HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-11-28, Page 4WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1928 110.01.1•11.•••••10.941.4.A.M. WEI/Nil:WAY. NOV, 2stld 1 92.. NO BLAME ATTACHED IN JURY'S VEDIICT hod Dead, Floischauser, Elms, Smash, Was 1.,11.1",t Monktoa 1. 'e- tre:10,e.! et ire. ileiee, IA. :It i FIntri '1,11 I !I, •`, V toii level tried of 1N,,- din• fsuitI.. .1' t.:1. thoory titatv.loty iidire been witeel of his ear. wined it was struck by a (, P. t. freight t LULnoitt Meakton StL The jurv's verdict ois -in•didoutal death with no blame attached so anyone," wrote "tit ie- to tin,. inV..-3- tigation Into the e'reum4ences and t1te. actual cans, will prob:Hy never he known. Whether or not his heart failed as he approarhed the fatal crossing. or ;da..,itlyzed hy fear, he was unable to ;wort the impendIng tragedy remains itheolved. Testifying before the coroner's jury, Mrs, Floieehauer. who wee with her haehanil !n the ear declar- ed elei heard th, whistle of the train nnit saw it approaching before they roachod the crossing. - 1 yidled to him, 'stop. the re's it traid " she said. •hut h did not tInrWtn'.i• 4i Wa ltrabl,• to say whether he heard or not. JUL, t 1.• • 1', • t:' •.•.iiin • 1, 3C11, •,1 tilt • 1051th.• Car Stkrjin,it tot thr sh • :h-viar,,t I. It Vett,. StrtIrk and her linslistioi was still at the wii,e1 es the car was lured the traok Croat orthe train. Evidence showed that Mrs. 'noise - hatter again turned to i.71111 and sail -Cant vot tt off the track." He was til: sitting upright and did not. The le -et thing: she knew he had disaappeared Beneath the ;;.'ar end the holy was later found about 1-25 eeirde m the crossing, Sh, -nets still conscious when the car and train came to a sitop 1110 yards fur- ther on. George Golightly an eye witnese ef the accident testified that he had heard the whisthof the train and say.. the mr come up on the erossine where it stopped suddenly as inetant before being struck. This wae eor- roberated by flonde:mn Itohb and Russell Shine. The latter was work- ing in a field nearly and ran to Mrs, Fleisehauer's aseisateee when the train stopped. Whistle Was Sounded. Conductor A. J. Kelly, Engineer James Grassick and Fireman Mo - 1r ty of Tendon, stated they mw the era. rooting hut thought it would stop 'before reaching the crossing. The whistle was blown according to regulation,, some distance before the crossing was reached and again sev- eral Warning signals were given de- fer tho car came up on the track. The aieildent happened about 1.15 in the afternoon. ?ter h.!ii ring th,, evidence, the jury uwni,o,,.1.1 of F. Golighty, mar.; E. Sehreeder, J. Ullner, 1V1!, W. J. Holman, F. A. Reintein- berg. W. S. Morryfield, F. Goforth, and G. L. Adair, retired and roturn- ed with .1 v.•rdiet stating that tin, derieasod !ort,. had 1.on1e to 111« deutii when id, oar Wtti. ht by n train ttlOi that lila cr,al1 1)0 ilttal:111 1. tin • trtia vr J. M. A ritOt I 1 it tin.. 1: NEW CLERGYEM CLINTON INDUCTED Cltades E. ..Dong rt T.117,15 Chit rile of Bile Peeebete.ee Congregation. CI;ntor. Nov. 1.11. ---On Tuedd,o, ed./mingit th,, clinton Prestiyterine arch, month of the congrogit lion std the PreebyterY Of Ituren gathered for the induction service of the Rev. Charles E, Dougan, the new pastor of the ehurch. The moderator, Rev. James Mira- llroy of Hensel], presided and in- ducted the new pastor. Rev. Irving Keine, : &Worth, conducted the di- vine warship period and preached. Rev. F. 0. Goodwill, Myth, address- , ed the minister and Rev. 11 C Me- Dermid, the congregation. After the meeting • a very appetiz- ing luneh was served in the lecture room, whore an opportunity was presented of meeting the pastor, Elders N. Kennedy and F, Johnson were in charge of this part of tho program, 80th BIRTHDAY. ,, • • lire ! !Se 1 1 f',AAY ,,-101ASH TME BRUSSELS POST Radio World Awaits Great Firestone Pro- gram Monday Night 111,, inatted.ral pet/grain of the Fir, ,1ono iri Rubber itt]s ie., 1, t for 51,milay ming, DOC- ,. ,1 W 11 be, over 11 leading station,. ',,sociateki 1. 11i•oadc ,stin Co., v., tr lat linking 11 ft, st eiicut itt !ride ra,P., ltt. ......nt,e nt tile fact th.tt it will he •wiiral.wele erel h. '..11,•4• til, ltuir,1)01. and • ..! • : iYIt1ti't 10 t!1,- 11 Itt. t. nt •,:1; 01. t,.tloy, will b 1 •• Iltir s well- '. 0" 5 ' ‘"iet,er 15 - ere `,1i- Viieele I)r iseith noted eon - trail° is widely known tt th.. Ori- ginal Radio Girl .M'r unueal voice • lel eitrited her an international re- - tratation,, Sueliort:ner thee, soloists will be the fist radio nrch:tra---4.75 pieces —ever aseeinhled. Further variety is given the pro- eram by a wonderful Dilate made up by comb!ning two great quer- tidtee. Every member of the. family should "stand by" for the opening Firestone program on Monday night, December 3, at 8.00 p.m. Eastern Tintt . and following Monday nights at the same time. These concerts are being sponsored by the makers of .the famous Firestone Gum -Dipped Tires. INCOME TAXI Government Is Urged To Sponsor Plan In Parliament—To Aid In Election—Scheme Would Get ! Votes, Some Cabinet Men ! Declare. Ottawa. 'Nov. 2 1—Inil sun- ;II:111,1'S of the gee-erne-et,itiuijitt sena. eleeileee of thd ,•abia, t aro rv:t.4", t11,1 vi..`VOttint that abolition of the itt e t;tt would be the most poled.; r vote catcher which could be put bofor, mid aro urg- ig this step at the faixt 4i4;101i of eeividinei the govern- 'nt Itt 1 1,111.'re to plan gsthig to tis 1itt,!: e in 1:1,19. OPINION DIVIDED. a110*;:t: 'ti or hew,•ver. 1, fdr fiTenitt rous, din supporters of the lirt. t r,!Zattii itt tax ah01- iOn tu, ilit.4.1Y to prove a boomerang to tie 1 The ag; - leindulation relativ,dy suff,•red hut littld lnder that form of taxation and its r,:dnoval could hardly affect ar.y rural riding., favorably from a gee- ( Proponents of aboiition contend it wei11.i provide ievontroverti- ble ev;,lene, of national prosperity le a Inattn,r to directly touch the pockets to the great majority of • leetors that it might le. expeced etienulate industrial and other de. 1,.,",,paien1 and griatly encourage the flow of funds for investment pur- poses. Tho whole matter finally comes down the Minieter of Finance's posi- tion. He has to consider not only ,sul:ey but necessity and there is on ividenee that he is convinced that the country can yet profitably dis- pense with Income tax revenue. His ealiey has 1: to reduce the burden hy inen't/Allg exemptions and lower- ing rates and it le expected that next session will at least see another ma- terial step taken in that direction. ANXIOUS TO RETIRE. Mr.Robli. however, has been an - >2 nt. for eome time to be relived of the heavy duties of his office, re 1,4 n feeling that if an eieethe, ie held in 1909 his next budget will be his last; that If the ger : t i toteriteil. Hon. James lialoohn w!il trio:- over from the On. it of tra,ii. and commerce to the treasury department. In , vont the e-q,onsibility of say- wiedliee ve not the income tax te 1 ,1 w:11. be largely 1 1 t roseedtive idannbent. 1 111,!1, ,,,, hat mote of a tit' 1 tdn Coin iNlr. Rohl) the otlitia; t • move at the ,vtraily play t cm.si- in it:, .utt1tude. Wind- ;Jedinoro likely than dut 111, 'n.,;;;;;., ;i1x will aboll'hed :dot i."il• sit; tax will be wiped 1,, Pooh bus leeing dowiat tli> from the ie1 L 1wie• ra;e,1 Itt 1:122. it irtiLating is on it.; withdrawal. Whether he will consider J 921) the opportune Cow to it 1 tjtt InattOr is known only to himself,. 1928 Christmas Seals The 1928 Chrlatinse Seals, In aid of the Muskoka and Toronto Hospitals for Consumptives, have just been Issued. These handsome Seals, bear- ing the double -barred Red Croat, carry a message of hope to those who are afflicted with consumption, Every dollar received through th4ir sale is uSod for the maintenance of patients. The National Sanitarium Associa- tion Is in need of funds to carry on the work of its hospitals In Muskoka and at Weston. Why not buy these Seals In lieu of otberat Not only will you get good Value itt return, but your money will serve a greeter end iab—,fer it will go to help someone In d.reefl. took for the double.barred Red Cross on every Packet, None others ate genuine, Por sale by bahooi cibildren s.nd banks, or direct from the Mites Seal Department, Gage Inetttnte. Toron. to 2, Ontario. AN OLD BLYTH BOY ▪ J. S. MacKinnon, formerly Presi- dent of the Canadian Manufacturers' • Association and Industrial Commis- - sioner for Canada at the British Em- pire Exhibition, London, England has become associated with H. R, Bain & Co„ investment bankers, Toronto. t. SUFFERED LOSS Many Fall Fairs Hit Hard By Bad Weather. Fall fairs in Ontario this year ex- perienced a great deal of rainy wea- ther. Fifty societies have already communicated with the department of agriculture upon the subject of rain insurance, and applications are coming in every day. The legisle- ture's grant of $10,000 for rainy weather and fire insurance on be- half of agricultural societies will have to he divided into fairly small eertions. "Where the weather was good. the fall fairs have been the best itt their history, for the most part" enid .1. Leckie Wilson, euperinten- dent. "The agricultural fair is !holding its own in this province, A feW VOrY small fairs arranged to arnalgamat,.. but not many dropped out." itt reeniel to the holding of school fans concurrently with those of tho agriceltural eoclet'eli, Mr. Wilson ex- elee eel the Wile,t that the. plan itt- Led luti.”,,A, :tad in any event • di;sirable hocauso farmers nt'i so busy in the fall that they lutve •Tifit time for separate events. ! The superintendent repented Jiis ' warning about giving undue prom- inence to midway or carnival fea- tures. "I don't like to SCP a circus 8111111(1 all over the grounds, shoving the live stock into a corner," he said, "The faker can wreck our fairs if we do not exercise carte" Likes The Post, Mrs, Elizabeth Reymann, of De- troit, in renewing her subscription to The Post, writes; "I am sending you a check to renew The Post for another year. We are having the fittest of weather hi Detroit, have not seen any snow this season. Last Thursday was just like an early spring day, grass it so green and pretty, We always enjoy reading 1. The Post and we have been getting it in Detroit for the past 18 yeare, WILL NOT RETIRE Hon. Lincoln Goldie has announe-' 'el 11 I :le 1. intention of with- drawine from public life until his program of hospital administration leers put into effect. PREMIER FERGUSON WRITES TO THE HOSPITALS ACT TO BE REVISED' Radical Changes Likely in Provincial Law—Speeial Attention to P4' vete Institutions. Toronto, Nov. thorough revision of the Hospitak and Cintrit. able Institutions act 15 being under- taken by the government for Imb- eds:don. at the coming session of the iaturo. The net •1:. ono of 4 3 seetions, about half of which deal with private hospitals, and it Itun- derstood that a general tightening 11 planned. At the annual eeeeion of the On- tario Ileepitat neeociatinon here last month, lion, Lieeolit Goldie attacked tlie praetiee of making separate for X-ray, blood let, purees tttI thor which he con. tended ought to be till included in , one general hill sutili as !rendered to the patron of it hotel, The pro- ,. racial seeretary also warned muni- cipalities that aro not contributing SCHOOL TEACHERS equally with the government, that In his capacity as minister of ed- - the public grant would 110 withdrawn ucation the -prime minister of Ont- in :such cases if improvement were arra, some time ago addressed ni not noted. letter to teachers through out thThere are a number of changese province urging them to train the contemplated, it is said, with re- eo-orguttg npetehpele pumnsdeeriiibet(lini eheoaorle pilroot- ago a revisiou of the act was intro- spect to administration. Two years gram, but in c-hriracter. The mini- duced in the legislature, but with- itt" s letter follows:drawn as result of criticism, Last "To the teacher, in my official session another measure was pre - capacity as - chief administrator of pared, but some of the radical Tee- the school system I am continually tures were eliminated, and the 1928 being reminded of the difficulties amendments related chiefly- to the and temptations that be set the young change itt per them rate. At the People of the present day, by reason corning session the government will of the changing social and moral conditions that effect our duties, our habits and even our amusements. To .the teaching body the community looks, and has never looked in vain. for the faithful guardianehip of the pupils during school life. The school law as you are aware, contains spe- eine injunctions to inculcate, by precept and morality and the highest regard for example, respect for religion and truth, loyalty, sobriety, purity, temperance and all other virtues. It may not be amiss to remind you of the obligations thus definitely laid down in relation to temperance and sobriety. The corn- Palsory textbook for the course in hygience contains full and explicate warnings of the consequences that follow irregular and intemperate habits. The public welfare demands that this instruction should be dili- gently and systematically given in the class room of all the schools. The Financial Statement for Past Year training of character along this Issued—Annual Meeting of Co- degroo that eniphasis is placed Ofl operators Next Month. self-control as the basis of moral submit for approval the gcncrat re- vision planned two years ago, with some changes suggested from time to time by hospital organizations throughout the provinee. An in- spection of all .institutions under jurisdieation of the department has been under way for some time, Early in last session, Premier Fer- guson announced that he favored ap- pointment of an officer to supervise all public hospitals, in much the same way as Dr. E. Ryan inspects the government hospitals, This ex- periment has remained in abeyance, bat may receive further discussion in connection with the proposed legislation. UNITED FARMERS SHOW A PROFIT and physical health. Many opportu- • nities present themselves of bringing Toronto Nov. 24.—An earning "%f home to young people the need of 17% per cent. on its capital is indi- meeting temptation with firm reso- eated by the financial statement cove lution. You are, I am convinced, ering operations of the United Farm - mindful of your duty in this respect ers Co-operative company, limited, already, and the purpose of this for the twelve months ending Sep - communication is to ask you to tetnber 30, 1928. In addition there persevere faithfully and seriously in is available for producers who use carrying out the prescribed course of the company in the marketing of study, which develops the qualities their cream and eggs, over $2000, - of strength of will and the power to 000, which has been or special pa - resist every form of impurity so im- tronage or commodity dividends. These figures the officials say, prossibly sot forth in the textbook,— Signed G. Howard Ferguson, mina give some idea of the success that 19 ster of Education, attending the efforts of this farm- ers' company in connection with its ..-.. various business activities, It is now And Here It Is 15 years since the farmers of the the greatest Throat, Cough and Ton- Pr"in" subscribed the capital to sil remedy known. It works wonders carry on business in a limited way and is guaranteed. Good results or with a view to saving money on money back. Try it. Mrs. Sybilla some of the commodities used ex- Stpoarletr's Tonellitis. Smith's Drug selusively on the farm and bought in quantity every year, and on which 4.• in ferm papers the Family Her- they claimed to be overcharged by ald and Weekly Star, Montreal, leads those from whom they got their them alt One dollar a year or three years for $2, and with it a superb supplies. There have been many magazine free. ups and downs since the early years, MIVIO.I.M."4/10101MM101790.8117*Er•ONW*.MMIVOMIOEIMPOMMOMM012.1.1" t. LEK ry anted ramnerever7Traccagarrere Will pay the following prices for No. 1 Quality Poultry -- No. 2 at market value. -Birds innst be in starved condition or deduction made for crops. Average umnber birds to aiop.. Dressed Milk -fed Chickens must show white in color and free from tares back and pin bones well covered with moat to command top price Selected Milk Fed Alive in eesed Dressed n Oblekee, 8 lb and over .28 ,27 .81 Oltickene, 1 to 6 lie; ,21 ,26 ,80 Chickens, li to 5 Its .19 .24 .28 Chickens. 4 to 41 lbe .17 .22 .27 Chickens, Si to 4 'beg .15 ,21 ,25 Chickens, under 31 lbs .12 ,e0 .22 Fo wl, 5 Ile; and over .18 .28 Fowl, 4/ to 5 lbs. ,15 .21 Posy], 4 to 4i• lbs .14 .10 Fowl, 13 to 41h41 .13 .18 Fowl, 8 to 3/ Its ,1 1 .17 Fowl, 3 I hi, and ranter .09 .15 Dunks, White . ,15 ,28 Docks, Colored .13 .22 Geese .15 ,11 Rotate Thomson Phone 66 BRUSSELS Listen In Monday Nights Starting December 3rd The Voice of 8.00 P. M. Eastern Time Over the Red Network — 41 Stations Hear something new surprising--differont— .35 piece Orchestra -- internationally known soloists .-male octette—the latest and best in radio entertainment. Sponsored by the inkhers of Firestone Gum -Dipped MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Tires orrocema.alwor........r.svemmgcumratgoro.somParatursnat.emocercals..r.m.....ercuarcolcavamecumnrexnazaatv,r.salear-vx,..usaa when supplying hincler twines • and fencing to Ontario farmers covered the big end of the year's business, says the report "Although the ser- vice rendered wtis well worth while in those of pioneering, it was not until co-operative principles were applied to the marketing of farm products that the power of the company began to be appreciated -throughout the province; first • the live stock commission department, then the creameries, with patronage dividends distributions ,then the egg pool, and, in 1027 the Ontario grain pool." On Friday the calif went °out to about 20,000 shareholders, inviting them to attend the annual meeting in Torono on Tuesday, December 4, beginning at 9 o'clock in the fore- noon, Reports and stateMents co- vering the year's bueinees will be presented for discussion and ap- proval, anti nine directors will be elected to direct the business of the Coo-noti)esi..ative for another twelve h Ontario's Railway Just before the close of Ontario's fiscal year on October 31, the chair- man of the Temiskaming and Nor- thern Ontario Railway, George W. Lee, handled to the treasurer .of the province a cheque for $1,300,000, SS substantial proof of Its prosperity. While this cheque is for the same amount as was paid to the treasury by the railway last year It indirectly represents the most profitable year's business in the history of the govern- ment railway. The payment of this amount is all the more remarkable because more than $200,000 had been expended on track and right of way, repairs made necessary by serious rock slides and unusual con- ditions of snow last winter, and also after full provision had been made for the payment of the interest charges on the loan of $6,000,000, negotiated last spring to construct the various extensions. Thus the Government railway into Northern Ontario continues to pro' sper. Every year the business of the road grows larger. Without the construction of this road the deve- lopment of Northern Ontario would have been impossible. The constru- ction of the railway was a piece of far-sighted statemanship on the part of Sir George Ross when he was Premier of •Ontario, and the greatest credit is due to him and the other members of his cabinet, who pro- jected the road and carried it to completion against tremendous op- position, disparagement and discou-, ragement, on the part of those who at that time failed to sate the riches_ of this great northern area, shorthorn FllhI 1- 3: 4- 15 mouths olcl, for ..1-• sale cheap. Others:i. -T. younger. I O. Turnbull & Soni Lot To Con. 15, Grey * Phone 2814. Brussels rr 2 44++++++++++++++++++++÷÷÷+ • For Sale One Red and one Roan. Brownclale breeding. Extra choice. JNO. G. SPE!R Phone 166 Voters' List Court TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS rtiliTtro.tieerthat saturdnY, the atli der* Deoember, lila, at the hour of two o'clock p. • itt the Town Hall, Whigham, has 130011 appointed by H. N. Lewis, Judge 01 18,, Coml. ty Court of the County of Huron, for holding o Court to hear and determine the several errors and omissions in the Votelle List for the llittnielmility of the Township of Norris for 1928. A, 111COBW91N, Township Clerk. Voters' List Court TOWNSHIP OF OREY Tnkanotioe that Monday, the luth day of December,1028, at the hour of two ceolook p. m., nt the Counoii Chamber, Brussels, has been appointed by 9 N. Lewis, Judge of the County °port ot the County of Huron, for holding a Court to hear and determine the several errors and oinisSions in the Voters' List for the Municipality of the Township of Grey for 1925. J. EL PE S.R. Township (Mark, Meeting of Huran County Council The Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet to the Council' Chamber, Goilorich, at 2 o'oleck in the after- noon of Tuesday, the 4th day 01 Deoember, NU. All accounts intnab the ()minty must 16 1, the hands of the Clerk not Inter than Hominy preceding the meeting of Connell, ,(5150 W, aor,mAisi, (Jaunty Clerk, Goclerloh, Nov.17th, 1928, Farm for Sale Good farm for sale, being the bi35 01 1501 25, imp N15 Lot 20, on the Oth Con, ol Grey. 11 it well watered with a nevor•talling miring ; a good gravel hill and a 01555 01 good hardwood bushhmnedlitte possession ran be given. Terms to Ault purchaser, Pai. further partiO• niers 00(00 to 111S. HOI.LI9N- 1411(11.1, P, 0. Half of the 800,000 workers in , Farm for Sale the British civil service receive a $15 per ,,,.o el= (4 gr 12 cleared and well draiu.. wage averaging less than Wall remind; 80 1151.50 lillatildin(lgAV5115.5 011000116fl.'0V: 1 t‘OVneeSIC1.11 January, against 127,088 tons in December, and 121,222 tons in Farm for Sale output of zinc was 127,499 short 2etietrintU,Wat,LIVI))attiejetern a eon.% 5100015 township, • ' 26 IAmerican bureau of metal statistics. ;January, 1927, according to the AUCT9(0'1 SALE —of - 28 Head of Good Choice Horses All well broken except Colts which are mostly yearlings arid 2 -year-olds. At American Hotel Stables BRUSSELS Thursday, Nov, 29th at 2 o'clock TERMS—I0 months orodit Si farnighing ap. proved by the bank joint notes, 5 per cent dig,. count for cash, D, 14, SCOTT, W, A, DAFOE. Auctioneer, Proprietor, half 5 Tob 12, on the117th Ocncession of Grey, containing 511 neves, end the South half of hot 12, on the 10th Oonees• mien nf Grey containing 50 acres. On the premises isa oomfortable brick 1101180, good barn and drive shed, orchard, 2 wells, 12 atmes bush, 011 underdralned ; Smiles from Walton, Immediate nossession, Appl*v on I be prem. lees. AI NZ, NICHOL, 11,11,.9, Walton. 184? Phone 07-0 Farm for Sale Perin known no the Dilworth Prawn, awn prising 105 acres mostly all cleared end in a good state of cultivation, lots or water mai within insite of Elthelstation, eernile to Anal Village, Will be prided reasonably for quick sale. For further particulars, neeply on premises to J.131.1tOWLAND, Ethel, Farm for Sale •••••••• A very desirable stook fartri Of 150 aores,I4 mile from Brussels. Good buildings and equipments, %lay terms to suit purehaser, Per further protioutare minty to A,11,MAODOtTALD, Bruseole, 1