, past -
time just now.
Council will close up the year's
work on Dec, 155111.
Wm, Sholdice, South Gravel, has
returned Prem his trip to the West.
Reeve Keys and Deputy -Reeve Row-
land are attending County Council at
Goderich this week,
Duke's school will hold their
Christmas entertainment on Friday
evening Dee. 21st. Watch for fur-
ther particulars next weelc.
The annual Christmas Tree Enter-
1ninment will be held at S. S. No. 4 on
`I'huvstlty, Dec. 2001. Keep the dale
in mind.
MEETS SATURDAY. - Oouncil will
meet on Satm'day, Dee, Stle All ate
cone teare supposed Lo in Inc Ude
The municipal pot is beginning to
boil, Ruiner says many of the old
war-horses are coming out again for
8 8 No. 8 will hold their Ohriettlttae
Enterteimmeut nn Friday, Dec. 21. A
splendid program is being prepared.
Admission 25c.
S. S. No, 6 will hold their annual
Christmas Entertainment on Dec, 19,
rnmmemoing at 8.15 p, in. Admission
25 and 15 cents.
An event na interest to local people
occurred at the home of Wm,and Mrs.
Davidson, .St. Oalherines, former res-
idents of Morris and Grey township,
November the twenty-fifth, being
the twentieth anniversary of their
marriage. On Monday evening they
were the host and hostess at a dinner
to a large number of friends and neigh
bore, They were recipients of nuttier -
nue gifts and expressions of best wish-
es for many yeare of wedded life. Dur.
ing the evening the guests were enter-
tained at cards, music and dancing
after which every one vetted Mr, and
Mrs, Davidson and son, Norman, to
be capital entertainers.
MUNOOIree EanoTION.-Nomination
ivill be held 3n the Township Hall on
Monday, Dec. 81s1. Aa Deputy -Reeve
Rowland is leaving the township this
will make one vacancy, and we have
heard that Oonnoillor McDonald may
try for that office. It is also rumored
that ex -Councillor 0, Hemingway will
try foe the Deputy-Reeveship. With
0onnoillor McDonald wanting to move
n 0 vacant chair will beleft on he
p, l 1 L t
Council Board and there are tote of
q• ANCE a.
* WALTON * ; B
aspirants for this peel 1.10)). IL ie ruin•
tired that peeve Keys will have op.
position but time will tell,
CALLED Hoses -On Sunday even•
ing Ann Blair, widow of the late Jas.
Ritchie, passed away at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. John P. M1clntce'',
at the ripe old age of 86 years any 5
months, '['Inc funeral was held on
Tuesday afternoon and interment was
made in Brtwsela eemetery,
Gordon MIT'aggant and John Smith
have returned from the West,
Jos Mc ire has been enjoying,
a visit with relatives and Deputsi
Hamilton and Brantford. She re-
turned Friday of last week,
The Committee ie chatge of our
8, 5. Chricttnae en tettainime t to be
held Dec. 20 are doing their best to
make it a success. Come and do your
'Die many friends of Mrs. Milton
Huffman ate glad to: know she
was able to return home Monday
of this week from Listowel Memorial
Mfr, and Mrs. Pratt last week
to their farm near Ethel. MoncrieIf
hisorry to lose them, Mn, and Mrs.
Forrest, McKay are continuing in the
store et present.
The manyMende
of Mee,August
t st
McFarlane ale sorry to hear that she
has had the misfortune to fall and
break her arm, Mrs. McFarlane has
not been well for several weeks, but a
speedy recovery is hoped for.
Monday evening, Nov. 26, was a
red letter date in the history of
Moncrieff when a splendid new cone.
munity Hall was opened with great
eclat. There was a good program,
the feature of the evening, however
was twospleudid addresses delivered
by Geo. Spotton, M. P., and
Charles Robertson, M. P. P. Both
gentlemen were In fine fettle and
delivered moat impressive and enter-
taining addresses. The hall was pack-
ed to its utmost capacity and the
program was followed by a dance ;
'Where youth and beauty meet. to
chase the glowing hours witu fine
On Monday evening of this week
a large crowd gathered in the Mon-
orieff Community Hall to do honour
to Miss Hattie Ferg, prior to her
marriage to Will Smith, of this local.
icy. After the crowd had aeseembled
the strains of Lohen¢rin's Wedding
March, played softly upon the violin
by Archie Mann, preceded the arrival
of the mock wedding party compris-
ed of Mildred Howard, bride ; Hazel
Spairan. groom ; Velma Robertson,
bridesmaid ; Lenore Patterson groom-
sman ; Alma Paterson and Isabelle
McLean, flower girl and ring helmet. ;
and Alice Baillie, father who gave the
good looking bride away. The cer-
mnny was performed by Rev. Mr,
Doolittle (Helen Roy) who capably
did her part. hiss Fever and ell.
Smith were first Lo congratulate the
cc uple whereunom Ed. Fulton read an
eddreee aekiee "Hattie n"d'.V111, to Re-
nept the community's good wishes and
gifts which were nuntetous x11(1 valu-
able showing the high esteem in
which she was held in this comwnn-
;Coxes are 'keeping evet•yboely busy
these days, paying up.
Reeve Henderson is attending 0o.
! uuncil at Goderich bids week,
W. J. and Mrs. MicCutrheen took
in the Royal Fair at Toronto.
W. H McCue -Aeon attended the
Royal trait 01 Toruuto Inst week.
Itto. T. IliAvier ova:.., visitnr ;at the
Royal Winter' Show, Toronto ; for
n week,
James Sterling and fancily of God-
erioh tawueltip, epeut Sunday at
Oran Rueeell's.
Mfrs, Peter McDnneal of Hnlrnecvilte
spent a week with her omitting Min-
nie and Onau Russel.
Lorne Nichol and Robert Miehie
motored to Georgetownandattended
Lhe Royal Fair at Tormtto.
Mfrs. \Vm. Whaley, has returned to
her homy in Goderich after spend-
ing a few weeks with friends on the
SII' line.
OARI) uP THANas,-Ws hereby wise
Lo tender our sincere thanks to the
many neighbours and friends for their
helpful deeds, kind and comforting
words during our recent bereavement,
They will never be forgotten by us,
A Christmas Concert will be held
iu S
S. No,Morris,Friday
evening, Decemhee 21stby pupils
and ratepayers. A full program of
dialognee, duets, drills, antemines,
choruses, recitations and darkie orch-
estra, If it harts you to laugh don't
The following is the re)\urt of S.
S. No. 1, Morrie, for the months of
October and November. Exa,minat-
(nils were held in all subjects ;-Sr,
III -Robert Laidlaw 73.33, Mary
Fear (absent), Jr,- abell Cun-
ningham 86,88, Doris Rogerson 66 55..
II -Jimmie Laidlaw 72. I- Mabel'
Fear 87, Miriam Rogerson 73. Pr,
-Mary Laidlaw, Mary Phalen. Num-
ber on roll 9. Average attendance 7,78.
• Viola Mnrrisnn
0nI1uARY,-As reported last week in
The Post of the sudden death of Flet•
eher toe, the funeral was held nn
Friday afternoon at the home of d, G.
and Mrs. Spier, The set'vice was Son -
ducted by deceased's pastor, Rev, Me.
. arker, assisted by Rev. F, G. Fowl.
ere The pallbearers were Thos, Miller
l,obt, Nichol, Wm. Thuell, Alex, Hoe,
Wes. Jermyn, and Jas, llurgeas, The
floral tributes were beautiful -Pillow
from family ; ?Mew from Whitfield
rMatives; Spray from Ed, and Mee,
Bell, Toronto t Spray from Howard
and Mee. Hartry.;and .E, A. Roe, Lon-
don, The late Mr. Roe was a son of
Thos, and Mrs, Rne and was born
66 yeare ago on the farm note belong•
ing to R. J. hoover, 0th con, He
friday beg, Sec. ith
Blyth Orchestra I
y I
Tickets $1,011 lunch Served * .
J. L. KERR, Proprietor
We are buying Cream for
the Palm Creamery, Palmer-
ston, and will pay the high-
est prices. Phone 2211.
ch & Ziegler, 9
WOO one of a family of nine children,
of IN horn curly three 8111 11ve, All,. Jet -
mem, of Turmita ; Ai Ili. 51nrrison. of
Brandon, Man. ; and Edgerton, of Me.
Killop township. VI hen a. hay 11114
2110113 moved to He. Metyn where he
attended High School, and later the
family moved to Meleillnp township.
He wasmt.rriedes,18145 to Laura Whit-
field, who predeceased him l0 years
ago, Twenty-five years ago he ulaved
to 131ussels and continued to live
in around the village until hie death
Two children Mrs, John Speir and one
son, Whitfield, smrvive. Deceased
was a faithful member of the United
Church all his life and was industrious
honest and kind. The family have
the sympathy of the community in
their sudden bereavement.
The following is the report of S. S.
No, 4, Morris, for November, Pup-
ils examined in Geography, Literat-
ure, Recitation, Spelling, Oomposit.ion
Art, Arithmetic, Language and Daily
Work. Total 100 per cent, Pass 80
per cent. Pupils marked " missed one
examination. Number of pupils 2I.
Average attendance 18. Number of
school days 21. Sr. IV -Dave Mil-
ler 90 (21 dye), HarietSmith 89 (21 dys)
Jr. IV -Gordon
Nichol 81 (19 dys),
Jack Pipe 77 (21 dye), "Howard Smith
78 (17 dye). *Mac Scott 43 (19 dye) Jr.
III -Adan Graeby 70 (21 dye) Sr,ll-
Olara Smith 84(21dys), Glenn Nichol
73 (18 dye), Janine Bernard 72 (20 dys),
Bill Harman 61 (20 dye). Sr. I -Jiro
Davis 91(21 dys), Eleanor Nichol 84
(21dye), Ftanlc Mc0utoheon70 (19 dye),
Tom Bernard 88 (17 dye). Jr.'I Bi use
Smith 80 20 dy
s Kenneth S eit
(18 dye).; Jr. Pr. -Jack Spelt. 92 (19
dys), Mona Miller 74 (16 dye), John
Harman 62 (1e dye), George llcCutch-
eon 31 (21 dye),
Mrs. J.A. Wilson has returned after
visiting Friends in London, Aylmer
and St. Thomas.
A dance will be held in Duuhar's
Hall on Friday evening, Dee• 7th, in
aid of the Community Park Fund.
Miss Rhea McLelland hoe been ap-
pointed to the staff of the Waterdnwn
Public School a very modern building
situated in the village cif Waterdown
on the Dundas Highway about 5
chiles from Hamilton. We understand
Unit W. 0. Bisbee, one of our tart mer •
principals of Ethel Public. School has
been principal of this school eines
September last.
Ethel United Church Christmas
Entertainment will be held on Thus
day, Dec. 20. Union, Dec. le actl •
Roe's Dec. 17th.
Go to Church on Sunday. Many
visitors have been present during the
past few - weeks at the United
Church and were welcome. The
pastor is continuing the year's pro
gram of service next Sunday. Sub
jest will be "Moses' Choice." You
need the church and the elnn'ch
needs you.
The Women's Institute will hold
their regular meeting on the -ecoid
Thursday instead of the 3rd Thur:>•
day which will be Dec 13th at 2.30
at the home of Mrs, (Rev.) Guest,
The subject "Ilow to make Christ-
mas Happy for the Siek and Aged"
will be taken by Rev. D. Guest.
Christmas Rercipes, Christmas music
ttnd exchange of Christmas gift,.
Everybody welcome - to come and
enjoy the afternoon.
Redeeming • two promises made nt
his meeting before the recent Feder-
al election, Geo, Spotton, M. P., gave
to this community one of the best
concerts held herefo • a longwhile,
c t
Towne's Orchestra pleased many
with their excellent music while the
Taylor twins gave some first class
exhibitions of dancing. Harvey Ma-
Gee, of Auburn, pleased his audience 11
as of old with roan appropriate sel-
ections. Toward Ibe cle f the en-
tertainment Mr. Spotton gave a brief
address the workthea ses-
ant Of at s
sion, pointing out that believing
North Huron had sent him to sup -
ort thebest legislation nomatter
p 8
from whence it emanated, he had n
often -been found voting with the
Government against Itis pnr'iy, He e
also showed the ill-effects that world
have bacons apparent if the Bel! g
Telephone and Li 1
Sun Life were allow- e
ad to Increase their capital stock. 111
closing Mr. Spotton urged anyone f
who had need of what service he
could render to call upon. hint for tl
aid, saying in the past, we of North 9
Huron had been the meekest people
fnr the country ---we asked for noth-
ing and nothing received. i
1, 11, we rnrved. Aftet
rho concert was concluded a dance
Was put on under Mr. Spotton's sup-
orvlsion, eonunelucingl with several
old time dances, during which 1011011
was served by the Royal True Blues.
In the wed sma 'hours of the mora -
in everyone left for homefeeling
Imo -
perfectly satisfied withtheway in
which Mr. Spotton redeems his pro-
On e u clay, November 27th
l' 75, at the home of the bride's pa
ants, William and Mir',. Ferguson
erd line, Wellat•e, Rev. James Vine
spoke the mystic words which unite
:'arch Jen,- Ferguson, then a blush
ing laid and George Edwards, o
Edwardsville, in the presence of a
bout 1,11 guests. The bridesmaid o
that wedding' day of fifty years alto
now Me M. Doll, of Breeee,-ls, e t
of theroom. and the groomsman
Mr. .'11. -.. Ferguson, of 1.istowi'l
h the • of the bud., are still lit nl
to add their best wi lme to the hot
of other re.lutivn awl lrie ted.
After their n t. ie ,."J the y0ure
couple went to !nu atl.dema,ei_evill
in W tlleee• Township, 'share th
groom owned a saw -mill. her
they resided for about ten year:, of
ter which they moved to• Fard>viel
and the 'e to I iue , lc, where the
have r. ideal contentiously for the
,:past forty years. Mr. Edwards being
r' I 'veil known to a large number of
s !people with whom he has done busi-
d i Hess and by whom In has won es-
• te,:tn for his honest and upright dIs-
f ' position.
- I Mr. and Mrs. Edwards spent the
f ,day at the home of their daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Lennie, where a wedd
r ing repast was prepared in their
honor. They were tee r.•crpic•uts of
gold, cheques, '•tc., c.orltvyir,g to
them the love and 1 spect of their
t family for the ,-err of a fond and
1loving mother and father, end the
e i wish that it may b., Clod's will to
o spare them to celebrate their dia-
e mond Wedding in their midst.
e I The family corsiets of four dao-
- I ghteni, fclns.. Baillie,. Mrs. Longfoot,
Shi's. Churchill and Mrs. Woodley,
y , and two eons, 'Been, of town, and
George N., of London.
1 Mrs. (Dr.) McMaster and Joan r
returned home on Sunday after
spending a week in Walkerton.
Miss Vine. Guest and Miss Edit!
Geddes, of Kincardine, spent the
week end at the United Church ptar
Aspirants for Municipal honors
are very much in prominence in our
township, as Nomination and election
time straws near. Nothing very de-
finite is known yet but it is expected
that on Nomination day some new
candidates will try out their eloqu•
1 Personal Paragraphs P
d rtS
W. A. Lowry is in Toronto this
• week on business. -
1 Dune. McKinnon was a visitor at
Monkton on Sunday.
Mrs. John Oliver and Mrs. Oliver
' Turnbull spent the week end in Kin-
i 0. Ginn, of Goderich, County Corn
Borer Inspector, was in town on
1 Archie Ballantyne, of Wingham,
I spent the week end with his mother
Iin town,
George Spotton, 11I. P., was call-
1 ing on some of the faithful last Fri-
day afternoon.
Mrs. George
i Lott,of Wingham,
was visiting relaties in Brussels
over the week end,
Mrs. M. Yolleck and son, Joe, of
Toronto, motored up and spent
Sunday with Mr. Y olleck,
Wm. and Mrs. Gillespie are still in
Seaforth, helping care for Mr. Gil.-
lespie's father, who is very ill at
Archer Grew are of Toronto, was
home for the week end, and left oa
Monday for Camp Borden where he
has signed up with the Flyers.
Mfrs. George Muldoon has been
in the house w,th a very bad cold
during the past week. We are glad
she 's able to be out again.
Chas. Lockwood was in Fergus on
Sunday to visit Baan. Carter, who ,.0
doing as well as can be expected and
hoping to be home before long.
Mrs, David Cunningham is in the
Wingham Hospital at present. We
hope she will soon be able to be
horde again after her operation..
Master Donald Pierson has re-
covered from his cold since leaving
the house of his birth. 111"e know
some -one who is going to miss hila
and her initials are M. H. K.
Mrs. John E. Smith will spend the
w'inie e et Toronto, Cheeley and De-
troit We are sorry to have her a•
way from home, d,ut htil,t, seal will -
eejoy her -winter with her friends in
the city.
Mrs. Alex;. Sebes, John Street,
has been quite, poorly the hast few
week. Land is staying with her Heise,
:des. Forsyth She is improvise
slowly we are glad to report.
1111:5 Mabel Zimmer of Toronto, is
expected to give a talk on her trip
to the Old Country with lantern
slides of some of tae interesting
Pilots elle visited - at the United
Church ill the near future.
Miss Mary 'loss returned Thurs-
dav last from her trip to Toronto
where 511e combined pleasure and
tininess, hiss Ross accompanied
by her aunt, Mrs. John E. Smith end
her friend, Mrs. Hassey, who lied
been spending a couple of weeks in
Rev. A.• W. and Mrs. Barker and
the choir of the United Church, are
having a farewell at the Parsonage
on Friday evening for Miss Carrie
Hingston, who has been choir leader
during the past few years and has
resigned as she expects to visit in
Washington during the next font
months. We hope she will have a
le s
p a ant visit and safe return to her
old Home Town.
Wingbam Advance -Times - Dr.
Margaret g et C, Calder left on Monday
on the Canadian Pavitie round -the -
World Cruise, stalling from Now
the Empress of Ausftalia on
Saturday of this week. During the
cruise some of the countries visited
be Mladeritt, Algeria, France,
Palestine, Italy, Egypt, India, Chinn,
Japan, Hawaii and Cuba. The cruise
party will spend Christmas eve at
Jeruealem, Palestine, The trip will
cover over 30,000 miles and the
party will return to New York en
April 15. Mrs. McCrintmon and
Mrs. Barnett, of Kincardine, are also
members of the party. We join With
Dr. Calder's numerous friends in
wishing her a most pleasant trip.
Russell and Mrs. Greenly were re
cent visitors in London.
A. J. and Mrs. Sanderson have re-
turned from a visit with relatives at
Toronto. -
Earls and Mrs. Ball and Archie
Edgar were recent visitors in Tor-
Mrs. L. Moffat and little son, Lon-
don, visited last week with the for-
mer's sister, Mrs. Bert. Martin.
Walter Bush returned to New
Liskeard on Monday after spending
a week with friends in this vicinity.
The Dramatic Club of the Bei -
grave United Church, presented the
3 -act play "The Three Pegs" in the
town hall Monday evening, under
the auspices of the Wroxeter Public
Library. The play was well given
and a good attendance present. The
music between acts was supplied by
local talent. Proceeds were $64.
The November meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held at the home
of Mrs. J. R. Wendt, Thursday af-
ternoon with an attentdance of 20,
Mrs. S. M&N:tghton presiding, Ow-
ing to the resignation of the presi-
dent, -Mrs. John Hupfer, Miss Mary
Pope was elected to the position.
After the reading of several cont-
,nunicatio,is and a feat business
items were disposed of a very full
and interesting report of the recent
conventen n at Walkerton rton \c 1s given
be- the d legate, Miso Miry Pope.
This wee folt„wed by to equally
intereeting elle Ut1. the various ways
in wham potato, tun• be cooked by
MIrs. 0, W. Rae. The Roll Call
"Bright thoughts for Melancholy
da\,brought forth a splendid re-
ponse. Community songs, taken
from the new song sheet reseed by
the department, were an enjoyable
feature of the afternoon's program.
W. Gannett, of Temente, is at pre-
sent visiting with relatives here.
Eldon and Rnesel tlleKimiev, of
Toronto, were week -end visitors with
relatives here,
Jae, K, West, of Knox College, as-
cupied the pulpit of Knox Piesbyter-
an Church on Sunday.
Mn. J. Bosnian returned home to
Manitoba after spending the past few
weeks with relatives here,
Mrs. Sandet•snn 1109 reharned to
Loudon tater spending two weeks
with her father, 0, 13, Moffett.
The Pt1 b Lel•Ital
lh y t Sunday Sohnol,
intend holding a Chrtsttnas entertain-
ment on \Vedneeday evening, Dec, 19,
Miss Beth Baynard, of London
Normal school, spent Smithy at the
nine of her pareute Ed. and Mrs.
\Vm R. Isl'ister, of the Toronto
Pest Office staff. spent the weekend
relatives in Blu
with t ev la and w a d \Vin -
g -
The many frieudt of King Mc.Dnn-
t ill be glad to know alti v 1, m w tett he
a Unmoving nicely' tater his recent
Aeration ill the 1(1ngstou Hospital.
Mise Dorrie Altehieson underwent
n operation Mr ttppendieitis at the
Vingham Hospital yesterday send it
etting along an well as can be expect -
Thursday, Dec, 2015, is the date set
nr the annual Ohristmes Tree and
lentertainment of the Ebenezer Hun -
ay Scheel (13rotyntow 1 ) Ftil'tiler
at'ticulars later.
The regular meetingof the Wnm-
ens' Institute will be held on Thurs.
day,Dec, 18th at the of h
home .its.
0. l. Genies. 'A paper on "Good
forte in Publio Places" will be given
by Miss Mary Collie and Mrs, Coombs
will give a paper an "Christmas with
Dickens." Roll call will be answered
by a donation of Christmas gifts for
The War Memorial Children's Hosp.
ital, London. Members are asked
to make a special effort to be present
31111110, tett n' Farriers have
a Ploughing Oompetiop, Herb,
Schneer, of Walkerton, wins this
year the Iiou, Jae, Malenlm tropeily
for the best ploughing in sod • Tis
Trophy one held last year by Acthar
Vogt of korrnnaa. Tice Dr, VV, A. Iiall
M. P, Trophy 'for the champ on
pploughinq in stubble, held last year
Ic7 Vv, Inglis, of Walkerton, was
as important bneinese is to come won this esason by Clarence 'itlpsball,
befot a the mooting, of Port Bight.