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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-11-28, Page 7Cr l radi 10. Means ETTE R CR14-A141 L'L Ii I;U'1'TI:R I:"I"I'I:R PRICES We tarn now prepared to Grade your Cream honesty, gatle r it -twice 1 1 cAIt and deliver at our Creamery each uuy we lift it. We gather with covered truck to ke.'p sun at it. \VI' .pay a premium of 1 cent par ib, butter fat for Speciale over that of No. 1 grade, and 3 cents per lb. but- ter-fe* for No 1 grade over that of No, 2 grade, The basic principle of the improvement in the quality of Ontario butter is the elimination of second and off grado cream, Title niay be accomplished by paying the producer of good trim a better price per pound of butter -fat t.t'tn is paid to the producers of poor ('!ream. We solicit your patronage and ee-ope.rution for better market. t`° 'Wo will loan you a can.'• See our Agent, T, C. McCALL, or Phone 2310, Brussels, The Seaf rth Crea 'I eery Ecarzsgoixnervo alg sea MIrl. i 914 ..14.) . By J. ALLEN DUNK e Illustrations by Irwin Myers C :pyr:ght C°ebs Merrill Co. tracel stn' see olo,T as 11 0;? How In Nimes are you emu' to write adven- ture If you 1100 1 llv0 ll? "Me, T'm gu'n' to git a ammener built aceordin' le my own !dens. Have a lather engine in it, mebbe, an' go round the world. What's the use of nein' on it an' not knovin' it by sight? Books and pletures are all right in their way, I reckon, but, while my riggln' holds up, I'm for travel, Mebbe I'll talte a group of islands down In The South seas nfter a bit an' make somethin` out of 'est. Not jest copra an' pearl -shell, but cotton an' rubber." "A king and his kingdom," suggest- ed th1e girl. "Aye, an' mebbe a queen to go with It," replied Lund, his eyes wide open in a look that made the girl flush and T) "'That's a Man's Life," Went on Lund. Rainey feel the hidden issue that he felt was bound to came, rising to the surface, "That's a aunt's life," went on Lund. "Travel's ell right, but a man's got to do somethin', buck somethin', stand tterheads elopes ads 1 kinds of Business ry printed at The Wishing House. do a job that will to your business. er your stock of tationery and if it replenishing coal lephone 81. Wishing House Snue'rhitY, _An' a rrii ldu'•<b,' r.::• ❑'1ut0 the right `l::d a :e. play male, Poli: -h .11' Itis rcet,,h edges, meb11e. 1'11 re.ler 1n• a ran ' NISI 11V tint1 rnuid stood t11'11' rt hit, than smooth an' pitted, ,1n', when 1 1111d the right wurllnll, 011i' 01 my own breed, I'm guilt' to Ile to her 101' Ler to ate, "I'm golf to he rich, They've (leanedalp the sands of Nome, blit there's 01hers'll he found ylt bel een Cape 110p1 11(1' 1'(13,4 Barry, Mean - (1111e, We'1•4' got 11 Waiver or (1111' ❑1171, \1'ilh plena' of gold they nin't touch limit to what a 1111111 ('1m 111), I've roughed It all try life, tin' I'm not lookin' for 41!51'. It makes tt 011111 soft. But—" 11e swept the figure t f'the girl in a ! eeee 111(11 wits eln'lnt'nt or Ills Ilue or :h,ntttLt• the grew 1(11 >114y 111 11, lint L,uud nntitatoed i1 until she raised her eyes from her work and eh111- Ionged his. 111dae'' sow her bt'ett01 heave, saw her straggle to hold the Raza, turn led, then pale, He ''!ought her oyes showed felt', anti then she stiffened. Almost tmeonaoinitsly she raised her hand to '';here Rainey was sure she kept the little pistol, toile/m(1 something, as though to assure herself of its presence, and went ut1 sewing. Lund 'l ieklerl, hot shifted his eyes to Rainey, "110'hv don't you write up this v'yage? \\'hen it's all over? '.!'lure's adventure for you, an' we ain't hn'f through with It. An',• romance, too, mehhe. We nin't neveloped much of a love -story as yht, but you never can Ile laughed, and I'eggy Simms got up quietly, folded her sewing, and said "(food night" composedly befo'e ' elle went to her room. "Hew about it, Rniney?" quizzed 1.und, "How about the love p'u't of 1? She's a beauty, an' she'll be an heiress. Ain't you got enny led hlood in yore veins? Don't you want her? Yon won't find ninny to hold a candle to her. Looks, built like n. ricin' yacht, smooth an' speedy. Smart, an Hell Into the bargain, Why don't you make love to her?" Rainey felt the burning blood mounting to his face and brain. "1 nal not in love with 'Miss Stumm," he said, "7f I was I should not try to make lave to her under the circum- stances. She's alone, and she's father- less. I do not c'u'e to discuss leer:" "She's a woman," 011111 Lnn11, "And y'o're n (1—cl prig! You'd like to hast me 1n the Jew, but you know I'ur stronger, You've got some guts, Rainey, but yore hidebound, You ain't got hn'f the glt-up-an'-go to yr that she has. She's n woods, I tell you, en' she's to he wan. If you want her, why don't you stand up an' try to git her 'Mend of sitlin' annual like a Melt rel whenever I happen to 0.01- 1lh'e her looks? • "I've 0000 you, I nin't blind cony Longer, you knot', She's it \vom1111 en' I'ln a man. I thnnght you was one, 11(11 you nin't. Yore hive of tn5kin' love is to Send the gal 1t hex of randy nn' (walk bus:y-fonfed un' write poems to her, Yon want to write life ns' T W11111. 10 live It, So does a gal like that, She's more my breed Hutt yorea. If she hes got odd -feat -Ion, An' she's flesh alit] blood. Saone 05 7 am. Yo're half sawdust. Yore stuffed." He went on deck laughing, leaving Rainey raging hitt helpless. Lund tip - peeved to thiok the sllnatinn obvious. Two men, rind n ivolnnn who wllS nt- tractive in nary ways. The only wont's while 11104 were nhmnrd the schooner, therefore the More to be de- sired, achniretl by' men rut Off from 1110 rest of (Ile world, tuna sooner or inter, mount to tti1e her, willing or unwilling, lie hod 5nlr1 110, ((01(0 t00 covertly, the very evening. And, if Rainey metol, to stand between her anti Lund 11S 111 pro- teelm', Lund would 0ec'eht him in Ihat elm:mete' only ns the 14!(1'8 lover nut Ills rival. Icor the time heing, the safety of the Earful( and the smceessful carry - Ing out of the purpose of the trip tools 141 of Lund's attention end energy. Twice lie had been thwarted by the weather from gleaning his golden har- vest, and it began to look as le the third attempt might he no more for- tunate, "The IrarInk's stout," he salt once, "hut she ain't built for the Arctic, if we got nipped Nulty she'll go (Ike an eggshell," "And then what?" llnlney asked, T Ii RUSSEC.S POST -t at toe gots: Iton S wont we 7'r'*"t"►44'1'•'b,►1e44.40•(.i'i't'1'h4•4044'1' ,lame for. I1' ler 1 -eve to make sleets .au 11u4 the 1111111, is for n d t coon. Ile mega t! iudun11tn11Jr, "lir Il make rn matt of yet ylt, alert, we Nil back Land wee marlin,,' 'leen In '4('('41,4, seeking ;111+:14'14 40 fe,•l a Via); tea;art the position of the bland throind: the lee that continually Latiled prutr';'s. Against 111 1100001111.00 hr''02.0,,1 1,1,1 0.04 111011, just rifle'' sm,>"1 ':r•• "1;:11, ors the duck ramp( dr,:1n, 1 '•:Ira' n sL0111 111101 pouted 10 n !UI'n! '4:11',• over the part how, Rainey thought 1t the aurora, Int Lund 111ll„11011 ut 111111. ell's. the (niter t+ ' f the l.tnnd,'' hn 11(11. 'So1Llh' tint c'nel,, ltouIer 11 •tiler,'( e . New, hose” le, 0001 ' 1>, hi: dee'p v.dre lit lu ` .:1111 a hitera- thin, "there'" god w,1'.'111! Intetle fora eluu,ge of tle,lihe•r, 0ve7'4 ue,th- ai•':; s:,n of yowl,. de+'k wits soon ernw40,1, On the previous *rip Ito schnotna• had 11tl- iironclle01 (110 (shout from al different angle, 1(11t the men were swift. to ac'knowJ"dge the glow of the volcano as the expected landfall. Lund re- 110411led on deck, and it was late be- fore any of the Brew turned! 111, Rainey, during itis watch, saw the mountain tire -pulse, glowing and wink- ing like the eye of a Cyclops, 1t5 gleam reflected In the eyes of the n'atchere who were about to Invade the island nut rob It of its golden sands. T110 chnngr of weather came anent three in the mnruing, though 1101 110 1.41110 Istel hoped, A sudden w11111 mu- ferinlized f:'wn the north, stllTeuiug the 1...0111',118 with its tee -laden breath, glazing the schooner wherever mois- ture dripped, bringing up an angry stud of clouds that fought with the 100011. The sea appeared to have thlcicened. The Narita: went sluggish- ly, as if she wa8 selling la a sea of treacle. CHAPTER XI. Smoke. When Itnlney 001110 un deck the next morning he found (11e schooner flout- ing In a small Ingrate that !made the 1.e1t01' of a floe, The water in it was "We'll Make a Man of You Nit, Rainey, Afore We Git Back." slush, half solid. blain and fore were close furled, the headsails also, and the Karhtic was nosing against the far end of the rapidly diminishing basin. The wind was still lively. A deep hum of bursting surf under - toned all other noises and, prisoned as she was, the schooner and her floe were sweeping slowly toward the land In the grip of a current rather than before the gusty wind. Lund came up within the hour and stood blinking at the brilliance. Ile seemed well satisfied with the prospect. "Ilarl breakfast?" he asked Rainey, and then: "All right. We'll git the men aft," 13e bellowed an order, and soon every one carne trooping, to gather In two groups either side of the cabin skylight, Their fort's were eager with the proximity of the geld, yet half sullen no they waited to hear what Lund hn4 to soy. Since the attempt against him Lim(' had sold nothing 1111,1111 their shares, They aeknovl- edged him 110 tnnster, but they still re- belled in spirit. "There'a the lobo!," said Coma. "We'll make It afore sundown, The beach is !hero, waltin' for 014 to dig It up. It'll be some job. I don't reckon it's frozen hard, mn'y crusted, If It Is Well boot the crust with dynamite, But 10e got to hop to It. There'll be another cold spell after this one peters out an' the next is like to be twine - hent, l want the gold washed out afore then, an' us well down the strait. It's pp to you to hump yore - selves, an' 1'0 help the hutnpin', "We'll cradle most of the stuff tint, if they's time, well flume the silt tall- tn'e for 1110 fine dust. Providln' we can got a 1011 of water. There'll be plenty for ail hands to do. An' the shares go as first fixed. I ain't ex - pectin' yon to do the riggln' an' not git a pinch or two of the dust" The men's faces lighted, and they s1ufled about, looking at 006 another with grins of relief. "No cheers?" asked Lund ironically, "Wall I hardly expected Way, Ilene son, you'll be one of the foremen, with pay ecC 'din', Deming." • • 4 1- + 4 ' Ii lust marh(a drliri fur \'e.>'r 1 r':,tiu:rs + • Md111 0 , f WA1411 d ED 0:1111 1114. ", LI :1,.elti„r•'' er•p",. !e':'Iv, •`:a•1Nn•r a^111 111..:1... 0'1:11 too rtL. :,4',-„ not it r" Bald 1.:urh "1 t'1 eh ynn'1' 1,,11, 1,e„e•.11 to tu' '>t ire of 4nrt. >.(0re<, ,' ti. „o.. pip• 11p, 1,,,,0411 for ; r,. 'I,. '(igulo' in yore t'•1'i,,'1: f"t• 1::-,1.' it'. ribs 'llrl he whole If pat 1.-.:11'1 el,' led th0 l>.,( l rr9k rtnrt. Cat 1'1,1 111111 some11>11,g for 114.1; Or ran l4 do, Doll't let I 140 worry you mea'. "we've got nlo•evey uh'l:u"1 some- whero," 1,0101 (.,v,1111,n•.1, to Ralooy, 11'(0411 the teen haul dispersed, far More 'hrerful 1Lan they had gathered. "We'll 0:e that rot veneeniraiott in the film riffles, Titasen'Il have ruek- ers matte that'll emelt the big stuff. If the x•m'st 1.0111es 10 111e worst, we'll Mad up the old hooker with the pay dirt nrl' wash It out on the (way home, T'(1 strip that lime) down to bedrock If T have to work the toes an' fingers off 'em,” By noon the schooner was glazed in s5 firmly as n my model that 15 mounted in n glass 8010 The wind blew Itself entirely out, but the cur- rent bore them steadily on, to the clamorous shore, where the swells were creating promontories, bays, ellfTs and chasms In the plied -up con- fusion of the floes pounding on the rocks, breaking alp or sliding atop one another In noisy confusion. The marble-whltrn,'ss of the Ire easeees was (101 .1:' 10' 100 h((t's and soft violets of their shndows, and by pearly sheen wherever the planes "10("4'•, 1110 It'rht nt a pr"rer - elur Por 1110 ploy of 1')'i4104. Ilea1)1411(1 as it was, the sight ons ft.:trial to Rainey, 111 common w;1I11 the crew. Only Lund 01111e).r1 it mouch:Maly. "11's bux(in' uh 11>14: " be said. ".til ice nl'rd is it tittle !uek. 1f w'• '01'1 ;;nt (Litt there's nu (1140 of worryln', \\e can't (111141 o,lrselwe!s out (i this without riskiu' the schooner. \1'e might to he thankful we froze In gen- tly, 'there ain't at 11181111 started, The noe'II fend ns oil', 'Therm ain't enny big chunks enny (('ay near ns aft. Luck —to 0111110 n deems' ('anlin`—ie all (ve need, ant' it's my hunch it's comm' our way." Ills "hunch" was correct, Though fhe'y t114 not actually 11nke the little hay on which the treasure bei:1L de- bourhmd, they retched tip near It agnlnst a broken hill of (4.e that had lodged on the sharp slopes 111' a little promontory, making the conn,c'Itoo without further dmmnge'than s split- ting of the forward end of their en- ensieg Floe, with beefily n Jar to tate finl'ltlk, Lund sent mon ashore ave:' the lee, ellmbing 1'.11 the promontory crags with hawsers by which they tied up schooner, floe nod n11, to the laud if the broken hill suffered further eines- trophy, which slid not deem likely, Its fragments would fall upon the floe. In rase of emergency Lund ordered men tulll o(T day end night to :mold by the hawsers, to cast lowes 01' cut, 115 the extremity needed, It was (inlet before they were snugged. The men volunteered, through T-Tnnsen, to inllinenc'e clleeing that night by the light of his; tires, so crazy Were 1 110 at the nearness of the gold, But Load forbade it. "You'll work realer shifts Schen you git .started," he said, "An' you won't start till termorrer. We've got to stand by the ship ternight until we land nut by ntorn(n' how snug we're goln' to be berthed." All night long they hey In a I+nn- denundmnl of noise, After a while they w0(11(1 become used to It as do the (wtn'kl'rs hi 11 stanlipu(ll, but that night It 11e0r011 tlu'mu,kept them awake and ntel•1, fearful, with the U'e- su' canuenteling, The bit of the 1.11>:t mode- the timbers of the Kl"hlk creak nod its thrust ('0111inual(y worked aunnte the sirumted masses wit b gronOin» Ili:mdor: 10111 s1111i11 ('1•;;' r .y (.14h' the $1s•f ewer loolued nn 1h>' 1.0 ,01010 sfu'et? or 100, Inuwu r'a'ce hero(('' (hes were (l1' -ane or it, a st::i'1en rush ,1f light that dyed the lee ho oyer} Into of red and nrmlge. that- tipped the fr,oel> eons! with trusts or ruby Ibt1n0 tient tiered like be'uuons and glided the erns', of Ina long swells, 4lnaing all their world with n (wild, unnatural glory. T,untl, striding the d"ek, his red heard iced with his breath, suddenly stopped and stared into the east, There, in the very eye of the dawn, wee a troll of 51710140, Bice n p011115 ngninsl the flaming, three-quarters ctn. cle of the rising stun 1 Luhd's fare, on which the braises were fast fading, Mbmlgecl purple. Week with rage, lie whirled upon Sandy, gaping near, and ordered him to fetch his litimeutstrs. Through them he stated long at the smoke. 't'hcn be turned to the gill and Rainey, "Come down inter the cnbin," he Paid, "We'll need AB our wits. That's a patrol boat, Japanese, for a million! None other this far west An' it's d -d funny It ghouhl come up right at this tninnit. We've made the 'trip en schedule cite, tt,R' item 407 11h0w, net w4'14 101 111 - �' •'r o (14411 10'!, i! 11 t 1 . P ,I At. f I�.hl °vr � 1 l e t 1 }Pit, \11,.% 4WO 01.110. (011 Lan +.. .11' c)sr r1110 ,• +,t ,:- n 11 t•r•.. ' le rluf q, 10 lit(.11:1110 ,11 'r' 11 :01 n, Iru•1! Hwy f, -lie..,, h<. if 111,•r.• Iv it 11140 rih"ari1 n,• 44 0.1,,, .u' 4 :1, ..t' t1 111.11,1 -;mal 011 (be b. ,.0., ti.'.;'11 nail us. '1'1(144 1(111} , 1,0 :14, lu:a a -.0,01'. 4.100. "11', lth•1' 1 '1,• ,11.10 '1 .1. (tp 111.0,! I -sr 1,. 11 1 1 ' e'„t41101.r 1 In , rn tt • t ,, 1' (.1,11i,%. 11,111i (''''1', 1 , if , fur!,1 ' '1 pe y, --o (141>'). (1•4• i= 1 • . 1•,111 ,'al to tat e I1 s • e ,.. ” J'in Sheet-, 1,01 1L" ,n,. of '(•0!, At.'.n, celeste,. N"tido, u,4•: .1 •.. .... _ about 011hy deulh." "1110 City?" u -1:00l ,},,. ' do no hnrc to !nn.,l,r r` " hawrlil H Bebe'! (1,' r1, 1,11m1 harked at 11i•r'1 "I gave you 01'0•(1#L for :.b lrllrr ••;11 ;' he fig 1/1. "W'e've grit to 141v' 111111g so so reg'ler they emit 4411(1 011 0,r. false for haulm' 0s In an' o:,'ttlo' fire to the schooner. They'd do it in a Jiffy. 11'e got to show 'mu our clear- ance pnper5, 011' we've gut to 1 1111 up all down the Use, Rainey a'n't on tate 8111p'8 haokse-('nrlsel Is. Lund mi't't but Simms is. I'tn Simms. An' you" —he stopped to grin at het'—"you're my dnughn'r, I'll dissolve the rela- tionship after a while, I'll promise you that, An' I'll drill the men. They know what's ahead of 'est if the Saps git suspicious. "That ain't the worst of it! They may know what we're after. If they do, we're goners. Ever occur to you, -Rainey, that Tamadn, who Is a deep ,one, may have tipped off the whole thing to 1114 consul while the schooner V100 at San T'ranclseo? He was along the last trip. I•Ie'rl know the approxi- mate position, light have got the right Jiggers out o' the log, him Mein' the run of the cabin. A cable would rlo the rest. He'll git his wheel: out of It, r.'h the order of the (;olden Chrysanthemum or sone jig• artg to hoot, an' git even with the way he feels to'ard our mitflt fn''e' • that ain't bin none ton ev- ' The suggestion held a foundation of conviction for Rainey, Ile had thought of the consul. He had alwaye sensed depths la Tamada's reserve. It looked plausible. Lund rose, "I'll fir Tamada," he said. But the girl stopped him. "You don't know that's ,true. Ta - made has been wonderful—to me. What do you Intend to do with 11011?" "I'll make up my mind between here and the galley," said Lund grimly, "This Is my third time of tackling this island, an' no Jap is gain' to stand be- tween me an' the gold, this trip. Why, even if he ain't blown 'on us, he'll give the whole thing away. If he didn't want to they'd prate him come through if they Laid their eyes on him. They've got more tricks than a Chinese man- darin to snake a num talc. Stands to reason he'll tell 'em. If he can tan: when they git here," he added om- inously, standing half -way between the table and the door of the corridor, bis hand ouoning and closing su010es- • I WEDNESDAY Nf;\'i':DII11;It 192 tive•ly. 1 1 L 1f I ,1.1•Ina Foe> .r t 1. ;,1 But Peggy S mus Was Between Him and the Door. That gunboat'l1 have it hunt ahlugshle this floe Mettle of ninety nlimldts," But Peggy' Simms 1wl1S 1,0twee1 lilrn and the dour. "You shan't do It," the (411111, her eyes hard us Flints, if Liners wore like steel. "You don't know what he with to me when -when dad was hurled. Call him in mud let him talk for him- self or --or I'll tell the Japanese myself W11111 we 1100 ('01110 fur:" 1.110(1 '.1(1.1.1-11t11rg it: lion, h!, f:le„ hard, his lour( tltru.: t mut like a hush with the ,lilt of his jaw, :#111 '-lie raced him, resolute, haely tip 10 hb< shoulder , slitn, defiant. tira>nally his features r'r111k11 1 Into a grin. (Continued Next Week) W. D. S. JAMIESON, MD; CM; LM•CC; 1?hysician and Surgeon Office McKelvey Block, Brussels Successor to Dr. White Phone 45. T, T. M' RAE rd. B.. M. C. P.. a S. O- M. O. H., village of Brussels. Phyolclan, Surgeon, A000uoheur Officest residence. oppoelte Melville Church William street. DR. WARO,LAW Honor graduate of the Ontario veterinary College. 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